AGNPH Stories

The Pecha Tree by minun


Story Notes:

An older story of mine. This version is slighty different than the one on FA.

Chapter 2 - Nighttime

The moon shone its bright light through the window-blinds of Marley's hospital room. He found that it was hard to fall asleep when his mind was abuzz from today's events. He hasn't had what could be considered a “friend” in a long time. There was a time a long time ago when he was a Panpour who hung out his team members and went on adventures together. But that started to change when they had evolved, including him.

Marley sighed deeply as he changed position on his bed. Amber was something else...and he didn't notice it until that day. While blunt and a bit loud, she was fun to be around—from what little interaction he had with her—and he couldn't wait to get out of the hospital to talk more about whatever she had in mind. She did have a cute girlish figure to go with her...and he wanted to run his hands all along her...and hold her close...

Marley suddenly felt a stirring from down below. Embarrassed, he curled himself into a ball. “No… I'm not like those guys. I don't want to do...that stuff with a girl…so quickly…” While these feelings weren't exactly new for him, it has appeared so quickly. The only other was this female just like him who Brendan and her trainer wanted him to breed with. Coral was a very nice Simipour and was sweet to him, but the plan to breed them fell through and he never saw her again. The other girl…was Susie. He had a few shameful fantasies involving her, which lead to an awkward feeling towards her afterwards. He finally found himself lightly snoring in sleep while the beeping of the nearby machine was the only other sound in the room.



Marley found himself walking through the path in the forest and was taking in the scenery. It was a nice day out and he was in a happy mood. He then heard footsteps coming up from behind him.

“Hey Marley! There you are!” It was Susie. She slowed her run, with her blonde ponytail bobbing with each step.

“I felt like taking a walk too, just to get away from it all. I'm glad I found a walking buddy.” She smiled at him. “So, shall we continue?” He noticed she was wearing a small pink tank top and a white skirt...a very short one. He also noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, so he could see the shape of her pert breasts.

“Oh my… are you checking me out, you dirty monkey?” Susie coyly said as she wrapped her arms around her chest. “To tell you the truth...Brendan has been blowing me off, he's always too busy nowadays.” Susie's smile had melted into a sad look. “So, will you help me, Marley?” She kneeled down to become eye level with him.

“I-I guess...” He meekly said. She seemed to completely understand him.

Suddenly he felt her lips on his. Her arms had also wrapped around his body and he felt her hands tenderly felt around, one hand traveling from his back to his rump, which she gingerly rubbed. Her tongue also starting to slip in his mouth and met with his, like a first time meeting. He let out soft moans that were drowned out by her mouth. He couldn't run away now; she had him locked in. He also noticed he had his hands on her back, feeling her soft skin under her tank-top and his blue-tipped tail was loosely wrapped around her waist. Susie ran her hand through his blue dreadlock-like head tufts.

Air took priority as they broke the kiss, with a small saliva bridge that connected the short distance between their mouths. With his eyes half-lidded and panting softly, Susie easily pushed him back into a sitting position on an old tree stump.

“Ah ha, it looks like you need help with this...” Susie lustfully said has she hiked up the front part of his blue and white cloak and reveal his half-erect member. Marley blushed a deep red and tried to look away, but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

Susie then took the member into her soft hand and began to run her hand up and down his length. Marley finally moaned unheeded. His mind going fuzzy from the pleasure he was feeling from Susie's hand treatment. He didn't care if they got caught by someone… anyone. Her pace started to quicken as she kissed him deeply again.

“I know what will make this even better...” Susie told him as she shot him a wink. She loosed her grip and moved her head downwards. She wasn’t really going to do...

“HEY MARLEY!” Amber's smiling face suddenly appeared in front of his.

Marley's eyes snapped open. The tiled hospital ceiling and a soft beeping greeted him. ”Oh geez, it was just a dream...just a dream...” But it felt so real. He noticed he was breathing hard and his hurt chest was now sore from it. Embarrassingly, he also noticed he had a hard-on and his hand was resting right near it. Marley turned his head towards the clock. It was 4:39 A.M. He chose to ignore his erection and sore chest and curled up into a ball once more to try to get to sleep.



            The moonlight was heavily filtered through the red tent fabric and onto Susie's sleeping Pokemon. Except that Amber wasn't sleeping. After she and Susie left the Pokemon Center, Amber began to have thoughts on what to talk about with Marley when he got out. But other thoughts started to make their way into her head. It was no surprise to her and everyone else that she was a big pervert, and sometimes she thought of all the cool stuff they would do if they did become very close friends…maybe even mates. “I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions so quickly...he probably doesn't like me in that way. But…I can't help it if he's the only guy who can stand being around me for more than a minute. I do want to show I grateful I am to be his friend though...

            She was slightly disappointed when her dream that night wasn't very interesting at all, but she was Marley's partner in a double battle against Tosh and Pearl in a very short, but vivid dream. She'll think more about it in the morning. Then she heard low voices in the tent. It was Pearl and Opal. Amber was turned away from them in her sleeping bag, so she could only strain her ears to hear their quiet voices.

            “Hey, Pearl, tell me what kind of stuff you did with Tosh this morning.”

