AGNPH Stories

Kenthys - The Light of Fate. (a fan fic of Sabetha - The Walker of fate) by skellitor301


Chapter 3: Wrong side of the bed

Today's chat setting is SabbyKat and I chat about the reviews for chapter 2...

:00 - Skellitor301:ÂCannon basically agreed with Nemagi with last chapter being a wall of text

:00 - SabbyKat:Âmmhmm.
:01 - you sound like a novice-version of me.
:01 -Âaka I used to do that.

:03 - Skellitor301:ÂYea, while I have experience in proper grammar, I have very little to field experience
:03 -ÂThis is my third story, second I'm sticking with

:03 -ÂSabbyKat:Âmmhmm.
:03 -Âknowing grammar doesn't mean you know how to write worth ass.
:03 -Âsadly. :-P

:04 -ÂSkellitor301:ÂIndeed :P

Chapter 3: Wrong side of the bed

-/ The Next Morning /-

The sun was just about to peak over the mountains near by when Kenthys sat up moving the branches and animal hide, stretching out. Kenthys suddenly grabbed the side of his neck as a morning crick popped in "Oh god, that wasn't the most ideal night to be had... *sigh* Dakon, are you doing alright?" Kenthys rubbed his neck and shoulder tenderly, as Dakon started to stir. "Grrr, that went well didn't it?" Dakon sat up rubbing his cheek tenderly as a nice lump had formed across it.

"Yea, I'm fine, care to give the shard a try this morning before they wake up?" Dakon muttered sitting up. Kenthys sighed "I hope we do better, I can't do this all the time." he popped his neck in a certain way making the crick pop out. Kenthys packed up and set out towards the group, changing into Dakon. "Dakon, remember, only take the shard, we cant harm them." Kenthys warned as Dakon leaped into the low lying trees, starting to look out for them.

Dakon spotted them, he noticed them starting to pack up, "Shit! They're already up. *sigh* what now?" Dakon grumbled, Kenthys sighed. Kenthys noticed Elisa sneaking away from the group, "Dakon, I'll try to talk to Elisa, maybe she can help us out." Kenthys pointed at Elisa, Dakon grunted as he transferred with Kenthys.

"Elisa." Tremi said, the Absol flinched stopping dead in her tracks as Kenthys looked on disappointed.
"Y-You... you know already, don't you..." Elisa asked looking down at the ground having tried to avoid Tremi's stare, but even that wasn't enough to avoid her attention.

"...why does she not trust me, Elisa?" Tremi asked in a pained tone. Elisa spun around to face Tremi shaking her head.

"What are you talking about?! She trusts you more then anyone! She was really worried about what you would think about everything..." Elisa muttered glancing back over her shoulder at Sabetha on the far side of the camp chasing after Frinda who had stolen her backpack running in circles with Sabetha in toe.
"I have told her i am not angry about such matters." Tremi said staring at Elisa with a serious glint. Elisa shook her head looking up at Tremi.'

"But have you showed her you're not? No, you probably even told you don't have such desires, right?" Elisa asked with a smile. Tremi's eyes widened slightly staring at Elisa for a moment, before sighing softly closing her eyes. "I-I mean, you haven't shown her you actually have such desires so she may feel she is doing something bad, and still feels it might upset you." Elisa said laughing bashfully rubbing her head with a paw.

"Or so I'm just guessing." Elisa said smiling with closed eyes.Â"Maybe you are correct, that I need to prove I do not disdain it..." Tremi murmured letting out a soft sigh. "She denies it, but she is strong. She can talk and admit such shameful acts without a moment of hesitation." Tremi thought with a fond smile watching Sabetha cackle in victory having caught Frinda who was glaring at her angrily not quite happy at losing the chase.

"Well, I'll return shortly, nature calls and such!" Elisa muttered causing Tremi to glance at her, "Of course, be back soon though, we are leaving shortly." Tremi stated as Elisa nodded her head before darting into the woods. Tremi looked on as Elisa disappeared into the thick woods.

-/ In some thick grass outside of the view on the group /-

Elisa finished relieving herself and starred at the forest near by. "*Sigh* I'm terrified of losing Sabetha, and if what Kenthys said is true...There must be something I can do to help." Elisa muttered as she started to head back towards camp. "There is Elisa." Kenthys called out causing Elisa to squeak out in surprise seeing Kenthys sitting on a nearby branch.

"Kenthys!? How long have you been there? You didn't see anything did you?!" Elisa snarled not liking he was near by while she done her morning business. Kenthys chuckled, "I've just arrived so no, I didn't see anything. But I do require some assistance, miss Elisa." Kenthys muttered as Elisa looked at him, "Uh, sure? What's up?" Elisa asked wondering what he needed. "Well, Dakon and I ran into a bit of...trouble...last night and couldnt retrieve the shard" Kenthys muttered a slight blush appeared on his face.

Elisa looked on curiously as he continued, "So we can't leave for Sanctuary just yet. So I was hoping you can help us out. We kind of don't know where you are going and during the day, Dakon sticks out like a sore thumb. So we will need to stay further behind the grou-" Kenthys was interrupted by a voice calling out, "What's going on?!" both Elisa and Kenthys jumped as Tremi appeared from behind a tree.

Kenthys looked down with a gloom over his face, down not liking that the group was starting to figure out about him so quickly. Elisa looked at Tremi and replied, "Tremi! Erm.. Whats going on? Well..." Elisa rubbed her head as Tremi stared at her in an akward silence. Elisa sighed before looking at Tremi, "Tremi, this is Kenthys, he needs to perform an important task to help Sabetha." Elisa said pointing to Kenthys.

