AGNPH Stories

The Pecha Tree by minun


Story Notes:

An older story of mine. This version is slighty different than the one on FA.

Chapter 3- Sweet Hearts


 “I h-hope this tree isn’t too far…” Marley said as he walked behind Amber.

“Why, do you hate hiking or something?” Amber turned her head to grin at him.

“No, I j-just don’t want us t-to end up lost…”

“Lost, Smost! We’re right near it, I can feel it!!” Amber suddenly stopped, in which Marley almost ran into her.

“I can see the clearing’s opening straight ahead! I’ll race you to it!” Without warning Amber took off into the bushes towards the clearing, leaving Marley in her dust.

“Amber, wait!” But his yell received no response. He started running in the direction towards the grove clearing. He found his chest had started hurting again from the short exertion, so he slowed his pace until he hit the edge of the clearing. Hands on his knees, he took a few seconds to catch his breath until he looked up to survey his new surroundings.

It was a small clearing that was surrounded by older, taller trees, and a lone Pecha tree stood in the center. It must have been pretty old since it was bigger than any Pecha tree he had seen, but Amber was nowhere to be seen...

“Did she get lost…?” Marley asked no one in particular.

Cupping his hands over his mouth like a megaphone, “Amber! Are you here?!?”

No response but the calm wind weaving through the surrounding trees.

Suddenly a bad thought struck the Simipour. “What if she’s playing a cruel trick on me? Leaving me alone…I don’t even know how to get back to the campsite.” Marley sullenly walked towards the Pecha tree until he stood under its leafy shade. “Damn, being lost in a forest will certainly mak—”


Marley yelped and turned to face the source of the startling sound, but lost his footing and fell hard on his rump. He looked up and saw Amber hanging upside-down from a branch.

“Hahah! Got ya’!” Amber turned right side-up and hopped down to the ground.

“J-jeez, don’t st-startle me like that!” Marley sputtered, slightly trembling with his words.

“Haha, sorry about that…” Amber apologized as she scratched the back of her head. “So anyway, this is the tree I was talking about! Look at all those Pechas!” Amber used both arms and tail-paws to motion upwards.

“I-I see…th-those are definitely a lot.” Marley looked upwards to see the pinkish fruit dotting a sea of green leaves.

Amber used her tail-paws to pick off two Pechas and handed one with Marley, who took it.

“Th-thanks…” he said before he took a bite out of it.

Amber sat down at the base of the tree before taking a bite of hers. Noticing Marley was still standing around, she used her tail-paw to pat the ground next to her. “Sit here.” She ordered with a grin.

“O-okay…” Marley complied and slowly sat on her left side, feeling a bit of a blush glow on his cheeks.

“So, where were we yesterday? Oh! What do you think of Pecha berries?” Amber asked with her eyes sparkling.

“P-personally, I think they are g-good. I-I also think it’s cu-cute that they are heart-shaped.” Marley said as he looked at his once-bitten Pecha.

“…Now that you’ve mentioned it, they do look like little pink hearts! Opal said they look like pink specked human asses, but hearts sounds cuter!” Amber giggled at this statement. She took another few bites until she ate it all.

“Now I ate all of that delicious sweet heart!” said Amber as she patted her tummy.

“Sweet…heart…Sweetheart…” Marley slightly blushed as he grinned at Amber’s choice of words.

“What else to talk about…Well, I had this weird dream with you and me in it.” She turned to look at Marley.

“Re-really?” He asked.

“Yeah, but it was very short! We were partners in this double battle, against Tosh and Pearl, you see. But it ended before anyone started getting knocked out. You and me where kicking their asses too!!” Amber recalled her dream, excitedly gesturing the actions.

“M-maybe that dream was telling you th-that we will triumph them in the future?” Marley asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

“That is a neat interpretation! I wonder if it means…something else…” It was Amber’s turn to look away and blush slightly, but she regained her composure and looked back at him. “So…have you had any cool dreams lately?” She scooted a bit closer to him.

“U-um…we-well…th-there w-was one…” He started to blush deeply and stuttered when the dream came back to him. “Y-you we-were in it…v-visiting me at the ce-center at n-night…a-and…” Marley then looked away, too embarrassed.

“What happened? Did something bad happen?” Amber looked at him with concern.

“N-no, the op-opposite ac-actually…” Marley covered his face with his hands as he said this.

The Ambipom thought about it for a few seconds until Marley blurted out, “B-but I’m not one of those guys! I swear! …I-I can’t h-help it if it oc-occurs in a d-dream…” Marley closed his eyes and waited for Amber to scorn him for being a pervert…but he felt a hand on his shoulder. He uncovered his face and looked at her. Her expression was that a calm reassurance.

