AGNPH Stories

Blood and love. by PROKNIFER69


Story Notes:

If you're thinking, 'Where have all the reviews gone!? WTF happened?' well it was due to an error, you see when the change over happened from the old AGNPH to the new one happened, I had to add my Co-authors back on, seeing as it took them off for some unknown reason. Anyway, when that happened, 2 copies of this story were made. I tried to delete the one without co-authors but when I did, it also deleted the other one, leaving me with no copies of blood and love, so yeah, have to re-upload. This is a pain in the ass but I heard that there was a problem with the text in all the older stories that made the text all glitchy, so maybe it was for the best that I re-uploaded it. Fortunatly, 'Blood and love' over at FanFiction isn't fucked up so that should make things easier. Also I've now noticed theres a duplicate 'Blood and love' story floating around, why this has happened I have no idea but I'm gonna try get it deleted. Oh, hears the stats for the story before it got wiped out.Views: 26,000Rating: 4.5Reviews: 59Oh, disclaimer. Yeah, Pokemon, I don't own it and I don't intend to make a profit out of it. This was done just for fun.

Meet the Glaceon.

The Glaceon watched blood spray from the side of the slaver's head, he now lay motionless on the snowy ground with blood slowly seeping out of a small hole near his ear. The Glaceon then looked at the human holding the revolver.

Richard lowered the revolver in his hand, he had just saved the Glaceon and they both knew it. Richard knew that it wasn't a good idea to start a fight with a creature that could freeze him solid in about five seconds so he tried talking with it, he hoped that it would be friendly.

"I don't know why you're here, or who you are, but, thanks for the help." Richard stated as he stuffed the revolver back into his pocket.

Tera had no idea who he was talking to; she was still pressed against the wall. Tera walked out of cover and stood besides Richard, she gasped as she saw a Glaceon standing next to a frozen headless human.

Richard saw the look of shock on her face. "Are you okay Tera?" Richard asked with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine." Tera replied, still keeping the shocked face on.

The Glaceon saw the concern in the human's face for his Lucario, it was strange, and the Glaceon didn't think that humans really cared for Pokemon. The Glaceon also noticed that the Lucario was wearing a silver necklace with a miniature sword hanging on it.

'Odd.' It thought.

Richard looked over to the Glaceon; it was hard to believe that something so small could be so powerful. Richard wanted to communicate with the Glaceon but he knew that all he would hear would either be whines, grunts or a constant repeat of its name. "Can you translate what the Glaceon is saying for me?" Richard asked Tera.

"Sure." Tera responded with a small smile towards Richard.

Richard wondered what to ask the Glaceon first. "Were you hurt during the fight?" Richard asked the Glaceon with a bit of concern in his voice.

The Glaceon wondered why the human would care, but it answered anyway. It thought 'what harm could be done?'

The Glaceon replied with what sounded like whines to Richard but sounded crystal clear to Tera. "She said that she's fine and she asked who we are and what we are doing here." Tera translated for Richard.

'She?' Richard thought to himself. Didn't seem like a she to him by her hostility to him. He shook the thought off, on account of the answer of the question.

"My name is Richard and she's Tera. I came here to find my father, I did but... Let's just say that it didn't turn out as well as I hoped." Richard mumbled the last part as he looked back to the cabin.

The Glaceon let out some more whines which Tera then translated. "She asked if you're a deputy." Tera said.

"Yes, we both are. We were supposed to be in work today but the sheriff... My friend, he told me that I could find my father here." Richard answered.

The Glaceon was a little confused as to why he would be looking for his father but she decided not to ask him about it, she let out a few more words that sounded like 'Glace Glaceon'. "She asked if you knew who those men were." Tera translated.

"Yes, slavers. I was going to arrest them but they decided to reach for their guns and I had no choice but to shoot." Richard recollected. He thought for a moment.

Richard didn't regret shooting the slavers one bit, they were stationed outside of a city so that meant that they targeted people leaving and entering Rustboro. They would have continued taking people if Richard and Tera had not found them.

Richard could see that the Glaceon was about to ask another question but she was cut off by the sound of sirens. "Looks like Ethan is... OH SHIT!" Richard said as he charged over to the cabin, he remembered that he had left his father unconscious and he could have woken up by now. Richard made it to the cabins front door and opened it by violently kicking it once, he was relieved to see that his father was still there, still unconscious.

Tera and the Glaceon were right behind Richard. "Who's that man on the floor?" The Glaceon asked Tera.

"That's Richard's father." Tera said, not wanting to say any more.

"Why is he bleeding and unconscious?" The Glaceon asked.

