AGNPH Stories

Kenthys - The Light of Fate. (a fan fic of Sabetha - The Walker of fate) by skellitor301


Chapter 2 Pt 2: Planned Retribution (Busted)

Chapter 2 Pt 2: Planned Retribution (Busted)

"Dakon! We don't know much about this group. The best way for one to accomplish a mission is to first know about all ties to the mission. We don't know how strong their Pokemon are nor how many there are. We must not be detected to avoid fighting, possibly killing them. This in and of itself could spell disaster for the future ahead." Kenthys argued making Dakon recoil. "Ahem!"ÂA voice called out causing both Dakon and Kenthys to jump, looking down seeing the absol from the group.

"If you plan to hurt Sabetha or any one of her friends I swear I'll-" Elisa started but was interrupted by Dakon, "Don't push me absol! But no, we aren't here to cause harm." Elisa looked around slightly confused, "We? Who else is here? Show them!" Elisa demanded taking a defensive stance. Dakon only replied with a sinister snicker, "Well Kenthys looks like we are busted, care to explain the situation?" Dakon asked like he was talking to himself. Elisa looked at him confused while Kenthys agreed.

"Listen you! Stop playing ga-" Elisa called but stopped seeing Dakon land in front of her, she started to stepped back scared but tried to hide it. "Please, have no fear, we don't plan any harm to you nor your friends, we are on a mission to help your friend, that Espeon girl." Dakon appeared to say but Kenthys' voice came out. Elisa looked on in shock as Dakon transformed before her eyes. "N-No! I..I...I don't believe you! I won't let you hurt her, my friends, or me ever agai-!" Elisa yelled, starting to turn tail but the gravel gave way under her and she started to tumble down to the river.

She rolled off a large slab of rock causing her to land in the middle of the river. Elisa started to panic causing her to lose focus and she started to go under. Elisa thought to herself as she went under "-No, this isn't right! I finally found someone who cares for me. I can't go yet!-" Elisa started to fade out until she saw a figure dive into the water grabbing her paw and swam her to the surface. Elisa reached the surface and gasped for air, "*Gasp!* *cough* *cough* Wha? Thank you! Thank you for saving me." Elisa called looking up through sloshing water seeing a white figure drag her to shore, she couldn't make out who though.

Once they've reached the shore the white figure placed Elisa down on the river bank, looking her over for injuries. Elisa was slightly dazed from the event, she started to rub the water out of her eyes, "*cough* Thanks for rescuing me." She said, as she looked up at the figure she couldn't help but feel him look familiar. "D-Do I know you from somewhere?" Elisa asked while the figure only smirked, "Why yes, we just met five minutes ago." He replied with a smile causing Elisa's eyes to bulge. She jumped back staring at him "Wait, what? Hold on...That voice.. You?!" Elisa looked back at Kenthys in shock remembering that red figure who changed his voice that matches Kenthys'.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?" Elisa demanded as Kenthys looked at her with a smile, "I am Kenthys, and like we told you earlier, we mean you nor your group harm at all. There is a higher power at play right now, so I trust you'll under stand why I can't give you everything in full detail." Kenthys replied causing Elisa to take a defensive stance, "Who are you with? Are you with the Black Arms Gang?" Elisa growled threateningly. Kenthys cocked his head to the side, looking at her with a really confused look on his face.

"The 'Black Arms Gang'? Never heard of them. I'm an Anthro, I am with no one. I've been raised since birth in the wild surviving off the lands." Elisa stared at him unsure if he was lying or being honest. "Raised in the wild? But you seem, well, slightly civilized." Elisa stated causing him to chuckle. "Yes, while I've lived in the wilds of the world for most of my life, I've also spent a small bit of time in tiny towns and villages where kind hearted people took me in to shelter. While with them I picked up a few manners here and there."

Kenthys sat down against a large rock as Elisa looked on. "Heh, there was even one kind soul, erm, what was her name?" Kenthys paused in thought. "Oh! Mrs. Olopha, she may be a nice old lady, but boy can she be feisty, especially with that wooden spoon..." Kenthys chuckled looking down at his hands, remembering the torture that woman put him through, just to learn how to be civil at the table. Elisa looked at Kenthys, still on her guard, curious she spoke, "There was a being that looked like you, except he was red furred where yours is white. He was able to sound like you before I fell into the river..." Elisa paused as Kenthys turned to her, "Yes, I know him."

Elisa perked up but still held her ground, "His name is Dakon, and don't be alarmed by him. He is my dark side, and he can be a little sporadic at times." Elisa looked at him in surprise, but then went back to her defensive stance, "What are you saying, like you can change forms from you to this, Dakon? And I'm supposed to believe this?" Elisa grunted and started to turn to leave. Kenthys turn to her and replied, "And why is that so hard to believe when you have one in your own group who can do the same?" Elisa paused, looking down knowing he was right. Why is it hard to believe when the one person she cares for changes all the time?

