AGNPH Stories

Overcharged by lost_eevee



Seeing as I'm on this site now, I figured I might as well try doing at least one lemon to go with everything else I do. I think it's pathetic personally, but the reader's the critic, not me. ^_^;


Riley looked at his two Raichus, Melody and Carol, worriedly. They looked terrible. At first he hadn't worried about their condition, thinking it might have just been a small cold, but when he came from school that day, they had both taken a turn for the worst. At first, they had just been feeling a little sluggish and there was a lot of static electricity surging in their cheeks. Riley had been shocked a few times by accident, but he was fairly used to it by now so it didn't bother him as much. He better have been used to it by now. He was their trainer for several years now, after all.

At first they seemed to both be a little tired, but now they were both lying inside on the couch, breathing heavily. Their faces were both reddened as if they had a bad fever and there was much more electricity building in their cheeks, as well as the stripes over their backs and along their tails. Riley wasted no time in dropping his backpack and leaving a note to this parents that he was taking them to the Pokemon Center. As much as he knew Melody and Carol hated being in pokeballs, he couldn't think of another way to handle them like they were, so he'd have to return them. They weren't in a condition to argue anyway, so they both went into their respective balls without fuss.

Riley arrived at the Poke Center within a few minutes, doubling over to catch his breath for a moment since he ran the whole way there. His distraught appearance quickly caught the attention of the Nurse Joy working there, who hurried over from behind the main counter to see what was the matter. "Goodness, you look terrible!" she exclaimed. "But is it you or your Pokemon who are here for a check-up?"

"My...Raichus..." Riley wheezed as he reached down to his belt and unsnapped the only two pokeballs he had with him. "I don't know what's wrong with them. They looked really sick when I got home today."

He handed the pokeballs containing his two precious Raichus over to the nurse, who smiled warmly as she took them and tucked them away in the pockets of her apron for safekeeping at the moment. "Not to worry. I'll take good care of them. Please wait in the lobby until you're called, okay?"

Riley nodded slightly and watched her head for the back rooms of the center with a Chansey hot on her heels. The Poke Center here wasn't very busy since a lot of trainers battling in the leagues had passed by, so there were a lot of Chansey Pokemon sitting around with nothing to do in the lobby. When they saw the gloomy fifteen year old coming their way, they tried to go out of their way to cheer him up. Riley hadn't really paid them any mind though. He was too worried about what was wrong with Melody and Carol. He had known them almost his whole life and if something happened to them now...

He thought back to when he first met them about the time he was just six. They were two newly evolved sister Raichus who were abandoned by a cruel trainer for losing a gym battle in their newly evolved state. Their old trainer was the main reason they hated pokeballs too. Since he didn't have any friends and his parents were usually out and about, he was pretty lonely; so they seemed like the perfect playmates at the time. He named them Melody and Carol because of their voices. Whenever they spoke, their tones had a musical ring to them. It was hard to tell who was who at first, but then Riley noticed that there were small markings on their fur that told them apart. Melody's hind right leg had a small patch of white fur around her toes, as well as two more that lined the inside of her ears. The stripes on Carol's back were slightly lighter and the darker fur on her legs went further up than Melody's.

Until his parents found out, he had been slipping outside a lot to go to a small nest in the backyard they had made, usually bringing something to eat with him. When his parents found out that a majority of their groceries were missing, they decided to see what he was doing with his spare time. When they found the two Raichus in the backyard with him, rather than getting angry, they welcomed them into the family with open arms as pets. Riley saw them as more than pets though. They were his best and only friends and he was very close to them both. There wasn't much time they spent apart when he wasn't away at school. If they were both so sick that they'd die now, he knew he couldn't face being alone again.

