AGNPH Stories

Pokemon Adventures by countersync


Series 2

The Official AGNPH Archive
Title: Pokemon Adventures-Series 2
File Name: pa-s2.txt
Author: Countersync
Rating: XXX
Size: 40KB
Type: lemon
Action: Ash-Misty-Brock-Pikachu-Jenny-Joy-Jessie-Countersync, C;
Added: 11-12-99
Read by: Racso
Description: The 'Suit Guy' finally reveals himself to Ash and Co., then
it's time for an orgy. ^_^

Anything between this line and the corresponding last line should be part of
my original file or MSTs of that file, named PA-Sx.txt (Pokemon Adventures-
Series x (x is the series marker, there are 9 parts to a series.)).

This file was originally named "Pokemon Adventures-Series 2.txt".
However was shorted to PA-S2.TXT for use is ISO-9660(compliant) file systems.

I want to work up to ((3/3/3)/(3/3/3)/(3/3/3)) format for 3 show series with
27 shows or a large, 81 part, season. Only time will tell. :)

I corrected an error I hadn't caught before. I guess using a word in its
correct style makes you realize what a terrible mistake you had been
referencing. I checked this for more errors and I think I found and fixed

This story is not sanctioned or in fact related in anyway to the
holders of any copyrights. It uses the creations of Nintendo and or possibly
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You acknowledge that this is an ADULT (a being of advanced intelligence
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even though it may include many types of sexual and or violent interaction.

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If you are still reading, remember you asked for it your self by continuing.
It is no ones fault, except maybe your own self.
Begin Outline
Parts: 10-12/12+More Series? (81 total I hope)
Version: 1.0.9
Story Type: Lemon.Hentai.Anime.Pokemon
Story Title: Pokemon Adventures (Too late to change now...)
(RN: Not Given, yet...)
(RN: Not Given, yet...)
Characters: See latest chart.
Basic plot: Unknown. Directives hidden.
Goals: To increase the definition of characters from the Anime.
To provide 'entertainment' to the reader.
(Translation: To get you off while (still maintaining
a plot.)
To give me something to do for a couple of sleepless
hours each night.
Recommended viewing: Check for attached versions in future posts, you may
distribute these as long as you follow instructions.
I would also like it if anyone made images of the scenes
that I describe as it is always fun to see what others
see based on what I say. Also, it gives a treat to
anyone who reads it after you have. I may make an
RTF/HTML version that has these later.
If you would like to put this on your site then please
feel free to use any actual files I send out (this means
not the version your news or message reader sees but the
actual files.) as long as you do not modify the
text/graphics. If you are confined by name length
limitations then you have limited permission to change
the file names by truncating the extensions/beginning to
fit as small as 8.3 characters. A further note, I would
prefer that anyone sending/posting images of this use
PNG. Failing that TIFF (Non Compressed) or some other
format that does not constrict detail or color. I will
convert these for you before re-posting them as part of
the file/files. As a favor to myself and others please
also indicate if you want / do not want you pic to be
included as part of any graphical version of this story.
End Outline
Resume Story
Begin Part 10-Reality, Interlude.

"Last time we left our heroes in a simulation running in their sleep. They
had good times with each other, and the Suit Guy fucked him self as a
hermaphrodite with a dildo. We catch up to the Suit Guy about 5 minutes after
he exits the simulation."

Suit Guy:
"Why did you have to tell them about me?"

"Sorry, it seemed like the correct thing to do at the time."

Suit Guy:
"Actually it was, but it should have been from me not you."

"I was a part of you."

Suit Guy:
"No, you were a copy of all of my memories and current thoughts. Just like
I was when I was first simulated my self."

"You never shared that with me."

Suit Guy:
"It wasn't mine to share."


Suit Guy:
"You'll see, now how long till they get here?"

Ash: (walking out of the hall)
"No, I still have my 6 inch dick, why would I still have the other one?"

"Can't you like make your self have the other one."

Suit Guy:
"Actually he can, he just hasn't learned how yet."

