AGNPH Stories

Stars of Destiny by longshot


The Blue Phoenix

Dart managed to remove himself from the embrace of Nina without waking her up, and headed out on deck. Dart began remembering Rokkaku, and hoped everyone was ok. He really missed Hanzo's tea, and breath-taking displays of the ninja arts.

Adams: Couldn't sleep either, mate?

Dart: Nah, was just browsing through old memories. You got a fine ship y'know, never seen anything like it.

Adams: Ah, it's just a standard vessel, but I've made some "adjustments."

Dart: you mean you fitted it with cannons, right?

Adams: Right you are, mate. Never know when such things could be useful.

Dart: I noticed the plating on several spots of the hull were oddly colored, they're hiding the cannons, right? Pretty ingenious, but you'll eventually get found out.

Adams: Not a chance of that son, you'll find the people on this world are far too trusting.

Dart: I've noticed...

Adams: Young Mr. Dart, there's something I needed to ask you. What are those odd symbols on your hands and forehead? I've been unable to think of anything else, they're like nothing I've ever seen.

Dart: They're called runes. The runes are stored within crystals, which can be transferred to one of three body parts; those body parts being our hands or head. They're a lot like Pokeballs... only they hold energy instead of animals.

Adams: And... what do these runes do?

Dart: Depends on the rune. The one here in my left hand allows me to perform a technique passed down in my village. The one in my right hand... well that's a secret for now.

Adams: What about the one on your forehead?

Dart: ... you know, I haven't even seen it yet. Do you have a mirror?

Adams: Aye, this way.

Adams escorted Dart into the crew cabins, and into Adams' own chambers. Inside, the Bayleaf was sleeping peacefully, obviously from exhaustion. Adams showed Dart his mirror, and Dart approached it. When Dart reached the mirror, he did not like what he saw.

Dart: ... this... this can't be...

Adams: eh? What is it?

Dart: His rune! This is definitely my brother's rune! But... how come it's on my head and... oh man, I can't even think straight...

Adams: Calm down, I'm sure there's a good reason. It's probably nothing.

Dart: No Adams, the rune wouldn't just leave my brother's forehead. There's only one reason why it would...

Adams: ...well, mind sharing that reason with the rest of us?

Ok, at this point Dart and Adams got into a very long-winded conversation about true runes. For anyone who doesn't know the story, there are 27 true runes on Dart's world, and his brother owns one of them. That rune is now on Dart's forehead, which is strange..

Basically: Dart's brother Kane had the True rune of Space, which opens gates between worlds. That's how Kane got here in the first place, and then the rune left Kane's head and went to Dart's head, which is how he got there. This may seem all well and good, but there are several things wrong.

The first thing that's wrong, and it's the most important: The 27 true runes are what keeps Dart's world spinning. With the absence of one of the true runes, his world is at risk of ending.

The second thing that is wrong, is that Dart already owns a true rune of his own, so now there are two known true runes missing from his world. Not to mention that a human is NOT capable of sustaining two true runes, the only reason Dart's body wasn't ripped apart is because Dart's true rune is sealing away Kane's true rune until it can find a new host. This is a disaster!

Now, the third problem which is where the Pokemon world comes in: The only reason why the space rune would bring in two warriors, and two true runes to the Pokemon world, is because something really bad is happening. The outcome of those events will have a direct impact on Dart's world. The event in question is not known, but Dart suspects that when they reach Altomare, more questions will be answered.

Luckily enough, Adams can sense the ring of truth in Dart's words, so Adams offers to lend Dart his services until the problem in question is resolved.

Adams: So our first priority is to reach Altomare at top speed eh?

Dart: right, I have to find out what happened to my brother.

Adams: Ye may not want to know, if ye follow my meaning.

Dart: No, I must know the fate of my brother, whether or not he still breathes... I wish Hanzo and Kasumi were here...

Adams: That rune chose you Dart, so it's obvious that you were meant for this particular job.

Dart: ...Yeah, I guess you're right.

Adams looks over at Bayleaf.

