AGNPH Stories

Stars of Destiny by longshot


Breaking him in

Dart: How long is it going to take to reach Altomare?

Adams: I'd figure at least 3 days. Ye still haven't told me why we're going to Altomare.

Dart: I'm going there to try and find my brother, his communicator is there.

Adams: Very good then. Ah yes, Dart, I wanted to know if ye could hand this to that Bayleaf that ye saw earlier.

Dart: What is it?

Adams: It's just a letter. Here ye are. Ye can read it if ye like.

Dart opened up the letter and saw Adams' pleased look. Then he read the letter.

Dart: ...

Adams: Well? What do ye think?

Dart: It just says "Die whore." ...

Adams: Maybe too much ye think?

Dart: Look, I don't want her thinking that I'm the one who wrote this letter...

Adams: Don't ye worry about that, she'll know it's from me.

Dart: well... ok...

Dart starting walking to the other end of the ship where the Bayleaf was, and ran into Yuri, who looked up at him.

Yuri: oy' Dart. How's the ship feeling to you? Not to rough?

Dart: I'm used to it.

Yuri: Ugh, is that letter for Bayleaf?

Dart: Yeah, how'd you know?

Yuri: It's this sick game of theirs, I don't understand why that slut likes threatening letters. Although I shouldn't complain, gets awful lonely on this ship out in the open sea.

Dart: ... um, what sick game?

Yuri: well, the cap'n writes a letter such as the one that you've got there, then he has one of his crew deliver it to the Bayleaf. Whenever the cap'n gives a letter such as that to the Bayleaf, it's an invitation to... well, I think you know.

Dart: I guess... hmm...

Yuri: Don't even think of disposing of that there letter neither, he'll just write another and have it delivered himself. And he'll be upset at you for being untrustworthy.

Dart: Kinda like a test eh?

Yuri: You can think of it that way, yes.

Dart: Well then I guess I better hurry along and deliver it. I'll be back this way in a moment.

Yuri: Right.

Dart continued walking to the other end of the ship, and then he came upon the crew cabin that goes into the ship. The Bayleaf must be inside. Dart started the walk down the stairs, and entered the door into the crew cabin, and he heard some noises. He heard them coming from the 2nd door on the right, so he went up and started listening.

Voice: *moan* nnn....

Dart: ...

There was definitely only one person in that room. He thought it might be the Bayleaf, so he knocked on the door.

Dart: Bayleaf? I've got a message for you from the Captain.

When Dart knocked on the door, the moaning stopped, and he heard the thudding of Bayleaf walking to the door. Then she opened it using one of her vines.

Bayleaf: ohhhh, you're that new boy. Have you come to keep me company?

Dart: uh... I uh just came to give this letter... to...

Bayleaf's eyes were milky, and were very alluring to Dart, he was having trouble thinking straight.

Bayleaf: well, read it to me.

Dart: uh, right!

Dart uncrumpled the letter, and then held it up and began to recite the words.

Dart: ... "Die... whore."

Bayleaf: Ugh, that man! I'll kill him!

Dart was pushed aside as Bayleaf ran up the stairs and thudded away to where the captain was. For being a game that she liked, she seemed awfully upset. Dart shut the door and walked back up the stairs, and Nina walked up to him, and pushed him. Not very roughly, but still it was a push.

Dart: Hey!

Nina tilted her head at Dart, and blinked at him. Dart is suspecting that Nina knows that he can understand Pokemon.

Nina: I know you can hear me. You can hear what Pokemon say, can't you?

Dart: ... what do you want? Stop staring at me that way.

Nina: you don't have to hide it, it's not like I can tell other humans about your ability to talk to us.

Dart: ... so I can understand you, what of it?

Nina: well, not many humans can understand us. In fact, you're probably the only one.

Dart: *whispering* on this planet...

Nina: huh?

Dart: nothing. Yes, I can understand what Pokemon say.

Nina: well, I'm glad. That gives me someone to talk to.

At first Nina didn't seem happy about having another trainer, but now she's starting to warm up to Dart. Nina seem pre-occupied with her thoughts, so Dart started to move away, but Nina grabbed his hand, and walked with him. Dart tried to get his hand free, but she wouldn't let go.

Nina: where are you from?

Dart: Uh... really far away. Little village you've probably never heard of.

Nina: what's the name of the village?

Dart: It's called Rokkaku. But I was actually born in a Hospital in a nearby city.

Nina: What is the city called?

Dart: it's called...

Dart was interrupted by Yuri

Yuri: oy', getting comfy with that new Blaziken of yers, eh?

Dart: hey man, she started it.

Nina: mmm.

Nina squeezed Dart's hand and nuzzled against his shoulder. Blaziken is over six feet, but Dart is just slightly taller. Blaziken wrapped her arm around Dart and hugged him.