Tremi glared at Kenthys and back at Elisa, "Elisa, why are you helping him?" Elisa glanced at Kenthys, who proceeded to explain, "Excuse me, I'm guessing your name is Tremi?" Kenthys asked as Tremi gave him a cold hard stare, causing him to recoil. "Erm, right, well I need to recover that shard Sabetha carries. It holds a dark energy that is neither natural nor safe for just anyone to handle." he explained while Tremi starred him down. "And why must 'you' do this?" Tremi grunted obviously not trusting him. "Because I've been instructed to do so, a higher power is at play and my role in it is partially to take the shard... It's hard to explain" Kenthys muttered not liking the hard stare he is receiving.

Elisa turned to Kenthys, "Kenthys, I think it's time to introduce you to the group. Tremi is very close to Sabetha and will tell her about this encounter." Kenthys looked at Elisa before looking back towards Tremi. "*sigh* Tremi, I can't, I feel it is much too soon for her to know about me or my mission. I need you to trust me when I say I am not here to cause any harm to your group. That shard is of an unnatural darkness that if tampered by the wrong person, could spell disaster for your group. I need to do this myself." Kenthys explained as he stared at Tremi, hoping for a nonviolent way out of this conversation.

"I'm well aware that the shard is of unnatural darkness. But if you think for one second that I'm going to trust some random being who came out from nowhere..." Tremi noted as Elisa looked at her. Elisa started to walk towards her causing Tremi to watch her, "Tremi, you must believe him. He doesn't want to cause us or Sabetha harm. He himself has felt the pain of losing someone very important to him..." Elisa explained, Kenthys closed his eyes, turning his head as a tear started to form at the mention of the subject.

Tremi noticed him and his pain filled expression as Elisa continued, "...It hurt him greatly and doesn't wish for others to feel the pain. Last night, I didn't trust him at first, but he did save my life, and I saw he was honest in his expression. He means well Tremi, please, don't fight him." Elisa pleaded, staring at Tremi as she stared back, then torwards Kenthys. "...You, saved Elisa's life?" Tremi asked as Kenthys nodded fighting back a tear still obviously sore from the subject.

"*sigh* If you truly wish for Sabetha's well being, then show me." Tremi stated as Elisa and Kenthys cocked their heads in confusion. Kenthys wiped his eyes as he replied, "And how do you expect me to show this? My plan is to take the shard while the group sleeps. I don't wish for direct confrontation to avoid any unnecessary violence. As I've said earlier, a higher power is in on this matter as well, so I trust you can understand that I can't give you all the details." Kenthys explained, Tremi stared at him. Dakon suddenly muttered to Kenthys, "Kenthys, she's trying to peer into your mind. She knows about me."

Kenthys stared at Tremi as she gazed at him. "And don't gaze into my mind Tremi. That voice you heard is my dark form. He will be extracting the shard, as he is not effected by it's power." Tremi raised an eyebrow in surprise, "hmm, even though you are physically the umbreon race, you seemed to hold psychic powers as well." Tremi responded in amusement. Elisa looked at Kenthys in surprise as Kenthys stared at Tremi coldly, "Yes, I do hold psychic powers, but not all of them. I am a host of many basic pokemon genetics. While this power, so to speak, is great, it was forced against my will." Kenthys muttered as a pained look shot into his eyes.

"The experiments done to me are not to be easily discussed with you." he stated giving Tremi a cold stare. Tremi sighed, "While this is a lot to take in, I can't abandon Sabetha and her trust. I have to tell her of you." Tremi stated while Kenthys stared at her. "Come on Elisa, the group is ready to leave." Tremi called out as she started to leave. "Tremi, if you tell Sabetha and she keeps her guard up preventing us from retrieving the shard. My dark form won't be able to control himself from the stress produced." Kenthys called causing Tremi to stop and angrily glare at him.

"Think about what you are doing, Tremi, if you lose Sabetha, knowing it could have been prevented, you won't forgive yourself. Trust me, Dakon isn't very good at dealing stress, he goes on a violent rampage with no control, lost in anger." Kenthys explained, Tremi suddenly turned with her eyes glowing purple angrily looking at Kenthys. She leapt at Kenthys pinning him to the ground, Kenthys only stared at her. "If you or Dakon so much as harm her, I will not hesitate to gut you from the inside out!" She threatened as she tried to squeeze his throat, finding it difficult. "Take the shard, and don't bother us again!" Tremi yelled before releasing him.

She turned and walked past Elisa with a stern, yet pained, look on her face. Elisa looked at Kenthys as he sat up, "She doesn't easily trust others. But it seems she will allow you to take the shard, I'll make sure she doesn't tell about you until you are ready to. it's the least I can do for you after you saved my life." Elisa paused before continuing, "Sapphire, the cyan haired girl, has an uncle, Professor Joseph, we are headed to his house. He lives on route eight hundred and nineteen just west of the metropolis city of Dilo." Elisa explained as she turned to walk towards camp, "I'm really sorry about all this." Elisa called out before chasing after Tremi, her tail between her legs.
"Well, That went well, wouldn't you agree Kenthys?" Dakon muttered while Kenthys stared off as Elisa and Tremi disappeared into the forest.

-/ End of Chapter 3: Wrong side of the bed /-
Chapter End Notes:Matters seem to be getting worse as now Tremi knows of Kenthys and Dakon and worst yet, she doesn't trust them, go figure :/
I've kept this chapter short and sweet, the reviews I got from last chapter seemed to not like the "wall of text". I didn't really plan for it to be that long DX. basically I'm trying to follow the timeline from Sabetha, which in turn, causes things to get a little bumpy and extensive. Last chapter followed through the entire chapter 9 of Sabetha, this one leaves us off in the middle of chapter 10. I'll catch up in the next chapter but I'm still experimenting with this. Feel free to let me know how this effects the story and about any improvements I can use. ^
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