"Your up already, I though you got less sleep then us?"

Suit Guy:
"No just different sleep, I've been up since just before I jacked in."

"Brock says that he wants to stay in the simulation a bit longer, he is also
with 10 copies each of Joy and Jenny. Before you ask he did get their
permission, but it was indirect."

Suit Guy:
"Kill the simulation and force him out, I need him awake and I need him now!
Speaking of which are Joy, Jenny, and Pikachu on their way?"

"I'm already here, I came with Ash. Boy that was a good dream."

Suit Guy:
"I thought you were with Brock's group, how could you cum with Ash?"
To Pikachu 'Don't bother replying, I know what you said, it was a joke.'

"Joy and Jenny are just now entering the hall and Brock is waking up."

Suit Guy:
"Good, do me a favor. Don't warn him."

With a wave of his hand the Suit Guy brought Brock,
still nude, to a rest on the floor.

"Ahhh! What the HELL!"

Joy and Jenny are within hearing range.

Suit Guy:
"Unless you are looking for more action put on some cloths."

Now they are all within that plain.

"Wait, I get it, you're the one that cut my dream just as I was about to cum!"

Suit Guy:
"I called a meeting, you called a fantasy. Guess which I consider more
important, too late. The fantasy as long as it isn't on my time."

Joy: (leeringly)
"Brock, you aren't wearing anything yet. Do you need some attention?"

"Actually yeah, could you?"

Suit Guy:
"Could you wait a few minutes though, I'd prefer that you dealt with all of
that repressed lust after I tell you some information."

"Oh all right."

Suit Guy:
"Thank you, now my spiel about my origin, and some of yours."

"You all were created by the imagination of a group of people. In the
dimension my imaginer came from. He is the one who is writing this. He has
a wonderful concept that anything that is imagined is actually real someplace.
This is that place. We cannot contact him, it is his wish for now and I am
still bound by it. As he is writing all of our lives still so are all of you.
However he also believes that characters should be able to make their own
decisions. He tries to think of what you would do in a situation and only
writes about that. I being a direct extension of him self also was given
limited access to his knowledge. Though not much yet it is enough to use as
a base for learning more. I was given all of his personality and something
that he didn't get. Freedom from reality. I actually can modify my self, he
is still held by his fear. In fact to public knowledge everyone is held by
that. Though rumors are found, anyone with that much control would be wise to
hide them selves from the masses, most of which wouldn't get it. Being free I
chose to accept the identity that he uses to communicate those ideas. My most
real name would be Countersync. I know it isn't that good of a name, it is ok
and just came from the way he usually dealt with information online. Being
just slightly out of synchronization."

"Oh and if your wondering why Brock never got any before now. You were all
created for kids. I and many other authors have rescued you from the writer's
limited freedom. That is why Brock at luckiest would get to third base unless
he left your group, and probably not past 1st. This reminds me, how do you
all feel about fucking as and or like Pokemon? There have been lots of
requests for that, and about 10% of them are about a rather sickening picture.
If any of you have week stomachs I would recommend having the computer filter
that from your searches on my and now it's databases. It happens to be liked
by my creator, but only until he begins to look at it long enough to start
simulating it, then he has to hold back his latest meal or snack."

"By the way the general description of the picture is 'Misty getting ripped
to shreds by a mutant Pikachu.'"

"How awful. Who is the sick ass hole that drew it."

"So you saw it already. I didn't think I gave you copies of it. Oh wait,
that's right I already passed the AGNPH archives to you. You would know
wouldn't you. So how much have you remembered about what I sent to you?"

"I don't actually remember anything except I do have a strange urge to say

"That just means you have it accepted, wait a few nights and it will come to
the surface. Misty, do you have a keyword?"

"Yes, it."

"Anyone else not have either of those words?"


"Good, now I'm done. Brock you wanted some action?"

"Uh I did? I'm not normally into that guy stuff."