The Chanseys continued to try and cheer the boy up; but nothing seemed to be working. He wasn't paying them attention and just kept staring at the ground, thinking about all the time he spent with his Raichus. They were about to give up completely when they heard Nurse Joy's voice as she stepped out of the back and into the lobby. She smiled at Riley as she looked up at her a little teary eyed. "Don't worry, they'll both be just fine." she said. "They just had too much electricity stored and overcharged themselves. I'm draining some of their unused energy so they'll be back to normal in a few minutes."

Riley rubbed his eyes a little and nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I thought they were about to die..." he said.

Joy shook her head and took a seat in the lobby next to him. "I need to ask you something though. When did you first notice they were feeling sick and did they act different in any other way?"

Riley looked at her and rubbed his neck in thought. "It started about a week ago. They were moving around kind of sluggishly half of the time and there were a few accidents where they shocked a few lamps and caused a power surge. That happens a lot when they have small colds though so I just kept them in my room. There's not as much stuff that'll explode in there. I tried to get them to exercise to maybe perk them up a little, but they always seemed to have their minds preoccupied with something else. Whenever they are leaving me alone, I find them off in the backyard where they used to have an old nest. Every time I try to get close to see what they're doing though, they always stop and stare at me."

"I see. What about their behavior? Anything different about that."

"Well...they have been acting kind of weird. They get really clingy to me and have been following me around everywhere. Normally they go about and do as they please so long as they keep out of trouble and don't make messes until I get back from school; but there were a few days they tried to keep me from going. They even followed me there one day and watched me through the classroom windows. Pokemon aren't allowed on school grounds because a lot of battles break out, so I got in big trouble then."

Nurse Joy listened to him and gave a thoughtful 'hmm' after he explained how Carol and Melody were acting. "That sounds a lot like some other cases I've had with trainers that come through here."

"What do you mean?" Riley asked.

"Around this time of the year, a lot of electric Pokemon have been getting overcharged and acting more affectionate towards those close to them despite how they normally act. I haven't been able to figure it out myself, but I know it'll end after another week or two."

Riley winced a little at the news. He wasn't sure if he could last through another week of trying to pry them off of his arms and legs while they were in this condition. He was used to their shocks, but he had to admit, constantly getting rid of the static afterwards was starting to get annoying. "Is there anybody that might know what's wrong with them?"

"Well, people at the Pokemon research labs and centers are usually the ones to know." Joy smiled awkwardly as she scratched her head. "The truth is, I haven't studied as much as I should have in medical school so that's why I don't know. My twin sister is really the nurse here that you need to ask. I'm just doing my best to cover for her while she's away on business in Houen. Maybe you could try checking your school's library for something?"

"There isn't a research center around here and school is closed for the weekend. When is your sister getting back?"

"By the end of this month."

Another wince. "I guess I'll try waiting until Monday again..."

Joy pat him on the back lightly. "Sorry. I wish I could be more help."

"It's alright. I..."

Riley was cut off by two voices chiming "Raii!" He looked towards the door Nurse Joy had come out of to see Melody and Carol bounding towards him happily. They still had a bit of electricity surging through their cheeks, but they seemed much more lively now. They both leapt at Riley once they made it across the lobby and knocked him out of his chair, tails wagging as they hugged him tightly. Nurse Joy giggled as she saw this. "I see what you mean by them being 'clingy'. They look much better though. If they get overcharged again, just bring them back in and have a little of their electricity drained."

Riley hugged his Raichus back while the clung to him lovingly. He let them go and wriggled away so he could stand up; and once he did, they leapt into his arms and gave him another hug. "Thank you very much." he said to Nurse Joy.

She shook her head and smiled. "I'm just glad I can help. Make sure to take good care of them. They seem very attached to you. And if exercise doesn't work, try thinking of another way to help them get rid of unneeded energy. That might help too."

Riley nodded as he held the Carol and Melody in his arms, wriggling a little when they tickled his sides with small jolts of electricity when they rubbed their cheeks against him. He and Nurse Joy said goodbye to each other, then he left the Pokemon Center. His Raichus continued to nuzzle, tickle and cling to him while he carried them home. Maybe they were a bit too lively now. He had never seen them so playful before. It wasn't that he was complaining about it though. He was really glad that they turned out to be okay after all. "Well," he said after a while, laughing quietly as they both tickled him a little harder. "Nurse Joy said that we need to find a way for you to lose some of that extra energy, so how about we play some games when we get home?"

