AGNPH Stories

Pokemon: Annihilation by lincolnderek


Frost and Amber

(Somewhere in the Frosty Mountains in Johto
150 years before the present.)

 My name is Amber, and this is my memories of my former life. This happened when I was 10 and my brother Frost was 12.

 It was winter, and one of the worst blizzards of the century was raging, the temperature was -45 degrees outside.

 Brother in ragged and bloody clothes was struggling through the blizzard, with me on his back. Blood was frozen to his face from a laceration over his right eye. (The blood had frozen his right eye shut.)

 I was cold and tired; I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Every time I woke up I would see either white from the snow blowing at us or the brown shirt Brother was wearing.

 All I could remember before this blizzard was darkness.

 How did we get in this mess? I asked myself and as an answer, my sub-conscious revealed to me what happened 2 hours ago…


 At first I saw just darkness, with screams of men and women echoing around me, and my father's voice yelling as something smashed into the door with a soft thump.

 "Frost! Take Ember and get out of here quickly! He's here! Run!! You hear me! RUN!!"

 I opened my eyes as I was picked up by Brother as sounds of splintering wood got louder.

 "Daddy, what's going on" I asked groggily

 Father never answered because the door had just been knocked onto the floor, followed by a cold gust of wind, then a whistling sound, followed by father gasping and falling to the floor, clutching his chest.

 Another whistling sound is heard, and I remember Brother jumping to the left as the knife went whistling past. After he hit the floor, I fell out of his arms.  Brother got up, blood flowing from a gash over his right eye, and stared at the man in black, who was walking through the shattered ruins of the door and stepping over Father's body.

 "So trying to run away with her I see" He said with a cackle

 Brother moved closer to me, blocking my view of him and Father

 "Trying to protect your sister, like a good big brother? Do you even know who I am and what I am capable of!?" The man said with a sneer as he draws out a long thin-bladed sword out of a sheath on his back.

 "Surrender and I'll spare the lives of all of the villagers!" Demands the man


 [Let me fight him Frost. I can help..] said Frost's other self
 [No. If I let you out, you'll hurt everyone!]


 "No!" Brother yells as he prepares to protect me.

 The man steps forward sword, ready to strike, when he stops and looks down at the hand, clenching his ankle.

 "GO NOW", said Father looking up at us from the floor, his face a grimace of pain.

 From my point of view I see brother stunned for a second before turning to me, grabbing me and hoisting me onto his back, then running out the back door into the blizzard

 I shut my eyes as a loud scream of intense pain rolls toward us on the wind.

 Meanwhile in the cabin, Father falls to the floor, dead, his face in an expression of hellish pain.

 "Damn, they got away!" The man said as he walked into the blizzard after us.

 I wake up, scared senseless. Who was that man that killed everyone to get to me? Deep down in my heart, I didn't want to know.


 [Don't worry Amber. He won't harm us as soon as we get to the next town, we can warn them] my other self said comfortingly in my mind

 After walking for what seemed like hours, brother collapses into the snow, weak from loss of blood. Brother struggles to get up, to continue walking, despite massive amounts of pain, he gets up and starts walking again, his skin ghostly white from the cold.

 "Brother.." I said softly as the snow blew into our faces. "I'm cold…"

 "Amber. Just hold on, we're almost half-way to Ecruteak Village…

 A loud crunch was heard underfoot, right before the ground opened up beneath us, sending us into a dark void. The last thought I had was of extreme pain all over my body as we hit the icy floor…

 Darkness. Just darkness all around, then a faint light appears, beckoning me closer. I walk toward it, with every step I took I felt warmer. A women's voice beckons me

 "Come child, there is life and warmth here."
 I walk into the light and find myself in the temple, which was  very warm. I was lying on a nest of soft feathers, with a heavy blanket over me.  I sit up to look around. I look around and see only a large pit in the center of the temple, containing a warm roaring fire, and an alter to the legendary Phoenix Ho-oh. The alter was made of a rainbow of colored gems set into Pure white marble. I turn my head to see brother next to me asleep, his skin pale, and his eye bandaged. I then notice both Brother and I are wearing clean linen clothes. The clothes were soft and warm, made of a soft material.


 [Why am I in silk clothes?] I asked the other me
 [You. I mean…We were rescued.] She said pointing out the obvious
 [By who?] I asked confused
 [Afraid I don't know..]


 I get up to have a closer look, walking halfway there before I noticed my wounds had been healed.

 "Oh, my child you're awake so soon!' said a motherly voice behind me. I turn only to find myself facing a wall of white feathers. I look up and find myself looking up at the legendary phoenix Ho-oh.

 I then felt lightheaded and fell backwards, I would have hit the floor if Ho-oh didn't catch me in her wings.

 "Oh dear, child, you should stay in bed until you're better!" she said in a motherly way as she carried me to the bed. Strangely I felt safe in her wings. I fell asleep before she put me back in the bed.

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