Story Notes:
The three main protagonists are:Danny (18) knows nothing about Pokémon, will train anything. Black hair and blue eyes.Jack (18 and three months) very smart and has great battle skills and knows what types to use but is scared of ghost types. Brown hair and blue eyes.Luke (18 and nine months) also smart and very self confident only wants the strongest Pokémon and will do anything to get them. Black hair and green eyes.Also I am English so I may use some English slang and cuss words. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter 1: The adventure begins
Chapter 1: Three new adventures.
As the morning sunlight seeped through the crack in the curtains and onto his eyes, Jack immediately knew that this was going to be the greatest day of his life, He had waited three months since he got his trainers' license back at Viridian trainers school but today was the day that he along with his best friends were going to get their first Pokémon from professor Oak. See Jack could've got his starter as soon as he got the license but couldn't because of the pact that he, along with his friends Louis and Daniel, had made.
Jack quickly pulled on his favorite black shirt and Blue jacket along with his dark blue jeans and white trainers and practically floated out of his room. He was greeted in the kitchen by his mother and father.
"There he is" his dad boomed, he was a big man, 6' 6" to be exact resembling Brian Blessed "Me boy is becoming a man, HA. HA. HA." he laughed as he patted his son on the back.
"Thanks Dad" Jack replied.
"Soon you will be a world class trainer like I was back in the day" Jack's Dad chuckled whilst pointing to his trophy cabinet, it was chock full of Gym badges, trophies and certificates' from various regions.
"Are you sure you want to go travelling honey?" Jack's mother inquired whilst holding back tears "I mean what if you get hurt"
"He'll be fine he has Clarke blood coursing through his veins" his dad roared
"Yeah, plus Luke and Danny will be with me" said Jack.
After a big breakfast Jack and his dad went to the local Pokémon centre to meet Danny and Luke who were waiting for him. Danny and Luke were wearing near enough the same clothes as Jack apart from their jackets which were green and red respectively.
"You boys wait here, I am just going to get my Pokémon from Nurse Joy" said Mr. Clarke
"Cheers sir" Danny said his voice exuding giddiness.
As Mr. Clarke Entered the Pokémon centre the three guys sat down on a nearby bench and started talking.
"Finally you show up, I have waited nearly a year for this day and I don't want to wait any longer." Luke whined
"I know I know but it will be totally worth it we will all be trainers soon" Jack replied "I know what you mean though it has been ages since I got my License but finally Danny has got his."
"Yeah" Danny sighed pulling the license out of his wallet "it's so cool as well, anyway it was your idea to make this pact Luke"
Danny and Jack were making mindless chatter while Luke remembered how he told his friends that they should start their journeys at the same time.
"Come on you three let's get going" boomed Mr. Clarke.
While being escorted down route 1 the three boys were entranced by the Pokémon who inhabited the route, although they may only be common Pidgey or Rattata everything was new and exciting to them.
Suddenly a wild Hypno appeared and started charging at the group, as the boys started to panic Mr. Clarke calmly stepped in front of them and threw out a poke ball.
"Go Dragonite" Mr. Clarke yelled "use Dragon Tail" As dragon tail has negative priority Hypno managed to connect a head butt with Dragonite but it seemed to do nothing, Dragonite roared as it swung its tail at Hypno knocking it right back into the forest.
"That was so cool" shouted Danny jumping up and down wildly and pointing at the Dragonite "what is that?"
"That Danny, was a Dragonite a dragon type Pokémon, they have very little weaknesses and massive attack power" Luke answered matter-of-factly.
"correct you are Luke" Mr. Clarke said stunned by Luke's knowledge "this Dragonite has been with me ever since I was in Blackthorn city, in fact the elder of the dragon masters gifted me this Dragonite, when it was a Dratini, to me personally, I owe a lot of my success to him."
The group continued for about ten minutes until they decided to take a break near a river, as several Goldeen and Lotad swam nearby Mr. Clarke reached into his hiking bag and pulled out a red, green and blue package and gave them to the three guys, "here you go, you will need these" Mr. Clarke boomed. The three guys quickly opened the packages revealing backpacks coordinating with the colors of their jackets, as the boys marveled at their new gear Danny had a question for Mr Clarke.
"Ummm... sir can I see your other Pokémon?"
Caught off guard by the odd request Mr. Clarke only nodded as he reached for his pokeballs and threw them up in the air.
"this is the team I used when I won the Jhoto League at Mt. Silver twenty five years ago." out came Dragonite, Magmortor, Omastar, Tyranitar, Raichu and Mr. Clarkes Oldest and most trusted Pokémon Meganium, they were all battle-hardened, impressive looking beasts.
After the guys observed and petted the championship winning Pokémon, with Luke annoying everyone with his textbook descriptions of each of them, the group finally made it to pallet town.
"There's the lab, last one there is a Slowking" Jack yelled as Luke and Danny gave chase. Luke made it first with Jack second and Danny trailing.
"Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokémon, my name is Professor Oak and-"
"We already know" Luke and Jack said in unison while Danny was catching his breath.
"Thank god I am so sick of saying that speech practically every week" chuckled Oak "well let's get straight to business, here in Kanto you get the choice of these three starter Pokémon"
Oak pointed to the table where three small Pokémon were desperately trying to advertise themselves to their potential trainers "Bulbasaur, the Grass/Poison type Pokémon" Bulbasaur flexed its vines like a strong man would. "Charmander, the fire type Pokémon" Charmander made the flame on its tail grow three times its normal size. "Or Squirtle the water type Pokémon" Squirtle did a handstand but on one hand.
