AGNPH Stories

Shades of Evil by shadowphantomness



Summary: After Butch and Cassidy kill Pikachu, Ash snaps and turns to the very ones that did him in...or at least that's what it seems like...

Pairing: Ash x Jessie
Notes: Um, bear with me here. If you don't like the pairing, don't review/read it. And flames just annoy me. Oh, and if you don't want plot, the lemon's at the bottom.

Title: Shades of Evil

Thirteen- year old Ash Ketchum knelt in front of a simple wooden board, with a rude carving of a pikachu on it. Tears fell from his eyes, splattering onto the dusty earth below. From his backpack, he removed a red-and-white cap and placed it on the makeshift tombstone.
"I swear that I will avenge you, Pikachu." He vowed.
Misty and Brock watched from a distance. They could not comprehend the pain he was going through, and had little desire to.
Ash stood up. From his jacket, he withdrew a poke ball.
"Latios, I choose you."
From the poke ball came a blue and white flying pokemon. Ash climbed onto his back and flew off into the distance.

Soon, Ash arrived at the Viridian City gym. He walked in boldly, and stepped to the back. The gym was empty. There was a locked door, but Ash entered a 6-digit password and it slid open.
Giovanni looked up from his paperwork. "What's the matter, son?"
Ash burst into tears and ran into his father's arms. "D-did you get Butch and Cassidy's latest report?"
"No, I've had no contact for four months." Giovanni said. "What's wrong?"
"T-they k-killed Pikachu...." Ash sobbed.
"A-and they said, they weren't members of Team Rocket anymore, they joined something called Team Aqua..."
"Why those two ingrates!" Giovanni roared. "Say no more. I'll have the Crimson Team deal with them."
"But bring them back alive." Ash said. In his eyes, a dark light flickered. "I'll make them pay for what they did..."
Giovanni nodded and let Ash cry himself out.

After a few hours, Ash's sobs had quieted down, and the pain in his eyes had been replaced by a quiet, icy rage.
Giovanni nodded to himself. "I suppose you'll want to start training now?"
Ash nodded. "I'm not going back to the League. Too many memories." He closed his eyes and tried to block out his feelings.
"What about your pokemon?"
Ash scowled. "Misty took them. She said, and I quote, 'they'll be safe with me because you're insane', unquote."
"So you only have...."
"Latios." Ash said, rubbing the poke ball.
"You can have any you want from the stores."
"I know, father." Ash said. "But I need to go on a journey of my own. To get stronger on my own."
Giovanni nodded. "All right, son, I trust you know what you're going to do."
"I promise I'll come back, even if it takes a few years." Ash said. "Oh, and call me when Cassidy is brought back. She was the one who actually killed pikachu."
Giovanni tossed Ash a cell phone. Ash caught it with one hand.
"Thank you, father."

Ash went to the quartermaster and got his clothes, equipment, and pokemon, and then he flew off on Latios's back again.

Four years later...

Cassidy growled. "Let me out!" She demanded.
The rocket grunt outside her cell barely gave her a glance. "Traitor."
"Oh yeah? What would you have done in our circumstances? It was join or die!"
"I would have died. You have no loyalty to Team Rocket." The Grunt said.
"Well, in that case, why hasn't Giovanni killed me? He seemed to have no problem bumping Butch off."
The guard shrugged.

Soon, Cassidy heard the steady click, click of boots on the floor.
"So, who's my torturer?" She asked sarcastically.
There was a pause, and the steps stopped.
Then, there was a soft snick, as a poke ball was removed, and tossed into her cell. Cassidy backed up as the ball opened, revealing a Golem.
She could almost hear the smile in the unknown person's voice. "Golem, you know what to do..."
And then her world exploded in a million flashes of red agony and white-hot pain.

Ash smiled as he walked off.
"So, it worked?" His partner asked.
"How could it not?" He asked, smiling at her. "You know, father shouldn't have sent you to check up on me."
"I assumed that you needed human company."
"Well, I'm sorry for what happened."
"No problem."
"You didn't mind?"

*FLASHBACK MODE - 2 years ago*

"Dragonair, Surf now."
"Oh no! Onix!" Brock cried. He stared at the mysterious trainer dressed in black. "All right, I confer on you the Boulder Badge."
The trainer smiled and flew off.

"Plusle, Thunderbolt."
"STARMIE!" Misty cried desperately.
The trainer laughed softly. "So, insanity does not have anything to do with pokemon training?"
"What do you mean?!" Misty demanded.
"You honestly don't know who I am."
The trainer removed the cowl of his dark blue cloak, revealing a familiar face.
"Yes, Misty. Too bad, though." Ash said. "I know my pokemon have been brainwashed. I can't have them back anymore."
Misty shook her head vehemently.
Ash smiled. "Oh well."
Misty stared at him. "What do you mean?"
"I'll have my revenge. Plusle, Thunder Beam!"
The last thing Misty saw was a bright flash of golden light.

