AGNPH Stories

Empathic Adventures by eclipse2025


Sinnoh Beginnings

Sinnoh Beginnings
Chapter 2

by SSJ04 Mewtwo

Beta/Assistant: Eclispe2025


His eyes opened, feeling that a certain someone wasn't laying beside him. He saw the outline of her body sitting at the edge of the bed. Ash then quietly sat up and scooted up beside her.

"You okay?"

"It just hit me that I don't really have anything to do when we get to Sinnoh. So I went over the guide book I saw when we boarded and I think I might have found something, but I'll need your help."


"Tag battling."

"Tag battling?"

"Yeah. You are going to get the eight badges so I don't want to do that, and I'm not sure I could be a coordinator, but these tag battle tournaments I want to do. But I need a partner..."

"Hey, they sound pretty interesting to me too, Ana," Ash said and kissed her.

"We win five of them and we get to compete in the Sinnoh league tag battle championship."

"Hey, I'm in. You don't have to convince me any further."

Anabel smiles at Ash and gives him a hug. The two laid back down and fell asleep.


He took in a deep breath of Sinnoh air. He had transferred the five he'd been carrying back to Oak's lab via transfer unit at the harbor. He wanted to start over with just Pikachu, but Aipom wanted to come so Ash let the eager Pokémon come with him.

"There they are!"

"Uh oh," Ash said, knowing that Jessie and James had followed him all the way to Sinnoh.



The ten-year-old girl ran as fast has her legs could go. She couldn't believe her journey had started out like this. She got her Piplup, after dealing with some trouble at Rowan's lab. Then she found a Pikachu being chased by a trio of criminals calling themselves Team Rocket. Because of all of the chasing, the Pikachu had fainted so Dawn was running as fast as she could to the nearest center. She couldn’t use her bike for it had been fried by said Pikachu that she was carrying in her arms.

“Get her!" Jessie shot out, but a bubble beam slowed the Rockets down.

"Zap Cannon!"

"Huh? Zap Cannon?" Dawn asked. Then, an Espeon jumped in front of the villains and fired off a Zap Cannon, blasting the rockets off.

"Pika...Pi.." the Pikachu quietly said.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted, running over to Dawn.

"I guess you must be this Pikachu's trainer," Dawn commented.

"Yeah, thanks for finding my Pikachu. I'm Ash by the way." Ash introduced and took Pikachu into his arms.

"I'm Anabel," Anabel piped up.

"And I'm Dawn, and this is Piplup," Dawn introduced.


"This is certainly a surprise. Why would the boss of Team Rocket be calling me?"

"I need someone that can acquire something for me and I need that someone to be willing to break rules that I am not willing to have my own agents break at the moment."

"What do you need, and is the price right?"

"It's not a Pokémon. Can you handle that?"

"I don't usually capture humans..."

"Would this be enough for your greedy heart, J?" Giovanni asks. The Pokémon hunter saw the amount of money that the suitcase had in it, making her eyes widen in joy.

"Now, you are talking my language. Just tell me who I'm after." she said and Giovanni smirked.

"Her name is Anabel. She is an empathic trainer whose powers I was trying to duplicate, but one Ash Ketchum and Lance freed her. If Ash gets in the way, I'd suggest you kill him."

"Kill him? You’ll have to…" J began, but Giovanni opened up a second suitcase of money and the hunter rubbed her hands together in glee.

"I'm sending you all you need to know about both Anabel and Ash. You bring her in and all this lovely money is yours."

"Giovanni, you have yourself a contract." J said with a sinister grin on her face.


A flock of Starly flew over their heads. Dawn smiled to herself. It was good to have another girl around. She then noticed that Ash had stopped and was looking over at the flock of Starly.

"I'm catching one of them." Ash said with a smile. Anabel grinned at her boyfriend's eagerness to catch a new friend.


"Huh?" the three asked and a Thunderbolt nailed a Starly, knocking it out of the sky. A Pokéball then came flying and caught the Pokémon.