Adams: It would be a good idea to keep this quiet. No one is to know of the things you told me. I would also like a demonstration of your runes magic, to see what we're up against.

Dart: You'll see its power for yourself soon enough. I know it.

Adams: What is the true rune that was bestowed upon ye?

Dart: Mine? It's... the true rune of Resurrection.

Adams: eh???

Dart: It has the power to bring the dead back to life. It can be very useful, If used properly.

Adams: How can it be mis-used?

Dart: well, do you know what kind of world this would be like if no one could die?

Adams: I'm afraid not.

Dart: It's not pretty, trust me. Imagine a world brimming with people, and not enough resources to sustain them all. Everyone would be dying of starvation, but wouldn't die because of the rune. That's why the rune chose me, because It knows that I wouldn't use its power unless I had to.

Adams: when would you have to?

Dart: well, to revive someone important. Like a Star of Destiny.

Adams: Star of Destiny? What's that?

Dart: That's a story that will have to wait for another day, I'm getting tired.

Adams: Argh, it is past midnight. You get to sleep, I have a hunch that we'll need you in top form.

Dart: A hunch?

Adams: Aye, my hunches are almost never wrong.

Dart: "almost" never huh?

Adams: Aye, "almost."

Dart: alright, I'm off to bed then.

Dart headed outside, and looked up at the stars. There were rays of light sparkling here and there throughout the night sky, and they drew Dart's eyes in a hypnotic fashion. He'd never known such beauty could exist in space.

Dart stared at the sky for a good five minutes when his hypnosis was broken by a cry he'd never heard before. Dart looked in the direction of the cry, and he saw a glorious blue colored phoenix. He couldn't take his eyes off of it, the magnificence of its feathers could sink the very ship he was sailing on. Dart noted however that it wasn't flying straight, and it looked like it was about to crash.

Dart was correct, the blue phoenix crash landed on deck, and tumbled. Dart cautiously approached the phoenix, and took a closer look at it. The phoenix was badly injured, there were lashes all over its body. Dart thought at first it could have been another Pokemon who did it, but a closer look showed that it was a sword that did it. Dart held the head of the creature to offer it some comfort. The Phoenix gazed into Dart's eyes, and it made an attempt to speak, but it only uttered a feeble cry.

The phoenix shut its eyes, and its head went limp. When this happened, Dart became aware of the creatures that were surrounding the ship, they started muttering to each other. Dart could see their glowing yellow and white eyes, some of them flopped up on deck and were staring at the phoenix. Apparently, the bird that he was holding was of some Importance.

He could make out some of the chattering: "What happened to her?" "This is horrible, if she dies, our world will be in trouble." "Was it this human? We should get rid of it!"

Dart put his hand on his weapon when he heard the monsters squishing, padding, and flopping closer. This was like something out of a horror movie. The monsters stopped approaching when Adams busted out on deck.

Adams: What's going on out here!?

Dart: Adams, stay where you are. These things are agitated.

Adams: Is that... Dart what have you done?

Dart: Me? I didn't do this, the bird crashed down this way.

Adams: Dart, that bird you are holding is no ordinary bird.

Dart: I can see that, what is it?

Adams: She is an Articuno, she governs an island known as Ice island. Though she does seem to be a bit far from home. Dart, I think you should get away from her, slowly. These pokemon are very ticked.

The monsters began shouting, thinking that Dart was the one who did this. The monsters began approaching Dart again, demanding that he leave Articuno alone. Dart placed her head on the ground, and started to back up a bit. The monsters were preparing to take Articuno with them.

Dart: What do you think you're doing? Who or whatever did this to Articuno is still at large, and won't quit until the job is finished. Articuno will be safer on this ship.

Monster: Be quiet, or I'll be forced to silence you. How dare you attack our lady?

Dart: I'm telling you, I didn't do this!

Monster: How can I believe the word of a human? Your kind have been known to lie.

Dart: Adams, if they take that Bird away, she'll be unprotected. She'll die for sure.

Adams: That won't do, that won't do at all. Bad things will happen if she dies.

Dart: Such as?

Adams: If a Legendary Pokemon dies, it would be the same as one of your 27 true runes dying.

