AGNPH Stories

A flame through time by chronocelebi



A Flame through time

It was late at night in Chris's household just outside Goldenrod City; the only thing that could be seen from the outside was a room window dimly lit by a blue light. Inside said room Chris was Role Playing with his friends; he was in a climatic battle as an Evil Feraligatr Sorcerer (hey...even in the poke world people can still RP as pokes themselves). After a while his team lost to the other team of heroes.
"Ah well...better crash into bed.... it's getting kinda late z.z" He typed to his friends and after he gotten a few goodbyes he closed the chatting channel. Just before he turned off the computer he remembered that he didn't checked his email, so he opened up the mail client and after a few seconds he got all the email for today.
"Let's see....junk....junk.....Pokemon newsletter...I'll read it later...hey, what's this....I never heard from this email before..." he said to himself, curious to say the very least. He passed the mail through his virus scanner and it came out clean so it wasn't any trick, without checking twice he clicked on it to open it:

Dear Chris:
I hope you're well when you receive this letter. I'm Jaine.... you know your best friend J. Anyway, I know I haven't called you or sent you anything these couple of months but as you know, my family has been moving out a lot and I have to go with them everywhere they go. Well... I'm finally situated in Saffron (yes...I got my own house, nothing special). phone number is 2-345-14-2785-856 just in case. Anyway drop me a line and we'll see. And yes I changed my address(both physical and electronically but I bet you already knew J)

Your ever-loving friend
P.S.: Ooh yeah, Fio says hi also...she has grown quite a lot, I'm proud of her J

Without thinking twice, Chris dove towards the phone and started to punch in the number on the screen. After a few seconds of idling there was another voice on the line
"Uhhmm.... hello..." Said the person on the other line, her voice showing how tired she was
"Ooh Christ.... I'm sorry...I forgot how late it was." Chris said to the other person
"Wait....uuhhhmm....Chris... is that you?" Now her voice was more excited than tired
"Ermm.... yes, I received your email and I just went and dialed up the number...I'm sorry I called you at such a time..."
"Don't be...I prefer that you call me now than never..."

A couple minutes later...

"Wow...I can't work for the Sliph Co." Chris said, amazed
"Yeah, but it gives me quite a lot of time in my spending time with my Pokemon and training them to be strong"
"Well...anyway... I really would love it if you came around to visit here"
"Well.... maybe I can... you know that the Magnet Train is undergoing some repairs and maintenance for a week but when that's up I can see you and your Pokemon too"
"We used to play with our Pokemon a lot, it's like we were all best friends.. well, did you know my email address?"
"Nothing I can't find with a little effort and time...especially when you have the resources and the sources" Jaine said, giggling
"Anyway... *yawwwnnn* it's getting late... I'll go to sleep, see ya in a week"
"Okay... bye" and there was a click on the other line, signaling that the communication was cut. Chris put down the phone receiver and lied down on his bed, though he was thinking of Jessica for a long time
"wow...after 3 years...we will get to see each other again..." and then he quickly fell asleep, the only thing that could be heard in his room now was his breathing.

Six days later:

Chris was already lying in his bed but he was unable to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Jaine
"What will she say... do I really remember her... will she recognize me... has she changed... Grrrr, I need to calm myself down or I'll be in no shape to meet with her tomorrow." He kept lying in bed for a while until he had an idea. He got up from bed and took out two Pokeballs from the cabinet drawer; he threw the balls and the balls opened up to release the Pokemon inside them. In a brilliant flash of light a Charizard and a Blaziken were standing in Chris's room.
"Victor... Michael... I was hoping to tell you this later, but I guess I must spill the beans now" and both Pokemon looked at Chris worriedly right now "Jaine is coming to visit us tomorrow and I can't get to sleep, I was wondering if I could sleep with you guys tonight?" and both Pokemon nodded. Chris took his sheet and a few pillows and he put everything on the spacious floor. After Chris lied down on the floor Victor the Charizard laid on the left side of Chris and Michael the Blaziken laid on the right side of Chris. Chris and Victor fell asleep quickly but Michael was in thought for a few moments.
"If Jaine is coming... that means that... Fio... " And he fell asleep soon after

Next day:

Chris arrived very early at the Goldenrod Train Station, even before the train made its first scheduled run. Chris entered the station only to find the manager as the only person in the building besides him
"Umm...excuse... when is the train coming here?" Chris asked the manager
"Well... according to me... about an hour from now". Chris just sighed and sat on one of the chairs. As time passed more and more persons entered the station until there was a small crowd inside. Somehow, seeing all those new people helped to pass the time and then he couldn't believe it when he heard the roaring train enter the station. As soon as the train came to a complete stop and opened its doors Chris stood up to see if Jaine was in the train. After everyone got out of the train and all the people intended to travel came into the train Chris noticed a certain person in the station and he called out to the person "Jaine!" and the person turned around in the direction of Chris's voice. After Chris called out to her a few times and waved his arms Jaine immediately identified Chris and she ran to where he was. She tackle hugged Chris, Chris hugging back soon thereafter
"Wow... Chris... it's been a long time" Jaine said with great happiness
"Yes..." was all that Chris could say
"Well... why are we standing around here, let's go to your house. We must have a lot to talk about after all these years"

A few hours later, inside Chris's house

"... Yeah, we did some crazy stuff a few years ago" Chris chuckled, remembering back on past days
"Well... "
"Say... ummm... do you want to see my Pokemon... they kind of missed you to" Chris said timidly
"Of course... that's part of the reason I came to, silly" Jaine said with a chuckle. Chris then took out his 2 Pokeballs from his waist and threw them at the ground,, in a brillant flash of light Victor and Miachel stood in the room. Jaine went over to Victor and gave him a tight hug
"Wow... I never you would grow soooo much" Said Jaine in disbelief. Victor did nothing more than to wrap his arms around Jaine and give her a hug also. Jaine broke off the hug after a long time and paid attention to the Blaziken
"Wow... I can also see that you also grown up quite a lot too and with being the eldest it's no surprise" Jaine said, also hugging Michel tightly, the Blaziken also wrapping his arms around his long seen friend.
"Well... I guess Fio also missed you too." Jaine said after breaking the hug with Miachel
"Yeah... I would love to see her" Said Chris excitedly
"And so would I... " Thought Michael to himself in his head. Jaine took out her only Pokeball and threw it in the room and in a brilliant flash of light a Typhlosion appeared in the middle of the room, she just blinked and looked around Chris's room.
"You're right, she really is a sight to behold" Said Chris, admiring the curious Typhlosion
"C'mon.... I bet she'll love a hug" Encouraged Jaine to Chris and after a couple of seconds Chris finally wrapped his arms around the warm Typhlosin body. Fio quickly returned the hug, albeit with a lot more force so that Chris was having difficulty breathing, but Fio quickly realized this and softened her hug. Jaine then beckoned Chris to approach her "Psst... maybe we should let them some alone time... it really has been a long time since they seen each other" said Jaine in a whisper. Chris nodded and then he talked to the Pokemon "I want to show Jaine around town, I'll leave you guys alone, kay?" and all three Pokemon nodded.
"Well... umm... Fio... what an unexpected surprise" Miachel said
"Yeah... you know I never stopped thinking about you, Mike" Fio replied
"Yeah... me either... and look at you... it's hard to believe you were that Quilava I saw six years ago"
"Yeah.... You were just a wee Torchic when I last saw you"
"Well... umm... so...." At that moment Miachel tried to put his paw on top of Fio's but as soon as he touched he quickly but furtively pulled back as if like he was about to touch acid. They were in a long silence; both of them too shy to say anything and before they knew it Chris and Jaine returned.
"We're back" Chris announced to the pair, Michael cursed to himself, as he didn't use his time to bond with Fio.
"Well... we'd better get going... "Jaine announced as she took out her Pokeball to summon Fio back in. The Typhlosion looked downwards and let out a tear just before she was captured in a beam of light and went inside the Pokeball.
"You guys stay here, I'll take Jaine to the station. Don't worry, she'll be back in a few weeks" And Chris and Jaine exited the house once again.
"Wow... I thought you guys died" Said Victor with a smirk
"Can it" Replied Michael, not amused one bit
"Aww, c'mon... you got to see Fio again... and she'll be back"
"Its not that..."
"What is it then, Mike?"
"I prefer it if you didn't call me Mike"
Ooh... I see where this is going... well, I'm also surprised you both didn't start to kiss and hug her all over too..."
"SHUT UP!!!" And Michael nailed Victor's snout with a right cross; the Charizard took a few steps back and held his nose
"What was that all about?" Said Victor angrily but he realized that Michael wasn't in the same room. Michael quickly ran away and went into Chris's bedroom and buried his face in a pillow and started to sob.
"This sucks... did we change... oh god please tell me that this isn't happening" Michael kept talking to himself. He then remembered a scene of what happened three years ago.


