AGNPH Stories

A drastic change in life. by seth


Story Notes:

My first fic on here and I will likely be slow adding chapters, but I will try my best to be up to date. WILL include sex, and rape in the first chapter, don't know if it will be in future chapters. 

Author's Chapter Notes:

OKAY!! So, after some training, followed by a huge writers block followed by forgetting to hop on and write, I've finally made it back to write the next chapter! Hopefully, that won't happen again before chapter 3? Anyways, the second chapter in this poor sap's life:

Chapter 2: New body, new family

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!"

Birds flew from nearby tree branches when a small blue Pokemon yelled at the top of its lungs.

"What is going on here!? I have a vagina now!?! Please say this is a dream!! Please, Jake! Hit me! Wake me up! This can not be real! I am male, I'm not.... Whatever I am, and I have never seen this place before! Hit me and wake me up from this nightmare!! Please!!" Luke cried out in a burst of confusion. Jake responded by simply slapping Luke lightly on the face. 

"Better? You were not dreaming, that much I am sure of. And if you're wondering what you are, you're a female riolu, the pup Pokemon? Anyways, look, I know you're not from around here, how about I take you back to the den? We'll be safe there and we can continue talking there. Maybe help you find out what's wrong with you right now, okay?" Jake then picked up Luke and they set off for the den before Luke could respond to the slap. 

Once at the den, jake let Luke down and they walked inside together. Waiting inside were three larger lucario who were preoccupied by sorting foods and talking when they all stopped and sniffed the air at the same time to look over at the new guest. 

"Hello there! Who might you be, young one? Are you from around here by any chance? I don't recognize your scent or your aura. I'm Aaron, by the way. That's Stacy and her mate Mathew." The oldest looking one said. 

"H-hi, Aaron, I'm uhh..... I'm Luk- errmm.... Uh, Luca. No, I'm not from around here, I just woke up nearby to a nasty pack of houndoor as a matter of fact. Then jake came and saved me from them and invited me back here."

"Well hey Luca, sorry to hear that but welcome to the den. Way to go little bro, nice save. You already looking for a gal to settle down with? Good on ya!" He winked at jake before Stacy elbowed him in the gut. "What?"

"Stop it Mathew, you're gonna make her not want to stay here," she glared at him. "Sorry, he's nice and romantic at times, but then sometimes he clogs his head up.... Hey, come with me real quick, please?" 

"Okay?" Luca follows behind Stacy to a section of the den that's a ways away from the others. "What did you need?"

"Well, the guys usually need a bit to unwind when one of them gets back, have a little guy only talk, ya know? Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something else too... You have a small blood stain on your leg, you wreak of musk, and you say jake rescued you after you were attacked and I know their leader.... Did he... Do nasty things to you?"

"Do I smell that bad?.... Umm... Yes, he did..... But, jake saved me though, I saw his semen on the ground, he didn't get to mate me all the way, I'm almost sure of it. Why?"

"Well, because he still may have gotten some into you I feared and I thought maybe you wanted someone more like you to talk to about something traumatic after that happened to you. It wasn't you're fault, and it really wasn't fair to you, you know that, right? Do you mind talking about it and letting me check you to see if he hurt you too bad on the inside?"

"I-I know, I just felt a little helpless.... Thank you for offering to talk to me about it, and yes it's fine if you'd like to check....." She said with a blush. "Just please be careful?"

"Of course!" She smiled and slowly touched her thighs reassuringly to prompt her to spread her legs. "You look like a newborn down here.... And after a male of that size? This can't be good..... And worse yet, I think there is some sperm inside of here.... The only thing I can do is clean it out and hope for the best at this point.... I'm sorry...." She carefully wiped out the cum with a paw, eliciting a small moan from the smaller female. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you, but I had to get it out."

"That's okay, I just wasn't ready for it, that's all. Thank you for your help....." She grimaced realizing what this meant; only an hour into this new world of hers and already she had been raped, found to be a different gender, and possibly gotten pregnant. How much worse could it get?

"Hey! Cut that out! Tell you what, I have an idea.... I may just have a berry that can help.... I call it the morning after berry, and it neutralizes any fertilized eggs, but it causes you to produce more in its place, and it will be twice as bad as any heat you'll ever have, not to mention how many more males you'll attract, including the three dummies out there, but at least you can be sure you won't have that fiend's child, right?" 

"Really? It works that well? Hmm.... Well, I guess it can't hurt to try it, right? I'll have it. Where is it?"

"Right here," she handed Luca the spicy berry. "Have at it. Just have a drink afterwards; it takes a few seconds, but it's pretty spicy." She ate it in two quick bites, eager to stop the process fast. "Now, shall we go see what the guys are up to?"

"uhh.... Sure...." They walked back to the main room. "Oh! And uhh.... Stacy? Thanks for helping me when we don't even know each other."

"No problem Luca!" She smiled and they walked in to the room that was the brawl made up of the males.....

Chapter End Notes:

Chapter 3 coming soon now, now that I'm back in the rhythm of things and here in the states and all that good stuff. I have actually changed the way I want the story to go now, I wonder if that'll make a difference now that I'm into the story already.... Anyways, leave a comment saying how much you love it or hate it, 



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