AGNPH Stories

The Blind Knight by lunarmon


Chapter 2: A place to belong

Chapter 2: A place to belong

It was early morning when Runin slowly opened her eyes, at first not sure where she was but as she looked around her memories returned as she saw the Ninetales, Erinoa, sleeping beside the burned out campfire and the Gardevoir, Alisia, sleeping over by the wall, looking more like she was meditating than sleeping and least she saw the Human, Will, or William she thought to herself, sleeping on the other side of the burned out fire with the Weavile, Zelvina, in his arms, she smiled at the sight. "They look so cute like that, almost like if they were mates." She shook her head and stood up.

She found some wood and began to reignite the fire, when the fire was strong again she went to Will backpack and found food which she cooked to make breakfast with. As the smell of cooking food wafted around the cave the others began to stir from their sleep.

Will opened his eyes as the smell of food interrupted his sleep and made his stomach rumble in hunger. He sat up and looked around to find out who was cooking, he then smiled as he saw Runin sitting by the fire while make food. "That smells good Runin." She looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you Will, I've learned how to cook a long time ago, berries are fine and all but I like some cooked food now and then whenever I have the chance." He smiled at her while patting her head making her growl lightly in contentment.

"Well it definitely smells better than my cooking and you seem like you know what you do," he then turn to walk back to the still sleeping Weavile but turned his head back to her "if you want you can cook our food, for as long as you're with us." He smiled at her before turning his head back to the sleeping Weavile.

He kneeled down beside her and softly placed his hand on her cheek, caressing her which made her purr as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up into his face. "Morning sleepyhead." He said and she smiled and lifted her head and gave him a short and soft kiss.

"Mmm, That was nice." She said as she rubbed her head against his cheek for a moment. Runin was watching this with a light blush on her cheeks before turning her head back to the food, so they wouldn't catch her starring at them.

'She kissed him and snuggled into him as if he were her mate but that can't be true a human would never take a Pokémon as their mate, but still...' her thoughts lingered as she looked back at them and saw him lovingly hold the Weavile in his arms while looking into her eyes 'but still perhaps they are mates,' she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed 'I wish I had a mate like that, who would just love me for who I am, not what I look like.' She thought as she returned to her cooking while thinking that she would have to find out if they were indeed mate, why she didn't know but she knew she couldn't ask them directly. She was still thinking about it while handing out the food to the other but as she handed the Gardevoir her food, the thought to ask the psychic Pokémon popped into her head.

After they were all done eating and the cooking tools cleaned and put away they packed their camp and sat out on the road towards Celestic Town, as they walked Runin kept watching Will and Zelvina and even though they acted normally, as you would expect a trainer and his Pokémon to behave together, she saw small signs that there were more between them than what most would expect. After a while she slowed her steps till she was walking beside the Gardevoir and whispered, so the sensitive ears of the Ninetales wouldn't hear. "Alisia, there's something I need to ask you but I need you to answer as silently as you can." Alisia looked at her for a moment before smiling.

"Is this silent enough" she said to her telepathic "and just send your thought out and I'll catch them...there is no way more silent, unless there is another psychic Pokémon around who can also catch your though, or if you yourself were a psychic it would be nearly impassable, even for another psychic, to hear what you want to talk about." Runin looked shocked at her for a moment before doing what she asked.

"Yes, thank you for that, I didn't know you could do that," she smiled "had I known I'll just have talked to you like this from the start." Alisia looked at her before shaking her head.

"It might not have worked, if I'm not aware of your wish to speak to me like that then I won't hear the thoughts you send out to me, unless I'm sensing for others thoughts, it'll only have worked if you were a psychic and able of establishing a connection with me, but what was it you wanted to talk about?" she asked her while Runin blush at her explanation.

"I should have guessed, but never mind that, what I wanted to talk with you about is Will, have you known him long?" she asked and she heard Alisia giggle in her head.