Miachel and Fio(both as a Torchic and a Cyndaquil respectively) were standing in an open field, both of them sad since Fio was leaving with Jaine and her family.
"Don't worry Fio, we'll be able to see each other again" Michael tried to console the Cyndaquil
"But... when?" Fio said sadly
"I can't say... but I hope it's soon..."
"I really love you, Mike"
"Me too, there won't be a day where I'll stop thinking about you... and maybe if we train hard maybe we can make our own journey and see each other then."
"*sniff* Yeah..." And then Fio placed her mouth over Michael's beak and started to kiss him. It took them a long time but they eventually broke the kiss.
"I have to go.... see ya, Mike" Fio said, a little choked up

End Flashback:

"What happened... what went wrong?" And Michael kept saying all these similar rhetorical questions. Then suddenly a door clicked open and Chris entered the house again, Michael quickly got out of Chris's bed and found his Pokeball and hid inside there for now.

A few days later:
Michael was expelled from his Pokeball once more, he hadn't eaten or slept well since he saw Fio again and this caused Chris to worry. When Michael looked around he saw Chris in his training outfit (which consisted of heavily padded and heat resistant armor and pads for the entire body so that he wouldn't take any damage from Michael's or Victor's attacks), he knew what Chris was up to.
"C'mon buddy, it's time for your exercise" Chris said to the Blaziken, Michael just sighed and put himself in the fighting position, though with less enthusiasm as before. Chris then rushed over and threw a punch at Michael; the Blaziken just stood there and blocked the attack. Chris immediately used his other arm and aimed it right at the Blaziken exposed flank and the attack was successful. Michael quickly moved back and just stood there. Chris immediately rushed over to where Michael was and aimed and jump kicked him. Michael took a few steps back from the blow and got all the wind knocked out of him, Chris was stunned from the momentum of the blow and got up
"Umm... not to be rude, but I seen better days of training" Chris said solemnly to Michael. Michael just sat down and put his arms over his face
"What's wrong... you've been acting weird for a few days now" Said Chris with a worried tone. Michael then started to sob; Chris really began to worry about him at the moment.
"Maybe you're sick, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center" And Chris took out Michael's Pokeball and recalled him right back in. Chris then took Victor's Pokeball and headed outside towards the Pokemon Center.

After a few minutes of walking he finally arrived at the Pokemon Center and immediately entered. The Pokemon Center had very few people in it and this was considered strange since this Center was one of the more active Centers in the continent.
"Umm...excuse me" Chris talked out to the Nurse Joy in the counter "Ummm... I don't know what's wrong with my Blaziken... but I think it's sick, could you chec, please"
"Of course, now please give me the Pokeball" And Chris handed the Pokeball to Nurse Joy. The nurse gave the ball to one of the Chansey staff and she disappeared inside the Treatment room
"Don't worry, we'll just run over a few tests to see what's wrong with him" Nurse Joy explained to Chris.

Inside the Treatment Room:

The Chansey quickly entered one of the rooms inside the Treatment Room and she quickly released Michael out of his ball, the Blaziken just stood there, now realizing where he was. Chansey tried to find some tools to start the procedure but Michael quickly spoke to the Chansey "I'm not sick"
"Don't be silly, then why was your trainer worried that you're sick"
"... I don't want to talk about it"
"Hmmm... you feel.... heartsick.... we Chanseys can perceive emotions very keenly"
"Good for you"
"Listen... maybe if you speak your problems, maybe I can help you"
"I don't want anyone's help... I just want my love back"
"See... you told me part of your problem, now if you would please explain..."
"SHUT UP!!!" Screamed out Michael and he threw a punch at the Chansey but he quickly stopped just inches from striking the nurse and instead put his paws on his face and began to sob.
"I'm so stupid.... I see her again and I let her escape my grasp.... why did I do that..." Michael said in distress, the Chansey wrapped her arms around the Blaziken in an embrace, trying to comfort him somehow
"Maybe.... You would tell me your story, maybe I can help... you may never know" The Chansey said softly to the crying Blaziken. Michael stopped crying and dried up his tears "*sniff* okay... I'll tell you. Ever since I was a young Torchic I fell in love with a Cyndaquil my trainer's friend had. We didn't become lovers at first mind you just friends, but as time passed so did our relationship strengthen. One day a few yeas she had to leave with her trainer and I felt so alone then, I kept in contact with her but it wasn't as often as I would like it. A few days ago she came back, as a gorgeous and marvelous Typhlosion, and we chatted for a while but then... we stopped talking, we didn't even did any physical contact. Anyway, she left again and well... I feel so stupid that I couldn't do anything when she came back."
"Well... maybe you were just afraid that she changed... maybe you can tell me more of your Typhlosion love"
"My love.... She's the envy of the gods. Her name is Fio and she lives with her trainer is Saffron City, though I don't know where exactly. She has those eyes that make me all fuzzy inside whenever I look into them; she has the sweetest voice in that she'll move you in tears on how beautiful she sings. She's also funny and is a great fighter and I bet she improved throughout time"
"Wow... must be some girl, huh" Chansey said, knowing he exaggerated some parts "Well.... Maybe I CAN help you out" Chansey added
"How?" Said Michael with doubt and excited at the same time
"Don't worry about how.... To tell you the truth I managed to reunite many humans and Pokemon alike, I may haven't been on a case for a while but I don't get rusty that easily." Said Chansey in a gloating tone. She took Michael's Pokeball and she recalled him back. She then got out of the Treatment Room and Chris quickly asked her "Is he okay... what's wrong?" but Chansey quickly put a flipper in front of his face to signal to stop. She then went to where Nurse Joy was and she asked her to go to a private room in order to talk to her.
"What's wrong Chansey?" Nurse Joy asked as soon as she entered the room
"Well... the Blaziken... he's... heartsick" Said Chansey in her Poke speak but Joy understood every word that she said
"Well.... Do you know any information from the Blaziken's love"
"It's a Typhlosion named Fio whose trainer lives in Saffron City"
"Well.... Don't worry I got the perfect plan, you go ahead and alert the Joy in Saffron, I'll take care of the Blaziken's trainer." And then both nurses exited the private room and as Jenny approached Chris, the Chansey entered another room.
"Ummm... Chris, I'm afraid I have bad news" Jenny said solemnly to the trainer
"What!?... is it serious?" Chris literary screamed out
"Ooh... very serious, if not attended to immediately.... Your Blaziken won't be the same anymore"
"W...well... how do we treat it?"
"We can't do anything.... Your hope lies in Saffron city... there go to the Pokemon Canter and they'll do everything in their power to help Michael" And Jenny gave Chris back his Pokeball. Chris darted out of the building without even saying goodbye. Chris then ran as quickly as he could toward the train station and barged right in once he got there.
"Is the train leaving soon !?" Chris screamed out to the employee inside the train station
"Calm down... the train won't be back until a minute or two" The employ replied peacefully. Chris growled and just went back and forth, checking his clock every three seconds. He jumped from surprise when the train finally arrived at Goldenrod City. Chris quickly entered the empty train and sat down on one of the chairs. After a few seconds the doors closed and he was speeding off towards Saffron City.

In Saffron City:

As soon as the doors opened again Chris sped out of the station, almost knocking a few people along the way. Once he arrived at the center he was very surprised to see Jaine in the Center too.
"Ooh... hiya Chris, what a surprise"
"Yeah..." and Chris wasted no time to look for the Nurse Joy who works inside the Center "Please, you got to help my Blaziken..." Chris pleaded to the nurse.
"Uh huh... is the name of your Blaziken, Michael?"
"Why yes..."
"And is your name is Chris, right?"
"Yes, yes"
"Ahh... well... the answer to your problem is right over there" And Nurse Joy pointed towards Jaine. Jaine quickly took out her Pokeball and released Fio from it.
"What's going on here?" Said Chris, a bit confused and scared
"Don't worry, now let Michael out of the Pokeball and you'll see" Encouraged Nurse Joy. Chris did as he was told and took out his Pokeball and released Michael from it. The Blaziken was sitting down, all hunched up so that he wasn't looking where he was. Fio timidly approached Michael and stroked his head softly; Michael reluctantly looked up and saw his Typhlosion love face to face
"Umm... I think it's best if we leave them alone" Said Jenny to both of the trainers and all three of them left the two lovers alone in the lobby
"F...Fio..." Michael said with difficulty and all of a sudden he leapt up and started to hug Fio tightly "Ooh Fio... please forgive me... I still love you after all these years... but I was shy.... I really wanted to talk and embrace once more but I was too shy... I don't want to let you out of my sight... I love you Fio... you're the only one for me" Michael said in a sob. Fio quickly wrapped her arms around Michael but she was in silence for a while until she broke it. "You finally came back, Mike... you've been gone for a while but you finally came back to me... I love you to my Blaziken... always has and always will" and she also started to sob. They were both crying in the others arms for a while, crying out the sorrows accumulated over the years.