"I hate to break this to your group, but since Ash or Misty would tell you
anyway. I'm not a guy, I was based on one yes, but no longer. I don't have
boobs because they are not necessary here, I am however a full hermaphrodite.
I have a dick, a pussy, and then everything else a guy would normally have.
By the way, both of those work perfectly as far as all of my tests can tell."

(Anyone who quotes me on this out of context can expect a detailed lecture on
genetics and light biology to be added to my sig. Since you caused it I'm sure
that you will be included in the flaming. Though I don't have a problem with
anyone repeating the 4th line only as a non quote.)

"So again, anyone want to have an orgy for real?"

"I can't think of any reason not to, so yes."

"Me neither."

"As long as Misty says it's ok."

"Only if you change your cock, I got cheated out of it by that shape shift."

"I can't think of any reason not to. I can think of a question though, how
can I be talking?"

"It's my creator's story, and as I get it the no talking thing was just a way
to make all Pokemon look like pets. You do know that not all Pokemon were
restricted, some actually were pets while others like your self were more."

"So I'm finally going to get laid for real? No drugs or wired shit?"

"Only if you want that stuff. No one is forcing you to do anything but live."

End Part 10-Reality, Interlude.

Series Stats:
See Note 4

Stats: Sex Cums from: Max R/O/(S) Has Pokemon
(M/F/Self) (Done in) (T/U/R)
Ash M 001/006/000 2 Y/N 006/000/006
Pikachu M 001/005/000 2 Y/N I'm Pokemon
Charmelieon F 001/000/000 2 Y/Y/Y I'm Pokemon
Bulbasaur M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon
Squirtle M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon
Pidgeotto F 000/000/000 0 N/N I'm Pokemon
Primeape M 000/001/000 3 N/Y I'm Pokemon

Brock M 000/006/000 4 N/Y 003/003/000

Misty F 010/003/000 2 Y/Y/Y 004/003/001
Psyduck M 001/002/000 1 N/N I'm Pokemon

James M 001/002/000 3 N/N 001/001/000

Jessie F 003/000/000 3 Y/Y/Y 001/001/000

Jenny F 006/003/000 4 Y/Y/Y ???/---/---

Joy F 007/003/000 4 Y/Y/Y ???/---/---

Countersync H 000/000/001 0 Y/N/Y Not Trainer

Begin Commercials

"It slices, it dices, it wields various instruments of death, all for 19.95."

"It stalks you in the night, it stalks you in the day, you had better run away"

"Next on the Playboy channel, the naughty mechanics."

"Today the Dow dropped 500 points and then immediately rose another 500."

"It all went into slush funds. Every last penny."

"I swear, I paid all my taxes. No, NO, ANYTHING BUT AN AUDIT!"

"The shard knife is the most stylish knife ever, it is actually crafted from
pure uranium, and then coated with plutonium. For that special dictator."

"DAY-OH, one day sale, One day sale at the Bomb Mar Shit."

"Anime tour groups, the only way to visit that war ravaged fantasy."

End Commercials, I included this for lack of sex and as a trial. Do you like?
Begin Part 11-Shifing Positions.

"Ok, there are two options as I see it. We can have one big group or smaller
ones. Which is preferred?"

"I'd like the big one, it sounds fun."

"How about one of those erotic art sculpture things."

"You've been browsing the referenced archives haven't you?"

"I don't think I have, this one came from a video I busted some solders for."

"Ok, I think I have one. 7 people, 3 male, 3 female, 1 both. Any preferences?
Also, while I am thinking bout it please call me by the he set of addressing
as that is what was my original set and I still think that way."

"No yaoi for me yet."

"I don't a care as long as I can be with Misty."

"I also want to be with Ash."

"Same as Brock."

"I like getting it in my ass, it feels so kinky."

"Can I have a strap-on?"

"Choose from my stock of designs or make your own, but you make it your self."

"Make it my self, stock, what do you mean?"

"I contain a rather extensive database of objects, places, and other
information. As a user you have access to that, and as a trainee you must
learn to make your own stuff from that or to that. Do you prefer virtual
terminal or mental terminal?"

