AGNPH Stories

Buizels brand new problem by implements73


Story Notes:

Buizel finds out about adult issues sshortly after puberty hits home.

The Informative Parent

The Informative Parent

Buizel awoke pretty early the next day, questions about the day before already reappearing and buzzing around in his mind. He sat up and looked around his room, recognising it as a far from neatly set out space. A large, navy blue wardrobe took up an entire wall, clothes inside spilled out of the un-closable door made ajar by the mess. Another wall was taken by his small, blue and orange quilted bed on which he was still sat and the door that was the sole entrance/exit to/from his room. Yet another wall was plastered with posters and pictures, all of which were beginning to decay with age. This wall also contained a small, round window, through which the first rays of sunshine were radiating through softly. The last wall in his room was taken up by a large desk that was made of oak. On the desk stood a small computer, which was turned off due to the fact that when it was on it made a loud whirring noise which made Buizel unable to sleep. Old magazines, toys and games were strewn randomly across the floor, which made a weird sort of collage of colours and images. He yawned and stood up, immediately opening his door and vacating his room.

The hall beyond was filled with light flooding from various rooms; his bedroom, his mother's and father's bedroom, the bathroom and the extra bedroom in which guests sometimes stayed the night. He approached the stairs and descended them, swiftly sliding down the banister on his belly landing with a soft thud at the bottom. He looked towards the kitchen where his mother and father were already sat having breakfast. He joined them and quickly started wolfing down his bacon, eggs and toast as quick as he possibly could without choking on it.

"You should really start using the stairs you know" said his mother suddenly "and slow down a little with eating!" Buizel had eaten a bit of bacon too fast and nearly choked on it, coughing and gagging slightly on it. He managed to swallow it and drank quickly to sooth his now burning throat. His father chuckled at him, as if sharing a private joke with himself.
"Well anyway" said his mother "I'll be going to work soon, so try not to be too much trouble for your father while I'm gone"
"I will" Buizel said quite croakily due to the burning swelling up the back of his throat slightly.
"And try not to choke on anything else while I'm gone, ok"

Buizel nodded swiftly and continued devouring his breakfast, although a little more cautiously this time around. A little while later his mother left for work, quickly giving Buizel a hug and his father a fleeting kiss before she left. The moment the front door closed Buizel had finished his breakfast, without any more choking. His father had also finished and began clearing the plates from the table. When he was finished he and Buizel went into the living room to watch some television.

The living room walls were white and were adorned with photographs of their family and more distant relatives, some of which Buizel had never met. The carpet was green and was covered by an egg shaped, cream coloured rug in the middle. There was also a small, red three-seated couch on which Buizel on his father now sat. The couch was across from a 42 inch plasma television, which was mounted to the wall. Two small, rectangular windows stood at either side of the TV, light flooded through them and illuminated the entire room well.

They sat and watch the TV for a little while. They were watching a program about rare Pokémon, most of which were rumoured to be only folklore, but others had actually been sighted in various places over time.
"Dad" said Buizel suddenly, breaking the silence other than the sounds of the TV presenter's voice.
"Yes son?" He asked softly.
"I need to ask you something...something sort of personal" said Buizel quietly.
"What's the matter son?" He asked again, this time more intrigued but still he stayed calm.
"Well..." he said, suddenly wondering if it would be ok to say anything about it at all.

His father looked at him reassuringly and said "Don't worry son, you can tell me anything" ruffling his sons head fur softly as he did.
"It's not that I don't want to, it's just kind of hard to explain" explained Buizel slowly.
His father cocked his head sideways a little, confused as to what his son was trying to say. Then he said softly "just think about what your going to say and then say it" Buizel nodded and started phrasing what he wanted to say in his mind. This must have taken a while because when he finally made up his mind his father had returned to watching the TV.

