AGNPH Stories

A drastic change in life. by seth


Story Notes:

My first fic on here and I will likely be slow adding chapters, but I will try my best to be up to date. WILL include sex, and rape in the first chapter, don't know if it will be in future chapters. 

Author's Chapter Notes:

Beginning of fic, rate and please leave criticism. 

Chapter 1: major wake up call.


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



It was dark. In the middle of a forest somewhere. The sounds of many creatures scurrying about, living out their daily routines in near harmony. The sound of birds chirping and small animals scurrying about could be heard. By the location of the sun, it was just about in the afternoon. 


A soft moan could be heard, amidst the sounds of nature, one of which originated from a small creature collapsed on the ground. After rustling from its sleep, it slowly got up, rubbing its eyes with its paws, before shaking its head awake. 


Once awake, the creature looked around. It did not recognize the place at all, not being familiar with the geography. Once it was evident that it was awake and in a foreign land, it adorned its face with a look of worry. One that said it was fearful not for its life, but of what was to happen to it and what would become of its old lifestyle. 


"This is not home..." It thought to itself. "Where am I? Some kind of forest? Surely, I did not fall asleep here. And I have no recollection of where I was last, nor of what or who I am... Only vague hints. Why am I here? Did someone move me in my sleep?" It thought to itself in quiet meditation, unaware of the approaching threat. 


Interupting him from his thoughts, a small rustling bush nearby draws his attention away. From out of this bush and many others, appear a large, threatening pack of houndoor and houndoom. Among them, the largest, most battle adorned male, seemingly the leader, stuck out the most, with the large burns, scars, and missing bits from his tail, ears, and skull at the center of his chest. 


"Wh-who are you?" Asked the frightened little creature. "Do you know why I am here? I don't know where here even is. Could you help me? I'm lost." He asked in a short of bravery, clearly intimidated by the alpha-male. 


"I, little one," replied the houndoom. "Am the leader of this pack, and no I do not know why you are here. I was about to ask you the same question. As to your other question, you are in the forest, in MY territory, and I'm afraid I am of little assistance to you for directions. However," he said with a smirk. "You now owe me for passage through my land and for my assistance to you. And I expect it to be paid in full now. Get that little pipsqueak!" He shouted to his underlings. 


As he said that, two from the rear and one from either side rushed the little creature, pinning its legs down. 


"Wait! Why are you doing this? I just woke up here, I did not come here. This is unfair, I did not mean to pass through here!" the little one shouted. 


"Well, that's too bad. You are here now, and you must pay. And why one such as yourself would come near here in your condition, as amusing and pleasing as it is, is odd. However, I am not one to complain. So, without further ado, I think I'll take my reward." He replied before coming behind the small creature. 


"This is it. I'm going to die at the hands of these dogs? And with no dignity, not even facing the one who will take my life?" It thought to itself. That was until it felt something warm touch its rear. A tongue? It was soft and moist like one. It most likely was. And then an intrusive snout, sniffing its way around its nether regions. It seemed less like a death threat by the moment. Then he felt something warm and moist again. Though, this time it was longer and thinner. What was it that the creature felt? Then it came to the realization; it was a large nine and a half inch penis. 


"H-hey! What are you doing!? Is that your dick!? Are you gay? I'm a male!" It protested, fearing the penetration by the large male, the pain most likely unbearable due to the difference in size between him and the creature above's penis. 


The large dog merely laughed at it, a mocking tone. "Am I really to believe that? When I can smell the sweet scent in the air... Such an alluring scent.... I must have it!" He growled as he positioned himself before thrusting in fast. 


The little creature yelped and cringed, as it was all it could do to help from crying. "Why are you doing this to me?" It said with tears in its eyes. "Furthermore, why are you having sex with a male? This makes no sense!" It cried out. 


The larger male continued its thrusting, it's balls slapping the rear of the defenseless being underneath it. It was clear he intended to mate it completely, and to try to impregnate the smaller being. "But how could that be possible?" Thought the creature. 


The large alpha-male began thrusting harder, forcing its length deep into the depths, grinding his teeth. As he drew close to his orgasm, he forced his penis in even faster, becoming almost a blur. 


"That's right little one, enjoy it! Take me into you. Let me fuck you hard, fuck you dry. You like it don't you? The feeling of my meat deep inside. Tell me you enjoy it! I want to hear you say it. Damnit!" He said in a low growl as he drew very close. "You may not like it now, but trust me, this is only the first of many times, and you'll come to love me cock in you." He growled much deeper, his knot forming. As it formed, it forced the smaller creature even further, until the knot was formed fully, and he was moments from release. He then slammed in, popping his knot in completely. 


As the first rope of semen was shooting out, the weight over the small being was suddenly lifted, and loud yelp of surprise and pain was heard. After peeking his eyes open, the being saw the houndoom who had mounted it over on the ground a short distance away, his seed oozing to the ground harmlessly. Just above it, blue blur was seen for only a moment before he was tackled by it and picked up harshly. After being hit with it, it was picked up high above the ground and into the trees. 


After the blur had picked it up and started moving, it could now clearly make out what the blur was; another small being, one who looked almost the same from where it could see. 


Soon after leaving the pack of houndoom and houndoor, the moving creature slowed to a stop atop a large tree branch, to let them sit down and take a short breather. Upon stopping, the new creature set the original down. After setting down the being, he opened his mouth and said,


"Okay, we're quite a ways away from them. We should be out of their territory by now. Now tell me, what were you doing in The Pack's territory? Are you not from here?" It he said with a serious face. 


It replied, "I don't know why I was there. And yes, I'm not from around here. I'm not even quite sure where I am exactly. I woke up in the middle of a clearing, unaware of who I was or where I came from, only to be attacked by those bastards."


"hmmm...." He said with a deep gaze. "Well, I'm afraid if we stay here they may come looking for us for revenge after what happened to them. So, let's get out of here. But before that, my name is jake. I live here in this Forrest." He said holding his hand out do a handshake. 


"I'm... Luke. I think..." It said unsure of its self. "Nice to meet you jake." Luke said shaking jake's hand. 


"Glad to meet you luke." Jake said. "Now lets get out of here!"


"One moment, I have to use the bathroom, and bad." 


"Oh, okay, now that you mention it, I think I have to as well." Jake replied. "Let's hurry." He and Luke walked over to a bush, where jake proceeded to leisurely stand and urinate. Luke went to do the same when he saw out the corner of his eye the girth of jake, and began staring at it. Jake noticed this, but not after he saw that Luke's urine seemed to be coming out of nowhere. That's when he realized, luke did not have a penis, and was left speechless. 


"L-Luke! Y-you didn't tell me you....." He blushed madly. "I had no idea you were female..." He muttered. 


"What!? Why does everyone keep thinking I'm female? Look! I have a pen-" he was cut off. He went to reach for his penis to show it, when he realized he didn't feel it. Upon looking down, he did not see it either. Rather, SHE saw a small vagina....

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and let me know how I did. I loved coming up with this and writing it. Thank you. 



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