AGNPH Stories

The Breeder by gryphonwings


Story Notes:

This story tool a very long time to write, but I'm quite glad I did it. It's mainly smut focused, so I apologise to those who expect an in-depth story. It was intended for a more lusty crowd.

Pokemon Pleasure

Paul watched silently through the gym door as his father, Gareth, trained. Not wanting to be seen, the young man remained crouched and obscured as he observed the scene before him.
"One more time, Charizard," Gareth shouted, his Feraligatr throwing a huge rock up into the air.

Charizard waited until his target was almost at the apex of the throw before he unleased a monstrous flamethrower. Paul watched with awe as the huge ball of flames struck the hefty rock directly, causing it to turn molten and splash back down to the earth. The sheer power that the fire-type dragon possessed was spectacular.

Over in the stands of the gym, Gareth's Espeon cheered loudly, as did the Ninetales next to it. Paul couldn't help but be impressed by the team his father had raised, even if his methods were a little extreme.
"Come on," Gareth yelled, "you can do better than that! Don't wait for it to stop, hit it while it's moving."

Charizard sighed and the Arcanine behind him snickered. A Seviper slowly slithered across the floor near the back of the room, grinning a little.
"Can't hack it?" Arcanine said teasingly to Charizard and the dragon snorted.

"Silence," he retorted, "I'd tear you apart any day." Arcanine chuckled and ducked around him.
"Quit your yapping," Gareth shouted, "get back to work." Seviper and Espeon quickly slunk back off into their training area, while Ninetales and Arcanine partnered up and practised their technique.

Feraligatr simply remained still and stared at Gareth, waiting for instruction. Paul watched as his father turned to the water-type and patted him on the shoulder.
"At least you don't ever get lazy," he sighed, referring to Feraligatr and Charizard snorted again.

"He doesn't say anything anyway," Charizard said, "he doesn't know how to be lazy." Paul knew the Pokémon spoke some truth; Feraligatr had never said a word to anyone, not that he had heard, anyway. Ever since Sylph Co. had perfected the Pokemon translator, all Pokemon had been able to speak human. Well, those wealthy enough to afford them.

Paul belonged to a wealthy family. His father, Gareth, was the gym leader at Rosethorn Gym, and had made a considerable amount of money from his life as a Pokemon trainer before settling down to run the gym. Although Paul loved his father, he had no real like for his training methods, which were rather intense. Train, train and train more, until you couldn't train anymore. Then train some more.

Preferring to raise Pokemon with kindness and care, Paul had never really earned the respect of his father as a trainer. Still, Gareth knew deep down that his son was very skilled with handling Pokemon, even if he didn't show the strength to be a top-tier trainer. Nor the ability to remain hidden silently.

Leaning too hard on the door, Paul stumbled as it opened under his weight. With a loud thud he hit the ground as his balance gave out. Gareth turned to see his son lying to the floor, with a look of surprise on his face.
"Well, well, well... been watching me, Paul?" Gareth asked as the young man got off the ground and dusted himself off.

Busted, Paul replied embarrassedly, "Yeah." To his surprise, his dad smiled and walked over to him.
"At least you're learning something," Gareth told him, "stealth attacks work best when you're not seen, smelt... or heard." Paul chuckled; trust his dad to relate everything back to battling.

The gym leader turned back to his Pokemon and motioned for them to all gather round. All six of them stopped their training and moved over to where Paul and Gareth were standing.
"Need to ask you a favour," Gareth asked, turning back to his son, "I'm going out tonight, so would you look after them for the night?"

"Your Pokemon?" Paul inquired, "are you sure?"
"You're big enough now, you're 18, it's time you started getting some experience. If you're not going to be a trainer like me, then at least make a good carer or something." His dad smiled and clapped him on the back, then turned to his Pokemon.

"You hear that?" he asked, "you're gonna be hanging with Paul tonight, so no funny business, or you'll be doing twice as much tomorrow." A collecting groan ran through the six Pokemon and Paul chuckled. He would do his best to make his father proud, even if he couldn't be the person he wanted him to be.

"I'll look after them," he told his dad, and Gareth nodded.
"Don't go making them all soft now," he warned, then added, "I've got to go prepare, so your work starts now." Paul grinned and then looked over at the six powerful Pokemon, feeling a little intimidated even if he knew they would obey him."

With a pat on his shoulder, Gareth turned and walked back toward the house, leaving him alone in the gym with the Pokemon. They all looked at him, and he smiled.
"Well guys," Paul asked, "do you want some food?"


Half an hour later, six Pokemon and a human were sitting happily around a table, enjoying a delicious meal. Paul had learned to cook from his mother rather well, although she was in another town for a month while she worked with a business firm. Knowing she would be back soon made Paul rather happy indeed.

The conversation around the table was getting quite spirited.
"...never even saw it coming," Espeon finished saying with a playful smile. Ninetales looked at him indignantly.
"Hey, just because you have psychic abilities doesn't make you any better than the rest of us," Ninetales retorted.

"Well," Seviper interjected, "perhaps you should have dodged it better." Ninetales looked over at him, realising he was being beaten in this argument.
"Future sight is highly unfair," Ninetales argued, "it's practically unblockable."

"You should have ended the fight quicker then," Arcanine jabbed, and Charizard chuckled.
"Break it up," he ordered, "let's not discuss battling right now. There's food to enjoy." The others fell silent, digging into their meals. Charizard was the undisputed leader of the six; his battling prowess was unmatched.

