AGNPH Stories

Taming The Wild Beast by sataniczoophile


Taming The Wild Beast

Taming The Wild Beast

Tyanna's POV (Point Of View)
I had just gotten the Quake Badge from Gym leader Clay of Driftveil City and was on my way to the next town. I had just stocked up for a 3 days supply of food and equipment to help me along the way too. Currently I was walking around route 6 searching for new Pokémon to add to my Dex, but unfortunately I could not find any. I'm usually able to find at least 'one' new Pokémon to capture in each unvisited area I go to, but I guess this wasn't a lucky day for me.

Soon I remember an ace trainer I met back at Driftveil informing me of a cave that contained very strong Pokémon in it, and that the black belt guy who usually guards it from trainers who are more inexperienced has gone out of town for a few days. I think it was called, Challenger's Cave. She also warned me to be cautious of going in there because the Pokémon who inhabit that area can become very violent and attack without warning. But that just gave me a great idea. I would search for a strong companion at Challenger's Cave to help aid me in collecting my next badge.

I knew I really shouldn't be going in a place like that yet, but my naive nature took the best of me as I decided to go to Challenger's Cave anyways.
After searching for the cavern I soon found, what looked to be a carved out entrance of a slight hill.

Tyanna: "I guess this must be it.'

I thought out loud to myself spotting that no one was around to be seen. Before taking any second thoughts, I stepped my way into the cave with the blood boiling for a new adventure that awaited me inside. Good thing I supplied myself a flashlight because it lighting from the outside grew very dim once I made my way down the cavern.

Clicking on the switch of my handhold light source, I continued my way though Challenger's Cave. It was kind of spooky inside, very quiet with the continues dripping of the moister from the stalactites surrounding the cavern.
Tyanna: "Hmm..."

I began to wonder where these, 'Strong' Pokémon were and what kind can be found in here. There was nothing here, but the stalactites and stalagmites and clusters of rock and mineral material that formed the cave and the sounds of running water.

Tyanna: "Running Water?"

I have never been to a cave with water before. This was a new experience. I began to think that the Pokémon may be located where the water was, so I traced the sound further and deeper in the cavern. The liquid from the stalactites where dripping even more now and I began to believe that I was getting closer to the water. Something inside me was making feel so exited with enthusiasm that I was almost at my hot spot.

So, I began to pick up the speed to I was encountered by a gleam of blue wavy lights that mirrored the sides of the surrounding environment as I had hit my mark. I was right about water being here, there was lots of it too. It was an, underground stream, that glistened with purity and freshness before my very eyes. The smell of the aqua was also inviting as I went over to take a drink totally forgetting my real reason of why I came here in the first place. Cupping my hands under the free beverage, I began to sip very elegantly, letting the cool water run down my neck. It tasty so good! So I decided to contain some of it in a water jug for later, once I accomplished my goal of catching a strong Pokémon.

While letting the water fill up my container, A somewhat, uninviting sound echoed from a distance from my seating as I listened in harder to better picture what it was.

Unknown Man: "There, we finally captured the Pokémon!"

???: "Grawwwwww!!!"

Unknown Man #2: "We better hurry and load it on to the truck before someone catches us!"

???: "Ghaaaahhh!"

Tyanna: *What was going on?!?!*

I thought twisting back on the lid of my water battle as I went searching for where the sounds was coming from.

Soon I spotted two shady looking figures and what appeared to be some kind of Wild Pokémon tangled in some rope. I hid behind a bolder quick before any of them noticed me. They looked like Pokémon Poachers! After getting a better view of the two men I can see that the one on the right side, had an old beat up white tee with scruffy brown hair, and the other with, a more uni-formal jacket with a silver wing tattoo on the side of his left cheek. The creature that lied before them looked to be a Hydreigon. They're where very rare around in these parts. And wild ones where known to be highly violent, destructive creatures. They would attack anything that moves, seeing it as a foe. So I was a bit surprised to see something like that get captured by people.