            “Ugh, he was so rough with me today, and he didn't even let me come since he already did. I was pissed.”

            “How typical of him. At least Wailer is a bit more considerate with that.”

            This wasn't new for Amber. She would sometimes listen in on their conversations at night for any interesting dirt about sex or relationships. Amber was a pervert after all, even if she had no interesting stories to tell but boring masturbation ones. Getting tips would be great for any future endeavors she would have, at least.

            “What about Marley? He looks like a virgin ripe for the picking, Pearl. He could end up as the 5th pokemon that you took their virginity. If he's a virgin of course.”

            “Him? Please. You know how he acts around us. He gets all shy and starts to badly stutter. If he's like that normally, then I can imagine him not being a good fuck, virgin or not. I bet even sucking him off would cause him to faint from being touched by a girl!”

            “I think he has a higher chance of getting laid than Amber, that's for sure!”

            Both girls tittered and moved onto another topic of conversation. Something like contest costumes and the other boring stuff they usually talk about.

            “They don't even know him that well, so what's their deal?” Amber gritted her teeth. “I'll deal with them later, but for now...



            Marley's eyes slowly opened and he saw the familiar hospital room bathed in a bluish tint from the moonlight.

            “Can't a guy get some good sleep around here?” He then heard a soft giggling near his bed. It sounded like...

            “Amber? Is that you?” Marley sat up and looked around.

            Amber popped up from the side of his bed. “You are correct, and now you win a prize!”

            “W-what?” Marley looked at her, confused.

            “I know you have a certain berry I'm looking for.” She said with an evil glint in her eye. She quickly moved onto his bed and crawled up to him, face-to-face.

            “...and I would like to taste it.” Amber moved herself back until she positioned her face near Marley's crotch. “I think I found the berry...” she said in a sing-song voice while she pulled the covers down to his knees.

            “Amber, wh-what are you...d-doing?” Marley began to stutter. He noticed her tail-paws were holding him down, and began to lightly struggle against them.

            Amber grabbed the edge of his cloak and hiked it up. His erection sprung up from being uncovered.

            “Aha! There it is! What a fine Nanab specimen!” Amber winked at him. She tenderly touched the hard-on, which was the same yellow-tan of his fur, with a pinkish head, normal for his species. He moaned at her touch.

            “And now, to taaaste iiiiit...” She bent down and lightly licked the head. Marley gave a sharp gasp. She continued her tongue treatment, licking the head and sometimes going down his shaft, she also added varying pressure with her licks. Using her other paw, she would also tug a bit at his scrotum.

            Amber looked back up at him. “I think it's time to eat this delicious berry...” She said before engulfing the member into her warm mouth. She started to bob her head and he felt her tongue swirling all over his member. This was driving Marley nuts, and he noticed his arm was free from being held down by a tail-paw. He put his freed hand on top of her head, gently pushing it down in sync with her bobbing head. Moaning and panting, “Haa, Amber, I think...I'm going to—”

            “—just come in my mouth, berry juices are great for the body!” Amber took a few seconds away from his member to tell him this in a matter-of-fact way.

            She then resumed, this time with a faster pace.

            “Amber, haa, I-I'm going to...” Marley said before he felt the pressure release and shot his seed into her mouth...but for some reason his right hand was near his crotch and was getting covered by the sticky liquid.

            Panting, he opened his eyes and saw the ceiling tiles were glowing with a warmer, brighter light. “Amber...I get out...of here...” No one answered back. Confused, Marley sat up and saw that he was alone, the morning light being the only thing to greet him. Marley sighed, “It was just another dream...” He then noticed his right hand was wrapped around his member under the covers, his hand and crotch covered in the warm sticky goo. His chest was still sore from the hard panting as well.

He wiped off his hand on the bed sheet and looked over at the clock, it was 7:14 am. It was no used going back to sleep since Brendan was going to pick him up at 8 o'clock. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that one of the nurses left him some berries for breakfast: Pechas, Orans, and....Nanabs. He hoped that when she came in, she didn't see him touch himself in his sleep. He slightly blushed in embarrassment and reached over for a Pecha and took a bite out of it, savoring the sweet flavor. There was nothing else to do but wait...



            Thankfully, there was a small bathroom with a shower that was shared between his and the adjacent room. He stood in the slower as he quickly washed himself off with the water in his tail. He had to do it before Brendan came to pick him up. Before he knew it, Brendan stopped by his room with a nurse, had a quick check up and was out of there in under an hour.

            Everything back at the camp was basically the same last he saw it. Susie was cooking something for breakfast, but Marley wasn’t hungry at all since he ate a berry or two back at the center.

“Now, remember Marley, don’t overwork yourself and the nurse said no battling for 2 weeks. So just take it easy for now.” Brendan had told him when they left the Pokemon Center.

            Marley didn’t want to face Tosh and his buddies right now; the Simipour knew he was going to be the butt of many more of their jokes now and he didn’t even want to hear it. He saw that they where hanging out in a group talking about…whatever. Marley decided he wanted some more alone time to think about stuff and snuck over to the green tent that was for Brendan’s pokemon.