"Bah, this one is weak too," the trainer huffed out after scanning it and freed it along with three other Starly. "Elekid..."

"Why did you do that?" Ash asked in shock.

"Why should I waste my time on a weak Pokémon? Those four Starly had the same move set. I'm not going to waste time training one when I can find one with the attacks I want."

"Grrr… battle me!" Ash demanded.

"You don't even have three Pokémon yet, I'm not going to waste my time on you, Ash Ketchum."

"How do you know my name?"

"You don't think I don't pay attention to the league tournaments in Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto? When you caught your third Pokémon, then we'll battle. Just remember, it's Paul." Paul said and continued to walk away from the trio. Ash growled, but then heard a Starly before it attacked Ash by pecking his head.

"Ahhh! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash called out and the yellow mouse blasted the Starly and Ash threw a Pokéball, catching it.

"I see you still know how to catch them." a familiar voice joked.

"Hey, Brock!" Ash greeted, still excited about catching his first Sinnoh Pokémon.


"Just look at them, it's just so natural to them," Dawn commented to Brock as the two watched Ash and Anabel train their Pokémon.

"Well, Ash has been training for quite some time now and Anabel is a Frontier Brain, so it may seem like its natural, but that just comes with experience."

"I know, but I had so much trouble catching Buneary and I've got my first contest at Jubilife City..."

"Remember, this will be the first time Anabel and Ash have done something like this."

"Okay, that's enough...I think that Espeon and Pikachu are our best pair at the moment. If we had more time we might be able to find another pair, but we just don't have the time," Ash remarked.

"Yeah, you're right. We don't need to wear out our Pokémon in finding another pair." Anabel agreed and Metagross, Alakazam, Aipom, Starly, and Turtwig were all returned to their Pokéball’s.

"We're as ready as we are going to be." Ash said, then turns to Dawn. "You ready for your first contest?"

"Yeah, no need to worry," Dawn said. Having Ash and Anabel share a knowing look whilst Brock chuckled.


"At least someone got to the finals of something." Dawn said, as she and Brock watched on as Ash and Anabel faced off against the other pair that had made it through to the finals.

"Go, Golem!"

"Go get them, Houndoom!"

"Pikachu, let's go!"

"Come out my friend!"

"Hmmmm, the match up isn't that favorable for Ash and Anabel. Let's see how they'll handle it."

"Golem, Defense Curl."

"Houndoom, use Crunch on that Espeon."

"Pikachu, get in front of that Houndoom with Quick Attack!"

'Espeon, use Psychic on that Golem.'

"Brock, I don't understand, how can Anabel be giving commands to her Pokémon?" Dawn asked.

"Anabel is empathic so she can sense her Pokémon's emotions. Plus, Espeon is Psychic so all Anabel has to do is think it and Espeon responds," Brock explained.

"Golem, Roll Out!"

'Espeon, when I say, Jump.'

The boulder Pokémon tucked itself into a ball and started rolling. It got close, but Espeon jumped and the rock Pokémon rolled under the Psychic type. The rolling rock continued to try and roll over the Espeon, making the other Pokémon that were on the field unable to attack each other since they had to dodge the rolling rock.

"Grrrr, Houndoom, Sunny Day and then Solar Beam!"

"Uh oh, that might cause some problems." Brock remarked.

The Houndoom fired off Solar Beam, but Pikachu dodged and the beam hit Golem, throwing it to the ground. It dealt quite a bit of damage, but it didn't do as much damage as it would have had had the attack come from a Plant type. This caused the two trainers to start shouting at each other, losing focus on the battle.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!"

'Follow in with your Iron Tail my friend.'

The twin Iron Tails struck Golem at the same time on the same part of the rock Pokémon's body.

"Grrr, Earthquake!"

Both Pikachu and Espeon jump to avoid the initial blow, but Houndoom was unfortunately nailed with the brunt of the attack also, knocking it out of the battle.

