AGNPH Stories

Noir Conformions Souhaite (Granter of Black Wishes) by tsujinrilauco


Story Notes:

My first story. I can't believe it. Hope you all like it.

Chapter the First

Noir Conformions Souhaite

First Wish - Feral Lust

The day started in the same way it had every day for the past year. The harsh call of an alarm clock rang through an apartment's bedroom, screaming with an urgency only it felt until it was violently silenced by the woman who had set it the night before. A groggy moan escaped her throat as she slowly worked her way from under the covers. Her feet touched the same patch of carpet they always did, and as always the girl forced herself from her waking stupor with a yawn and a wide stretch of her arms. Her right hand met pillow, while her left met the fur of her Mightyena companion. She gently scratched behind his ear, the dark canine acknowledging his masters touch by raising his head and greeting her with a soft growl and slight smile. The girl stood up and made her way to the bathroom, with the gentle light of the sunrise lighting her way, where she continued with her routine. Every morning she would shower, comb her light brown, nearly shoulder length hair, take a brief moment to observe her face, its sky blue eyes scanning the same skin it had every day, and finally change into her work clothes.

She moved from the bathroom to the small, combination kitchen and living room, fixing her self a quick and simple breakfast of a piece of toast and an apple with a bowl of Pokechow for her companion. She made for the door with her Mightyena tow, and gave him the same smile and pat on the head she did every day before leaving. She walked to the elevator, rode it to the lobby, and caught the early morning bus to the Pokemon center.

"Good morning Mary." The same greeting she recieved every morning from the resident Nurse Joy, which she always met with a wave and a quick smile. She walked straight to the back of the lobby, entering the dining room and making for the kitchen, ready to prepare the food for the numerous trainers and pokemon who would inevitably be coming in to rest and enjoy a hot meal.

The day passed in the same way it had every day since she became the cook for the Rustboro Pokemon center. Countless trainers passing through, eating the food she made, and leaving with no more than a brief thanks. When she started she would try and converse with them, hoping to brighten her listless days. But more often than not, the trainers would have nothing interesting to say. Because of Rustboro's gym being the easiest in the league she would always hear the same stories of menial conquest and ineffectual defeat from unexperienced newbies who rarely had anything more interesting than a Beautifly. As her intrest in these stories faded, so too did the trainers. At first, she might have been able to recognize some of the more frequent visiters, these days however, she could have sworn there were only four disticnt looks among them.

She headed home, at the end of her long and tedious day, as long and tedious and the last. She got off the bus, walked through the lobby, and rode the elevator up to her floor. She unlocked her door, but hesitated just before opening it. This was the moment, the moment she had experienced every day for the last year. The moment when she realized how uneventful her life was. Sure, she felt the satisfaction of providing a service that many would sorely miss if she had not provided it, not every Pokemon Center had a diner built in these days, even fewer had one who didn't charge. She felt secure, knowing she made a liveable salary from a government issued paycheck. But it was the same satisfaction, the same security, day in, day out, with hardly a distinction between them. The only moments of joy she felt anymore where those brief moments she spent with her Mightyena. Knowing her faithful companion waited for her on the other side the door, expectantly waiting, waging his tail in anticipation for the greeting he knew she would give him before preparing for bed, where he would fall asleep at her feet, just as he had since he was a young Poochyena.

She finally broke from her thoughts, opened the door and moved through all the events she knew would happen. Nothing unexpected, or noticably different about anything. She fed Mightyena, changed into the white tank top and pajama bottoms she always wore to bed, and spent the final few moments of her night looking out the bedroom window while slowly stroking her companion's soft, freshly brushed fur. And just as she did every night she wordless wished, upon every star she saw, that something would happen to break the monotony. That she would meet someone who would sweep her off her feet and take her away from the life she had. Always she would sigh, and resign herself to another night of somewhat restful sleep.