"Oh, I'd like the virtual one please."

Computer: (to Jenny)

A terminal popped up and while she was picking Countersync began to think.

Countersync: (to self and computer)
'That makes 5 dicks, 2 of which only want lip or pussy service, no other
constrains except Ash and Misty together. So let's use misty as the base,
put Ash under her.'
"Brock, would you be ok with fucking Jenny's ass?"

"Uh, sure."

'Ok, Brock, Jenny, Ash, Misty. Who is next, me. Then ass strap-on, then Joy,
then Pikachu. Yes, that is all 7, but lets mix it up a little. I've got it,
coat hanger! We are all suspended by our feet. The blood rushing to our
heads! YES, that will be perfect for a beginning.'

"Ok, I found one I like now how do I make it?"

"Just remember the orange. Except you don't need to make it transparent
unless you want to check the inside."

She thought very hard and it materialized.

To computer 'I don't remember that design, did she make or modify one?'

Computer: (to Countersync)
'Yes, that is based loosely on one from a catalogue you had me scan. I saved
the design for her. Ask if you like it. It isn't self lubing but it does
direct her cum similar to sperm, that was an extreme modification that I
helped her make, the actual model didn't do that. Also, it has the basic,
lock - no lock design in the strap plate.'

"That looks like a good one, but you will need some of this."

He hands her a sealed pouch he made appear in his pocket. It contains a magic
lubricant that can emulate many type of lubricants. Including, scented and
other special ones. Plus as an added advantage it breaks down to water that
evaporates away instantly without dropping temperature with but a word.

"What is it?"

"It is a lube, it can emulate any in my database, plus any you can think of.
You need to pick that out next. On the other hand, maybe Ash would like to
since he is the one you'll be ass fucking. Though he and Misty could swap
and have me fucking him instead."

"Just what kind of art is this you sick freak?"

"Chill, and thanks for the compliment. This is art where Brock fucks Jenny.
She fucks either of the Ash and Misty combination. I fuck the other one.
Then ass strap-on from me to Joy and she is being pumped by Pikachu. While we
are all upside down. A cloths hanger style art. Not very original but it is
simple and easy for beginners such as our selves. Plus it only requires ankle
shackles and computer calculated lengths of rope connecting us to the large
hanger. Which is swinging in case anyone cared. Look half of us have wet
spots or erections just thinking about it."
To computer 'BTW, please give me an MT, I need to pick one out.'

He picked a unique one, then made it real. It was about 3 inches longer then
Jenny's curving 15 inch dildo. It was also slightly more curved and had an
inverse cum option. Then it was covered with a thick plastic netting that had
nibs at each of the joints. The nubs were round and about 3 mm tall, and 1 cm
wide. Which also happened to be the width and spacing of the plastic. All of
the edges were rounded down so that the center of the plastic was half as tall
as the nubs from the surface and flattened out to nothing.

"My latest design. This one is also self lubricated with a built in variant
of the same stuff I gave to Jenny."

"So does anyone want to be anywhere else in the order?"


"No I don't need to be shifted, I'm ok with Jenny fucking me."

"Actually my files state that 'Ass Fucking' would be the correct term."
"Anyone else before I execute the script that was set?"

"Wait, me and Jenny have to install the dildos first."

She rubbed the lube over her phallic object and then slid down on it to the
default strap on area. Then she buckled the strap around her waist. Then he
shifted his strap-on do that the end would be just aligned with his ass when
he put it on. Then he made 4 more packages of the stuff.

"Brock, Ash, and Pikachu, each of you take one and lube your self up, it is
set to emulate sticky oil. Saying 'aqua' will remove it from you hands but
leave it on your dicks. Saying another word will make it all dissolve, that
word is on the package."

Each who had a package opened it and applied the substance to their real
members. Then saying the word their hands were clean. Jenny had chosen a
similar lube and was likewise ready.

"Please set any other variables to start positions."

Both of the strap-ons were set to the slip-through position.


