AGNPH Stories

Metamorphosis by purplefoxtail


Story Notes:

I decided to do this story on a whim, no long time deliberating or anything, I just woke up one day, and said "Hey, I'm going to submit my first story!"That being said, this *is* my first story, so I know it probably won't be groundbreaking, but I'm hoping it will at least hit up to par with some of the worse stories on here :D Sex in later chapters.


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

"You, will be known to me, as First." The voice came in waves, it was never there though, or was it always? First could never tell. First struggled to remember what had happened before those words were spoken, before First was her name, but her mind drew a blank. Where was she anyway? Vision was gone. All she saw was white, a pure but blinding light. She tried lifting her arm to her face, but realized she didn't have an arm, or a face for that matter.

"First, do you know where you are?" The voice called to her again, the same melodramatic tune that called to her, moving her ever-forward.

"No...I suppose I don't...." First stated it shamefully. Clearly, Mother had wanted her to know, to tell her that she was intelligent enough to know where they were. ... Mother? Where had that name come from? She certainly hadn't heard it in there short, but never-ending and neverbeginging conversation.

Yet somehow, First knew the name was right, as much as a fact as her own name was First. It had a sense of...Finality in it.

"First, my daughter, you are in a place, that I call Celestial."

As soon as the words were spoken, visions of large fields of clovers and grass burst into her mind, stunning her for several moments. Her mind played over a landscape like a filmstrip, showing small snippets, pieced together by something she couldn't even begin to comprehend. Large butterflies flying over a lake larger than an ocean. The images reeled backwards and up, to show immense black skies, with millions, no, trillions of stars cast all through out it like sand on a beach. They created almost a solid wall of light, but each individual one was dull, and a different shade. Other visions swam in front of her. A cave. An ocean. A cliff. A tree the size of an entire continent. Then, all at once, they were gone.

"M-Mother?" First's voice was slow, shaky, and she had to concentrate hard to get any words out. "What....What was all that?" She felt remorse boil inside of her. Regret that she didn't look harder, experience more. Anger was there too, how could Mother of shown her a vision, and rip it away?! Just to be replaced by a pure blank.

"My daughter, you know exactly what that was." And First did.

"Can I go back?" she could sense the want in her own voice, the way it wavered and sounded slightly whiny. It even bugged her as it came out.

"Eventually." Her voice was firm, but slightly soothing. There would be no further discussion of the subject.

After a few seconds of silence (or was it centuries?) Mother spoke again.

"Are you ready to leave now?"

Fear shot through First. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being alone. But most of all, leaving mother. "L-leave?"

"Yes my daughter, It's time for you to go. We shall speak again soon..."

The white in front of First faded to a dark black, and then, shortly after, red.

Awake. That's what she was. She could hardly be sure anymore, time had all but melded together, passing quickly, yet never-ending. She compared it to moving high speed towards something that was physically impossible to reach. This is physically impossible...isn't it? The thoughts were just as bad. Always there, but never there. She had, for the most part lost her mind. Had she ever had a mind? She couldn't remember. If she had, it was long gone now.

Cold. She was that too. Stuffed into this room, all alone. Why had mother left me? had I done something to offend her? Had I showed weakness where she needed strength? Had she simply chosen someone else. She wiggled slightly, the room closing in on her constantly, so her spines would rub against the inner walls.

Spines!? When had they gotten there? Oh. she thought matter of factly. Those things, they had always been there. A strong wind or so she guessed, she didn't actually feel anything, just the way the room felt blew at her, almost forcing her little room to fall.

Could it fall? Did it even exist? Of course it did. It's as real as I am.

Am I real?

Thoughts are a lonely curse. To most, they may seem a blessing, but to be encased in such a prison, with nothing but your thoughts, was a sentence for which she did not want to pay. The charge? It must have something to do with Mother.

Oh how she missed Mother. She left long ago. Long before her entombment. She was the only thing that First was sure of. Even being sure of her existence though, didn't stop her memories from fading. In her dreams, which would come as often when she was awake as when she was asleep, She could hear Mother talking to her. Not close by, but so very far away. It pained First to know that she was not worthy of hearing from her anymore. She must of done something bad.

She was moving! The room was moving. She couldn't tell the direction or how fast she was going, but for the second time she was sure of something. She was sure she was moving. A heat came up through her belly, and she shook slightly giddy with excitement. As her spines rubbed against the room, she thought about how she would need to get a new egg, or this one would crack while she was still in it!

Movement. The word was so glorious and exciting she wanted to scream. Nothing had happened for centuries, and now, oh now, everything would happen! Fantasies played through her sparkling eyes, and she wriggled again in excitement. Any day now, any second now, and she would be free to explore Celestial! Wait a minute...her mind came to a halt. She left celestial.

Where was she now? Other than in this cursed Oval room. Fear ran through her veins slowly, seeping to the tip of her tail. What if...her thoughts stopped short. What if this the only thing that exists!? Or if when this room breaks, I'm in another!? She suddenly was afraid to break the room, and held her breath, as if that would stop her from moving.

Needless to say, it didn't and her journey continued for a great deal longer. Until one day...a crack appeared.
Chapter End Notes:The first half of chapter one takes place with her and arceus, before birth.

The second half, takes place in her egg. This is almost like a prologue, considering you can't exactly have an elaborate plot etc, inside of an egg..
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