AGNPH Stories

Legend Of The Rocketeer by servussmith


Story Notes:

Okay, this is my Nuzlocke run in Sapphire literized. If you don't know what a Nuzlocke is, look it up. I've done/ am doing my best to make a fun story out of it and hope you enjoy it as much as I did/am.Pokemon and all that still does not belong to me. Never has, hopefully one day it will... but I'm not counting on it.

Chapter 1

Snickt! Click. Snickt! Click. Snickt! Click. This near constant alternation of sounds has been steadily
repeating in the dark for the past hour and a half. The rumble of an engine in the background sends
vibrations through the entire space, causing a variety of rattles and clanks around the source of the
'Snickt-Click' sound. The person responsible for the sound sighs, pausing briefly in their snickt-clicking.

Skchrrt-pop. Sparks fly from a lighter before the little flame bursts into life, throwing a dim yellow light
over the enclosed space. What the light reveals is the contents of a moving truck surrounding a young
man. This young man is dressed in mostly dark clothing, with the exception of a pale long-sleeved shirt
under a dark vest. The young man fixes his eyes on the flame for a moment, staring intently at the little
yellow tongue of fire.

Suddenly there is a screeching of brakes and everything seems to leap towards the front of the
truck. The light vanishes in the blink of an eye as the young man is thrown backwards, presumably heels
over head. There are a series of crashes and one prolonged profanity as the truck jumps back on its
shocks. A couple moments later, the sliding door at the back rolls up and bright sunlight fills the

The young man is now out of sight in the mess of fallen furniture and boxes. A couple of Machoke climb
into the truck and wade through the mess to grab a large wooden full press. They each grab an end and
lift the heavy wooden full press to reveal the young man hunched over a large medieval blade impaled
through the floor of the truck between his legs mere centimeters from his crotch. Note to self, always
pack dangerous items securely and never loose.
The machoke ignore him as they carry the furniture
out of the truck.

The young man shakes himself and runs a hand over the devil red 'Mr. T' mohawk on his head before
he climbs to his feet and navigates a path through the mess and jumping out of the truck back. In the
bright light of the morning sun, the pair of deep scars that mar his face become immediately clear, along
with the fact that the top part of his left ear is missing. He yawns a profanity as he stretches before
pocketing both the lighter and the switchblade he had been holding onto in his black leather vest.

He glances around himself, a couple houses and one larger building that looks a bit more commercial
than the residential houses. Trees surround the town except for a single path leading north. "Pfft,
Littleroot Town ain't much of a town."

The door of the house that the truck is parked in front of opens and a tall red haired woman steps out.
"Fenrir! I'm glad you made it. I'm sure you're happy to be out of the truck. I can only imagine what it
must have been like riding over with the last of our things."

Fenrir rolls his eyes, "You have no idea."

"Come on inside and check out your new room. Dad got you a new clock to commemorate the move, so
why don't you check that out and fix your watch to the new time. Hopefully you won't be too jetlagged
to enjoy the scenery."

Fenrir sighs, "Whatever Mom."

Fenrir walks inside and right up the stairs, ignoring the bustling Machoke and Vigoroth moving things
into place. His mother on the other hand...

"Nonono! That doesn't go there! That cabinet goes over here!"

Fenrir chuckles as he walks into his room. It is a very nice room, kind of drab, but definitely nice. It's a
pity he wouldn't be in region long enough to enjoy it. Of course, that didn't mean he couldn't take
advantage of the internet while he was here.

Fenrir whips out the desk chair and sits down in front of his computer, a bulky PC that he couldn't hope
to take with him on the trip back to Johto. He quickly boots up the computer and frowns. Where the hell
was his playboy lopunny centerfold desktop?!

A quick search through his files reveals a horrible, horrible truth. His porn was gone. "FUCKDAMNIT!"

"Is everything okay?" his mother calls from downstairs.

"Yeah! I just stubbed my toe on the bed frame!" Fenrir shouts back before slouching back in his seat.
Another quick scan reveals that the physical internet connection has not been created yet. He can't even
begin to restart collecting porn for his trip back to Johto. He growls, clicking on the only remaining file of
interest: Item Storage.

