AGNPH Stories

Poke-dolls Inc. by game_keeper


Story Notes:

I told my brother my idea for this and he wanted to read more. So I typed it all down my computer and uploaded it for everyone to enjoy.

Episode 1 Poke-dolls Incorporated.

Poke-dolls the newest sex toy on the market, also the most expensive. Something doesn't feel right about them. Something unnatural about it. They were first introduce in video games, but now somehow they manege to genetically create them, for sex. Hi my name is Thirteen, but it's spelled like this Xlll. My parents liked the roman numeral. It's an unnatural name I know. As far as I know I'm the only person from the United State living here in Japan.

My parents would kill me if they knew what I've done here. My story starts, the night Hideaki called me. I was fast asleep on the futon in my small one room apartment. When my cell phone started to ring. I rolled over and tried to ignore it. But the ringing was just to much. I got up and stormed over to my desk, and picked up the cell phone then flipped it open.

"Yes what is it!" I said with an angry voice.

"Whoa calm down Thirteen. No need to shout." Said the person on the other end.

I check the ID on the phone.

"Hideaki! Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Hold on let me check....yep its a little past midnight but I have a good reason." Claimed Hideaki.

" What could possibly be of any interest to me to lose sleep over." I asked him.

"Just come to the bus stop down the street from your apartment. I'll pay for the trip just bring 2,000 yen and yourself OK."

I sighed. "Alright I'll be there in about five minutes."

"Great see you there." He hung up.

I turned on the light and put on my blue jeans. Then I looked around for my socks and shoes. As I looked around my small apartment I found one sock under the futon, and the other one in the hamper. The shoes were easier to find. They were by the door. Last I put on a black tank top shirt, and my black leather jacket. I grabbed my keys, and my wallet off the desk. Then stuck my wallet into my back pocket. I unlocked my door and stepped outside.

No one appeared to be in the hall of the apartment building as I stepped out. I turned to lock the door. I slid the key into the lock then turned the key. I checked the door by turning the door knob. Then I pulled the key out of the slot and turned to leave. As I made my way down the hall I came to the staircase. I went down the stairs, then I saw the land lord's daughter Yugi come out of the businesses office. She saw me coming down the stairs.

"Thirteen? I thought you would've gone to bed by now?" She said with confusion.

"I was, tell Hideaki woke me up."

"Hideaki's up there too?"

"Nope" I said with a yawn. "He called my cell phone." I told her.

"Oh what did he want?" she asked.

"Don't know. All he said was to meet him down at the bus stop."

"I see. Well good luck." Said Yugi.

She walked past me up to her apartment on the second floor. My apartment's on the third floor. Not the best place for an apartment but the view is nice. You could see the stars at night, and the ocean during the day just five miles away from my apartment building.

I headed for the front gate of the property. Yugi was a nice girl, always had a smile on her face. Before I met Hideaki she was the first person that befriend me when I came here alone. My first stop was a strip club just down the street to use their ATM. As I walked to the front doors of the club. One of the bouncers recognized me from the time I dated one of the strippers.

"Hey Thirteen long time no see." He said with a chuckle.

"Yeah it's been awhile."

"Are you here for a dance from one of the ladies? He asked.

"Nope just the ATM machine. I said with a yawn.

"Tired huh."

"Yeah it's a long story, and I don't feel like explaining it." I told him.

"The ATM's in the back. Don't forget to come back and enjoy yourself so time." He told me then he let me in.

The inside of the club was smoky, strobe lights flashed on and off. Dancers road up and down the pulls like there lives depended on it. One of the dancers took a heavier gentlemen to a room in the back for a private session. I made my way to the back of the club trying to avoid seeing my ex. Every time she see's me she tries to give me a lap dance on the house. Normally that would be a good thrill. But there's a rumor that's going around saying that she has a dick. I wouldn't know seance we never had sex, never even came close.

I glanced around it was hard to see throw the smoke the fog machines were making, but I didn't see her anywhere. I breathed a sigh of relieve, and headed for the back of the building. Why they put the ATM back there I may never know. I passed by some guys getting a lap dance. In the corner was the ATM machine. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I flipped it open and removed my bank card and inserted it into the slot on the machine. I punched in the amount that I needed. As the yen bills came out of the ATM machine I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I picked up the bills and put them in my wallet before turning around.