"All my life, I've known him from since I was born, he was born a few hours after me." That made Runin giggle lightly herself.

"Yeah then you must surely know him quite well," she then looked thoughtful for a few minutes "I don't know if I should ask this but, I've seen how Will and Zelvina acts together, it seems like normal trainer and Pokémon behavior but when I look closer and when they seem to be away from other eyes, they acts more like mates," she then looked right at the Gardevoir "are they really mates or is it just something I'm imagining." Alisia looked at her with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Yes they are mates and have been for a few years now," she then look right into the Lucario's eyes "What do it mean to you?" she asked the Lucario, who sighed heavily.

"I'm not sure, I guess that I'm happy for them," she looked at the Gardevoir and saw her looking at her like she was about to say something but she interrupted her "I don't have anything against it," she sighed again and looked up into the sky "but it makes me think if I'll ever find anyone who'll love me for who I am and not what I look like and want to be my mate, I'm...just glad she have found someone to be her mate, even if he is a human." After saying that Runin walk away from Alisia with a look of deep thoughts on her face as she followed Will, who walked in front of her with Zelvina to his right and Erinoa to the left, and a little behind him, a clear sign to Runin that Erinoa knew about them being mates and accepting about it.

When night came they set up camp and Runin was again allowed to cook, which she did with gusto and they all commended her cooking skill, which made her blush at their praise and put a smile on her face as she sat about the duty of cleaning the used plats, cutlery and utensils by a small stream not far away. While she was cleaning she thought about Will and his friends and how she felt around them, she smiled, it was nice being together with others again, as she was walking back to the camp she thought about if she should stay with them.

In the middle of the night, something slowly awakened Alisia from her sleep, she looked around and saw Zelvina looking at her before giving her a sign to follow her. She followed her deeper into the forest until Zelvina stopped and turned around. "Alisia do you remember what we talked about last night?" she asked her and the Gardevoir nodded her head.

"Yes Zelvina I remember," she then smiled at her "I guess you took me out here so we could talk in peace about it." The Weavile smiled mischievous at her.

"Among other things but first," she looked at the ground a little shameful "I'm sorry that I've not been treating you like the sister you are to me for some time, it wasn't my intention that were should drift apart it just seemed to happen," she then looked up at the Gardevoir with a blush on her face "so I think we should reconnect like in the good old days." As she said that she jumped at the Gardevoir and pulled her into a kiss, startling the psychic Pokémon, before Alisia softly put her arms around the Weavile gently kissing her back.

"Mmmm, I really missed that Zelvina." She said as she broke the kiss and hugged her closer to her, making the Weavile smile.

"I've missed it too," she said as she laid her head on Alisia's breasts purring "and I've really missed those." She then began to lick and suckle on the breasts through Alisia's gown making the Gardevoir moan in pleasure.

"and I'll really missed this." She said as she removed her breasts from her dress so the Weavile could easier lick and suck them while at the same time increasing the pleasure she got from it, she kept moaning as Zelvina like and suckled one of her breast while fondling the other through two orgasms before Alisia had to stop her. The Weavile gave the breast a final lick before looking up into Alisia's pleasure filled eyes.

"I've always love it when I suck your breasts," she smiled and kissed her again "and I haven't forgotten that time either..." she said which made Alisia blush deeply before speaking.

"Does he know?" the Weavile shook her head.

"No, he doesn't, not yet at least," she then kiss the Gardevoir again "but your dream might not be so far away." She said smiling at the Gardevoir, who looked at her with a puzzled look.

"What do you mean Zelvina, surely he would never..." she began but Zelvina silenced her with another kiss.

"Yes, he would, if you really want him and submit yourself to him and became his mate alongside me," she then jumped down from the arms of the Gardevoir "he will not ignore you if you need him, you just have to ask him to be your mate but," she looked into her eyes from the ground "you have to be sure that's what you really want, once you've become his mate it's for life." As she said this Alisia closed her eyes and a pleasure filled smile grew on her face.

