AGNPH Stories

Field Study by wildlucario


Chapter 1

Field Study
Lucario are a very fascinating species, but are rarely studied upon. It's not that scientist disagree on their individual interests when it comes to Lucario, it is just that finding such a rare species out in the wild is almost an impossible feat. Through the years, scientists have only been able to study off of domesticated Lucario, ones that have been raised by human hands. Though informative, this is not what raw information that scientist desire. They want to know how they survive in the wild, what do they do? Do they travel alone or in packs? How and when do they breed? What is their psychological behavior when with another wild Lucario? Answers to such questions have only been dreamed of by biologists and breeders alike.
Wild Lucario, though few, have been spotted in the years. The only problem is that whenever they see a human anywhere nearby they dash away without a trace. Capturing these creatures would not give the information that scientists want, they need to observe the wild Lucario in their habitat without any human interference.
Then came Marks, John Marks, a young but amazingly brilliant engineer with a love for Lucario. At the age of fifteen he had drawn up a blueprint of a suit that will help scientists find these answers about the wild Lucario. Three years later, he had built it himself.
This genius of a boy developed a suit that melded with its wearer, becoming almost like a second layer of skin across the body. It has sensors that link with the wearer's nerve system to send information to the wearer's brain, so that whatever the suit can feel through touch so can the wearer that is wearing the suit. It can even meld to the wearer's mouth, making it so that the suit's "mouth" will work directly from the wearer. This makes it to where eating and facial expressions would be a breeze.
Such a suit would be ready for the Nobel Prize, but John wanted to test out the suit. He wanted to see if with this suit he could completely adapt to any kind of environment, specifically the wild Lucario's. So John made the suit to look exactly like a middle aged Lucario, filled with artificial fur, nails, and tail.
The tail was one of John's best accomplishments (besides the suit as a whole). He had found a way to link nodes from the suit's tail to his brain thus making the tail actually react to whatever emotion or thought John's brain was processing.
The voice translator was the most difficult to build for Mark. Through his own studies of Lucario, he could not tell if the species in the wild preferred to communicate through telepathy or orally. Each domestic Lucario Mark had seen seemed to prefer one or the other, so the boy created a translator that would work both ways. The translator was located at where the throat of the suit was, using the vocal vibrations to tell what was being said, and was linked to a node on the top of the head to allow telepathic thought from him to another Lucario. Though very difficult and time consuming to make, John was able to make it.
With his suit ready for a test run, all John needed to do was to find where the wild Lucario hid. The boy dug through historic sightings of the species, somewhat finding a pattern of where the Lucario could possibly be, or at least a large area of possibilities. But that was all John needed and he packed up and left to his guessed location, taking his suit with him.
Once near the area, John left all of his belongings behind, including his food and clothes. All he brought with him was the suit.
This is what happened to John Marks.

John pushed through the overgrowth, feeling his hands tingle as they brushed against the tall and rough grass. Or now he shouldn't be thinking "hands", for they were no longer hands now, but his new "paws" felt as if they were too sensitive. Too much information was being fed into John's brain, he would need to fix that later but he can just deal with it now.
"Now where are these guys?" thought John out loud, pushing through more of the tall grass. With his suit on John should look like just another Lucario, and luckily for the boy he was short enough to be roughly the same size as an average Lucario, making blending in a whole lot easier.
Hours passed by and John still could not find any sign of any Lucario. His mental map blurred in his head as he tried to remember all of the spots with high Lucario sightings, but walking through endless forests and endless overgrowth caused John to forget where he was at. Eventually the boy walked up to a small clearing covered by tall trees encircling it. Near the edge of the clearing sat a large bush, the smell of berry juice in the air. John's stomach growled as he inhaled the sweet scent of food, having left his stock behind purposely.
The disguised boy jogged up to the bush, kneeling down as he picked off some of the berries with his black paws, shoving the berries down his makeshift maw. He had gone through a good dozen or so berries when he heard a soft rustle behind him.
Ears twitching to the sound, John looked over his shoulder towards the source. There kneeling behind him was a Lucario, surprisingly cliché in timing. The boy nearly jumped out of his suit as he saw the creature simply kneeling there behind him.
"Oh! You're a-!" started John but he could not finish his sentence. He wanted to say "You're a Lucario!" but felt that saying something like that might give away that he is not, however in not finishing his sentence the Lucario before him looked suspicious.