"Golem, Earthquake!"
"Raichu!" Surge gasped. He handed the trainer the badge, but before he could ask his name, the trainer had run off...

"Latios, use Flamethrower!"
The trainer took the proffered Rainbow Badge and vanished...

"Latios, Psychic!"
Koga stared in disbelief at his fallen Koffing.
The trainer smiled, took the Soul badge, and disappeared...

"Umbreon, Faint Attack now."
< Very good. > Sabrina said. < Your skill is commendable. >
The trainer smiled beneath the confines of his hood... and then teleported away, taking the Marsh Badge with him.

"Mantine, Surf."
"Magmar!" Blaine gasped. "Very well. I confer on you the Volcano badge."
The trainer smiled eerily and vanished.

Mount Silver, Johto Region...
"I think we're lost..." Meowth whined.
"Quiet." Jessie ordered. "I don't want to talk." Ever since James had been terminated, she had been in a bad mood.
"But Jessie, there's a trainer up ahead."
"What?!" Jessie peered through her binoculars. "Oh."
"Should we steal his pokemon?"
"Let's wait until he's asleep."

Soon, night fell, and the trainer turned in for the night. Jessie saw that he had left his backpack full of poke balls out.
"Let's go." She whispered. They snuck over and were about to take off with the poke balls when suddenly...

Jessie and Meowth screamed, waking the trainer up. He immediately flung something at them. The last thing Jessie saw before she blacked out was a shadowy pokemon.

The next time Jessie woke up, she saw a semi-familiar face. "It's the twerp!" She was going to get up and yell at him, when she noticed that her body ached all over.
Meowth came in. "Last night, when you were unconscious... he... attacked you I think. Said it was for the rat."
'WHAT?! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" Jessie yelled.
Ash laughed. "Actually, I don't think so... because..." He smirked. "Giovanni's my father."
That stopped Jessie cold.
Ash smiled, it would have been cute but it didn't match his eyes. In his eyes a fierce anger smoldered.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Ash asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, what are you doing out here? I thought your team was in charge of Kanto?"
"James was killed in our last escapade." Jessie said. "We've just been wandering for weeks."
"I see." Ash said. "I'm sorry."
Jessie's head snapped up at the audible sorrow in her voice. "You can't understand what I'm going through!"
Ash was silent.

"Bye the way, what happened to dat pikachu?" Meowth queried. "Did you finally get him into a poke ball?"
'Dead." Ash snapped. "Butch and Cassidy's work."
This statement was like a slap in Jessie's face. She immediately regretted her earlier actions.

Ash smiled coldly. "Doesn't matter though." A small pokemon scampered onto his shoulder. It looked a lot like a pikachu, only with red instead of brown markings.
"Say hello to Plusle, Jessie, Meowth."
The little pokemon was smirking, it did look like a pikachu, but also... fiercer? Bizarre.
It waved a paw in greeting.
"I also have Minun," this was a small pokemon with blue instead of red markings, "And some others."
"But what about Charizard n' them?" Meowth ventured.
"Gone. Brainwashed. Devolved. Wiped off the face of the earth thanks to Misty. They technically don't even exist anymore."
Jessie suddenly felt a lot worse. To lose all your pokemon and all your friends... At least she still had Meowth and her pokemon...
"I'm sorry, Ash..."
"S'kay, you didn't know either." Ash replied. "So, what have you been doing?"
"Ah, James and I were doing great, raiding labs and research centers, we were promoted back up to near the top, but then something went wrong while we were attacking Sabrina's gym, and the pokemon police overwhelmed us. I managed to make it out in the smoke, but James didn't..."
"Ah..." Ash looked apologetic.
"No, we knew it was a risky mission, but we volunteered for it anyways. I guess that all the success had gotten to our heads, we actually thought of ourselves as invincible, but it takes a slap in the face like that to realize that you're not..."
The two trainers sat in silence for a while.

"So... what are you doing now?"
"Just training, Jessie. And waiting. I know father's working on a secret project of some sort, and I want to be ready."
"Smart lil' bugger, aren't you? I always thought you were kind of dense."
"Being around Misty loses you approximately fifty brain cells a day." Was his sardonic response, "And Brock loses his brain every time a girl appears."
"Well... guess that makes sense."
"Mm." Ash replied before packing up his tent. "So, since you're on leave from the team right now, want to travel with me?"
"I've got food."
'We'll come with ya!" Meowth shouted. Jessie also perked up considerably at the thought of food.
'Heh, can't hurt."