“I definitely know you aren’t like them…or else the outcome of that battle would’ve been different…much different…you’re a sweet guy as well.” She quietly said, which was very peculiar coming from someone like her. She sat back against the tree trunk, and he followed suit, both of them being silent for a minute.

“I’m curious, what is those meat-heads’ deal with you? You don’t get into any fights with them or anything…do they dislike you because you’re shy?”

Marley twiddled his thumbs. “Well…m-mostly that and wh-what I look like…they started p-poking fun of my girly appearance after I evolved a long while b-back. I d-don’t get it…when I w-was very young, b-before I got caught by Brendan, my family troop had some older m-members that looked like how I am n-now…b-but the males weren’t c-called girly or anything…and I’ve always been p-pretty shy, especially around g-girls…”

Amber was somberly looking at him while he told his tale. “So I was right, those guys really are shallower than a puddle!” She then made a crooked smile, “Sounds exactly like how Pearl and Opal are. Jade is nowhere near them in bitchitude though, so she has a chance to make something more of herself than hanging with those bimbos!”

“So…wh-what about you? Why do P-Pearl and Opal dislike you?” Marley turned his head to look at Amber.

“It’s simple really…” She turned to face him. “Because they don’t like my personality…they always call me a child who’ll never get anywhere.”

“Looks like we’re in the same b-boat then…” Marley said as they both turned back to look at the trees in front of them.

“You know…I rather be in that boat anyway…” said Amber as she made a small chuckle.

Both of them stayed silent for a minute, pondering who will talk next.

Staring ahead, and diddling her tail-fingers, Amber nervously asked, “So…Marley…I was thinking…and this is an odd change of topic…what do you think…about love?”

Startled by her question, he turned his head to look at her, only to find his lips brushing against her left cheek. Realizing what he did, he jumped back and covered his mouth. “I-I didn’t m-mean t-to that! I swear! I’m s-so sorry!”

Amber was also shocked and she touched her left cheek lightly.

“I…I think…I felt something…stir inside of me. What about you?”

Giving it a bit of thought, Marley quietly said, “I-I think I d-did.”

“So…want to try it again? ...I mean with our lips.” Amber nervously giggled.


Both of them faced each other and stared at the other’s eyes. “From what I heard, most people and Pokemon close their eyes when they kiss.” Amber nervously said, giving a wry smile.

“B-But what if I accidently kiss your n-nose or something?” Marley asked.

“Well, we can keep on kissing until we get it right!” Amber grinned as she winked at him. “…Speaking of that, you should keep your eyes fully open more, and stop squinting! They have this neat dark gray-brown color.”

“Like d-dirt?” shrugged Marley.

Amber burst out laughing while holding her tummy. “Oh Marley, always a mood-killer! But you can say they’re the color of dirt…or a mountain! Mountains are big and badass, right?”

“H-hey, weren’t we g-going to kiss, MISS mood-killer?” Marley cocked his head.

“Oh right…dang, I really do have a multi-track mind! Anyway…” Amber took a deep breath and looked at him. “Alright, here we go…”

Both of them closed their eyes and leaned forward, not knowing the exact time then their lips would touch…or rather bump into each other. By a coincidence, their lips touched perfectly. You can say it warmed them to their very core...

Breaking the kiss, they sat back, slightly stunned.

“Whoa…that was grea—” Marley was interrupted when Amber’s lips pressed against his again, her arms wrapping around his torso. Marley went with it, and followed suit by wrapping an arm around her back, his other hand on the back of her head.

Now, this kiss was more magical than the first, if not sloppier. Amber slowly snuck a bit of her tongue through his lips, which a warm slimy appendage took Marley slightly by surprise. This was similar to that Susie dream…but it was better. Then Amber let out more of her tongue into his mouth to where he moaned at the sensation…which was muffled by Amber’s mouth.

After about a minute, they broke the kiss and looked back at each other, softly panting.

“That…was…p-pretty good for…a s-second time…” Marley looked at Amber with half-lidded eyes, but he noticed she was looking downwards slightly.

“You’re not the only one excited about this…” Amber giggled.

It took a second for Marley to look down and saw that he had an erection that was poking against the cloak. Marley covered himself with his hands and turned away from Amber. “O-o-oh my g-gosh! I-I-‘m so s-sorry!”

Amber gave a slight giggle and put a reassuring paw on his shoulder. “If you want THAT, you should’ve asked!”

“Wh-what?” Marley looked back at her with a deep blushing face.