Paul watched as the hungry Pokemon devoured their food greedily, all that training making them extremely hungry.
"So," Charizard said, turning to Paul, "now that we're alone, and our master is gone, what is it that you want to be?" Paul looked up, a little surprised at the question.

"Don't worry," Espeon reassured him, "we won't tell anyone." Paul sighed, and put his fork down.
"I really want to be a Pokemon breeder," he admitted, "I find taking care of Pokemon much more appealing than making them fight. There are so many other things you can do besides battle."

"It's fun," Arcanine said, but conceded that there was more to life than fighting.
"It sounds great," Seviper said, "any chance you can look after us? My scales need a polish." Paul chuckled and looked over at the large snake.
"Only if we get time together," Paul replied, "but sure, I'll polish your scales later."

"Always so vain," Espeon stated jokingly and Seviper tapped him over the head with his tail.
Looking back at the six, Paul asked, "what about you guys? Do you have any aspirations?" They looked at him strangely, as not many trainers asked their Pokemon that question.

"We all just live here," Arcanine replied, "it's a great life for a Pokemon. Training aside, things are pretty easy around here. Good food, good company and a great environment. We don't have to hunt for food and we keep in shape by battling. But yes, we each have our own things we like to do."

With that last sentence, they all looked at each other and Paul picked up on it. He wondered what the joke was; it was like they were hiding something from him. Still, he understood their satisfaction with their lives; it wasn't like they had to struggle to survive.
"I like to keep myself looking perfect, and relaxing in the sun," Seviper told him, "it makes me happy."

"I enjoy a good grooming too," Espeon added, "but I like playing challenging mental games, keeps my psychic abilities in top form."
"I don't mind the occasional run through the park," Ninetales said, "I love getting out and exploring."
"I love kicking Charizard's ass," Arcanine interjected with a loud chuckle, and Charizard glared at him.

"I find watching Arcanine fail at doing so time and time again to be quite entertaining," Charizard retorted, and Paul laughed. Feraligatr simply sat their silently, his eyes taking in everything; his mouth letting out nothing. Paul nodded, understanding their little interests and competitiveness with great interest of his own.

Learning about Pokemon made Paul happy, and thus hearing each of their little quirks made him more educated on the subject of Pokemon personality.
Swallowing another mouthful of his dinner, Paul asked, "I know dad said he didn't want you going soft, but did you just want to relax tonight?"

They looked at him for a moment, and then nodded collectively. Judging by their expressions, Paul knew they desired a good break.
"Just don't tell," he added, and they all nodded again.
"Thanks, Paul," Arcanine said gratefully, "we need a bit of a rest."

Ten minutes later, all of them had finished eating and Paul gathered up their dishes. Walking over to put them into the dishwasher, he saw Seviper slide over to him and onto the bench next to the sink.
"What's up?" Paul asked the poison-type Pokemon, turning the dishwasher on.

"Don't think I forgot your promise of giving my scales a polish," the snake reminded him. Paul laughed and turned to face him.
"Not a problem," he chuckled, "but could you guys give me an hour or so? I've got some things to take care of in my room. We'll stay up late, as long as you promise to keep it a secret."

Seviper nodded, and slithered off to tell the others what Paul had said. With a sigh, the young man headed to his room, shutting the door behind him as he did so. He sat down in front of his computer and booted it up, reaching for his schoolbooks and placing them next to him. He felt no motivation to do his homework, but he knew he had to.

Two minutes later the internet screen popped open on his computer, showing his search engine. Looking down at the history books, he began to do his study. Typing the word 'Aerodactyl' into the PC he watched as the entry came up for him. He had always found ancient Pokemon interesting, but never enjoyed studying them. He would much rather meet one than just think about one.

Clicking on a link to 'AncientPokemonParadise', he smiled as the information he needed was displayed across his screen. He reached for a pen, but his hand faltered when he saw something down the bottom of his screen. A banner, advertising Pokemon breeding, was flashing across the base of the website.

Normally, he would avoid banners, as they could lead to some nasty sites, but this time he was curious. His mouse pressed the link, and he was immediately transported to another page, where his jaw dropped. It was Pokemon breeding alright, but not in the way he had expected it. His mind told him to leave, but he was too surprised to move.

He watched as a large male Mightyena swiftly mounted a female Mightyena, engaging in what was clearly intercourse. Paul watched, affixed, as the Pokemon's stiff penis slipped into the female's tight vagina, causing her to moan loudly. Paul quickly switched his speakers off; he didn't want anyone to hear that.

Although he knew it was wrong, he couldn't tear his eyes away. Time and time again that pulsing red Pokemon meat delved into the female's slick folds, filling her with his moist pre-cum. The video continued in this fashion, the pair of Mightyena's mating passionately on Paul's screen. Finally coming to his senses, he reached for his mouse and moved it over to the exit button.

But... he hesitated. His eyes slowly observed the Mightyena let out one more now silent howl as he filled the female with his semen. The human watched as the female Pokemon took everything her mate gave her, his thick knot expanding inside of her and trapping his seed within her mating passage.

Although he knew it was wrong, and he wasn't sure why, Paul's hand slowly slipped away from the mouse. For some reason, it wasn't the female that was making him think twice, and before he could even think of the repercussions, his hand began to slip somewhere else.


Espeon slowly leapt down the stairs of the house, heading towards the others. He had taken a bathroom break, and was heading to rejoin the other five Pokemon. He smiled to himself, thinking smugly of his win against Ninetales, even if it had been by using a fairly cheap move. Still, a win was a win, and he had certainly won.

