AGNPH Stories

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-Full Circle by oneshotkill


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shadows, and something a little more Sinister

The moon cast it's quaint light across the treetops of the forest, the lightly blowing wind carrying the only audible sounds throughout the trees of the otherwise silent night, which clearly signaled distress. The first scene of this grand opera, if one were to address it as such, takes place in a clearing in the aforementioned forest.

Dappled beams of moonlight fell gently through the trees, illuminating three silhouettes, which, if one were to take a closer look, belonged to different pokemon. At present, two of the pokemon, the two largest in fact, were advancing maliciously towards the third.

The two antagonists, such as they were, were two fighting type pokemon, the first, a large humanoid with pale gray blue skin, which barely concealed large amounts of rippling muscle flexing rigidly underneath. A pair of black spandex and golden power-lifting belt were all that covered the lower extremities, while four powerful arms stretched outwards towards their intended prey. A Machamp.

The second pokemon was also humanoid, but was not even half as large as the Machamp. Though also a fighting pokemon, this pokemon was nowhere near as physically imposing as it's companion. Instead, this particular pokemon sported a slender build, the cost of overly developed mental prowess. Large red pants covered its legs, while it's head was covered by a similar looking headpiece. A Medicham.

The third pokemon, the one currently being cornered was the only quadrupedal pokemon of the three. It was a small, fox-like Pokémon with rusty colored pelt, burgundy pupil-less eyes and six orange tails. A Vulpix.

The Machamp was the first to speak., His voice a slow, booming baritone.

"Why the sudden change of mind? We told you the price for the mission, and we completed it, so now it's time for you to pay up."

The Vulpix bared it's teeth threateningly, though despite the little display of bravado, it was quite clear she was quivering with terror.

"And I told you, I refused! The price you were asking for the job, I'd be better off doing it myself!"

The Machamp sneered. His voiced boomed again.

"That may very well be, but it doesn't change the fact that we did the mission, nor does it change the fact that you owe us our demanded payment, does it, Lei?"

At this he turned towards his partner, who nodded vigorously, a perverted smile beginning to form on his face. His high nasally laugh rumbled within his chest, as he spoke telekinetically to the Machamp, but allowing the Vulpix to hear as well.

"Oh I'd say it's more than fair, in fact, if we didn't collect our payment, it would be like our little furry plaything here stealing from us, wouldn't it, Yon?"

Yon, the Machamp, nodded sagely at this, a serious expression on his face.

"And stealing from a member of team Poke Whores is a rather dangerous gambit, isn't it?"

Lei's screechy laugh rang out again.

"Oh, it's most dangerous indeed my dear Yon, it's a crime punishable by execution, if I'm not mistaken."

"Oh, that's just dreadful, isn't it?"

Yon turned back towards the Vulpix.

"Ok cutie, we'll make you a deal, we won't rat you out for your most heinous crime, if you mate with both of us."

The Vulpix snarled at this, she backed onto her haunches, waves of heat escaping her muzzle as she prepared a fire attack.

"And if I refuse?"

Yon and Lei glanced at one another, and then nodded. They turned back towards the Vulpix, and started advancing towards her.

"Who said you have any choice in the matter?" said Lei, his voice barely a whisper inside her head, his eyes narrowing dangerously. He turned to Yon.

"Grab her."

The Machamp advanced slowly towards her, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"You got it."

As he reached out towards her, she suddenly let loose a torrent of flame right into his face. His immediate reaction was to reel back, roaring in pain.



The Vulpix, however, was suddenly cut off mid-sentence as an aura of purple energy encircled her and hurled her into a rather large tree at an alarming speed, which she crumpled against with a muffled crack, causing her to yelp in pain.

Lei lowered his hands as he slowly advanced towards the fallen fire pokemon. His voice low and menacing.

"Your going to pay for that, nice and slowly. You will not enjoy it. It will be painful, and if, by the end of it, you aren't dead, you'll very much wish it were so."