“I wouldn’t mind sucking you off” Amber bluntly said. “It would be an interesting experience for the both of us!” Amber blushed herself. “Now turn your butt around and let me check out that fine—”

“—Nanab specimen?” Marley finished for her.

“Nanab? I was going to say it was a fine dick specimen.” Amber grinned at him. “Now…” Amber pointed downward and made a spinning motion with her paw.

“O-ok…” Marley turned around and stretched out his legs. He turned his head away as he hiked up his cloak to reveal his hard-on.

Amber got on her belly to take a good look at the penis. “My, my, this is a fine specimen indeed! It’s so weird to see one up so close! ...Can I touch it?”

Marley nodded to give her to the go-ahead, still looking away.

“Geez, you prude, it’s fine to look at me while looking at your weiner!” Amber said as she used a tail paw to turn Marley’s head towards her. “This certainly would be less fun if you’re looking away. Now watch…”

Amber wrapped her paw around his member and moved it along his length. Marley softly moaned and shivered at her soft touch but firm grip. It was certainly different than using his own hand, and a different experience overall.

“Dang, I thought hard dicks would be literally hard, but this one is slightly squishy as well! That’s so neat!” Amber said as she quickened her pace a little bit, which made Marley moan louder. Her arm was starting to tire since she wasn’t too used to doing such a movement, but she was pleased that she was doing something right at least. She looked up to look his expression during this treatment. He was softly panting with eyes tightly shut. Not to mention his blush, but this one seemed a bit different than his shy blushing. Amber got into a sitting position, but not letting go of the dick. “I have to say, his lewd face is absolutely adorable!” Amber grinned. “Hey Marley, look…” Marley half-opened his eyes in reply as Amber leaned forward and gave him a short kiss on the lips. “I couldn’t help myself, your face right now is too cute!”

With that, Marley nervously giggled, but started squirming. Amber looked back and saw a bit of liquid at his tip. “Geez, don’t tell me you’re coming already…”

“N-no, you’re…d-doing fine. M-males s-sometimes…leak a b-bit…beforehand.”

“I’m glad I’m doing well on my first try!” Amber said as she slowed down her pace. This went well with what she was going to do next.

She stopped her treatment and leaned down to slightly lick the head of his member, in which Marley gave a sharp gasp. “You really are sensitive aren’t you? Well, this will get even better…” Amber gave a wink to him as she leaned back down to lick his member more. She started with short licks at the head, but then began to travel downwards with longer licks. This made Marley writhe a bit more and even more pre-cum came out, which Amber lapped up. The pre-cum, she found out, didn’t have much of a taste, except for a bit of saltiness. This was one of the things she couldn’t compare a simple berry to.

This was certainly a different experience for Marley, as the sensation felt incredible compared to just him using his hand. With her warm and soft tongue giving teasing licks…he could feel his member grow warmer and stiffen harder, his mind slowly starting to get fuzzy from the heavy pleasure…

Amber then decided to do what she had seen Pearl and Opal do a few times from far away. She went to envelop the hard, warm penis into her mouth, which caused Marley to jump and slightly gasp. Still using her tongue, she swirled her tongue around the head and sucked on it. She felt more of the pre-sum come from the tip. Amber kept her pace up and kept moving further and further down his shaft, Marley was moaning and panting harder now, he even had his hand on her head and pushing down with her rhythm. She even felt tingly down there, but that will have to be tended to later.

Marley felt that he shouldn’t be the only one receiving pleasure, so he had moved his tail to where he thought her slit would be. Sure enough, he felt around and found an area that was warm and moist. “Hopefully, this would feel good to her…” His thought was answered by a squeak from Amber. The bumpy tail rubbing her slit was an interesting sensation and a good tease. She started quickening her pace as Marley felt his body like it was slowly heating up and under her treatment, he was nearing his peak…

“Am-Amber…I’m getting…c-close…” Marley panted as he squirmed.

But then, his orgasm hit him like a wall. Tensing up every muscle in his body, and with his member pulsating, he shot his seed into Amber’s mouth, which took her with a bit of surprise. She slowed down her rhythm to a stop just as he was finishing up. He plopped back against the tree and panted hard, then noticing that his chest unsurprisingly hurt, but it had been dampened from the incredible pleasure he was experiencing. He moved his tail tip from her crotch area and let it rest on the ground. While in reality, the powerful orgasm lasted only seconds, to him it felt like it was going on without a stop in sight. He opened his eyes to see a slightly confused Amber kneeling in front of him, her mouth closed, but cheeks puffed out a bit. He found that the one who gave him such an immense sensation that he couldn’t do alone, would have the cutest look of confusion with a mouth full of thick cum. He cracked a small smile at her.

