AGNPH Stories

Hot Under the Collar by servussmith


Story Notes:

Faith the charmeleon is head over heels in love with her trainer, Jack Daniels. Unfortunately to most people it is Father Jack Daniels, since he is a priest of The Church of Arceus, one of the biggest proponents of antipokephilia.So how exactly does one make a priest fall in love?(exists in the same universe as ATLTH)AGAIN, pokemon is not mine, the OCs and scenarios herein are my creation. well, except for the core premise that created this story, that is Pwn3rxp's.

Pokephilia and Pancakes

"F-father Daniels?"

The dark skinned man jumps in surprise, looking up from his sketch pad through the screen of the
confessional. He found it ironic that the best place for him to get away was the confessional. The paper
pushers and money counters almost never looked for him there. However, someone else had found
him. He clears his throat before answering, "Yes... Jamie wasn't it?"


"First off, relax." The young priest chuckles, stretching as best he can in the tight confines of the
confessional booth before leaning back and crossing his arms, "And second, call me Father Jack. I'm not
old enough to be Father Daniels and you're too young to be going to Jack Daniels for your living advice."


"Never mind." Father Jack sighs, "How can I help you on this fine afternoon."

"I have sinned." The young man says quietly, "Really bad."

"Jamie, there isn't any sin that can't be forgiven. All sins are weighted equally in Arceus' arms."

"I... I fucked my mom's Aggron."

Father Jack blinks in surprise, "Well, first off, you are lucky to be alive and not squished. However, it isn't
any worse a sin than lying. How did it happen? Last I heard, you and your mother's pokémon were not
on good terms and she was always harassing you."

"Yeah, but I think I figured it out. She wanted attention. Mom never does anything with her anymore,
and I'm almost always around."

"So, she was trying to get you to interact with her and probably get some sort of affection?"

"I think so."

The priest sighs. "And you gave her plenty of attention, in all the wrong ways."

"Not at first!" the young man exclaims, "I was taking your advice about trying to get along with her. At
first we were just playing board games and stuff, and careful roughhousing. Things were going good!"

"So what changed?"

"I'm not sure, she just started acting different. It was almost like she was in heat or something."

"So you decided to help her with it." the priest rubs his neck before toying with one of the dreads tied
back with a black piece of string. "That's fairly common, and there are definitely those who take
advantage of their pokémon's heat to get off. However, in the future I would recommend taking her to a
breeder, with your mother's permission, and the Aggron's of course."

"But Aggrons don't have heat cycles. I asked my mother after... you know. So why was she acting that

"She was doing something that a number of humans do to. Trading sex for affection." The priest says
quickly. "Is she still acting..."

"Not exactly. She's been more physically affectionate and occasionally will make advances, but I've been
doing my best to avoid her."

"That's good, but you can't live in the same house as her and avoid her forever. That simply is not
possible. So you have to just tell her you don't want to have sex with her, and hope she is satisfied with
just being friends."

"What?! Why do I have to tell her that?"

"Because if she thinks you she can still get sexual affection from you she will continue to try to use that
approach. Why change tactics when the one you are using works just fine?"

"But she's huge! It's not like she's a little Skitty or something! If I piss her off she might sit on

Father Jack leans forwards and his shoulders shake from his barely contained laughter. Once he regains
his composure he sits back up, "Very few females enjoy being called huge. Fortunately, I am only asking
you to tell her you aren't interested in having sex with her, and not telling her to go on a diet."

"It's not funny! She's really scary when she is mad!"

"I'm sure she is." Father Jack chuckles, "I certainly don't envy you the task. But it needs to be done. With
any luck at all she'll be happy with being 'just friends'. Otherwise you'll have to tell your mother." The
young man in the confessional groans and Father Jack hears a soft thump as the boy's head knocks back
against the wooden wall of the small booth. Jack sighs, "You may have to tell her regardless. Sins are
much easier to control when others know about them and can hold you accountable. We'll have to wait
and see."

"You aren't going to tell anyone are you?"

Father Jack chuckles, "That would defeat the purpose of a confidential confessional booth, wouldn't it?
I'd only be required to tell people if there was obvious abuse going on. Given the current circumstances,
I seriously doubt what has happened was 'abusive'. Misguided, probably, but not abusive. However, if
you run into more trouble with your mother's Aggron I want you to come back and talk to me."


Father Jack stands and stretches before bending over and slipping his sketch pad into a canvas shoulder
pack. I have got to find a better place to hide from the money counters. The confessional booth is
much too confined.
glancing at his watch, he rolls his shoulders and rests a hand on the confessional
door handle. "Well I'm pretty much done here for the day if we're done. If you don't want to go home,
you can come over to my place for dinner. Faith is making waffles tonight and she always makes a few
extra in case of company."