As he passed Paul's room, he was struck with a certain curiosity. He had never been allowed in, usually because Gareth was too busy training them for him to have enough free time, but for now his interest had risen. The psychic-type looked around carefully, making sure he wouldn't be spotted before darting over to his door.

His ears perked; Paul sounded like he was breathing pretty heavily. Was he hurt? He quickly pushed the door but found it wouldn't move. Cursing, He turned before an idea hit him. He looked up at the lock and used a psybeam on it, causing the lock to spring open. Without stopping, Espeon opened the door and looked inside.

He quickly froze. Paul was breathing heavily, alright, but he certainly wasn't injured. The Pokemon took a quick look at what was on his screen, and what he was doing with his hand, before backing out silently and closing the door with his mind. Desperately hoping the human hadn't heard him, Espeon turned and ran across the hall to where the other Pokemon were gathered.

He certainly had a story to tell.


"So you're saying," Charizard asked, "that he was masturbating? To Pokemon mating?" The others looked at Espeon intently.
"I swear," the psychic-type replied, "he was watching two Mightyena going at it, and it looked as though he was enjoying it quite a bit." The Pokemon remained silent for a moment, trying to digest what Espeon was telling them.

Seviper looked around and said, "Were they male?" Arcanine looked at him and chuckled, making Seviper hiss.
"Interested, are we?" the canine chuckled.
"I was merely finding out," Seviper retorted, "and even if I was, what of it?"

"He's a human," Ninetales responded, "he's not the same as us."
"He's a male," Espeon interrupted, "and a young, healthy one at that."
"Are you saying..." Arcanine began to ask and Espeon nodded.

"Why not? I'd give him a try," the psychic-type said with a grin. Charizard snorted and looked over at him.
"You'd be lucky if he was firstly: interested and secondly: homosexual," the dragon reasoned, but Espeon shook his head.
"It's worth a shot," he argued, "I, for one, would certainly like a little sexual relief, and I think he's cute."

Ninetales shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing.
"Gareth will kill us," Ninetales butted in, "Paul might tell him, or we could be found. Anything could go wrong."
"I agree, it isn't wise," Arcanine seconded, but Espeon shook his head.

"I'm still going to try," the psychic Pokemon said finally, "you didn't see what I did."
"But he's still human," Ninetales argued, but Espeon silenced him.
"He's a male, we're males, nothing bad can come of it, I say we do it," the pink Pokemon stated flatly.

"We should do it," came a voice, and everyone spun around to face the door, thinking they had busted. A quick inspection showed nobody at the door, which left them wondering who had said it. Suddenly, they all collectively looked over at Feraligatr, who smiled and nodded his head.
"We should do it," he said again, and the Pokemon gathered nearly all fell over with surprise.

"He bloody speaks," Arcanine said with wonder, "never thought I'd see the day." The others nodded, and Feraligatr spoke again.
"I would like to mate with him," the water-type told them, "there is nothing wrong with that." Charizard nodded, the only one to have ever heard Feraligatr talk before.

Espeon chuckled and said, "Well, there you go; even the big guy wants a little Paul action." Arcanine nodded, and so did Seviper. It seemed the only one who wasn't convinced was Ninetales.
"Oh, come on," Seviper argued, "it'll be fun, I promise."

Ninetales sighed, clearly outnumbered. Plus, he admitted to himself, he wouldn't mind a bit of that human.
"Good," Charizard said, "now we can proceed. I'm getting rather excited." Espeon nodded and moved to the door.
"I'm going first," he told the others, "but do you think we'll all fit in his room?"

"It's not a small room," Charizard said, "we should fit." With that, they began to make their way down to Paul's room.
It was going to be a blast.


Paul's hand slid up and down his stiff shaft rapidly as he watched two Lucario slowly undress on his screen. He found himself watching the male one more closely, smiling as he watched the Pokemon's stiff length emerge into the daylight. He had no idea why, but it was so completely sexy to watch. It made him feel like a pervert, but he couldn't stop.

"What are you watching there?" came a voice from behind him and he nearly fell out of his chair. With rapid speed he closed the internet window and zipped up his shorts.
"Nothing," he replied guiltily, seeing the form of Espeon enter his room behind him.

He thought he had locked the door, but now he had possibly been busted.
"That..." Espeon said slowly, pointing to his computer, "didn't look like nothing." Paul sighed and ducked his head, looking away from the accusing Pokemon.

"I was just... researching, that's all," he argued feebly, but Espeon chuckled."
"Must've been some mighty hot research," the Pokemon said with a grin, "because you looked like you were enjoying yourself. Paul sighed and blushed heavily, knowing his game was up.

"Please don't tell dad," he muttered, feeling completely embarrassed. Espeon walked over to him and looked up into his eyes.
"Why would I do that?" he replied, "you weren't doing anything wrong." Paul looked up, confused.
"But I was..."

"...just relieving some stress, that's all," Espeon finished for him. Paul was now genuinely surprised, and hidden silently outside the door, Seviper chuckled.
"He's smooth," the snake Pokemon stated, "gotta give him that."

"I'm sorry," Paul said, "I shouldn't have been..."
"You don't get it," Espeon cut in, "I don't have a problem with it." The human looked at him, unsure what to do.
"But I..." he began again, but Espeon placed a paw on his knee.