"I really want to be his mate and to carry his children...I've wanted that since I evolved but I never thought that I could, I've always seen him as my brother and then you took him as your mate," she moan and placed her hands over her womb "just the thought of being his mate and carrying his children brings me pleasure," she then open her eyes and looked at the Weavile and an uncertain look crossed her eyes "but will that be okay with you, if he has more mates than you, I know it's my dream but you took him first and I wouldn't...can't steal him from you." Zelvina smiled grew bigger at her words.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," she then smiled mischievous at the Gardevoir again "if I can arrange it, I intent for all of us to became his mates, even Runin." Alisia looked at her as her head turn to the side.

"Runin but what if she won't stay?" she asked but the Weavile just smiled.

"Leave that to me, if she haven't decided to stay when we reach Celestic Town I'll make sure she decides to stay." Alisia smiled as she thought of what the Weavile would do but the itch between her legs were growing worse.

"Zelvina do...could you help me with an itch between my legs that I can reach?" she asked as she blush but the Weavile just licked her lips.

"With pleasure." She said as the Gardevoir slowly removed her white dress and laid down on the ground and spread her legs as her blush grew.

The Weavile crawled over to her and began to lick her cunt making Alisia moan, as she herself purr into the Gardevoir's pussy as she enjoyed the taste of her juices. She then put her left paw into Alisia's slit and thrusts it in and out while licking her pussy and clit for a few minutes, while Alisia moans through another orgasm, before beginning to sucking on her clit making the Gadevoir scream out in pleasure and extending her orgasm while she's drinking the sweet juice of her friend. Finally Alisia's orgasm ends, leaving her a panting and moaning wreck laying on the ground as she tried to get her breath back then she saw the Weavile standing over her with a smile on her face.

"I take it, that it felt really good." She said as her smile broadened while Alisia looked at her with her pleasure filled red eyes and a tired smile on her lips.

"Th...that was..." she panted before closing her eyes for a moment "it was fantastic Zelvina, and I'll missed it for so long...just give me a minute and I'll return the favor." She said using her telepathic to speak her body still too exhausted from her orgasm to speak properly and Zelvina smiled at her.

"I'm looking forward to it." She said as she kiss her friend again and sat down beside her looking up at the dark night sky after a few minutes Alisia turned towards the Weavile.

"Ready for me to return the favor." She smiled as she let one of her hands run over the Weavile chest and down to her cunt and slowly pushed a finger inside making Zelvina gasp in pleasure.

"Sure and I'm sure you'll do me Really good." She said with a big smile on her lips as she felt her friend and sister slowly and gently push more of her finger in, before adding another and another until her entire hand was going in and out of her and she was moaning and wriggling from the pleasure as Alisia smiled at her.

"You know Zelvina, I had a long talk with Runin today while walking." The Weavile moaned and gasped before panting.

"So,... about...what?" the Gadevoir smiled at her, while beginning to thrust her hand in and out faster making Zelvina yowl in pleasure before answering.

"About Will, and about you and Will being mates," she then giggled "she had noticed how you to acted towards each out, even when you tried to hide it and was wondering if you two really were mates...and do you know the strange part of it was."The Weavile moan and panted to get her breath back.

"" she managed to say between pants and Alisia smiled at her before giving her a kiss.

"Well, she didn't have anything against it and was happy for you to have found someone to be your mate but I also sensed some jalousie in her emotions and I think I know why," she gave Zelvina's hidden breasts a few soft licks before continuing "she wants someone to love her and take her as a mate for who she is and not what she is," she then smiled down at the Weavile "you might be able to used that information in your plans to get her to stay, by getting Will to take her as a mate, I know he can love her for who she is." She then went down to Zelvina's pussy and began to lick and suck it while continuing to fist her through her own big orgasm while making her scream out into the dark night, loudly.