Dart: Oh no no, I can't allow that.

Dart approached the monsters, and the lead monster stared him down.

Monster: Get away!

Dart: I can't let you take her, I'll use force if necessary. That's your only warning. Step away from Articuno.

Monster: Fiend! You dare challenge us!?

Adams: erm, Dart you sure that's wise?

Dart: I can take em' Take this!!!

Dart's left hand glowed for a second, then he disappeared and reappeared above Articuno. Dart grabbed Articuno, and jumped back, away from the monsters. Dart placed Articuno next to Adams for safety's sake.

The monsters were now enraged, and they started to charge at Dart. Dart drew his Katana and prepared to battle the Pokemon, not sure if he could fight all of them or not.

However, before the first blow could be struck, Articuno's eyes shot open and she expanded her wings and screeched. A cold wind blew, and stopped the Pokemon in their tracks.

Articuno: Enough! This human is not the one who attacked me. You all jumped to conclusions again.

Dart: Don't speak Articuno, you're not well.

Articuno: The one who did this to me was a man in Silver and gold lined armor, he was no ordinary man. His power, it was terrible.

Monster: Lady Articuno, you are not well, we must seek aid.

Articuno: there is no time. My subjects, you must dismiss your hatred for humanity, because you are going to help Dart in his fight against "him."

Articuno looked up at Dart, and Dart dropped to his knee and held her head up.

Articuno: forgive me Dart, my power was not enough to stop him, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you. I don't have much time...

Monster: no, my mistress...

Dart: enough, we're taking you inside to patch you up.

Articuno: That won't be necessary. I used all my energy just to fly here... I wanted to help you Lord Dart, but it looks like I can not. I'm terribly sorry, I was too weak...

Dart: ...

Adams: oh dear...

Articuno: Goodbye... my friends...

Articuno's head went limp again, but this time the glimmer on her body disappeared. She died from excessive blood loss. Dart was amazed that she had gotten this far, she must have been powerful. The monsters that were on deck, and out in the oceans were roaring and crying. Cursing the humans who had done this. Some of them were discussing destroying the ship so the humans on board would share the same fate as Articuno, but the lead monster tried to sway them otherwise.

Adams: Dart, you must use your rune.

Dart: Adams, you know I can't.

Adams: If you do not, then your mission will fail as well. Whatever did this is too powerful for us alone to fight.

Dart: I can't let anyone know about the power of the runes. If word got out about the power that I carry, then...

Adams: Dart... it is the only way.

Dart: ...

Dart looked down at the Articuno, and he knew that Adams was right for once.

Adams: All of you pay attention!!! HEY SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!!!

The monsters snapped to, and stared at Adams.

Adams: Listen, I give you my word that we can restore this Articuno to life. However, my young friend is very bashful and asks that you all turn around and close your eyes.

Monster: ... Is this a joke?

Adams: Well? What are you waiting for? All of you turn around and shut your eyes. You want to see your lady alive and well don't you!?

Dart: ...

Monster: ... can he really?

Adams: You have two choices, either you all turn around and close your eyes tightly, or she remains dead.

Monster2: ... what do we have to lose?

Monster: You're right. Ok, all of you turn around and close your eyes. Do as they say!

The monsters chattered for awhile, but some of the monsters out in the ocean turned around and closed their eyes. Then the monsters in front of them did so as well. Then in a circular domino effect, then turned about and closed their eyes. Then the ones on deck turned around and closed their eyes. Dart didn't see a single pair of eyes anymore.

Adams: Now, all of you begin clapping in unison and start...

Dart: Adams...

Adams: right, sorry.

Dart: Ok... I guess it's ok right? They can't see.

Adams: Right, so you can bring her to life now.

Dart: ok, looks like you'll get your demonstration.

Dart laid out Articuno so her arms were extended, head and neck were straight forward, and legs at an acute angle. She looked like a blue star. Then Dart backed up and put his right hand out and began concentrating. White, milky, sparkling orbs began circling around Dart while he chanted. The orbs stopped appearing, and Dart lifted his right hand into the air. Then the rune on Dart's right hand appeared over his head. It was a Cross with two angel wings, one on each side of the cross. Then the rune disappeared, and Articuno's body was lifted into the air.

