AGNPH Stories

A leg to stand on - human blaziken by darkresz


Chapter only

It was the final round of the elite four and I was up against the local champion who am I you may ask well im the soon to be worlds best pokemon master and my name is 'nature' a silly name I know but in my family it wasn't the worst. I stood about four foot six white hair pale skin and forest green eyes my body type made me look like a 11 year old child despite my age of 16. Staring at the wall in front of me I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me each of the local champions pokemon had its own private battle arena and its own set of rules also whenever one was defeated we then moved onto the next so far I had best 5 of his pokemon but he had also beat 5 of mine now it was just down to me and my starter 'flora' my blaziken a silly name for a fire type I know but I wanted to make sure it was a name that suited me and since she had no problems with it the matter was settled.

And with a small click the door began to rise looking at the last pokeball on my belt I swallowed the last of my fears and stepped forward into the lights of the arena each of the previous areas gave me an idea into what pokemon he used for example a mountain could mean a rock type opponent surveying the land in front of me I saw a forest full of condensed trees which no light could penetrate looking around I noted no water for water types no wide open areas for flying types no flat plains for pesky ground types and nothing in this dark area to help with psychic types in the least. Near as I could tell there were 4 options for my opponent grass dark ghost and bug none of which should pose too much of a threat to my majestic warrior.

As I stood there I realised that I couldn't see my opponent which meant we'd be fighting blind clutching the ball containing my oldest friend I waited for the ref to give his orders. Thankfully it wasn't that long a wait as I soon heard his voice booming over the mike

'this will be the final round as both trainers are down to their last pokemon each trainer will have 3 minutes to tell their pokemon what to do and neither trainer will know what their opponent is using also after the three minute mark neither trainer can give further orders so in other words this will be a fair one on one blind mans battle both trainers begin your planning'

Tossing the ball ahead of me it cracked open sending out flora in a battle ready stance I began to survey her form she was obviously ready both physically and mentally every inch of her muscled form itching for battle and standing strong everything from her long white hair flowing in the breeze standing out from the feathers covering her head to toe to her sharp and deadly claws and talons that could match even my weavile in sharpness and form every part of her was radiating strength. Once she had gotten her headings she began to frantically look for what could only be her opponent seeing her distress at not being able to find him I stepped to her side.

Planting a hand on her shoulder I carefully said 'Calm down flora we have three minutes before the match to get our plan of action ready after which I cant give you any more orders ok?' at this she gave me a confused expression obviously not sure how I would be of any help in what was to come noticing this I stared her in the eyes and stated 'I know you don't think I can help but.....' however my sentence was cut short as she grabbed my shoulders desperately trying to tell me in her language that's not what she was thinking smiling at her cute display I pulled her into a friendly hug placing my head on her shoulder cheek to cheek and within moments her arms were around me as well ever since she was a torchic I did this whenever I didn't know what to say that could make her feel better which happened often thanks to my quiet personality. Pulling back I moved my face in front of hers calmly stroked her cheek and in the most soothing voice I could I told her 'don't worry I know I cant help you but I can tell you this at least no matter what happens win or lose we're in this together' looking down to her legs I removed my hand from her cheek and placed it on her outer thigh 'not that it matters anyway since one kick from these trunks you call legs should take them out easily' and with a smile I pulled her back into the hug holding her close.

'One minute until the battle begins repeat one minute left'

I began pulling her as close to me as possible while she leant into my form I stood perfectly still worried that even one small movement could lead to my and her concentration breaking. Realising the minute was almost over I clutched her as tight as I could for a couple of seconds then let go signalling for her to do the same however when she didn't I looked to her as she began to nuzzle my shoulder tapping her on the head gently she opened her eyes looked at my face and quickly stepped back looking down with an embarrassed expression just as I was about to tease her a bit over this the ref announced the start of the match giving me a quick glance she ran into the forests ahead of us taking this as my queue I sat down and did the only thing I could do wait.

