AGNPH Stories

Blood and love. by PROKNIFER69


Story Notes:

If you're thinking, 'Where have all the reviews gone!? WTF happened?' well it was due to an error, you see when the change over happened from the old AGNPH to the new one happened, I had to add my Co-authors back on, seeing as it took them off for some unknown reason. Anyway, when that happened, 2 copies of this story were made. I tried to delete the one without co-authors but when I did, it also deleted the other one, leaving me with no copies of blood and love, so yeah, have to re-upload. This is a pain in the ass but I heard that there was a problem with the text in all the older stories that made the text all glitchy, so maybe it was for the best that I re-uploaded it. Fortunatly, 'Blood and love' over at FanFiction isn't fucked up so that should make things easier. Also I've now noticed theres a duplicate 'Blood and love' story floating around, why this has happened I have no idea but I'm gonna try get it deleted. Oh, hears the stats for the story before it got wiped out.Views: 26,000Rating: 4.5Reviews: 59Oh, disclaimer. Yeah, Pokemon, I don't own it and I don't intend to make a profit out of it. This was done just for fun.


They were now at Ethan's place, Richard, Tera and the Zangoose were all pleasantly surprised to see that it was big, really big. Ethan unlocked the front door and the group walked in. Ethan looked at their faces, and smiled when they started looking around, obviously surprised by the size of his house.

"I inherited this place from my uncle, it's a little too big for me though. This is the living room, there's a fire place in the corner and a nice big TV, the kitchen is to the right of us near the stairs. There are 4 bedrooms upstairs so everybody has a place to sleep and at the end of the hallway up the stairs is the bathroom." Ethan said. "I will show you your rooms now." Ethan then led them upstairs.

The rooms they were given were nearly identical, queen sized bed, a window with a nice view, cabinets and bedside tables. Tera and the Zangoose decided to sleep in the beds as soon as they were shown them, Richard was still wide awake, probably because of the nap he took by the river. Ethan asked him if he would like to watch some TV and drink a few beers, Richard said "sure" and walked down stairs with Ethan.

1 hour passed and Richard was sitting on the couch with Ethan while drinking a nice cold beer, they were watching a horror movie about a soldier that wakes up in a mental hospital controlled by cannibals. Ethan decided to get a conversation started. "So, are you from around here?"

Richard wondered why everybody asked him that. "No, I'm from Johto."

"What was Johto like?"

"Big, dark and full of people I hate."

Ethan sensed a story behind Richard's comment. "Want to talk about it?"

Richard didn't mind talking about it but he didn't think his story would go down so well with the law. "Nah, its long and complicated."

Ethan wondered why he didn't want to talk about it but when he remembered when he did to the convict he could only guess that it wasn't pretty, he decided to go into a different line of questioning. "How did you meet that Lucario?"

"Tera? Oh, I met her in a cave." Richard said casually.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "A cave?"

"Yeah, I was already in the cave when Tera came along. We were both trying to stay out of the rain." Richard said.

"Why did she tag along with you?" Ethan thought out loud.

Richard decided to only tell him the basics. "Well I had nowhere to go and neither did she, I guess she just followed me because she felt she could trust me."

Ethan knew there was something more to it, there had to be but he decided to leave it at that. Richard could see that Ethan was trying to get him to open up a little, he decided to ask him a few questions. "How long have you been the sheriff?"

"About 4 years." Ethan answered.

Richard suddenly realized that he didn't know how old he was. "How old are you?"

"I'm 37, what about you?" Ethan asked.

"I'm 25, 26 in 3 more days." Richard said. He began to look slightly depressed about something but Ethan didn't know if it was a good idea to ask him whats wrong.

"Is there something wrong?" Ethan asked.

Richard raised his head. "Its just... my friend died recently, we planned on going on holiday for my birthday. He said he knew some islands where 'the locals are friendly and the drinks keep coming'. I looked forward it but that's not going to happen now. To be honest, I think Tera is the only thing that keeps me going."

Ethan didn't expect him to open up that much, although he wanted to know more about what he meant by Tera being the only thing that keeps him going. "What do you mean?"

Richard looked back to Ethan, there was a short pause before Richard answered him. "When my friend died... I just didn't feel like living anymore. When Tera came with me I just felt responsible for her, I saw part of myself in her, and now she trusts me, I just can't let her down now, she's been through too much."

Ethan saw he was serious, he also saw that he cared a lot for Tera. He really didn't know what to say, so they just sat there and watched the rest of the movie. 2 hours had passed and they had began watching another movie, some action war type movie, the mood had lightened up more and they soon began talking again. Ethan was talking about how somethings in the movie wouldn't happen in real life and Richard was just generally agreeing with him.