"Waffles?" Jamie asks as he opens the door to his booth. "For dinner?"

"They taste a lot better than the burnt toast I would end up making if I were cooking." Father Jack
chuckles as he steps out of the confessional. "I'm notorious around the office for somehow managing to
ruin even those 'just add hot water' cup-of-soup dishes. I managed to make the cup of water explode
and spray scalding hot water everywhere. Ever since, the office ladies have refused to let me use the
microwave unsupervised."

Jamie chuckles, running a hand over his pale shaven head, "I think I'll be fine. Besides, my mom should
be home by now."

"Okay, then I'll be seeing you and your family on Sunday?"


"Alright. Be safe." Jack calls after the teen as he runs out of the sanctuary. Father Jack throws his bag
over one shoulder and begins his own journey out of the old stonewalled chamber.

The church had been around longer than most other buildings in the area. However, thanks to the tithes
and donations of the righteous, and those trying to look righteous, it had been wonderfully maintained
and they had even been able to finance a project to put in new stained glass windows behind the pulpit
to replace the tinted yellow glass that currently filled the space behind the giant gold circle that rose up
on a pedestal there. The elders were still debating what exactly should be displayed in the glass, but the
money was already there and that was what mattered when it came to funding projects. Jack sighs
when he spots the rotund little man in a brown suit hurrying towards as fast as his short legs can carry
him. Speaking of money counters...

"Where... have you... been?!" the man gasps as he slows to a stop in front of Father Jack.

Hiding from you. "I've been preparing for Sunday."

"Well, you should probably... mention something about tithes... and giving. Maybe just an... aside at the
beginning. They... dipped last week. Giving I mean."

"Are we in the red, Marty?"

"No, but we are close!"

Father Jack chuckles, "The Church of Arceus is a nonprofit entity. If we merely break even we are doing
well. Plus it is the beginning of the fiscal year. Just how close is close?"

"Two thousand dollars."

"Does this factor in the amount of money set aside for the new windows?"


Father Jack laughs and slaps Marty on the shoulder, "Then why are you all panicky? You should be
celebrating! There are many churches right now that are in the red by that amount and more, even as
they cut expenses and staff!"

The short man wipes the beaded sweat from his brow as he mutters, "I never had this trouble with
Father Bisk."

"Father Bisk also got thrown in jail for sexually abusing his entire family and then some. Considering the
scandal that I was dumped into when I was sent here, just under a year ago, it is downright
miraculous that we are in the black at all. Don't you think?"

"Yessss." Marty agrees through clenched teeth. "But we have seen better."

"I'm sure. But all things considered we are doing very well." Jack smiles and glances over at the sun as it
begins its descent behind the modern city skyline. "I'm going over the office to check out. Is there
anything specific you need me to do for you? Right now?"


"Well then, Marty, I will see you Sunday." And hopefully no sooner than that.


Jack opens and shuts the door as quietly as he can and creeps down the hall towards his kitchen. He
carefully peeks around the corner. There are a number of step stools all along the counter. There is a
dirty measuring bowl and spoon by a hot waffle iron and a steaming stack of waffles on a plate next to
that. However, Faith is nowhere in sight.

Father Jack silently steps into the kitchen and scratches his head as he stands up and looks around. He
can't see Faith in the living room either, the TV is off and the couch doesn't even look like it has been sat
on all day. A scratching sound behind him causes Father Jack to jump and he whirls around as a red blur
launches itself at him from the top of the refrigerator.

Father Jack yelps as the red blur lands on his face and stumbles backwards into the couch. There are a
loud couple of thumps as he falls backwards and both the man and his attacker go tumbling over the
couch and onto the carpeted floor. Jack sits up laughing as he pulls the excited Charmeleon off his face
and hugs her tightly. After a minute he releases her and she licks his cheek before hopping off of him
and running back around the couch to the kitchen counter where she begins typing rapidly on a small

"How was your day?" a feminine, but clearly synthesized, voice asks as the Charmeleon slips a small
speaker box onto the hook of a lanyard that hangs around her neck.

"It was pretty good." Father Jack replies with a smile as he makes his way to a cupboard and grabs a
plate. "I managed to avoid Marty for most of the day, only a brief conversation at the end about not
pulling in enough in tithes. I was able to get some stuff done and meet with some people who needed
my help and advice on a certain topic."

"Pokephilia." Faith replies before she grabs the plate stacked high with waffles and carries it to the
table. She then runs back to the counter where she left the small keyboard and also takes the syrup out
of the fridge on her way over to the table. Jack has already finished loading a little under half of the
golden waffles onto his plate by the time Faith has climbed onto the stool next to his seat and grabs hold
of the plate with the remainder of the waffles.