The Lucario tilted his head over to the side and spoke out verbally. "I'm a what, Stranger?"
Deep within John's brain was a sigh of relief. The Lucario understood what he said and he, in turn, understood what the Lucario said back to him. The translator worked!
"Uh, you're a. . .stalker!" said John, saying the first thing that came to his mind. "What are you doing watching me eat? What are you doing out here?"
The Lucario tilted his head back up straight, looking at John in the eye. "I should be asking you that same question, Stranger. You do not look familiar to me, and yet I find you here so close to my pack."
So they do travel in packs! Thought John, his face brightening up with each word he heard from the Lucario. However this caused more concern to come from the Lucario, his face changing to look as if he was raising an eyebrow.
"This . . . impresses you?" asked the Lucario, looking John over.
John blinked and shook his head, clearing his throat. "No, no! I just, um, thought of something funny right there." Quickly trying to change the subject, John went back to what the Lucario said before. "You said that you're pack is nearby, can you lead me there?"
"Why should I do that?" asked the Lucario, leaning back on his bent knees.
"Why not?"
The Lucario eyed John again, giving him a very suspicious look. Then the Lucario pointed down at John's paws, covered in goo from the berries he had just eaten. "You eat differently than anyone else I know. I have never seen someone stuff down berries like that before. Also I do not think my brothers will allow a deaf one to come into our pack uninvited."
"Deaf? I'm not deaf," defended John, trying his best to wipe off the berry goo from his paws as they talked.
"Well you must be if you could not hear me until I was right here behind you. You would not be able to survive a single day out here by yourself without a Furless spotting you if you can't hear them ahead of time."
"What is a Furless?"
The Lucario blinked. "Where are you from, Stranger?"
John's mind went blank for about half a second. Four years in mechanical engineering classes does not help with your people skills, but they do help out with improvising skills. "I came West of here, my trainer abandoned me a ways away. I haven't eaten in quite some time."
The Lucario's eyes widened as he heard this. The creature stood up and took a step back. "You . . . you were tamed? You belonged to one of the Furless?"
"Well if you are talking about Humans than yes, I was, but not anymore."
"You should not be here," said the Lucario, quickly looking around the clearing. His expression went from suspicious to complete worry as soon as John said "trainer". "Where you followed?"
John shook his head, looking up at the Lucario. "No, so far you are the only one I have seen around here."
The Lucario made a double take around the clearing, making sure that no one was indeed around them. Then the Lucario leaned down and grabbed John's paw, looking into the boy's eyes as he talked. "Follow me and stay close. I can give you refuge, but we must be quick."
And with that the Lucario pulled John by his paw and they ran through the forest.
The Lucario was fast, to say the least. John was having trouble keeping up with the speedy creature, the poor Lucario practically pulling John the whole way by his paw.
But even with John slowing the two down, they still made it to their destination fairly quickly; their "destination" being the side of a large rocky hill.
The Lucario let go of John's paw and gestured towards the large rock. "There, go on ahead, I will catch up with you later. I need to make sure we were not followed."
John looked at the Lucario then at the large rock. "Um, go where? Do you want me to climb it?"
The Lucario made his face again that looked as if he was raising an eyebrow. "Go where? Are you deaf and blind, Stranger? Look!" The Lucario pointed at the rock with his paw, acting like it's plainly obvious.
"I don't see anything," objected John. "It's just a big piece of rock."
The Lucario sighed and walked up to the large rock. Placing his paw against the rock, the Lucario closed his eyes, a soft humming sound coming from his throat. John gasped inside of his suit as he watched the Lucario softly glow bright blue, his black locks on his head floating up in the air. The Lucario was using Aura Sight!
The Lucario stayed there, his humming continuing on as he looked around with his Aura. His head turned towards the rock and he nodded softly, then he turned towards John. The Lucario stayed facing John, though whether or not he was actually looking at John was hard to tell with the Lucario's eyes closed. After a few seconds, the humming stopped and the blue glow dimmed down until it completely faded away. The Lucario opened back up his eyes and ushered John to come over. "On second thought, you are as blind as a Zoobat, Stranger. Follow me."
The Lucario turned towards the large rock and walked into it. John stood there in amazement as the creature vanished inside of the hill. "It's an illusion!" whispered John to himself, finally realizing what the Lucario was talking about. Hesitantly John walked over to the rock and pushed himself against it. He went through with ease, feeling like he had just walked through a blanket of air and onto the other side.
