AGNPH Stories

Blood and love. by PROKNIFER69


Story Notes:

If you're thinking, 'Where have all the reviews gone!? WTF happened?' well it was due to an error, you see when the change over happened from the old AGNPH to the new one happened, I had to add my Co-authors back on, seeing as it took them off for some unknown reason. Anyway, when that happened, 2 copies of this story were made. I tried to delete the one without co-authors but when I did, it also deleted the other one, leaving me with no copies of blood and love, so yeah, have to re-upload. This is a pain in the ass but I heard that there was a problem with the text in all the older stories that made the text all glitchy, so maybe it was for the best that I re-uploaded it. Fortunatly, 'Blood and love' over at FanFiction isn't fucked up so that should make things easier. Also I've now noticed theres a duplicate 'Blood and love' story floating around, why this has happened I have no idea but I'm gonna try get it deleted. Oh, hears the stats for the story before it got wiped out.Views: 26,000Rating: 4.5Reviews: 59Oh, disclaimer. Yeah, Pokemon, I don't own it and I don't intend to make a profit out of it. This was done just for fun.

Richard, the problem solver.

Tera, Richard and the Zangoose had stepped into their hotel room. They got their rooms changed from when Richard and Tera stayed last night. This room had three single beds, a TV, a door to the bathroom, some drawers and closets and a window with a nice view of the forest. Richard took the bed closest to the window which was to the far right of the room, Tera took the one next to him and the Zangoose took the one next to Tera. Richard hadn't noticed before but his shirt and trousers were really dirty, he knew there wasn't much he could do about it apart from buying some more clothes but he didn't have that luxury, not if he wanted to stay in another hotel. Richard got up and headed for the shower, he was dirty after lying on the ground prone to wait for the Zangoose to show up. As Richard closed closed the door behind him, Tera and the Zangoose started talking.

"Who's the human? Is he your trainer?" The Zangoose asked.

"No, he's a friend." Tera told her.

"How long have you known him?" The Zangoose inquired.

"About 3 days now." Tera replied.

The Zangoose gave a puzzled look. "You've known him for 3 days and he's already your friend?"

"He's... a really nice guy. I can trust him." She said with confidence behind her words.

"Why?" The Zangoose responded.

"When he first met me his clan and his best friend had been killed just a few minutes before he met me but yet he tried to comfort me, my clan had been killed two days before I even met him. When I told him I didn't have anywhere to go he said that I could join him, so I did." Tera said.

The Zangoose was shocked that they had both lost their clan, it made her partly regret bringing up the subject, but she had to know more. "So, you joined him because he comforted you?"

"That was only one reason. I could see in his aura and in his eyes that he had been through so much pain, I could see his good nature, I could see his strong will, determination and courage he carried in his heart. I have never met anyone like him." Tera finished her sentence, she knew she thought of Richard as more than a friend, she was attracted to him.

The Zangoose noticed the affection in her voice but decided against asking her if she thought of him as more than a friend, but she wanted to know more about Richard and Tera. "How old are you two? And where do you come from?"

"I'm 24 and Richard is 25, I come from here and Richard comes from Johto." Tera stated.

"What did you two do in your clans before you met each other?" The Zangoose curiously questioned.

"I was a guard for my clan, Richard's clan was a band of mercenaries so he was a warrior."

The Zangoose was going to ask more questions but she realized that she must seem nosy. "I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions, you can ask me something if you want." The Zangoose said in a cheery tone.


Richard had gotten out of the shower and back into his dirty clothes. Richard took a moment too look at him self in the mirror, he noticed that the cut along his nose was healing over nicely and that stubble was now growing around his jaw. He quite liked it, gave him that bad ass look that he so desired. He took his eyes off the mirror and exited the bathroom. Tera saw Richard walking out of the bathroom and headed in their her self to wash the dirt off her fur. Richard sat down on his bed and looked out of the window, he could see nothing but the silhouettes of the trees in the forest and the mountains lit up by the moon in the background. Richard thought back to all the places he had been to as a mercenary, the missions always took place at night and every mission put them somewhere different, deserts, islands, snowy mountains, even cargo ships. All those missions seemed different from one another except for 3 things, Darkness, low survival odds and they were always outnumbered. Although Richard was deep into thought he could still feel someones eyes on him, he turned around and saw the Zangoose staring at him silently. He didn't know whether the Zangoose understood human language but he wanted to find out.

"Can you understand me?" Richard asked.

The Zangoose nodded forwards in response. Richard remembered that when he came into the room that Tera and the Zangoose were facing each other, he figured they were talking. "Are you getting along with Tera?" Richard asked the Zangoose

The Zangoose gave a smile and nodded forward again. Richard decided that was enough questions for today. The Zangoose watched as the human yawned and rested his head on the pillow. The Zangoose had heard stories about humans, nearly none of them good, most of the stories about humans involved capturing Pokemon, separating them from their clans and families and forcing them to fight other Pokemon but this human didn't seem like the ones in the stories, and from what she heard from Tera she would say that he's a good human. The Zangoose rested on the comfy bed, a nice change from sleeping on the grass in the forest every night, she fell asleep in seconds.