"Hey handsome are you new around her?" Said the stripier.

"Um no I'm not new here."

"Really? I've never seen you hear before how come?" She asked.

"I don't come here that often."

She blow a bubble with some bubble gum she was chewing.

" Huh, names Kura." She said as she stuck out her hand.

"My names Thirteen." I said as I shook her hand.

"Can I give you a dance." she asked.

I smiled "Thanks but I must decline."

" Oh, the offer still stands just ask for Kura next time you come in."

"Thanks." after that she walked away to someone else.

When it comes to strippers they seem to like me ether that or it's because they get payed to ask. I never know because I never ask. With the money in my pocket I left the strip club. The bus stop was about half a mile away from the club and knowing Hideaki he would be up late. I walked by some small shops that were closed for the night. Going down the hill to the bus stop you have to walk past the local hot springs that was open tell midnight on Saturdays but it was already almost 12:30am. The bus comes every half hour. When I got to the stop I sat down on the bench and waited for the bus to show up. I had three minutes before the bus came. I looked down the street and saw the bus coming I stood up and waited. As the bus drove up along side of me. Hideaki got off the bus, and it drove away.

"Thirteen my brother from another mother how are you man?"

"Tired" I told him.

"Yeah sorry about that." he said.

"So you going to tell me what's so important that I turned down a lap dance and lost sleep for?"

"Well you know how I forgot about your birthday right?"

"Yeah, you do know my birthday was two mouths ago right?" I asked him.

"Yeah sorry about that too. That's why I called you I want to make up for it man."

I crossed my arms. "How do you plan to do that?"

Hideaki grinned. "First we need to take another bus. It'll be here at 1:00am." He said.

" Hideaki where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

" Hideaki you know I don't like surprises." I told him.

"That's why I'm not telling you."

I sighed and sat down on the bench Hideaki sat down next to me. As we sat there waiting for the bus I listened for any sound that could be herd. But there was nothing no sound not even a cricket. Hideaki and I talked for a little bit mostly about the woman he slept with. Boy does he like to brag. Unlike Hideaki I still believe that you should have sex with someone you love, not some random stranger for a one night stand. I glanced at me watch, it was now 1:00am. I looked up the street to see the bus coming down the road.

"Finally." Hideaki said as he stood up "You got the money right?"

"Yes I got the 2,000 yen lets just go." I told him.

The bus stopped, then me and Hideaki got on. We took the seats in the very back. Then I realized that me and Hideaki were the only two people on the bus. This wasn't unusual considering the time it was.

"Hideaki can you now tell me where we're going?" I asked him.

"No, just wait you'll see."

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes.

The bus drove over to almost the other side of the city before stopping at a lone dark building. We got off the bus and I glanced at the building. It looked like it was abandon and hadn't been touched in years. The bus drove off leaving me, and Hideaki on a lonely sidewalk in an unfriendly neighborhood.

"Hideaki where are we? What is this place?" I asked him without taking my eyes off the building.

"Thirteen why are you looking at that old building turn around man."

I turned around to see a brightly lit building with a bright yellow glowing sign.

"Hideaki is that?"

"Yes Thirteen welcome to poke-dolls Inc." Announced Hideaki.

"Hell no." I told him.

"What, why not?"

"There's something wrong with those things." I protested.

"Come on Thirteen at least come with me." He grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the front door.

"Fine! Just let go of me." He let go and the two of us stumbled throw the front doors of the building.

On the outside of the building was brightly colored with blue, yellow, and green lights. But on the inside it was pure white with gray trim in the corners. It appeared to have only one room with a single white desk in the middle of the room. The woman at the desk looked up.

"One moment please I'll be with you in just a sec." Said the woman at the desk.

She pushed a bottom on the desk, and two chairs came out of the floor.

"Please have a seat."

Hideaki and I sat down in the chairs. After about five minutes she stopped what she was doing and stood up.

"Gentlemen welcome to Poke-dolls Incorporated." She said with a bow.

"Thank you." Hideaki said as he got up and also bowed.

I remained seated mostly because I didn't want to be there. I couldn't shake away this uneasy feeling I got every time I thought about Poke-dolls. She turned to me.

"Welcome." She said with a smile.