"I choose Charmander" Luke said straight away making Squirtle fall over and Bulbasaur pout.
Jack had anticipated Luke's rashness and quickly said "well I knew you were going to do that, so I would like Squirtle." Luke groaned at the choice as Squirtle has a good type advantage over Charmander, Squirtle walked over to Bulbasaur and patted him on the back as if to say 'unlucky mate'.
"Well I will take Bulbasaur... I guess" Danny said nervously as Bulbasaur started jumping in joy.
"Wonderful, well here are their pokeballs as well as five more each and a pokédex." Oak said happily as he handed a different colored pokédex matching their favorite colors. "Also here is five thousand Poke dollars each as issued by the Kanto government" the three guys checked their Pokédex and checked their bank balance. Luke although was checking the moves of his Charmander. "Awesome my Charmander knows Scratch, Ember, Growl and Metal Claw"
"Good idea Luke" said Jack as he scanned his Squirtle "My Squirtle knows Withdraw, Bubble, Tackle and Aqua Jet. What about your Bulbasaur Danny"
"Umm... Uhh here it is" Danny was fumbling "ok erm... Tackle, Leech seed, Vine Whip and Razor Leaf"
"Good" Jack said as he pointed at Luke "Luke I challenge you to a battle"
"You're on" Luke replied
Oak sighed "every single time. Please take this outside, I have a battle arena." everyone made their way outside while Danny, keen to observe his first live battle wanted to learn some tricks.
"This will be a one on one battle first one down will lose and will give the other $100 do you agree Jack"
"Agreed Luke" Jack replied. "Squirtle come on out" Squirtle Shot out in a blue flash and was on its tail bouncing happily.
"Charmander we can do this." Luke yelled as Charmander Shot out in a blue flash and was shadow boxing to pump itself up.
The two trainers eyed each other and yelled "LETS DO THIS"
"Charmander use Scratch" Luke ordered as Charmander started charging towards Squirtle claws ready but Jack was ready for this and ordered a quick bubble counter attack which hit Charmander head on. "Guess I will have to be more careful with those water moves" thought Luke as Jack ordered an Aqua Jet. As Squirtle became enveloped in water and charged at Charmander at high speed, Luke had an idea, "Charmander Use Metal Claw to intercept" Charmander's Claws became metallic and he lunged them forwards at the incoming water bullet
Causing an explosion and sending both Pokémon hurtling backwards.
"That was Brilliant" Jack said "I love battling, but now I get serious."
"Come at me then, your move" Luke taunted knowing that a counter attack could tip the battle in his favor.
"Squirtle Bubble Now" Ordered Jack taking the bait but Luke countered with ember popping the bubbles and while the steam from the last attack was blinding him Luke ordered a quick flurry of scratches on Squirtle.
"Arghh, Come on Squirtle tackle now." Jack quickly ordered Panicking a little; he needn't have worried though Squirtle bounced Charmander twenty feet away.
"Good move Jack. I thought I had you then." Luke said Impressed.
"Well I was kinda panicking there but cheers anyway" Jack replied with his hand behind his head
Danny was awestruck by his two seemingly novice friends competency in the heat of battle but he shrugged as he guessed it would be only natural since Jack's Dad was a Champion and Luke had been studying pretty much non-stop since receiving his license nine months ago he looked down at Bulbasaur who was watching intensely at the quick-fire battling that was taking place.
Danny was snapped back into the action as Charmander's ember had exploded on Squirtle's shell sending the little turtle flying backwards. "Squirtle Aqua Jet" Jack yelled as Squirtle regained its composure and once again became encased in water hurtling at Charmander at high speed.
"Charmander Dodge Qui-" But it was too late Squirtle's aqua jet connected with the young Charmander's stomach causing some major damage and sending it up ten feet in the air.
"Squirtle finish this with Bubble straight up" Jack commanded whilst pointing straight up in the air at the now helpless Charmander, all that could be heard was Charmander's screams as it was drenched in water from the bubbles then a thud as it landed on the ground fainted with its eyes closed.
"Charmander is unable to battle Squirtle is the winner" Oak declared signaling to Jack as he cheered and ran towards his Squirtle hugging her tightly.
"Unlucky there Charmander, you did well against a bad type matchup" Luke said in a comforting tone towards Charmander "we will win the next one" he tapped Charmander with its poke ball causing it to be transferred inside it. "Well done Jack here is your prize money" Luke wirelessly transferred the money to Jack via his pokédex and started to make his way towards route 1.
"Wow guess he isn't wasting any time then huh?" said Danny while walking towards Jack who was phoning his mom about his victory.
"yeah I will come round later I have to find Dad first he seemed to have disappeared, bye mom.*Beep* what about you Danny do you want to battle?" Jack's voice still sounded proud as Squirtle was dancing around him.
"Nah maybe later though." Danny sighed "I promised my folks that I wouldn't battle until my Pokémon has had a full medical check"
"Ok then I'll see you later" Jack shook his friends hand as he left to find his Dad
"Well little guy I guess we should get going as well, I think it's nearly Lunch time my mum will have made some soup, does that sound alright to you." Danny said while nuzzling Bulbasaur
"Saur, saur, Bulba" Bulbasaur giggled as it was being tickled.
Danny and Bulbasaur made their way to the route gate knowing that their adventure has just begun.Chapter End Notes:So what did you think not bad for my first if I do say so myself The next chapter should be up soon probably tommorow at the latest it will be at least three times as long due to there being three different stories so reviews would be appreciated