AGNPH Stories

Tastes Like Coffee by servussmith


Story Notes:

Helen and Nikolai like each other, they eventually fuck in a couple ways.also, it is Huge Nidoking X BBW... if you don't like that... oh well.

the KIng and I

Stacks of dirty plates are scattered all over the small office where Helen sits, and
stares intently at the black computer screen as she awaits the final results of her
Online Ranger School testing session. This is the final grade of the course, and the
deciding factor as to whom in Kanto would get the paid trip to Almia to enlist in
the ranks of the Pokémon Rangers, something she had always wanted to be a part
of since she was a little girl.

The top five percent of those who complete this course will have their
transportation to Almia from wherever they are paid for in full by the Ranger
Union so that they can join the ranks of the Pokémon Rangers. Her standings had
been hovering just below the ninety-fifth percentile for the past several
assignments and now it was the last chance to be one of those who were going to
Almia until the course was offered again two years later. Any second now either a
red screen or a green screen would appear to indicate whether she was going or

Then the screen changes.

Helen screams and her chair rockets backwards to hit the wall with a bang as she
leapt to her feet. A loud crash follows this bang as the impact sends a stack of
plates to the floor. This is immediately followed by a series of booming footfalls.
Suddenly the doorway is completely blocked by the muscular bulk of a massive
nidoking who sticks his horned head into the room with a concerned expression.

Helen squeals as she runs across the room and wraps, or tries to wrap, her arms
around the huge pokémon. "I did it! We're going to Almia!"

The nidoking's eyes widen and he leans further into the room so that he can see the
solid green screen. A smile splits his face and he carefully picks Helen up in his
arms to nuzzle her face happily with a low rumbling. Then he opens his mouth, his
long tongue snaking out to slide over her face, and left a dripping trail of saliva on
her face.

"Ewwww! Nikolai!" Helen exclaims pushing Nikolai's heavy head away from her
face and then wiping the spit from her cheek. Nikolai just laughs and carries Helen
out of the office and into the kitchen where a fresh cooked meal awaited her. There
is seared magikarp steak, oran berry and spinach casserole, and even a pecha berry
pie. Nikolai sets Helen down in her seat at the table and walks around to sit down
on the other side with a broad grin.

He spreads his arms wide gesturing to the food, "Nido! King ni ni!"

Helen smiles as she starts cutting a bite of the seared magikarp, "You didn't have
any doubts at all did you?"

Nikolai shakes his head, "Do."

Nikolai watched Helen start to eat for a moment before standing up and walking
across the kitchen. There he picks up a small pitcher filled with black coffee,
sweetened with left over pecha berries from making the pie off the counter. He
then turns and quietly watches Helen as she eats. She'd come a long way the day
they first met.

Helen had been sitting on the edge of the playground watching the other kids play
with each other, and if the kids were wealthy they might be playing with a
pokémon of some kind. She had been overweight then as she was now and the
other children often made fun of her for it and didn't include her in their games.
She had been in need of a companion. Nikolai had been forced out of his pack after
he bit one of the primary matriarch's daughters, and he needed someone as well.
They had become best friends almost from the start.

"Hey Nikolai," Helen says, snapping the nidoking out of his reminiscing, "Come
eat some of this with me."

Nikolai shakes his head and pats his belly, "Ni nido."

Helen scowls playfully, "Like hell you already ate." She jabs her fork at him
accusingly, "I've been eating way too much of your cooking anyway, and it's all
going straight to my T and A."

Nikolai chuckles and shrugs as he takes another long swig of coffee. "King?"

Helen hops to her feet, her very ample breasts jiggling excitedly under her t-shirt
before she crosses her arms under them and shoves them upwards. "Do you have
any idea how hard it is to get a decent bra to hold these puppies? And don't even
get me started about my ass!"

Nikolai raises a brow but then waves dismissively, "Ni, nido ni king."

Helen stares at Nikolai her face turning red. "You had better not be saying what I
think you are saying!"

Nikolai starts scooting towards the door as he chuckles, "Nidoking ki niiiidoking."

Helen rushes around the table, scooping up the pie tin as she goes, "That's it! You
are gonna be wearing this pie all over that smart ass mouth of yours!"