“I-I…think…you’re s-supposed…t-to swallow it…” panted Marley between breaths.

“Hmmphfm?” Amber muffled and then gulped loudly. Her mouth now empty, Amber added, “Uggh, that Pearl is a damn liar, that wasn’t sweet!...But I have to say, it had an interesting taste and consistency. Dare I say it…it was a bit…oceany.”

“Y-You’re acting l-like you tasted a n-new b-berry or something!” Marley chuckled at her observation.

“You might say I’m nuts for berries! But you should already know that!” Amber said as she put her hands on her hips. “Now…for round two!” Amber said as she leaned towards his crotch, only to be stopped by his hands on her shoulders.

“…I, uh…need a few m-minutes to ‘r-recharge’, so to speak.” Marley told her, to which she have him an embarrassed look.

“Oh, sorry ‘bout that…” She scratched the back of her head, and then when into thinking mode. “Hey! I know! Try doing that on me!”

“Huh? Y-you mean…lick you d-down there?” Marley shyly said as he nervously twiddled his thumbs.

“Yep!” Amber then sat against the tree and spread her legs. “Now, you get between my legs!” She lightly giggled as she motioned towards the patch of grass in front of her.

“S-sure…” Marley crawled over and got on his stomach to look at her slit. With a shaking hand, he reached towards it for a touch. The puffy lips where still a bit damp from the earlier teasing from his tail, and was the same color as her stomach area with a touch of pink. Using a finger, he lightly stroked a soft outer lip. Amber gasped at his touch.

“S-so Marley, have you seen a pussy this up close?” Amber nervously giggled.

“Uh, um…j-just in pictures…” He said as he looked away.

“Hehehee! So you looked at Brendan’s porno mags or something? You dirty monkey!” Amber giggled at the thought.

“H-hey! I was j-just curious what kind of m-mags there were!” Marley looked back at her. “And it’s n-not like it happened recently or anything…th-this was b-before he started dating Susie!” Marley looked back towards her slit and breathed deeply. “Here we go…” he thought as he took two shaky fingers and carefully pried apart the lips to see what they hid. This made Amber softly moan. The hidden layer was a darker pink that was shiny from the moistness. He looked closer and saw there where two holes. He only saw those in photos, and knew what they where for. Using a finger, he traced a finger around the edge of her inner lips, which made Amber shudder in pleasure. It wasn’t until his finger brushed the soft nub at the top that Amber reacted the most, with a sharp gasp and a slight jump. Marley looked back up at her, but then got brave and leaned forward to lick the fleshy nub. Amber squealed and clamped her legs on the sides of Marley’s head. She then noticed what she had just done and put her legs down.

“Sorry…about that…you hit that good spot!” Amber tittered. She then leaned back against the tree to allow Marley to continue.

To keep that leg attack from happening again, Marley wrapped his hands around her thighs and held her legs wide open. Amber lightly blushed at being so…exposed; despite they were the only ones in the vicinity. She couldn’t help but feel a bit more turned on about the idea of being secretly watched by someone…or something.

Marley started with light licks around her clitoris, the teasing making Amber squirm lightly. “Maybe this is him getting back for that scare I gave him earlier…Hahah…” Amber started to squirm more as he got harder with his licks, before she felt the wet appendage swab across her nub. She let out a loud moan, to which she noticed and covered her mouth at her outburst. Odd, she usually never keeps herself quiet. Marley then started to regularly lick the excited nub, causing Amber to moan into the muffling paw. Doing this kind of stuff, made her feel like an adult. Pearl usually berated Amber’s childish behavior and told her she’ll never be taken seriously by anyone around her. But doing such…adult stuff…especially with the sweetest Pokemon she knows…

Amber’s whole body started to heat up more and the power of his licks sending waves of pleasure through her body made her mind fill with lust…and love. It wasn’t long until Amber felt she was nearing the end of this, like coming to the climax of one of her exciting stories. Then she hit the climax.

Like electricity surging through her body, the pleasure spread throughout her body as she yelled out. She felt like she was pulsating and hotter than ever before. She leaned forward and hugged Marley’s head in reaction. She squirmed as the shocks of pleasure started to die down. If this was just from oral, then she couldn’t imagine what real sex was like. The waves ebbed until she was basking in the afterthought and was panting heavily…arms still hugging and her head resting on Marley’s. Suddenly noticing, she quickly let go and plopped back against the tree. Marley was then free to look back up at her. “Eh, sorry about that…”

Marley gave a small smile. “Y-you sure leaked a bit. I-is that good?”

