AGNPH Stories

The Mission That Changed Everthing by thewriter


Story Notes:

This is a Semi-Multiple Chapter story. If you don't know what i mean from semi-multiple, then check my bio but enjoy the story.

Chapter 1

The male Pikachu and the female Cyndaquil have been through so much together, joining the Guild that helps Pokemon in need and making their mark in history as team "Team Legend". Part of this was learning about Cyndaquils past as a human, that turned into a Pokemon by accident and saving the world twice. First with Dusknoir and him trying to stop Grovyle from collecting all the time gears that would of caused the world to go into a internal darkness and after that, Darkrai tried to continue where Dusknoir left off, but Pikachu and Cyndaquil have stopped him too. Now Pikachu and Cyndaquil live a quieter life, Cyndaquil evolved into a Quilava and stayed as one, Pikachu remained a Pikachu, just because he liked the way he was. They live on the far end of Treasure Town, in a small underground cave that is carved into the mountain. The end of the mountain was flat and pointed and over looking the ocean, a few feet down the mountain was a huge opening with sharp teeth like rocks sticking up about one foot off of the edge and also the top of the opening had the teeth rocks and from a short distance the whole edge of the cleft looked like a sharpedo. Inside their were two beds made of hay, a small water fountain made of rock in the left corner of the room and a few storage boxes on the right. Its sunrise right now and they overslept, Quilava just woke up, realizing they were late, she tries to wake up Pikachu. Once she did that, they both would go to the Guild to receive their next mission from the Guildmaster (who's the leader or commander of the Guild).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pikachu..... Pikachu....come on Pikachu, we over slept we gotta go to the guild. Theirs a new mission the Guildmaster wants us to explore." Quilava said, Pikachu grunts waking up slowly, tossing out of his hay bed to the left and hitting his head on one of the rock teeth, he doesn't care though and in a desperate attempt in trying to go back to sleep his wraps his arms around it and pressing his left cheek against it, mumbling "In few....minutes..." Quilava gets a dead serious glare in her eye and starts to hit Pikachus mid-back violently "come on! We need to get to the Guildmaster..., don't skrew this up for me!!" She starts to rock his whole body side to side, letting out a childish whimper. "Pika....Pika......come on..." Pikachu look out in to the distance, watching the ocean move side to side from her shakes, he starts drooling and with a complete bored expression on his face, thinking about the sex dream he had but he finally gives in to her shaking. He gets up pushing his arms as high as they can get and arching his back, moaning as he stretched. Pikachu grunts again and pops his neck by turn his head to the left and then to the right, he scratched his head with his right paw, looking out into the sunrise.... but his eyes widened as he felt something strange between his legs. He looked down and sees his seven inch cock half hard.

Blushing he quickly he covers it before Quilava could notice. Curiously by the sudden action Quilava looks over his shoulder "Pika..? Are you okay?" Pikachu quickly turns over to the his belly, blushing madly "I-I'm fine..just give me a minute" The Quilava tilts her head to the right in confusion "umm... okay" she grabs her bag filled with items and the wonder map.. The Pikachu calms himself making his cock go back into his sheath, he turned around quickly and with a smile."All set?" Pikachu asks, Quilava shoves down a bunch of revives and a blast and a few other items. " done!" She says, while looking up at him with a smile and puts her bag across her waist. Pikachu does the same, fixes his hay bed and looks around the room wondrously, making sure that they did miss anything.

He happily walks to the thirteen foot wood ladder and climbs it quickly on all fours. Quilava walks on all fours too behind him, she puts one paw on the ladder, then she looks back to make sure Pikachu didn't miss anything and making sure her diary was safe under her hay bed. It was, but their was a tip of it sticking out, she shrugged figuring it'll be fine. Pikachu looks down the hole and spits down in it as any pokemon would do but after he spitted he shouted "Are you coming, you know you forced me to get up because are mission from the Guildmaster and now your the one holding us back" She looks up with a slight frown, know that he was right. "yes sorry... I'm coming" She said while climbing up the ladder on all fours and smiles at Pikachu with a light blush when she gets to the top.