A few days later:

"Had fun with your date with Fio" Said Chris to his Blaziken in his house, Michael just sighed and nodded.
"Well.... it's getting rather late.... You won't mind if you'll sleep with me tonight, I feel kind of restless after today" And Michael also nodded in approval.
"You know... I'm glad that you got a girlfriend, I... really am happy for you, Michael" Said Chris in a sincere tone, the Blaziken just went to where he was and started to hug him. After a while or preparations they were both sleeping on the floor in Chris's bedroom.

Next morning

Michael was the first one to wake up, he felt rather strange on this particular day. Suddenly an all-too familiar smell hit him and he reluctantly looked down. He could see that his crotch was covered in his own cum and he could also see quite a pool of cum on the floor, he turned away from Chris during his sleep so no cum actually hit his trainer. He tried to remember what made him so aroused that made him climax in his sleep and then everything came to him like a flash flood; he was mating with Fio, driving his hard spear into her tight cunt over and over, kissing and exchanging love words in between themselves. Michael took a towel and started to wipe the floor and his crotch clean of his cum, though he took a lick of the towel after he was done
"Maybe... maybe it's time... it's been years..." He said to himself, looking at the towel longly

Later that same day:
Michael was reunited with Fio once again, they were playing amongst themselves, struggling and hugging and nibbling the other constantly.
"Fio, can I talk to you for a bit?" Said Michael, finally getting Fio pinned to the floor
"Sure... what is it that you want to say?" said the Typhlosion, getting out of the pin and sitin down
"Errr... I don't know if I should say this, but.... Last night... I had a... wet dream, about me mating you... and well... I just wanted to ask you.... Have you ever thought of us mating?" Said Michael in a weak tone, his face even in a deeper shade of red
"Well... I can't say I had a wet dream myself, but I have many many times thought of us yiffing. Well.... do you think.... we should try?"
"I really want to, but I want if you also want to"
"Ooh, Mike... I only wish of you sticking your rod into my sex and sowing your seeds into my womb." Said Fio breathlessly. Michael then took Fio's arms and approached her closer to him. He then started to kiss her, his beak and her mouth wrapped in a passionate embrace. She returned the kiss and slipped her silky tongue into Michael's beak, wrestling with the Blaziken's harder and slimmer tongue. He then wrapped his legs around Fio's body and started to rub her with his legs, the sensation caused Michael's sheath to bulge and press against Fio's furry skin. They kept kissing and rubbing their bodies for quite a while, until Michael's cock was fully hard and throbbing in between their bellies. And then Michael moved Fio so that his hard-on was in between Fio's legs, the head of his cock almost touching the Typhlosion's puffy clit. Without much warning he plunged his entire 10-inch meat wand into Fio's sex, both gasped in unison. Michael quickly sheathed his cock into Fio's femininity, letting it get used to the new surroundings. The Blaziken then pulled his hips away from Fio's body, moving his cock out of her until only half of his cock was in her, he then crammed it all back in and repeated the process of pulling and pushing into Fio's love cavern. They were still in a passionate embrace though the kissing stopped long ago, they were mostly panting and moaning as they mated with feral power. Michael squirted his first pre shot into her soon after, Fio hissed in delight as the warm fluid entered her vagina. They were like that for a while, thrusting against the other's thrust; the heat accumulated during the mating was making the air warp around them and matting their fur and feathers with their sweat. Fio's mouth kept flaring inconstantly, Michael took notice of this and he also started to flare up his beak and he gave her a searing lick on Fio's cheek which was nothing more than a warm lick to her. They both kept mating and increasing their pleasures, Michael firing more pre shots into Fio and her love fluids dripping out of her sex and making a wet spot on the floor. After a while Fio's pleasure reached the breaking point and she finally climaxed, her nectar washing over Michael's pulsating cock and dribbling out of her body. This was more than enough to trigger Michael's orgasm, jets of fiery seed entered Fio as they mixed with Fio's nectar and also some of it escaping her body. After a few minutes they both stopped climaxing and just lay in each other's arms, staring into the eyes of the other. Michael's cock softened and exited Fio's sex, letting out more fluids out of Fio in the process, and it returned back into its feathery sheath
"Wow... I can't begin to describe how good I feel" Fio said, breathlessly
"Yeah... I feel great, I didn't knew that I wanted to do this with you until today" Said Michael with great joy
"Maybe we should get cleaned up, hon." Suggested Fio
"Nah, I'm too tired, I just want to cuddle with you and enjoy the afterglow of our love making" Said Michael, a little tired
"Well... that is also a great idea" Said Fio, snuggling close to her Blaziken love and closing her eyes. Michael chuckled and he contemplated on how cute she looked while asleep and then eh let sleep embrace him too.