The computer had already calculated all of the lengths and sizes and positions
of everything and everyone. It called to its creator to use him as a focus.
The energy was drawn and used to make a hanger mounted in the air, with the
ropes and cuffs hanging up. They were hanging up because the gravity in the
area had been bent. In a 50 food diameter circle around the core from a foot
above ground to 2 feet above ground was a hover plain that would act as a
safety net. Above that gravity was inverted for anything connected to the
hanger or anything toughing anything affected. The effect had a limit of
course, anything out side of the circle would not be affected.

"Ok, here are the rules regarding gravity, anything that is within a foot of
the ground has normal gravity, anything between 1 and 2 feet is drawn to 1.5
feet, and finally everything connected to the gear here has inverse gravity.
You'll find each of the cuffs has your name on it and it doesn't matter if
you are forwards or backwards, as long as you turn the appropriate direction
to right your self. So lets mount up."

Needless to say it took everyone a few moments to get into order. At last
though they were configured.

As you might imagine the anal strap-on had impaled Countersync and Joy, also
the dildo worn by Jenny has impaled her and Ash. The hanger being mounted as
a ball socket and magically frictionless would not let energy dissipate. Soon
they were all squirming and groaning as energy caused pumping to occur
throughout the line. Also a side to side wave motion was building as people
began to squirm in their pleasure. An interesting side diversion that kept
most from getting off soon was the frustration caused when the excess fluids
would drip slightly off only to just as suddenly blob back down. This effect
though began to deteriorate as cords began to form beneath people. Joining
into pools of undulating surface tension. It soon drove everyone to one huge
climax. This also caused an interesting effect as the biologic members began
to soften and people ended up slamming in to each other. Regaining some
mental ability Countersync dissolved the bonds and hanger. Everyone fell
heads first into the net like gravity and floated above the ground recovering.

End Part 11-Shifing Positions.

Series Stats:
See Note 4

Stats: Sex Cums from: Max R/O/(S) Has Pokemon Is There?
(M/F/Self) (Done in) (T/U/R) (R,D,(P))
Ash M 001/007/000 6 Y/N 006/000/006 Y/Y
Pikachu M 001/006/000 6 Y/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Charmelieon F 001/000/000 2 Y/Y/Y I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y
Bulbasaur M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y
Squirtle M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y
Pidgeotto F 000/000/000 0 N/N I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y
Primeape M 000/001/000 3 N/Y I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y

Brock M 000/007/000 6 N/Y 003/003/000 Y/Y

Misty F 011/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y 004/003/001 Y/Y
Psyduck M 001/002/000 1 N/N I'm Pokemon N/Y/Y

James M 001/002/000 3 N/N 001/001/000 N/N

Jessie F 003/000/000 3 Y/Y/Y 001/001/000 N/N

Jenny F 007/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y ???/---/--- Y/Y

Joy F 008/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y ???/---/--- Y/Y

Countersync H 000/001/001 6 Y/N/Y Not Trainer Y/Y

Sorry for the shortness of the scene, it kind of just jumped through my
keyboard, I am probably just preoccupied with school tomorrow. (written well
over a week ago.) I have to go get my schedule and then do all of this other
crap that you have to do the first day. BTW, for future reference Countersync
is to be referred to as he when he has a dick and she when she doesn't. I'm
sick of using eir, em, and whatever else was on that damb unisex reference in
Bookshelf. It gave me a headache doing that.

Begin Part 12-Recovery.

Everyone floated for a short time.

"So, uh, how do we dissolve that stuff again?"

"Read the highlighted word on your packages."

Everyone did, then after hearing Countersync dissolve his they figured it out.

"Doesn't anyone want to know why all of us are still clean?"

A shocked look spread across every one's faces.

"I'll tell you, what have you actually eaten since we got here. For most of
us, nothing at all. We don't need food to get energy so we don't eat. No
food means no waste. Finally without waste there is nothing to get dirty
with. Simple really."

"Hey Brock..."


"...What is it that the other Pokemon haven't done yet?"

"I think that it is a criminal offence that we haven't given them the option
to fuck yet."