“Of course it is, you silly! That was…pretty intense.” Amber said as Marley sat back next to her against the Pecha tree. They were silent for a minute; Amber was staring upwards though the leaves to the sky.

“W-well, that wore me out a bit.” Marley quietly said. That soft patch of grass in front of them sure looked inviting.

Amber looked back at him. “Oh? Are you going to take a nap or something?”

“N-nah, I s-sometimes like to look at the sky—or when it’s there, the ocean—to just think about stuff…” Marley then crawled a little away from the tree and laid down on his back. “It’s easier to just lay down and stare without a care in the world.” Marley looked at the sky and saw it had some soft, light clouds randomly dotting it. Amber’s face then popped into his view, close to his face. “Hey Marley, can I join?”

“O-of co-course you can!” With her request accepted, she laid down next to Marley and draped her left arm around his upper chest. Marley blushed as usual; he never really had much close contact with anyone until today. Being held close to somebody at least…he felt the warmth of happiness in his heart. To be cared this much by someone…was wonderful.

“I hope this is all right, I know your chest must still hurt after yesterday…” Amber was cut off when Marley wrapped his right arm around her while turning onto his side.

“I-It’s fine.” Marley whispered and he gave a small smile. “I-It’s lower on the side of m-my chest.” Marley then felt one of her tail paws softly rub his back. They stayed like this for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s company.

Amber then broke the ice. “Hey…I was wondering…” She was looking into his eyes and nervously continued, “Since we did that stuff already…do…do you want to go all the way?” Amber suddenly felt like she was going too fast into it and slightly regretted asking that question. What if her advances scared him off? They were only friends for around a day, so asking to do something lovers and mates do…and asking Marley about it after such a short time…

“Y-You mean…m-mating?” Marley said in a hushed tone, like someone was nearby.

“Y-yeah! If that’s ok with you…” Amber gave a nervous smirk as she felt Beautiflies stir in her stomach with the anticipation for Marley’s answer.

Marley felt his heart began to pound. Is this going into it too quickly? What would happen if he were awkward during it? What will Tosh and his meat-head friends think when they found out? Well, maybe they would be proud of him for once…but who cares about them? He couldn’t pass up such an opportunity with the one Pokemon that gave him a chance…

“S-sure…” Marley smiled.

Amber, with relief washing over her, gave a smile back and leaned over to give him a small kiss. “Alrighty…since you had a rough day yesterday, you still need rest! I’ll be your pilot for this flight…wait, that was a stupid metaphor.” She giggled lightly. “You just rest while I work, you can say this is both an apology for that hard punch yesterday, and a thank you…” Marley could think that the “Thank you” was for the same reason he had, but he didn’t want to question it further. Marley turned to lie back on his back and took a deep breath.

Amber slowly got up and then straddled his hips lightly, being careful of wherever his wound was that was tender from yesterday. She ran her hands lightly up his sides and down again, so that she moved his cloak up his body a bit. Marley softly quivered at her touch. “Let’s both get ready, shall we? You’re ‘recharged’ already, right?” Amber told him has she leaned forward and grasped both of his shoulders to steady herself. She remembered Opal mentioning to put lubricant on the dick so it can slide in easier. Amber smirked a little to herself. She knew exactly how to do so, and with the added sensation of teasing. She removed her paw from his shoulder and moved his member to where it was laying on his belly; the underside of it now facing towards the sky and her. Marley let out a small gasp. Putting her hand back on his shoulder, she sat up a bit and positioned her slit touch the lower half of his member.

“A-are you g-going to p-put it i-in?” Marley’s nervous voice quivered.

“Patience…I said we need to prepare…” Amber winked back at him. Then she slid her slit up his length and then back down again. She then got into the slow rhythm of teasing down. She can tell Marley was enjoying it, as he was squirming lightly at the treatment and his member was getting bigger and harder. This teasing was making both of their minds slowly cloud up with thoughts of lust…but also love. Amber quickened her pace as they both started to softly pant. Marley was also leaking pre-cum again. He has also moved his hands to hold her hips, as if to control her pace. Amber noticed that she was pretty wet as well. “That should be good enough…” Amber thought as she slowed her teasing pace down to a stop. Marley cocked an eyebrow at the sudden cessation and looked down to the point of action. Amber sat up a bit and used a paw to position his member at her entrance.

“Hey…I forgot to ask earlier…are you a virgin?” Amber giggled at her own question.