John tried his best not to gasp. There were Lucario and Riolu walking all around before him. Some of the Lucario were tending to the Riolu, acting like a mother would with her children. Others were talking amongst each other, crossing their arms and nodding their heads like grown men discussing sports or politics. There were even small huts that were littered all around, looking like they were made out of nearby wood and leaves, making the area feel like a small neighborhood. Oh the time John could spend here and observe! All of the questions that were once unknown to scientists could now be answered!
But John was unable to observe for much longer, for the Lucario grabbed his paw again and pulled him aside, moving him and John in a circle around all of the Lucario. John wanted to object, but thought that it might blow off his cover.
The Lucario guided John over to one of the huts, looking to be of average size compared to the other huts that they had passed by. Once at the entrance, the Lucario pushed open a wooden makeshift door and pulled John inside, quickly closing the door behind them.
The inside of the hut was no bigger than the outside. The floor was covered in dried up grass, feeling soft under the toes, and the walls were made out of thick branches from trees. There was not much for what would be considered as furniture with the only exception being a large heap of dried grass that had a piece of white cloth over it. It was only guessed that this could be the bed and it was the only thing in the entire hut.
With the door closed, the Lucario turned towards John, glaring at him deeply in his eyes. "Take that damn thing off, you Furless freak!"
John took a step back, holding his arms up in defense. "Woah, what are you talking about?"
The Lucario took a step forward, prying his paw against John's chest. "I know what you are and you are not one of us. Just admit it or I let everyone in the pack know about you."
John gulped. He wasn't sure if everyone finding out about him was a good thing or a bad thing, but how this Lucario talked about it, it did not sound too good. "Alright, alright! You caught me, okay? I'm a human."
"What are you doing here?" demanded the Lucario.
"I am here just to study and observe. I don't want any trouble, I am just fascinated by your kind."
"How do you look like one of us?"
John blinked at that question. "Wait, how did you find out that I'm not a Lucario?"
"Back at the rock when I used my Sight, I saw your Aura. It was definitely not a Lucario's Aura and I only guessed that you were a Furless."
John cursed under his breath. All of his time and energy spent to make this suit look just like a Lucario but he completely forgot about their Aura Sight. "Damn, I need to fix that. I am wearing a suit that I have built to make myself as fully Lucario as possible, that way I can study you without arousing any suspicion. I would explain to you how it all works, but it may only confuse you."
"Fine," said the Lucario. "What is your name, Furless?"
"My name is John Marks, but just call me John."
"So then, John," started the Lucario, stressing out the word John. "Give me a reason why I should let you stay here. Give me a reason why I should not go out there right now and warn all of my people that there is a Furless among us?"
John thought about this. He didn't have anything on him, he left all of his belongings behind. All he had with him was the suit, but he could not give that up either. "Well, what do you want? Money is not an issue for me so I can bring you anything you like after my research is over."
The Lucario shook his head. "No, I want something right here and right now. I do not trust you enough to go by your word."
"Well then what do you want?"
The Lucario looked away from John, placing a paw on his chin. The creature turned and took a few steps away from John, then a few steps back, pondering to himself what to do. "I have been running into an issue lately," said the Lucario, still walking back and forth.
"What issue? I can help with anything if I can," stated John, trying to reassure the Lucario.
The Lucario looked back up at John, stroking his chin with his paw. "See, finding a female is difficult here. The few we have are currently mated to another male."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but I am not much of a ladies man myself. I do not think my advice could help you get a female."
"No, no, no. I'm not done yet. See, my issue is not with the females, per say, but it is with the mating itself."
"Mating? But I thought your mating season is during the summer," said John, going through his mental list of facts.
The Lucario nodded, no longer walking around. "Oh it is, it is, but that doesn't mean that we do not get urges in the meantime."
"Wait . . . you're not asking. . ."
"I am," stated the Lucario, letting go of his chin. "I want someone to please me whenever I need it. Being all alone here has driven me crazy with lust that I need a way to control it."
"You are asking me, another guy, to have sex with you?" stated John, feeling himself become uncomfortable.
"When you put it that way, yes," agreed the Lucario, nodding his head again. "Why? Is that wrong to you?"
"Well yeah, you can't have sex with another guy. I was saving myself for a girl, not a Lucario!"
"So you are a virgin?"
"Yeah, but like I said: I was kind of hoping to save that for a girl."
