AGNPH Stories

A Bad Seed by hayatoru



"Razu! Razu, get up you lazy bastard! LOOK OUT-"


Razu, the Azumarill, had been relaxing against the bank of the river his friends were playing in. His face was painted red now- having been smacked hard across the face with a stray volleyball. "Oww..." He grunted softly, getting up to rub at his face. All he had been doing was looking at the clouds- he wasn't very physically inclined, much like his older friends. His arms and legs were thin, not very muscly- yet enough to be able to swim with a good bit of finesse. His fur was very clean, something he prided himself in- always being a very clean and well-kept person. "Alright, who threw that?!" He irritably yelled, soft blue eyes scanning the group of other Azumarills.

"Itwashim" They all quickly blurted out, pointing to the one in the center of the group with a laugh.

"Fine, ya it was me. Sorry dude, could you get that for us?" He asked, shakily smiling. Razu rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, fine, one sec." He said, getting onto his feet and turning away from them, his tail softly bobbing behind him as he walked.

The ball hadn't rolled far- it was right on the side of the bank still, and hadn't gone too far into the woods behind him. He quickly bent over, exposing his rounded bubble-butt to the group unintentionally, picking up the ball and serving it over his head to the group. "Have your fun, just don't hit me this time!" He shouted, chuckling softly as he leaned against a nearby tree. It didn't take long before his eyes had strayed upward, staring at the gentle clouds floating by. His mind quickly moved onto other thoughts- specifically how he was coming of age soon, and was without a mate. Mating season was coming too, and he'd be stuck lazing around while all the other Azumarill got to have all the sex they wanted. He was a virgin too, so he never even knew what it was like to mate with ANYONE- which especially bummed him out.

"I'd love to have a mate of my own..." He mumbled softly, feeling more depressed by the second. "Oh who am I kidding- those guys are perfect man material, while I'm just a runt..." He spoke, turning towards the woods.
"I'm gonna take a walk, guys..." he mumbled towards the group, sighing and walking off. Of course they didn't hear him.

Something about the forest and just taking walks seemed to soothe him. He wasn't really sure what it was, nor did he care that much- whether it was the feeling of soft, warm moss between his footpaws, or just the way he could hear the wind blowing between the trees... He simply felt a good bit more secure in the woods than on the riverbank. "Heh, maybe I was a grass pokemon in a past life or something," he teasingly joked with himself. After a few more moments of walking, his large, rabbit-like ears began to softly twitch, picking up sound. His whole body went still as he focused, trying to see the origin of it... The noise sounded to him like a song, a beautiful melody was floating in the air.

"Wow...I wonder who's singing that..." He wondered, slowly walking forward. He slowly moved through the dense maze of trees, the voice growing louder and louder as he progressed on. After a few minutes, he reached the trunk of a massive tree- whatever creating the sound seeming to be very close by. Razu sighed after looking about for a few moments, sitting down to rest against the big ol' tree. The voice was sweet and enticing- almost like a lullaby- the longer he listened to it.

"Nnh...Nobody'll mind if I take...A little nap..." He said, falling asleep against the thick tree trunk in minutes. As he slipped off to dreamland, he could've sworn he felt the earth under him move...

"Wake up... Wake up..." He heard the melodic voice repeat in his mind, his eyes slowly opening. In front of him was the source of the voice- A young, beautiful Azumarill, her hair-fur draping over one eye. "What's your name, sleepy-eyes?" The girl said, giggling as she traced her paw on his chest.

"R-r-razu..." He stuttered out, his face running red, the girl staring at his face now- directly into his eyes.

"That's a sweet name..." She said, leaning in to kiss the rodent, her eyes slowly closing. He only blushed more, leaning up to return the favor, shutting his eyes as well... Only to open them again as he felt a powerful force wrenching him slightly spread into the air.

Where he was now he was definitely sure he hadn't been when he fell asleep. Firstly, he seemed to be underground- the chamber-like structure's walls growing with fungus and assorted mosses, some of the mushrooms providing a dim light. He quickly looked down to reveal a second fact- he wasn't even standing on the ground. Four thick, leathery vines seemed to be actually protruding from the walls and floor, binding him up and keeping him in a slight spread-eagle stance inches above the floor. "L...Lemme go!" He worriedly cried out into the room, hoping someone could hear him.