            “Hey Marley! How are you feeling? Are you still sore?” Amber said from behind him.

            Without turning around, Marley said, “I-I’m just a bit tired…”

“Oh, ok…” said Amber with disappointment. “We can go see that Pecha tree later then, alright?”

“S-sure…” Marley found it hard to look at Amber ever since that certain dream, but maybe a bit of rest will make him feel better. He slipped through the tent door and laid down on his small sleeping bag.

Amber sighed and looked at the tent. Marley wasn’t like this when she saw him in the hospital, so something must have been eating at him. She made a mental note to ask him about it when they visit the Pecha tree. She walked off to explore the forest edge when she heard Opal’s faint voice.

“Wow, you’re actually going to do it now?”

“I gave it some thought, and now seems like a good time.” Pearl giggled.

What the heck are they up to?” Amber turned around to where the voices were…near the green tent.



Marley was lying on his side away from the tent door when he heard a faint rustle.

            “Tosh, I’m not in the mood for your stupid jokes. Leave me alone!” said Marley without opening his eyes.

            “Oh, you where expecting Tosh?” giggled Pearl.

            Marley’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. “Pearl, w-what are y-you do-doing here?”

            “I heard you needed more…healing, …and I’m here to give you it.” Pearl got down to her knees and winked at him.

“I kn-know exactly what y-you w-want and I-I don’t want it…fr-from you.” Marley crossed his arms but shyly looked away.

Pearl got closer to him, “Oh really? Your actions make it seem you really want it.” Pearl then lightly traced a finger on his chest, causing Marley to blush heavily and let out a small gasp. Pearl continued, “You seem pretty sensitive to touch, so this will feel REALLY goo—”

“Hey, you dumb bimbo, leave him alone!!”

Marley and Pearl looked back towards the now-open tent door and saw Amber silhouetted against the bright morning sun.

“Hey, don’t stick your damn nose in our business, you monkey bitch!” an aggravated Pearl said. “But whatever, I’m leaving!” With a huff, Pearl got up and left the tent, purposely hitting one of her ears against Amber. “She probably went to go gossip about it to Opal.” Amber said as she looked in the direction Pearl had walked off in.

Amber crawled into the tent. “Are you alright?” She looked at Marley with concern.

“I sh-should be fine…” Marley’s head hung down. “Th-thanks for standing up for me…”

Hey! No problem! It’s what friends are for!” Amber patted him on the shoulder.

Marley looked up and gave a small smile. “Y-yeah…”

“Susie’s making pancakes, so let’s go get some!” Amber said has she grabbed Marley’s hand to pull him up from where he was sitting. Marley nodded and walked out of the tent behind Amber to the cooking area. The picnic blanket was already set out but no one was sitting on it. There was the small table and 2 chairs where Brendan and Susie sat for eating that was near the blanket. Nearby, as expected, Pearl was angrily gesturing her story to Opal, then both glared in Amber’s direction. Tosh and his buddies where loitering near the cooking pot until Susie shooed them away. Jade was picking some of the myriad of flowers that lined the forest edge.

It didn’t register right away to Marley that he was still holding onto Amber’s paw. He quickly let go and put both hands behind his back.

“Marley, what’s wrong?” Amber asked him quizzically.

“N-nothing…I’m just hungry is all!” He lied, and he rubbed his belly with his hand in a circular motion. “I wonder what Susie is cooking! I could sure go for some more of that paella!” He nervously smiled at Amber.

Amber cocked her head at his odd behavior when she heard Brendan call that breakfast was ready…or what he decided on, brunch. Various berries, scrambled eggs, and some sandwiches awaited them.

After getting their food and sitting in their normal spots on the picnic blanket, Amber was showing Marley her opinions on the berries they had on their plates.

“Hey, look at the losers club over there!” Tosh motioned towards Amber and Marley.

“More like the losers blanket corner!” Barrett snorted has he stuffed his face with sandwiches.

“Wait, when did Marley finally get the courage to go near a girl?” Wailer asked his comrades.

“I guess the only way to his heart is by a beating!” Tosh laughed to Wailer and Barrett, then he greedily scooped eggs into his maw.

“Hey Marley! You should let Pearl whoop your ass so then you can have two girls hanging out with you!” Wailer chortled, only to cough hard when his scrambled eggs went down the wrong chute.

Pearl let out a disgusted “Hmph!” and leered at the group of males, and then went back to her conversation with Opal and a bored Jade.

Amber glared at the two groups on the other end of the blanket. She turned to Marley, her glare instantly disappearing, “Don’t let them get to you.” She then continued with a small smile, “So anyway, the next berry on the list is a Nanab.” Amber picked the berry off her plate and held it out to admire it. “I don’t like it as much as Pechas and Orans, since it’s a bit bitter. What do you think?” She started to wiggle the berry in front of Marley’s face.

Marley shrunk back at the invasion of space. “I-I don’t care for them, p-personally.” It brought him back to the memory of that dream with Amber and her “berry” search. He lightly shook his head to get rid of the memory.

“Oh well, more for me!” Amber peeled and took a bite out of the Nanab.

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