Pikachu tilted his head very slightly, with a confused look he asked if she was okay. She nodded and walked with a average pace into town. Pikachu shrugged and followed her, he ran on all fours to catch up to her and then walked on two feet once he got to her. They walked by the Storage Center and then the Egg Care Center. For Pikachu it seemed to be a never ending walk, but they reached the Spinda Cafe at the base of the stairs of the Guild. They went inside and ordered two "Perfect Apple Juice" and then they sat down at a open table and drank the drinks. The flavor for Pikachu was almost too much to bare without moaning or whimpering about from the perfect texture and flavor of the drink. Quilava shared the same feelings about the drink, she closed her eyes enjoying every sip of it. When she opened them back up she saw two other members of the Guild at their table. Sunflora and Loudred, a little surprised to see them together and not fighting because their total opposites with each other.

Shes wins everything by facts and knowledge and he wins everything by force, in fact the only thing they share is that they win everything but they both stared at Pikachu and Quilava and they stared back. Finally Pikachu broke the silence saying "Ugh..... can we help you..?" It went quiet again until Sunflora said "Yes... we heard that you were assigned to the Marine Resort mission and we both thought that you might want these." She reaches deep into her bag, only to pull out two sets of cotton balls, Pikachu and Quilava looked at each other confused and gave the look to Sunflora and Loudred. "Uhm.... thanks I-I guess.." Quilava said in a gentle voice, trying to sound as if they would have use for them. Sunflora shivered a little, Quilava held her hand with her paw but Sunflora quickly withdraw, since Quilava was fire type and Sunflora was grass. Sunflora shook off her shivers and simple said "Those are for your nose, when you get to floor eighteen of the "Marine Resort" put these in and try not to breath through your nose.

Pikachu didn't question why and took the cotton balls, so did Quilava. Sunflora smiled and wished them both good luck on the mission, Sunflora nudged Loudred that it was time to go, he got the message and got up from the table acting cool. He lifted his chin as a way of saying goodbye to another dude. Pikachu acted the same way and gave him a chin up and saying "later...". "I think its time to get are mission Pikachu." Quilava said eagerly, Pikachu nodded and got up from the table and swayed to the entrance, Quilava followed and grabbed her drink before she left. When they got to the top they headed up the stair that lead to the entrance to Guild and they got their they saw the big tent that shaped like the head of a Wigglytuff with two short arm like figures on the sides of the tent and in the middle of the tent is a opening was a stone ladder that lead to the bottom levels of the Guild.

When they arrived at the gate, they step on the caged hole in the ground to read their foot prints. They both stepped on the caged hole together since their both small enough for both to be on it and Diglett (the pokemon that reads the foot prints) let them in. They then quickly climbed down the ladder, to see a Wigglytuff waiting for them. Pikachu sighed seeing the Guildmasters face, not because he had a problem with it, it's just that he has the same look everytime they see him. The Guildmaster runs to the Pikachu and hugs him tightly, yelling, "NO Sighs.... NO Sighs.." His grip almost crushed Pikachu from his huge body against Pikachus small one. Pikachu squirmed around trying to get out of his death grip, begging for him to let him go, but the Guildmaster didnt listen and just hugged him tighter. The Quilava just stood their laughing and mocking Pikachu in his pain.