Marley was taken aback at her odd question. “Y-yeah…I am.” He felt his cheeks warming up from the deep blush.

“Nice! Me too!...Let’s lose it together!” Amber proclaimed with a fist in the air. Marley shyly nodded. Amber returned her paw to the point of contact and repositioned his member at her entrance. Using her paw on his shoulder for support, she slowly started to lower herself on his warm member. “Oh man, a real penis is going into me, this is awesome!” Amber thought as she can feel it going into her depths. This was different than using a digit from her tail, even though the tail-fingers were thicker, the shape of his phallus gave her a much different sensation against her walls. Marley was slightly squirming at the sensation her walls where having against his member, which was a slight pleasant constriction all around it. It wasn’t long before Amber made it all the way down and then looked at their accomplishment. She didn’t move so they can get used to the connection. “Aha…the first step is complete…are you doing alright so far, Marley?” Amber lightly smiled as she rubbed his cheek. Marley gave an affirmative nod as he tightened his grip on her hips. She leaned forward once more and grabbed his shoulders with both paws. Starting, she raised her hips and then lowered them again. Amber continued this rhythm, the feeling of his member digging into her deepest depths. The cloudiness of the lust from earlier was starting to return and she sped up her rhythm. Marley could feel her insides where getting hotter and wetter, constricting his phallus even more. He grasped her hips even harder and tried to control her rhythm. The core of their bodies where also getting hotter with lust and love as their panting breaths and soft moans filled the air.

Marley always remembered that the male is usually on top during mating, or “sex” as the humans called it. Even so, Marley mostly preferred to be the submissive one in his fantasies. He didn’t ever dare let that secret out, especially with someone like Tosh and his band of goons around. He didn’t need being called a “sissy”, along with other unfavorable names they probably had in store for him. Marley then decided that maybe it’s time for a change of pace. “H-hey Amber…” Marley panted, “C-can you…s-slow down…a bit?”

“Wh-why? I-I can…barely…stop my…hips!” Amber answered back with moans littering her words.

Marley then figured out he needed to take this into his own hands. He took his hands off her hips and firmly grasped her shoulders.

“Marley…haah…what are yo—” Amber blurted out before being swiftly laid on the ground, lying on her back and Marley now hovering over her, his penis still buried deep within her. Amber lightly whined as the pumping had stopped and she ached for some more stimulation to fulfill her needs, and his of course.

“I-I think…it was a b-bit…unfair for you…t-to do the all that work.” Marley panted between words and then gave a wry smile to Amber. Leaning down to kiss her lips, he added, “N-now, let’s c-continue…” He took his hands off her shoulders and put them on the ground on each side of her torso. Marley then started to slowly thrust, slightly teasing the needy, lustful Amber. She gave a light whine when he pulled out and then gave a short gasp as he went back in. It was an odd feeling of now being in control, but it felt pretty good. Maybe this is why males always try to be dominant with everything; the power of control was…amazing. With his mind starting up to get cloudy once again, he quickened his pace to service their lustful needs. Her walls were now constricting his pulsating member once again but with added fervor. Marley then opened his eyes to look at Amber’s face, only to find her sucking on one of her tail-digits. “A-Amber…wh-what are…you d-doing?” Marley asked in a confusion of her action.

The digit made a soft pop as she took it out of her mouth. “I…want to…ask you…have you ever…stuck anything up…your butt while…masturbating?” Amber lustily asked. While hard to do, Marley slowed down his thrusting in response to her question.

“Uh, I-I…th-that’s an…odd question.” Marley shyly looked away and blushed even more. The truth was, Marley liked anal stimulation, which was another secret that he didn’t dare let out with Tosh or anyone around. Tosh and his buddies thought that males that liked it up the ass were at least a bit gay. Even if Marley tried convincing them that he only liked girls, they would be too stuck in their ways to believe him. Amber had unknowingly caught him in her trap.

“Hahah…I can tell from your body language that you enjoy it!” Amber grinned at him. “You would usually look away and blush deeply if something you enjoy comes up. That’s too cute!” Then it was Amber’s turn to blush, “…don’t worry, I like it too!” Amber then grinned and then stuck the digit into her mouth once more to wet it even further. With another soft pop of the digit from out her mouth, Amber asked, “So…are you ready?” Marley stopped his thrusting and then slowly nodded. Moving the tail-paw towards his backside, Marley let out a deep breath and tried to relax. The wet digit of her tail-paw then lightly touched the back of his scrotum, which Marley let out a sharp gasp as it moved on from there across the smooth skin to his rear opening. “Looks like I fooooound iiiit…” Amber slyly said. Slowly, the moist digit began to slowly enter his depths, to which he gave a shuttered moan.

