AGNPH Stories

Gardenia of Eden by penguinmayhem


Chapter 1

"They just don't understand," the golden-haired girl told herself as she wiped the sweat from her brow. So deep into thick jungle, her unorthodox mode of dress had its advantages, not the least of which was giving her plenty of ventilation around her midriff. Though the thick, humid air did little to help matters even so, and her body was soon slick from end to end. No matter. Alone, deep amongst the undergrowth, propriety was something she could do without.

The loose beige shorts she wore, that had once been trousers, collapsed to the ground in a puddle around her feet, weighed down by all the odds and ends she kept stuffed in her pockets in lieu of a proper backpack. It felt good to have air on her lower body, even if it was hot and damp and cloying. If anything, the humidity only served to bring her attention back to her loins, which thrummed softly with need.

Turning back to the incredible creature, Gardenia could not stop a hand from crossing her belly, fingers dancing over soaking wet skin with anticipation. Her eyes were drawn, inescapably, to the magnificent beast of green skin and red velvet.

"They don't understand at all, do they Diomedes?" She spoke to the hulking creature, several times her own size, in gentle loving tones. Her hands still slippery with her own sweat slithered across the broad neck of the creature, and over its shoulder.

It replied with a noise like a rumbling hiss of hot breath.

Gardenia tried to stop her heart from racing, but it still fluttered inside her as her fingers caressed the rugged perfection of her mount's face. She recognised the signs, the slight tilting of his head and the way his inhuman features shifted so subtly under her touch, and took it as encouragement to continue. Her fingers soon were replaced by lips, soft and flush, pouting against the much tougher animal flesh of the creature's cheek, and she laid kisses from the edge of his massive jaw all the way up to the end of his blunt, wedge-like snout.

She tasted his tongue with eager excitement as soon as it appeared, peeking almost tentatively from between those frightfully large teeth. Her body couldn't wait for her mind to keep up, and she was sucking at the tip of that immense piece of muscular flesh before she even knew it, fellating the beast's beautiful tongue with unbidden fervour.

The young woman's breast heaved, her breaths panting and deep, the combination of the clammy jungle air and her increasing arousal making her light-headed and starved for oxygen. The sweet, almost sickly, scent of her mount's breath as it wafted over her face in a rush left her mouth watering, hungry for something more.

"Diomedes, my beloved," the addled young blonde cooed as she stroked the beast's neck with her hand. "I haven't been pollinated in oh so long. I feel so empty and cold..."

As if in reply (and she knew, of course, that it was exactly so) the towering bulb of red velvet petals standing proud upon the tremendous back of the beast began to part. The flower blossomed open toward the midday sun streaming through the canopy above, showing its vibrant crimson innards for all to see. Gardenia could not see for herself, from her meagre height beside the towering body of the creature, but she could see the magnificent structure revealed by the opening petals towering upward. The familiar shape of that treelike trunk, blooming into an intricate honeycomb cap at its pinnacle, and surrounded by a dozen or more stalks like cattails that slowly spread into a broad sprawling mass, puffy yellowish heads shedding a veritable cloud of sweetly scented pollen that enraged the girl's already aroused senses. She licked traces of the dusty, sticky yellow from her lips and swallowed hard.

"I'm fertile for you," she whispered to him in her fantastic lust. "My love."

Gardenia let the air sigh from her lungs as she settled naked bottom onto the velvet texture of the creature's vast petals. Almost at once, her own rapidly flowing juices formed a puddle beneath her that trickled along the finely pitted surface, a glistening wet waterfall of arousal and sweat, running into the channel at the base of the impossibly huge flower. So very close to its source, the scent of the pollen drifting into her nostrils made her head swim with all-consuming hunger, a deep and primal hunger that boiled not from her stomach, but from way down deep in her belly, a strange and unnatural lust that she had known for so much of her life. The young woman welcomed it, and let her mind slip gradually away from her as she moved her half naked body towards the glorious tower of plantflesh before her.