"Were you enjoying it?" Espeon asked, looking into his eyes. Paul looked down at the Pokemon, knowing he couldn't lie to his face.
"Yes," he admitted shamefully.
"Did you want to have sex with those Pokemon?" Espeon continued.

"Yes," he muttered, hanging his head.
"And was it the male, or the female, you were more interested in?" With that question Paul looked up, highly embarrassed. He saw the expression on the Pokemon's face, and knew he was badly sprung.

"I thought so," Espeon said, and Paul looked almost on the verge of tears. He was so embarrassed he was unable to keep eye contact and buried his head in his shirt.
"You must think I'm disgusting," he muttered, but Espeon tapped him on the knee.

"Actually, I think you're sexy," the Pokemon whispered, and Paul looked up slowly, unsure if he had heard correctly.
"What?" he asked, a little confused. Espeon chuckled.
"I said," the Pokemon explained in a slow voice, "I think that you are quite attractive."

It hit Paul like a ton of bricks, the expression on Espeon's face, the position he was in, the acceptance... Espeon was trying to proposition to him.
"I..." he began, but didn't know what to say. He was at a genuine loss for words.

Leaning up against him, Espeon slowly moved his paw forward until it was touching the bulge in his pants, still not fully soft from his previous activities. Paul was surprised, and quickly slid back a little, shaking his head.
"I can't do this," he argued, "it's wrong, and you're not even human!"

"It didn't look like you were having a problem with it before," Espeon retorted, pointing to the screen. Knowing he had no good comeback, he simply shook his head.
"I can't, dad will kill me."

"Your father isn't here," Espeon said, "so why don't we have a little fun? It can't hurt, it's not like we can get pregnant." Paul couldn't believe he was talking about this.
"But we're both male! Not to mention different species. We can't just have sex."

"Why not?" Espeon argued, "I want it, and I know deep down you want it too." Placing a paw back on his knee, Espeon moved forward slowly, inching towards his hidden package rather un-stealthily.
"We can't do this," he argued rather feebly, but Espeon shook his head.

"If you don't want me to," the Pokemon offered finally, "then stop me." Espeon reached forward and hooked a claw around his zipper, slowly pulling it down. He looked up into the human's eyes as he did so, the metal clip jumping free and allowing his pants to come off.
"He's in," Charizard whispered to the others from behind the door, "Paul's going to do it."

Paul's mind was telling him to stop the Pokemon as he hooked his claws into his pants and dragged them slowly from his body. Instead, however, he found himself lifting up to help them slide of easier.
"That's the spirit," Espeon said, "take it off."

The Pokemon could see the bulge in his underwear and decided it needed to be freed. Before he could remove them, however, Paul slowly reached down and removed his shirt, throwing it on the floor. Now he was simply in his underwear, sitting in the computer chair with a conflicted expression on his face.

"What the hell," he finally said, "let's do it. I've always somehow wanted to try this, even if I never knew it." Espeon smiled and the Pokemon hiding behind the door cheered silently as the human finally gave in to his desires.
"We're going to have such a good time," Espeon told him.

Grasping his underwear, Paul slowly began to slide them down until they were completely off. Espeon could only stare with wonder as his semi-erect maleness came into view, his soft testicles hanging carefully beneath it. The Pokemon gasped with amazement; it was a very good size for a human and especially one his age, smooth and pulsing with vitality.

Although the psychic-type was very horny and would have loved nothing better than to have his human bury that length deep into his rear, he knew Paul would need a little easing-into the world of mating. Plus, Espeon thought, he's a through and through virgin. With that in mind, he knew what he had to do.

Paul, unsure what to do himself, simply sat in the chair as Espeon got on his hind legs and placed a paw on each of his thighs. At this range, Espeon got a very good look at his genitalia, which was very much a sight to behold for the young Pokemon.
"It looks beautiful," Espeon couldn't help but say, and despite himself, Paul grinned.

With nothing else to say, Paul simply allowed the Pokemon to do as he pleased. Espeon knew he was in control, and brought his head down to inhale some of the human's sexy odour. His nose was very sensitive; he could almost smell Paul's arousal. Hidden from view, the other five Pokemon were getting quite a good idea of Paul's endowment.

Leaning in slowly, Espeon brought his head an inch from base of Paul's stiffening erection. The young man was getting hard simply from the idea of mating with the pink Pokemon. Without wanting to waste another second simply staring at his meat, the psychic-type carefully flicked out his tongue and lightly brushed over Paul's soft scrotum.

He stiffened at the touch, never having been stimulated sexually in any way before. Espeon smiled at his reaction and repeated the action, this time sliding his tongue across the fleshy sack properly. He felt a single testicle shift under his tongue and smiled, imagining what lay inside, hidden from view.

Paul could do nothing but watch with enjoyment as the feline-Pokemon teased him orally, flicking that soft tongue across his skin. He had never expected to feel this good about it, his inhibitions sliding away with every touch the Pokemon bestowed upon him. Thought of it being wrong were pushed from his mind, his hormones taking over and guiding him.

"That feels great," Paul told his new lover quietly, and Espeon smiled inwardly. Paul had no idea the six Pokemon he was looking after were coming into heat simultaneously, and this made the psychic Pokemon rather amused. When Pokemon live together for an extended period of time, their biological time-clocks synchronise.

Working his tongue tenderly around Paul's balls, the Pokemon could feel each one of the sheltered orbs against his tongue, swaying against the soft pressure exerted with every touch. Espeon was enjoying it thoroughly, savouring each stroke of his tastebuds across that fleshy skin. He knew that his reward would come soon enough.

