AGNPH Stories

Kenthys - The Light of Fate. (a fan fic of Sabetha - The Walker of fate) by skellitor301


Chapter 4: Finally there...

Today's chat session, Sabby is sleepy and I just hopped on...
:00 -ÂSabbyKat: unga.
:00 -ÂSkellitor301: Wait what?
:00 - SabbyKat:ÂUNGA BUNGA!
:01 -ÂSkellitor301:ÂUm... Wat?
:01 - SabbyKat:Â... -.-
:02 - Skellitor301:ÂWait, is this Zana?
:03 -
:04 - Skellitor301:Â*brain hurt from confused talking* DX
:05 -Â*awkward silence*
:06 -ÂSabbyKat:Âlol.

-/ Afternoon settles in. Somewhere in the forest between Mt Yuri and the city of Dilo /-
Kenthys is making his way through the woods heavy in thought. "Hey Kenthys!" Dakon called out causing Kenthys to snap out of his thoughts. "What?" Kenthys muttered, Kenthys wasn't Âhappy since he woke up this morning. Especially when Tremi found out about him. "I've been thinking, if Sabetha and her group are heading to Professor Josephs place, how are we going to get the shard if they are indoors?" Dakon muttered, Kenthys sighed while making his way through the thick low branches, "We don't know how he lives. He may live in a big building, or a small house. First thing we'll do when we get there is figure a plan based on the house and it's occupants." Kenthys explained.

Dakon nods his head, "Sounds good...What were you thinking about by the way? You've been so deep in thought you hit a few branches." Dakon asked. Kenthys sighed knowing Dakon will persue this, "Just that the gardevoir, Tremi. I know she doesn't want Sabetha to be harmed. But why doesn't she trust me when my intentions are to help?" Kenthys mutters. Dakon looked on before closing his eyes, "Some pokemon aren't as trusting as others, and Tremi is no different. Though our intentions are to help, this characteristic can overpower the thought. Tremi seems to be like an over protective mother to Sabetha if you ask me." Dakon muttered as Kenthys started to climb a hill, "Maybe, but if she really cared for Sabetha she would do anything in her power to protect her from harm, and that shard can be very harmful if improperly used. There's the city, now we take route 819." Kenthys stated as the city came into view.

Dakon noticed a small white house in the distance, "Hey, Kenthys. There it is. That small white house on the hill." Dakon called out as Kenthys spotted Tremi leaning against the house, Elisa came out and started to talk to her. "Oh boy. Tremi looks mad at something, hopefully not at me." Kenthys joked as he waved his hands as if scared. "Yea, well, she hasn't met me yet so she won't be mad at me." Dakon muttered as Kenthys neared the house. "So, Dakon, ready to switch?" Kenthys asked. Dakon nodded, "Yea, I'll keep in the tree near the house keeping a watch on things." Kenthys nodded in agreement as they switched.ÂDakon made his way into the tree as he stared to listen to Elisa and Tremi.

Elisa turned to Tremi as the talked,Â"I see... well, he does seem sincerely regretful, and Sabetha has given him a chance... and well, he's really the only person who can help her, right?" Elisa asked sitting beside Tremi who was leaning up against the house just beside the front door making sure to listen to the house,Â"...It's futile. I cannot explain why, but I have always felt this was something that could not be cured nor stopped." Tremi mumbled softly, her eyes closed, her arms crossed. Elisa stared at Tremi with an upraised eyebrow about to ask what she meant, but the sound of someone crying out caused the pair and Dakon to jump seeing Sabetha fall face first out of the window beside them, her pants having got caught on a nail on the windowsill.

"Sabetha? What's wrong?" Tremi asked in a serious tone pushing away from the wall. Dakon perked up, "Sabetha? Why did she call that vaporeon Sabetha?" as Dakon muttered this, the front door flew open, Sapphire and Frinda slid to a stop just outside of it spotting Sabetha.Â"Sabetha! Stop running, it's just a little needle! It really won't hurt that much!" Sapphire exclaimed panting softly from the chase. Sabetha shook her head stumbling to her feet.Â"I AM NOT GETTING A NEEDLE!!" Sabetha shouted shaking herself wildly slipping free of the last of her clothing breaking out in a sprint down the side of the house. Sapphire let out a deep, loud sigh rubbing her face in frustration.

