AGNPH Stories

One Night in Bangkok by wackycamper


Act I

.Bangkok, Oriental setting...
..And the city don't know that the city is getting...
...The creme de la creme of the chess world in a...
....Show with everything but Yul Brynner...

The music played into my ear as I sat in the back of the small taxi cab, watching the shops and shanties fall behind us as we sped down the road. The neon lights and street lamps shown as the sun slowly set at the crest of the horizon. Everything was like I last remembered it; the flashy neon signs, the outdoor shops filled with fake brand-name shirts, the bars and clubs that dotted the roads like rivets on a plane's wing, and the hookers and lady-boys that hung out on every street corner and walkway. Hehe, the electricity in the air was almost as powerful as all the other smells.

Such was the magical land of Thailand; sex capital of the world and a sprawling adult version of Disneyland for all of its American and European tourists. The booze is cheap, the ladies in no short supply, and eye candy everywhere that would make a dirty German backyard porno look weak. So many of my boys back in the day came a hair's breath away from going UA in this paradise, and here I was again. I was looking forward to hitting all the clubs again and exploring all the spots that were off limits to us back when I was still in the Marines. However, I wasn't here just for the site seeing. My desire for adventure and excitement can be entertained after I finish my business here.

It was a few months after our EAS that one of my human friends in the grunts, a Corporal by the name of Alex Klein, got himself a business as an arms dealer. Alright, technically he was doing this for the past few years, but this was the first time he had the chance to dive all the way into it without the government snooping too much into his business. He might not have been a big time player, but he was still selling weapons and gear to several major militias across the world. Heh, rumor has it that Klein even has a deal cut between him and the notorious December Brigade. War was his business, and in this unstable and chaotic world, business had never been better. If he could be in every place at once I guarantee you he would. However, he's just one man. That's where I come in.

Funny to think that a small chat on Facebook would land me a spot as his right hand man. Fortune favors the bold, and that faithful day it bought me the chance to prove my mettle by running the business deals that he couldn't handle or couldn't do. It was a dangerous business, and shady as fuck as I found myself face to face with some of the people who I was trained to kill. I've always prided myself for being an honest pup with a good moral compass, and the offer at first was repulsive to me. However, the longer I slept on it, the more I was encouraged to give the gig a shot. It was exciting, gave me a chance to travel the world some more, and would earn me a fair chunk of change. A phone call a short while later and a shake of the hand solidified the deal, and off I was to several third world countries to run messages and collect signatures and payments. That was about a half a year ago.

As it was, Klein not too long ago had a sweet deal tossed to him that would further expand his influence out in East Asia. He didn't tell me all the details surrounding the agreement except that I was to meet up with a contact of theirs at a go-go club off of Walking Street on Pattaya Beach. From there I'm supposed to persuade him to buy from Klein, offer him an inventory of Klein's arms, and give some paperwork to him. After that, I'll be free to go frolicking around the island doing whatever I damn please till my flight back to the States in a week. This trip feels so much more like a vacation than work. I feel sorry for Klein, since I know that he would have loved to come here if he had the chance. Oh well, I'll be sure to bring back plenty of pictures of all the shit he missed out on.

I was placing my iPod away as the taxi came to a short and abrupt stop right outside of the go-go club Alcatraz. Dropping some Baht in the driver's hand and telling him thank you in his language, I stepped off the back of the cab and made my way to the club doors. I was wearing my favorite shirt at the time; a simple dark grey cotton shirt that comfortably clung to my chest with a tattered but brilliantly white fabric cutout of an eagle sewn into the front. On my back was a black backpack which I kept the paperwork for the meeting, as well as a few other personal belongings of mine. On my right wrist was a silver colored tungsten plated watch like what the Navy Seals wore. It was a gift given to me before my second combat deployment, and still wear in the same upside down fashion like I did in the sands of Afghan. The weather was hot and humid like always, though I still felt like wearing my favorite grey and dark red striped beanie. The beanie, as well as a blood red arm band that I wore on my right ankle would be the distinguishing marks that my contact would look for. That, and the fact that I'm probably the only Lucario here within 30 city blocks.

The gush of cold air conditioned air felt amazing compared to the hot and muggy weather outside as I stepped into the club. The interior of the club itself was dimly lit aside from some recess lighting and flashing multi-color strobes. The walls and floor were all made out of concrete, giving it the feeling of the interior of a prison. It puzzled me as to why this was bothering me as much as it was, especially since there were about 20 braless chicks dancing around the room, with some clinging onto the American tourists that were sitting at the bar. This place feels too much like a prison, I thought to myself as I took a seat at one of the far tables, shaking away the occasional girl that came my way. Like I said before, my fun can wait. I still had a job to do.