But hopefully, not for a while. Paul sighed happily as Espeon curled his tongue in circles around his right testicle, stimulating him carefully. Paul reached down and placed his hand on the Pokemon's back, wanting to be able to touch him as he was played with by the pink Pokemon. He could feel his eagerness rising; all this teasing was making him extremely horny.

Tenderly lapping at his sack wasn't enough for the aroused Espeon; he had to have more. He opened his mouth and slowly accepted one of Paul's tantalising balls into his mouth, smiling as it shuffled in his mouth. He continues his gentle caresses, taking care not to accidentally hit it with his teeth. He knew that wouldn't feel good.

Paul couldn't believe this was happening to him. He was getting his genitals played with... by a Pokemon! Judging by the look on Espeon's face, he could deduce that the Pokemon intended to go all the way. He smiled as the warm mouth enclosed one of his family jewels, feeling the sensations ricochet through his body sensually.

Although Paul hadn't ever considered that he would be in this position, he felt rather comfortable in it, like he had done something like this before. It felt so wrong, and yet, in many ways it felt extremely right at the same time. He could feel the heat from Espeon's nose drifting over his stiff length, making him twitch with anticipation.

With one of the human's acorns in his mouth, Espeon was getting a rather good view of the package above. He adored Paul's penis; it was simply designed and looked very much like it needed to be inside something. The pink Pokemon knew he would be able to help in that regard, but for now he was content to simply enjoy his little game.

Mixing things up for his human companion, Espeon switched over to the other side, taking his left teste into his mouth. He was beginning to get a good feel for just how Paul's body responded to his actions.
"Just like that..." the young man breathed softly, making the Pokemon smile contently.

He rolled the hidden orb around his mouth, sucking ever-so-lightly. Much to Paul's unexpected surprise, Espeon quickly released the soft sack from his mouth and licked his shaft from the base to the tip.
"Oh, Espeon!" he gasped as the textured tongue teased his erection with a single stroke

Deciding he wanted to play dirty, Espeon stopped and looked up, licking his lips and swallowing the bead of pre-cum the human had left there. This made Paul feel very aroused, his body aching to be pleasured by the smaller Pokemon.
"I'm not sure..." Espeon said, his tone containing a heavy dose of teasing, "...what I should be doing next?"

Paul grinned; he knew Espeon had every idea what to do next. So he was going to play it like this, was he?
"Maybe you should... work your way up?" Paul suggested, his tone equally playful. Espeon smiled and leaned forward, kissing the very base of his member, where it connected to his body.

"I'll start from the bottom then," the Pokemon replied, knowing he had Paul where he wanted him. Out in the hallway, the other Pokemon grinned at what they were hearing.
"He's completely into it now," Seviper commented, "I've never heard a guy sound so eager."

"Espeon seems to be having fun as well," Charizard commented.
"Maybe we should interrupt?" Arcanine suggested, but Charizard shook his head.
"Let them have their fun," the dragon ordered, "we'll take it in turns after Espeon."

"What if he only likes Espeon," Ninetales asked and Arcanine chuckled.
"Paul is as gay and as hot for us as we are for him," the canine told him reassuringly. They fell silent; each one of them wanting to hear what Espeon had planned next for the horny human.

Back in the room, Paul watched as the psychic-Pokemon kissed the base of his shaft, nuzzling it softly and giving it the occasional tongue. He was fully erect now; Espeon's advances had made him as stiff as a rock. He didn't know how much longer he could withstand this teasing. Another touch of the Pokemon's tongue sent a shiver of anticipation through his body.

Espeon did his absolute best, rolling his tongue around that meaty length and savouring his fleshy taste. He made sure not to venture too high too soon; he wanted to prolong the experience. He wanted to find out just how much stamina the human had. The rich smell of arousal was already filling his nose, and he knew Paul was very horny indeed.

The Pokemon continued to stay low, lapping at the bottom of his cock with delight. He used his tongue and curled it around the stiff length, creating a sensual friction that made Paul smile.
"Feels so good," he muttered to Espeon, who smiled.

For that, the Pokemon slowly began to move up his manhood, kissing and licking every tiny crease and bump. Paul grinned as he knew what was coming soon, and relaxed further into his chair. Every second that passed brought Espeon closer to the top, Paul's breathing slowly increasing with each contact his Pokemon gave to him.

Both human and Pokemon were completely focused on what they were doing now. It would have taken an earthquake to make them stop now. Paul scratched Espeon's ear softly as the Pokemon licked away at his maleness, enjoying the feeling of having a Pokemon between his legs. The position was quite intimate, and they were both very satisfied.

For a man who had never had any form of sex in his life, he was beginning to wonder just what he had been missing out on. He was young, after all, but still... if it felt this good to be licked and touched like this, how good would it feel to go all the way? He knew how gay sex worked; he had just never even considered it.

On that note, he realised he didn't even know what Espeon was packing. He leaned slowly to the right in his chair, Espeon too busy working his length to notice, and spied the Pokemon's stiff erection hanging between its legs. The sight of it made him even more aroused, if this was possible.

Espeon had a decent cock for its size, almost as big as his own. It was smooth and pulsing with blood, ready to be used at a moments notice. Paul shivered; he hoped he would get time to repay the favour later. Little did he know the other five Pokemon just meters away had their own plans for his schedule later.