Nikolai laughs and drops the pot of coffee back onto the counter as he scurries out
of the kitchen with the plump, and fuming, Helen giving chase with pie in hand.


Several minutes later Helen is kneeling on Nikolai's chest and brandishing an
empty pie tin. The remains of the pie are scattered over her t-shirt and Nikolai's
face. "Say it!" she demands. Nikolai shakes his head and Helen bops him on the
nose with the pie tin. "Say, 'Helen's ass does not make Gertrude the nidoqueen
feel inadequate."

Nikolai shrugs and replies apologetically, "Nido do king."

Helen sighs and rubs her face. "I give up." She licks a finger clean of pie filling
and chuckles, "I don't care what you say Nikolai, making a female of another
species jealous of my figure is not going to help my self-esteem any. Especially not
a nidoqueen, maybe if it were a medicham or a lopunny, but not a fat ass like
nidoqueen. That's only slightly better than snorlax. Nor will making Gertrude
jealous help me get a boyfriend."

"Doki." Nikolai growls, "nido nidoking nido ni ni king."

Helen bops him on the nose, "They are not all like Freddy, and after what you did
to him and his buddies I doubt any that were like him would come within a mile of
this place. In fact, I think you even scared off the decent ones."

Nikolai chuckles and rubs his nose. Freddy had been Helen's first boyfriend in
high school, and when things went south, way south, Freddy ended up in the
hospital along with several of his buddies. Between her own disillusionment and
Nikolai's intimidating presence, she had not had a boyfriend since. "Ni" he says

Helen bends down to give Nikolai a kiss on the cheek, "Don't apologize for
rescuing me." She pauses then skewers the pie tin on Nikolai's big horn, "But stop
cooking me so much food! I'm not interested in making a snorlax jealous next! I
do hope to one day have a boyfriend again, and I am not going to find one while
shaped like a nidoqueen." Helen glances at her watch as she gets up off of the
nidoking's chest, "And with that being settled, I am going to clean up and go to

Helen walks back down the hall while Nikolai bites his lip and watches Helen from
under the pie tin stuck to his head. His eyes follow her plump, jiggling ass as it
swings from side to side, her tight shorts leaving nothing to the imagination. When
Helen turns and disappears into her bedroom Nikolai sighs. He pulls the pie tin off
his head and climbs to his feet, slightly relieved but also frustrated at the fact that
Helen hadn't connected the way he prepared food for her with the fact that he was
trying to get her for himself. The fact that her more than generous curves made her
less likely to get another human boyfriend was just a pleasant bonus to him, though
why humans wanted their females to be flat and bony instead of full of softness
and curves completely escaped him. As the pale purple erection that was starting to
emerge from its normally invisible hiding place would gladly attest to, Nikolai
found Helen's current figure very enticing.

More than once Nikolai had considered a straight-forward human style proposal of
courtship rather than the much more indirect, and thus far unsuccessful, nidorino
styled courtship initiation process of rich food provision and subservience which
ventually lead to the proposition of sex by the female to finalize her choice in
mates. Then again, the odds of her reacting to such a proposal the wrong way,
negatively in any way, are damningly severe. After all, her taste in human males
leaned more towards the cute, lanky types. So even if she was to become attracted
to a pokémon it would probably be something like a lucario, gallade, or even an
infernape. He didn't stand a chance.

Nikolai sighs and walks back to the kitchen. He needs to clean up as well, both
himself and the remains of the dinner that are still in the kitchen. Maybe he would
have some of that casserole; after all, it would go well with the pie.


Helen looks at herself in the mirror and her naked reflection looks back at her. She
sighs and shakes her head. It isn't that she didn't like her body. Helen loves her
body, even if she does complain about it being too big. The problem she does have
with her body is that it isn't attractive to most men. Sure, a couple of her friends
told her that there were men out there who wanted a big girl. But that was like
saying there was porn of something on the internet. Of course there were men out
there who want a big girl, but they were not nearly as plentiful as the men that
wanted a slender woman.