Dart: eh...

Yuri: ha ha, you're a lucky man you are.

Dart: Why?

Yuri: You've got not only one, but two fire pokemon who follow you around everywhere.

Dart: two? Oh...

Dart forgot about Vulpix, who was sitting right next to his foot.

Dart: Hi Vulpix.

Vulpix: Hi!!

Dart and his current crowd were interrupted by the Captain shouting.

Adams: whoaaaah! make way!

Dart: ??

Bayleaf: I'll kill you!! Kill you kill you!

Yuri: He's gonna get it good tonight.

Dart had a frustrated look on his face.

Dart: I need a bath...

Yuri: ah, you're in luck then. Our bath was busted in a skirmish, but it's fixed now.

Dart: oh thank god, could you show me where it is?

Yuri: ah, it's easy. Just go down the stairs there, where you saw Bayleaf, and just keep walkin' straight until you see two big doors. The right side is for men, left is for women. Though we really don't have much need for two separate sides.

Dart: .... I'm gonna go now.

Yuri: right, good luck.

Dart: good luck?

Nina and Vulpix were still clamping to Dart, and he wanted to shake them.

Nina: C'mon Dart, you don't need to be bashful.

Dart: I really don't need help bathing thanks.

Nina dragged Dart to the baths. Vulpix followed closely. Dart was trying as hard as he could to get away.

Nina: Don't be so afraid Dart, it'll be fun, I promise!

Dart: I really... really...

Nina: shh shh, it's ok.

Nina started rubbing the back of Dart's neck, and he began relaxing.

Dart: ohhhh

Nina led Dart into the men's side. Vulpix splashed into the water, which was quite warm. Dart stopped before he got his clothes wet. He took off his overalls, and left on his underwear, still not being able to expose himself fully.

Vulpix: ooo, lookit him.

Nina: I know, impressive.

Nina and Vulpix were staring at Dart's various features, from his face to his crotch. Nina, being unable to say no to her instincts anymore, starts to grope Dart. Dart is taken a bit by surprise, but it feels so good that he doesn't want her to stop.

Dart: uh... ughn.

Nina led Dart to the marble floor, and she started to make out with him. Vulpix was staring at them, and was becoming aroused. The heat of the steam from the water, and the warmth of the floor were making the three of them sexually excited.

Nina: Vulpix, I'll keep Dart occupied while you "play" with him.

Vulpix: Yay! I get the best parts all to myself!

Nina wrapped her arms around Dart, while kissing and licking him all over his neck, lips, and shoulders. Dart could only lay back and relax as Nina gave him this treatment. Dart was more nervous about Vulpix, because he couldn't see her.

Dart felt Vulpix hop onto his knees, then she started to slowly walk up to his crotch. Dart, started to wiggle around from the feeling of her paws striding across his skin. Vulpix had finally reached Dart's crotch, and he felt Vulpix pressing her paws against his manhood. Dart's legs were quaking from the paw-job that Vulpix was giving him, and Nina was intensifying the experience with her French kissing.

Dart could now feel Vulpix's tongue licking his tummy, which made him squirm all over. After about 30 seconds of licking, Dart felt Vulpix tug on his underwear. Dart did nothing to stop it, he was anxious to experience what she had in store for him. Dart raised himself up using his legs to give Vulpix the ability to remove his underwear. Vulpix, using her mouth, slowly moved Dart's undies down to his knees. After that, he felt Vulpix move back in front of his Crotch.

Dart's heart raced as Vulpix reached his crotch again, because he knows that there's nothing there to stop Vulpix from having her way with his manhood. Dart could almost feel his heart leap out from his chest when Vulpix placed her tongue on the bottom of his dick, right above his sack. Then she wiggled her tongue around like a snake until her tongue reached his helmet. The pulsating pleasure around his body made him instinctually wrap onto Nina, and kiss her strongly and passionately.

Nina was a taken a bit by surprise, but responded by kissing him with the same intensity. Dart moved his hands down to Nina's butt and started to rub and squeeze her in that region. Dart looked into Nina's eyes, and noticed they were milky and sparkling, just like when Bayleaf was in heat. Dart could feel the desire coming from Nina.

Nina climbed up and sat down on Dart, right beneath his chest, and Dart could feel the wetness from Nina seeping onto him. This accompanied by Vulpix now suckling on the tip of his manhood drove Dart to a whole new level of anxiety he never felt before.

Dart could now see Nina spreading her clit apart with her hands, and she was massaging her inner walls, and Dart looked curious. Dart stared at her hands feeling herself up, and Nina had a different shade of red on her cheeks. The smile on her face and the overall expression she had reassured Dart that she was enjoying herself. Dart, wanting to know what it felt like, reached his hand up to her flower, and started to feel around it. Nina's hands stopped to allow Dart to go where he wanted, so Dart reached inside and felt the wetness and fleshiness of her walls inside. Nina let out a moan which made Dart stop, because he didn't know what was going on.