The Guildmaster finally let of Pikachu, he quickly fell back onto the ground hard, struggling to get up, he collapes once to the floor again after he was almost straight up again. Regained feeling in his back and hide behind Quilava, hoping that she would protect him but he knew the whole time that she would hand him over on a silver platter, if it met seeing him in pain and getting to monk him about it. Quilava helped him by giving him a Oran berry and letting him sit down for a moment. Quilava held out her paw waiting for the mission assignment, but the Guildmaster and with his strange attitude, he made a random funny face by placing his paws on his cheeks and squishing them. Pikachu and Quilava looked at him just with a smile, since they were used to this side of him, they weren't creeped or surprised by his behavior. He continued to making that face and at that moment Chatot flew in (Guildmasters assistant) the room, wondering why we were still here. Pikachu and Quilava greeted Chatot and answered his question by just pointing one finger at the Guildmaster doing his face gesture. Chatot grumbled to himself about the Guildmasters attitude, because they too were opposites, Chatot was a smart and wise pokemon and the Guildmaster who was the mentally challenged Pokemon. Guildmaster still making the face and the whole guild staring at them, Chatot quickly snagged the assignment letter from the Guildmasters hand and gave to them, they gladly accepted they mission but before they got to open the letter Chatot pushed them to the the ladder, yelling. "Quickly go.. you being here its drawing to much attention" Both of them were confused, thinking about what kind of attraction could they be attracting. Pikachu got to the ladder first and obviously the first one to climbed it, Quilava follow behind him.

When they got to the top of the guild entrance, Pikachu tear it open with one of his claws and pulled out the message. The message simply read: "Hello Team Legend.... I heard lots of rumors of all these great thing you've done. Like save the world from Dusknoir and stop Darkrais evil plan but I was hoping you could do this simple mission for me. I want you to go and get whats called a "Sweet Nectar" its a extremely rare item of mine and can be very dangerous if a Pokemon uses its in the wrong purpose. I dropped it in "Marine Resort" and its on floor nineteen. Please hurry!!! I reward you with all my money and any gummy you want. Sincerely: Vulpix"

Pikachu looks at Quilava a little concerned "Its the Marine Resort, so.. its all those Pokemon there are water type their.. so you can be seriously hurt" Pikachu said, Quilava blinked and friendly punched his right shoulder "haha you underestimate me, thank you for your concern though but I'll be fine" she said but Pikachu still had a concerned look on his face replying to her statement. "Alright... if you think you can handle it, then I wont stop you.." She smiled and walked down the stairs quickly from the Guild, about half way down she looks back up and shouts "Are you coming" He looks down locking eyes with hers. "ya.. I am" He replies, Pikachu starts to walking towards her slowly catching up. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, they took a left and headed into the forest.

One hour later....

"Okay were here.." Pikachu said as the waves of crashed around them. Quilava looked around seeing the very flat, white sandy beach, with very little grass. The sky was clear with a gentle breeze coming from the ocean to land and the sun was beating down but Pikachu didnt mind and Quilava loved it. Quilava loved the scenery but secretly scared of the water, she didnt speak of it because she didnt want worry Pikachu but they continued walking through out the resort, making sure that they're drawing attention to themselves. They were going through floor after floor without any problems, after a while they were getting closer to the nineteenth floor. They got to the end of the eighteenth floor and they remembered what Sunflora said.

They took about the cotton balls and put them in their noses, pikachu giggled as the inside of his nose tickled from the cotton balls, Quilava chuckled her self but unfortunately since shes fire type the heat from her nose turn the cotton balls to ash. Unaware of what happened she sneezed the ash out and continued to the nineteenth floor. After a few minutes Quilava looked back at the Pikachu curiously, asking "Hey Pikachu?" Pikachu raised his head , looking at answering her with a funny voice because of the cotton balls at her, tilting his head. "ya.....?" She stopped and put her nose in the air and sniffed the air.. "Do you smell that?" The Pikachu stops and and puts his nose in the air as well, he tries to sniff the air but doesn't smell a thing from the cotton ballsl "no.....? why what do you smell".She closes her eyes and continues to smell the air with passionate... "It something.... sweet..........." She said lustfully. Pikachu concerned, he shook her body, trying to snap her out of her trance, It didn't work.