"That was just bad teamwork." Brock observed.

"Iron Tail, one more time!"

'You too my friend.'

Once again, the two Pokémon hit the mark at the same time and Golem finally fell. The crowd cheered, having enjoyed the teamwork that had been displayed.


"I've found the target...she and that boy won the Jubilife City tag battle crest. It appears that the boy changed out Pokémon so we don't have to worry about any high level Pokémon except for that Pikachu." one of J's henchmen said over the phone.

"Good work, keep an eye on them. I'm not going to mess this up by moving too quickly.”

"Yes sir." the henchman said and cuts the connection.


The couple sat on the bed in the room they were staying in at the Pokémon center. They smiled at their tag battle wristbands, now sporting the crystal crest of the Jubilife City tag battle contest. Ash and Anabel put away their black and purple, respectively, battle bands and they laid down, Anabel draping a leg over her boyfriend.

"You’ve got to catch more Pokémon." He teased, she pouts at him, which made Ash chuckle at her reaction. He then leans in and kisses her. Anabel moans, enjoying the kiss. Her arms went about him, but she pulled back and sighs dejectedly.

"Not here...we may wake everyone up." she said and Ash chuckles again.

"Didn't know I was that good." he jokes, making Anabel smack him playfully over the head. The two then started to wrestle until they both fell asleep, Anabel ending up on top of him with a smile.


"You are crazy, you do know that don't you?"

Ash grinned and sat back in the chair he was sitting in, in the waiting room of the Oreburgh Pokémon center. "It worked in the end didn't it?"

"Yes, and I know a trainer has to have faith in their Pokémon, but why not have faith in the right Pokémon?" she asked and he rolled his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with using the right type more of the time than you usually use in most of your battles."

"Ash has always fought like that a lot of the time. I don't know how he does it though. It shouldn't work as many times as it has, but it does." Brock interjected.

"Don't worry Ana, we'll win the last four crests and the tag battle Sinnoh championship."

"Your confidence knows no bounds." Dawn said with a grin and Anabel giggled.


J smirked down from her position on Salamence. The trainer with a Gardevoir was a perfect lure for her real target.

'Your need to rescue everyone that is in trouble that you come across is your weakness, and I'm going to exploit that weakness." The Pokémon hunter said to herself, before going into an attack dive.


"Hey! Let Gardevoir go!" Ash protested.

"I knew that if I did something like this you'd come running to the rescue. Now, Ariados, capture that girl!" J shouted, pointing at Anabel. The bug Pokémon swiftly wrapped Anabel up in String Shot.

"No!" Ash shouted, but the Salamence attacked, knocking him to the ground.

"You better stay down…Giovanni has promised me a lot of money and even more if I kill you." she said with a smirk and her air ship came to reclaim her.

"Did she say the boss's name?" Meowth asked. Jessie and James look at each other in fear. "Why would the boss hire someone that nasty?"


"How you got his dick up I'll never know." J smirked while stroking Anabel's cheek. The Salon Maiden tried to pull away, but her cocoon of String Shot didn't allow her any freedom of movement.

"Get used to it, sister, you're going back to Giovanni. And if your boy toy shows up, I'll kill him and collect a nice bonus for it."

The ship then rocks and it made J growl. "Hey, who taught you how to fly?"

"There's a...Charizard..." the henchman began.

"A Charizard? There are no Charizard's in Sinnoh!" J shouts, before the ship rocked violently.


"Once more, Charizard!" Ash instructed, and the fire Pokémon attacked the hull of the air ship.

"If you wanted an aerial battle so badly, you should have just asked!" J roared from her Salamence.

"Watch it Charizard, that Salamence is strong," Ash warned.

"Knock that brat off his imitation dragon!" J barked.


'Ash...please be careful.' Anabel thought. She struggled against her String Shot bonds, but they weren't giving.


He's crazy!" Dawn shouted.