The dragon, squirmed and flung around in pain and fear trying to set itself free from the net. I began to feel sorry for it, even though I was more terrified of the creature. I had to do something before these guys take the Pokémon away.

I was beginning to reach in my pocket for one of my PokéBalls, when I accidentally lost grip of it as the ball dropped to the ground making a loud echoing "CLACK!" sound alerting the men's attention at me. They saw my being as they gave out a frightening grin to my eyes.

Tattoo Man: "! What is a young girl doing here?

Shouldn't you be home to your mommy and daddy?"

Tee-Shirt Man: Yeah, being in a dangerous place like this is to much for the likes of you! Lol"

Tyanna: "....."

I grew very pale and was beginning to feel violated as the men started to penetrate my personal space. I took a couple steps back but that just made the two get closer.

Tee-Shirt Man: "Aww don't be scared, we won't hurt you. *snicker*

Tyanna: "Get away from me!"

Men: "Hee...Hee...Hee!"

I didn't know what to do. I was too stunned and frightened to try and defend myself from the Pokémon Poachers, but from a blink of an eye, the Tee-Shirt Man grabbed a hold of my right arm and jerked it towards him.

Tyanna: "LET GO OF ME!!!"

Hydreigon: "Grawwwwww!!!"

Tattoo Man: "Dammit! We forgot about our catch. Lets ditch this girl and get back to our duties."

Tee-Shirt Man: "Awww but I was having fun..."

From a distance I kept my eyes on the netted serpent as it continued to struggle. It bit down on the ropes with its three heads as it continued to get free. The men scurried back as fast as they could to the creature but, since the men where foolish enough to pay more attention to me then there money making prey, the Pokémon was able to untangle itself enough to send out an devastating attack. Hot smoke fumed from the nozzles on it's blue reptilian face. Coughing up some flammable fumes from it's strained neck, the creature opened it's mouth shooting out fire around it's surrounding raging with anger.

Pokémon Poachers: "Aggggg!!!"

The men became afraid as they fled back to there truck. I guess Hydreigon was too much enraged to be brought back. Watching them leave made me almost forget about the wild beast. It was still raging in anger and fear. It flailed with all its energy shooting out fire in every direction until it collapsed on the molded cavern floor grunting from pain.

Hydreigon: "Graaa.....aa..."

The creature sounded like it was chocking! Though I was trembling with fear, I had to do something and fast. I needed to cut the rope from straining it's neck. I ran to the side of the creature as it bolted back up in an enraged state snarling and hissing at me. I jolted back, trembling, with sweat pouring off my face. I stared into the dragon's fuchsia pupils surrounded by it's black eyes. Something about those eyes told me that the creature was frightened by me.

Tyanna: *It most think I'm here to hurt it.*

I thought seeing how bruised and scratched up it gotten. The Hydreigon had put up quiet a fight with those poachers. I soon returned back to it's side as I explored through my bag for my switchblade. Taking out the product I clicked it open revealing the glimmering form of steel as it struck fear into the dragon's fuchsia pupils as it's main head flashed it's fangs, biting onto my side, clamping and holding it's grip. I gritted my teeth in excruciating pain, as I flinched. But I had to do it. With the dragon latched onto my side I worked my way cutting loose the collar of roping around the creatures neck. I never realized it before, but this was my first time encountering a Hydreigon. It was a very beautiful creature, with its collar of a bright fuchsia-colored flower-like frill, which crowned around its head. It's black fur felt soft to the touch as I petted the beast trying to let it know that I was only here to help. The Hydreigon's eyes watched me cut off the rope as the dark reptile began to loosen up its grip from my side.

After completing my task of freeing the Pokémon from the poacher's trap, the dragon unlatched itself from my side, stretched out its six black wings as it took to the air. The Hydreigon let out a pleasing roar as I smiled. Soon my smile faded away. The bite marks on my side started to sting as I began to hold my side in pain. The frilled lizard could see that I was hurting, as it came back down to the surface, and unexpectedly, pressed its cold snout on my chest letting out a soft whine. It must think I'm mad for it biting me. But all I did was shrug and petted the creature's head.