"Uncle needs a blood sample from her, but as soon as he pulled out a needle she freaked out and ran off!" Sapphire exclaimed stomping a foot. Tremi closed her eyes chuckling while Dakon watched on realizing how ridiculous the group acts.Â"You will not catch her. She is terrified of needles, and is surprisingly resourceful in avoiding such situations." Tremi stated softly. Sapphire grinned as if she had been challenged.Â"We'll just see about that! You watch me, I'll catch her yet!!" Sapphire exclaimed with an excited grin rushing past Tremi and Elisa giving chase to Sabetha with Frinda in tow. Dakon watched on, an anime sweat drop on the back of his head.

"Dakon, she left her belongings, noes our chance to get the shard." Kenthys pointed out. Dakon nodded and jumped out of the tree and started to make his way around the house.ÂElisa looked up to Tremi with worry.Â"Shouldn't we go help Sabetha?" Elisa asked in a worried tone, but Tremi merely smiled resting her head back against the wall staring up at the clear blue sky.Â"No... she needs to learn that fighting against fate is impossible..." Tremi murmured closing her eyes.

Dakon peered around the corner seeing Sabetha running around a giant tree with Sapphire and Frinda in toe. "Dakon, remember, just grab the shard and go." Kenthys muttered. Dakon nodded as he headed around the corner causing Tremi and Elisa to spot him. Tremi stood up "Who are you?" she asked in a stern tone. Elisa passed Tremi causing her to watch Elisa as she looked over Dakon, "I'm guessing your Dakon right?" Elisa asked as he looked at her before nodding. Tremi watched as Dakon squatted to Elisa's level, "Elisa, do you know where Sabetha kept the shard?" he stated shifting his gaze to Tremi, "I wish to leave as soon as possible, I don't like it when others stare at me." Tremi averted her gaze to Sabethas pants while Dakon followed her eyes. "She kept it in her pocket?" Dakon asked as Elisa nodded. Dakon reached into the pants until he pulled out a pair of soaked panties. Dakon recoiled falling back as a stream of blood started to run down his nose.

Elisa and Tremi giggled at his reaction. Dakon quickly tossed the panties to Elisa not enjoying he was being laughed at. "God Dammit! Why were they in her pocket?" Dakon muttered reaching into her other pocket. Elisa snickered, "Well, they were skinny enough to fit." she noted as Dakon pulled out the shard. He looked at it with Tremi and Elisa. Elisa looked at it slightly confused, "Wait, why is it so faded? It wasn't like that yesterday." Elisa asked as Dakon started to turn to leave, "I don't know, and I don't care. I got what I came for and that's all that matters to me." Dakon waved his hand dismissively as he started to leave.

"Dakon..." Tremi called out. Dakon paused, turning to her wondering what she wanted. "I've given some thought as to what has transpired this morning. I understand that Kenthys only wishes to not just protect Sabetha." she paused smiling as she saw Sabetha had climbed up the tree. Frinda in hot pursuit as they jumped from branch to branch, while Sapphire tried to climb up as well, but couldn't grip the thick trunk. Only to slide down and huff while waiting for the Eon's to come down. Tremi continued, "But her friends as well. That tear I saw, it was the same tear I had years ago when Sabetha was taken and I was left in that cell. Only to watch on as they tortured her, and she screamed in pain. I was so scared Âof losing her, suddenly I was overwhelmed with strength and break free to escape with her."

Tremi turned to Dakon with a small smile, "Give him my regards for his loss, and my actions this morning." she closed her eyes as Dakon watched on, completely taken off guard by this. As she opened her eyes he closed his, and a small smirk appeared on his muzzle, "He already knows, and thanks you for understanding." Dakon replied pointing to the side of his head. Tremi nodded as Dakon perked up noticing someone coming to the enterance of the house from inside. "I must go now." he muttered as he dashed into the woods near by leaving Tremi and Elisa to meet Joseph with the needle in hand, "So, has Sapphire caught Sabetha yet?" He asked, Tremi looked towards Sapphire and Frinda sitting beside a pond. Joseph's eyes bulged as he bolted to the pond.

-/ End of Chapter 4: Finally There... /-
Chapter End Notes:Finally the shard was retrieved. Dakon and Kenthys can finally head out to Sanctuary. Plus Tremi started to trust Kenthys a little more. It seems that our boys finally caught a break from the constant barrage of bad news... But for how long? -.
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