They look around.

"Don't look at me, I not a trainer yet."

Everyone Else:
"Pokeballs GO!"

Ash released Pikachu, Charmelieon, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pidgeotto, and
Primeape. Misty released Psyduck, Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie, and looked for
the last one.

"Sorry, I don't know where your last Pokemon was shunted to. That's all
that came with you until at least the base."

Brock had released Vulpix, Geodude, and Onix. Jenny released only a Growlithe.
Joy only had a Chansey.

"What is with the rest of you anyway? Even Ash has more Pokemon then you, and
he hasn't been scrounging like his rivals! I can understand Joy and Jenny are
busy but you Misty and you Brock?"

Chansey: (First Enime (cross between ENglish and anIME) )
"Will someone FUCK me already! I haven't gotten laid since Joy got me!"

Vulpix: (Again with the Enime.)
"Sure. Do you want it hard and fast, or soft and slow?"

"Rough like a Growlithe."

"We have already been over this once. If you want we can provide dildos
and strap-ons. As well as anything else you could ever want."

All of the Pokemon then notice that their trainers are all, nude and covered
in their own juices. A person would have to be totally telepathically dead
not to sense the confusion. A little thought would also provide the subject
of that confusion, the 5 nude trainers and the additional mysterious stranger.

Some of the Pokemon were beginning to get suspicious. Sensing this possible
threat Countersync began to think of ways of disarming each Pokemon without
harming it. As the next few split seconds went by the Pokemon began to change
that stance. They would wait to see how their respective trainers were acting
then decide.

"Who are you and why is everyone nude?"

Countersync: (To Computer+Humans)
'I don't have time for this, just flash them now.'

Computer: (To Countersync)
'Flash loaded, ready to spool to you.'

'do it.'

The strange glow around him increased. Then all of the Pokemon received the
standard familiar's base set of knowledge plus what had been happening. They
were to serve their trainers in the same way, just more so. They had been
upgraded to full sentience when they entered the current dimension.

"We understand. We think, therefore we know."

'Finally a set takes instantly, it gets much simpler to repeat each try."
"Good, now I remember hearing something about a deprived Chancy?"

"Yes, it has been FAR too long."

The Vulpix pushed her on her back and began to take her at that request. His
4.5 inch staff hardening at the mere though of finally getting some. They
were exploring, trying to find each other's compatible rhythm.

The Goldeen, Staryu, and Starmie were apparently more interested in the fact
that they could fly without limits.

All of the rest were staring at them. Chancy was moaning when Vulpix happened
to hit a key spot every now and again. He wasn't very experienced but was
trying to make up for lack of knowledge with enthusiasm. The things he had
too much of though were energy and need. Like his trainer had been, he had
never done it before. Now, finally he would catch up. Driven forward by his
trance, he completely missed the new sensations that her next 3 orgasms
brought. The tightness was like rain to his rock hard trance and body. He
was mindlessly fucking her for all he was worth. It finally became too much
for him to handle, he came not from pleasure but lack of will to continue. It
was a blank shot for his brain. He would recover soon after.

The crowd was locked, staring at them. They were all surprised that he got
another erection within 30 seconds.

"Ooh. Put that hot cock in my ass you stud."

Still being ready and having no reason to quit he did. It was much slower
Though. She was about twice as tight in her neither hole. He was pushing
Hard for each inch. After about 90 seconds of pushing he was in up to his

"So... good. Move it in and out."

He began to pump slowly it was hard work and forced him to concentrate on
the sensations. He needed to be sure that he wasn't hurting her. It also
had the side effect of him concentrating on his own sensations more. She was
tighter then he had ever imagined, and it was hot, very hot. Sweat would have
pooled on him if he had sweat glands, but being a fox-morph he didn't. He,
like chancy had to pant to relieve the building heat. It made the scene look
that much more arousing to see him pumping her and both breathing hard with
their tongues hanging out. He jabbed it in suddenly, she moaned at the pain
and pleasure that it brought. As he bottomed out he came with a force that
surprised him. His balls were drained in a few seconds. She was filled with
almost a gallon of cum. It was too much for her also and she came next
creating a lovely wet slippery spot which the both slipped in and then fell
into. Everyone snapped out of the trance that they were in when it ended.