Finally, after what seemed like and hour, Espeon rolled his skilled tongue over his phallus. Paul moaned; it was a very sensitive area for human males. Knowing he had struck a good spot, the psychic-type began to kiss and circle his cockhead with his tongue.
"Don't you like that?" Espeon whispered, adding, "maybe you want me to stop?"

Paul shook his head furiously, replying, "please don't stop, I need this! I need you!" Those words sent a shiver through Espeon; this was getting very hot between the pair. Charizard chuckled quietly outside the door, and the others smiled.
"If Espeon takes any longer I'm going to lose my restraint," the dragon told the others, and they chuckled as well.

"What was that?" Espeon teased, deliberately making him even hornier, "I didn't hear you." Paul sighed, and looked down at Espeon with an exasperated look etched into his face.
"I want you to suck my cock," Paul replied simply, "I want to feel your mouth over my body. I want to fill your mouth with my cum."

He blushed after saying it; he hoped he hadn't been a little too direct. However, to his delight, Espeon smiled and moved a little closer. He definitely wasn't used to talking dirty, but he hoped he was doing a good enough job.
"As you wish, master," Espeon replied in a sexy tone, bringing his head down slowly.

Paul smiled as he saw his stiff length slowly being to disappear into the Pokemon's mouth. The sudden warmth surrounding his upper shaft was incredible, and as he watched, the psychic-type managed slid about two-thirds of his manhood into his mouth. Without warning, Espeon then closed its mouth, encapsulating his throbbing tool with one motion.

For a split second Paul thought the Pokemon was biting down, but dismissed that stray thought as he felt the heated pressure surrounding his cock. Without waiting any longer, Espeon slowly slid back off his wonderful member, coating it in a trail of saliva. Paul watched as a strand of his pre-cum connected them both together as he pulled off.

Espeon licked his lips; the taste of the human's well-kept penis in his mouth was very enticing and deliciously tasty. He wondered what the young male's cum would taste like. Knowing he had to find out, the Pokemon brought his head back down and once again took the fleshy rod back into his mouth.

From this, Espeon began to build up a slow but steady pace, bobbing his head up and down on that amazing erection. The heat was amazing; the Pokemon's warm maw surrounding his slick maleness made him shudder with delight. He was very glad his father was away, it would have been beyond awkward if he had walked in now.

He looked at the pink Pokemon sliding along his shaft and smiled as he locked eyes with him. In his years with Pokemon he had never considered just how sexy they really looked, and Espeon was a prime example of just how beautiful a Pokemon could be. The way he was sucking his needy cock was causing Paul to be overwhelmed with emotions.

Having never experienced anything around his own erection except his hand, Paul was finding that a blowjob far exceeded his expectations. He could feel every texture inside Espeon's mouth as it engulfed his manhood.
"Damn..." he muttered, unable to clearly express his satisfaction in words.

The psychic-Pokemon was done teasing, he was too focused on obtaining his goal now to even bother making Paul beg for more. Put simply, Espeon wanted to suck on his cock properly, and for as long as possible. He knew he had full control over his human mate now; Paul's expression one of pure lust and arousal.

Time and time again, Espeon slid that delicious meat into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue, feeling it slide against the roof of his mouth. He pushed deeper, taking almost all of that fleshy length inside, his sensitive nose brushing lightly against Paul's skin. He knew he was close to fitting it all inside.

With one moved Espeon pressed himself down onto Paul's cock, feeling it touch the back of his throat. The human stared incredulously as he took his entire organ deep into that sexy orifice, Espeon almost gagging but managing to keep his composure. His nose was pressed hard against Paul's skin, having gotten so close to his companion.

"Oh Espeon!" Paul whispered with a dreamy look, making the pink-Pokemon smile inwardly, glad he had managed to please his master's son. They continued in silence for a little while after that, simply basking in the sensations each of them was receiving from the other. The other Pokemon remained outside the door quietly as well, eavesdropping on the action.

The wet sounds of Espeon slurping away at the meaty shaft slowly permeated the air, music to Paul's ears. He could feel his body reacting heavily to the incredible treatment, his balls tingling with pre-release pressure. He knew it wouldn't be long before he finished, much to his personal dismay; he had hoped it wouldn't end anytime soon.

The Pokemon had picked up a rather rapid pace, bobbing up and down happily on the stiff length in an attempt to coax its hidden liquids out from deep within. He could tell Paul was close; his breathing was increasing with every stroke.
"I'm not sure I can hold out any longer!" Paul gasped, feeling his orgasm coming on quickly.

Without breaking his momentum, Espeon winked at him and he knew immediately that the Pokemon had no problem with him finishing inside his mouth. Just the thought of that action, combined with the friction from Espeon sucking on his maleness brought him over the edge, ending their sexual encounter with a long-awaited climax.

Paul groaned as his cock throbbed inside of his lover's mouth, sending a spurt of his warm human cum deep into Espeon's throat. The psychic Pokemon swallowed every drop, the strong taste of his cream coating his mouth sending waves of ecstasy through Espeon's mind. He didn't ejaculate for long, but what he did produce went straight into the Pokemon's stomach.

Once the last few drops of his milky seed had been drawn from his body, Paul slumped against the chair, worn out from the amount of pleasure he had just experienced. He watched as Espeon removed his head from his softening length, a strand of cum connecting his cockhead to the Pokemon's mouth. He reached out and scooped it up, tasting it.

"That was amazing," Paul whispered with a smile, "thankyou Espeon." Espeon smiled and licked its lips, swallowing the last of his delicious sperm.
"No problem," the Pokemon replied happily, "you taste amazing."