He turned towards Yon.

"Are you alright?"

Yon removed his hands from his face, revealing cracked, blackened skin, which oozed blood in various places. His voice split the night, filled with rage.


Lei's eyes filled with malicious glee as he turned back towards the Vulpix.

"Do you see what you've done now? Since you ruined his lovely visage, I think I'll let Yon have his way with you first."

Her only was response was to whimper weakly as the Machamp stomped towards her, two of his hands undoing his belt and the other two removed his length from his spandex, all nine inches standing erect and ready."

Looming over her,Yon smiled viciously, his blackened face emitting disgusting cracking sounds as his burned flesh contorted.

"That's right bitch-" he whispered coldly. "Your gonna pay for what you did to me, and your gonna start by taking all this-" he trailed off, lowering himself onto the helpless female.

As the Vulpix lay in wait, cringing in fear and disgust at what was about to happen, she heard Lei's voice ring out in her mind.

"Wait, Yon."

The Machamp paused, growling in annoyance.


The Medicham ignored the shout, his head swiveling from left to right rapidly, his eyes darting around, scanning the surrounding trees.

"We're not alone."

Yon stared at his partner for a second, before throwing his blackened head back and letting out a short, coarse laugh.

"That's what you stopped me for, we're not alone? Come on Lei, our team owns this whole territory, and even if their was something stupid enough to wander through here, it's probably a Murkrow of some other piece of trash small fry."

Lei turned back towards Yon, and slowly shook his head.

"No, if it was something like that, I would have sensed it long ago, and whatever is here right now, is close. Too close for me not to have noticed."

He took one last look at the forest, before turning back to Yon.

"You stay with the girl."

"Where are you going?"

"To take care of our visitor. Don't touch the girl until I'm back."

Yon growled impatiently

"Fuck that! I'm not waiting any longer, I'm giving this little bitch what she's got coming to her!"

Lei stared at Yon for a moment, when he spoke again, his voice was barely a whisper.

"Do not touch the girl until I come back Yon." he said, his eyes glinting menacingly.

Yon paused for a moment.

"Ri-right." He mumbled

And with that, Lei disappeared into the forest.


Yon shifted around restlessly, his erection rubbing against his spandex uncomfortably. He sighed angrily.

"What the fuck." He muttered to himself

"Lei should've been back by now, where the fuck is he? He needs to hurry the fuck up so I can have my fun."

With this he glanced back at the Vulpix, who hadn't moved at all since having been thrown into the tree. He shrugged.

"What the hell?" he thought to himself "What Lei doesn't know won't hurt him."

He walked up to the Vulpix, grinning to himself.

"Well honey-" he said as he kicked her in the abdomen, sending her crashing into the tree again. At which she yelped weakly. "Looks like you and me our finally going to get to have our fun"

Before he could descend on the helpless fox pokemon, he heard a soft snapping noise behind him. He turned around, but couldn't see anything.


The only response he received was another twig snapping.

"Lei, is that you? Come on man quit fucking around!"

Another snap.


A soft rustling noise in the trees to his left caught his attention. He whipped around only to notice a round object roll out of the bushes nearest to him. Cautiously, Yon trudged up towards it. Clouds had drifted over the moon, preventing any light from reaching the shadowy area where it lay. He bent over to get a closer look. Suddenly, the clouds parted , allowing pale light to brighten the area,

It was Lei's Head.

For 30 seconds or so, Yon couldn't quite comprehend what he was seeing. There was no way that the object in front of him could be his partners severed head. His eyes had to be lying to him. It didn't quite hit him until he smelled the blood. That's when he panicked.