A window comes up detailing the contents of the digital storage network. Fenrir's eyes light up. He has a
potion in his box. He clicks the withdraw command and scoops up his back pack as the digitizer on his
desk warms up. Before long there is a crackling flash of white light and a small potion bottle appears on
the digitizer plate. Fenrir swats the bottle into the bag before zipping it up and throwing it over one

He pauses for just a minute to synch his watch with the brand new clock on the wall, it is approximately
930 in the morning in Hoenn, and that's the time the boats to Johto will be running by

He whistles happily as he makes his way downstairs. Johto, here I come!

As he steps out into the family room his mother looks up from the TV. "Oh Fenrir! Hurry over here! They
are doing a news report on the Petalburg Gym where Dad is! Come here and see if we can see him."

Fenrir lazily makes his way over to the TV. He sees a female reporter standing in front of a large gym. "...
And this concludes our report from in front of Petalburg Gym!"

"I guess we must have missed him."

Fenrir shrugs, "It isn't like we saw much of him even when we lived in the same town. Why should that
change now?"

His mother is silent for a moment then snaps her fingers. "That's right! Your dad's old college buddy
lives next door!"

"His drinking buddy?!" Fenrir asks excitedly, "That guy ought to have all sorts of awesome stories!"

"No, the Pokémon Professor. I think his name was Birch."

"Oh. Okay, sure. I'll be seeing you later then." Fenrir says waving to his mother over his shoulder.

Outside he takes a deep breath and begins walking towards the path out of Littleroot Town. As he
begins to walk he hears a noise. He pauses just outside of town. It sounds sort of like a rapidly growing
wail, like an approaching siren. He turns around to see what is making the noise and is thrown on his ass
by a small blue blur.

DON'TGOOUTTHEREITISDANGEROUS!" the small boy shouts at the top of his lungs as he clings to
Fenrir's waist. Fenrir climbs to his feet and tries to dislodge the small child.

"Get off you little brat!" he exclaims, grabbing the kid by his ankles and pulling.

"DON'TGOOUTTHEREITISDANGEROUS!" The boy continues to shout.

Fenrir hisses a number of profanities and walks back into Little Root with his hands over his ears. As
soon as he is back within the town the boy drops off of him and runs off. Fenrir watches the kid go and
scratches his head. What the fuck? Eh, may as well visit the professor. Maybe I can con the man out
of a pokémon. It would be good to get my hands on a decent pokémon before I join up with Team

He walks back to the front door of the other house and tries the door handle. To his surprise it opens
and he steps inside. He looks around the downstairs and marvels briefly at how similar it is to the home
he just left, all the way down to there being a woman seated at the kitchen table. Said woman stares at
Fenrir nervously as he waves and attempts to smile disarmingly, an attempt that is foiled by the way his
facial scars twist menacingly.

"My name is Fenrir, I just moved in next door. I was just looking for-"

"Oh, so you're Fenrir!" she interrupts quickly rising and walking across the room to stand by Fenrir with
a big smile.

"Yeah, as I was saying, I'm looking for-"

"Our daughter, May, was so excited to hear that a boy her age was moving into town."

"-the Pokémon... Did you say daughter?" Fenrir asks with a gleam in his eye.

"Yes, I think she is upstairs right now. You should go introduce yourself!"

"I think I will." Fenrir replies with a genuine smile as he walks towards the stairs. This was certainly a
first, normally parents told him to stay the hell away from their daughters.

Once upstairs he quickly locates May's room. He quietly steps inside and examines her. The first thing he
notices is her outfit, super short shorts and a small top. The next thing he notices is how well she fills
that outfit. Her tightly toned ass and curvy pair of hips fill her cutoff jeans respectably while her black
top swells with the curve of her ample breasts. Oh hell yes.

"Hi." Fenrir says as he starts walking towards her.

May looks up in surprise and her eyes light up, "Oh, you must be Fenrir! My father has told me about
you. Did you really get those scars on your face in a fist fight with a Vigoroth?"