Jack chuckles, "What? No question mark?"

"Nope." Faith clicks out with one claw while she begins nibbling on one of her waffles. "It's Jamie and

Jack raises a brow, "And how do you know this?"

"His mother came by. They have security cameras in their house. Even left the disc."

Jack nearly chokes on this last bit, "She what?!"

"Don't worry. I scratched it up really well and warped it with my tail flame." Faith replies before pouring
syrup on her dinner and passing the bottle to Jack.

"Okay, that's good. Thank you. Considering the situation that got us assigned here, I don't think we
should tempt fate."

Faith nods, licking syrup from her claws before she types back, "That's why I destroyed it."

"Thank you." Jack says scraping up the last bits of waffle and syrup from his plate. Then he reaches over
and pulls Faith's plate away from her, even though there are still waffles on the plate. Faith lets out an
indignant squawk and reaches for her plate with one hand while hastily tapping out a protest, "Hey! I'm
not done with those!"

Jack laughs, holding the plate out of her reach, "Noooo, you are going on a diet little lady." He teasingly
pokes her rounded belly with his free hand.

Faith scowls, "Charmeleons are supposed to have round bellies you big dummy."

"Yes, but when a Charmeleon begins to have plump thighs, then I think it's time to cut out the waffle
dinners. As much as I love waffles, we don't need you being able to learn Belly Drum just yet."

Faith's eyes go wide, "You did NOT just say that."

Jack smirks as he rises from his seat and sets the plate back down, "Well, you can either do something
about it, or you can finish these waffles." Faith leaps to her feet and Jack is off like a rocket.


Not much later, both Jack and Faith are lying on his bed, completely out of breath. "Not fat." Faith types
out with one hand.

"Not yet." Jack chuckles, running a hand down Faith's back affectionately, before poking her in the
thigh, "But those waffles are starting to go to your thighs."

Faith snorts, "Wouldn't be a problem if you would let me go, or, even better, take me to the
training park."

Jack sighs and sits up, "I don't want to get into that right now, Faith. I have to shower and change into
some normal clothes before my men's group meeting in an hour."

Faith sighs, "Fine. But I want to talk about it soon. There really is nothing to do around here but cook,
eat, and watch TV."

"Ok." Jack says as he gets up off the double bed. Faith watches him leave the room out of the corner of
her eye, waiting just a couple seconds more before slipping off the bed herself as the bathroom door

She silently makes her way into the hall and carefully puts her head to the door, listening for the soft
clack of his belt hitting the floor. As soon as she hears that she quietly turns the handle and pushes the
door open just enough to peek inside.

The sight that greets her eye is one of Father Jack facing away from her as he unbuttons his black slacks.
She watches in silence, barely even breathing as his pants hit the ground. His legs are exceptionally
toned from the long sunrise runs. His shirt follows the pants not long after, revealing a badly scarred
back. Scars she was responsible for. Faith runs a claw over a couple of the scars on her chest, she hadn't
been strong enough, and so they had both been hurt because of it.

All thoughts of weakness and past hurts vanish as Jack turns and slides his underwear down his legs,
giving Faith an eyeful of his junk. The Charmeleon grins, eyeing his meat hungrily. She was sure it would
be a wonderfully snug fit. Jack was big enough to give even a human woman pause, but Faith, she
fought back a chuckle, had faith in her abilities.

Then just as quickly as the show began, it was over as Jack steps into the shower and pulls the curtain
closed. Faith sighs and just as quietly as she had opened the door, she shuts it again and heads into the
living room where she climbs up onto the couch back and shuts her eyes. Even if she had faith in her
ability to take his righteous rod inside her, Faith had very little faith that it would ever happen.

They were a part of the Church of Arceus, one of the, biggest proponents of antipokephilia
legislation. So far they hadn't succeeded in getting pokephilia outlawed, but that didn't really matter.
Jack already had one hell of a tightrope to walk thanks to the priest before him being thrown out for
indecent behavior of the worst kind. Jack's being sexually mated with Faith was just out of the question.
On top of that, Faith didn't even know if he was at all attracted to her, nor if he truly believed pokephilia
was wrong.

She knows he loves her, he had nearly died for her and he always makes his affection for her perfectly
clear. However, she doesn't know, even after all these years, if he loves her the way she loves him, as a
mate. If she could just know that he does love her as more than just a friend, as more than just his
pokémon, then she would be content.

But what would he think of the way she feels? What if he was disgusted? What if he reciprocated, but to
eliminate the risk and temptation he gave her away? Which would be worse?