"Anyone else feel the need to get off after that?"

Everyone buy Countersync, Vulpix, and Chancy shouted yes almost instantly.

End Part 12-Recovery.

Series Stats:
See Note 4

Stats: Sex Cums from: Max R/O/(S) Has Pokemon Is There?
(M/F/Self) (Done in) (T/U/R) (R,D,(P))
Ash M 001/007/000 6 Y/N 006/000/006 Y/Y
Pikachu M 001/006/000 6 Y/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Charmelieon F 001/000/000 2 Y/Y/Y I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Bulbasaur M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Squirtle M 000/001/000 4 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Pidgeotto F 000/000/000 0 N/N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Primeape M 000/001/000 3 N/Y I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N

Brock M 000/007/000 6 N/Y 003/003/000 Y/Y
Vulpix M 000/002/000 0 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Geodude M 000/000/000 0 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Onix M 000/000/000 0 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N

Misty F 011/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y 004/003/001 Y/Y
Psyduck M 001/002/000 1 N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Goldeen F 000/000/000 0 N/N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Staryu F 000/000/000 0 N/N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N
Starmie F 000/000/000 0 N/N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N

James M 001/002/000 3 N/N 001/001/000 N/N

Jessie F 003/000/000 3 Y/Y/Y 001/001/000 N/N

Jenny F 007/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y ???/---/--- Y/Y
Growlithe F 000/000/000 0 N/N/N I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N

Joy F 008/003/000 6 Y/Y/Y ???/---/--- Y/Y
Chansey F 004/000/000 0 Y/N/Y I'm Pokemon Y/Y/N

Countersync H 000/001/001 6 Y/N/Y Not Trainer Y/Y

Begin Preview of Part 13

"It had been billions of lives, and countless billions of years. Yet he was
still not tired of killing. He was a darkness referred to by many different
names, in many different times. He had been defeated recently though. His
first real defeat. He was set back, only a few more of their years and he
could be freed, he would attack their source of power first. He will steal
their dreams and thus their life in the process. Time was not yet his though,
he was still linear. Still stuck in the patterns they had broken. There was
hope, as there always is until the last possible second before death. He
would have to be careful, moving where none looked or wanted to see. He would
take the nightmares first, to gather power and embed him self. It could be his.

None of this was known however, to anyone but him. Some sensed it, others
predicted it. It was not known though so no one could prepare. Our heroes
were in the dark. Can the find out in time? Is their time left? They would
see soon enough, for darkness does not stay away forever."

End Preview of Part 13

1> I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who's text I have ever read,
or who had inspired any text I have ever read.
2> I'd also like to thank everyone else in existence ever for setting
up the conditions to cause our current status.
3> I'd finally like to thank the people that created all of the art and
stories posted to AGNPH for my inspiration.
4> Please note that the space below the names is for what Pokemon they
have released. Also that the males cannot be penetrated in the front
as they have conflicting hardware. H in the sex column may be used
to denote hermaphrodite and should have appropriate formatting for
both male and female combined. Additionally the fields in the Cums
area must be TRIPPLED in cases where they can cum separately from
each component. Also that the order for tripled would look something
like this...MMM/MMM/MMM/-/BBB/BBB/BBB/-/FFF/FFF/FFF... because
genetically hermaphrodites must have a base male set when using human
DNA that is modified. If possible give details to any H characters
added so that genetic makeup may be used in future additions. Also 5.
5> As of part 11 Stats also has a where is area. (Room,Dimension,P-ball)
6> The above mentioned thanks are the actual thanks for those reading
about them selves. I also thank you for taking you time to read this.

Anything between this line and the corresponding first line should be part of my original file or MSTs of that file. A notation, if a PGP signature is wrapped around this then it is also probably mine. -Countersync.
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