"Hey." I said to her with a frown.

"Thirteen don't be rude stand up." Said Hideaki before pulling me to my feet.

"Sorry about that, he's still new to our country."

"That's OK I'm not offended. So have you two been to our facility before?"

"No we haven't been her before. But I've wanted to come to one of your stores sense you guys opened." Said Hideaki excitement in his voice.

"Can I assume that your doing the two for one deal of 2,000 yen?" She asked us.

I scowled at him.

"This is why you wanted me to come? So you could get a discount?" I asked in a angry voice.

"Well yeah plus you get one as well so what's it hurting?"

"What's hurting is I lose 2,000 yen for a sex toy." I wined.

"Count your lucky stars it's only 2,000 yen for a poke-doll tonight. Normally it's 10,000 yen."

"10,000 yen! I can't afford that!"

"That's why we need to get them now. Come on man they'll only do this once a year, please." he begged me.

I let out a sigh then scratched my head. After thinking about it for about a minute or two. Then I said the three most regrettable words I ever said.

"Sign us up."

"alright." She said with a smile.

She pushed a button on the desk and pulled out two clipboards. Two large cylinder like capsules came up from the floor. A slit appeared down the middle of them, and two doors opened on the capsules. The woman handed Hideaki and me the clipboards.

"Please sign here, then take off your clothes and step into the scanner." She told us.

I signed the release form.

"Why do we need to take off are clothes?" I asked her.

"It helps the scanner to scan your body." She said.

"Why does it need to scan our body's?"

She smiled. "We get that question all the time."

The woman walked in front of the two scanners, and faced us.

"These machines will scan your body size, heart rate, blood pressure, and penis length. In order to determine and match you with your own perfect Poke-doll." The woman said in a drill Sargent tone of voice.

"How does it do that?" Asked Hideaki.

"Well." She looked at the clipboard Hideaki handed back to her.

"Hideaki the scanners before you scan every inch of you genetic code internal and external. Matching your DNA to find the Poke-doll your best compatible with. Now please remove your clothes, and step into the scanner." She said.

"Hey Thirteen." Said Hideaki.

"What?" I asked.

"A woman wants you to take off your clothes." He said in a low voice.

My face turned bright red. It didn't sink in at first that I was about to undress in front of a woman. Trying to shake off the embarrassment I started to remove my clothes. I laid my jacket on the floor first, then my shirt, and my pants. Hideaki was already completely nude at the time. I looked over to the woman looking at my clipboard.

"Is it alright if I leave my underwear on?" I asked her.

"Nope birthday suits only." She replied without looking away from the clipboard.

Hesitant I slowly removed my underwear and laid it with the rest of my clothes in a neat little pile on the floor. Both Hideaki and I stepped into our own scanners and faced the open doors. The woman walked over to the center in between the scanners. As a control panel came up from the floor in between them. A orange hologram keyboard appeared above the control panel, and she started typing on it. A few seconds later and the doors on the scanner closed.

On the inside of the scanner was lit up with a white light that started on my feet. A humming sound fallowed the light as it went up and down my body. After a few seconds the door to the scanner opened and I stepped out. She was there in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Gentlemen thank you for shopping with Poke-dolls Incorporated. We will send you your Poke-dolls within a mouth."

After getting dressed, Hideaki walked up to her.

"Excuse me but why a mouth?"

"It takes time for the Poke-dolls to develop. We don't make them tell you pay for them." She told him.

"Speaking of paying for them." I said then reached into my pocket.

I polled out my wallet and took out the 2,000 yen, and handed it to her.

"Thank you for your business." She said as she took the money.

She sat back down at the desk and press a button on it. The two scanner and the control panel went back into the floor as Hideaki and I left Poke-dolls Incorporated. We exited throw the front doors and into the dark street. There wasn't many street lights around the area so it was pretty dark.
"Well I'm going home." Hideaki said.

"OK I'll catch the next bus here." I told him.

"You know, I could give you a ride."

"No thanks I want to have a look around this place before I go home." I told him.

"Well alright then, see you later." He said.

He waved me goodby. I waved back then turned back to face the building as Hideaki walked down to his car. How long it had been there I may never know. It looked like any other building except for the Poke-dolls Inc sign on the roof. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed an alleyway leading behind the building. Curious I decided to see what was back there. As I walked back a guy in a black trench coat shoved me out of his way. Then ran past me talk about rude.