Faith bites her lip, fighting back frustrated tears. Suddenly she jumps as she feels a hand on her back.
Her eyes fly open and she turns to see Jack standing over her with a towel wrapped around his waist and
another wrapped around his head. He crouches down next to her, "Hey, I'm sorry for poking fun about
your weight. You're a beautiful girl, regardless of your weight. I'm just concerned about your health is
all." He kisses her gently on the forehead before walking back to their room.

Faith slips off the couch and goes to grab her text to speech translator, a gift to her from Jack as thanks
for helping him through seminary by always being his study buddy. She begins typing as Jack steps out of
his room with a t-shirt still half way over his head. "Should I stay up or fuck myself in bed?"

Jack's eyes go wide as saucers at Faith's rather Freudian slip. "I mean tuck myself in! Tuck! With a tee!"

Jack lets out a deep breath, and then chuckles. "Wow, amazing what one keystroke does to a sentence.
Anyway, it's entirely up to you. I'm not sure how long tonight's meeting is going to go. Probably a couple
hours though. I'll do my best to be quiet on my way back in, just in case you are asleep by then."

Faith sighs and nods. Jack bends over and kisses Faith on the forehead. "How about tomorrow after
church we go run the obstacle course down at the training fields? Sound like fun?" Faith nods
emphatically and Jack smiles, "Good."


Faith's claws dance across the keyboard, typing in her username and password on Pokeaffinity. She had
contemplated throwing in the disc with the footage of Aggron and the Servus boy getting it on, she
actually had not yet destroyed it, but she had already viewed that once today.

Unfortunately, the video quality had been pretty crappy, there was no sound, and the boy and Aggron
were merely fucking like ferals. Why bother wasting her time with that when she really only needed
some starters for her own fantasy and had a go-to guy on Pokeffinity for something she found much
more attractive?

His username is SlaveOfArceus, and he has a thing for drawing humans and pokémon being
romantically intertwined. A couple mouse clicks takes Faith to his gallery where she searches out
one of her favorites, the first of a series depicting a human-Charmeleon pairing. The first is the couple
lying in bed together, or rather the Charmeleon is lying atop the man's chest while he tenderly strokes
her belly.

Faith sighs and smiles, imagining that is her and Jack. She imagines that it is his hands running over her
body, gently stroking her scaled hide with his fingers. His touch travelling lower to grip her thighs. She
frowns briefly, he may be right about her needing to go on a diet, her thighs are getting pretty plump.
However, she quickly shoves those thoughts from her mind as her claws dance over her slit.

Not her claws, his fingers.she reminds herself, falling back into her fantasy as he slowly slips a
finger inside her. She sighs happily at the sensation as his finger slides in and out of her hot pussy, and
then gasps sharply as another finger locates her clit. Her heart pounds in her chest as his fingers
relentlessly drive her higher with their ministrations.

She lets out a high pitched whine as he slips a second, then a third finger inside her hot tunnel,
stretching her that much more. She is certain that she won't last much longer, her hot fluids are already
leaking all over his hand, but that seems to only encourage him as he accelerates the fingers buried in
her snatch.

Suddenly, Faith lets out a pained yelp and curls up reflexively. Her arousal and fantasy both shattering
with the intense pain of accidentally stabbing her clit with her claw. Slowly, she uncurls and leans
forwards, using her clean claws to clear her browsing history and shut off the computer.

She sighs and slips out of the computer chair onto the cold tile of the office floor. She grabs the paper
towel she had brought with her to clean up with and gingerly wipes up her leakage, and also checks to
make sure she wasn't bleeding. Fortunately she isn't bleeding, but it still hurts like a bitch.

As she curls up in her pokémon bed, lined with a very practical fire blanket, she hears the front door
close. A couple moments later Jack walks in and sits down with his back against the bed frame next to
Faith's bed.

Faith watches carefully with one eye half-open as Jack reaches back and begins pulling the linens off his
bed and onto the ground. Faith smiles as Jack makes his bed on the ground next to her bed.

Faith rises and pulls her fire blanket out of her bed as Jack lays down on his side. Faith carefully curls up
with her back against his chest and partially wraps her tail flame in the fire blanket so nothing will catch

Perhaps she can't have her fantasy of Jack probing her in places no other male would ever know, but she
could have his left arm under her head and his right arm embracing her. Perhaps one day, somehow, she
could have more. Until then she would wait, until it so desires.
Chapter End Notes:Pardon the biblical references, there will be a large number of them.

Also, how the hell do I make the text change color correctly? Commissions are open. Prices are low and flexible. Contact me if interested
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