"*Sigh* even if that is, it still doesn't explain why you are after Sabetha." Elisa exclaimed, turning to Kenthys with determined eyes to protect Sabetha, going back to the defensive stance. "Go after? Wait, so the Espeon girl's name is Sabetha, ok." Kenthys noted causing Elisa to cringe accidentally slipping information. "And no, you have it all wrong. It's the shard she carries." Kenthys replied, Elisa looked on curious as to why he wanted that shard so badly.

"The shard? Why? It's not doing anything of concern, only that it gave Sabetha enough Psychic power to help up escape earlier." Elisa asked as she started to ease her defensive posture but still stared at him. "What kind of power do you think that is? Why did it adapt so well to miss Sabetha so easily? Even though the power is of a dark nature and Sabetha is psychic in nature? Even though dark types triumph psychic types?" Kenthys explained as Elisa looked on with a hint of doubt.

"Come now, erm... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" Kenthys muttered causing Elisa to stare at him, still not completely trusting him, "My name is my own, but you can call me by my race, Absol." Elisa replied with a stern look not liking he was trying to get to know her. "Very well, I will refer to you as Absol." Kenthys agreed as he contunued. "Now one advantage of living in the wild is learning about many different kinds of Pokemon and their abilities. And as I know that Absol's have a 'sixth sense' for disaster and trouble." Kenthys explained while Elisa was wondering where he was going with this, "And as an absol you are also a dark type, and can sense dark energy near by. And I'm sure you sensed the very same dark energy I've sensed from that shard. Trust me, that energy is not natural nor should it be with Sabetha."

This caused Elisa to perk up knowing he was right, she has felt a darkness emanating from the shard. But she didn't think much of it seeing as it helped Sabetha. "Kenthys is it?" Elisa asked causing Kenthys to nod, "If this shard is as dangerous as you say then I shall protect Sabetha by destroying it myself." Elisa stated causing Kenthys to recoil, "No, you mustn't touch the shard! It's dark energy is unnatural and could possibly harm not just you but those around you. Please, trust me on this, it's for the well being of your friends and yourself, miss absol." Kenthys retorted causing Elisa to stare at him with a shocked expression.

Elisa looked to the side hurt knowing if Sabetha got hurt she wouldn't forgive herself. "Why are you so determined to help us? None of us know you and you barely know anything about us." Elisa looked back towards Kenthys with saddened eyes as she sat down. Kenthys looked at her and sighed, "As I've said earlier, there are higher powers at play, All I know is that Sabetha is the center of it all. I've been given a role to help protect Sabetha, I currently can't face her and expect her to understand any of this. As a protective measure I've kept my distance to avoid confronting your group to prevent any violent outbursts that could end very badly." Kenthys looks at his feet with half closed eyes as Elisa slightly lowers her head in thought taking this in

"Miss absol..." Kenthys continued causing Elisa to look back at him, "I understand you wish to care for Sabetha and to protect her. I've seen her help you and the Gardevoir earlier as you both were hurt and fatigued. I know it would hurt greatly to lose a friend like that..." Kenthys paused as small tear forming in his eyes, "I would not wish to see you or your friends feel that pain." Kenthys muttered looking down as a tear streamed down his furry cheek. Elisa looked at him, seeing his pain wasn't at all a lie.

Elisa slowly walked over to Kenthys and stood next to him, placing a paw on his leg. Kenthys looked up at Elisa, with pain filled eyes. suddenly he reached around her and gave her a strong hug with tears rolling down his face and onto her fur. "Please, miss Absol, don't follow the same path I took. Don't make the same mistake." Kenthys pleaded, Elisa looked down at him, half closed eyes and let out a troubled sigh, "Elisa...My name is Elisa." She mumbled causing Kemthys to open his eyes sitting back staring at her.

He sat down trying to calm himself wiping the tears away, "Very well, Elisa, thank you for trusting me." Elisa nodded and replied, "I don't fully trust you, but I've seen you give me nothing but an honest answer and the will to protect my friends and myself. Please, allow me to introduce you to the group." Kenthys stared back but shook his head, "I'm grateful for the gesture, but I must refuse. Not only was I to protect Sabetha from the darkness, but I was also give other instructions to cary out. Only problem is I'm not sure what they are." Kenthys muttered, Elisa's curiosity grew as he muttered of directions he didn't understand.

"Care if I may help? I may be one to not trust others easily but I can do what I can." Elisa offered causing Kenthys to look at her, slightly surprised. "Uh, sure, the parts I couldn't figure our were Seek out a protected Paradise and Let the northern winds guide you." as he said these steps Elisa thought for a few seconds, suddenly her eyes shrunk realizing what it could mean. "I...I'm not exactly sure, but I think I know what place you need to go to and who to seek." Elisa responded in a slight tremble. Kenthys' eyes lit up as he heard those words.

