AGNPH Stories

Stars of Destiny by longshot


Where it begins

Dart has awoken from a deep sleep in the middle of a grassy plain. When he opens his eyes, he is greeted only by wind and confusion.

Dart: what the hell?

I looked around and was in a totally unfamiliar place, there were only trees here, it's obvious that I'm not in Rokkaku anymore.

Dart: Hello!?

No answer. I rose up and started to look around, my head was hurting for some reason. When I put my hand up to touch my forehead, I felt an odd symbol on my head, I didn't know what it was. I was kind of scared, because it felt unnatural. I couldn't see what it was yet, so I decided to find some water so I could look at it in my reflection.

I had paced along a bit, and then I heard what sounded like a dog whining. I went towards the noise and I saw a family of odd looking foxes, with... obviously groomed hair. As I approached, the foxes were alarmed by my presence, and the two foxes who were standing took a defensive position in front of the one that was lying down. The one the others are guarding appears to be injured. I can understand them wanting to guard their friend, but I meant no harm, and I do NOT like being challenged.

Dart: the hell are you starin' at?

They didn't like my tone, so one of the foxes had charged at me, I grabbed it by the tail and held it upside-down.

Dart: look, I'm not here for a fight, I'm just looking for civilization. Y'know, other people like me? Humans?

They understood what I said, and they settled down. They didn't want to risk getting injured either. They noticed the sword on my waist, that must have been what set them off in the first place.

I closely examined the injured fox, and it had a fairly deep cut on its left hind-leg.

Dart: If only I had a water rune... hey, I know.

I remembered that I picked up medicine on the road outside my village. Someone had thrown it on the ground, so I picked it up and made use of it. I took it from my bag and applied it to the foxes leg. It shuddered in pain, but then it started to relax as the medicine began to work. The medicine works almost instantly and dissolved the foxes injury.

Dart: There you go. Now, I don't suppose any of you could direct me to a town, or village?

I didn't know how I knew they could understand me, but I'm glad they did. The injured fox got up and the rest followed it up the hill.

Fox: Follow us.

They probably don't know that I can understand them, so I left it a secret. I "confiscated" a listening crystal from a thief in the city outside my village, and it lets me talk to animals.

Fox: Hey, this guy is kinda cute.

Fox2: Yeah, but he's a human. He would tear us in half.

Fox3: I wouldn't mind, tee-hee.

Fox: hmm, why's he giving us that weird look?

I was absolutely stunned by these foxes, sex was all they had on their minds. The entire way this is what I was subjected to: talks of sex, sex, and more sex. I suppose it's healthy, but geez. I'm not that big on inter-species relationships. I turned down a nice cat-lady once, boy was she unhappy.
While traveling we met many other strange creatures, whom the foxes absolutely "Had to meet!!" One creature snarled at me and gave me an unfavorable look because while guiding me the foxes couldn't... "do him." After 2 hours of walking, we finally made it to a town. It was very small, a few houses at the bottom at the hill, and what appeared to be a hospital or laboratory at the top.

Dart: Finally, well thanks a lot for guiding me, appreciate it.

Fox: anytime, handsome.

I tried my hardest not to react, and I made my way up the hill to the lab, I figured that would be the best place to start. I knocked on the door, and a man in a lab coat greeted me.

Professor: Yes?

Dart: Uh... I-I was wondering if you could help me out.

Professor: what is it you need help with?

Dart: Well, it's kind of a long story. I don't suppose we could discuss it somewhere?

Professor: well, I have some free time on my hands. Come inside, I'll make us some tea.

Dart: oh, that would be great, thank you.

The professor went into the kitchen, and came back with tea and cookies. As he set them upon the table, I heard a ringing.

Dart: What was that?

Professor: oh, that's just the doorbell, one moment please.

The professor went and answered the door, and a middle aged woman stepped inside.

Woman: Oh hello there... *gasp!*

Dart: ...?

She was staring at my sword, and the markings on my forehead. I gleamed back into her eyes.

Professor: it's ok Delia (I think that's her name), this is my guest. He won't hurt us.

Delia: oh, I see. I was just startled is all. I'm pretty amazed to see such a young man carrying a weapon.

Dart: Everyone older than 10 carries a weapon in my village.

Delia: That's nice, dear.

She's not taking me seriously, she thinks I'm a kid.

Delia: Professor Oak, have you heard anything from my son, Ash?

Oak: no, I'm afraid I haven't Delia. *Turns to Dart* Now, what was it you wanted to discuss with me, Mr. ...?

Dart: oh, name's Dart. Pleasure. Um, well, this is an awfully long story, and one that's hard to believe.

Oak: You're from Rokkaku, aren't you?

Dart: ... *A bit surprised* how'd you know that?

Oak: another boy from Rokkaku passed by here not long ago. I believe his name was Kane.

Dart: Kane!? He disappeared from my village last week! We all thought he was dead...

Oak: oh, no no. He was doing very well. In fact, I have his communicator number, I'm going to call him up and tell him you're here.

The professor took some weird device out of his pocket and pressed some buttons on it, then it started beeping. I stared at the device and watched all the flashing lights, I was mesmerized.

Oak: "Out of service?" That's strange...

Dart: what, what does that mean?

Oak: Something is wrong with his communicator. It can't send or receive e-mail at the moment. Sorry, but looks like we're out of luck.

Dart: can we find him using this commu... communic...

Oak: Communicator, yes we can.

The professor pressed some more buttons on the device, and then a map appeared on the screen with a blinking dot where I assumed my brother was.

Dart: That's where Kane is?

Oak: That's right, or at least that's where his communicator is. It's in the town of Altomare, across the sea. You'll have to board a ship in order to get there.