Besides, who knew if any of the men who would be interested could measure up or
even be the kind of men that Helen was looking for! Helen turns away from the
mirror and slips into some silk pajamas. Once dressed she pulls the covers back
and lays down in her bed. She sighs, "It's not like I ask for much in a man. I just
want someone who will care for me before he cares about my body." She pauses
and rolls over onto her side before mumbling, "That and to be able to feel perfectly
safe in his arms. That would be enough for me."

Sleep quickly overtakes her and she begins to dream.

Helen stares wide eyed up at the boys that are standing over her and she struggles
against the ropes that bind her limbs to the four corners of the bed. She tries to
scream but can't manage more than a muffled whimper through the tight gag cloth.
The young men laugh.

"You think someone is going to hear you?" one of them scoffs, "We are way the
hell out in the middle of nowhere. Far, far away from anybody who would give a
damn. The only reason that we even bothered gagging you in the first place is
because we don't feel like having to listen to you scream all night. It's annoying."

The teen turns to another, taller teen with blonde hair, "The bitch was your catch,
Freddy. So I think you get the first round. Does that sound fair to everyone?"

The other teens nod and Freddy drops his pants before climbing onto the bed and
positioning his already rock hard erection at her entrance. He grins as Helen starts
crying, and then shoves himself in to the hilt. Helen arches her back and screams in
pain as her hymen is torn, but Freddy doesn't even slow down as he pulls back out
and pounds right back in. Helen screams and sobs against her gag as Freddy
continues to fuck her.

Suddenly there is a loud boom that shakes the entire room and everyone freezes.
The teens look at each other with worried expressions. Then the door to the room
explodes inward and the boy standing closest is driven to the ground by a massive
purple wall of muscle. Everyone still standing stares at Nikolai as he looks them all
over until his eyes fall on Helen stripped, bound, and gagged on the bed with
Freddy still inside of her even though his dick has already gone limp in terror.

Nikolai roars and spins around, his tail destroying everything in its path. The teens
fly through the air to crash broken and unconscious, likely dead, on the ground.
Freddy however had dived off the bed and thus had avoided the swinging tail.

The teen scrambles across the floor and manages to make it to the door before
Nikolai tackles him to the ground. The giant nidoking grabs the tall teen's right
arm and lifts it sharply as he pounds his fist down on the boy's right shoulder.
There is a sickening crunch and a tearing sound quickly drowned out by the boy
screaming. Nikolai drops the useless limb and turns back to Helen. He carefully
cuts the ropes binding her with his claws and frees her from the gag.

Helen quickly throws herself into the pokémon's arms and he carries her out of the
room, and they find themselves suddenly standing in a clearing deep in the woods.
Nikolai sits down and holds Helen close to his body as she continues to cry.
Nikolai gently starts rubbing her back with one hand and gently massaging her
neck with the other. Slowly, Helen stops crying and just listens to the sounds of
their breathing and the heavy thumping of Nikolai's heart. She sighs and shuts her
eyes. She was completely naked and couldn't be more exposed, but... she wasn't
afraid. She knew that Nikolai wouldn't ever do anything to hurt her or let anyone
else hurt her either. He had already shown what he would do to someone if they
did manage to hurt her. She was perfectly safe.

"So why not me?"

Helen looks up in surprise when Nikolai speaks, "Huh?"

"Why not me? Why can't I be your mate?" Nikolai asks in plain English.

Helen blinks a couple times in surprise. Then she smiles, "I'm dreaming aren't I?"

Nikolai nods, "Yep, but that doesn't change my question. Why couldn't I be your

"Because that would be vulgar, and taking advantage of Nikolai!" Helen's voice
responds. Helen and Nikolai look up to see Helen, well, a clone of her or
something, in a formal dress. She adjusts her blouse as the two look at her, "No
offense Nikolai, but you're a pokémon."

"Pokemon, mokepon." Helen's voice objects from a different side of the clearing,
this time coming from a Helen in a Team Rocket uniform, "He's got a cock, he's
got a tongue, and he has a sex drive. That qualifies him as a potential candidate for
being a mate. All that muscle too! You don't get much more manly than an
oversized nidoking! If he has an actual interest in fucking us then that is just
another reason to explore this particular option."

Helen looks from one Helen to the other, "Who the hell are you two?"

"We are you." The Rocket Helen says with a smirk as she leans back against a tree,
"I'm the fun you, and that one is the prude you."