"Because Richard knocked him out when he tried to shoot him." Tera replied.

The Glaceon didn't know what to say, so she just stayed silent.

Richard looked outside and he saw three police cars pull up, one was Ethan's.

Ethan stepped out of his car and walked over to the group of three that he now saw in front of him. "Who's this?" Ethan asked obviously meaning the Glaceon.

"She helped us take down one of the slavers." Richard said.

"Slavers?" One of the cops said in a confused tone.

"Yeah, this must have been their outpost." Richard replied.

'Take down?' Ethan thought to himself. "What happened to the slavers?" Ethan asked.

"They pulled out their guns when I was going to arrest them, I shot one and the Glaceon here took out the other." Richard answered.

Ethan looked at the Glaceon; it was hard to believe that something as innocent looking as it could take down a slaver. Especially something a little cute. "Well then I guess I should thank her for helping out my deputies." Ethan stated with a smile.

One cop went inside the cabin to slap some cuffs on the now unconscious slaver and drag him to his squad car. The other three cops went around the back of the cabin where they found a man with four bullet holes in him and a frozen headless slaver, which, the cops found creepy as hell.

Richard knew that this was going to be a long day. He had just found out that not only did his father not care about him but he also wanted him aborted and he was a slaver working for the man he despised most in the world.

But it wasn't all bad, he also found out that he had a mother that loved him and by taking out the slavers the world was now a little safer. The thing that made this day seem brighter to Richard knew that Tera would always be there when he needed her, he was also glad that he was able to keep his promise to her. That may have been the only thing that ever kept Richard going these days. He knew it and would openly admit it if he had to.

"You know that we're going to have to head down to Rustboro's police station now right?" Ethan said.

"Yeah, might as well head down there now." Richard said as Ethan headed back to his squad car.

Tera wrapped her arms around Richard, drawing him into a heartfelt hug. "I'm glad you're safe." She gently whispered into his ear. Richard held her close and whispered, "I'm glad your safe too." into her pointed ear.

The Glaceon looked the hugging human and Lucario, she was surprised at how close they were and how much the Lucario trusted the human. It made her feel slightly sad and lonely, seeing how close and how much they cared about each other; she had never felt that before.

Richard let go of Tera and looked over to the Glaceon who had a look of sadness and loneliness on her face, he knew that look well. "Are you okay?" Richard asked the Glaceon.

The Glaceon let out a few more whines. "She says she's okay." Tera answered for her.

Richard knew that she wasn't, something was bothering her. He wondered what the Glaceon was doing in the middle of nowhere anyway, that's when it hit him. "Do you have anywhere to go to? Like a home?" Richard asked curiously.

The Glaceon let out a single whine that sounded like, 'Glaceon' for Tera to translate. "She says no." Tera translated.

Richard then looked over to Ethan who was sitting in the driver's seat, Richard then looked back to the Glaceon. He couldn't just leave the homeless Glaceon here, not after seeing her risk her life to help out both himself and Tera. "If you want, you could come with us." Richard said.

The Glaceon was surprised by his offer, she didn't trust humans but this one seemed different, he saved her life and the Lucario seemed to be very trusting with him so he couldn't be a bad person, especially not if he's also a deputy. A few seconds passed before she gave her answer in the form of a few more whines which sounded like 'Glace Gla Glaceon'. "She said yes, she would." Tera answered for the Glaceon.

Richard smiled a little. "Come on then, we have to head down to Rustboro's station first but after that we're heading back to Ethan's place." Richard said.

Ethan was sitting in the car, just reading some old book that he had long forgotten. The passenger side door opened and Richard sat down besides him, Ethan was a little confused, he always sat with Tera in the back.

Ethan then heard the one of the doors in the back closing; he looked in his rear view mirror and saw Tera and the Glaceon sitting in the back. Ethan didn't bother to ask why she was tagging along; he knew the answer would be a long one.

4 hours later.

After some questioning at Rustboro's police station they were now all back in the car, on their way to Ethan's place. Richard had convinced Ethan to let the Glaceon stay at his place. Tera and the Glaceon had begun talking in the back of the car.

"My name is Tera, do you have a name?" Tera asked in a friendly tone.

"My name is Kiara." The Glaceon replied.

"Nice to meet you, and thanks for helping us back there." was Tera's reply.

"It was nothing really, those men deserved it." Kiara said.

Tera then wondered why Kiara was even there in the first place. "How did you find us in the middle of nowhere anyway?" Tera asked.