"Well...I...Guess...I'll...have to...look tomorrow...before we" She said between pleasured gasps as she slowly recovered from her orgasm while enjoying the afterglow, while Alisia giggled.

"Yeah I guess so, want me to carry you back to camp?" the Weavile nodded weakly and as Alisia lifted her into her arms, she whisper into her ear.

"Lay me down beside Will and tomorrow, make him take you as a mate, no matter what it take...I know he wants you too." With those words she fell unconscious as she fell asleep snuggling in the arms of her sister. Alisia smiled at her as she carried her back to camp, a warm glow in her heart at the feeling of the sleeping Weavile in her arms.

"I hope I'll feel like this while holding my own sleeping children someday," she said to herself, as she reached camp she went over to Will's sleeping bag and gently laid the Weavile down and watch as she, even while asleep cuddled up closed to her mate, a peaceful smile on her lips, a single tear ran down Alisia's cheek "thank you Zelvina, even you don't know what this means to me." With those words she went over to the space where she was sleeping earlier, giving Will and Zelvina one last look before sleep took her, as she slept a satisfied smiled was on her lips.

As morning came Runin once again was the first one to wake and, as the day before, she began to cook breakfast which soon lured the other awake, the meal went without incidents and they were soon back on trail towards Celestic Town.

As they were walking Runin again noticed the sword, that she had seen laying around the camp the last two days, resting by Will's side. "uhm, Will may I ask, what is it with that sword and why are you carrying it, it's not normal for humans to carry swords around anymore, as far as I know." He smiled at her.

"You're right Runin, it isn't normal for people to walk around with a sword by their side, now days if people carry a weapon it's either a knife or a gun," he shrugged his shoulders "but I really like this sword and I'm trained in how to use it," he then gave her a big smile, while drawing it from its scabbard "and it's an old sword, an artifact you could say, and it's called Light's Shadow." As the sword left its sheath, Runin saw that it was an one edged sword, short enough to be used with one hand and long enough to used both hands for extra force but what really caught her attention was the coloring of the blade, the blade was black but the edge was white, she then gasped in surprise as Will turned the sword around to show her the other side, here the blade was white and the edge was black.

" is this passable, I've never seen a sword like that," she then went even closer while looking at it "it's beautiful." She said as she slowly ran her paw over the blade and her brow frowned, she couldn't tell what metal it was made from, and...there was something else about it as well... Will lifted the sword and it caught the rays of the sun making it spark.

"I've be surprised if you've seen another like it, it's the only one of its kind. It was crafted a long time ago, by who no one knows, but I've found some old texts in my family's house that said that it was entrusted to my family many hundreds of years ago, it was hidden on our ground and I found it when I was young since then I've trained to be able to use it," he then smiled at the sword before slowly returning it to its scabbard "and it's been by my side ever since." Runin looked at the sheathed sword.

"It must be worth quite a bit aren't you afraid that someone is going to try and steal it?" she asked with a concerned voice but Will just smile and patted, her making her growl in happiness.

"No Runin I'm not afraid that anyone would steal it but I'm sorry for those who try." Runin looked at him questioningly.

"What do you mean?" she asked with her head turn to the side, Will looked down at the sword.

"Most who know of the sword existence, and knows how much it's worth, also knows of the curse of the blade." Runin looked at him in shock while backing a few steps back.

"Cur...curse?" she asked with a trembling voice, Will nodded.

"Yes, and I can tell you that the curse is real a few people have already try to steal it but this sword can not be stolen. It can only be held by its Master or someone its Master accepts or someone who is doing it for the Masters sake, anyone else is hit with the curse," he then smiled "and if they are lucky they survive if not, then..." he shrugged his shoulders "they have no place in this world." Runin looked from him to the sword.

"What do you mean with 'no place in this world' and I take it that you are its Master then." She said while they continued to walk.