"I am not a prude, you slutty little whore!" the formal Helen exclaims angrily, "We
have been over this a thousand times already. You are Id and I am Superego."

Rocket Helen chuckles, and glances at Helen. "Yeah, about that, why couldn't we
just have the typical itty bitty angel and devil routine? I mean really, why bring
Freud into this?"

"Because Helen is an educated woman." Formal Helen replies, "Besides, the angel
and devil act is overplayed in cartoons and very childish. This is much more proper
for a grown woman."

Rocket Helen huffs, "So says you. I happened to enjoy that naughty little devil
costume. My favorite part is the crotchless panties. certainly isn't

Helen looks up at Nikolai who just shrugs, "Hey, it's your subconscious, not

"If we could return to the issue at hand that would be wonderful." Formal Helen
sighs, "You are too easily distracted Mephistanea."

"Shut it BJ."

"It's Beatrice you wench." Beatrice snarls starting across the clearing towards
Rocket Helen who grins and starts cracking her knuckles.

"Ladies!" Helen shouts standing up suddenly. Both other Helens turn to look at
Helen. "Nikolai asked why not, and I want an answer, or at the very least a proper
discussion or debate."

Mephistanea shrugs, "If ya wanna bang Nikolai, then bang him."

"But she can't just 'bang him'." Beatrice retorts, "First off, he's a pokémon."

"And there for he has a dick and can be banged." Mephistanea interrupts, "I rest
my case. Now wake up and go ride Nikolai like a fucking rapidash."

"Which means that he likely is not interested in you sexually." Beatrice continues,
glaring at Mephistanea. "On top of that, do you know what could happen if she
was caught?"

"Um, embarrassment?" Mephistane replies with a chuckle, "Because being caught
fucking usually is awkward and embarrassing. It isn't against the law anymore to
screw with your pokemon. Rape is still against the law, but I honestly don't think
we could rape a nine foot tall nidoking."

"But it certainly isn't smiled upon, and it certainly isn't protected from
discrimination against in the work place. Helen could lose her job," Beatrice
pauses, "Or even her Ranger Scholarship."

Helen pales and sits back down in Nikolai's lap. "Well damn." If she lost the
scholarship it would ruin everything.

"Bullshit." Mephistanea scoffs, "The rangers are all about the bond between
pokémon and humans. When it comes to bonds, they don't get much tighter than
marriage... unless you are into bondage of course but that has nothing to do with
whether or not we fuck Nikolai. Just be discreet about it and it's all good. If
anyone asks why we are in the same bed as our pokémon, we tell them that we
watched a scary movie and Nikolai had a scary dream so we are comforting him."

"You'd still be taking advantage of him." Beatrice says, "Just using him like a tool
to get off on."

"Now you're just being a bitch." Mephistanea rolls her eyes, "Listen he has a pair
of balls, he wants sex. You aren't using him if he gets something out of it too."

"That is too still using him! Especially if you are going to still be looking for a
mate elsewhere or if Nikolai wants to actually take a mate" Beatrice exclaims
angrily and starts towards Mephistanea.

"It's called an open relationship you uptight bitch! And there is nothing wrong
with a three way if Nikolai decides he wants to take a mate." Mephistanea fires
back clenching her fists.

"I am not an uptight bitch, you sloppy cunt faced whore!" Beatrice shouts, slapping
Mephistanea across the face. Mephistanea punches her right back and immediately
any pretense of civilized behavior vanishes.

Helen and Nikolai watch on in shock as Beatrice and Mephistanea claw and bite
each other all the while throwing insults. Helen smiles after a moment, "Would this
count as beating myself up over an issue?"

"Maybe?" Nikolai says scratching his head, "And a pretty silly issue one at that."

"It is not!" both other Helen's exclaim angrily at Nikolai.

"It is a very important issue!" Beatrice adds.

"But it is ridiculously easy to resolve." Nikolai says with a chuckle. "All you have
to do is ask four questions. First, do you love me? Yes, you do. That much is really
damn obvious. Next question, do you love me 'that' way? Obviously you
find me attractive, at least a little bit; otherwise there would be no conflict here.
Third, do I meet your standards for a mate?"