"Oh, why should we let you go? You've only just come in...We were hoping you would stay..." An almost-melodic voice, which Razu immediately identified as the true source of the song, echoed out. The source of the voice stepped out of the shadows, revealing a beautiful Belossom- looking to be the same height and size as Razu. She was naked, save the skirt of leaves that was customary to the species, and she had quite ample breasts- which made Razu open his mouth a bit.

"H...Hello..." He tried to blurt out, quickly having a pair of taunting green eyes staring back at him.

"Like what you see, eh? Heh..." She chuckled softly, continuing to piercingly stare at him. "Tell me, child...Are you a virgin?" Immediately Razu's eyes widened, wincing slightly against his bindings.

"What kinda freaked-up question is THAT?" He confusedly replied, beginning to struggle against the vines. The woman's glare became cold, and the coils around his wrists and ankles began to tighten even more.

"Answer the question..." She bitterly spoke, growling lowly.

"Y-y-yes...Why does that matter!?" He shouted, the coil's grip letting up as soon as he responded.

"Good, good...You'll make a good host then..." She said gently, chuckling and reaching down- placing a hand on the Azumarill's groin and gently stroking.

"G-g-gehh..." He lowly growled, completely foreign to the faint feeling of pleasure the stroking gave him- his rod slowly starting to peep out from it's fuzzy sheath.

"You like that...?" She playfully cooed at him, tauntingly gazing at him through her emerald eyes. Razu was wordless- he never had pawed off in his life, so he didn't know how to describe the feeling except slightly uncomfortable- so he began to struggle once again, his boyhood slowly peeping out the rest of the way- hard as a rock now.

"G...gods...What are you DOING down there?!" He cautiously said, only to get the same smirk back.

"Showing you what pleasure feels like...Poor ol' Azumarill, never having the chance to mate with nobody..." She said in a mock sympathetic tone, bending over slightly to stare at the head of the rodent's cock. "Mmm, wonder if you taste good..." She chuckled slightly, before bending in and taking the head of the rodent's organ in her maw.

"W-w-what are youhhhrrrr..." Razu began to protest, his train of thought being cut off suddenly from the feeling in his groin as the Belossom seductress started to suckle on his length. He couldn't really describe it in his mind, yet slowly he began to realize that whatever she was doing- it felt good. Better than good, wonderful even! "Oh...M...miss...Please, don't stop, that feels GOOOD..." He pleaded, wanting to reach down and grab onto her hair- anything to keep her on him. After a few minutes she stopped, leaving Razu in a sweaty lusty mess- and the Bellossom once again staring up at him.

"Oh, the boy wants more pleasure, does he? Oh my sluttt...Get in here." She commanded, looking off into the shadows in a corner of the room behind Razu. Slowly he could hear footsteps- soft ones, not that intimidating- but footsteps nonetheless. "W...who's there?" He called out, only to have a figure stand next to him- licking seductively at his neck.

"Who...Who are-" He said, cut off surprisingly quick as he turned to see who it was. A male Ivysaur stood infront of him, a pair of warm emerald eyes staring back at him- which definitely made the Azumarill jump. "WHAT THE!?" He screamed, completely shocked by the fact it was a guy. He was pretty hot though, his muscles not exactly big- but definitely defined well upon his body. One feature of this pokemon that definitely struck out to him was around his bellybutton- a patch of discolored bright green flesh forming a slight spiral for a few inches about it.

"My little boytoy thinks you're cute." The Belossom said sweetly again, grinning at Razu. "Show our guest here a good time, won't you, my pet?" She spoke yet again- her voice both sweet and tinged with seductiveness.

"What are you talking about?" Razu blurted out, looking back at the Ivysaur- only to have him not there, and a slight pressure bumping against the underside of his tail.

What was oblivious to the Azumarill was that the Ivysaur's head was nestled underneath the hanging pokemon, his nose nuzzling just under his tail. He grinned softly to himself, reaching up and stroking at the rodent's soft, sleek fur over his bubble-butt- leaving Razu to blush even more. "H-h-hey, get out from under there..." He pleaded kindly, wriggling away slightly. He continued to do so until the Ivysaur finally took the incentive- pushing his snout close into Razu's furry rear and licking tenderly. The slight motion made him buckle up slightly, blushing even more red- and softly moaning. The Ivysaur grinned softly to himself, pressing himself against the boy's tailhole and ravenously licking, slurping, and sucking upon his filthy insides. Quickly Razu gave up protesting against this- finding the warm slurps and the pokemon's tongue occasionally slipping in and out of him wildly pleasureable. "T..that's good..." He panted out softly, before sniffling the air and looking ahead.