The new group of three traveled around the more remote regions of Johto for a few months, enjoying the beautiful scenery, catching new pokemon the legal way, and getting to know each other a little better. It soon settled into a quite comfortable routine. However, one morning, Jessie received a call from HQ.
"I've got to go back, Ash." Jessie said, "He's going to assign me a new partner. But..."
Ash grinned. "Don't worry, Jessie. I'll figure out a way around it. But first, we should get back to HQ. Skarmory, you're up!"
The steel bird appeared and placed his head on Ash's shoulder. Ash stroked the bird's forehead and grinned.
"No loafing around, Skarmory, can you fly us back to Viridian?" An affirmative nod later, the two trainers climbed on, Jessie grabbing Meowth by the tail tightly so he couldn't escape, and flew towards home.
Giovanni nodded as they appeared in his office promptly half an hour later.
"So, Jessie, I take it you know what this is about?"
"Yes, sir."
"May I make a suggestion, sir?" Ash asked. "If Ms. Scarlet is in need of a new partner, could I take the position?"
Giovanni's eyebrows rose. "Ash, you are volunteering to be her partner?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then you are ready to quit your solo training?"
"Yes, sir."
"All right then. But I expect only the best from you. Get your uniforms from the quartermaster."
The two nodded and left.
"Wow... that was easy." Meowth said.
"Actually, it might be because my father is the leader." Ash muttered in an undertone.
The two dressed in the new white uniforms they were given, made sure they had four or five extras, and packed their bags, heading out for the Houen region.

"Remember, you have to establish a team rocket presence there, or find a way to stop Team Aqua and Team Magma's plans."
"Yes, sir." Ash and Jessie chorused, and exited.
"So, did you get any new pokemon?" Ash asked Jessie.
Jessie nodded. "I already had Arbok, Wheezing, Lickitung, and Meowth, never mind that Meowth's pretty useless in battle..."
"I resent that!" The feline shrieked. He was tied onto Jessie's backpack with bungee cords so he couldn't escape while they flew.
"But I got a Seviper and a Haunter, and a Wigglytuff."
"Cool." Ash replied.

They soon landed on the island chain of Houen.
"So, where to first?"
"Hmm... Slateport is the largest, why don't we try there?"
"Sounds fair to me." Ash spoke. "Let's go!"
They spent a few hours browsing in the market. Meowth and Ash had to drag Jessie away from the merchandise after a while, much to her anger, and she was forced to join them in the Oceanic museum.

All was going pretty well until some Team Aqua members showed up.
"Guess its time to show them who we are." Ash said, Jessie nodded and they ducked into a restroom to change.
Ash was much faster, so he got to enjoy the sight of Jessie's movements, especially as she wore no bra underneath that clingy black undershirt. He grinned to himself. *Hmm... *
"Let's go!" Meowth said.
The two trainers quickly ran out and into the light.

"Prepare for Trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"Team Rocket is here, so surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth, that's right!"

The aqua agents began to laugh and released various pokemon, but all of them were Carvanhas.
"Plusle, Minun, show 'em your stuff!" Ash said, grinning sadistically. His two electric mice immediately decimated all of the fish pokemon.
"Seviper, Arbok, trap 'em with Poison Sting!"
In seconds, all the TA members had been rounded up. Ash and Jessie grinned, relieved them of their stolen water stones, and then took off, laughing all the while.
"That was so easy!"
Meowth happily smiled as he munched on a fish. A delicious, tasty fish, baked to a crisp golden brown from a street vendor.

"So, I guess dad will want these stones." Ash said. He made a quick call to HQ, sent the stones via transmit, and then the two agents changed into civilian clothes and hit the roads, looking for strong pokemon to steal.
Ash was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans, his eyes shaded by mirrored sunglasses. Jessie on the other hand wore a tiny red tank top and white cutoff shorts. She looked like she was dressed to kill.
"Cool outfit, Jess."
"Thanks. James never complimented me on my choice of clothing."
The two hopped on Ash's motorcycle and sped down the lane. Ash enjoyed sitting in front, as Jessie was pressed against his back and he could feel her breasts smooshing into his ribs. It actually felt quite nice, and Ash's little warrior stirred, but luckily, that was unnoticed.