Helen smiles, "Definitely." Her smile vanishes, "But that still doesn't resolve the

"That's where the fourth question comes in." Nikolai chuckles, "Ask me if I
want to be your mate. If I say yes, then we have sex. Frequently. If I say no, you
can ask nicely if I want to have sex anyway, if you are just that needy for sex, or
you can just deal with it and keep looking for a mate elsewhere."

Beatrice and Mephistanea look at each other then back at Nikolai. They release
each other and climb back to their feet. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
Beatrice asks giving him an annoyed look as she dusts herself off and adjusts her

Nikolai shrugs, "Technically, I'm just a figment of Helen's imagination that
represents Nikolai. I just figured I wouldn't have anything useful to say that you
two wouldn't think of already."

Helen laughs, "Okay. That sounds good to me. Now how do I wake up?"

"That is a very good question." Mephistanea says with a smirk as she brushes a
little dirt off her black top, "And will you even remember all this when you do
wake up? Because this isn't the first time we've met like this. Though it is the first
that Nikolai ever said something useful. Usually you two just start fucking once
you realize it is a dream and you can get away with doing it guilt free."

Helen frowns, "Well damn."


Nikolai rolls over onto his back with Helen on top of him, her tongue pushing its
way past his lips as they kiss. After a moment Helen breaks the kiss and takes a
deep breath. "Nikolai, I," she begins to say but Nikolai shushes her with a thick
finger to her lips. With one hand he pulls her head back in to kiss again while the
other starts to work her pajama top off. They don't break the kiss until her top is
being pulled over her head.

Helen pulls her head and arms out of her top and giggles as it hangs on Nikolai's
head. He pays the article of clothing no mind, his full attention on the huge breasts
hanging in front of him. Helen grins as Nikolai reaches out to gently grab them.
Helen bites her lip when Nikolai gives them an experimental squeeze. He gives it a
moment's thought then pinches Helen's nipples between his thumb and finger.
Helen gasps at the feel of Nikolai's rough finger pads on her sensitive nipples.
Then moans quietly as he gently tugs on them,

Nikolai continues to tease Helen's breasts and is rewarded by a couple more gasps
and moans before he releases her nipples, much to Helen's obvious disapproval.
Her disapproval only lasts for a brief moment as Nikolai lifts his head to clamp his
lips onto her right nipple and starts to suckle while resuming his teasing of her
other nipple.

"Ungh, yes!" Helen moans and then yelps in surprise as Nikolai's tail snakes
around her waist. Nikolai chuckles as he rotates forward so that Helen is on her
back and Nikolai is on all fours over her. Helen smiles as Nikolai quickly pulls off
Helen's pajama bottoms, "Going straight for the kill are you?"

Nikolai grins as he trails a claw over the inside of Helen's thick thighs and shakes
his head. Not yet. He lowers his head and teasingly runs his tongue over Helen's
breasts, rapidly circling her nipples as she squirms and moans underneath
him. Then he slowly moves his head down Helen's body, reveling in the feel of her
soft flesh against his face, until he reaches her shaven nether region. He can't see
her juices in the dark but he can certainly smell it. He closes his eyes and breathes
deeply, savoring the musky sweetness of her flower as his already hard member
twitches in anticipation.

Suddenly Nikolai's eyes fly open again and he scurries backwards away from
Helen. He could smell her! You don't smell things in a dream! He was actually
about to eat Helen out! Nikolai swallows hard and drops onto his belly to cover up
his throbbing erection. He silently prays, though for what exactly he isn't sure.

Helen sits up and looks at Nikolai cowering on his mattress with his tail wrapped
around himself protectively. Helen can't help herself, she giggles. The image of
this massive pokémon, one she has seen take on a raging gyrados without a
moment's hesitation, plow through solid concrete walls as though they were
plaster, and snap trees in half with a single swing of his tail, cowering in front of
her like a frightened little nidoran is just too ridiculous.

Nikolai frowns when Helen giggles. Why would she laugh? This wasn't funny! He
had been about to do something very bad and she was laughing at him! Why did
she laugh?