"What I meant was that if they didn't survive then they were to evil to live in this world, if you not evil or not really evil the curse knocks you out maybe giving you a bad headache or pains in your body, getting worse each time you try to steal it and yes, I'm its Master, it accepted me as its Master, why, I'm not sure of but I'm glad to have it by my side." Runin smile at him and took his hand in her paw for a moment and griped it.

"I understand." She then let go of his hand and with one last look at him and the sword walked a little away from Will so she could think in peace, while Will looked at her, while softly rubbing the hand she took in her paw while Zelvina and Alisia giggle for themselves.

It was early evening when they reached Celestic Town and checked into the local Pokémon Center for the night, after dinner and a quick checkup for the Pokémons including Runin they all went to bed but Zelvina didn't sleep together with Will as they fell asleep.

Alisia slowly open her eyes the other were sound asleep, she smiled and slowly stood up and walked over to Will and looked down at him with a smile before bowing down to give him a soft kiss, while creating a soundproof sphere around them. As Will began to awake from the kiss, he open his eyes and saw the Gardevoir leaning in over him, while kissing him as she broke the kiss he gasped for breath before asking. "Alisia...what are you..." but she interrupted him by putting one of her fingers over his mouth.

"Shh, Will, I want to tell you something and for you to answer truthfully, can you do that?" she asked and he nodded his head yes and she smiled at him giving him a quick kis, he already had an idea of what she wanted to ask and he could feel his body reacting to it, as he thought it over in his head, "Will, I love you and I've love you for years but was afraid you'll never be able to love me as I loved you," she then kissed him again, longer this time, and with more passion "Will would you take me as you mate alongside Zelvina, I don't want to be apart from you," she then looked into his eyes "can you love me like a mate like Zelvina, can you love me as I love you?" she asked while staring into his eyes to find her answers, she was surprised when Will lifted his head and place his hand on the side of her head and kissed her gently.

"Yes, Alisia, I love you too and I'll be honored if you'll be my mate alongside Zelvina." He said as he broke the kiss and smiled at her, she smiled back at him and began to remove her gown while standing up.

"Then make love to me and take me as one of you mate now and forever." As she said that her dress fell to the floor as she reveal her naked body to him for the first time, she blushed. 'The first of many, many times.' She thought to herself as she saw him starring at her naked body.

"You are beautiful, Alisia." He said as he sat up on his bad and pulled her into his arms, kissing her. While she began to remove what little clothes he had on, throwing it onto the floor before pushing him back onto the bed while kissing him and laying over his naked body with her own blushing deeply as for the first time she felt his naked skin against hers. After breaking the kiss she raised her head and looked down at him.

"I want you to take my virginity and mate me with you on top, before I'll mount you and mate you with me on top." She said with a smile and kissed him again before changing position so she was on bottom and him on top she looked up at him with a blush on her cheeks and a shiver ran through her body at the thought of what was about to happen, softly she felt the head of his shaft at the lips of her pussy, which were already quite wet.

"Ready?" he asked and gave her a soft thrust making the tip of his cock enter her cunt, making her moan.

"Yes, Will, I'm ready, take me as you mate." She moaned as she felt him prepare to thrust, she then screamed in pain as she felt her hymen break and felt his member deep inside her, where her virginal tunnel clamped down hard on him preventing him from moving and making him moan and gasp from the tightness. After awhile she began to relax which allowed Will to begin to thrust into her making her moan in pleasure, she threw her hand around his neck and pulled him down to her as he continued to thrust into her as they both moaned in pleasure.

"Mmm... so tight." He moaned as he began to thrust faster and harder, increasing the sound of her moaning, he looked around at the others for a moment, before she pulled his head back to face her.