Within moments I saw blasts of fire going in every direction bursting from the trees at first I thought she was doing well but I noticed something was off her shots were weaker and slower than they usually were worriedly I began looking around trying to catch a glimpse of the battle but all too soon the whistle had rung followed by the ref announcing the results.

'Match over challenger's pokemon is unable to battle winner our champion DARK and his scizor'

Standing up I rushed into the arena towards where the last shot came from hoping to find her and thankfully ahead of me lay flora mostly uninjured with her unconscious form leant against a tree as my opponent dark stood metres away tending to his scizor pulling out her ball I returned her to my belt and began to leave.

'Wait!' turning around I saw dark hand stretched towards me in a friendly gesture changing my expression from confusion to anger I stared at him as angrily as I could he then raised his hands in defeat a sour look on his face 'listen I know your angry but chances are you might have won if your pokemon wasn't so distracted it was obvious to me that something was on her mind and as such knowing this I cant let you walk away with nothing after all I don't want a bad taste on my conscience so if you want you can have a one on one rematch with me however under two conditions' staring at his darkened features I nodded my head solemnly and waited for him to continue '1 it will be a one on one battle your blaziken vs my best pokemon my zoroark Ren she'll be back from vacation in about a week and a half so give me a call in a fortnight and for the second condition you aren't allowed to hold this defeat against your blaziken alright' looking at him I smiled and began walking away.

Stopping for a moment I yelled back 'never intended to blame her see ya soon' and I continued out of the arena through the door and into the lobby looking around I saw many sad and depressed trainers apparently the news of darks 4 best pokemon taking a vacation was enough of a invitation for any loser to try their hand at victory but so far no one had won in fact as far as I knew I was the only one to make it past 2 of his pokemon I then proceeded to the front desk and handed all my pokemon over to the league nurse and while waiting for her to finish I began to scan for someone that could help me then I noticed one of those weird psychics and his alakazam standing in the corner looking back I saw the tray with my fully healed team in it retrieving my team I walked over to him and after a quick discussion I was teleported to my home town and upon entering my house I went to my room collapsed and fell asleep ready for this day to be over.

3 days later
Even though none of the team blamed her flora still refused to talk to any of us or even so much as meet my gaze and after three days I had enough of this grabbing her ball I walked in my room blocked all of the escape routes to the best of my ability and then I set her loose the moment the light from the ball disappeared she slowly opened her eyes and began looking around but the moment her eyes fell on me she freaked out and ran for the door finding that blocked she turned to the window which was also blocked frantically she ran to my bathroom and began tugging on the door but to no avail

'I locked that first now come here we need to talk' beckoning her over to me on the bed I patted the spot next to me and pulled out my computer opening up a word document I waited until she was seated and then passed it to her staring into her eyes I asked her firmly 'now explain yourself dark said you were distracted during the match despite the fact you looked fine before hand and even though no one held it against you the next thing I knew you spent 3 days ignoring everyone why is that flora?'

Slowly she raised her claws and began typing away

(Typed words will be in brackets)

(he's right I was distracted ive just had a lot on my mind and im ashamed of it) placing my hand on her leg I calmly and slowly told her 'you have no reason to be ashamed everyone gets distracted from time to time' we sat in silence staring at each other until she began to type again peering on the screen I began reading once again (im not ashamed I was distracted im ashamed of what distracted me) moving my hand from her leg I put it on her head and gently pated her asking 'what is it you know you can trust me' she then removed my hand from her head and placed it back on her leg and began typing once more (its my heat it was too strong to ignore I was fine up until when the match started but then it got worse and I think I know why)

Staring at her confused for a second letting it sink in I almost hit myself for forgetting that she was despite being my most powerful warrior was still female and like anyone else she had needs and ignoring them said a lot about me as a trainer but still that brought forth another question curiously I asked 'well if you know why then what caused it?' staring at me she then shifted crossing her legs and raising my laptop so that the screen was out of view and once again began typing once she was done she let out a sigh visibly swallowed and turned the laptop towards me and what I read shocked me to my very core.