Fenrir chuckles, "Yeah, I did. He stole my Snickers bar and I wanted it back."

"That's cool!" May beams, "Hey, I've got this dream of meeting and being friends with all sorts of
different pokémon all over Hoenn. I help my dad with his research because it helps me do this. Don't
you think that's a cool dream?"

Fenrir shrugs, "I guess it is. Making friends with pokémon is cool."

"I think so too." May says nodding energetically, "Do you have any dreams?"

"I do actually, and-"

May suddenly gasps as she looks at her watch, "Oh no! I was supposed to leave to go help my dad catch
pokémon nearly five minutes ago!"

His half spoken pick-up line dies in his moth as May darts forward and kisses him on the cheek before
darting past him and out of the room. He blinks in surprise, "What the fuck just happened?" He pauses
and looks at the door May just ran through. Wait, she not only just kissed me, but she also left me
alone in her room... snooping time!

Fenrir grins as he begins taking a good look at the room around him. There are a number of posters
depicting various pokémon in their natural habitats on the walls. Her bed is pretty standard, and her
computer is booted up and logged in. Fenrir throws himself down in the desk seat and begins clicking
around on the computer. From the names of the files there is a lot of research related files and

Suddenly a file catches his eye. The icon indicates that it is filled with all pictures and the name of the file
is 'Special'. "What do we have here?" Fenrir wonders aloud as he opens the file. Pokémon genitals!
Pokémon genitals everywhere!

"Gah!" Fenrir exclaims as he quickly closes out the file while gagging. What the hell was that?! She
did say she helps her dad with his research. I guess that might be considered research...

Fenrir rubs his eyes, wishing he could just wipe his memory as he stand up and turns around. A little bit
of yellow sticking out from under the bed catches his eye and he walks over to kneel next to the bed.
"What have we here? A tail?" he wonders aloud as he gently takes the plushie tail and pulls the doll out
from under the bed, "Oh hey! It's one of them Pikablu dolls!"

He checks the tag, which has a large C written on it before turning it over. "OH FUCK! IT HAS A PENIS!"
he exclaims, dropping the unusually endowed doll to the ground and leaping to his feet. Either May
has a thing for anatomical correctness or she is a straight up pokefreak!
Suddenly, Fenrir gets a
thoughtful expression. If that's the case I bet she's pretty easy. I like that. I just need to get her alone
for a little bit...

Fenrir continues to mull over May's obvious kinkiness as he leaves the house and starts walking towards
the other building, presumably the Professor's lab. Suddenly he hears a loud wailing yell. He
immediately whirls around to try and locate the blue shirted boy before he pounces.

However, blue shirt is at the path entrance and looking outwards. Fenrir walks over to the boy, who
clearly isn't the one yelling. The boy turns to look up at him, "I can hear somebody out there shouting
for help. Somebody should go help them."

Fenrir sees his immediate ticket out of the town past the blue shirt. "I'll deal with it." Fenrir begins
jogging up the path a ways. What he sees when the path opens up a bit nearly has him in tears from
how hard it makes him laugh.

There in a large swath of tall grass is a short brown haired man running around in circles and screaming
while a poochyena hangs onto his ass with its teeth. The man spots Fenrir on one of his trips around the
circle and shouts, "Don't just stand there! HELP ME!"

"Just punch the damn thing!" Fenrir calls out between laughs.

"I tried that already!" the man shouts back, "There are some pokéballs in my bag over there! Grab one
and help me!"

Fenrir follows the man's pointing arm to a large satchel. Fenrir walks over to it and opens it. He grabs
the first pokéball he sees and turns back to the man. Taking careful aim, Fenrir pulls back and pitches
the pokéball like a professional baseball player. To his surprise the ball flies open halfway to the man
and a glowing red form leaps from the ball. Before he can make out the exact identity of the glowing
form the pokéball he had thrown smacks him in the face. He spits a couple profanities as he holds his
nose. When he looks back to the pokémon that was in the pokéball he sees a blue quadruped with
bright orange whisker things on its cheeks. It looks up at him happily.

