AGNPH Stories

Uninvited pleasures by implements73


Story Notes:

Took me two days to write this.Flygon was requsted as a character by the user with the same name.Lickitung was requested by shinji Hiroku.Shiguya was the one that suggested they be used as a couple.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Shiguya. Iplements73 is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Uninvited pleasures

Uninvited Pleasures

Flygon had been walking forever, wings unused to conserve the little coolness she had left. Her long feet plodded through the solid sands, grains flowing in between her toes; tickling her ever so slightly as they did. Her long tail dragged behind her, crating a bold line in the middle of sunken footsteps had a moment before. Her bones and muscles ached, even knowing that they still had far to traverse.

She sighed painfully, dragging her body with mostly her determination to succeed. She had entered a contest to see if she could go from one side of the world's biggest desert to the other; if she succeeded she would become a hero and gain a considerable amount of wealth as well; if she failed she would die in the desert, never to be found again. She had regretted even trying right from the beginning, the heat of the desert making her scaly skin swelter almost immediately.

She removed a large backpack from her shoulders, opened it and looked inside. She had stocked up on food and water before she went, but only a lump of mouldy bread remained. She looked at it in disgust, it had betrayed her; spoiling before she could eat it. She tore it up and threw the crumbs to the ground. She was parched and hungry, now struggling to walk even more knowing that she had nothing left. She slung her backpack into a pile of sand; it had no use to her now and was a dead weight on her shoulders.

What seemed like hours later she still plodded on, her entire body numbing from the exhaustion. Her eyes were unfocussed, she had struggled to see anyway due to the sand; but now it was even worse. She tripped on an unseen rock, falling through the stale air caught only by the sand in front of her. She had had her mouth and eyes open, sand had intruded into both. She coughed and spluttered, rubbing at her swollen eyes. She removed her hands from her eyes, but was soon rubbing them again; but this time for a different reason.

Several yards ahead of her she could see two curved fruit trees that met in the middle, shading what appeared to be a pool of water. She dragged her limp body towards it, using her arms to drag her heavy body through the dense sand; willing it to not be a mirage. She crawled up to it, using every ounce of strength she had to just move a couple more inches. When she finally reached the edge of the pool, reflection staring back at her beckoning her to drink from the blue depths of where it resided. She found enough energy to droop her long neck close to the water. She lapped longingly with her slender tongue, feeling the warm but refreshing licked satisfying her immense thirst greatly. When she had drunk her fill, she stood up and plucked a couple of pieces of fruit from the trees. She ate a few, they were very sweet and seemed very filling considering their location. She munched happily on the mysterious fruits, finishing them and licking her lips clean of their juices and wishing she had kept her backpack so that she could take some more for the rest of her journey. She turned to leave but a short, high pitched, squealing noise stopped her.

She turned around, and was shocked at what she saw. A lone male Lickitung stood before her, looking crossly towards her. What was a normal type Pokémon doing here in the desert? And more importantly why was it angry at her? Her second question was answered almost as soon as she had thought it. "You have stolen from me" said the Lickitung, not shifting from his angry stare "this oasis belongs to me and you have stolen from it, and so from me". Flygon looked at it, it looked very serious. She had not thought that such a place could even be owned by someone.

"I did not know...I apologise for my lack of realisation".
"That does not excuse your actions, I want some kind of compensation for the things you took"
"I have nothing to give you"
"How about if you help me with something?" said Lickitung, looking suddenly different.
"Like what?" said Flygon, mentally noting Lickitung approaching her but not reacting; he could easily defeat her even if she defended herself so it was best for her to do what he said, for now at least.
"Like this" said Lickitung, lust filling his expression.

He wrapped his long tongue around her three times going from just below he left shoulder, round under her right arm and wing on the first and wrapping around her stomach on the second. The third stopped in the middle, but wrapped around her left leg before stopping near her dragon pussy; a good 10 inches of it still left near her female parts. Lickitung lapped at her pussy, extracting all her juices skilfully while lifting her into a horizontal position in the air.