"Yeah, but love will do that to you," Brock commented.

"This is Officer Jenny, send in the helicopters, now! Watch out for the battling Salamence and Charizard." Officer Jenny said over her radio.


'The kid's pretty good,' J thought. "Salamence, Hyper Beam!"

The dragon Pokémon fired, but Charizard moves out of the way and the Hyper Beam blasts a hole within her own ship.

"Now, Charizard!" Ash shouted and the fire type flew into the hole.

"Grr. Salamence, after them!"




Ash, Charizard and Pikachu came running over to where Anabel was cocooned. Quickly freeing her with Iron Tail, Ash made for the direction that he had come from, but he found his path was blocked by Salamence and J.

"You’re not going anywhere," J growled.

Ash and Anabel looked at each other and the Salon Maiden nodded before she released Espeon.

"Volt Cannon!" They called out together.

"Huh?" J questioned.

She got her answer in the form of Pikachu using Volt Tackle, with the move's power being increased by Espeon's Zap Cannon. Salamence was taken out on the spot. J growled and pressed a button on a panel and the far wall opened, the outside air sucking everything out.

"Hope you can fly!" J shouted and left the cargo hold. Seconds later the cargo hold detached from the rest of the air ship, beginning a fast trek down towards the ground.

"Charizard!" Ash shouts as he grabbed Anabel and jumped upon Charizard. The couple held on to Charizard's back as the fire type flew away from the falling cargo bay.


The quartet were camped out in three sleeping bags. Dawn saw how Ash was holding the Salon Maiden. She was jealous that Anabel had Ash; it was what they had that Dawn wanted. Besides, Ash was older and needed someone like Anabel to reign in that short fuse he got on occasions...

'When Paul's around,' Dawn thought with a small smile. 'Paul does get on Ash's nerves, and now with that Pokémon hunter after Anabel, Ash is going to be on edge a lot more of the time.

'J, you can come after us as many times as you want. I'll now be looking out for you so you won't get the jump on us again.' Ash thought as Anabel slept in his arms.


Ash's head laid in Anabel's lap as the black haired trainer was sprawled on the couch of the Pokémon center.

"I can't believe I lost to Jessie, with your Aipom!" Dawn ranted.

"I can't believe that I let Jessie borrow my Aipom in the first place." Ash bemoaned.

"Face it, Aipom wants to be in contests and you aren't all that talented at contests." Anabel said, playfully tapping on Ash's head with her knuckles. He scowled up at her for a moment and then sighed.

"I admit that I don't have the knack for it like Dawn does, but what can I do?"

"You could find a willing coordinator to trade with." Brock suggested and Ash groaned.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get a Pokémon that won't listen to me," Ash retorted.

"You mean like Charizard?" Brock asked, which made Ash blush in response.


Anabel bit her lip in worry. She had been out for an early morning stroll, but she hadn't been paying attention and now was lost.

"Great, Ash will flip if I don't find my own way back to camp before he wakes up."

Her empathic powers then picked up helpful feelings and she followed it. She kept following the feeling until she smelled Brock’s cooking. She smiled in relief. Ash would be going on the warpath today.

"Thanks, whoever you are."


Anabel looked up in a nearby tree to see a Gallade. It jumped down and knelt before her, giving a kiss to her hand.

"Well, aren't you a true gentleman, thank you for getting me back to camp." The Gallade smiles up at her, which made Anabel smile back and then she got an idea.

"I would like to have such a polite and strong psychic type at my side."

Gallade's eyes lit up and Anabel smiled, then tossed a Pokéball, capturing it with ease.


"Tag battle only, huh?" Ash questioned the twins. He looked over at Anabel. "How about it?" He asked.

"Hmmmm, on one condition."


"You battle with Turtwig. I want to test out my new friend," Anabel said, enlarging the Pokéball.

'Deal. Turtwig, I choose you!"