Dart: Where can I get a boat?

Oak: There just happens to be one docked right here in Pallet.

Dart: this small town has a port???

Oak: well, it doesn't have a port, but the captain... well, you just have to see it for yourself.

Dart: ...

After the professor gave me my own communicator, and these strange looking balls, he escorted me along with Delia to the "port." After a moment of staring I said:

Dart: ... he docked... into the sand?

Oak: said he had an emergency and required several barrels of food, and some medicine. He looks as if he's about to leave.

Dart: what kind of fool...

Captain: Fools eh? Anyone I know?

Oak: ah, captain Adams. I'd like to introduce you
to someone.

Adams: ello' there mate, names Adams, Captain
Adams. And you are?

Dart: Dart...

Oak: well, I must be getting back to work. Delia and I also um... have things to discuss, right Delia?

Delia: That's right professor, heehee.

I decided not to ask, I didn't need more nightmares than I already had.

Dart: Adams, I need to get to an island called Altomare, my brother Kane is there.

Adams: ah, and you'll be needing my ship then, eh?

Dart: Right, I have to find my brother immediately.

Adams: well son, you don't seem to understand how things work. If I give you passage to Altomare, then I should be compensated in some regard, right?

Dart: Fine, give me passage to Altomare and I promise not to tell anyone your secret.

Adams: what secret?

Dart: That you're a pirate.

Adams' eyes widened a bit.

Adams: how did you know that?

Dart: oh come on, you might be able to fool those old guys, but I could see right through you. I mean seriously, "Emergency landing for food and medicine."? And you parked it crooked, it'll take a long while to clean all that gunk off your ship. I'm amazed this boat hasn't teetered over.

Adams: We were in danger of being caught! I didn't bloody well have a choice... and our helmsman is a bit new.

Dart: well, tell you what. I have this crystal orb here, and it's all yours if you give me passage to Altomare. AND I will keep your secret. How's that for compensation?

I showed him a crystal from my bag, it was just a regular fire crystal, but he wouldn't know a thing about it. When he grasped it in his palms, the flames from the rune inside began to spatter, and he delighted in watching them dance.

Adams: You've got yourself a deal mate. Oy' Yuri, make ready to sail to Altomare!!

Man named Yuri: But cap'n, that'll delay us by about 3 days that will!

Adams: Never you mind Yuri, we're gonna give this fine young man passage to Altomare, and then bring him back here once his business is complete!

Yuri: uh... Aye Cap'n. All hands prepare to shove off, set course for Altomare. We'll have to proceed at top speed in order to meet our deadline cap'n.

We were preparing to board when suddenly the foxes from before began shouting at us.

Fox: Hey! Wait!

Dart: Oh god...

Fox2: Geez, you always have to chase after every nice ass that walks along, don't you?

Fox: Shut up sis! I've made up my mind! I have to go with him, or he'll get lost again.

Fox3: How could he get lost on a boat?

Fox: oh, you just don't understand anything about love...

Fox2: you've only met him about 3 to 4 hours ago!

Dart: Ladies, as much as it PAINS me to end your bickering, we must be going.

Adams: Are these yours?

Dart: No.

Adams: Nothing like a young Vulpix to accompany a sailor to bed eh? Let's take the lot of em'.

Dart: ... You're sick.

Adams: Don't judge until you've given it a try.

The First fox, who I will just call Vulpix, bid her sisters goodbye as she accompanied me and Adams onto the boat.

Oak: Wait Dart!

Dart: oh god, what now?

Oak: here, I want you to take this pokemon along.

Dart: Poke... mun?

Oak: Pokemon. That's what the creatures on our world are called. Looks like you've already gotten a Vulpix of your own. The pokemon in this ball is a particularly powerful pokemon named Blaziken. However, her master went missing about 3 years ago, and now she is all alone. I think she would be happy to be with a trainer again. I have officially recorded you as the master of this Blaziken in the world database, would you like to give her a nickname?

I started playing around with the ball, trying to figure out how on earth... could something fit in it... and I wanted to release her. I tapped the button on top and it grew larger and opened up. Revealing a bird that stood on 2 legs and she was orange all over.

Oak: Well, would you like to give her a nickname?

Dart: Uh...

Blaziken: humph...

Dart: Well, what did her original trainer call her?

Oak: Something inappropriate, so I renamed her to Blaziken. He didn't really like Pokemon. You should definitely give her a nickname. I believe it defines pokemon, and makes them more independent from the rest of their species.

Dart: ... how about... Nina. That was the name of...... of a dear friend of mine.

Oak: That's a nice name, Nina it is.

Nina: I think it's a stupid name...

I turned to Nina and sharply said:

Dart: Shut your mouth, it's a fine name.

Nina: ...?

Oak: ...? well, in any case I'll not delay you and captain Adams any longer. Good luck Dart, and Adams. Dart, you can use this communicator to send me e-mail if you have any questions, ok? Send me word once you've reached Altomare and found Kane.

Dart: Thanks Professor Oak, and I'll be sure and do that.

That's the end of Chapter one. When Dart arrived on this new world, he couldn't sense any of the dangers that dwelled on his own world. This is a world where one could relax, and enjoy the sights and sounds offered therein. However, Dart sensed that something was amiss. There was a foul, yet familiar presence on this planet that was bound to wreak havoc. Dart knew that it was no coincidence that he was sent here. Dart, Adams, Yuri, Vulpix, Nina, and the whole crew have begun a journey, unknowingly, to save the planet.

Adams: Enough talk! Onward to Altomare!!

Yuri: Aye... cap'n.

Adams: ey' Vulpix, I'll see you in my quarters.

Dart: oh, god...
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