"It's mate...they won't hear us...uhg...I've taken care of that," He smiled at her and kissed her before thrusting even faster and harder into her making, her breasts jingle on her chest as she moan out in pleasure "like that, ohh, it feels so good...I LOVE YOU, WILL, MY MATE!" She screamed as she came, clamping down on him again making him moan loudly, before hilting inside her and filling her cunt with his warm cum "mmm... that felt good," she then took his head in her hands and kissed him "I love you...when you're ready again, I want to try and ride you." He smiled at her before kissing her again.

"Okay just give me a minute and we can go again." They laid down on their side cuddling with his semi-hard shaft still deep in her slit. After a few minutes Will rolled them around so he was laying on his back with Alisia sitting on his hardening cock, she murred at the feeling of the shaft hardening inside her and began to move her body up and down his cock moaning in pleasure at the feeling it gave her. She placed her hands on his chest as she began to increase her speed moaning in pleasure before gasping and looking down, she saw Will's hands on her breasts kneading them gently while he began to hump up into her, making her moan even more and closing her eyes enjoying the feelings it gave her.

"Oh, feels so...good!" she moaned out, as she thrusts down on his cock as fast as she could, as he continued to knead her breasts increasing her pleasure greatly.

"You...really're...breasts fondled...huh." She moaned and smiled down at him, before leaning down to kiss him, moaning into his mouth.

"Yes, I really love breasts are...really sensitive," she moaned as she resumed her movement "I can... just...imagine...what it'll...feel like...when I'm nursing...our CHILDREN!" she screamed as she came, which made her virginal tunnel tightening and clamping down on his hard shaft hard making him moan out in pleasure as he came as well, while she fell down over him, panting and moaning, "Oh, even the me such...pleasure...I can't even describe it." She laid her head down on his chest trying to regain her breath, while Will slowly caressed her back, while filling her womb for the second time that night, after a while he slowly lifted her head so she was looking at his face.

"You really want my children, Alisia?" she blushed and nodded her head as a few tears began to run down her cheeks.

"Yes, I've wanted to carry your...our children for a long time, a really long time." He looked at her for a few moments before pulling her head to his and gave her a short kiss.

"For how long, Alisia." He asked her in a soft voice and she buried her face in his chest, while sobbing softly.

"Since I evolved into a Gardevoir..." He lifted her head again and kissed her deep and for a long time before breaking the kiss.

"Then I'll give them to you when the time comes but until then you'll have to live with the dreams." She smiled at him and kissed him before cuddling into him.

"I can handle that, with you promise that you'll give me the children I want from you..." she then looked up at him and gave him a large smile " and I know that you'll be a great father." He smiled at her and caressed her face making her murr in pleasure.

"Thank you for the confidence and now I think we should get some sleep while we can." She giggled before laying her head down on his chest again.

"I think you're right, my mate good night." She said before falling asleep with a big smile on her lips. He smiled down at her.

"Good night, my mate..." he slowly move his hand down to her abdomen and caressed her womb "and I'll keep my promise, one day you'll have the child you desire." He then laid his head down on the pillow and took the sheet from the ground and covered them both before falling asleep with the weight of the Gardevoir on his body.

The next morning and Runin again woke early and stretched out her arms before looking around, first she saw Erinoa laying on the floor with her head incased by her nine tales, then she saw Zelvina in one of the other beds sleeping, she smiled Zelvina looked so cute and she couldn't get the picture of her and Will together out of her mind. After a moment she shook her head and turn to the bed where Alisia slept in but it was empty, she frown at the empty bed. "Is she already up?" she then shook her head again and turned to Will's bed and her eyes went wide, as she saw Alisia sleeping in Will's bed, "but I'm sure she was sleeping in the other bed when I fell asleep..." she then looked closer at Gardevoir and saw that she wasn't wearing her dress under the cover "what do this mean..." she then looked back at the bed that Alisia slept in last night and then back to Will's bed "did she sleep with Will?!" she stood up a little light head, and a burning feeling between her legs at the thought of sleeping with Will, she slowly went towards the door and reached for the door handle.