Jaine saw the later part of Michael and Fio's love making while she was searching for the two beloved Pokemon, she was surprised at first but then she then just let the show unfold for her to see. When she saw that they were sleeping she contemplated how cute they looked in their sleep but she knew that Michael had to leave with Chris, so she took out Fio's and Michael's Pokeballs (Chris told Jaine to go look for them and gave her the Pokeball in advance) and zapped them back in
"I really hate doing this guys, but he has to leave" Jaine said to the Pokeballs and she left to her home.

The first thing Fio noticed when she woke up was that she wasn't with Michael anymore, she quickly got up and searched everywhere with her eyes. She then realized that this wasn't the open fields but Jaine's house, a sudden panic washed over Fio as she thinks that Jaine could've caught her mating with Michael.
"Hiya Fio, had a good nap?" Said Jaine, in a gentle tone. Fio just sat up and kept playing with her paws, extremely nervous and afraid that Jaine may know the truth.
"Don't worry, Fio.... If you really like that Blaziken then so be it... I'm glad that you have someone to call for yourself a mate" And then Jaine started to hug Fio, the Typhlosion hugged back weakly, shaking a bit during the hug.
"Wow... you're not a little Pokemon anymore, I'm amazed how much you've grown" Jaine said and Fio gave her a lick on the cheek, Jaine just blushed and rubbed the Typhlosion's head.
"Makes me wonder if I have something in common with Chris" Jaine said to herself.

Next Day:

It was another beautiful day in the eyes of Fio as she woke up to greet the morning, stretching to get that last bit of sleep out of her system. She quickly went over to where Jaine is and gave her a couple of licks. Jaine took a while to respond but she got up and greeted her Pokemon friend back with a kiss on the cheek
"*Yawn* I think you're excited to see Michael again" Jaine said and the Typhlosion nodded quickly. Jaine reluctantly got up and got herself ready to go to the train station.

Jaine and Fio arrived at the station a few minutes after the train arrived to Saffron. Just outside the station she could see Chris and Michael both waiting outside. Fio quickly ran over to where Michael was and she tacklehugged him, also covering his face with kisses. Michael just wrapped his arms around Fio's body and submitted himself to the kisses.
"Hiya love" Cooed Michael in Fio's ear
"Ooh, Mike... I never want to let go of you" Said Fio, still hugging him.
"Well that can be arranged"
"So... have you been thinking about... you know... yesterday?"
"What you should ask me if I thought of anything else... I can't think of anything else, it was the best thing I ever felt. I really love you Fio and I hope I proved it to you yesterday."
"Ooh... you proved it and then some"
And while the two Pokemon traded love words between one another their trainers witnessed them.
"They actually look cute together... and happy, very happy" Said Jaine
"Boy, they never stop kissing or hugging when they meet again" Said Chris
"Listen... I have to leave for work soon and so should you.... Maybe it's best if you leave Michael here"
"I understand" And then Chris approached Michael and Fio "listen Mike, I'll leave with you here, I'll pick you up at quitting time at my work... and have fun Mike" Chris smirked at Michael, the Blaziken just punched him lightly and blushed heavily
"You look cute when blushing, love" giggled Fio
"Well... see ya Michael" And Chris went in the train to depart for his work.