Pikachu looked around trying to find the source of what shes smelling, he shortly gave up and went back to the method of shaking her, then he started to shout her name but that still didnt have any effect. Quilava still lost in her daze, Pikachu has no choice but to pick her up and continue with the mission. She sniffs the air slowly and lustfully as she was in his arms, her juices continued to drip in his arms. He blushes madly knowing whats shes going but he also knows that she has no idea. In his airs he continues to shake her rocking her like a baby hoping that it might scare her out of it but still no luck. As they continued walking through the floor, Pikachu dragging his feet through the sand, he noticed deeper they went into the nineteenth floor, the more moans and lustful she had become, it got to the point where her pussy was literally having a three second pour.

He kept close eye on her expressions and could tell that he was close to the source, suddenly he trips on a root from a near by palm tree and falls to the ground, he had a loose grip on her so she fell a few inches forward. He lands on her but he blushes extremely when he sees where he landed. He backs up and sees that he landed right on her pussy, he then looks at her, watching her moan lustfully. She arches her back and lets out the loudest moan out of all of them and her juices shoot out of her spraying him down with it. He couldnt help it but some of the juices sprayed into his mouth, the taste of it filled his mouth and drove his tongue crazy for more. He looked at her as her jucies still flooded out of her, he started think all of these thought that he could do but they were so wrong that he couldnt believe he was even considering them.

He quickly looked away from her, thinking if it was out of sight out of mind but he was sadly wrong, the thought remained and teased him about doing it. He didnt want to but he wasnt sure if he could stop himself either. They a sharp happy thought popped into his mind, he rubbed his fur with his paws and then licked his paws clean, fulfilling that need. He turns his attention again back to her, trying to figure out what to do. He had the thought of taking the cotton balls out and smelling what she was but he disagreed to that thought when he realized the chance that he could end up like her. He continued ahead a few feet and he hears a faint calling. "Where is it" The voice said, from where Pikachu was, he could already tell the voice was famine. He walked closer to the voice, as he did the saying got louder. "Give it to me..! Give it to me!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" He was able to track the voice behind a bush, he pulled down the branches and sees a Blastoise masturbating deeply.

Pikachu a little shocked and surprised backs up quickly but it was too late, the Blastoise took notice of his presents and walks out of the bushes angrily. She kept saying the same thing "Give it to me..." Pikachu began to get the feeling that she wasn't mad from me seeing her in heat but her thinking I have the item. Pikachu backed up to Quilava prepared to protect her with his life. The Blastoise pointed her blasters at them both, Pikachu had to think quickly and in a few moments he made a plan. "Its over here... let me go and get it..."Pikachu said calmly and innocently, the Blastoise snarling and twitching... watched as the Pikachu walked away from Quilava, keeping her out of the way of the cannons. Pikachu walked behind a rock and pulled out a warp seed and a what was left of the "Perfect Apple Juice" drink, he then walked back out from the rock, hiding the warp seed behind his back and holding up the apple drink."Its right here... whatever your smelling this is it.." Pikachu said with the same voice, trying not to provoke the Blastoise.

The moment the Blastoise saw the cup of apple juice she grow extremely impatient and charges her cannons "GIVE IT TO ME!!!" She screamed, thinking it was the "Sweet Nectar" Pikachu hands over the apple juice and at the same time he throws the warp seed at her. As soon as he did that he ran back to the Quilava as fast as he can, he picks her up struggling under her weight, and how weak he is from everything that has happened to him today, her pussy still dripping her juices and smelling the air. At that moment the Blastoise reappears a few feet in front of them, Pikachu stops dead in his tracks and starts backing up quickly.

The Blastoise looks at the Pikachu with a killer looking her eyes, she bends over and charges her cannons for a hydro-cannon, it didnt take long to charge and it quickly shoots at him. Pikachu throws Quilava to the right of him, away from the shore and takes the full blast of the hydro-cannon. The force of the blast was so great that it caused him to fly back into a rock wall. Pikachu cringed from the pain but quickly used thunder. It was a direct hit but the Blastoise acted as it nothing happened, Pikachu used extreme speed to get away from the wall, knowing if he got trapped that it was the end of them. Blastoise took a battle stance and shot another hydro-cannon, Pikachu missed most of it but his feet took some heavy damage.