Helen smiles and gets down on her belly in front of Nikolai, folding her arms over
her breasts and resting her chin on them. "Nikolai, do you know what I was going
to ask you earlier before you stopped me?"

Nikolai shakes his head.

"I was going to ask if you were interested in becoming my mate." Helen says with
a smirk, she giggles again as Nikolai's eyes widen to the size of saucers, "And
while I now know you definitely have an interest in mating me, I still don't know
whether you want to be my mate or not. So what do you want? Do you want to be
my mate, forever by my side to love and protect me?" she adopts a stern
expression and grabs hold of the base of Nikolai's horn. "But if you say yes, I'll
have you know that I won't stand for you mating with any other females. If you are
to be my mate, then you will belong to me and me alone. Do you understand?"

Nikolai nods emphatically, "N-n-nido. Do doking!"

"Good." Helen says with a wicked smile, "So, what will it be? Will you be my
mate or not?"

Nikolai nods with a huge grin. Helen smiles back and twirls her finger, "Then roll
over big guy, I wanna see little Nicky."

Nikolai rolls over onto his back and spreads his legs wide for Helen. She smiles as
she sizes up Nikolai's member, it had suffered slightly during his panic a few
moments ago, but it was quickly regaining its strength. Helen raises a brow, it isn't
as big as she had expected it to be. Nidokings had something of a reputation when
it came to dicks. Them and rapidash were a couple of the most referenced
pokémon when a guy was bragging about his dong. Sure it was plenty thick, and
was a solid ten inches in length, but Nikolai was twice the size of a normal
nidoking. She had expected something completely impossible to take inside, but
then again it was still huge and had a ring of spiky studs just beneath the head. It
was going to be an interesting experience to say the least.

Helen smiles as she wraps a hand around Nikolai's shaft begins to slowly slide it
up and down. She can feel Nikolai's pulse pounding in her hand and she catches
Nikolai's nervous gaze, all the confidence he seemed to have before is gone
replaced by a look that almost resembles fear. Helen giggles and brings her lips to
the tip of Nikolai's cock. Slowly she slides the tip into her mouth, swirling her
tongue around his head. She grimaces at the bitter, earthy flavor of his cock, which
is strangely familiar though she can't place it. Nikolai groans as Helen continues to
stroke his cock and her tongue keeps swirling around his sensitive head. Helen
tightens her grip on his cock and pumps harder, bobbing her head slightly as a
thick drop of pre runs out of the head filling her mouth.

Helen giggles when she realizes why Nikolai's taste is so familiar. He tastes like
the coffee he drinks all the time, like a big fleshy brick of coffee grounds. Helen
pulls away from Nikolai's cock and the head comes out of her mouth with a loud
pop. She slowly slides up Nikolai's waist until his cock is completely buried
between her tits. Nikolai watches with wide eyes as she squishes her massive
breasts around his cock and begins to ride up and down. She smiles up at Nikolai
coyly, "So, is it everything you could have hoped for?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, dropping her head back down to lick, suck, and
occasionally nibble on the exposed length of cock that sticks out from between her
huge tits. Nikolai can only moan in response, eyes shut as he fights to keep from
just blowing his load right there. Helen grins inwardly as she feels Nikolai's
member twitch and a string of pre jets out to land on her chest. She licks her lips
and then goes down on Nikolai again, taking as much of him as possible into her
mouth to the point of risking gagging as she starts to suck fiercely on his head.

Nikolai grips the mattress beneath him suddenly as he cums explosively into
Helen's mouth. Thick, bitter liquid gushes into Helen's mouth and she swallows
frantically, trying in vain to contain Nikolai's ejaculate. The thick, clear liquid
splashes over her chest and runs over Nikolai's crotch. Helen sits up and wipes the
slime off her face and holds it up in the dim light. "This is not your seed." She says
accusingly, then starts to crawl up Nikolai's chest. She takes hold of Nikolai's ears
and pulls his head up so that he is looking into her eyes with a worried expression.
"You didn't hold up your end of the deal."

"N-nidoki?" Nikolai stammers in confusion. Deal? What deal was she talking
about? What did she mean this wasn't his seed? He'd never cum any differently
when he jacked off with a rag in the bathroom.