"Rai." said both of the Raichus as shook their heads.

" about running a few laps around the block?"

Another negative, "Rai."

"A nice, hot bath? That always seems to relax you two."

Carol and Melody were a bit hesitant that time, but shook their heads once more and nuzzled him again. Their tails swayed lazily while they clung tightly to his shirt. Riley blinked as they purred quietly and gave him mischievous grin. He shrugged his shoulders lightly while he continued down the road to his house, guessing they had their own idea of something to do. So long as they stayed out of trouble he didn't mind it though.

When they got inside, the Raichus bounced from the trainer's arms and off down the hallway. When he closed the front door, he saw that the note he left earlier was gone and replaced by another one. It was from his mother and read,


Your father and I will be working overtime so we
won't be in until about midnight.


That seemed pretty typical of them. Neither of them came home much when he could see them now. They were always busy with something. Riley shook his head as he pulled the note off the door and crumpled it up, tossing it into a nearby wastebasket. He then grabbed his backpack from where he left it when he first came in and headed for his bedroom. When he stepped inside, he saw the Raichus curled up at the head of his bed, snoring quietly. He thought that was kind of odd since she seemed to have so much energy in them a few minutes ago, but didn't bother waking them up. He was feeling a little tired himself from that ordeal and the sight of them sleeping was enough to make him let out a small yawn. Maybe resting for an hour or so wasn't a bad idea.

He sat down on the edge of the bed lightly so not to disturb them and kicked off his sneakers. He let out another yawn as he crawled all the way onto the bed and rested his head lightly over Melody's soft fur. He always used one of them as a pillow at night, preferring how their warm bodies felt to the pillows he had. When he snuggled against her, she let out a quiet purr in between her snores. He noticed something else about the two when he had laid his head close to them. Their scent was a little different than how they usually smelled. Masked by their usual slightly musky Raichu scent was something that he never smelt on them before. It smelled kind of nice though, like some sort of sweet perfume. Riley inhaled it a little more deeply as his breathing slowly, the Raichu's scent slowly lulling him off to sleep.

Melody waited until she heard the trainer's slowed breath against her stomach fur and grinned. She used the tip of her tail to tap Carol, who very carefully uncurled and looked over at her. That same mischievous grin appeared on her face as she very gently rolled Riley off of her sister and onto his back. A little bit of static sparked in her cheeks while she looked down at him purring as she leaned down and gave him a soft lick on his own cheek. She made sure to be careful not to wake him while she lapped along his face and down his neck with her spongy tongue.

Melody watched the other Raichu for a little bit before slowly getting up on all fours her tail swayed slowly from side to side as she made her way down towards his waist. She moved in between Riley's legs and carefully reached out with her forepaws, unfastening and unzipping his jeans. Her tail wagged a bit faster as she slowly tugged them down and slid them over his ankles, dropping them off the side of the bed. She did the same with his boxers, a slight blush appearing on both of the Raichus' faces when they saw his exposed length. Melody licked at the underside of it as she moved further in between the boy's legs. Carol licked her lips while she watched her sister and moved down a bit, unbuttoning Riley's shirt so that his entire front was exposed. She rested lightly over his body and joined Melody in playing with his slowly hardening cock. She stretched a little and used her paws to stroke what her sister wasn't dampening with her tongue while she positioned her lower body over the boy's face, her slightly moistened entrance pressing against his slightly parted lips.

Riley continued to sleep soundly, but was shifting a little in the bed while the Raichus massaged his shaft. They both made sure the he couldn't get too far and kept toying with his cock. He was wondering what was wrong with them and they were going to show him exactly what. They were both in heat and had found the perfect caring mate, even if he wasn't one of their own. And they planned on making sure they would always belong to each other.