Flygon felt her pussy being stimulated, its juice streaming onto the extracting tongue playing with its lips. Lickitung smiled(though it was hard to tell with his tongue in the way), knowing that her pleasure was building already; as was his and his erection that was pinker than he was had sprouted from its sheath, greeting the scene with a few streams of precum. Lickitung suddenly had an idea, one that was more fun for him and his originally unwilling company.

He balled his tongue up and started inserting it violently into Flygon's dragon slit, coaxing even more liquid from it. Not unlike a giant soppy dildo the tongue was used, ramming into Flygon endlessly. Flygon remained suspended in the air, Lickitung's appendage making her mind flood with even more lust and pleasure. She squirmed a little as her orgasm approached; her mind now totally blank except for the pleasure. Lickitung could feel her insides convulsing, begging for release. He rammed his tongue into the depths of Flygon, sending her reeling over the edge of pleasure.

She through her head back as her liquids poured onto the previously dry sand, a dry moan escaping with them. Lickitung's tongue was in overdrive, trying desperately to receive all her sweet juices from her leaking opening but failing to retrieve it all. A few moments later and the juices stopped flowing and Lickitung removed his tongue from inside her, allowing more juices to escape to the floor. "...That was ... brilliant ... awesome... felt so good..." Flygon breathed, positively gasping for air after such a powerful release.

"Were not done yet" said Lickitung, adding "now it's my turn". With a swift skilled flick of his tongue he had turned her over and lifted her tail, exposing her now swollen clit and the short slit near the base of her tail that was her anus. He lowered her slightly and lined his cock up with her ass, teasing the thin entrance with the tip. He thrust his hips, grinding against both her openings at once.

He quickly tired of this however, and soon started the slow plunge into her ass with his cock. It slid in, rubbing against the sides and lubricating itself with pre-cum also. He soon reached the hilt of his cock, pressing all he had into the gentle dragon's insides before pulling back out slightly and ramming back in. Flygon had never had anal sex before, but was enjoying her first time regardless of this. Lickitung continued to stretch her insides with his maleness, girth quickly being seen to by her calmness and relaxed state. He suddenly had another idea.

His tongue quickly balled up and was almost instantly inside Flygon. Double penetration felt great to Flygon, she moaned and groaned as both tongue and cock accelerated inside her. Lickitung was soon pumping both tongue and cock into her body with all the velocity he could muster. He continued ramming both entrances, knowing that his climax has strong on the horizon.

His balls released their payload deep into Flygon's ass, coating the wall with thick streams of his cum. His cum poured into her, seemingly endless amounts seeping out onto the sand with dull slapping sounds. He finally stopped after what seemed like half an hour of cumming, everything he had was had gone to use. He pulled out with his cock first, sending even more cum to the floor. He pulled his tongue out of her, setting her down on the sand softly before releasing her fully from its clutches.

"I think that will do nicely for my compensation" said Lickitung jokingly, before adding "Feel free to eat and drink until your thirst and hunger are satisfied once more. This she did, taking a long drink of the clear, blue water and picking and munching the fruit from the trees. She had soon had her fill, she knew she must continue; but she did not want to leave. Who knows how much further there was for her to travel before the end of the desert. Lickitung had seemed to realise why she had turned so glum all of a sudden, and said to her in reassurance "Do not worry, your challenge is nearly over. Go that way" he said pointing north-west "you shall soon be free of this desert.

She smiled at him and said "Thanks for the food, drink and also for" pausing slightly to make sure her wording did not offend him further. He returned her smile and waved his arm, prompting Flygon to turn around; face north-west and walk into sand the sand ahead. She turned around after a short while to wave back to Lickitung, but all she saw were the sandy peaks stretching out in front of her once more. She turned and plodded onwards regardless of this, everyone knows that oasises have a tendency to disappear when you no longer have need of them.
Chapter End Notes:Please rate and review. Good ratings will boost my confidense and stuff
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