Paul blushed, amazed at how casually they were discussing it. He had just been given oral sex by a Pokemon and loved every second of it! He knew he couldn't ever tell anyone, not even the other Pokemon. Speaking of the other Pokemon, all five of them slowly made their way away from Paul's room, returning to their meeting place.

They would approach him later, for now, it was Espeon's time. Espeon hopped down from Paul's lap and walked back over to the door, a satisfied smile on his face.
"We'll do this again?" he asked, and Paul nodded.

"I'd be glad to," he replied, "but next time, I'll return the favour."


Twenty minutes later, Paul found himself lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Now that he was alone, the full implications of what he had done were crashing over him like powerful waves.
"I must be some kind of sick person to do something like that," he sighed, but inwardly he knew he didn't feel any guilt.

He reached down and touched his penis, still slightly damp from Espeon's amazing blowjob, and smiled. He knew he would have a hard time forgetting what had occurred on this night. Little did he know that only two rooms away, six Pokemon stood discussing what had just happened.
"He was incredible," Espeon whispered, "you have no idea. His cock was delicious."

"Always so horny," Arcanine chuckled, but Seviper hissed with arousal at the pink Pokemon's words.
"I want to give him a go as well," the snake Pokemon told them, "it's my turn." Charizard nodded, and smiled.
"Go for it," the dragon said, "we'll each get a turn eventually. Why rush things? We have all night."

Seviper nodded back, and moved towards the door, but Espeon butted in.
"I don't think he'll be ready for another blowjob anytime soon," he said, but Seviper shook his head.
"I didn't plan on giving him one," Seviper chuckled, as disappeared out of the door.

Paul sat up and looked around his room, looking at the computer once again. Now that he had experienced it firsthand, he wanted to see if he could locate a forum or chat group where he could find out more information. He went to stand up but a noise at door made him quickly sit back down in surprise.

He realised it was only Seviper, who pushed his door open and slithered into his room.
"Hey, Seviper," Paul welcomed him, "what's happening?" He hoped that he couldn't smell the happenings of the previous half hour in his room.
"Coming to claim my free scale polishing," the serpent replied casually, sliding onto the bed.

Paul grinned, remembering his promise.
"Oh that's right," he said, "I'd almost forgotten." He stood up and walked over to his drawer, taking out a bottle of scale polish. He had always kept some for when he had a Pokemon of his own.

Returning to the bed, he upturned the bottle and poured a small amount of shiny liquid onto his palms, rubbing them together.
"Where would you like me to start?" he asked, and Seviper lowered it's head.
"From the top would be good," he replied, and Paul nodded, reaching out for him.

Seviper was by no means small, and was pretty long too. It was going to take at least ten to fifteen minutes, he estimated. He placed his hands on top of the Pokemon's head, slowly beginning to rub the polish into his purple and yellow head scales before making his way down to the black body scales.

As soon as Paul's hands came into contact with the snake's smooth scales, Seviper sighed and relaxed its muscles, slinking around Paul's body and resting on his bed. The human smiled as he saw how relaxed he was making the serpent feel as his fingers pressed the polish softly into every bump on the Pokemon's head.

It didn't take him long to cover Seviper's face; it was the body which would require more effort. He hoped he had enough polish to finish the job. He slowly made his way down the snake's body, covering every inch of him with a thin, well-spread coating over polish as he went. Minutes passed in silence as Seviper was carefully made shiny and gleaming.

"How do you like that," Paul asked as his palms slid around the cylindrical frame of Seviper with expert efficiency.
"It feels very relaxing indeed," the Pokemon replied happily, "you've got great hands." Paul grinned, sliding a bit further down Seviper's body. He was fairly sure he would have enough to cover the whole serpent, but he wasn't definite on that.

A few minutes later he found himself two-thirds of the way down, still using his fingers to carefully polish his Pokemon. He knew how much this meant to Seviper, and hence, he would do as good of a job as he possibly could. The smooth scales were amazingly pleasant to touch, kind of like a living coat of armour from their age-old feuds with Zangoose.

Suddenly, his finger sank into Seviper's flesh without warning. Paul jumped and pulled his hand back, thinking foolishly that he had somehow punctured his Pokemon's skin through the scales.
"What the?" he exclaimed, looking where his hand had been just moment before.

Seviper turned to look at Paul as he realised what he had just put his hand into.
"Oh Arceus!" he muttered, "I'm so sorry, Seviper, I didn't mean to..."
"It's alright," the Pokemon reassured him, "don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" Paul asked, worried he may have hurt Seviper. He couldn't believe he had just inserted his fingers into Seviper's rear, and he was genuinely apologetic. He didn't want to have the Pokemon think he was weird.
"Actually," Seviper whispered, "now that you mention it, the polish does have to be applied everywhere for it to be effective."

Paul looked at him, unsure of what he was suggesting. For the briefest of moments...
"You want me to..." he began but the serpent cut him off.
"Only if you want to," Seviper said with a smile. Paul then knew that Espeon's little time with him wasn't private knowledge.

"Let me guess, Espeon," Paul said, shaking his head, "do you all know?" Seviper nodded, and Paul sighed.
"You wouldn't tell dad, would you?" he asked, and Seviper chuckled.
"Not only wouldn't we tell," the snake replied, "we all want a piece of you."

"You mean to tell me, all of you want to have sex with me? Tonight? Why?"
"Because you're incredibly hot, according to Espeon, and because Gareth isn't home, plus we're all horny."
"So when you came in asking for a polish..."

