AGNPH Stories

Kenthys - The Light of Fate. (a fan fic of Sabetha - The Walker of fate) by skellitor301


Chapter 1: The Twinning of Two Fates

Chapter 1: The Twinning of Two Fates

..."Sabetha, wait! We don't know what the heck that thing is! It could be dangerous!" Sapphire called out in fear. Sabetha was sliding down a pit of sand located in the complex caves of Mt. Yumi, after fighting off Team Lucid and finding a mirror that seals her fate. Tremi, Elisa, and Lefy were unconscious near by. Sabetha ignored Sapphire's warning stumbling onto a stone tile covered floor with various ancient, unknown runes adorned them.

Sabetha stared at an ovular shaped mirror made with two strange colors, One was white, the other black. On further inspection the frame of the mirror was actually two snakes which coiled to make the handle. One was a bright white, one was as dark as the void. A prismatic swirl of colors flickered and danced across the surface of the mirror.

"D-Don't... touch that...!" Tranda of Team Lucid called out. Sabetha looked back seeing the man climbing to his feet holding his side, his clothing was tattered with small cuts across his face. He looked like he could barely stand desperately stumbling towards Sabetha and the mirror.

"No... i don't know what this is, but if what was said is true... evil will continue to seek it." Sabetha's voice echoed out across the chamber. "I won't allow this to continue... I won't allow such a thing to fall into the hands of evil!" Sabetha shouted stepping forwards snatching the Mirror off the pedestal making sure not to look at it's reflective surface raising it up over her head.

"DON'T DO IT!!!" Tranda yelled reaching out at her watching Sabetha bring the mirror down smashing it into pieces on the corner of the pedestal...

-/ A few minutes prior and not far away, deep in the forest next to Mt. Yumi /-

"Hmmph, it's more tiring listening to you about the crap you 'plan' to do once your free, than it is to survive in the snow, Dakon." said a strange creature walking through the forest with a small sack of freshly caught fish from the local river. "Ahh Kenthys, why do you despise my ethics? Haven't you ever felt the thrilling rush after defeating an enemy? having them beg for their pathetic life only to claim your true trophy? The blissful feeling of ripping out their hearts while drinking their blood? Kehehehe!"

Kenthys, a tall Umbreon looking anthro with white fur, black umbreon markings, his left eye was red with a black haze circling the pupil, while the other was pitch black with a scar going from the top of his right brow ending past his right cheek. His body while strong and agile, shown intense scars from past battles. He wears a pair of black shorts cut above the knee hugging his thighs, no shirt nor shoes. Looking to be about 24-26 years of age, the anthro walked alone while appearing to talk to himself.

"Perhaps that's why I barely sleep, knowing how blood thirsty you are. Do us all a favor and stay in the back of my mind. I don't feel like chatting with you
at the moment..." within Kenthys' mind resides a dark hearted figure, the evil form of himself. Dakon, appears as a red Umbreon anthro with black markings and hate filled black eyes. His body physically matches Kenthys in scars and shorts.

"Aww, feeling sick? Pah! What makes me sick is seeing how you treat others with respect. I can't see how you would even bandage an enemy?!?" Dakon peers to the side in disgust. "I told you, he wouldn't have survived that blast if I haven't bandaged him." Kenthys snaps at him while preparing an area for a camp fire to cook his catch, close to an opening to a field.Â"He attacks you, you blast him, and you patch him. Something is wrong with this picture!" Dakon fumed.

"Yea? Then obviously you can't tell art from the dung of a Heracross. Unlike you, death is the last option I give to my opponents." Kenthis starts to rub his hands together over some dry grass as kindling. He speeds up and a few sparks fly out of his hands lighting the grass starting his camp fire. "Humph, always noble, and no fun...although that spark trick could impress some ladies to a late night fuck fest." Dakon snickers causing Kenthys to snap a stick he tried to jab into a fish but instead giving his foot a good stab.

"GAAAH! Dammit! For fucks sake Dakon! You are always riding my ass about killing, sex, and such. How low and dishonorable do you think I am?" He mutters wiping his foot tenderly. "hmm..." Dakon smiles very eerily with his eyes closed deep in thought. "Dakon! Answer me when I speak to you!" Kenthys shouts in anger, not liking the fact Dakon was smiling. "Wait... Something's not ri-" Kenthys mutters before his eyes goes wide in shock holding his head in agony...

-/ At that exact moment deep in Mt Yumi /-

Sabetha struck the mirror down smashing it into pieces on the corner of the pedestal. She blacked out and froze immediately but still stood. Sapphire rushing over seeing Sabetha tense up. "S-Sabetha! No!"

-/ Back to Kenthys /-

"What the hell?" Kenthys exclaims standing in total darkess looking around. "Gah! Dakon! What? How? Why are you standing next to me?" he points in shock seeing his dark form stand next to him with a smug look "Heh, it seems fate has a job for us, I wonder who we get to kill?" Dakon rubs his hands together looking in the darkness eagerly awaiting.Â"Fate? What the hell are you ta-" Kenthys was cut off as a mysterious voice echoed out of the darkness

"The Light of Fate has been granted to you." a different voice then echoes out. "While another's fate is shrouded in darkness." a third follows. "Seek out a protected paradise" a forth voice. "Let the northern winds guide you" a fifth voice. "light the way of the darkened path" a sixth echoes out. "To help guide The Walker of Fate." the voices settled while Kenthys and Dakon look on in confusion as the darkness around them shatters like glass. Dakon disappearing with the darkness, leaving Kenthys holding his head hunched over some cooking fish.