(im ready for a mate not only that but ive selected one my decision was made a long time ago but my mind only caught up with my body when you hugged me just as you always did. Ever since I was young you always protected me up until the day when I could stand tall by myself and even then you were still there with me what im trying to say is........ I love you and im wondering would you ever consider being my mate? But just remember when making your decision I truly do love you this isn't perversion lust or my heat talking this is me just me flora your blaziken your pokemon your friend) staring into my eyes she put my laptop on the ground and sat there awaiting my answer.

Sitting there I cursed my lack of speech unable to find the right words I considered hugging her as I always do but looking into her eyes seeing her hoping face I knew that in itself was an answer. We sat there for what seemed like hours even though the clock said a mere ten minutes had passed and during that time her gaze never left me despite my own never once catching hers while I continued scanning every speck of the room hoping to find my answer somewhere in the mess I call a room and then I saw my box every time I got something that was valuable to me I put it in there from my lucky rock to my favourite marble and necklace even my gym badges were in there plus a bunch of other stuff reaching to the ground I picked it up and looked inside and when I did I realised something everything in there had something to do with her the rock was from where I first saw her egg the necklace was picked out from the store by her and as for the marble she had once tried to eat it and nearly choked on it and of course she had taken a lead role in each of my gym challenges.

Curious by my lack of movement she peered over my shoulder and looked in the box not seeing anything of interest she leant back and continued staring at me awaiting my answer. After another minute or so I had decided putting the box back down I turned to her and said "ive decided and in lieu of words I guess this will have to do" staring in her eyes I moved forward quickly taking her by surprise and placed my mouth on her beak soon she relaxed into the kiss slowly as not to startle her I placed my arms around her and pulled her in close taking the initiative she mimicked my actions and placed her tongue at my lips trying to force its way in as she rose above me eagerly accepting her actions I parted my lips allowing my tongue to mingle with hers moaning into her mouth as her arms clutched me close. I almost began to chuckle at how we must have looked a girly boy being dwarfed by a large muscular blaziken not that I minded once again taking the lead she pushed me on my back she then slowly began bringing up her legs and she then hooked her talons on my shirt and pants then in one quick movement she had cut them clean off and threw them to the side leaving me in only my boxers.

Not quite sure what she was planning I sat there watching as she once again lifted her legs and tore off my only remaining piece of clothing staring me over she made a whistling sound which effectively brought a blush to my face. Lying on her back she beckoned me forwards ready for what I thought was to come I moved towards her but was stopped when she placed one of her feet in front of my face curious I looked at her face through her talons wondering what she wanted catching my look she brought her tongue out and began to make licking motions through the air taking the hint I grabbed her foot and slowly began to rub each of her three talons one in each hand eyeing the one left over I opened my mouth and began to lick the centre of her foot working my way to that talon and moving it into my mouth slowly I began to suck on it. Smiling she leaned back and after a minute of this I moved to the next and in another minutes time I moved to the final one and when that was done she began to twist her foot around begging for more only too happy to oblige I grabbed her ankle in both hands and began licking every inch of her feet savouring the taste of her hard talons once her entire foot had a healthy shine I moved to the next one. Once again grabbing it by the ankle I decided to switch things up and began suckling it all over taking my time I slowly readied her base talon and as I moved to her top ones she closed her talons together and moved her leg back towards her following I brought myself right up beside her till I felt something stroke my shaft looking down I saw her other leg I was about to question it when the foot I had left unfinished placed itself back on my lips no longer bothering to question it I took her two top talons in my mouth and began to suckle it tracing my tongue all over it taking this as her queue she clamped her foot around my length careful not to let the tips of her talons damage me and began to firmly stroke it.