Tyanna: "Don't worry. It's noting major,"

It's scaly face felt smooth and cool, I enjoyed petting the Hydreigon as it seemed to enjoy me petting it too. Releasing my hand from the pain, Hydreigon's right head scaled up my shirt as it began to lick at the sore. Its cold saliva made me giggle a bit. Embarrassed by this, I tried to move away, but that only made The frilled lizard more engaged and curious of my being as it moved up closer.

It's body was now between my legs as the creature's height towered over mine. It stared at me. I did not know why but, I was beginning to feel a bit puzzled and scared at the same time. The creature's nostrils kept flaring, like it smelled something inviting. I began to fluster at its appearance as I looked away with my face turning a bright shade of red. The next thing I knew, the dragon's main head lowered down to my face as it began to lick me. It's pink tongue was rough and wet at the same time. It coated my face in its saliva and I didn't do anything but lay there.

Tyanna: "..."

The wetness felt great, yet I was too shy to do anything. I suddenly felt a buildup of moister down along the clit of my vagina. I tried to close my legs but hydreigon's large body prevented me from doing so.

Soon, one of the reptile's heads slithered down between my crouch as it began to smell the aroma of my vaginal fluids as it began to tug on my pants. This made me blush harder as I couldn't help but to think that this Pokémon wanted to have sexual intercourse with me. I was a bit puzzled of why, but soon thought it was a way many creatures show there gratitude with one another. I've never thought of the idea of sexing with a Pokémon or with anyone before, but something about this dragon drew me to wanting the pleasure it was giving to me more.
From below the reptile's abdomen, a dark-purple penis exposed it's self from the inner lining of skin from the Hydreigon, stating that this creature was clearly a male, I smiled.

Tyanna: "So, you are a male dragon aren't you?"

Hydreigon: "Graaa..."

The creature pressed the tip of his dick along my clit as I gave out a slight moan. I couldn't help it. I was loving this new form of touch as I leaned over to the side of the Pokémon's scaly face as I lied my head on it, sniffing at the creature's scented body of down to earth soil and ash I found it as a kind of enticing aroma. Suddenly my body spoke louder then my mind as I began to bat my tongue along Hydreigon's squamous dark blue neck. He had that salty texture but also that sweet after-taste witch lured me to keep licking him even more.

The hydra was also pleased by my contribution as he angled his way closer to my mouth. I wasn't paying attention at first but soon are tongues met. Feeling the frilled lizard's slimy muscle made me ajar my head away for a second, but this feeling was irresistible I placed my tongue back inside Hydreigon's mouth as I began to rub it on his muscle of wet sandpaper. I was enjoying it as the Pokémon was now gaining the access in bringing me to him more. Hydreigon's two smaller heads began to scale underneath my shirt as I began to quiver in pleasure. The beasts started to clamp on my bra pulling it downward reveling a pair of soft fleshy breasts. The heads coiled, and rubbed along my boobies as they began to snag a hold of my tits creating a sucking propulsion feeding on my flesh. This got my titties get hard and numb as I began to moan even louder. The frilled lizard was also grunting in pleasure as he began to feel more aroused by the second.

Soon, Hydreigon's dick extended even more out of his sheath of flesh as I was able to depict the member better. The dark purple ribbed muscle glowed with a dark aura. It was probably some affect from Hydreigon being part of the dark Pokémon family. I hesitated at first, but soon found the courage to reach down at the creature's penis as I began stroking it. The lizard anchored his body back enjoying me jerking him off. He huffed with pleasure, as I motioned my hand even faster.