Richard was still awake, thinking, thinking if the mercenary group he worked for knew whether he was still alive, thinking if the rookies were still alive, thinking if now was his chance to escape from that life that he led for the past 3 years. Richard then began thinking about Tera, she followed him even though she knew he had no solid plan and right now she was the only thing that kept Richard moving, if he didn't meet her in that cave that night... He didn't know what he would do. He remembered all the emotions going through his mind when he entered that cave, pain, anger and fear was all he could feel at that moment, he had a thousand thoughts in his mind too, some suicidal thoughts. When he met Tera and saw her shivering, the pain in her bright red eyes, it reminded him of that little girl that he fought to protect six years ago, he wanted to protect her and tell her that everything is going to be alright, something that nobody did for Richard... except Carter. Richard thought back to the night Carter had saved him, after the mission he asked why he had saved him... Carter answered, "You're one of my men now, and I take care of my men." That was the first time in his life that someone actually seemed to even care that he was still breathing.

Tera closed the bathroom door behind her, she could see the Zangoose had fallen asleep and she could see Richard in his bed, shifting slightly. She could see Richard was troubled with something, she could see it in his aura. She went over to Richard and put her paw on his shoulder. "Is there something wrong Richard?"

Richard's mind snapped back to reality when he heard her voice, it made him remember that his life as a mercenary was over, and that made him happy. Richard turned to Tera and said "No, everything's fine... But thanks for asking." Richard smiled at the Lucario who showed concern for him, it made him feel needed, like he had a purpose. Tera smiled back at Richard and headed back to her bed.

Morning had come, Richard, Tera and the Zangoose were now at the cafe that Richard had saw the sheriff in the other day. Richard noticed some of the locals looking over, Richard guessed they were probably wondering how a human who isn't a trainer has two Pokemon following him. The bill came for the food again, Richard was down to 70 pokedollers. A few minutes later they were on the streets of the town again, Richard didn't know why but something inside him just told him that he had to stay in the town a little longer. They spent some time in the shops following Richard's lead, Richard didn't see anything of use in the shops, he was just killing time looking around and waiting for something that might not even happen. Tera noticed something out side the shops windows, it was a man in a sheriffs uniform looking around the street as if he had lost something or was looking for someone. The sheriff looked in the shop window to his right, quickly scanning it with his eyes and saw the man he was looking for. Tera noticed him looking at Richard as he quickly walked towards the shop door.

"Err, Richard. I think that man is looking for you." Tera said as she pointed over to the sheriff.

Richard turned around to see who Tera was talking about, when he saw the sheriff from the other day he wasn't sure what to think, part of him thought that the police had somehow connected Richard to the shoot out in the forest but he ignored that thought and just waited for the sheriff to reach him.

The sheriff was now in the shop with them, his eyes glanced over the Lucario and the Zangoose with him, this was defiantly the guy he was looking for. "You're the guy who helped Derick and his boy aren't you?"

When that question left the sheriff's mouth it put Richard at ease. "Yes I am, although I had a little help and it wasn't any trouble." Richard said whilst glancing towards Tera and the Zangoose.

"Good, in that case I need your help." The sheriff stated.

Richard was intrigued, why would the sheriff want the help of a stranger? And why does he need his help? "What with?" Richard replied sharply.

"With a dangerous convict, he was supposed to be transferred to one of the jails just out side of one of the city's days ago but that shoot out in the forest stopped that from happening. I need you to help me get him into the back of my car, even if hes handcuffed he could still do a lot of damage."

Richard had a lot of questions, he decided to go with the more important ones first. "Why are you asking me to do this?"

"You have a Lucario traveling with you, the Lucario place high values on justice, a Lucario probably wouldn't be following you if you were unjust. Of course I couldn't just judge you by your company so I didn't ask you back at the cafe. The next day, I heard about you helping Derick and his boy, most of the people around here were to afraid to help or pretended they were busy, I couldn't help because I had a shit load of paper work to do and I'm two deputies short. So in short, I'm asking you because you look like you can handle your self and you don't seem like the untrustworthy type so, will you help me?" The sheriff asked.

Although Richard had a lot of other questions he decided that it was best not to waste time and simply said, "Yes."

The sheriff had escorted Richard, Tera and the Zangoose to the police station and were standing in the reception area when the sheriff turned to face the group.

"Alright, My name is Ethan Cooper." The sheriff extended his right hand towards Richard who in turn shook it.

"My name is Richard, My Lucario friend is called Tera, I don't know what the Zangoose is called though." Richard said.

The sheriff looked over at the Zangoose, "Doesn't look wild to me." His voice said inside his head remembering the excuse Derick had gave.

"Well Richard, your friends are going to have to stay in the reception area." The sheriff then turned to face the Lucario and Zangoose. "If you need anything just call out for deputy Cleaves, he's usually doing nothing except for walking about the office in the room next to us now. " The sheriff pointed over to the door on the far left of the reception room, close to the counter where a person would normally be standing behind. The sheriff then turned to Richard "So, are you ready for this?"

"Yes." Richard replied quickly.

The sheriff smiled slightly. "Eager are we?"

"The faster we get this guy behind bars in a concrete fortress the better." Richard answered in a calm tone.

The sheriff's smile grew, he knew he had picked the right guy for the job. "Now that's what I like to hear! Come on, I will show you to the holding cells."

Richard followed the sheriff through the door to the far right of the reception room, he didn't know anything about the man that he was helping the sheriff with, but he knew that he would soon find out.
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