Riley stirred a little as he tasted something sweet and tangy in his mouth. When he brought his tongue out to lick them clean he felt them brushing up against something else warm and moist that had the same taste. When his tongue at it, he heard a startled but content, "Raichu!" His eyes opened when he felt Carol's fur bristling against his bare chest and he let out a surprised and muffled cry as she suddenly shoved her wet pussy firmly against his lips, her tail wagging excitedly over his head.

Both of the Raichus could feel their trainer's body tense up as he tried to move, but they both kept him pinned to the bed, tickling him with light shocks so he couldn't use his full strength to push them off. Riley squirmed helplessly and went limp as they continued their care on his fully erect cock, hearing an excited murr from the Pokemon as they saw how large he was. Melody moved her head up further over the trainer's length and opened her mouth, purring softly as she slowly pulled him into her muzzle. Her tongue continued to stroke him while she sucked lightly, her and Carol's paws both rubbing what she hadn't shoved into her mouth.

Riley shuddered lightly as he felt a jolt of pleasure run up his spine around the Raichus' light shocking treatment. His muffled protests soon turned into a soft moan as Melody began sucking on more of his length. He couldn't help but lick Carol's dripping pussy again as he tasted more of her juices, causing the Raichu to stop pawing at him and sit up a little. Her tail curled over his head as she began rubbing her crotch against him. She purred and moaned loudly while he kept running his tongue over her slit. He soon realized where that sweet musky scent had been coming from while he lapped at her too. It was really strong right there between Carol's legs, so strong it made him think about nothing else but what he was doing to the Raichu, eager to taste more of her sweet fluids.

Carol's face was turning red, but it wasn't because she was sick this time. It was out of pure arousal from her heat and the feeling of Riley's tongue while he hungrily lapped up her dripping lovejuices. Melody watched her sister for a moment and then began sucking harder on the boy's cock. She let out a muffled squeak of surprise and delight as his hips arched of the bed slightly, shoving a bit more of his length into her mouth. Her head moved back and forth over his shaft while she kept sucking on him, the electricity in her cheeks building as her pace quickened.

Riley could feel his hair standing on end a little as the energy stored in Melody's cheeks began dancing over his length while she swallowed his cock over and over. He moaned loudly into Carol's crotch as he began pumping himself lightly into her mouth at her pace, eyes shut tightly as he felt something building inside him. He kept running his tongue over Carol's slit and slowly brought his arms up as her tickling shocks began to subside, one hand placed on her furred rump while the other slipped between her legs and spread her damp lips.

Carol's body went ridged as the trainer's tongue slipped inside her and she moaned loudly. A strong bolt of lightning escaped her and jumped into the lamp by his nightstand, causing his lightbulb to explode. The electricity surged through the plug and into the wall, causing a power surge throughout the whole room and shorting out everything plugged in. Neither Riley nor the Raichus seemed to notice or care about it, all three of them caught up in the moment they were having.

Carol's body went limp after a moment and rested against Riley's body, her hips grinding against his mouth while his tongue slipped in and out of her. Her ears folded back against her head as she felt herself getting close, the feeling of her body tensing up again encouraging the trainer to lick the inner walls of her sex harder. Melody was really getting into sucking him off now. She began sucking him much harder, pulling her head back from time to time to lap at the pre-cum at the tip of his length. When she heard him moan out again, she shoved her head down on him until his head was pressing against the back of her throat. She pressed her weight down over his legs, pinning him down to the bed as she sucked him as hard as she possibly could. Her effort was rewarded with an even louder moan while Riley's salty cum burst over the back of her mouth. She pulled her head back a little while she gulped it down, tail swaying in pleasure as she savored the taste. Riley's moaning was soon joined by Carol's loud cries of pleasure as she came, flooding the boy's mouth with her juices. She ground her cunt roughly against his face, accidentally slipping his tongue out of her and getting her cum all over his lips, cheeks, and a little over his neck. Riley arched off the bed while Melody continued to swallow his seed as it was pumped into her muzzle, the tingling shocks she gave his pulsing member only adding to his pleasure.