“I guess this is the end of that control…” Marley thought to himself; Amber could control her thrusting into his rectum if he ever slowed down on his thrusting…if she was that terrible. Finally, the digit was fully in and settled down. It then wiggled around slightly, in which Marley jerked his body at the sensation. Taking another deep breath, he started to thrust again to regain any lost intensity. Amber then moved the digit around more, and unknowingly bumped it against the wall where his prostate was located. Amber figured out that this spot was the best one and started to combine the motions of slight thrusting and twisting. In response, Marley gasped and moaned louder as he started thrusting faster and with more fervor. The air was filled with moans and heaving breathing as they both where nearing their peak. Amber was already dripping unto the ground; her crotch was getting hotter and hotter than any other part of her body. She then wrapped her legs around his waist and used her leg strength to add more force to his thrusting.

“A-Amber…I-I’m almost…there…c-can I cum i-inside?” Marley said in the heat of passion.

“O-of c-course you c-can!” Amber replied back with a moan tagged to the end.

Amber was the first to hit her peak. The surge of pleasure filled her body with ripples of pleasure and hitting every point of her body. Letting out a loud moan, and without thinking, she leaned upwards and hugged Marley closely. Her vaginal walls also clamped down on his member and let out some more juices that spilled out unto the soft grass below. Her orgasm was also a chain reaction for Marley’s, as the tightened walls that wrapped around his phallus was too much for him to bear and he let loose his seed into her. The pleasure over took his body as he thrusted harder to try to get more out of it. The digit was also wriggling hard against his prostate. “Ahhh…i-it’s digging into my ass…” Marley thought as he gritted his teeth from the sensation and bucked his hips hard in response. This caused Amber to moan his name loudly and tightened her wrapped legs. Starting to expend his seed inside her, he slowed his thrusting to a stop. He looked at Amber’s tired, panting form, and then disengaged himself while she unwrapped her legs from his waist. He then slowly laid down next to her and they both wrapped their arms around each other to bask in the glow of the aftermath. Amber slowly pulled out her digit from Marley’s rear entrance, which gave a soft pop as it came out.

“Hey…Marley…” Amber asked between her panting, “Is it time…to say…‘I love you.’ already?”

“I…think our…actions…said that…already…” Marley answered with his own soft panting.

Both of them stayed clasped in each other’s arms for a while, but even they didn’t know how long they stayed like that. They listened to the other’s soft breathing while the afternoon sunlight shone on them. The area was mostly quiet, with just the wind blowing and birds chirping. Then Amber broke the silence.

“Do you think Brendan and Susie are wondering where we are?” Amber asked as she propped herself on her elbow with Marley following suit.

“Maybe so…let’s wash up before we go back…” Marley then got up and reached out his hand to help Amber to her feet.


Both of them made it back to the campsite without any problems. Marley had used some of the water from his tail to wash themselves off. They also used the afternoon sun to dry off while they took the path back to the campsite. It was here that they decide to hold hands. Amber didn’t want to leave Marley behind like when they first came to the tree.

“There you are!” Brendan said as he noticed both monkeys walking from the forest into the campsite. “You guys must’ve been lost or something!” Brendan’s face showed worry and concern as he looked at them. Susie came up and kneeled in front of them; concern was also on her face.

“I’m glad you two aren’t hurt or anything. Brendan was about to blow that whistle, but he stupidly misplaced it.” Susie said as she gave a sardonic look towards Brendan. She then noticed that they where holding hands, to which she gave a small smile. “Alright you guys, dinner will be done in about an hour, so don’t wonder off again!” Susie said to them. She stood up and walked off while Brendan followed her, but not before he looked back towards them and gave them a wink and a thumbs up.

“Amber…does he know?” Marley turned his head towards Amber, before looking down and noticing that they still held hands. Amber also noticed, and both of them let go with a blush.

“Who knows…” said Amber. “Anyway, I want to show my new juggling act to Opal and Pearl over there.” Amber showed him that she had two Pecha berries in her curled tail digits. “I’ll be right back!” She skipped off to where Opal and Pearl were hanging out. Marley took this time to watch her go off before a voice from behind him cut off his thoughts.

“Hey Marley, where have you been?” It was Tosh.

Marley turned around to see Tosh and his two buddies. “We just explored the forest is all.” Marley said calmly.

“Oh come on! We all saw you two holding hands walking out of that forest!” Barrett snorted.

Wailer broke out in a sing-song voice, “Marley and Amber, sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G! First comes—.”