The hydro-cannon made his feet numb and unusable, he started pulling himself back with his arms but he wasn't quick enough. The Blatnoise was inches away from him, with her cannons pointed directly at him, he widened his eyes as he saw the cannons start to charge, he let out a scream of help by anyone. The cannons shot the hydro-cannon and Pikachu flinched but didn't feel any pain, he looked up and saw that the Quilava Shielded the whole attack. Pikachu completely shocked "A-Are you okay Quilava...." She looked back at him with tears flooding her eyes "I'm fine... but are you okay.. did any of it..." She collapses and faints before she even could finish her sentence.

Pikachus eyes filled with tears, crawling to her and holding her limp body in his arms. The Blastnoise didn't care for the current situation and charged another hydro-cannon. Pikachu looked down away from the Blastnoise and looked at the Quilava. "Shes always been their for me...I owe her so much and have done nothing to repay her." Pikachu starts to think of all the past memories that they've been through together and all the touching moments they had. His tears falls from his face and lands on the Quilava but shortly evaporating from her body heat. "And now all I can do is cry over her.... I feel so helpless..." The Blastnoise charges the cannons to their full power, she growls and mumbles "give it to me..... give it to me...!!!" Pikachu reaches into his bag and pulls out a escape orb, he then looks at the Blastoise with a deep angry look. He wanted to avenge Quilava but he know in his heart it would be a waste of time and energy.

He then throws the "Escape Orb" on the ground activating it, as it activates she shoots a hydro-cannon but they escape seconds before they took any damage. They reappeared at the entrance of the "Marine Resort", he sighed about failing the mission and he caused Quilava to get hurt but indirectly. Pikachu picked her up and carried her home, think about how she broke out of the trance. Was it because he was in danger or did she stopped smelling the air for some reason. Pikachu shrugged, knowing that she would tell him when they got home.

One hour later...

Pikachu carries her all the way to her hay bed, he gentle lays her down on it and walks over to the storage boxes in the opposite end of the room. He takes out eight lava rocks, he puts four of them in the fountain, to heat up the water and he puts the other four on her soft, silky, fur to help her relax and heal faster, then walks back to the fountain, soaks a towel in it and places it on her head. He quickly looked out the opening to see a quickly glimpse of the red, blue, yellow and purple sky and watches as the sun slow moves down over the horizon, bring day with it. While he was caring for her he stepped on something odd and uneven with the ground, he looked down and saw a tip of a book sticking out. Curiously he pulled it out and read the top of the title "The Diary of Quilava." He raised a eye brow as he looks at her then at the book again, he opened it to the last page and read her last few entries.

"Dear diary: today was another great day... and also a bad one. The great part was that we completed are mission and me and Pikachus bond together has grew even stronger but this also is the bad news.... He still doesn't show any sign that he has the same feeling for me, that I have for him. I know it in all my heart that..... I love him... I can't tell him though because hes seem... so traditional... I mean he seems the type to be mates with his own species of Pokemon...and I respect that... its just that its so hard... to be with him and not show how I feel for him.... but we'll just see what happens in the future."

Pikachus eyes widen, with the feeling of regret and stupidity for not noticing how she felt about him. He closes the book and sets it down, without noticing Quilava waking up and looking at him in her bed. "You read it, didn't you.." She said in a soft and embarrassed voice, Pikachu turns around trying not to act like he did. "haha read what...?" He said trying to kick the book away with his feet but a light bulb clicked in his head, remembering about what she said in her diary and how that he didnt show any sign about liking her. He know that this was his chance and he took it, he sighed and bent down to pick up the diary. When he did, he looks into her eyes and with a sweet gentle voice he tells her. "I did read it, and you know what?" His voice starts to hesitate and turns lagy, as he tries to tell her the true feelings about how her loves her too. "I-I...I love you too....." He says quickly just to get it over with. A loving smile grow on her face and she walked up to Pikachu and falls on him, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He smiled too, hugging her with a loving passion.