The day started in the same way it had every day for the past year. Mary awoke to the alarm's call, pet her Mightyena, and got ready for work. She left her apartment, rode the elevator down, walked through the lobby, and rode the bus to the Center. She waded through the bordom of her day, and went home in the same fashion as always. She unlocked her door and paused, having the same thoughts she always had in that moment. She opened the door, ready to experience the only enjoyable moment she had to look forward to.

But something was wrong. Her Mightyena wasn't at the door, ready to greet her after her long day. She paused, almost unable to process this unexpected and unpleasant change in her routine. After a moment she noticed a small noise, repetitive and... wet sounding. She made to investigate, but stopped when she reached her living room. Sitting in the only chair in the room, facing the door as if expecting her arrival, was a person wearing a cloak as black as a starless night. The dark cloak kept her from inferring anything about this unknown intruder, his height, age, face, and most concerning of all, his intent. Mary was assaulted by an onslaught of feeling she hadn't felt in a very long time; fear of the intruder, concern for her Mightyena, curiosity over the unusal sound pervading the otherwise silent appartment.

Just when Mary felt she would explode from the building emotion, the cloaked figure spoke, revealing at least he was a man.---

"Hello Mary, welcome home." He spoke unusually, as though there were more than one person talking.

"W-who are you? How did you get in here? Where's my Mightyena? And what is that sound?" She couldn't keep the questions from pouring out, she needed to vent and it was the only way she could think to do so.

"There's alot to answer there," the man's voice had changed, losing the unusal multi-track sound it first had, "well, to start, I'm a friend, I got in because you invited me, and your last two questions have the same answer."

Mary was about to lose what little patience she still had. "What do you mean I invited you? And what the hell do you mean 'they have the same answer'?"

"Still so many questions? Then I'll start from the begining. Every night for nearly a year you've wished for something to break the monotony of your life, I'm here to fulfill that desire. To do so, I've made your walls soundproof, so a certain friend of yours wouldn't hear your approach, as he usually does. He's in the bedroom now."

She was becoming more confused by the second. She wished this person would come and soundproof her walls? Her Mightyena did something while she was away he didn't want her to see? She wanted to find out what, but thought turning her back on him may be exactly what this strange man wanted her to do. Eventually she decided she'd rather have her Mightyena ready to handle the intruder than try and fight him off alone if he tried anything funny. She slowly made her way to the bedroom door, finally noticing it was slightly ajar, and gently pushed it open. What awaited her inside nearly caused her to faint.

Her Mightyena was taking long, intentful licks along his fully erect penis. This wasn't the disturbing part though, she had seen him clean himself before, and assumed something like this was bound to happen every once in a while. What threw Mary for a loop was that he had his eyes trained on a picture... of her. The picture was from well over three years ago, on the day her parents took her to the beach to celebrate her graduation from culinary school, and showed her in a modest one piece with a recently evolved Mightyena sitting next to her.

Mary stood motionless, unable to think of what she ought to do. Then Mightyena finally noticed her and froze, caught doing something he never did without complete confidence in his solitude. The words of the cloaked figure rushed back into Mary's mind and she began to realize, her Mightyena had been masturbating to her, perhaps every day she left for work. She knew she should have been disgusted with this thought, but she didn't feel disgusted at all. Rather, she felt a sort of shame, shame that she was so absorbed with her own life that her dearest companion had to resort to such a degrading act to relieve himself.

"You're starting to see, that which has been before you for so long."

During Mary's and Mightyena's combined moment of shock the cloaked man had moved and now stood behind Mary. In an instant there was a burst of movement. Mightyena, now alerted to the intruder, quickly stood up and took an agressive stance. He rushed forward toward the man, breaking Mary from her own stupor, and lunged for his throat just as Mary jumped to the side to avoid the attack, landing face down on her bed. During this moment of furious movement the cloaked man hadn't moved an inch. Mary turned, expecting to see her Mightyena finally force the intruder from her small home, but just as he was about to reach his mark he froze... in midair.