The Belossom was standing slightly away from him, her grass skirt parted- revealing her slightly pink sex, dripping wet with her nectar. She grinned softly to herself, her hand slowly rubbing up and down against her lips- a heavy scent beginning to fill the air. Razu blinked softly, sniffling still- the musk smelling heavy of sex and slightly of flowers. "W..what's that scent-ohhhhh, gods that feels good..." He dazedly spoke, the influx of pheremones causing his pokehood to peek out more. "More..." He pleaded to the Ivysaur behind him- only to have the licking and suckling stop, any touch against his rear for that matter. "H..hey, come on, that was really good..." He spoke, only to freeze up yet again as he felt another pressure against his rear- this one much more firm and warm- and a warm voice whispering against his ear seductively:
"Then hope you like thisss..."

And with that, not even giving poor Razu a chance to think, the Ivysaur extended a pair of vines from under the bulb sprouting from his back, coiling about his stomach and clenching slightly- and forcefully YANKING him down, spearing his own prick up the water pokemon's insides. "OWWW!!" He immediately cried, not having expected that in the slightest, his eyes widening like dinner plates in alarm. "LEMME GO!" He screamed, beginning to flail, only to have the burning pressure and fullness slowly slip out of him- and then spear right back into him. That second thrust of searing pain was all it took for Razu to figure it out- the Ivysaur was raping him, treating HIM like the female during sex! All these past years he couldn't wait until he'd be old enough to mate, and now the time had come- only to have him being the one that was mated. Tears began to well up in his eyes when the female Belossom walked up to him- grinning softly.

"Poor boy...Lemme make it all better..." She said almost tauntingly, before firmly gripping onto the back of his head and forcing him into a kiss.

Razu's mind became a swirling mess of confusion after that. The Belossom took no invitation, forcing her slick, smooth tongue into the Azumarill's maw, gently rubbing against his own tongue. She tasted incredible to the boy, almost like honey, making him almost made him forget about the blistering pain lodged in his innards. All he could think about was her tongue gently rubbing against his own, the warm French kiss continuing on and on, their mouths pressed tightly against eachother. She slowly began to move her body closer to him, eventually having her belly pressing against his own- the head of the boy's cock lodged between him. The longer the kiss lasted, the more it seemed Razu was willing to be kissed- it was if he had become addicted to her powerfully sweet embrace, and didn't dare want to let go for anything.

The heated kiss continued for another good minute, Razu's senses blurring until all he could think about was the wonderful feeling of his first embrace- the Ivysaur, not having pulled out from that second thrust, starting to get bored- and resuming his actions. His senses slightly felt a warm fullness down at his bottom, no longer feeling the blistering heat he had felt from being speared earlier- and willingly accepting it starting to pull out. However, when the Ivysaur started to thrust inwards again, he let out a soft moan into the Belossom's mouth, the sensation of being spread by the pokemon's cock in him feeling incredible. "Mrrrhh!" He called out into the female's throat, the Ivysaur getting the hint- not taking another second and thrusting as hard as he could into the rodent's spread ass. The feeling of being practically pumped in and out of, combined with the kissing, launched the furry being into an almost-feral lust- kissing even harder at Belossom, and clenching at the warmpth violating his insides with his tailhole muscles.

All that mattered to Razu now was this wonderful pleasure flowing through his entire body- his boyhood twitching and practically feeling on fire wedged between the two of them. He began to spurt a slight bit of precum out against his own tummy unknowingly- while the Ivysaur did the same, allowing him to attack much smoother and powerfully at the boy. "MMHRRRR! OHHHHHRRR!!" He practically screamed, his nostrils flaring for air as he continued to embrace the female. This newfound feeling- sex- was driving him to something that he had never felt before- and every second of it was pure paradise to him. The blissful heat continued to spread through his fuzzy frame, blanketing him from head to toe in lust- his cock twitching like wild. As he held the embrace with the Belossom, everything felt like it was slowing down for him- like the thrusts of pleasure into him combined with the kissing were somehow making him feel like a rollercoaster, about to fall off the top of a hill.