"Where are you going, Runin?" a voice asked her, she turned around and saw Zelvina sitting up in her bed staring at her.

"Umm, out I need some fresh air." The Weavile jumped down on the ground and walked over to her.

"Well, I need to talk with you Runin and I think this is a good time," she then gave her a smirk "but I think we should go somewhere else and get some 'fresh air' while we talk." The Lucario nodded as Zelvina went to the door and opened it and gave Runin a sign to follow, she lead her onto the roof of the Pokémon Center and turn to look at her.

"Listen Runin, I'll really like for you to come with us, I think it'll be the best for you," Runin tried to say something but Zelvina stooped her by lifting her paw "you're lonely, you can't tell me that you haven't been lonely can you?" she looked at her and the Lucario lowered her head and shook 'no' "I want you to stay with us and become part of our little family but first there's something I need to ask you," she gave Runin a mischievous smirk "what are your feelings for Will and answer truthful," Runin looked at her with a shocked face, she wasn't expecting such a question, she tried to say something but Zelvina said "remember, the true please." Runin bowed her head.

"I, I like him really much," she looked at the Weavile and stooped her from saying anything by lifting her paw "I'll say that I love him but that can never be..." she looked at Zelvina as tears began to run down her cheeks "because he already has a mate..." she fell down on her knees as she began to cry "I want to follow him...*sniff* close to him..." she held her paws to her chest "even though it'll hurt to be close to him...and never be his." She put her head in her paws as she cried, cried for the love she longed for but that couldn't be hers. She then felt paws on her shoulders and looked up and saw Zelvina looking at her, not with anger for Runin desiring her mate, but with compassion, understanding and love.

"You don't need to cry, Runin," she then wipe some of her tears away "I knew of your attachment to Will, I just wanted to know if you loved him as much as I thought," she then smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss "You don't need to cry, if you really want to you can be his mate as well," she then smiled mischievous "after all Alisia has taken him as her mate too." Runin looked at her in shock.

"Re...really?! So that means that was why she was sleeping in his bed?" Zelvina smirked.

"Yep, she offered herself last night to be his mate and he accepted and they mated, for quite some time," she then looked at Runin seriously "but Runin, if you choose to become one of his mates, which I think you should, it's for live, you'll live together with us and all of the children that all of us are going to have." Runin looked at her, with a strong desire in her eye and the word 'children' made the burning in her womb grow worse and made her wet between her legs.

"Chi...children, you mean he'll even allow us to carry his pups!" Zelvina smiled at her and gave her another, more passionate, kiss.

"yes, he will but first when the time is right," she then gave her a wink " and Alisia can't wait, she's dreamed of Will's children for years." Runin giggled at this and looked at the Weavile.

"Thank you, Zelvina, this means a lot to me." Zelvina smiled at her.

"I know and if you want to you can use your upcoming heat to become one of his mate, of cause he will make sure that you don't 'catch' unless that time has come of cause," she then sighed "I hope it'll soon come." Runin nodded.

"Me too." Then they both went down to their room to wait for Will to return from where he had gone.

Will was standing in a clearing with his sword drawn, holding it in front of him, he then lowered the blade and stretched out. "Hhmm, that was a good exercise and I'll better keep my skills sharp." He then went over to one of the trees and sat down and laid Light's shadow down beside him, he then took a deep breath and held it for a few moments before slowly releasing it, he then looked up at the blue sky, it was looking to be a beautiful day.

*Master...* a soft female voice call out, he smile as he by habit sensed if there was anyone around before answering.

"Yes, Sharin, what is it?" He asked as he closed his eye and enjoyed the first rays of sunshine of the day.

*The time has come, Master, the time you, and you mates, have wait so long for.* Will open his eyes.

"You're sure?" he heard a soft giggle.

*Yes, Master, I'm sure and I'm sure you mate will be really happy...although she might not be the only one.* Will smiled at the last part.