Mary was certain she had fallen into another moment of shock, where the whole world seemed to stand still, but then the man slowly reached out and placed his hand on the suspended canine's head, ending the delusion and assuring her that her friend was now floating in the air.

"Collapse the walls, break the dams, release the flood of desire." Once more the man spoke in a voice sounding like a crowd of people speaking at once. What he meant was something that escaped Mary. Seeing this strange man touch her dear companion finally awoke her inner fire, she moved to stop him from doing anything else to Mightyena, but found herself stuck to the bed, as if her arms and legs had been tied to the bed she lied on.

"W-what?! Why can't I...?"

"Because I'm holding you down with my power." The man interrupted before she could complete her question. "I prefer you to be attentive for this next part."

Mary had no clue as to what this 'next part' was, but as she had no real choice, decided to listen to him.

"For four years this dog has faithfully followed you. From your twenty-third birthday, when you first met, to the day you graduated and he evolved, through the two years you spent looking for work, and through this past year of painfully consistency. Unbenowst to you, he had been feeling a strong desire to be with you, a desire transcending friendship, and straying into the realm of carnality. This Mightyena dreamed of not only mating with you, but making love to you. Reveling not only in physical release, but the ecstacy of knowing that release with someone held before all others. This Mightyena loves you, and I feel it's time you know the intensity of that love."

As he finished, Mightyena began to lower to the ground and out of her line of sight, her invisible bindings preventing her from moving to see him. She was concerned about what the man had said. The thought of her Mightyena loving her was a completely alien concept, and before she had even a moment to think she felt the bed shift. She looked down again and was relieved to see her friend was fine. But something was off, his eyes looked glazed over and lifeless, and... and... his dick was hard and throbing. She could see a small line of pre leaking from the tip, further evidence of his excitement.

"What did you do to my Mightyena?!" She was nearly screaming, the thought of being fucked by a Pokemon finally pushing her past her mental limits.

"Even after all that explanation you still have a question to ask? I'm begining to wonder if you're just mocking me." He said, in a tone so mocking Mary felt a scream finally come to her throat. Before she could let it out the man continued, "I just relieved your friend here of the inhibition that was keeping him from expressing his desires. So now he can do what he's been dreaming of for so very, very long."

"But I can't have sex with a Pokemon! It... It's just so wr-"

"SO WHAT!" He yelled, stopping her from finishing. "Even after enlightening you to his desire and suffering you'd still let a social dogma get in the way?" He sighed before continuing. "Then I guess it's time let this dog have his day, and show you the happiness you've overlooked."

"Wait, no stoO-AHH!" Mary was once again cut off, this time by her Mightyena's lustful lunge, jumping straight to her crotch and forcefully tearing off her thin, cotton panties like the wrappings on a present he had waited years to recieve. "Mighttyena! Stop, don't do this!" She continued to plead as the terrifying thought of this mindless beast ravaging her ran endlessly through her mind.

"Eep!" Mary let out a small yelp as Mightyena moved to stand over her, bringing his head close to her face. The beast's tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he brought his muzzle even closer. Mary shut her eyes and quickly turned her head, expecting the worst. She waited for the sharp fangs to dig into her, but instead she felt a soft lick."Huh?" She looked back to her Mightyena, the crazed look in his eyes was gone, replaced by one of pure joy. He gave her another lick on her lips, the closest thing to a kiss he could give, before moving back toward the end of the bed. He turned to face her and lowered his muzzle to her exposed nethers. The dog began to slowly rub his nose up and down her slit, giving small licks with each upward movement. Mary was conflicted, the wild beast who tore through her underwear moments ago was now filling her with a glorious sensation. A sensation she had not felt since she was nineteen, from a boy who claimed to love her, took her virginity, the tossed her aside like a wad of used tissue paper.