Melody purred loudly as she began suckling more gently on the trainer's shaft before lifting her head from over him, the last bit of his cum splashing out over his stomach. Carol's tail curled further around Riley's head when her orgasm faded, he fluids still dripping a bit from her as she moved further over Riley and cleaned up the small mess, loving how he tasted as much as her sister. Riley himself laid there breathing heavily, licking his lips a few times to catch some of Carol's sweet and tangy juices on his tongue. He blinked and lifted his head when he felt another tongue swiping at his shaft and looked up. Carol's cute rump was waving to and fro with her tail as she stood on all fours in front of him, licking at the head of his still hard cock. She then turned around and flopped down next to him, petting his ruffled hair lovingly while she cleaned up the mess she made on his face. She purred as he ran his tongue along hers and scratched behind her ears. Their lips soon met in a passionate kiss, tongues exploring each other's mouths.

Melody looked at the size of his erect cock while the other Raichu "cleaned" up the trainer, cheeks red with excitement. Compared to her, it looked like it was going to be really hard to fit it inside her. Her ear twitched as she moved over Riley's midsection, moaning quietly as she rubbed the lips of her moist pussy up against his head. She bit her lip as she stayed up on all fours and carefully lowered herself on him, letting out a slight whimper as she felt the walls of her sex stretch as they gave way to his size.

Riley let out a quiet gasp of surprise when he felt her warmth sliding over him and pulled his lips away from Carol. A bit of their mixed saliva trailed from between their tongues, which the Raichu quickly cleaned up along with the rest of the mess she made on him. Melody's tight pussy clenched around Riley's manhood as she kept pulling him deeper into her, tail flicking about in pleasure and pain while she struggled to get him in even further in.

Riley's thoughts of protest flooded back into his head while he watched her. He didn't think they should have been doing this at all, but the two had turned him on so much that he could think of nothing else but taking them both. He really cared for them a lot, to the point where he loved them dearly and he really wanted to show them. He had thought of something like this but always told himself he was crazy; but now that they were actually doing it...

He reached out for Melody and caught her by the sides before she could press herself down on him any further. Melody and Carol both looked at him, but didn't try shocking him back into submission this time. Melody moaned quietly as her muscles tightened and relaxed around what she had in her, still biting her lower lip as she looked at the trainer. Riley looked back at her, trying to keep himself from pumping his cock further into her. "Melody," he said quietly as he looked back at her. "I dunno if this is going to work. Are you sure you really want to try it?"

Melody perked up a little as she heard his question and nodded slightly, hips bucking against his throbbing cock lightly while he held her. She really wanted to do this with him, as did Carol who was watching the trainer after she finished cleaning off his face. Riley nodded in return as he pulled the Raichu completely off of him, a bit of her juices dripping over him as he sat up and hugged her tight against him. He smiled as she returned the hug, static in her cheeks zapping his chest a little when she nuzzled him. "Then so do I. Let's try something else then."

Melody looked up at him as he turned around with her and laid her on her back underneath him. She spread her legs wide in response, tail curling around his leg as her mate pressed his length back into her warmth. Her forepaws gripped his arms tightly as he rested them on either side of her, tail curling further around him as he began thrusting deeper into her warmth. She let out small, quiet whimpers as she tried to get used to having his cock in her. She blushed deeply as she bucked her hips against him roughly after a while, driven by her instincts to get his manhood as deep as possible inside her. They both moaned out as their hips pressed together, Melody's muscles working his entire shaft while the head of it was buried in the back wall of her hot cunt.