A flower it may be, she knew better than anyone that it was no ordinary flower despite its appearance. When she met the waxy, soaking surface of that tower with her dainty nose, the creature responded as no ordinary flower would to her touch. The many wispy (though only by comparison, for they managed to be of girth enough to fit comfortably in her hand) stalks that surrounded that central trunk curled and bent towards her, inviting her and molesting her in the same touch. Their cloudlike yellow heads brushed her body, naked from her diaphragm downward, and dusty trails of gold were painted across her already soaking wet sun-kissed skin. The downy soft textures caressing the naked flesh of her belly, her trembling thighs, pressing themselves gentle yet insistently between her legs to kiss the pouting mound of her sex, all made the young blonde's heart race. She could not hope to control herself, to resist this incredible temptation, had she even wanted to.

"Please, do it." Her breath was heavy and fast against the glorious broad cap of that tower before her as she leant against it for support, wrapping her arms about the creature's most intimate organ far more delicately than it ever had been with her own tender places. "Please," she begged her bestial lover, "Do it. Fertilize me. I've been waiting for so long."

She gasped as her body responded on its own to the increasing pressure of solid mass against her loins. Her labia blossomed in an obscene mimicry of the flower itself, and floral flesh was forced within the snug, soaking confines of Gardenia's pussy, stretching the ripe cherry-red flesh around it much farther than it could ever manage to open of its own volition. That wonderful filling, that stretching and settling as the bulbous mass of golden yellow entered her took her breath away completely. Pollen filled her in a rush, brushed from the ever advancing head of that proud masculine stalk and drawn upward and inward by her own undulating muscles, bathed in sticky wet heat to flow, a golden nectar of floral fertility, towards her very core. She imagined sometimes that she could even feel herself, at her very innermost, her most sacred of places, gulping at that glorious liquid with rampant thirst.

The cloud-on-a-stalk dusted her innards as no woman had ever experienced but her, coated the inside of her in a fine paste of gold on top of the copious reservoir of potent, pollen-saturated fluid filling the core of her femininity. Only then did it cease, did it withdraw itself from her needy, aching sex, leaving the blonde yearning for more. And yet, she knew that she still had her part to play, and play it she must. The sweat coating her body from head to toe, pasting her hair to her naked skin, making her feet slip and slide uneasily on the inviting texture of the petal beneath her, had by now become a sheen of translucent gold. The taste of the pollen was everywhere, all over her, inescapable. Her senses were filled with her lover's touch.

"You've grown again, Diomedes, my love. My darling."

Indeed, she found some small difficulty placing her feet correctly as she ascended the tower; the familiar supports seemed all unfamiliar to her well practiced body. Her toes, soaked in the mixture of rich, heady pollen, sweat and her own love juices, could simply not find enough purchase on the girth of the trunk, and she ended up sitting sharply down upon the immensely broad cap. By now, so many months after their first meeting, it was almost large enough to make for a comfortable seat. Not that actually sitting on it was what Gardenia had in mind, if indeed she had anything in her mind at all at the time.

She sat down with a wet squelching that was not at all dignified or poetic, but the kiss of her pouting, somewhat sore petals against the honeycombed surface swept any remaining thoughts away in a tidal wave of bliss.

"Let me be the ground in which you sow your seeds, my beloved one."

She needn't have asked. No sooner had her undulating vaginal lips met the rough surface, there was a rush of fluid. It oozed out of many a dozen tiny holes in the flesh beneath her, and it inevitably found its way into her spasming sex as well. She could almost taste the overpoweringly sweet substance as it seeped between her lower lips and was forced upward by her own bodily pressure bearing down upon the thick, spongy mass from whence it came.

Gardenia stopped thinking. Her mind was blank. Blind, deaf, half mad, she could only cling as best her slippery, soaking fingers could manage to the robust structure of the trunk beneath her, grasp it between her strong young legs, and ride wave after wave of bodily orgasm. Her innards pulsated in time with the rhythmic oozing of the nectar up, up, UP into her greedy pussy, and every muscular wave exploded outward through her entire nervous system, her whole body convulsing again and again. She fed and fed, she gorged herself on that fertile deliciousness until her belly felt bloated and too full to bear any more, and then she finally let consciousness slip away from her with an unrestrained scream of breathless ecstasy.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Jan 5 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1
    Interesting work.

    Only issue was that I found myself getting a little thrown off my who was involved and the mating itself. Perhaps a rewrite would be in order to help clarify for other readers...
    But, you still get props.

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 50G
    Love Blossoms
    "Received a Rating of at least '5' while using a grass-type Pokemon"