"Never seen you around these parts before" came a voice to my right. Looking over, I noticed a tall man in a black jacket and dark blue jeans. His face was cut with lines, but still shown bright with youth and vitality. From the shape of his eyes and the color of his skin, he looked like a cross between Caucasian and Asian. His dark, straight hair suggested more with the latter though. "Mind if I give you some company? Two is a party after all."

"Sure thing boss" I answered back, recognizing his challenge right away. The man took a seat next to me, setting down a briefcase at his feet that I didn't notice earlier. "I'm here to meet the chess boys at the Tirolean spa" I continued, saying my part of the challenge "I'm looking for a good time, but I need to clean my white suit first."

"It's a pity you'd keep your eyes on the board instead of looking at the city" he answered back, holding out a hand to me. "You must be Mr. Klein's contact, am I correct.

I nodded my head, holding out my paw and shook his hand. "Right you are sir" I replied curtly, seeing a cocktail waitress approach our table. "What can I get you boys?" She asked.

"I'll have a Tequila Sunrise" said the man, letting his sentence hang, turning his head to me. I got the message right away.

"Yeah..." I began, taking a moment to think "I'll get a White Russian" making my choice, watching as the waitress walked off to fetch our drinks. It was that moment as I watched her take off that I noticed a chick in the other far corner working a pole. She moved with the grace and body of a human female, but she was no human.

Hybrid, I thought to myself, watching as the human-like Typhlosion girl kept on working the pole. There were many names for these creatures; hybrids, Pokemorphs, Mark 6's. They were lab-made fusions of both human and Pokémon DNA, in many cases the patient being either fully human or Pokémon at the beginning. They had the body structure and proportions of a human being, yet had all the colors, shapes, skin, powers, and overall look of whatever Pokémon the strain came from. These bizarre creatures were typically seen as an abomination by most, and often either shunned or hunted down. Since countries like Thailand usually never had any negative sentiment towards them (places like Thailand actually encouraged them, since they added another sexual attraction for the more curious or daring) and often offered them a place of refuge where they could be accepted. Whether this girl used to be either a human or Pokémon I couldn't tell. Heh, for all I knew, she could easily have been born like that from how good some of these doctors and surgeons were at their craft.

"Did you bring our papers?" the man asked again. I snapped out of my trance and returned my gaze to him, nodding to him as I tapped my backpack. "First thing's first though" I interrupted "who do you work for?" Especially with guys like these, you'll never know who you are dealing with until you are face-to-face with them.

"I am a representative of the sacred order of the Oriental Knights" he said, placing his hands in front of him as if to pray. "Our mission is to forever rid our lands of the white man who comes to take what is ours." I laughed to myself as I heard the man's speech.

"So you're trying to get rid of us then?" I said in response, a slight chuckle in my voice. I might have been born in Austria, but I was a hot blooded American to the core. God bless the SRNA.

"Yes my friend" he answered back, perhaps a little too as-a-matter-of-fact for his own good "but my people still wish to do business with yours. As much as you might think otherwise, weapons are difficult to come by out here; especially for a small group like us."

I nodded my head, seeing some validity in his answer "so what weapons are you looking to purchase?" I asked, pulling out a small manifest of some of the gear that Klein had in inventory. I began reading off the list. "We have a sizeable stockpile of Soviet Era small arms; Ak-47s, AK-74s, RPKs, RPDs, PKMs, RPGs, Skorpions, Makarovs..." I trailed off as I looked back up, trying to see any sign of satisfaction from the man. There wasn't any.

"Ok..." I continued on "we also have a large collection of former NATO and UN weaponry; including M16s, M4s, M249s, M240s, Scars, G36s and Cs, Israeli Tavors, MP5s, MP7s, P90s, AA-12s, Pancor Jackhammers, Javelin missile launchers, anti-material rifles of different types and grades. I mean, this is only a small list of what my friend can get you. We also got a large selection of gear, equipment, NVGs, weapon mods and parts, and some small military vics if that floats your boat." The man stared at me for a moment longer, then nodded his head with approval. Reaching out with his hand, he took the list from me and began to read it over himself. He seemed rather pleased now.