"Um," Fenrir points to the poochyena hanging off of the man's ass, "Go kick that Poochyena's ass."

The blue pokémon immediately runs off and tackles the poochyena off the professor. To Fenrir's
surprise the poochyena doesn't even move. It's out cold from one hit! The blue pokémon trots back
over to Fenrir and gently begins nuzzling his leg. He reaches down and picks up the pokémon while the
man approaches him. "Thank you very much. Please come with me."

The man leads Fenrir back to the larger building in Little Root. Once inside the man turns back to Fenrir.
"Well, in case you haven't guessed by now, Fenrir, I am Professor Birch. I had been doing some field
work in the grass when that pokémon jumped me. I am really grateful you came along, and you seem to
be getting along well with that mudkip so you can keep it."

"You are just giving her to me as a bribe to keep quiet about you making a novice error like walking
around in tall grass without a pokémon to protect you."

"Call it what you want, but... how did you know the mudkip was female?"

"All male pokémon hate my guts. It's kind of a curse on my mother's side of the family that all pokémon
of the same gender will hate them. Fortunately, it only affects the youngest generation." So all I gotta
do is knock a girl up and I'm in the clear.

"Well, then you are certainly lucky. Most Mudkips are male." Professor Birch pauses, "Of course, you
had best take damn good care of her."

Fenrir raises a brow, "She's mine now. Why do you care?"

Professor Birch steps up to Fenrir, "I paid a very hefty sum to get a female Mudkip, and she is an
investment. I will be taking her firstborn." His tone darkens suddenly as he continues, "And with that
other curse in your family, I can pull a few strings to make it so you disappear and nobody would
be the wiser." Fenrir stares into Professor Birch's eyes, and the look he finds there sends an icy chill
down his spine. This man is dead serious. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal, sir." Fenrir replies, taking a quick step back.

The Professor smiles, "Good! Now, I'll be entering the mudkip's information as well as your new
trainer's card information into the public database. So, would you like to give a name to your Mudkip."

Fenrir stares dumbfounded at the professor. What the hell was with this complete heel-face turn of
mood?! Finally he finds his voice, "Um, yeah. Lady Death."

"Hmm, that is a bit odd, but you are a strange kid so I guess it makes sense." Birch mumbles as he turns
to a computer and enters the information in a computer. When he is done he turns back to Fenrir,
"Well, that is out of the way now. Why don't you go talk with my daughter May. She should be up
around route 103 by now. I bet she can show you how to be a real trainer."

Another chance to interact with your kinky and smoking hot daughter? Fuck yes, I am there!
Fenrir thinks to himself as he grins, "Of course! I'll head out there right away!"

Fenrir steps outside and sets Lady Death down. She trots alongside him as he continues past little blue
shirt down the path, "Later squirt!"

The kid waves, "Watch out for pokémon in the tall grass!"

Fenrir rolls his eyes as he walks, "Whatever."

Suddenly a Zigzagoon leaps out of the grass in front of him. Fenrir runs at it and slams the toe of his
scuffed black leather boot up under it. The Zigzagoon lets out a yelp as it is launched into the air and
flies into a tree several yards away. Fenrir laughs, "And it's good!"

Suddenly Death bites down on Fenrir's leg. He yelps and begins hopping around trying to dislodge the
little blue and orange pokémon. "What the hell is wrong with you!? I thought you liked me!"

Fenrir finally manages to dislodge the mudkip, but no sooner does she land on the ground than she
charges him again. Fenrir dances out of reach again and again but Death is relentless in her pursuit.
Finally Fenrir gives up dancing and just runs.

He sprints up the path and around the corner. He sprints up the path to Olddale town with Death hot on
his heels. A few other people stare at him as he tries in vain to shake Death by running around buildings.
As a last ditch effort he heads north out of Olddale town and throws himself into the tall grass to hide.
Of course, it fails.

Death walks along his legs and sits down on his back with a big grin on her face. Fenrir looks back over
his shoulder at her smug grin. He lets al his air out in a huff and drops his face back into the grass in
defeat. What the hell...