"Come on out my new friend!" Anabel called and Gallade stood before the pair of Croconaw and Quilava.

"Oh wow, a Gallade. So that's the Pokémon you've been working with." Ash commented.

"You deal with the Croconaw, I'll take the Quilava." Anabel said and Ash nods in agreement.

"It won't be that easy. Quilava, use Flame Wheel!" Ryan called out.

'Double Team, then Confusion,' Anabel ordered.

Ryan was unnerved by seeing the Gallade perform two moves without any verbal commands from its trainer.

"Hey, don't lose your focus, Ryan! Now, Croconaw, give that Turtwig a bath!" Brian ordered.

Dodge and use Razor Leaf!" Ash called.


"Looks like the lilac twerp got herself a new Pokémon," Jessie commented.

"Ever since that girl joined up with the twerp we've been blasting off at a far more frequent rate. I say that we nab that girl and take her to the boss ourselves and make that Pokémon hunter look bad," Meowth suggested.

"Now that's an idea," Jessie said with a smirk and the trio laughed in glee.


"Okay Turtwig, Razor Leaf, one more time!" Ash called.

'Gallade, Psychic!' Anabel sent and the two Pokémon hit their opponents, finally finishing the long tag battle. Ryan and Brian returned their Pokémon and stood there in shock, until Brian saw the black band on Ash's wrist with the crystal crest.

"No wonder! You guys won that tag battle tournament at Jubilife City." Brian remarked din awe.

"Yep, and that was our first ever experience with tag battling." Ash said proudly.

"What I don't get is how your Gallade made its moves without you ordering it." Ryan said.

"I'm an empath, so I can sense a Pokémon's feelings and communicate without giving verbal commands," Anabel explains.

"Is that even allowed?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, and just who do you think beat her?" Ash grinned and Anabel elbowed him hard, making Ash grin sheepishly.

"Love birds." Ryan and Brian said in unison and Brock and Dawn laughed at the blushing couple.


He was kicking himself. He had been playing it safe, trying to keep Shieldon safe. However, the Shieldon had only been a secondary goal for the Pokémon hunter. J wanted and now had Anabel in her clutches and Ash was ready to explode, but all their Pokémon were all knocked out and couldn't fight.

'What do I do?' Gary asked himself.

'You call for help.'


Suddenly, a woman appeared and Ash's eyes widen before a massive Psychic attack struck the hunter to the ground. The hunter got back up and glared at the new comer.

"Who are you?!" J shouted.

"Sabrina. Now surrender."

"I'm not going to..." J began but felt something tap her on the shoulder. She turns to find a Haunter, and it used Confuse Ray on her. This gave Ash the opening to retrieve Anabel.

'Let's take our leave,' Sabrina broadcast and the group vanished.


"Thanks Sab," Gary shyly said. "Hope that long range teleport didn't..."

"You need to have more faith in my powers." Sabrina said with a smile and vanished, Haunter doing the same with a laugh.

"Gary?" Ash asked.

"It's a long story that I don't have time to go through right now. I'll see you later." Gary replied and left.

"Hmmmm, it's not unprecedented, but it isn't encouraged." Brock began.

"What?" Dawn asked.

"Sabrina's seeing Gary," Anabel explained. "Her Psychic powers were quite protective of Gary."

"Well, I guess I know who actually took his virginity." Ash grinned, making Anabel roll her eyes at him.


"Now, unlike the other tag battle tournaments, this tournament likes to mix things up, literally. Everyone that has entered will randomly be paired up with someone," the mayor announced. The computer did the task of randomizing all the trainers. Once the task finished, Ash and Anabel looked and found their partner, turned to each other then smiled.

"What are the odds?" Ash asked.

"Don't know, but I'm glad your luck is still working." she said with a smile and Ash returns it.


Ash gritted his teeth at their opposition. A Magmar and a Rhydon stood in front of Pikachu and Espeon. Anabel took his hand and he calmed down.

"We can do this." she said.