Hydreigon's dick grew stiffer and larger as his extra heads removed themselves from my breasts, down to my pants, attempting to take them off. Seeing them do this, I let go of the beast's cock as I latched open my jeans. Standing up before Hydreigon, I shook my hips as I took off my clothing, both my shirt and pants revealing my naked body. I was a little shy and embarrassed because this was the first time anyone has seen me with my clothes off but I knew Hydreigon would like to pleasure me more being fully undressed. I turned away blushing as the frilled lizard went up towards me as he started brushing up against my bare skin ordering me to get back on the ground.

Laying down on a smooth dirt surface near the underground stream, I spread my legs open waiting for the Pokemon to penetrate me. Hydreigon could see how tight my virgin vagina was as he grew more lust for me. The dragon then lowered his main head to my opening as he could see how wet I was. He began to lick it, making me giggle a bit, as he went back to his dick and licked around it too, probably making sure he will be able to slide it in easily. Darkness flowed around his cock, and i was beginning to have second thoughts on doing this, but I did not back away from him as I signaled the dragon to, "Do it."

So Hydreigon lowered his weight onto mine shifting his dark infused dick along my clit. He rubbed his toy along the opening a couple times before sliding it in. Pushing his ribbed penis inside me, i let out a "yelp!" My vaginal muscles where expanding every second the frilled lizard entered me. The creature continued to slid it in until the cock was fully inserted inside. Once in, Hydreigon began pumping in and out in a slow motion as his gestures propelled my body into a bouncing faze.

The feeling was unpleasant at first but soon became pleasing as I started to want more. So I grabbed a hold of the creature's shoulder blades, as I pulled him closer to me letting him know that I wanted him to go faster and harder as he did. Faster and harder he went, pumping that reproductive organ in and out. I moaned enjoying this ride of the Hydra as from below, blood was beginning to excrete from my inner vaginal tissues as it drained itself to the stream beside us. Thus making me escape to woman hood.

I was enjoying it so much I didn't want Hydreigon to stop. I moaned louder and louder, as the dragon growled in pleasure. Fixated on this very moment I had forgotten everything that I planed to do today and was more focused on accepting the gift this creature gave to me, i french kissed with the beast as he continued with this amazing exercise. The smaller heads also sucked on my tits as my vaginal fluid began to drain more.

Tyanna: "Hydreigon..."

I could feel is member stiffening up more then usual now as i began to wonder what would come next. The frilled lizard went even faster now. The smaller heads jolted back to the main one's sides, as Hydreigon gave out a big "BURST!" of hot liquid from his dick into my vagina.

Hydreigon: 'GRAWWWWW!!!"

The ejaculation made me scream in pleasure feeling all the hot cum fill up my body. Hydreigon then slid back out his wet dick dripping with dragon semen as he watched his juices leak out from my body. I shook a bit from the feeling of this amazement as the hydra returned back to my side dragging my weak body onto his.

We both ended up being exhausted as we lied inside the cavern in silence. I felt somewhat a new person for doing what I just did. This somewhat, 'supposedly', brutal creature actually turned out to be such a loving reptile. I loved him and he loved me.

But the Hydreigon had just one thing to ask me as he reached over and grabbed my bag. The smaller heads dug around my belongings to find an empty, brand new, Pokéball as the creature plopped it on his stomach for me to look at. I took the capsule into my hands as I realized what he was asking me.

Tyanna: "You want to be my Pokemon?"

The frilled lizard nodded with a grin as I smiled granting him acceptance on being added to my team.

We both returned back to our potential state, as I curled up, bundled in Hydreigon's wings.

Tyanna: "I don't feel like leaving yet... Lets just stay here...for a little bit... then we'll go ok?...

The Hydreigon licked my face with the agreement as I slowly closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. And soon Hydreigon did the same as we both slept snugged up together in Challenger's Cave to gain up enough strength to start another great adventure together. And thus concludes how i lost my virginity and gained a new partner on the way, by Taming The Wild Beast.

Chapter End Notes:This is my first ever completed story. I'm hoping to do more fan-fictions in later times. I hope you enjoyed this one :)

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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