Then his release finally came- a shockwave of tremendous pleasure through his body, making him weak from head to toe- almost making him faint. His pokehood quivered for a few moments- before spraying a mass of his white, sticky cum all against both him and the Belossom's chests, a good bit actually splattering against his own chin. The sensory overload failed to stop there, the Ivysaur's thrusting at him finally culminating in his own release- a warm splash of his own cream up into the Azumarill's insides. Despite the warmpth seeping up into his body, the Ivysaur continued to thrust, obviously intent on something. Razu never felt his afterglow- the kiss between the two of them becoming heatedly intense almost seconds after he unloaded between them, the female obviously intent on keeping the Azumarill aroused. A slight bulge began to form at the base of the Ivysaur's cock, slowly welling its way up- as if he was ready to burst again, yet seeming much to solid. The Ivysaur's thrusts became more and more shallow, never allowing the bulb to pass into his insides, until the time was right- and he forcefully slammed himself inside the boy's ass, unloading his contents into him.

Razu let out a slight yelp as he felt this, whatever it was having shot into him feeling way too solid to be cum. Almost immediately after he felt the thing enter him, the Ivysaur withdrew himself- not even saying another word, just slinking away into the shadows; the Belossom following suit and pulling away slightly. The vines holding him up suddenly let him go- letting him fall down to his knees on the soft, mossy earth. He could feel whatever was in him continue to creep upwards, deep into his body- making him shudder violently. "W...what did you do?!" He asked almost pleadingly to the Belossom. She simply smiled at him, her green eyes still piercing right through his, and said:

"I made you my toy."

Razu's world began to spin infront of his eyes, his whole mind becoming dizzy. He felt the object inside him tingling slightly, a warm feeling eminating from it and slowly spreading through him. His whole body ached for that feeling of warmpth he had just moments ago- lust invading his senses and filling them all. He knew that the heavy musk had left the air had left already, yet he could still smell it- it was imprinted onto his mind. He groaned loudly, gripping at his head, the desperate craving for sex again being the only thing that mattered to him now. On the outside, a small discoloration of green began to form on his fur, slowly twisting about his bellybutton and stopping after a few inches. The warmpth from whatever had entered his system was flowing from head to toe in him- and then suddenly stopping, leaving Razu feeling almost empty. He then opened his eyes to look up at the Belossom- his own eyes now having turned to the same shade of green as her and the Ivysaur earlier-and immediately feeling at ease with her...Suddenly his mind registering her as almost a parent figure...No, that isn't right, he thought...

She simply smiled at the Azumarill, spreading her legs and exposing her glistening sex, already soaked through and through with juices- simply pointing to it and nodding. Yes, Mistress...He silently thought, shuffling close to her and leaning forward- burrowing his snout needily into her sex. He couldn't stop himself from doing it, he was just filled with an intense urge to please the Belossom- his tongue flicking in and out of her, spinning in wide circles about her sex. In no time at all she was moaning just as lustily as he was before, signaling Razu to continue his acts. Her sexual fluids tasted like divine ambrosia to him- sweeter than the sweetest honey, and giving him an insatiable appetite for more. He continued his acts even more aggressively, licking wildly at her insides, his nose rubbing gently against the pokemon's clitoris. He continued like this- absolutely entranced by her beauty- until he felt a sudden flood of liquid against his mouth and nose, along with an almost ear-shattering shriek of delight from the Belossom.

He didn't even need a cue to slowly move back, licking at the sweet nectar spread about his face. After he finished cleaning himself up, however, he softly yawned- he couldn't help but feel sleepy, it was if something inside him was drawing him into dormancy. "Sleep, my pet..." Belossom softly whispered in his ear, causing him to curl up slightly and press his head against the soft, mossy earth, slipping away into dreamland. Some time later he awoke, seeing and hearing nothing but darkness around him.

He looked about, calling softly- "Hello?" It didn't take long until Razu was responded to- several sets of emerald-green eyes staring back at him, the warmpth of their bodies closing around him. He didn't even need a second glance to tell that they all were craving the same wonderful pleasure of sex that he did. ...I'm going to love it here. Razu thought silently, smirking and chuckling.
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