"Very good" he finally said after several long minute "you've done a good job at convincing me, and I'm certain that my people will agree as well. You can expect to hear from us again very soon." He took the inventory manifest and set it on the chair next to him. "Do you have any other information we can use to keep in contact?" I nodded my head, pulling out several more documents from my backpack and handed them to him, watching as he cracked open his briefcase and placed them inside. I couldn't remember whether I was supposed to give him those documents and the manifest or not. Likewise, there were other things about the man that didn't add up. First off, didn't take any convincing to get him onboard as one of our clients. Next was the name...Oriental Knights? I heard some time ago that Asians hated being called Orientals, and Knights are more part of Western culture. Lastly, I was used to being bombarded by questions; like regarding the quality of our weapons, the prices, where we acquired our arms from, and how soon we could be trusted to deliver. He didn't ask jack shit about any of these. All of these threw up red flags in my mind, but at that time I was more interested in getting the deal over with and getting out into town to enjoy some much desired R&R. That there was my first fatal mistake; I was complacent.

The waiter finally returned with our drinks a few moments later. How peachy, I remembered thinking to myself as I laughed at how it took longer for the waitress to make 2 drinks than it did for the man to agree to a purchase that could cost roughly several hundred thousand dollars. The man didn't give his drink any notice, instead picked up the briefcase and walked out of the building. I watched him as he walked off, taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey there big boy" I heard a voice to my right, startled to find the Typhlosion chick standing there; a hand at her hip and her right thigh crossed over her left, her naked body glistening with the sheen of sweat. I didn't know how she snuck up on me like that or why, but she caught me completely off guard. "Mind if I sit with you?"

"Uhh...sure" I said, not really knowing what to think of it all. She smiled, slinking into the chair next to me, getting close and placing a hand on the inner part of my right thigh, her right leg crossed over her left so that I could see the bottom of her foot. Had to give it to her, she had a gorgeous set of paws.

"So handsome..." she began, her sensuous voice was sweet like honey to my ears "what brings you to Pattaya Beach?"

At that time, I was too busy thinking about how many drinks I would have to buy her to get her in bed with me. I was like the protagonist for a corny teen chick flick. "Uhh..." I stuttered "err...just..uh..just here on a business trip. That's all"

She chuckled, pulling me closer to her. She was around the average height for a human adult, though I felt like a dwarf held up next to her. Then again, everything feels a little bigger when you're just 4 ft. tall. "Hey hey, no need to be so tense there cutie" she said, stroking the inside of my thigh. I could already feel myself getting hard.

"Sorry" I said, regaining a measure of my composure, shuddering and taking in a gulp of air as her hand ran across my groin. "I just had a long day. Been a little tense over some stuff that's been going on"

"No need to be so stressed out cutie" she said again, moving her left leg in between mine as she reached to my shoulders and began massaging them. "You have enough things to worry about out there. Let this be your one day to relax, to be at peace." I took a deep breath, feeling relaxed already as she worked around the muscles in my shoulders. Heh, it was then that she came close to my ear and whispered into it.

"Never lose your guard" she began, a slight but serious undertone to her voice. "Many things are about to transpire here, and while the world around us might sleep quietly tonight, your own won't have such a reprieve. Rely on your training and listen to your instinct; you'll need them both if you want to see the sun rise again."

I stayed silent for a second or so after she said those words. I wasn't totally sure what to think about the things she said, or whether I heard them all correctly in the first place. After all, it's not every day that you have a nude chick walk up to you out of the blue and tell you that you might not live through the night. That, and it puzzled me that she mentioned to me about training? Did she know I was a former Marine?

"Fret not, my young warrior" she continued, this time her serious undertone broke away to a warm chuckle. "I know you've been through tougher challenges and more difficult times. Believe in yourself and trust your instincts and you'll be as hard as rock." Not exactly the analogy I would have chosen for that instant, but I guess it works fine. As strange and gripping as the things she said were, I found myself quickly forgetting them all after I stared into those big, glowing red eyes of hers. It was like being placed under a trance, and quickly I found myself forgetting the things I heard as my mind drifted away in my own fantasies.

"So then" she began again, taking a sip o]f the Tequila Sunrise on the table, smiling "now that we got the heavy stuff out of the way, you wanna go in the back and have some...alone time?" Had I not been sitting on my tail, I knew it would have been wagging violently that moment. I simply nodded my head, a horny grin stretching from one corner of my mouth to the other. "And don't worry, this one's on the house."

I stared into those big red eyes of hers for a moment more before pushing out an answer. "I'd love to baby" was all I said, feeling myself get really hard down there. Standing up, she leaned down and gingerly cradled me in her arms like a young kid. Admittedly the sight probably would have been comical to anyone else looking. To me though, it was the most romantic thing that happened to me in some time. I mean yeah, I figured it was all part of the act she put on for bar patrons to get them in bed with her, but it just felt too good to be true.

"Sweet dreams are made of these..." she whispered into my ear as she carried me off through one of the doors to the side.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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