"Well then that's tough. Either you mate with me whenever I ask for it or you leave this place right now. It's your choice." And with that, the Lucario walked past John, towards his makeshift bed. The Lucario laid down on the bed and turned to his side to face John.
John gulped. He knew this was wrong, but he felt like he had no choice. This Lucario had all the cards in his hand, all he needed was a reason to set them all down for the world to see. John finally got this far and this Lucario could help him stay where he is at long enough to get all of the information he needs.
Hesitantly, John walked over to the bed and kneeled down in front of it, hanging his head before the Lucario. "Alright . . . I'll do it, but only if you can help me look and act like a Lucario."
"Oh I can do that," said the Lucario, grinning devilishly. "We can start right now."
John blinked. "Right now? But I just got here!"
"We do this right now or the deal is off," stated the Lucario rather firmly, his paws rubbing around his hips. John had no other choice and nodded his head, gulping again as he realizes what he has gotten himself into. The Lucario smiled and patted a spot on the bed with his paw. "You will lay down here for me and take off your pants."
John did as he was told and pulled down his blue pants. He now cursed himself for building a hole for his anus and penis in the suit, but he made those for sanitary purposes, not sexual purposes. With his pants off, John sat down next to the Lucario and laid down on his side facing away from the creature.
The Lucario wrapped his arms around John's belly, pulling him close. Lucario leaned up to John's ear, whispering softly as he felt along John's waist. "For a fake Lucario, you sure are a cute one. Lift your tail up for me, and get ready. First time always hurts."
Again, John gulped, fearing that the Lucario was right. Thinking of his tail, John ordered it to move upwards to expose his small rectum. The Lucario licked his lips as John felt something hard press against his backside. For a few moments the Lucario's penis made no progress entering John's anus, only making John more and more terrified, feeling the Lucario's pressure increasing with each try.
However it did not take too long for entry to be accessed. The Lucario's penis finally popped inside of John, making the Lucario sigh out in satisfaction while making John yell out in pain. Hearing John's cries seem to only turn the Lucario on even more as the Pokemon pushed himself further inside of the fleshy haven, grasping onto John's hips to help him.
John closed his eyes and bit his lip as he felt his hole forced open, his insides contracting around Lucario's length. This caused the Lucario to moan out softly against John's ear. The Lucario was in heaven as he pushed himself deeper inside, shivering in bliss as John's body massaged his rock-hard length.
Once the Lucario felt he was in enough, he began his thrusts in and out of the boy's hole. The Lucario didn't start slowly with these thrusts, but went quickly and hard with his powerful hips bumping against John's backside.
All John could do was bare it. The Lucario was tearing up his insides without a care in the world which made John's body want to clamp over it, but that only made the Lucario's pleasure all the better.
"So damn . . . I never would've thought a Furless would be so. . ."
Lucario never said the word "tight" as he continued on. The Pokemon picked up his speed, wrapping his arms around John's belly as he leaned against his back. The Pokemon's knot formed rather quickly, pounding against John's rear with each thrust the Lucario made.
"Mmm, ready to tie?"
John shook his eye, keeping his eyes closed shut as the Lucario had his way with him. But the Lucario rested his chin against John's neck, picking up his speed even more, pounding against the boy's backside.
"Too bad. . ."
The Lucario barked out as he did one last thrust, shoving in his thick knot inside the boy's tight hole. John wanted to yell out in pain, but the pain was so much that the boy could not find the air to yell. The Lucario hummed and continued, making short but quick thrusts against John's rear with his knot refusing to exit the fleshy haven.
"Now . . . feel my seed."
Again the Lucario barked out as he shot out ropes of thick, white semen into the boy's anus. John tried again to yell out but to no avail, feeling his insides becoming warm from all of the seed flowing into him.
After some time, the Lucario was finally finished and rested behind the boy, keeping his arms wrapped around John's body but no longer pounding his rear. "That . . . that was better than I had hoped for. You Furless are the tightest things I have ever tried."
John didn't say anything to the Lucario. He just curled up a bit, groaning softly as he felt the Lucario's knot and penis still hard and still deep within him.
"I will be in there for a while, so we have time to kill," reassured the Lucario, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "But I am going to like having you around for me. You will learn so much and I will get so much. It is a win-win if you ask me."
John was not too sure about that. In the back of his mind, he was starting to regret having to build this damn suit in the first place.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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