"I did my best to bring you to orgasm and you were supposed fill my mouth with
your hot seed." Helen wipes some of the viscous liquid off her tits and smears it
across Nikolai's face, "Instead, I get this coffee flavored crap all over my chest. So
now you are going to lick it all off and then you will eat me out like you were
going to earlier. Do I make myself clear?"

Nikolai nods, dragging his tongue across Helen's neck. His eyes light up, it really
does taste like coffee! Helen grins as Nikolai eagerly laps up the slime covering
her chest, and moans when his rough tongue brushes her sensitive nipples,
and while Nikolai would love to just make her moan like that all night while he
played with her nipples, he has his orders. So, he continues down along Helen's
belly, licking up the slime as he makes his way to her flower.

Nikolai grabs Helen's ass and slides her up over his face. He runs his thick tongue
over the outer lips of her pussy to collect her spilled nectar and smiles at her flavor,
a muted sweetness with just a hint of sour. He gently laps at her slit, just playing at
the edges until Helen squeezes her thighs around Nikolai's head and growls,
"Inside, now."

Nikolai chuckles, and obliges, driving his thick tongue into Helen's tight pussy.
Helen screams at the unexpected pleasure of Nikolai's thick tongue forcing itself
inside her, filling her just as completely as any dick could. Nikolai works his
tongue around inside of Helen and revels in the moans and cries of pleasure he
elicits from her.

Helen feels as though she were in orbit from the way rough tongue manages to hit
every place in her pussy, even playing around the entrance to her womb, while his
rough hands play with her ass. Suddenly he pulls her tighter to his face, and his
rough scaled lips brush against her clit. Helen arches her back and screams in
ecstasy, prompting Nikolai to do it again. Helen can feel her orgasm building as
Nikolai simultaneously darts his massive tongue in and out of her tight pussy and
rubs her clit with his rough lips.

Helen's pussy spasms fiercely around Nikolai's tongue as her orgasm hits, and she
practically howls as the waves of pleasure wash over her. Nikolai continues his
tongue work as Helen's nectar splashes over his face and into his mouth. Finally
Helen comes down and falls backwards over Nikolai's chest breathing hard.

Helen rolls off of Nikolai and spreads her legs wide as she goes to all fours. "How-
how would you like to take the lead for a bit?" she asks breathlessly.

Nikolai chuckles and moves to all fours as well with his chest against Helen's
back. He tenderly licks her cheek and nuzzles her neck affectionately before
crawling forward so he can line up his throbbing cock with Helen's pussy. Helen
tenses as Nikolai's thick member slides over her entrance, the studded 'collar'
beneath his tip eliciting a gasp from her as it brushes her clit.

"Please, just be gentle." She whispers.

Nikolai nods, pulling back to her drooling entrance and angling himself so that his
thick tip slowly presses itself through her pussy lips. Nikolai slowly pushes his
way in, waiting for Helen to say when. The only response he gets is a happy
mewling sound from his mate as his thick cock slowly spreads her pussy wide. She
squeaks in surprise when his cock bumps the entrance to her womb. She had
expected pain, but instead all she felt was a divine fullness and pleasure with every
twitch and throbbing pulse of Nikolai's cock.

Nikolai slowly pulls back out of Helen, both of them moaning as Helen's pussy
desperately pulled at Nikolai's cock, trying to bring him back inside of her. Helen
whined and bucked her hips backward when all but the very tip of Nikolai's cock
had been removed from her, leaving her with an emptiness that cried out to be
filled. Nikolai happily obliged, pushing himself back into her tight pussy with the
same methodical slowness as before.

Helen groans as Nikolai's chest pushes her to the ground and holds her there with
his bulk as he begins to speed up his thrusts, his arms wrapped around her belly
and pulling her tightly to him. She pants in her arousal, loving the feeling of her
cunt being stretched by Nikolai's massive cock. Each thrust sends shockwaves of
pleasure through her entire core and pounds at the door to her womb with
increasing force.

Nikolai grunts as he thrusts harder and harder, driving just a little more of his cock
into Helen's eager cunt splashing her juices over the floor and both their thighs
with each push as her womb begins to open to him. Suddenly he freezes with his
cock buried with only a couple inches left to the hilt.