Moving my hands to her foot I began to massage whatever I couldn't fit in my mouth looking ahead I saw her using her left arm to prop her back up as her right snaked its way down to her now soaked cunt. Once she reached her target her movement temporarily ceased as she gasped only to start again twice as fast as before trying to bring me to the edge struggling against the temptation to let her finish the job I managed to remove her foot from my face I then leant forward grabbed her hand that was now furiously rubbing at her sex and pulled it aside hearing her whine in protest I quickly leant forward and gave it a quick lick catching on to what I was doing she brought her other foot to my shaft and urged me to get on with it smiling I opened wide and stuck as much of my tongue as I could into her needy snatch. Within moments my senses registered her internal heat if it wasn't for her flowing juices my tongue might have been burnt to a crisp quickly getting back to the job at hand while she got back to the job at foot feeling those two hardened protrusions she called feet rubbing at me forced me into submission once again as I continued to lick at her sex faster and faster trying to make her finish first to save what little dignity I had left feeling her walls begin to tighten I could tell she was close nearing completion myself I sped up and once I felt her entire sex begin to spasm out of control I smiled and with that done I felt no remorse as I began to buck against her feet bringing me to my limit and then I finally burst spurting every drop of cum I could muster onto her thighs and my bed sheets.

Falling onto my back I lay there for about a minute breathing heavily and content until I felt something stroking my shaft looking down I saw her removing her right foot from my now once again full shaft I only had a moment to register what was happening before she had her arms and legs on mine holding me in place eyes locked on mine. Seeing her beak curl slightly she then bucked her hips to the side lining up our two sexes then slowly she lowered her hips over my shaft taking the head of my length into her she then proceeded down never moving her gaze from mine then she stopped momentarily something inside of her was blocking me but my mind didn't have time to determine what it could be until she pushed down in one quick movement taking me in her to the base seeing her cringing face I realised this must have been her first too reaching my arms up I wrapped her in a hug finally breaking away from her gaze I placed my mouth next to her ears and said my first and last words during the whole ordeal.

"I love you"

Shortly after I said that she lifted her head back up and with tears in her eyes placed her beak on my lips then pulling away she sat at a 70 degree angle and slowly rose up almost coming off me before she slammed herself back down onto me rising up again she began to pick up her pace of rising and falling before long I began bucking along with her. The feeling of her walls struggling to keep me in when she rise then pulling me back in when she fell was too much for me and only a couple of minutes after we started I let loose without warning shooting whatever seed I had left inside her. Feeling the foreign substance enter her must have set her off cause within moments her walls once again began to spasm wildly trying to drain me of every last drop I could be withholding from her we stayed there grunting and clucking in satisfaction for almost a full minute until her orgasm died down. Shortly after it ended she collapsed on top of me curling her talons over the tops of my feet holding them in place once she was sure I wasn't going anywhere she wrapped her arms around my back and once more placed her beak on my lips allowing her tongue to mingle with my own and shortly after it started she ended the kiss placing her head next to mine and while still connected we fell asleep next to each other.

The next day

I was sitting in the living room surrounded by the other five members of my team all obviously curious about how I had broken flora out of her depression I sat there in silence not sure what to tell them until the mood was broken by the now happy and carefree flora as she walked out of the kitchen came up to me on the couch pushed me forward slightly and snuck in behind me wrapping her arms and legs around my midsection. While this was happening the expressions of my other pokemon went from curious to shock seeing this flora then leant forward moved her left arm up turned my head to the side and placed her beak on my lips and all at once the five looks of shock went to confusion then all five of them smirked said something to flora and walked out the room leaving us alone.

When the last one had left I broke free of her grip pushed her onto her back and laid on top of her once again locking my lips to her beak and once again I said "I love you" to which she replied with a large number of repetitions of segments of her name which I could only assume meant the same thing. Moving down to the other end of the couch and grabbing both of her leg's I began to massage her feet one in each hand looking up to her smiling face as she gave me one sultry cluck I knew I had made the right choice and now all that was left was the battle with dark.