Carol watched as the trainer began pumping his length in and out of the Raichu, moaning quietly as she brought a paw between her own legs and rubbed her dripping pussy. Riley gripped the sheets of his bed tightly while he thrust himself in and out of Melody slowly, doing his best not to hurt her. Her whimpers of pain soon turned to pleasure as she got used to his thrusts and she began pressing against him more. Her legs rose off the bed slowly until her paws were gripping him, small "Raichu"'s sounding from her as she began shoving herself harder against him, urging the trainer not to stop. She let out a loud moan of pleasure and lust as he quickened his pace, writhing in pure pleasure underneath him while her lovejuices soaked his cock.

Riley doubled over her a little as the contracting walls of her warmth soon began sending little jolts of electricity through his length when she came close, nearly sending him over the edge again. Melody's inner muscles tightened even harder around him as he began thrusting even harder against her, locking the trainer deep inside her as she came hard. Bolts of electricity flew about the room as she convulsed violently underneath him, claws digging into his arms a little. Riley held onto her hips tightly while her orgasm came, moaning loudly from her tight grip on his throbbing cock while her shocks became slightly stronger. He couldn't take it any longer and released himself deep into the Raichu, his cum shooting quickly into her sex and mixing with her fluids.

The two of them held onto each other tightly until they came down from their climax, going limp against the bed and breathing heavily. "Wow..." Riley panted as he laid over the Raichu, who gave a quiet, "Raiii..." in agreement. That was the most incredible thing either of them had felt.

Once Melody's muscles released him, Riley pulled out of her slowly, only to be met with Carol's damp pussy as she pounced and knocked him into his back. She ground her soaked cunt roughly against his semi-hard length, tail whipping about wildly. She had been "pawing" herself while she watched them until she was on the verge of release herself and wanted him inside her-bad. Riley could hardly move from his last orgasm and couldn't stop her if he wanted to. He could feel himself getting hard again quickly while she humped his slick shaft, her juices mixing with his and Melody's from when he was in her.

Melody laid where she was and watched them quietly, tail swaying slowly while her and Riley's mixed fluids dripped from her entrance. Carol wasted no time in positioning herself over the trainer's revitalized cock and shoved herself down on it without thinking. Her and Riley both cried out, her from the sudden pain of him penetrating her and him from how tight she gripped him as his length was forced all the way into her. Carol panted heavily as she stayed there for a moment, every muscle of her body tensed while she stood on all fours over him. Once she felt the pain subside, she relaxed a little and began riding him wildly, her body sparking with electricity. Riley shut his eyes tightly as he felt her shocking his pulsating length like Melody had been.

The electricity stored in Carol's body came out full force when her cum burst from her, dripping quickly over Riley's length and dampening his crotch. The tingling sensation of her electrified fluids over his length and balls caused him to buck wildly against her. The feeling of his third load of hot cum as it burst into her pleasured Carol so much it caused her orgasm to last even longer. By the time she finished, parts of the room had been charred black from her and Melody's electric attacks. She shuddered weakly while she stayed on her feet over Riley as his cum was pumped into her, then went limp and fell on top of him. She rubbed against her new mate and panted heavily, inner muscles still holding his length inside of her.

Melody got up slowly and moved over to the two of them as Carol finally pulled him out of her soaked cunt. She flopped down on one side of the trainer and rubbed her head underneath his chin while her sister licked and kissed his face affectionately. Riley lay in between them breathing heavily, nearly knocked unconscious from getting shocked so much. He never thought having sex with his Pokemon would feel so good; and yet it put his body through so much stress he didn't think he'd be able to move for a while. He smiled lightly as he returned some of the kisses Carol placed on his face and looked at the two of them, noticing that all the excess electricity they had built up in them had been drained completely. "Well," he panted. "I guess that's one way to get rid of unneeded energy."

The two Raichus giggled quietly and licked all over his face. By the way they were stroking his length with their tails though, he could tell they were far from done with him. This was possibly going to keep up until they felt tired or his parents got home. Either way, Nurse Joy said this was going to last a few weeks. He wondered how many times they'd get overcharged within that time...
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