AGNPH Stories

Legend Of The Rocketeer by servussmith


Story Notes:

Okay, this is my Nuzlocke run in Sapphire literized. If you don't know what a Nuzlocke is, look it up. I've done/ am doing my best to make a fun story out of it and hope you enjoy it as much as I did/am.Pokemon and all that still does not belong to me. Never has, hopefully one day it will... but I'm not counting on it.

Chapter 2

After a quick stop at the pokémon center once Death calmed down to make sure there wasn't anything
wrong with her, (there wasn't as far as the Nurse Joy there could tell), and to freshen her up after her
battling, Fenrir and Death made their way down to the lab again. No sooner does Fenrir step through
the front door of the lab than he is nearly yanked off his feet by a very enthusiastic May. "Come on! I
convinced my dad to let you work on a super special project with me!"

Fenrir struggles to keep his balance as May drags him across the lab, around benches and actually over a
low desk covered in papers. Finally he is standing in front of Professor Birch. The brown haired professor
sighs and holds out a slender device, "I can't believe I'm doing this, but take this pokédex."

Fenrir detaches himself from May and takes the device, "So what am I supposed to do with this?"

"That device is the latest in pokémon researching equipment. It will scan the contents of any ball
registered to you, and record data about that pokémon. My daughter has persuaded me to make you a
part of her special project to catalog all the pokémon currently known to exist in Hoenn, Kanto, and

Oh, so that's the special work she was talking about. Fenrir thinks to himself with a frown,

"I know you probably aren't very interested in doing this out of the goodness of your heart, so I am
willing to cut you a deal." Birch continues, "I will pay you for every pokémon you catalog with the
pokédex, say $25 per pokémon. That ought to cover the cost of pokéballs with plenty of room for a
hefty profit on your part."
Fenrir's face lights up. "That sounds great! When do I start?"

"Whenever you get the hell out of my lab." Birch says sharply grabbing Fenrir by the shoulders and
pushing him back out of the lab just as forcefully as May had dragged him through it, "Get your rear in
gear and fill that pokédex!"

Fenrir stumbles as Birch practically throws him out of the lab and slams the door behind him. Fenrir
smirks as he adjusts his vest. A little rudeness never bothered him. Hell, he was usually the rude one. On
top of that, he was gonna be paid to build a powerful army of pokémon! Maybe he would stay in Hoenn
for a while after all.

"This is so exciting!"

Fenrir jumps as May grabs his arm and begins walking him along towards the path out of town. "We're
going to go all over Hoenn and catch all sorts of adorable pokémon! Aren't you excited?"

Fenrir takes a moment to get a good look down May's shirt. No bra. Niiiice. "Oh I'm excited
alright!" Fenrir replies putting an arm around May. However, May slips under his arm and reaches into
her pack.

"Here, take these pokéballs." May says holding out half a dozen of the miniaturized balls. "To help you
start out your pokémon cataloging journey!"

"Thanks." Fenrir says as he reaches into his own shoulder pack to put the balls away. When he looks up
May is gone. Well not quite gone, he can still make out her red jacket as she sprints around the bend
way the hell down the path. "What the fuck?"

While Fenrir is confused by this erratic turn of events, Death is obviously pleased. Finally Fenrir shrugs
and begins walking along the path. He doesn't get very far before stumbling. A quick look at his feet
reveals the cause. His boot laces have come undone. Muttering darkly the teen sets his pack down and
begins retying the laces of his boots. Suddenly he freezes as he feels something crawling up his back. A
quick glance at his side makes it perfectly clear that it isn't Death crawling on his back. He turns his head
just a little further and finds himself staring into a pair of large yellow eyes along with a pair of plump

"Schweee!" the Wurmple squeals happily, rapidly opening and closing its mandibles.

Fenrir's eyes go wide as saucers and he lets out a shrill stream of profanities followed by, "GET IT OFF!

Suddenly the Wurmple disappears in a red flash followed by a ding. Fenrir blinks in surprise and turns to
Death who has a pokéball in her mouth. His jaw drops open in disbelief. Death spits out the pokéball and
grins up at him. Finally Death finds his voice, "You were supposed to kill it, not catch it!"

Death frowns then jumps as Fenrir yelps. Fenrir reaches into his back pocket where he had placed the
pokédex after leaving the lab. He pulls out the device and flips it open. "Oh hey, it just registered the
capture of that pokémon." Fenrir blinks "Alright! That's twenty-five dollars in my account!" Fenrir bends
down and picks up the pokéball with the Wurmple, "And caterpillar pokémon have three evolutionary
stages, so if I train this one, I can milk the Prof. for another fifty dollars." Fenrir reaches down and pets
Death, "Good job."

Fenrir and death walk through Oldale Town to the area north of it. Fenrir stands at the edge of the grass
and looks out over the expanse of tall grass. Death takes a seat next to him before looking up at him
quizzically. Fenrir ignores her questioning look, muttering, "There has to be a pokémon around here

"Schweeeee!" Fenrir's new Wurmple suddenly squeals in his ear.

Fenrir screams like a woman as he nearly leaps clear out of his skin. Fenrir grabs the Wurmple and flings
it away from him into the grass. To his surprise he hears a loud yelp followed by a Poochyena sprinting
out of the grass with the Wurmple clinging tightly to the canine's back. The Wurmple lets out some
gleeful squeals as it clings to the back of the bucking Poochyena like some sort of rodeo cowgirl. Fenrir
and Death stare dumbfounded at the bizarre sight. Finally, Fenrir snaps out of his confusion and whips
out a pokéball as the Wurmple leaps off the canine. The pokéball strikes the small dog in the head and it
disappears into the ball with a red flash followed by a ding as the capture is completed. "Woohoo!
Another 25 dollars!"