This only made me more curious of what he was doing back there. After I saw the man disappear around the corner I continued down the alley. After turning a corner to the back of the building. There was a wide open area back there. But for a wide area there really wasn't much to look at. Just three dumpsters and a pile of broken down cardboard boxes. I looked around in the dumpsters for anything interesting, but I only found garbage. I crossed my arms thinking of what to do next when I spotted something blue under the pile of boxes.

I quickly went over to the pile and started to move the boxes aside. What I found underneath shocked the hell out of me. It was a Poke-doll, but not just any Poke-doll. It was one I'd never seen before. It had the characteristics of a k9 like a dog. But it's arms and lags were more like that of a humans. It's fur was thin and was two colors. On parts of it's lower lags and face was black, and parts of it's head, tail, arms, and upper lags was light blue.

In the old Pokemon games it would be known as a Riolu. But it was slightly bigger then in the game. If it was standing up it would be about four feet tall. I looked the creature over. It was very dirty and had a smell about it. I also notice that it was female do to it's slightly developed chested. Her eyes were closed, and she was just laying there most likely abandon by the guy in the coat. I tapped her side with a peace of cardboard she didn't move.

Then I checked her pulse, but there wasn't any. I was about to just throw her in the dumpster and be done with it. But something in the back of my mind told me not too. Then it came to me. I'd just take her back around to the front of Poke-dolls Incorporated. Then find out if she belonged in the trash or if there was something I was missing. I grabbed onto the fur on the back of her neck, and lifted her out of the pile of boxes. She was very light considering how big she was.

I carried her like that out of the alley to the front of the building. I kept her low to the floor as I walked throw the front doors and up to the desk.

"Hey." I said to the woman at the desk.

"Yes how can I help you?" She asked.

I lifted the Riolu up with one hand so the woman could see her.

"Does this mutt belong in the trash?"

She gasped at first then brought out some kind of bar code reading wand. She turned the Riolu's arm over and swiped across. A little red light lit up on the wand.

"Hm, that's odd." She said.

"What's odd?"

"Your friend there isn't in our data base." She told me.

"Is that bad?"

"No it just means that our company didn't create her. It's just odd."

"What should I do with her then?" I asked.

"Well you could just put her back where you found her. It's your choice." She said.

The woman sat back down and started typing something. I carried the Poke-doll out of the building and back around to the alley where I found her. I laid her back in the pile of cardboard boxes where I pulled her out. I was about to leave when I got this nagging feeling to take her with me. I scratched my head and cracked my neck. I walked back over to her. This time I noticed something underneath her. I reached down and pick it up. It was a black book that had a title that interested me.

"Poke-dolls how to raise." I said under my breath.

I started to think on how this would effect my life, and how this could be like a free trail. I decided to take her and the book with me. I looked around tell I found a box that wasn't broken down, and laid her inside. I laid the book on top of her chest then closed the box. I made my way out of the alley with the box. The bus had made it to the stop, and I got on. I sat in the very back. The bus driver looked back now and then. He was probably wondering what was in the box. Rather him wonder what was in there then to be seen carrying a Poke-doll.

Almost a half hour later the bus came to the stop near my apartment building. I was about to get off when the bus driver shut the door in front of me.

"Hey you...what's in that box?" He asked.

Nervous I said nothing.

"It's not a bomb is it?

I shook my head.

"Well alright then. Have a good one." He said

He opened the door, and I got off with the box and made my way up the hill. As I went up the box almost seemed heavier, but it wasn't. I past by the hot spring then the strip club then I finally came to my building. I put the box down for a moment to unlock the gate. Then I picked up the box and stepped through shutting the gate behind me.

Slowly I made my way up the stairs to the third floor, and down the hall to my apartment. I set the box down and pulled out my key to open the door. I herd a door open from down stairs. I opened my door and scooted the box through the door way. Then shut the door behind me and locked it. I removed my shoes and got undressed. I put on my pajamas then I remembered the box I left by the door. I picked up the box and carried it to the futon. I opened it, and took out the black book that I laid on top of the Poke-doll then flipped it open to the first page. In someones hand writing on the first page of the book I read to myself.