A chorus of growls ahead of him causes Fenrir to jerk his head back up. He finds himself staring into the
growling faces of nearly a dozen Zigzagoons. Fuuuuu-

Suddenly Death leaps over Fenrir's head to begin brawling with the Zigzagoons. Fenrir stares slack jawed
as Death proceeds to singlehandedly wipe the floor with the spiky furred bastards. One by one she
sends the wild pokémon flying off into the tall grass. Fenrir sits up on his knees as a very smug Death
trots over to him. He reaches out a hand to rub Death's head. "Well, damn, Death. That was pretty

Death gives a little contented rumble from deep in her throat as Fenrir rubs his hand over her smooth
skin. Fenrir pauses as something in the corner of his eye catches his attention. He turns his eyes towards
that something and finds something glorious. May's ass sticking up in the air for all the world to see.
Sure, it's still clothed, but those pants don't leave much to the imagination.

"Hey! May!" Fenrir calls out as he jumps to his feet. Death, who had been leaning into Fenrir's touch,
falls over as he suddenly stops.

May immediately bolts upright and whirls around in surprise, "Oh it's you! What are you doing out

"Well your dad told me I should come on out here and talk to you now that I have a pokémon."

"Really? Dad gave you a pokémon?" May asks as both she and Fenrir step out of the tall grass. Death
follows close behind and loudly makes her presence known to both of them. May glances down in
surprise. "Oh he gave you her?! Wow, you must have really impressed him with your abilities."

"Yeah, something like that." Fenrir says with a smile then adds with a couple suggestive motions that
make Death roll her eyes, "And I'm sure you will be too."

"Sounds like fun!" May says with a huge grin, "Let's do it right now!"

Fenrir and Death's eyes both go wide at that response, quite possibly for the same reasons. "R-right
here out in the open?"

"Of course!" May replies reaching behind her back. "It's best to have pokémon battles in the open
where there is lots of room."

"Oh." Fenrir says as he resists the urge to facepalm. Death makes a series of the wet huffing noises that
pass as laughter for her species.

May pulls out a pokéball and releases the pokémon inside. When the flash of light fades there is a small
lizard pokémon standing in front of them. The Treecko eyes Death briefly before its face lights up in
recognition. Death's feeler-whiskers tremble as she growls menacingly.

The Treecko just gives her a smug look and strokes his tail leaves. The Treecko yelps and leaps straight
up into the air as Death lunges at him. Death plants her front feet and lashes out with her back legs at
the Treecko like a tiny bucking horse. Her attack lands squarely on the lizard's backside, sending him
flying across the ground.

The Treecko stares at Death in shock as he climbs to his feet. Death merely charges him again, tackling
him to the ground and gripping his tail in her teeth. The mudkip lifts her head and yanks on his tail
viciously. The Treecko however doesn't move, it's out cold.

Suddenly the Treecko is recalled into his pokéball and May shakes her head. "Wow. That was really
something. Back at the lab she was such a meek little thing that always ran away from me when I would
try and touch her. You must really be something special as a trainer to have brought out that much
energy and strength of spirit."

Death walks back over to Fenrir, who picks her up and gently strokes her head, "Thanks. Although, I
don't think I have ever seen her meek. She always does her best to live up to the name I gave her."
Though a little more 'Lady' would be nice.

May nods as she watches Death relax in Fenrir's arms, "Yep, you are definitely something special. Come
on by the lab if you get some time later. Maybe you and I could do some special work together."

Fenrir thinks back to May's 'Special' folder. "I certainly hope so." Replies with a grin.

May nods, "Well, I gotta get going, so I'll see you then."

Fenrir's eyes are glued to May's ass as she jogs back to Oldale. Damn that is a fine ass. I can't wait for
that 'special' work.

Fenrir's attention is torn from May's ass by a sharp pain in his arm. He yelps and begins waving his arm
around frantically trying to dislodge the Mudkip latched onto it. "Why can't you make up your mind?!"

Chapter End Notes:

So thoughts

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