"Well...when I had a shower yesterday..." he started, making his father turn to face him again "I was cleaning all the mud out of my fur from when I was playing in the garden, but something weird happened when I started cleaning my penis" and he explained everything that had happened, including the part when the pink light that emerged had from his sheath and also when he had released a thick white liquid onto the wall. His father muted the TV during his explanation and smile warmly as his son elaborated on what had happened. When Buizel stopped talking his father looked at him softly and said "my, my, I didn't think we would be having this conversation so soon". Buizel looked at him hopefully, keen to know what happened and why it had happened in the first place.

"Well..." his father began "Firstly, the weird things you were feeling were arousal and that is what happens when your genitals are stimulated by something, in this case your paws."
"Secondly, the little pink thing you saw was an erection and that is what happens when the body is aroused so that the owner is ready to mate, the reason this has never happened to you before is because you were too young and your balls had not yet dropped" (He had explained what this meant only briefly to Buizel not long before)
"Finally, the stream of white liquid that was released from your erection was your orgasm, an orgasm happens when the body is over-aroused and has to release some tension to cool itself down. All you have done is just natural and there is no reason for you to be worried about it". During all this Buizel's eyes had never left his father and his ears had picked up all he had said pretty well.
"So, did you enjoy orgasming for the first time?" His father asked suddenly. Buizel nodded, happy to learn so much in such little time. His father patted him on the head softly and returned to watching the TV.

"So do you ever orgasm dad?" Buizel asked, wonderingly.
"I have in the past, but not for a while son" his father answered, quite truthfully.
"Do you ever want to?" The Floatzel looked at his son, wondering why he had asked this so did not answer. Suddenly all he felt was a small, soft paw start slowly stroking his sheath and balls. It aroused him, but he had to retreat to the other side of the couch due to the weirdness of what had happened.
"What are you doing?" He asked, confused and a little angry.
"I just wanted to try and *sniff* release some of your *sniff* tension" snivelled Buizel, feeling tears build up in his eyes realising the anger in his father's voice. He started crying, he couldn't stop himself. Floatzel slowly moved over to him, gently grabbed his paw and placed it back on his sheath.
"Go on, if you want to. I'm sorry I was angry, I was just a little surprised by your forwardness"

Buizel sniffed loudly but began slowly stroking his fathers sheath and balls once more. His father moaned in pleasure as Buizel started stroking him faster, his arousal beginning to erect his cock. Buizel continued to slowly caress his father, making sure not to do anything else to upset him. "You can go faster if you like" said Floatzel longingly. Buizel did as instructed and slowly started to build up the pace, causing his father to moan almost continuously. Floatzel was now at his 6 inch, full erectivity and his knot had also slipped out underneath that. Buizel was intrigued by this, as he did not have a knot. His father seemed to read his mind and said to him "Don't worry you won't get one of those until you evolve into a Floatzel". Buizel resumed his stroking and was now going pretty swiftly, forcing louder moans to issue from his father.

Suddenly his father panted "I'm...going to...cum son..." Buizel was confused yet again, this time to what the word 'cum' meant. He soon found out, as with a few more pump on his cock Floatzel started to jizz everywhere. Buizel kept stroking until his father had stopped cumming and then took his hands off of his father. Floatzel started to clean himself with his tongue, as the cum had spurted all over his fur. Buizel looked at him in wonderment, trying to fathom what his father was thinking ingesting his own cum.
Floatzel looked at him and said "It actually tastes quite good you know" as he offered a cum soaked paw to his son. Buizel took a quick lick of it and was surprised by the taste, it was sweet, yet it was also salty. He happily licked the rest of the cum off his father's paw, enjoying the weird but wonderful taste.

"I think that's enough talking today" said Floatzel wearily "I'll teach you some more about this stuff soon son". Buizel nodded and jumped off the couch and headed to the kitchen, he was suddenly very hungry even though he had only been moving his paws around a little. Buizel was really happy that he had given his father such a pleasurable experience and was already thinking of doing to himself later that night.
Chapter End Notes:Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Please rate and review leaving constructive criticism only please. Thank you once again. :
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