'Dear reader to whom finds this book. I intrust to you this Poke-doll take good care of her and enjoy her company. This book has all the answers you might want to know on how to raise your Poke-doll. I wish you luck.'

The book wasn't signed by anyone but I didn't ask any questions about that. I turned to the next page.

'Step one awaking your Poke-doll.'

'Poke-dolls are very easily awakened from their hibernation if you know how. To awaken your Poke-doll place a Rawst berry under the nose tell fully awakened.'

I got up and went to my mini refrigerator and opened it. I glanced around then I opened a slide in door. There was one Rawst berry left. Ever sense the Pokemon video games came out they tried to make the Berries from the games. Just last year they finally succeeded in making them.

I took the Berry over to the futon where the box was sitting. I lifted the Poke-doll up tell she was sitting up. I waved the Berry under her nose. Her nosed twitched a little when I did. I stopped waving the Berry and held it there by her nose. Her eyes lids started to flutter a little then they slowly opened. She yawned then stretched like how a human would when they first wake up. She blinked a couple of times before taking the Berry out of my hands. She scarfed down the Berry like she hadn't eaten anything before.

After she ate the Berry she looked around her surroundings. Then her ruby red eyes fell upon me. I backed up a little nervous of what she might do. She jumped out of the box then sat down on the futon like how a dog sits. Her tail waging back and forth. I frond at her.

"What are you looking at? I asked her not that I expected her to say anything.

She cocked her head to one side like she had not a clue what I was talking about. I shrugged my shoulders then went to my closet and grabbed a plain white T shirt.

"Here put this on." I told her.

I tossed it at her having it land on her head was pretty funny. She struggled with the shirt trying to get it off her head. At one point she smacked her head into my desk. She yelped like a dog in pain, and started to wine. I let out a sigh then helped her into the shirt. Trying not to touch any part of her I shouldn't have.

"For a Poke-doll your not very smart are you?"

She seemed to have the look of embarrassment after I pulled her head throw the neck of the shirt. I patted her head she seemed to like it because her tail started to waging excitedly. I went back to the closet pulled out a few blankets and a extra pillow. I laid them in a corner next to the TV, and started to make a little bed for her. It wasn't much for a few extra blankets and a pillow but it would serve. I looked over my shoulder to see her looking back at me.

"Alright mutt I made you a bed now get over here."

She just stared at me waging her tail not moving. So I walked over to her and picked her up by the fur on the back of her neck, and moved her to her bed. I sat her down gently on the blankets.

"Now stay...stay." I told her.

She just cocked her head sideways, and let out a yawn. I also let out a yawn as I reached up to turn off the light. When the light was off I waited for my eyes to adjust before I laid down on the futon. I let out a yawn then throw a blanket over myself. I starred at her throw the darkness she just starred at me then hiked up one leg and scratched her head like a dog would.

As I laid there I thought about how I was going to raise her even though I could barely take care of myself. My eye lids felt heavy as I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
No comments posted
    Reviewer: fuzzy
    Date:Dec 1 2012 Chapter:Episode 1 Poke-dolls Incorporated.
    Nice, brilliant idea for a fic!

    I love the realism of it and would love for this to continue.

    The only problem was a couple of mistakes with spelling and grammar, but other than that it flowed very nicely.

    Unfortunately I cant give it a rating this early but if continues it will probably earn some big stars!

    All the best! Fuzzy
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Jan 5 2013 Chapter:Episode 1 Poke-dolls Incorporated.
    Interesting start. Please continue.

    But one note however; you may want to reread through this carefully and proofread yourself--or get someone else to do so.

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 5G
    So It Begins...
    "Got it started, now finish it!"

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 5G
    This Isn't Right
    "Have a few common errors, then get a buddy to fix the errors."
    Reviewer: Ragnarok
    Date:Jun 11 2013 Chapter:Episode 1 Poke-dolls Incorporated.
    Liked to let everyone that reads this in the future to know that I'm the owner of this profile. Sense the change in the site I'm unable to log into my old account where this and my other story are kepted. I did make a new account on here where I will repost and contiue my stories on my new account. So if you see the same story posted twice but with a diffent user name. It's just me on my new account. Here's my new account name incase you want to contact me.