Nina: Don't stop Dart, keep going.

Vulpix: What's he doing?

Nina: He's fingering me.

Vulpix: Ooo! Me next!

Dart dug deeper into her clit, and rubbed all around. He could feel Nina squirming around his chest. Dart saw Nina rubbing her own chest with her hands, so he figured that he was doing it right. Dart couldn't feel Vulpix sucking on him anymore, but that didn't stop him from continuing to finger Nina. Dart moved his other hand up to Nina's crotch, and used both of his hands to please her, this made Nina tremble and moan loudly.

Dart saw Vulpix from the corner of his eyes, and she was watching him finger Nina. Dart looked over at Vulpix and smiled, then looked back up at Nina, and saw Nina bare her teeth, and she looked like she was trying hard not to shriek. Nina bent forward and held herself up on the ground, and Dart could feel her clit starting to moisten up even more. Nina's flower started to gush liquid, and Nina let out a loud shriek.

Dart: Nina, are you ok?!

Vulpix: Yes, yes. She's ok, that just means she's done.

Dart: done?

Vulpix: yes, when a girl is done having sex, that is what happens to her. Sometimes it happens more than once, depends on how good the male is.

Dart: oh, well, that's good.

Nina moved to the side of Dart, and laid down next to him, snuggling with him. Dart could tell that she was exhausted.

Vulpix: Ok! My turn!

Vulpix had a devilish smile on her face, and she turned around so Dart could see her clit. Vulpix had become quite wet from the experience Dart had with Nina. Dart grabbed onto her right, back leg and used his thumb to rub her clit, which made Vulpix yelp in a pleased way. Nina saw what Dart was doing, and she grabbed onto Vulpix's left, back leg, using her thumb in the same way Dart did.

Vulpix: Uggghn!!!!

Vulpix started to hyperventilate and squirm all around from the pressing of 2 different hands on her clit. Dart lifted up Vulpix's back leg into the air while pumping her with his thumb, and Nina raised the other side, doing the same. Vulpix was moaning loudly, and tears were running down her face.

Dart: you ok?

Vulpix: DON'T.... STOP!!!!

Dart: uh, right.

Nina giggled a little, and Vulpix squeaked from the sensation. Vulpix had kept herself balanced on her 2 front legs, but the pleasure was draining her energy. Vulpix, not being able to hold herself up anymore, fell to her face. Dart smiled, and pumped her strongly with his thumb, and Nina kept the same pace Dart had.

After about another 10 seconds, Vulpix let out one last scream, and then her flower gushed all over Nina and Dart's hands. Vulpix collapsed onto Dart's chest, and was recovering from the pleasure, her legs still quaking a little.

Nina gazed at Dart, and Dart's cheeks turned a bit red, and then Dart could feel Nina's talon grab onto and stroke his dick.

Dart: .... Ohhhhh.

Vulpix had regained her composure, and saw Nina stroking Dart, then she crawled up to his tummy, and reached out to his dick with her tongue. Nina saw Vulpix and then she lowered his dick to her mouth, and Vulpix started to suckle on Dart again. Dart wasn't quaking anymore, which made Dart fully enjoy the stroking and sucking of his partners. After a few moments, Dart started to feel his dick harden, and fill up with something. He was feeling anxious, he's never felt this before. His dick gushed out a juice he's never seen come out of it before, and his whole body filled up with pleasure from the climax. After his dick was finished gushing, his head fell to the floor and he began recovering from his experience. After about 2-3 minutes, Dart had the energy to speak.

Dart: That... was the most fun thing I've ever done in my whole life.

Nina: You see? I told you!

Vulpix: zzz.

Nina: heh. She must have passed out from exhaustion.

Dart: Yeah.

Dart couldn't make heads or tails of this situation. He was in an odd world with odd creatures. They have the ability to change your heart. He would never have done anything like this in his own world. He would have drawn his weapon and drove off whoever or whatever tried to make him do these things. He was getting used to the idea of being on this world, but something still troubled him. Why would a warrior from his world be sent to this world of peace? Not just one warrior either, but two. Dart began to think of Kane, and he recalled some of his past memories of his brother.


Kane: Dart, we must stay here to defend this village from outsiders while lords Mondo, Sasuke, and Kasumi are away.

Dart: But I wanted to go to Gregminster and visit my friend at the Tavern before he leaves!

Kane: ... well, go ahead and ask lord Hanzo if you can go.

Dart: ok, I'll be right back.

Dart ran across the village to lord Hanzo's house, and ran inside.

Dart: Lord Hanzo, sir may I please go to Gregminster and see my friend before he leaves?

Hanzo: Dart, we need you here in the village while our best warriors are away.