"I was just looking around for berries when I heard a gunshot close by, I went over to where I heard the gunshot and I saw the cabin. I waited for a while and then I saw two men talking about capturing people and killing somebody. I was going to kill them both when you're... What is that human to you anyway? Is he your trainer?" Kiara asked with a curious look on her face.

Tera wondered if she should tell her or let her find out for herself, she decided to just get it out of the way now. "No, he's my ..." Tera wanted to find the right word or thing to say, that's when she thought back to what Richard said to his father. It brought a smile to her face when he said those words. "Soul mate." Tera said with a big smile on her face.

Kiara was a little shocked and surprised. 'Is it really possible that the human and Lucario love each other? How could she trust the human enough to say that he's her soul mate?' Kiara asked herself in her mind. "You... love the human?" Kiara asked, just to confirm what she had just heard.

"Yes, I love him so much." Tera stated as she looked over to Richard.

Kiara saw how much Tera admired Richard in her eyes, she envied her.

"We're here." Ethan said as the car came to a stop.

"Lets go, I'll show you around the house." Tera said happily.

They all got out of the car and headed for the front door.

The Zangoose looked behind her to see Ethan, Richard, Tera and a Glaceon enter the room. The Zangoose had seen a Glaceon before but this one looked different, besides the fact that its left ear had a small triangular piece missing from the side of it.

The Glaceon's body was a much lighter color of blue, almost white; its paws were blue as the end of its tail and a patch on its back.

"Sorry we took so long but we ran into some problems." Ethan apologized to the Zangoose; he knew that she didn't like being left alone.

The Zangoose nodded, meaning that she forgave him.

Tera introduced Kiara to Zangoose. "Kiara, this is Zangoose."

"Hi." The Zangoose said in a happy tone.

'Zangoose?' Kiara thought to herself, she didn't ask why she doesn't have a proper name. "Hi." Kiara responded.


Richard was now in the kitchen with Ethan, there were still a lot of questions that he had been meaning to ask him but he forgot when he got caught up in his own thoughts of meeting his father for the first time. "How did you get the information on my parents?" Richard asked.

"I got Mac to hack into some old files; he brought up a bunch of stuff fairly quickly and just printed them off." Ethan answered blankly.

"Wait, Mac is a hacker?" Richard asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, he's a man of many uses. I don't know where he learned all the stuff he can do but I'm glad he can do them." Ethan replied, sounding like he was still shocked.

"Did you two know that he was a slaver?" Richard asked.

"Hell no, if we did then I would have arrested him myself." Ethan said.

"Good. I'm just going to watch TV, it'll probably take my mind off things." Richard said in a low grumbling tone as he walked towards the door.

"Wait." Ethan called out to Richard.

Richard stopped a few inches away from the door and turned to face Ethan. "What?" Richard asked.

"Well now that Glaceon is here.... Where is she going to sleep?" Ethan asked

Richard hadn't thought about that when he was convincing Ethan to let her stay but he had already thought up an answer. "She can take my room; I'm probably not going to be sleeping in there anyway."

Ethan had a good idea as to why Richard wouldn't be sleeping in his room. "Okay then." Ethan stated as he followed Richard out of the kitchen.

Richard looked over to the couch and saw the Zangoose, Glaceon and Tera standing around and laughing. He was glad to see that they seemed to be getting along with the Glaceon.

Tera saw Richard and walked over to him.

"Hey, are you and the Glaceon getting along?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, Kiara is smart and funny." Tera said with happiness in her voice.

"Kiara? Is that her name?"

"Yep. Anyway, do you want to watch something with us?" Tera asked.

"Heh. Yeah lets watch something." Richard said as he was led by Tera over to the couch.

2 weeks later.

Richard's eyes opened and he saw the most beautiful thing in the world, Tera asleep. Richard slowly sat up and tried not to wake her, but he did. Tera opened her eyes and looked at the man she loves, everything seemed perfect today, but maybe that was because it's Christmas.

"Merry Christmas." Richard said as he gave Tera a long wet kiss.

"Merry Christmas to you too." Tera said once they finally pulled out of the kiss.

Tera let out a yawn, one that made Richard think that Tera was an angel for. Her fangs were showing and her eyes looked sleepy.

Richard didn't want anything for Christmas; he already had everything he wanted. "Come on, let's head downstairs and get our gifts." Richard said with enthusiasm.

Richard got up even though he was only wearing boxer shorts, he slowly opened Tera's door and checked to see if anyone was in the hallway, he saw no one so he quickly made his way to his room.