After Chris left they immediately went to Jaine's house.
"Behave you two... and don't leave the house... ah well.... enjoy yourselves guys" Said Jaine in a giggle before she left the two Pokemon all home alone. The first thing they did was kiss passionately in the floor for a good long while.
"Umm... if you don't mind love.. I know a more comfortable place than the floor" Said Fio, cooing
"Lead the way" And both Pokemon got up and Michael followed Fio where she lead Michael to Jaine's bedroom. Michael leapt on Jaine's bed and Fio followed soon after, landing in Michael's waiting grasp. They resumed kissing and snuggling each other.
"I really feel like exploring today, love" Michael said, feeling his sheath starting to swell up
"Ooh... how so?" Said Fio, getting herself excited to. Michael just turn her around so that he was looking at her crotch and gave her a lick in her sweet spot. Fio quickly kicked her hind leg and squealed as Michael licked her sex but she knew she also had to put her part too, she could see Michael's cock already out and growing so she took it in her mouth and gently suckled on it. Michael quickly sucked his breath as Fio played around with his cock, making it grow faster in her care. After a while of teasing with the horny Typhlosion's cunt Michael got a taste of her feminine fluids for the first time in his life, he was amazed at how sweet it was and craved for more. Fio kept sucking hungrily on Michael's fully hard rod, eliciting a squirt of pre from the Blaziken's cock.
"Mmm... you taste heavenly, love..." Said Fio in a breathless tone
"Ooh.... But you are a tasty one too" Replied Michael coolly. Then suddenly Michael plunged his beak into Fio's cunt and started to lick her inner walls off her juices, the Typhlosion just gasped and squealed in delight, sucking on Michael's cock harder. Fio's mouth started to warm up as soon as she was close to blow; Michael just started to thrust his hips, burying his cock deeper into his love's mouth. After a while of heated pleasuring Fio climaxed first into Michael waiting mouth, gushes of sweet nectar flooded the Blaziken's mouth and dribbled onto the bed. Michael licked and drank all that he could, loving the sweet taste of the Typhlosion. After she climaxed Fio went back to Michael's throbbing rod, sucking on it hungrily. After some time of the relentless assault Michael also came to, shooting his spicy cream into Fio's mouth. The Typhlosion guzzled every drop of Michael's seed. After Michael stopped cumming he just laid back on the bed, tired, panting and happy. Fio just turned around; she was in the same state as Michael. They both looked into each other's eyes for some time, until they both passed out in each other's arms.

Jaine came in after some time Fio and Michael passed out. She quickly searched around the house for the two Pokemon, sighing in relief when she found them both on her bed, sleeping and looking very natural together. Fio just went out of the bedroom and sat on a chair, reading a book and waiting for Chris to come back from his work. After a while she heard some knocking on her door and she got up to answer it. Her suspicions were correct as Chris was at the other side
"I'm ready to pick up Mike" Said Chris
"Wait... before you do there's something you should see..." Said Jaine, beckoning Chris to enter. She then showed him to the bedroom where Fio and Michael were still in their slumber
"Well.... maybe we should do something for them to be together as much as possible..." But as soon as Jaine looked at chris he could see he was trying to hold back the tears
"Y.... you're right.... maybe we should... we don't want to separate such beauty" Said Chris, weakly. He then took out his Pokeball and he recalled Michael back in.
"Don't worry, everything will work out for the best..." Said Chris as he left Jaine's house.

A few days later:

Michael was released from his Pokeball once again but he was in a room with just a few boxes and the same furniture inside Chris's house.
"Hiya Michael, I hope you don't mind the new house" Said Chris who was unpacking some stuff, Michael just cocked his head" You may want to look outside the window" and Michael did as he was told. He couldn't believe what he was seeing; he was actually living right next to Jaine's house... and right next to Fio! The Blazken huggles Chris tightly and covered him with kisses "This is the best thing you've ever done to me" Said Michael in his native talk. He leapt out of the window and ran to Jaine's house. He knocked on the door violently and Fio answered the door; Michael went and huggled Fio tightly
"Ooh Fio... it's like in a dream... we're living right next to each other" Said Michael in great ecstasy.
"Yeah.... I dreamed that I will live right next to my love" And they kissed passionately. For they survived the test through time they will now be together, until one of them leaves this world

The End
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