Dart: but... sir!

Hanzo: That is why you must be back before nightfall.

Dart: um, Yes sir! Thank you so much!

Dart went back to Kane, and informed him of Hanzo's decision. Afterward, he departed the village, and ran through the forest avoiding the bandits, tigers, and warriors that attacked people. When Dart reached the border guard, he jumped out of a tree and surprised the guards.

Varkas: Ugh! Dart, don't do that! I almost had a heart attack.

Dart: ha ha, sorry Mr. Varkas.

Varkas: hey, cut it out with that Mr. Crap, it's just Varkas.

Dart: all right all right. Varkas, can you take me to Gregminster? I have to visit my friend before he leaves tonight.

Varkas: Sure sure. I'll walk you there.

Varkas leads Dart to Gregminster, and after arriving, Dart rushes to the tavern and bursts inside.

Dart: Hiiiiii!!!

Dart's friend: Hey kiddo. You came just in time, I was just about to leave for Caleria tonight.

Dart: aw, no way I'd let you go without saying goodbye.

Dart and his friend got caught up in a conversation about all sorts of things. The things happening in Holy Harmonia, the war that just concluded in Gregminster, and how it seems the world won't spin without war. Dart said he wanted the City-State war to end soon, so that the three generals from Rokkaku would come home soon. His friend agreed with him, wishing the wars would someday end. Their conversation was cut short when a bunch of people started shouting at the other end of the room.

Man1: You stole those from me you degenerate!

Man2: I don't know what you're talking about you old drunk, get the hell out of here!

Man3: Yeah, leave the boss alone!

Man2: Idiot, don't call me boss in public.

Man3: oh yeah, sorry boss.

Man2: ...

Man1: return my listening crystals at once! They were a gift from my beloved son! They're all I have left in this world!!

Man2: Listen old man, I don't know what you're talking about, I bought these crystals from the rune shop, they're mine!

Man1: you rotten child! You stole those from me!

Dart's friend: What's going on here?

Man2: mind your own business cyclops, or you'll get hurt.

Dart's friend: hey, I know you, you're that crime boss everyone's been talking about. You're pretty stupid to come out into public, aren't you?

Man3: Hey, don't talk to the boss that way!

Man2: Jimmy, get this cyclops out of my sight.

Jimmy: You got it boss.

Jimmy grabbed Dart's friend by the arm, but a rune from his arm shocked Jimmy, and knocked him unconscious.

Man2: What the?! Was that a rune!? You damn cheat! Now I'm gonna have to hurt you the good ole fashion way!

The crime boss drew his sword, but Dart stepped in and slashed his sword away with his Katana. Then Dart held his Katana up to his face. No one noticed that Dart swiped something from the degenerate's pockets either.

Dart: That's not very nice, buddy.

Man2: You... you'll both pay for this some day!

He ran off, and the old man was broken down, crying on his knees.

Old man: Why... why did I have to grow old and weak? Now he has my son's crystals...

Dart: Nah he don't, here you go sir.

Dart opened up his palm and showed the old man his two crystals.

Old man: Oh! Bless you son, you got them back for me.

The old man took one of the crystals.

Old man: You keep that crystal, it's my way of saying thanks.

Dart: but... isn't it a memento of your son?

Old man: Oh... actually I just made that up! HA HA HA HA HA!

Dart had a frustrated look

Dart: ...

Old man: but they really do belong to me, I make these crystals. The one you have is a permanent one, if you put that around your neck, you'll be able to talk to animals. Keep that as a gift my boy.

Dart: wow, thanks mister.

Old man: no problem at all son, that burglar will have a real shock when he discovers you pilfered them back for me, heh heh heh! That's thanks enough for me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home now. I'm so tired.

Dart: yeah yeah, laters old man.

Dart's friend: That's quite an interesting crystal you got.

Dart: yeah, you want it? I really don't need it.

Dart's friend: Nah, you keep it to remember me by. I probably won't be back to Gregminster for a very long time. It's time for me to head back to Caleria now, it's nightfall.

Dart: What!? Oh crap, Hanzo is going to KILL me!! I promised to be back by nightfall!

Dart's friend: Ha ha, go then, hurry. Don't get punished on my account.

Dart: Yup yup, I know we'll meet again someday!

Dart ran towards the exit while his friend was preparing to leave.

Dart: I know you'll become leader of your own unit someday, Geddoe! Good luck!!

Geddoe: Thanks Dart, be good okay?

Dart: of course!

Dart triple timed back to Rokkaku, and made it back without another second to spare. There he shared his stories with Hanzo and Kane.


Dart snapped out of his dream, and he realized it was night time. Vulpix and Nina were sleeping soundly next to him. Dart pulled his listening crystal out of his shirt's pocket and smiled.

Dart: I wonder how Geddoe is doing... hope he made it back okay.

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