“Thanks for that observation, Captain Obvious…” Marley coolly said with arms crossed.

“Well, Marley, I’m certainly surprised! I never thought you had it in you!” Tosh chucked has he went over to give Marley a pat on the back. “Even if it had to be with that brat Amber—”

“Brat?” Marley replied with the same coolness and jerked away from Tosh. Within his body, Marley suddenly felt the confidence to stand up for his friend and lover. “You guys should really look past your own nose!” Marley clinched his fists as the coolness in his voice started to have a bit of anger within it. “She’s the sweetest Pokemon I know, probably out of our two groups combined, and fun to be around with. You should try it sometimes, getting to really know that someone who is friends with you…and especially if they are a lover!” Marley then stared hard at them with a cold seriousness.

“I, uh…damn! Where did you get such…balls!?” Tosh looked around nervously. Wailer and Barrett kept quiet, but reflected Tosh’s exact emotion. After under a minute of being under Marley’s gazing assault, Tosh spitted out, “Ugh, fine! You have a good point there, princess!” Tosh put his hands on his hips with a grunting “Humph!”

Marley eased up on his staring. “…I’ll let you guys think about it for a while.” He then turned around and started walking away. Then, he looked over to the trio. “Also, that joke is still damn old…and stale.” Marley then turned his head back around and walked off quietly. The trio silently stared at him until he was out of earshot.

“Damn…what was that?” Wailer asked his two comrades.

“…Who the hell was that and what happened to our girly loser?” Tosh asked with eyes wide open.


“Heeeey, girls!” Amber skipped over to Opal and Pearl, who were conversing about ribbons as usual.

“Ugh, what do you want, kid?” Opal said with slight disgust.

“Well, I practiced my juggling lately. Wanna see?” Amber brightly smiled at them. A smile that was very fake.

Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to see Amber make a fool of herself, Pearl and Opal agreed, giving each other side glances of “This is going to be good…”

Amber took a deep breath and then started juggling the two Pechas with some difficulty. Pearl and Opal both looked on, bored. Amber kept this up for a few minutes, the watching duo growing even more bored as time went on. Then as a grand finale, Amber threw both berries into the air, but not without the sun getting a glare into her eyes. She had thrown the berries in a high, but short arc to where they had then hit Pearl and Opal squarely on the head with a loud “THUNK!” each.

With an angry yelp from Pearl, she yelled, “You brat! You did that on purpose? DIDN’T YOU?!?”

“But…the sun got into my eyes.” Amber curtly replied. Pearl was about to jump on her in retaliation but Opal cut her off.

“Pearl, it’s not worth it. We can get back at her later if you want, but not now.”

Pearl regained her composure. “You better watch yourself, monkey bitch…” Pearl and Opal then walked off in a huff.

Amber then let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t think about the possibility of Pearl attacking her out of anger, and she knew Pearl could kick her ass in battle. She certainly didn’t want to end up like Marley in the hospital and add to the stress of their trainers. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Marley.

“I heard yelling over here, are you alright?” Marley looked at her with concern.

“Don’t worry about it!” Amber said with a smile. “Pearl was just being a bitch as usual.” Amber then looked at Marley with wide eyes. “Hey, I didn’t notice until now…you stopped stuttering!”

“I-I have?” Marley put both hands on his cheeks and smiled.

“Well, I guess as long as I don’t bring it up…” Amber nervously giggled.

By the time dinner was in the midst, both of the monkeys where sitting on their usual corner of the picnic blanket, examining the berries that they will be eating. It wasn’t until Amber was in the middle of explaining how Sitrus and Oran berries, if eaten at the same time, is like a flavor explosion in your mouth, Jade had walked up to them.

“Hey guys…” Jade meekly said to the monkey duo.

Amber smiled at their visitor. “Hey Jade!...Why aren’t you hanging out with Pearl and Opal?”

“Well, they didn’t want me hanging around them…” Jade looked away.

Amber then wrapped a tail around Jade’s small furry shoulders. “Well, you can hang with us losers if you want!” Amber gave a big grin.

“Right now, we’re just talking about what combination of berries give a great taste, among other things.” Marley told Jade. “You are more than welcome to join us if you want.” He gave a small smile towards Jade.

“R-really?! Thanks guys!!” Jade shouted as she gave Amber a big hug. Amber couldn’t help to think that Jade acted like she used to, and she found that a bit heartwarming. The trio sat in a circle around the plate of berries being discussed as the sunbeams from a slowly sinking sun shone down on them.

“So Jade, What’s your favorite berry?”

~The End~

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