1 hour later.

The movie had finished, Richard got up off the couch, said good night to Ethan who was still watching stuff on the TV and headed to his room. He walked down the call way but stopped near Tera's door, he could her something, it sounded like like faint shouts. Richard opened her door and saw Tera in her bed, shifting about slightly and mumbling something. Richard knew what was happening, she was having a nightmare. Richard slowly walked over to her and shook her by the shoulder, she didn't wake, he tried again but this time whispering, "Wake up." into her pointy ear. She jumped slightly in her bed and woke up with a worried look on her face, but the look disappeared when she saw Richard next to her.

"Its okay, you were just having a nightmare." Richard said in an attempt to calm her.

Tera now looked slightly embarrassed, she thought that she must look weak to be afraid of her own imagination. "I'm sorry." Tera said.

Richard didn't understand. "What for?"

"For being afraid of my dreams." Tera answered.

Richard still didn't quite understand, he thought that it must just be a Lucario thing. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I used to be afraid as well. I had terrible night terrors when I fell asleep before and after missions."

Tera was surprised, she never thought that he would be afraid of his dreams like she was. "Do you still have night terrors?"

"Sometimes, but I'm not afraid anymore."

Hearing Richard say this made Tera feel safe, but she wanted to know how to be strong like him. "How did you stop being afraid of your dreams?"

Richard learned to stop being afraid by not caring if he lived or died and realizing that the true horror is in the real world, but he didn't want to tell Tera this, he wanted to calm her. "I don't know, but whenever those night terrors were about missions, I always thought back to the one mission that always made me feel better about myself and what I was doing."

Tera was curious, she wanted to know more. "Can you tell me about it?"

Richard gave her a smile, it was nice to know that she was so interested in him. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow, get some sleep now." Richard was about to leave but Tera called him back.

"Wait, can you stay with me?"

Richard turned to face her, the nightmare must have frightened her. "Yeah, what was your dream about anyway?"

Tera wondered is she should tell him all of it or just part of it. "... It was about you, I was running, getting chased by these big dark things. When I found you and you saw me, you ran away."

Richard was surprised to hear that she dreamed about him. "Tera, you don't have to be afraid. I would never leave you like that, ever. I promise I will always protect you."

Tera felt safe and protected around Richard after hearing that. "So will you stay with me tonight?"

Richard didn't even have to think about his answer. "Yes, I will." Richard crawled into the bed with her, Richard felt something when he was close to her, a sense of security, safety, something he never felt before in his life.

Morning came, Ethan was getting ready, dressing back into his Sheriffs uniform. He then walked up stairs and knocked twice on Richard's door. "Richard, its time to get to work." There was no reply. He knocked twice again. "Richard, are you in there?" again, no reply. Ethan opened the door to Richard's room and saw nothing, Ethan noticed that Richard's bed didn't look like that it had been slept in.

Richard awoke next to Tera, she was now awake as well. "Tera, I have to go. I think I can hear Ethan calling me."

Tera didn't want him to go, but she knew he had to. "Richard... Could I come with you?"

Richard was glad that she wanted to come with him, he didn't want to leave her behind. "Yeah, I don't see why not." he said with a smile. Richard and Tera got up from the bed and left the room, Tera and Richard both saw Ethan who was just stood outside of Richard's room. Ethan saw Richard and Tera, he didn't know why Richard was in there but he didn't really care. "Ah, there you are. Come on, we have a job to do."

"Tera is coming with us." Richard said.

Ethan looked at the two of them, he was one deputy short and they look like they could be formidable together. "That's fine, but what about the Zangoose?"

Tera looked at Ethan. "I will tell her we will be gone for a while, she could wait here for us."

"Okay, I will be on the couch downstairs when your ready to leave." Ethan said.

3 hours later.

Richard was in Ethan's squad car in his new deputy uniform, Tera was sitting next to him in the back. The day was generally uneventful, Richard didn't expect there to be much trouble in this town anyway.

2 hours later.

Richard and Tera were sat in the office part of the police station, Cleaves and Ethan set out to buy supplies some supplies, Richard didn't ask what they were getting or why they were getting it. Tera remembered last night, when Richard said there was one mission that made him feel better. "Can you tell me about that mission now?" Tera asked.

Richard knew what she was talking about. Richard got ready to tell her about possibly the biggest mission that he had been on, and one of the bloodiest.
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