Helen reaches up over her and grabs at Nikolai's neck as she bucks her hips against
his in an attempt to get him to start pounding her again, she was so close! Then
Nikolai pulls out in a lightning quick motion that makes her gasp. Nikolai rears
back upright and Helen gasps again as she feels him spread her plump ass and line
his dick up with her asshole. She doesn't even wait for him to ask, or even thrust in
on his own, slamming her ass back and driving his massive dick into her ass.

Nikolai yelps in surprise at Helen's action and the fierce grip her asshole suddenly
has around the center of his well lubed cock. He begins to slowly move in and out
of her, eliciting cries of pain and pleasure from Helen.

Helen winces as Nikolai begins to move in and out of her tight asshole, but it
doesn't hurt nearly as much as she had expected, and the pleasure is very quickly
overshadowing the pain. She pants and whimpers, beginning to realize that Nikolai
is turned on by them as well as because she can hardly help herself. Suddenly she
yelps as she feels something snaking between her thighs to rub over her quivering
pussy. She looks back over her shoulder in surprise to see Nikolai smirk at her
before he shoves his tail tip into Helen's pussy. She mewls happily letting herself
fall forward onto her elbows again as she begins to tease her nipples and Nikolai
begins pumping harder into her ass while simultaneously taking her in the cunt
with his tail.

Nikolai groans as he pounds Helen's ass, feeling her plump ass slap against his
crotch with every thrust. Her tight confines are finally beginning to take their toll
on him and he knows he won't last much longer before he cums again.

Helen on the other hand is in a world of pure pleasure as she is double fucked by
Nikolai. His tail keeps pounding right into her g-spot while at the same time
brushing her clit as it pounds in and out of her. Between that and Nikolai's studded
cock in her ass she doesn't even know if she isn't cumming already!

Nikolai grunts suddenly and whips himself out of Helen and flips her over onto her
back. He slams his cock back into her pussy splashing them both in her juices as
she howls, suddenly very, very sure that she is cumming now as her juices splash
over their legs. But Nikolai isn't done.

He continues to pound into her, driving himself ever deeper into her. he grabs her
and rolls backwards with her so that she is on top again. Helen gasps as she feels
Nikolai's cock throb, spreading wide her innermost sanctum. Nikolai roars as he
thrusts one more time and finally blows.

Helen screams in ecstasy as Nikolai's hot, super thick seed gushes within her like
an oil gusher. The tight grip of her pussy around his cock as well as the tight inner
seal of her womb holds the seed for a mere couple of moments, stretching to try
and contain all that Nikolai is forcing into her. However, as Nikolai continues to
gush into her like an uncapped fire hydrant it very quickly starts to overflow her
womb into her pussy and out her cunt lips onto Nikolai's crotch. Helen spasms in
the throes of a double orgasm, weakly clawing at Nikolai's chest and her hips
bucking involuntarily against his, and spreading the sludge-like white cum all over
their thighs.

Finally, after the cum finally stops flowing into her, Helen comes down from her
high gasping for breath. Nikolai is similarly out of breath and wraps his arms
around her as she quietly says, "You're perfect for me." and then falls asleep with
him still inside her, completely at ease, and most importantly in her mind,
completely safe.
Chapter End Notes:... damn.

okay, to answer questions before they ever appear, the first ejaculate was actually part of the nidoking's natural reproductive process which is unique in a couple ways. the first being tha5t it is in two stages, the first being the administration of a large dose of organic painkiller that can be absorbed through the "wet" membranes (in most cases the cervical walls, in this case much of Helen's GI track). The second stage frequently involves rather rough sex, that can be accomplished without 'hurting' the partner because they can't feel pain very easily.

when the semen and sperm is finally released it is extremely thick and clingy, meaning more of it stays in the female's womb and cervix, increasing odds of conception. After a couple days the coagulant breaks down rapidly and the waste cum runs freely out, which may be awkward for helen because god knows where she will be a couple days from now. >_>

also, the rough sex applies increased stress to the female's body, which has been shown to increase odds of conception as well. and is the source of the nidoking's sexual reputation, females that frequently complain of a lot of soreness the morning after.

All that said, it was my first sexual thing and I want feedback. Please
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