"Really? You know where?" Kenthys asked with high hopes. Elisa looked back at him, then her head shied to the side, "Well, more or less. There is this place called Sanctary, the Protected Paradise from your step. The northern wind part might be referring to the elder that lives there. Not too sure on their name however..." Elisa looked down, hoping he didn't know she lied actually knowing the elders name.

"Hmm...The Sanctuary, and their elder. You wouldn't happen to know where this Sanctuary is?" Kenthys asked, Elisa looked back to him but slowly shook her head. "Unfortunately I don't... I do know that it's near a mining town, the Koldarina mining town." Elisa responded. Kenthys sighed placing a hand behind his head scratching, "Well, it's a start. Thank you very much Elisa, you have been very helpful. It's a shame most Pokemon aren't as kind hearted as yourself."

Kenthys smiled at Elisa causing her to look at him from the comment, before closing her eyes smiling. "Thanks, I must return to my group. They might worry about me and start to look for me." Elisa responded. Kenthys smiled at her as she started to leave.
Kenthys stood up and turned to her, "Elisa, please do me a favor, don't mention anything about me or anything we've said. I feel it's too soon for the group, especially Sabetha, to know about this." Kenthys asked causing Elisa to turn to look at him before smiling and walking off, "Don't worry, I won't say a word. But for now I must find Sabetha and let her know how much she means to me." With that she darted up the hillside into the woods disappearing into the dark night.

"...Shut up, Dakon." Kenthys barked causing Dakon to smirk, "Hey, I'm keeping quiet on this one. This is all on you! Don't ask, Don't tell." Dakon mocked making Kenthys pop a vein. "Yea? Well 'don't ask, don't tell' your way back to Sabetha. We have a mission to complete." Kenthys grumbled as he started to turn, "Fine by me, I'm starting to like this plan. Never knew you as one for feelings." Dakon snickered as he jumped through low lying branches. "Dakon, focus on the mission already will you!" Kenthys was starting to get irritated as Dakon enjoyed this.

"Speaking of focus, nice job landing that Absol there Paco, shes a keeper." Dakon snickered as Kenthys recoiled at this comment, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kenthys snapped while Dakon lowered his voice as he was getting near the lake. "I knew what you were doing. Setting yourself up with that 'It's a shame most Pokemon aren't as kind hearted as yourself.' line, smooth." Dakon laughed, absolutely enjoyed this until he slipped on a branch landing face first on the forest floor.

"Hah! Now that was smooth!" Kenthys chucked as Dakon picked himself up off the ground grumbling, "Kenthys, when this is over, you'd better be sure this group isn't any where near during my promised bloodshed." Kenthys' smile disappeared as Dakon stood back up. "Fine, lets call it a truce for now and focus on the shard." Kenthys muttered while Dakon shook his head agreeing rubbing his cheek tenderly. "Dakon, there still here next to the lake. We should be able to see them in the tree branches above." Kenthys stated using his psychic abilities to sense the minds of the others.

Dakon looked up and jumped from tree branch to tree branch until the beach came into view. "This should be high enough Kenthys, one false move will send us falling about 5 stories down." Dakon muttered. Dakon and Kenthys looked onto the beach seeing Sapphire, her Eon's, Sabetha, and Elisa in a nice display of an orgy on the beach. Dakon and Kenthys both had an immediate blood spurt from their noses from the sight. Dakon started to foam at the mouth and swayed back and forth, "Dakon! Nooooo!" Kenthys yelled as Dakon fell over plummeting through thick tree branches hitting a few on the way down. Dakon faceplants the ground with his arms and legs flopping over knocking him out cold.

"Dakon! Dakon!! Damn it! He's out. Might as well take us out of here." Kenthys muttered as he transferred with Dakon. Kenthys grunted pushing against the forest floor, having difficulty pulling his head out of the ground. He gave a big push as he up rooted himself making a wet shlorp sound, as he stood up rubbing his cheek as he limped away in pain.

"Well, We will have to try again tomorrow." Kenthys muttered as he dashed towards his makeshift shelter in the ground, he dug out a small area big enough for his body to fit as he laid down and placed branches across the hole over him then covering that with a leaf covered animal hide to protect him from potential weather and hide him from passers by. Kenthys grunted trying to find a side on him that wasn't sore until he gave up and just laid there until he fell asleep...
Chapter End Notes:Just when things were going as planned...wait nothing went as planned this chapter. Sabetha snuck off, Dakon became ignorant and worst of all, one of the group members found them out. Looks like Dakon is in over his head for tonight and hopefully the next night would be better..
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