"What was that? The 'Light of Fate'?" Kenthys stood looking blankly at the fish as it started to burn. "Dakon! What did you do?" Kenthys snaps in an angry confusion, "Heh, what did I do? No. This was not my doing... Apparently fate has given us orders... To go to some 'protected paradise' and something about 'the Northern Winds' sounds like we need to go hunt us a legendary." Dakon smiles having thoughts of fighting Suicune and possible a taste of it's blood.
"No! Absolutely not! I refuse to go on some half witted 'adventure' just because you tried pulled some trick into making me believe this nonsense!" Kenthys shouts out angrily. Off in the distance a bright light flashed causing Kenthys to jump out of his rage staring at a small group in the distance. "Wha? Who the?" Kenthys muttered sneaking closer.Â

-/ Sabethas group /-

"S-So it worked." Sabetha's voice echoed out in their minds.ÂKenthys could make out the five figures, who were Sabetha, Sapphire, Tremi, Elisa and Lefy. The group appeared to be a little uneasy.Â

"Wait, that Espeon...No, I couldnt be?!" Kenthys mutters in a hushed tone, "How can there be more creatures like myself?" Kenthys mumbles, blanking his mind to avoid the two psychic's attention.Â"I am very surprised you were able to use such an aspect of your mind, Sabetha. Being able to focus your mind on a single desire strongly enough that you are able to visualize it, allowing me the information i needed to bring us out here." Tremi said staring at Sabetha, who laughed weakly.

"Actually, it's this shard..." As Sabetha shows off the shard, Kenthys tensed up at the sight of it. Unable to move or think while a dark gloom came over his face. "I felt incredible energy from it, and my theory paid off as for a brief moment it did heighten my senses to a degree that... really scares me." Sabetha said smiling weakly placing the shard into her pocket. Â"One thing we can say without a doubt, we stopped them. Whatever that was, whether it was a being beyond any of us... i can't say. But we denied Team Lucid what they seek." Sabetha said feeling she had just dished out a blow to the people who hurt her in the past.

"Well, no time to brag now! We need to skedaddle before they come out looking for us, they looked REALLY angry!" Sapphire exclaimed staring back at a path leading to a cave. Lefy looked towards Kenthys as Sapphire held out Lefy's ball, recalling him back into it placing it back into her belt.Â"W-What the?" Sabetha stuttered looking down at her hands feeling a strange ticklish sensation, her eyes widened realizing the velvet like fur was slowly vanishing.

After a few moments she rapidly began to turn back to normal. Kenthys was staring on in shock as his eyes turned darker. "I can speak?" She muttered touching her mouth, a wide smile growing across her face. "I CAN SPEAK WITH MY MOUTH AGAIN, YAY!" she cheered joyfully.Â"Poor us!" Sapphire said grinning cheekily. Sabetha glared at her.Â"Well, let's hurry and get away from here. We need to find somewhere for Elisa and Tremi to rest." Sabetha said in a low tone feeling she was responsible for their pain.

As the group set off down the path towards the dense forest Elisa was picked up in Sabetha's arms as she was exhausted. Before Elisa fell asleep in her arms, however, she glanced towards Kenthys having a bad feeling from his direction before falling asleep "That Gardevoir....That Espeon that changes... I wonder what they were running from..." Dakon's voice eerily asked as he stood up where Kenthys was.ÂDakon looked up towards the caves Sapphire pointed out earlier. "" Dakon muttered before teleporting himself to the chamber Sabetha's group just left.

-/ inside the chamber /-

Dakon appeared in from of the pedestal, one of the grunts tumbled down from after being thrown down by Tranda in a fit of rage. Tranda has already stormed off with his two bodyguards leaving the caves before Dakon appeared. The grunt stops at Dakon's feet dazed with spiral eyes and moaning. The other grunts stood their ground around the sand pit holding their weapons aiming at Dakon. "So many to find..." he muttered as he stomped his foot onto the dazed grunt crushing his skull under his weight.

"...and so easy to kill" he looked around with a demented smile which sent chills down all the grunts spines. "O-Open Fire!" a commanding grunt yelled causing everyone of them to shoot at Dakon who stood there smiling on. The bullets struck where he stood causing a cloud of dust to cover him. "Cease Fire!" the commanding grunt ordered. Everyone was dead silent as the smoke settled showing nothing but bullet holes and one grunt body.

"GWAAGHAH!" a grunt suddenly yelled falling over with a hole through his chest. Dakon stood behind him holding a still beating heart crushing it in his grip. "Holy shit!" The grunt next to Dakon yelled firing torwards him and soon losing a head. "FIRE AT WILL!" the commanding grunt yelled before getting three fingers through his bulging adams apple. All the grunts fired as Dakon leaped in the air and onto the pedestal with shards of the broken mirror still on it.ÂAll the grunts paused as they looked on in fear as Dakon peered around. "Let's play" Dakon grins before flashing to a nearby grunt.

-/ After ~30 minutes of grunt killing /-

Dakon stood next to the pedestal staring at the shards. "The Walker of Fate, hm?" Dakon muttered leaving the cavern the way he came.

-/ end of chapter 1 /-
Chapter End Notes:Two new characters have a date with fate while Sabetha escapes in the nick of time. Who were these six voices? What 'protected paradise' are they talking about? Why a gruesome end to the first chapter? All will be reviled in due time as Kenthys and Dakon are fated to follow a path that Sabetha and the gang cross every now and then..
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