AGNPH Stories

Heat On The Beach by mmmaster


Story Notes:

This is my first story ever. I hope you all like it. It will be a multi-chapter story eventually.

Love Begins

Sadik - (M) Arcanine
Shiro - (M) Typhlosion
Saheli - Trainer
Sandor - Saheli's Father

Sadik is a male Arcanine, given his womanly name when he was received as a gift to Saheli from Sandor, and given the name from Saheli, who thought he was a female. He is a little smaller than the other males of his kind.

Shiro is a shy male Typhlosion, not speaking much. He is of average height and weight of a normal Typhlosion. He was abandoned near a bridge a mile away from Saheli's home.

Saheli is a twenty-year-old woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was five feet two inches tall and had an average weight of one hundred five pounds. First got her pokemon when she was 10, but never got far in her journey when she had to quit and work to take care of her sick parents.

Cave - Deserted
Heat On The Beach

The smell of breakfast began to fill the little 4-room house. "Time for breakfast you two!" yelled the eager young lass, Saheli. She yelled to her only two pokemon, Sadik and Shiro. That's when she began to smell it again. A smell that was very unusual and somewhat arousing. It only happened only about six times a year. She had tried to trace it to its source, but never able to find it. All she knew was that it came from Sadik's room.

As she began to put the breakfast on the table, Sadik had finally woken up and came down the stairs, obviously still tired. When Saheli looked at Sadik, she saw an even sadder face than yesterday. Though Sadik seemed more depressed, Saheli didn't worry about it. It was probably another of his mood swings he's been getting lately. What scared her was that when he saw what was for breakfast, he didn't run to it and gobble it up. He just went to his seat and stared at the bacon and eggs. She went to ask him what was wrong, but before she got to him, he left the house crying, heading in the direction of the beach. Saheli didn't have time to react, as he used agility to leave ASAP.

That's when Shiro came down. Saheli looked worried at him. He looked worried back at her. Though shy, he still felt bad for whatever was bothering him. He wanted him as happy as possible. Saheli told him to eat he food, than they would go and try to find him.

After breakfast, they began the search at the beach. The beach was called Sandy Crab Isle, as there was a small island in a little cove area in the view of the beach. This used to be Sadik's favorite place to be before he evolved. Anymore nowadays, he just stays in his room, hoping to commit suicide one day to get over his depression. Nobody knew the cause for it, it just happened suddenly.

Shiro and Saheli decided to split up, as the beach was as long as California. Saheli decided to go to the food stands and shopping areas to see if he was eating anything out of the garbage. Shiro knew where to go - Alacivic Cove. Alacivic Cove was an alcove in a cave, hiding it from view. Very few people ever ventured into it, afraid of what could be in there. He and Sadik were the only ones that went in there, wanting a secret hiding spot.

As Shiro came up to the cave's entrance, he began to hear crying. When he got closer it became louder to the point that it would drive a person insane if the person was stupid enough to listen to it for a certain amount of time. When he entered the cave, it was too dark to see anything. Thanks to being a Typhlosion, he just used the flames around his neck to light the way.

As he traversed the landscape of stalagmites and stalactites, he finally reached the room where he heard the crying coming. In the center of the room, he found a big black blob sitting over a pool of dirty tears. Shiro knew that it was Sadik as the silhouette was too big for any pokemon they have ever met in here.

He decided to sit next to him waiting for him to stop crying so that he could ask what was going on with him. At first Sadik didn't know that Shiro was sitting on his ass next him. When he figured it out, he tried to stop crying long enough to get out what he wanted. Finally, he stopped and began to talk.

"What the hell are you doing here" Sadik sniveled as he spoke to Shiro to break the awkward silence. "Saheli and I came looking for you. You left in such a hurry that we became worried about you. Saheli went to look in the shopping area for you while I came to look in the cave. You know we would have found you eventually, right" Shiro responded.

"I wanted to be alone for a while," Sadik began to speak as he looked into the puddle that he made. "I didn't want you to see me like this." He finished saying as he began to cry again. Shiro became more saddened to see his friend cry again, he wanted to do something about it. "Why do you care what I see in you? You're my friend and it doesn't matter what you look like." Shiro replied. "You are who you are".

"You don't understand at all" Sadik began too cry worse. "I won't know if you don't stop crying and tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU LATELY!" yelled Shiro. Sadik was shock by how loud the shy Typhlosion was getting "YOU NEVER ACTED LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU'RE EVOVLUTION, BUT NOW YOU ACT LIKE YOU'RE A LITTLE BITCH IN HEAT. GAIN SOME BALLS AND START TALKING." That is exactly what he did.
Chapter End Notes:Please rate and give me some tips for later on. The other chapters will be up later on
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