Two successful heists later, Ash and Jessie had sent a Bellossem and a Huntail back to HQ, and were relaxing with double scoop ice creams, lounging outside a shop.
"That was easy."
"Yep, baka trainers with only one strong pokemon." Ash said. He sighed. "Reminds me a bit of myself with pikachu."
'We never did manage to catch it successfully," Jessie said sadly.
"Well, you certainly were inventive in your exploits."
"But you always failed our plots."
Meowth snorted. "Dat's cause the brains weren't there!"
Jessie malleted Meowth, giving Ash a very good view of her cleavage. He blushed slightly, but grinned. Suddenly, he noticed that a pretty good-sized dollop of chocolate ice cream had fallen on her left breast.
Ash slyly bent forward and then licked it off.

Jessie jumped at the unexpected stimulation, and looked up to see Ash running his tongue over her left nipple. She unconsciously moved closer to him.
"Hey, break up the scene, lovebirds!" Meowth said. "Don't do dat in front of me!"
Both trainers pulled away, a bit stricken at getting caught. Then they looked away and blushed simultaneously.
Meowth sighed. * Why me? *

It was three weeks later. Three weeks of playful touches and teasing, but nothing really serious yet. Ash and Jessie had just rounded up a tribe of Houndour and shipped them off to HQ, and were celebrating with fine wine and an elegant dinner at a French restaurant.
Ash was running his fingers along her inner thigh and occasionally brushing against her panties, while taking delicate bites of the treacle tart and cream that had been the dessert course.
Jessie was sipping her wine and looking away.
"You have admirable control." Ash said.
"If I didn't, I'd be stupid." Jessie stated. "It's hard to be in Team Rocket."
"I understand."
"But then, it must have been difficult to travel with Brock and Misty. How did you manage it?" Jessie inquired.
Ash had shadowed eyes.
"Do you really want to know?"
"Well, if it's personal..."
"Oh no, it's not that!" Ash said. "It is simply... disturbing.'
Jessie looked intrigued. "Really."
"Well, it can't be worse than what James and I have gone through."
Ash smiled and took out a small golden box. "I'll show you now..."
When he flipped the lid open, a strange music began to play. Jessie felt herself drifting off to sleep, and quickly slammed it shut.
'What is that?"
"It's a treasure from Pokemontropolis." Ash said. "The musical box of the legendary Silver."
"It causes illusions and puts people to sleep."
Jessie stared. "So you used that to cope?"
"Yes, it's kind of like a drug, but it shows you a much nicer reality than what you really see. And you sleep as well."
"I can't believe this," Jessie said, shaking her head. "I would never have imagined it. You of all people using sleeping pills?"
"You never would have believed that Giovanni was my father either."
"Good point."

Ash stood up and stopped his earlier actions. "Well, it's getting late. We should get back to the cabin."
Jessie nodded and followed him. They rode Ash's motorcycle back to the cabin and then went directly to bed.

A few more days passed, but strangely enough, there was no tension between Ash and Jessie. Instead, they successfully robbed a trainer of her Kingler and another of his Rapidash.
Meowth didn't care what happened between his teammates as long as he was fed, clothed, and not in trouble with the boss.
Funny how cats have different priorities from people, but of course, Meowth was a pokemon, not a person.

That night, Ash had just walked out of the shower stall when Jessie walked in. Both were dressed in, well, nothing.
Jessie blushed, but before she could move away, Ash had taken the initiative and kissed her. Jessie moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth and began caressing her, and she moved against him instinctively, feeling the friction of their bodies against one another.
A grin spread over Ash's face as he pulled away. Jessie seemed to come out of her trance at the lack of stimulation, and a pleading tone entered her voice, even though she was unaware of it. "Please..."
"Oh?" Ash asked. "So like... this?" He took one of her breasts in his hand and began kneading the flesh rhythmically, occasionally twisting and pinching the bud. Jessie whimpered as he thoroughly abused her chest and then pinned her down.
"Kneel." Ash commanded, and Jessie did, obeying him because she wanted further pleasure. Ash then shoved his cock down her throat and began thrusting in and out, causing Jessie to gag for a few minutes, before she accepted the brutal treatment and reacted by stroking his manhood with her tongue, until Ash finally shot his load in her face.
Jessie immediately began cleaning the mess up and Ash nodded in approval, noting how she was trembling with desire and her juices were flowing down her legs as she reached down to pleasure herself.
"No." Ash said, and Jessie froze, shamefaced at being caught. Ash walked over, managing to look deadly even though he was clad in nothing but air. "Lie down."
Jessie cringed and pressed her back against the cool tile of the restroom, then gasped as she felt Ash's fingers slipping inside her tunnel and pausing briefly.
"Please!" She begged, as his fingers curled and rippled inside of her. A minute later, the stimulation was removed and she felt something cold and hard pressing inside, but it felt so good that Jessie didn't even care what it was as she thrashed in ecstasy, screaming out Ash's name as the waves of pleasure washed over her again and again, until she finally collapsed, limp on the floor.
Ash sat down next to her, as he put away the dildo he had been pleasuring her with. "Did you like that, Jessie?"
"Yes...Master..." Jessie breathed. Ash nodded his satisfaction before inserting his erect desire inside of her, and Jessie rasped out his name as her nails dug into his shoulders, and she felt him pumping deep into her body, gods, he was so big and hard, and she had thought he was just a kid! She wailed and tightened her muscles to give him more pleasure, and he retaliated with deeper and harder thrusts until finally something inside her seemed to break and flooded her with bliss, and she came again, crying out his name, as she faintly heard his answering echo. This continued for goodness knows how long, Ash driving her to innumerable orgasms, before she eventually passed out from all the energy lost.