She cries from joy and look around the cave, watching as the light faded. Once it was pitch black or black enough where you couldn't even see your hand in your face, Pikachu felt a warm tingling in his mouth, something soft and wet wrestling his tongue, it also had a smooth gentle suck to it. The moon began to rise from where the sun settled. The moon light slowly filled the room, Pikachu looked in front of him trying to figure out what he was feeling. Once the moon was fully in the sky, Pikachu had enough light to tell that Quilava was kissing him. He blushed lightly. She then pulled away with a trail of drool that follow and taking a light gasp of air. Pikachu pulled off the drool trail and hugged her with a smile. He closed his eyes rubbing her back as she did the same but then she giggled as she felt a poking in her stomach. "Haha hey... Pikachu? How are you poking me with both your hands on my back?" She said happily but also a very small hint of lust, because she already knew but she wanted Pikachu to say it.

Pikachus eyes shot open, blushing madly and thinking of a way to get out of the situation. He backed up a inch or two and saw a seven inch, red canine like cock throbbing in her face. Pikachu taps his two index fingers together, embarrassed from whats happening, he trying to think of a excuse but she starts panting softly on it. His eyes widen, and looks down watching her mouth gets closer to the tip. She sticks her tongue out and gently licks the tip of it with a little such to it. Pikachu moans a moans lustfully, with the strongest temptation to push her head into it but he didnt want to rush it. She continued licking the tip not long before she started licking the shaft, she licked slowly and lustful, moaning as his per-cum starts to run down his cock.

He lays down on his back, against the hay bed, she climbed laid down as well and continued licking his shaft and the sides of his cock. He arches up, watching her lick it lustfully, she works her way up again and puts the head in her mouth. She blushes and slides down five inches of his seven inch cock in, shes chocks a little and slides the rest of the two inches in. "Gah....." Pikachu moaned as he puts one his right paw on her head and uses his other arm to prop him up. She lifted her head up and he pushed it down, she grinded her tongue against his shaft and had a slightly rough suck to it. She continued bobbing his cock but Pikachu wasn't helping anymore but he still had his paw on her head, he was just going along with her bobbing.

Pre-cum and drool started to drip out of her mouth as she started to deep throat his cock. She heated up her throat with a "Ember" in her stomach, he moans as the gentle heat tickled his cock, he pulled the cock out of her mouth and panted heavily, watching her saliva and pre-cum was pouring off of it. Quilava looked at him confused, tilting her head she asks "Did I do something wrong?" Pikachu chuckles and replies to her, "haha no.. no.. its just I got a better idea that will satisfy us both. She sat up waiting for him to show her what his idea was, so he turns around facing her, she looked down on him and he looked up at her and crawled a little further.

She had a sudden jolt and moaned as he sucked her pussy. She bent down over his cock and started deep throating it again. Her pussy dripped hot juice in his mouth sucking as hard as he could making sure that he didn't miss a drop. He breathed on her pussy slowly making of her juices pour out, she moaned "I'm... I'm cumming...." He panted saying the same thing. She started bobbing his cocky quickly, pre-cum and slavia splatted everywhere and he took the tips of his claws and separates the slit, digging his tongue in her. She moaned as she clinched preparing for her orgasm, he licked up and down her pussy, stroking her fur at the same time. She arched her back, letting out a giant moan and the hot juice got even hotter, it shot into his mouth and the back of his throat, filling up his mouth after a few gushes. The bare thought of what just happened overwhelmed him and he came too. He swallowed it all in a few gulps and let out a gasp, she cringed as the mixture of sweetness and bitterness filled her mouth, she swallowed it what she could and opened her mouth, having strings of it from the top of her mouth to her tongue, she then lets out a small flamethrower, burning any cum still in her mouth. He goes soft again and props against one of the walls in the cave, she follows and nudges her back in his stomach area. She stretches up and kisses him deeply for moment before she falls asleep. He stretches his paws out and lays them down over her chest, he then lays his chin on top pf her head and falls a sleep.
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