Fenrir laughs as the Wurmple climbs up his leg and takes a seat on his backpack. "You're like a plague
aren't you? A tiny unstoppable menace. Therefore, I dub thee 'Plague'." Fenrir walks over to the
pokéball and picks it up. "And you are Shadow Hound."

Fenrir spins the ball on one finger before frowning and twisting his head around to look at Plague, "How
the hell did you get out of your ball?"

Plague just squeaks. Fenrir sighs, "Come on Death. Let's head over to Petalburg."


No sooner does Fenrir step out onto the road to Petalburg than a small Lotad waddles out onto the
path. Fenrir grins, "Another twenty five bucks, here I come! Shadow!"

Fenrir tosses the pokéball with the poochyena out in front of him. the poochyena emerges from the red
light running full tilt and slams into the little Lotad. The water-grass type rolls to a stop and Fenrir hurls a
pokéball at it.


Fenrir frowns and stares at the pokéball that had simply bounced off the Lotad. He walks over to the
unmoving pokémon and crouches down next to it. Picking up the pokéball, he pokes the pokémon with
the activator button a few times. "Why won't you go in?"

Fenrir picks up the Lotad and shakes it, with his other hand he takes out the pokédex and holds it up to
the unresponsive pokémon. Nothing. Fenrir finally sighs and looks down at Shadow, "I think you killed it,
girl." Fenrir tosses the Lotad over his shoulder and keeps walking. "Don't kill the next one."

"Hey mister!"

Fenrir groans and turns to see some kid with a butterfly net running towards him, "Whadda ya want?"

"Check out my awesome bug pokémon!" the boy says releasing a Wurmple from its pokéball.

Fenrir makes a face, "Death, go show this punk what an awesome pokémon looks like."

Death doesn't even move from her place walking next to Fenrir as she unleashes a Water Gun on the
caterpillar pokémon. The Wurmple is immediately knocked on its back. Fenrir snorts, "Kid, try again
when your pokémon isn't lame."

The bug catcher picks up his weakened Wurmple and begins walking towards Oldale Town. "You're not
lame." He whispers, "Not to me."

Fenrir snorts again and starts walking down the road. The rest of the trip to Petalburg City is uneventful
and Fenrir arrives at the Gym in almost no time at all. Fenrir kicks the door open with a loud boom and
the man standing in the antechamber of the gym whirls around to stare at Fenrir. "Fenrir!" the man
laughs, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to... fuck I don't know." Fenrir says, "I was gonna say, 'to kick your ass in a pokémon battle'
but I know my pokémon aren't ready for that yet."

Fenrir's dad glances at the Wurmple peeking over the teen's shoulder and the mudkip sitting next to
him. "How did you get your pokémon?"

"Birch." Fenrir replies shortly, "Anway, I'll be back when I know I can beat you."

"Good, when you get some badges, come back and we'll see just how strong your bonds with your
pokémon are."

Fenrir nods then promptly walks into a brown haired boy as he is turning to leave. "E-e-excuse me." the
boy says quietly as he steps around Fenrir. "Excuse me? Mr. N-Norman sir? I was w-wondering if you
could g-give me a pokémon?"

Fenrir chuckles as he watches the skinny, almost sickly looking kid stare up at Norman with a nervous
look. Norman shakes his head, "No, But I'll let you borrow one of my pokémon and Fenrir here can help
you catch one for yourself."

"WHAT?!" Fenrir exclaims, "I don't have time to waste babysitting some stupid kid while he does circles
in the grass looking for some stupid rodent!"

"You will help him." Normamn says firmly, "Or I'll never battle you. So you'll never be able to get my
gym's badge."

"Badges? I don't need no fucking badges!"

"You'll also never get to fight Chuck." Norman adds with a smirk.

Fenrir's jaw drops. "He's here?"

"Yep, I fully intend to use him in my battles. A battle you won't get to have unless you help Wally here
catch a pokémon." Norman says unclipping a pokéball from his belt and handing it to Wally.

Fenrir glares at his dad for a split second before grabbing Wally by the shirt, "Come on, let's get this shit
over with."

Wally stumbles along behind Fenrir, too startled, and probably too frightened by the intimidating teen,
to protest. Fenrir frog marches the kid to the nearest patch of tall grass and chucks him into the grass.
"You find pokémon in the tall grass. There isn't anything good around here though."

"Oh wow! A Ralts!"

Fenrir stares at the Ralts that has just appeared a mere meter from Wally. "The hell!?"

Wally tosses the pokéball he got from Norman and a Zigzagoon pops out. "Um, tackle."

The Zigzagoon slams into the Ralts and the Ralts tumbles over backwards. "Uh, I throw a pokéball now

"Yes." Fenrir replies through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to throw one of his pokéballs and catch the
rare and potentially very powerful pokémon. Wally pulls out a miniaturized pokéball, resizes it, and
throws it at the Ralts as it tries to rise back to its feet. It vanishes in a flash and the pokéball falls to the
ground, three shakes and a ding. "You lucky sonuvabitch."

Wally picks up the pokéball and smiles, "Thank you!" before running off. Death looks up at Fenrir

Fenrir catches her eye, "What?" Fenrir sighs, "Fuck it, let's turn in for the night. To the pokémon

Five minutes later Fenrir is kicking off his boots and hops into the single bed. Death lays down on his
chest and is asleep in seconds. Plague is also asleep on Fenrir's backpack. Fenrir smiles, things are going
better than planned.

Chapter End Notes:

And a big thank you to the people who actually give this a read! And an even bigger thank you to those who review

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