Kiara decided not to take Richard's room because she preferred sleeping outside where it's cold. He quickly grabbed some clothes from his wardrobe and put them on. After that Richard and Tera quickly went downstairs where they found Ethan, Zangoose and Kiara. There was wrapping paper all over the floor.

Richard could see Kiara eating from a basket full of pecha berries; Richard got her that because he remembered Tera telling him that Kiara liked them.

Tera sat down besides Zangoose who was now wearing a thick red sweater that had a Pikachu sitting on top of a snow covered tree on the front of it. Seeing her in something so silly made Tera giggle.

Zangoose was a little confused. "What's so funny?" it asked.

"Oh, nothing." Tera said innocently.

Zangoose looked down to her sweater. "It's the sweater isn't it?" The Zangoose asked as she frowned.

Tera let out a small giggle. "Yeah, it's just so silly but I love it!" Tera exclaimed with a big smile on her face.

A grin grew across the Zangoose's face. "Oh really? Then you're going to love this!" Zangoose happily said as she took out a red pointy velvet hat with a fluffy white ball on top of it and gave it to Tera.

Tera happily put it on and the fluffy white ball bobbed up and down in front of her face.

Richard walked over to the couch and saw Tera with the hat on. 'Aww, she's so adorable.' Richard thought, he let out a chuckle as she tried to push the fluffy white ball away from her face.

"Here, let me help you with that." Richard said as he pushed the fluffy white ball to one side so it was no longer dangling in front of her face.

Tera gave a little smile and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Richard replied to her as he sat down besides her.

13 hours later.

Ethan was now more than a little drunk. Richard's gift to Ethan was a very strong drink, eighty percent alcohol, and he realized that there was no way he could finish the bottle on his own. Not in one day anyway.

He gave Zangoose one very small shot glass with his drink in it when she asked if she could try it, the result, one passed out Zangoose sprawled out across the couch. Ethan had to catch her when she passed out and he banged his elbow off the floor pretty hard but the alcohol numbed any pain he felt and he said he was fine.

Richard and Tera were still sat on the couch, snuggling up to each other for comfort and warmth. They had spent the day just talking to each other about gifts and other stuff that wasn't really important. Tera's gift to Richard was very nice and very expensive looking camera which he then used to take a picture of Tera who was smiling and standing by a window with a nice view.

Richard's gift to Tera was a very expensive and very old wine which Tera decided to save for a 'special occasion'. Which Richard knew what the 'special occasion' was going to be.

Kiara still had a basket full of pecha berries but she just couldn't eat them all, not yet anyway. Kiara was thankful that she even got a gift from them after knowing them for only about 2 weeks, she was glad that she decided to tag along with the two humans, Lucario and Zangoose, they all seemed like nice people.

Richard couldn't wait to get to bed; he just loved cuddling up with Tera under the covers of the bed. Richard whispered into Tera's pointed ear "Let's go to bed." he said gently.

Tera looked up at Richard and with a smile she gave a little nod. Tera was still wearing her silly red hat with the fluffy white ball.

Richard and Tera stood up and made their way back to her room.

Ethan knew it was getting late so he gently picked up the passed out Zangoose and carried her up to her bedroom. Ethan gently placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her so she wouldn't feel cold.

Ethan smiled at the sight of the Zangoose shifting around to get comfortable, he liked spending time with her, even if he couldn't understand what she said. He cared for her, but he didn't know if that caring feeling inside him was just a friendly feeling, or something more.

Against his better judgment, he gave the Zangoose a small kiss on the top of her head and said, "Good night." and then left her room. He walked back downstairs with mixed feelings about how he thought of the Zangoose, part of him felt like it was best if they just stayed friends, part of him wanted to just hug her and tell her that he thinks of her as more than a friend.

Every time he saw Richard and Tera hugging or kissing, he just thought 'what if that was me and Zangoose? Could we be just as happy as they are?' he sat down on the couch and thought about it all night.

Richard stripped down to his boxer shorts again and climbed in bed with Tera, he hugged her and held her close, enjoying the heat that came from her body and the feeling of her soft fur on his skin. He wanted to make love to her again, to feel her around him. But he knew that the others would hear and it would probably get... Awkward.

"You know, you look really cute in that hat." Richard said as he looked deeply into Tera's eyes.

Tera gave an adorable smile as drew him into a deep and loving kiss. They made the kiss deeper and began to slightly rub each other slowly.

Tera wished they were alone in the house so they could just how much they loved each other without having to worry about somebody hearing them or walking in, but she settled for staring deeply into Richard's eyes and giving him long passionate kisses.

They closed their eyes as the hugged and fondled each other throughout the night; they soon fell into a deep sleep.
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