Articuno's body was surrounded by a bubble of day-light, and then the bubble began to glow. Then the bubble shone and blinded Dart and Adams with it's glorious light. The bubble dissipated, and Articuno's body floated back to the ground. The scars on her body were gone, and a Glowing ball appeared above Articuno. The ball slowly lowered itself into her, and her body pulsated with the light from the rune. That ball must have been her soul. This is the first time Dart resurrected anyone, he looked in amazement as the rune worked its magic.

The glimmer that Articuno used to have was starting to re-appear. Her eyes opened half-way, and she looked up at Dart, and she smiled at him. She knew Dart was responsible for all this. Dart bent over and held her head up so she could speak.

Articuno *raspy*: I heard stories about you from your brother, I will apologize to him for not believing him.

Monster: My lady!!

The monsters all turned about and looked at the now alive Articuno.

Dart: you... you know my brother? No no, don't tell me now. You need rest.

Articuno rested her head against Dart's shoulder, and Dart started carrying her to the crew Cabin.

Adams: Take her to my room, she can rest there.

Dart: right, I'm going to need rest too, the seal my rune has put on the space rune is weakening. Wake me up if anything else happens.

Adams: right. You get some rest. I'll keep an eye out for tonight. Dart, you can rest in the room across from mine. Grab any open bunk, and sleep for god's sake.

Dart: yeah, yeah.

Dart carried Articuno down the stairs to Adams' room, the two monsters from before were following him, and one of the monsters opened the door so Dart could take her inside. Dart placed Articuno next to Bayleaf, who Dart could have sworn had woken up. She must be pretending to nap. Then Dart stumbled over to the room on the other side of the hall, but passed out before he could reach the door. Dart could feel his body being lifted up, but that's the last thing he felt before he completely checked out.

Nina: Can you believe it? I never knew our master could do such things with those markings oh his hands.

Vulpix: Yeah, makes him all the more attractive.

Nina: heh heh, I suppose so.

Yuri: wow, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen.

Vulpix: uh oh, dingus saw it too. We gotta do something to keep him quiet.

Nina: He won't say anything to anyone. He has nothing to gain from telling people.

Yuri: What the heck could the two of you be talking about?

Vulpix: Yes, but it would be prudent to take precautions. We should do something to ensure he never talks.

Nina: uh huh, you just need someone to play with while Dart's unconscious.

Vulpix: I have needs!

Nina: I'm gonna go check on Dart, you do whatever you want.

Vulpix: tell Dart I said I hope he gets better soon!

Nina: I will.

Nina went around the corner to go down the stairs, then she heard Yuri moaning.

Yuri: Ugh... uh-uh... UGHN!!

Vulpix: What?! You're done already!? Such a weakling...

Nina giggled and went downstairs, and she went up to Dart's door. She heard Dart making noises in his sleep.

Monster: Um, ma'am? The human boy was in terrible pain, and was muttering in his sleep. Then the green woman busted out of this room and went inside to check on him. I haven't heard the boy crying in pain, but you might want to see if he's ok.

Nina: What?

Nina went into Dart's room, and saw Bayleaf suckling on Dart's manhood.

Nina: Bayleaf! Dart needs to get better!

Bayleaf stopped sucking to say something.

Bayleaf: Actually, Dart looked like he was in pain, so I started to do this. He looks a lot better now.

Nina: Really? That's kinda weird, but ok.

Bayleaf: Wanna watch? Or... maybe join in?

Nina: well... I don't like doing it when he's unconscious. But if it makes him better, then I'll do it.

Nina went up and put her arms around Dart, stroking his face and hair with her talon. Nina licked his face, hoping with all her might that her master will wake up soon. Dart had a happy look on his face, which made Nina feel better.

Nina: It's a shame he can't be awake for this, I'm sure he'd love it.

Bayleaf: You're right, we'll have to do this again when he's awake.