The next morning, Jessie woke up to see Ash at the table eating cornflakes and milk, looking for all the world like an innocent little kid, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt depicting a Jigglypuff. Nothing seemed to be left of the sadistic master from the night before.
"Nice time to get up," Meowth stated.
"Morning, Jessie."
"Morning, Master Ash." Jessie said, without thinking. Meowth stared.
"Master ASH?! What happened between you two last night?"
"Oh... nothing..." Ash said, and suddenly he was behind Jessie and running his fingers along her spine, and his other hand was pinching her nipples, and suddenly Jessie found the floor very interesting.
"Ah." Meowth said. "You mated. So what?"

"You just... don't get it..." Jessie gasped out as she felt the waves of pleasure building. * How does he do this with just a touch? *
"You're just very sensitive." Ash said, causing Jessie to jump.
"You're a psychic?"
"No, it was written all over your face. But I am a Master."
"Of what?"
Ash quirked an eyebrow. "What do you think?" Jessie crimsoned, and became even more aware of Ash's fingers leaving her spine and traveling down her back until he reached the dip between her legs, and then slipping into her wet hole and skimming the fringes (she wore no underwear), as she moaned and leaned against the table for support, only for him to pull his fingers out, and shove his manhood into her dripping wet cunt, and then a furious onslaught inside her body before she creamed all over his jeans and t-shirt...
Ash narrowed his eyes, and Jessie immediately knew she had done something wrong, so she began cleaning her own juices and his seed off, as Meowth stared in dumbfounded shock.
Ash nodded, accepting her apology, and quickly brought her to orgasm again, before tossing a careless 'clean up and meet me outside in half an hour for the day to begin' and went to change.
Jessie leaned against the table, panting, for a good ten minutes before she regained her composure, and cleaned the table and floor, and ate a muffin, and was out waiting by the motorcycle at twenty eight point five minutes, dressed in a dark blue tube top that exposed as much flesh as possible and low-cut jeans.
"Very nice," Ash crooned, as he kissed her neck, before she climbed on behind him and they sped off to a new day's work.

Six weeks later, they reported back to HQ. Giovanni just gave them a brief glance, nodded his approval, and sent them out into the field again. This time, sans Meowth.

"Minun, Thunderwave, now!"
The female trainer, barely twelve, crumpled to the floor as the electric attack struck her. Her male companion turned to run, but found himself bound in the coils of the Arbok and soon fainted dead away.
Ash quickly removed the girl's poke balls while Jessie did the same to the boy, before they flew off on Skarmory and Pidgeot.
"Oh, a Wobbuffet, they're pretty rare, and a Vulpix, that'll be okay, and an Egg? Oh well." Ash sent the poke balls back to HQ and waited for Jessie.
"Just a Bellsprout, man, what a lousy trainer." Jessie demurred.
"Bad luck I guess."
"Indeed. Let's go find some other little twerps to hunt down."
Ash grinned and gave Jessie a wildly passionate kiss, before they climbed onto his motorbike and took off again.

*Fast forward to the beginning of the fic*

"So, guess that takes care of Cassidy." Ash said, yawning slightly.
"You just had Golem attack her?"
"Oh no... I also had Kadabra violate some of her most... intimate regions." Ash said, mouth twisting into a smile. "She'll be through hell and back before she finally dies."
"Wonderful revenge."
"Isn't it?" Ash asked. "But if it weren't for her, we wouldn't have met."
"Yes, Master.' Jessie purred, as Ash grinned and roughly dragged her down the hall to their room.
"I love it when you call me that."

The end. I leave the rest to your imagination.

Do not flame me if you didn't like the fic, its your own fault for reading the whole thing and not stopping.
I know I'm a sick twisted little bunny already...
Completed 9/13/03

Review please!

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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