"Yeah, I'm sure you right, Alisia will be just as, if not more, happy than Zelvina." He said as he slowly stood up.

*They might not be the only ones, Master.* He looked up at the sky.

"You might be right, Sharin, you might be right, but I think it's time we return to the others and tells Zelvina the news." He then began to walk back towards Celestic Town's Pokémon Center.

*Yes, Master, I think that's a good idea* the voice said before falling silent again.

As Will walked down the hall towards his room, he saw Zelvina walking towards him, when she saw him a smile broke out on her face and she ran over to him and hugged him. "Welcome back, Will, how was your training?" She asked him, while she resisted giving him a kiss, in case anyone saw it, he smiled at her.

"Fine, Zelvina, how about you and the others?" he asked her, she looked at him.

"I had a talk with Runin, not so long ago, she wants to continue to travel with us," she looked around to make sure that there were no one else in the hall "She love you, very much, Will, when I made her tell me her feelings for you, she broke down crying, because she loved you and didn't think she could have you because we're mates, she wanted to stay with us even though it'll bring her great pain to be close to you but never be yours." Will slowly caressed her cheek.

"It's ok, Zelvina, if she wants to be my mate she'll be my mate." Zelvina giggled at him.

"Oh, she wants it really much and with her heat coming up soon she'll want it really much, but are you sure you can handle three lustful females, who loves you so much." He smiled at her.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll managed, although I'm sure they'll be really lustful females," he then lowered his head to her ears and whispered "The time has come." She looked at him, not understanding but then she caught the meaning and her eyes went wide.

" mean, that we..." she began and he nodded.

"Yes, the next time you go into heat, your dream will come true." She began to cry and buried her head in his chest for a few moments before looking up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Well, my next heat is still some time away but there is one who is just about to enter hers." She said and he smiled and gave her head a rub with his hand.

"Runin," he said and she nodded "you really think she'll want to?" Zelvina smirked at his question.

"Yes, I'm sure she'll want it and she'll most defiantly stay with us if she took you as her mate and bore you child." He rubbed her head again making her purr.

"Well, we'll just have to see when she goes into heat, if she wants to be my mate and be with us then I'll be glad to take her as my mate, but come let's go to the other and prepare for a next journey." He then took her in his arms and carried her into their room, where the others waited for them.
Chapter End Notes:Not sure if this chapter is any better that the last but here it was hope you like it.

Note: I actual wrote to endings to this chapter, one the more or less intended ending the other... just came as I wrote as for those that would like to read both and tell me which you think is best (even if they're both bad) here it is:

As Will walked through the hall towards his room he saw Zelvina walking towards him, when she saw him her face lit up in a smile and she ran to him and hugged him. �Welcome back, Will, how was your training?� She asked him while she resisted giving him a kiss, in case anyone saw it, he smiled at her.

�It went well,� he then lower his mouth to her ear and whispered to her �Zelvina, the time has come.� She looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth.

� mean...� she began and he nodded.

�Yes, my love, the next time you come into heat you dream can finally come true,� he then gave her a smile �that is if you still want too.� For a moment she just stood there then she threw herself around his neck and cry.

�I will, oh, I will,� he placed his hand on her back as his words sank in, she then lifted her head and looked into his eyes with all her love shining in her eyes but then a mischievous smiled crossed her mouth �but my next heat is still some time away...but there is another one who loves you really much...who is just about to enter her heat.� Will looked at her.

�Do you mean...?� he asked and Zelvina nodded.

�Yes, Runin, she loves you and wants to be your mate,� then with a mischievous glint in her eyes she said �and when she comes into heat, she's going to ask you to become you mate.� Will shook his head before smiling at her.

�I've already told you, I can ignore any of you, if she really wants to I'll take her as my mate,� he then took her up into his arms �come lets go back to the others and prepare for continuing our journey.� She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss.

�Yes, my love.� They then walked into the room
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