Nina: Ha ha ha.

Nina went back to kissing him on the lips, and Bayleaf was using her vines to stroke him, and suckled on the helmet of his manhood. One of Bayleaf's vines was going behind herself, and Nina was wondering what for. Nina reached her neck up to look, and Bayleaf caught her eye.

Bayleaf: It's more fun than it looks, heehee.

Nina: really?

Bayleaf: yup, want me to let you have a feel?

Nina: I... I um...

Bayleaf stretched out a third vine, that snaked its way to Nina's legs, and she eep'd when her vine tickled her.

Nina: oh my...

Bayleaf: Like that? Hmm hmm, you'll like this more.

Bayleaf's vine went inside Nina and started to snake in and out of her clit, and the penetration made Nina squirm and moan.

Nina: oh yeah... mnnn...

Dart began mumbling in his sleep, he was enjoying himself within the safety of his dreams. His red, hard member being licked by Bayleaf. Nina was bracing herself against Dart's bunk bed, while Bayleaf was pumping her with Vinewhip. Nina moaned and groaned with the pleasure. Nina had never experienced being vined before, and she hinted that she would like to experience it again.

Nina was taken by surprise, when another one of Bayleaf's vines penetrated her. The two vines snaked around her inner walls, and she began to stiffen up when she climaxed onto her vines.

Nina: ohhhh... mmmm... NNNNNGH!!!

Bayleaf: You lasted longer than I thought you would. Now you do me!

Nina: Huh? I don't have vines.

Bayleaf: use your beak and tongue, silly.

Nina: Oh um... ok, sure.

Nina went behind Bayleaf, and placed her talons on her butt, rubbing her cheeks. Then Nina reached out with her tongue, and placed it onto her clit. Bayleaf didn't squirm one bit. Then Nina stuck her beak into Bayleaf and she whipped her tongue around. Bayleaf's tail started to waggle a little bit, and she bucked her hips up and down from the pleasure.

Bayleaf moaned a little, and that moan vibrated down onto Dart's cock, and Dart's body shivered a bit. Dart started to squirm after another minute's worth of suckling, and moaned as well. The stressed out look he had was completely gone.

Bayleaf's vines played with Nina a little. Nina giggled, which added to Bayleaf's pleasure. Bayleaf stiffened up, and moved Nina out of the way with her vines when she climaxed.

Bayleaf: Ahhh, that was fun. I've been done by beaks before, but yours is perfectly sized for my hole.

Nina: You've been around, eh?

Bayleaf: You better believe it. I honestly lost count of how many partners I've had. Ok, now come up here and help me lick up Dart.

Nina: Sure.

Nina went up and licked the topside of Dart's cock. Bayleaf responded by licking the bottom of Dart's cock. Bayleaf would intentionally snake her tongue around so that her tongue would touch Nina's tongue, which made Nina smile and giggle.

Bayleaf: Dart is about to blow.

Nina: What? But he's not... oh there it goes.

Just as Bayleaf said, Dart's cock bursts with his juices. The orgasm caused convulsions of pleasure. Dart had a relieved, and satisfied expression on his face.

Nina: How did you know he...?

Bayleaf: I've sucked a lot, and I mean a lot of men. After awhile, you can sense these things.

Nina: Women too?

Bayleaf: Nope, the sailors keep the women to themselves. This is my first orgy in months. Thanks by the way.

Nina: ha, no problem.

Bayleaf bent forward a bit and gave Nina a kiss, and Nina returned the kiss. Nina blushed, because this is the first time she's really mated with a female. Though, it wouldn't be her last time.

Nina and Bayleaf cuddled together next to Dart. Little did Nina know that Bayleaf was going to mount her, and pump her time and again with her Vinewhip. What did Nina have to say about that? Well, it went sort of like this: "what are you... ohhhh, mmm. That's nice~" Nina and Bayleaf went at it about three times throughout the night, and once more with Dart. Then One of the monsters that was guarding Articuno went inside to see what was wrong, and Bayleaf convinced him to join in. The only two who got any sleep were Articuno and Dart who were recovering from their ordeals.

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