"Right. Keep that Rhydon off of Pikachu while I and Pikachu deal with that Magmar."

"Right, watch for the switch." she finished cryptically and Ash nodded.

"Rhydon, take out that Pikachu with Horn Drill!"

"Pikachu, dodge and use Iron Tail on Magmar!"

'Use Psychic on Rhydon.'

"Magmar, Fire Punch!"

The Fire Punch was thrown off by Espeon's Psychic attack. Pikachu's Iron Tail made Magmar see stars for a moment, with the Fire Punch doing little damage to the Electric type.

"Rhydon, Surf!"

"Pikachu, jump and come down on Magmar with another Iron Tail!"

'Espeon, you do the same to that Rhydon.'

"Magmar, Lava Plume!"

With the meeting of the water and fire attack, steam covered the field like a fog, blinding everyone.

'Pikachu is on your right, move towards Pikachu and use a double Iron Tail on that Rhydon.'

A hush fell over the crowd as the steam started to clear. Ash could tell that Anabel was planning something and he just hoped it would work.

The steam cleared and Pikachu and Espeon stood before Rhydo, then both quickly used Iron Tail, hitting almost at the same time at nearly the same part of the rock Pokémon’s body.

"Magmar, Fire Punch that Espeon away from Rhydon!"


The dodge put Rhydon in the way of the punch, and with the rock Pokémon as weak as it was, the move knocked it out.

"Volt Cannon!"

"Magmar! Get out of the way!"

Magmar tried to get out of the way of the tandem move, but it wasn't fast enough and was taken out, giving the win to Ash and Anabel.


"One more win and we're in the finals." Ash commented as he and Anabel sat in the waiting room of the center.

"You do realize that Brock and Holly will be our next match up, right?"

"Yeah, I'm going to use Staravia."

"Then I'll use Gall..." she began, but a loud ruckus caught their attention. Paul and his partner were arguing. Ash was about to get up, but a weak cry made him turn and look to see Chimchar crawling across the floor.

"Chimchar!" Ash shouted and ran over to the fire type.

"It's his own fault for being in such a condition." Paul huffed.

"You were the ass hole that put it in that condition in the first place!" Paul's partner shouted.

"No, its own weakness was what got it in the position it's in right now. I'm done with it." Paul said and started to head out.

"How can you train Pokémon like you do? Don't you have any feeling in that cold heart of yours?" Anabel questioned.

"You having your girl fight your battles? You and Chimchar belong together, a weak Pokémon for a weak trainer."

"For your information I'm keeping Ash from knocking your block off." Anabel retorted.

"Don't do me any favors. I'm out of here... I've got to find a new fire type." Paul said, then left the center.


Chimchar awoke to see that Ash had stayed with it all night.


"Huh, uh, hey Chimchar. You’re looking much better today," Ash commented.

"I believe," Anabel began, coming into the room, "That you'll be a far better trainer and friend to Chimchar than Paul ever was."

"Hey, what do you say? You want to come with me?" Ash asked Chimchar. The question made Chimchar's eyes lit up in delight before allowing itself to be caught in one of Ash's Pokéball’s.


"Remember Holly, Anabel is empathic so don't get unnerved by her Pokémon performing moves without verbal commands," Brock instructed. "That's how they've been able to win up to this point, one of the two trainers gets unnerved by Anabel's style of battling."

"Right." Holly replied. "Farfetch'd, go!"

"Croagunk, let's go!" Brock shouted.

"Careful about Brock's Croagunk, it's tough," Ash warned.

"Right." Anabel replied. 'Gallade, Double Team.'

"Farfetch'd, use Air Slash on Gallade!"

"Croagunk, follow Farfetch'd with Poison Jab on Gallade!"

"Staravia, use Aerial Ace on Farfetch'd to keep it away from Gallade!"

'Dodge Poison Jab and use...'