11 days later

We once again stood before dark on opposite ends of the field I could see him and his zoroark standing there smugly no doubt they would win and in all honesty I knew they would win but that didn't mean we couldn't put up one hell of a fight anyway. The ref was different from last time and unlike with the rest of his pokemon his zoroark didn't have a specialised arena all she had was one large flat expanse of grassy land.

Looking at dark the moment our eyes met I felt a shudder visibly go up my spine seeing this he smiled and began to speak "if you're wondering about the arena its because despite her powers over illusions she and I feel a fair fight is best also I can promise you this one of her first two attacks will take you down but there is a reward if you manage to make it past the first blow. All right lets get started!" and with a nod in the refs direction the match began.

Immediately ren his zoroark began charging a shadow ball and with two claps I signalled flora to put up her shield nodding she summoned towers of fire and surrounded herself with them completely this move hurts her slightly but it can also both attack and defend her from her opponent we had come up with this idea while watching a battle in my favourite show bleach. Seeing the flames reach their peak dark order his pokemon to attack full force letting the shadow ball loose it flew into floras flames and shattered it like glass while sending flora flying backwards past me and into the wall looking behind me I saw her rise mostly unscathed thanks to her flame shield looking at me she nodded once and ran at ren. Ren mimicking floras action nodded to dark and then disappeared reappearing moments later behind flora with an attack fully charged and then she let it loose without giving either of us a chance to act and soon both pokemon were covered in a dome of darkness. Staring into the black abyss of that attack I waited until it died down and opening my eyes wide with shock at what I saw I ran forwards as fast as I could to the limp form of my blaziken when I finally reached her side I pulled her into my arms and broke into tears not sure what to do or how to help her.

I was broken out of my reverie when a star like object bonked into my head looking down I realised it was a max revive not thinking twice I grabbed it crushed it into dust and administered it in her mouth coaxing her neck to help her swallow she almost immediately was restored and woke up looking around seeing my tearful face hovering above hers she looked down obviously sad at losing grabbing her face I locked my lips to her beak forgetting all about darks presence until I heard him cough. Looking up at him I immediately broke the kiss and tried to come up with an explanation till I saw dark walk up to his zoroark and give her a kiss on the lips confused I looked at him.

Seeing this dark said "what? Oh right I promised you a reward didn't I well listen in all honesty my best pokemon didn't go on vacation they left while I tried to find someone worthy to replace me and I needed them gone as they would take everyone out too quickly and that's where your reward comes in congrats you're the new champion of this region" confused all I could do was stutter "why would you quit?" and replying to my question he said "listen do you know who I am I'm dark the worlds greatest co-ordinator and musical expert but I'm only the worlds second best trainer and I'm tired of that so I'm quitting the league and I will challenge and defeat Teepo also I need to quit anyway a leagues no fun if you cant win"

Confused I stood up helping flora do the same and asked "wait I thought red was the best there was?" looking at me in disbelief he said "red retired years ago undefeated. Though both my and Teepo's records are tied with his so whoever wins between us can proudly say we are the best however until we fight neither of us can properly say wether or not we are the best"

"Wait if your records are equal why is he first?"

"Because he's reds apprentice and I'm just some nobody trainer who hit it big but that's neither here nor there so do you accept?"

Smiling I nodded smiling back at me dark said "if you're ever in Sinnoh look me up" and with that he walked out the door not looking back once he was outside I saw him release his gardevoir and then teleport away never to return to this region. I was still standing there with flora while this happened looking to her I smiled wrapped her in a hug and said "so im the champ huh" giving her a peck on the cheek I continued talking "what say to celebrate I give these sore feet of yours a massage" smiling she leant back into my grip as we began walking forwards to the future and the rest of our lives together.

In all honesty the only time I saw dark again was on TV when he versed Teepo near as I can remember he won but im not sure I was distracted that day after all flora and I were quite busy planning the worlds second poke human wedding after darks.
Chapter End Notes:And done 2 hours 56 minutes plus 4 minutes of checking up on it so smiles and frowns can go in the comments that I may or may not rea
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