A primal scream escaped his throat, terror causing him to release his bowels, the putrid stench of blood mixed with his excrement causing bile to tickle his throat. He turned to flee, and that's when he froze.
From the trees on the opposite end of the clearing a shadow of pitchest black emerged. It stalked forward, slowly, almost lazily. Yon backed away in fear, his back eventually meeting resistance as he was stopped by the very tree he had left the Vulpix under. When it was about twenty feet away, the shadow stopped, and opened it's eyes. That's when Yon realized, as blood red orbs stared into his own, that he was looking at an Umbreon, or at least what he thought was an Umbreon. It looked much to big to be one, standing roughly four feet tall. Also, instead of the lithe and slender form that most of the Eon pokemon adopted after evolution, Yon could see bunches of tightly packed muscle enveloping each limb, the neck, and the chest. Finally it spoke.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" it said cheerfully.

"Wh-who-what- are you?"

The Umbreon stared at him for a moment.

"Just someone passing through, I heard screams, so I'd though I'd see what all the fuss was about."


The Umbreon inclined it's head quizzically. A frown crossing his face.

"Something...killed your partner?"

Yon nodded vigorously.


The Umbreon tilted it's head again. The same frown on it's face.

"And why would you need to do something like that?"

Yon roared in fury


The Umbreon glanced to Yon's left, an eyebrow arching when he saw the limp form of the Vulpix laying there.

"What happened to her?"

Yon shook his head in disbelief.

"Who gives a fuck about her? We need to get out of here now so we can kill the fucker who-"

The Umbreon cut him off.

"There's no need to leave."

"What do you mean, no need!? OF COURSE WE NEED TO LEAVE!"

This time, the Umbreon simply smiled. He spoke without opening his mouth, his words being psychically amplified within Yon's mind.

"Tell me... your partner, was he a Medicham?"

Before he could respond, the Umbreon's rings flashed to life, pale white circles illuminating the clearing like spotlights. It was then that Yon was able to see what dark fur had failed to reveal. The Umbreon was covered in blood that was most likely, if Yon had to guess, Lei's. As Yon gazed on in disbelief, the Umbreon smiled softly.

"I guess our little charade is up eh?"

Yon couldn't bring himself to reply as he stared in mute horror. The Umbreon's rings slowly dimmed, leaving only the dark type pokemon illuminated.

"So I'll ask you again-" He snarled, his tone making Yon's mind ache. "What's up with the girl ?"

Yon shook his head silently, tears running down his face, hands held out in front of him, mutely begging for mercy. The Umbreon simply stared at him, it's eyes flickering dangerously.

"Well ?"

Despite the abject terror he was feeling, Yon somehow managed to find his voice.

"Do you know who I am ? What team I'm apart of ? Who this territory belongs to?"

The Umbreon's voice turned cold.

"I am well aware, more than you know, I'm sure. Which is why I'm going to let you live, because I have a message for your leader. And you pathetic excuse for a team. Your going to go run and tell Bondage that 'One is still alive, and he hasn't forgotten.' And then your going to tell her what happened to your buddy over there-"

He gestured to Lei's head,

"-and tell her that is the fate of any member of team Poke Whores that I come across."

The dark type pokemon stared at Yon for another moment before turning away.


As Yon turned to leave , the Umbreon, spoke once more. This time using his voice.


Yon froze.

"-I think I'll tell the bitch myself."

Before the Machamp could say another word, an orb of purple and black energy shrieked towards him, and he only had an instant before his soul embraced oblivion.
Chapter End Notes:Meh, I hope some of you liked reading that, because it was a real chore to write. Hopefully the rust comes off soon so I can get a rhythm going. Whatever, if you liked this chapter (or hated it), let me know! Just take a minute or two out or your day and write me a review! until next time, This is OneShotKil
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    Reviewer: poke_fan2
    Date:Feb 12 2015 Chapter:Shadows, and something a little more Sinister
    If anybody is wondering why Sea Forest Fire has not been updated in so long, it's because I somehow lost access to Poke Fan, even after changing the pass word several times. It keeps saying the account doesn't exist, or the password is wrong. So I'm going by Poke Fan 2 now.

    Good work on your story, by the way. ^_^