"Ooh. Ah. Ohn." Mary began to let out small moans as Mightyena began to press his tongue further into her, trying to draw more of her juices out so he may savor his master's taste. Her doubts started to disappear under the glorious treatment the canid organ was delivering. She lost all sense of time and place as her body filled with an electric feeling.

Then it stopped. Mary felt suprised and disappointed, the wonderful feeling slowly receeding. She saw her Mightyena raise its head and move over her once again. He brought his mouth to her and gave another affectionate lick, and as he did Mary felt a small poke. She didn't need to look to see what had caused it, but she couldn't figure out why he had stopped. She was in no position to refuse, still held down by the psychic bonds. And he had not hesitated earlier, when he went to ready her for what he was now poised to do. She couldn't think of any reason for his hesitation.

Then she was struck with realization. He was waiting for her, for her to let him move on. Even when the situation he had been hoping for was right before him, he wouldn't do any more without knowing she wanted him to. Mary felt touched by his consideration, the conflict disappearing. She slowly nodded, giving her consent.

Mightyena smiled as wide as his canine lips would allow and a joyful tear escaped his eye. He gave Mary one more loving lick before slowly pressing into her. She felt his member enter her, and all her doubts and fears melted like salt in an ocean of ecstacy. She lost herself to the rush of sensation to an area she had long neglected, having barely a moment to herself for nearly two years. The dog began slowly, but started to quickly pick up speed, losing himself to instict, moving his forepaws down to her hips in an attempt to press harder into her. Mary was so enthralled by the feeling of her friend so deep inside her she barely noticed her binding release. She moved her arms outward and lifted her hips to give Mightyena a better angle of entry. The furious pace the canine had achieved nearly overwhelmed Mary, her cunny convulsing and gripping the hot rod as if it were the only thing holding her to the earth. Even though the hole he hammered into was pulling as tight as it could have been, the lust-driven beast managed to drive into his master at an incredible pace, his hips blurring and tail whipping through the air. This furious treatment continued for several minutes before the two exploded in conjoined orgasm, the fluids of love erupting from Mary's tight hole and spraying onto the bedspread. Even after the cataclysmic release Mightyena continued to thrust, again and again until his engorged knot forced its way into his lover. This final push was too much for her to handle, and Mary's orgasm was pushed even further, reaching a height so great it pushed her into a blissful unconsciousness. And just before her fall into darkness she looked to the doorway, and saw the cloaked man. To her blurring vision he seemed to be glowing, as if the light shined not behind him, but from him.

Mary slowly woke the next morning. For the first time in a long time she had woken up when the sun had risen far over the tops of the neighboring builidings. She felt something lying on top of her and looked down. Mightyena had fallen asleep on top of her. Seeing him slowly brought the events of the previous night back to her. None of the disgust she had felt that night returned to her, all she felt was a deep-seeded content, knowing she had finally found... no, had always had that special someone she was hoping would come along and change her life. Realizing she must have woken up much later than usual she went to check her alarm clock. She paused, noticing a piece of paper had been folded and placed on top of the clock so she could not see what time it was. Mary picked up the paper and saw it was past eight, well over an hour past when she should have been to work.

Mary unfolded the paper, and read what was written:

Dogma acts as iron chains, Seeking only to bind and leash, But when you shatter societies bounds, And let your desires free, Only then can true content be found.

So wish not upon the stars, But the darkness they shine through. For from that infinite black, your wish may come true.

With Love, Noir Conformions Souhaite
(Granter of Black Wishes)

Unable to make sense of the note, Mary casually tossed it into a near by trash bin. She lay in bed for some time, just thinking about what she was going to do with her day. She eventually decided she'd call in sick to the Center, and spend the day with her long time friend, and newly found lover.

She'd just enjoy the day that started in the same way it would for the rest of her life.
Chapter End Notes:Well...
There you go, my first story.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Write honest words, be they harsh or be they kind, I'll take it all in stride, and work to make the next chapter better
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