Brock's eyes widen in horror when Gallade used Earthquake. Croagunk took most of the hit seeing as the rest of the Pokémon on the field were flying types and not affected by the ground move.

"Croagunk, can you keep going?" Brock asked and the poison Pokémon answered in affirmative.

'Double Team once again,' Anabel sent.

"Croagunk, Poison Jab Staravia!"

"Farfetch'd, Air Slash once again!"

'Darn, they're trying to knock us out by double teaming us.' Ash thought. "Dodge with Aerial Ace!"

Staravia got out of the way of Croagunk's attack and hits Farfetch'd with Aerial Ace.

"Brick Break on Gallade!"


The Psychic type move hit and instead of attacking Gallade, Croagunk hit Farfetch'd.

"Oh no!" Brock shouted. 'That's one tough Gallade.'

'Finish it off with Earthquake!'

"Staravia, Aerial Ace!"

The ground and flying type moves hit their targets, knocking out Croagunk and Farfetch'd, giving the win to Anabel and Ash.

"Hmmm, I think we are in for a tough battle." Conway said.

"Yeah, I didn't know that her Gallade could use Earthquake." Dawn added.

"Surprise is the best weapon in any battle, contest or otherwise." Conway said with a smile.


"You sure that Chimchar is ready?" Anabel asked.

"Nurse Joy said that Chimchar was ready so I'm going to use him."

"Alakazam will be my choice."

"Good Choice." ash said with a smile. "Now, let's go win this thing."


"Heracross, let's go!" Conway called.

"Buizel, spotlight!"

"Oh man, why did they have to go and do that?" Ash asked knowing exactly why Dawn had picked Buizel.

"Hey, as Dawn would need to worry," Anabel said with a wink to Ash.

"Yeah. Chimchar, give that Flamethrower of yours a shot on Heracross!"

"Buizel, Aqua Jet!"

"Heracross, Megahorn the Alakazam!"

Chimchar's Flamethrower was blocked successfully by the Aqua Jet. Megahorn missed by a couple of inches though.


“Chimchar, Dig!"

"Heracross, Revenge."

Heracross got in front of Buizel, taking the Psybeam, and knocking the Alakazam off its feet with the counter move.

"Water Gun, now!"

The Water Gun kept Alakazam on its back.

'Hold on just a little more, my friend,' Anabel encouraged. Finally, Chimchar came out of the ground, knocking Buizel off its feet and stopping the constant spray of water.

"Now, use Megahorn on Alakazam!"

"Chimchar, Flamethrower!"

"Aqua Jet!"


Chimchar stopped Heracross from attacking, but the Aqua Jet puts out the flame again.

'This isn't working. Use Focus Punch on Buizel.'

"Water Gun, Buizel!"

"Flamethrower again, Chimchar!"

"Buizel, hit Chimchar with the water gun, but..."

"Revenge, again!"

Heracross took Focus Punch and attacked, sending Alakazam to the ground once more.

"Flamethrower, full power!"

"Aqua Jet!"

The fire and water attacks met in a fiery explosion.

'Thanks, Ash. Alakazam, recover your strength and use Psychic.'

The steam and smoke covered the field for several moments. Then, a cry of pain was heard and when the smoke cleared, Heracross had been hit with Alakazam's Psychic attack. Heracross fainted a moment later.

"What!" Dawn shouted in shock.

"Chimchar, one more Flamethrower!"


"Get out of the way!" Dawn shouted. Buizel avoided the Flamethrower, but couldn't get out of the way of the Psybeam. Before fainting, Buizel gave a grin to its foes.


J watched as Ash and Anabel were given their ruby crests and soothe bells. She smirks to herself at the sight.

"Enjoy your victory for now, love birds. However, I'm going to make it where you are never together ever again." J said to herself. She was going to get the Salon Maiden and get that money Giovanni promised her, one way or another.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

original story is by author Ssj04Mewtwo, story is being continued with permission. if you see any areas that need correcting, feel free to message me
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