"I wanted to mate with you. Although, the polish was a nice touch."
"Sheesh, you Pokemon, you're all the same."
"Something you'll come to love, I'll promise you that. But for now, it's my turn, if you'll accept me."

Paul sighed and looked over Seviper's body. He hadn't ever thought about how he would have sex with a serpent, but now that the opportunity presented itself, he might as well try.
"Well," he told Seviper, "you do need to be polished everywhere."

He turned the bottle upside down, watching as a single drop fell from it, indicating its emptiness. Seviper grinned knowingly, and Paul sighed.
"Looks like we'll need some more polish," he suggested in a quiet tone, and the Pokemon chuckled. He reached down and grabbed the section of body where Seviper's tailhole was located, bringing it closer to his face.

From here, he could clearly see what he had missed when polishing. Hidden between Seviper's scales lay a soft patch of flesh, a passageway into his serpentine body. From the look on the Pokemon's face, Paul knew exactly what he wanted, and was going to have to get a little up-close and personal to satisfy him.

He had never given a rimjob, or even thought about it before, but he had heard about them.
"Are you... clean?" he asked nervously, and Seviper nodded.
"I washed before I came here," he replied, "it helps the polish stick better, and cleans the insides."

That made Paul feel somewhat better, but he still nervous.
"Just take your time," the snake reassured him, "we've got plenty of it." Paul nodded, knowing he would be alright. He brought his fingers up and slowly placed them either side of that dark recess.

With a slight amount of pressure he parted the serpent's rear, exposing the black cavern within. Paul was surprised; it appeared extremely soft and fleshy inside, contrary to the tough exterior. He smiled; it was very erotic and he knew that he wanted to at least try. He brought one finger around and brushed it lightly over the unique rectum.

Seviper waited patiently, his breath catching as he felt the contact with his private place. Paul knew he was making Seviper anxious, and was enjoying every second of it.
"I certainly will," he finally replied, making the Pokemon shiver with delight.

He circled the tight opening with his index finger a couple of times, stimulating the muscles and making Seviper clench subconsciously. With a stray thought, Paul wondered what it would feel like to feel that pressure around his cock. Maybe he would find out later, or at least, he hoped he would eventually.

Still, for now, he had a job to do. He slowly teased Seviper's tailhole with tantalising effectiveness, eliciting breaths of pleasure from his partner.
"That feels great," Seviper said, "but it's pretty cold for a poor finger to be out so late. Why don't you warm it up inside me?"

Despite the corny line, Paul agreed wholeheartedly and pressed slowly against the sphincter before him, applying a bit of pressure to penetrate its hidden depths. The skin parted suddenly, allowing his finger to sink halfway inside the Pokemon's body. Seviper hissed with satisfaction, shifting a little as it got used to the feeling of having something in its' rear.

It was in interesting feeling for Paul knowing his finger was inside a Pokemon's anal passage. He curled his digit experimentally, causing Seviper to wriggle with delight. Easing it back out slowly, Paul noted that the Pokemon was intensely clean inside, and this made him much more willing to continue.

He pressed back into the hole slowly, going a little bit deeper this time. He could feel the slick walls part under the pressure of his finger penetrating their hidden depths, and grinned. Taking his time so the serpent could adjust to the new sensations, Paul worked his finger in and out of Seviper's anus at a delightfully slow and steady pace.

"It seems you're enjoying this," Paul noted with a chuckle, and Seviper looked at him sarcastically.
"It would be hard not to," the Pokemon replied, "you've never felt this before, clearly." Paul shrugged and looked down at his finger penetrating that tight pucker.

"I can feel inside of you, that's pretty amazing," he retorted, and Seviper smiled, motioning towards his body. Paul wasn't sure what the serpent wanted him to look at for a moment; until he saw the scales a few inches above where his finger was begin to stir.
"Oh," was all Paul could day, his words stuck in his throat as he witnessed the growing erection protruding from Seviper's scales.

The slit grew bigger every second, revealing the tip of a blood-red organ which glistened with slick moisture. Without taking a break from his fingering efforts, Paul watched as inch after inch of serpentine cock slid from within that coiled body and exposed itself to the young human. It took all of his self-control not to reach out and touch it, instead opting to increase the pace of his finger.

This only made Seviper even stiffer, the pleasure from his rear causing his member to stand firmly at attention, dripping with pre-cum and clearly begging for attention.
"We should probably do something about that," Paul noted, and Seviper grinned.

He could feel the Pokemon's muscles around his finger, caressing him every time he entered that velvety anal passage. With an errant thought he wondered once again what it would be like to have Seviper's rear squeezing against his teenage cock, and the idea made him stiffen considerably. It would be something to try eventually.

Digging his finger in deeper, Paul watched gleefully as the serpent Pokemon squirmed a little in pleasure. Simply feeling Paul's digit inside of him, pushing in and out with enthusiasm, made his slick maleness painfully erect. It was too unbearable not to touch it, so he did the one thing that he knew Paul would enjoy - he put on a show.

The human male watched, captivated as Seviper brought its mouth around and slowly licked his own penis from the base to the very tip. The action made Paul shudder with hidden desire, wishing it was his own cock being lavishly stroked by that serpentine forked tongue. Knowing that wouldn't happen immediately, Paul instead opted to dig around inside the Pokemon, stimulating the warm passage tenderly.

Not stopping there, Seviper slowly licked its own shaft a few more times, coating its tongue in the sticky pre-lubricant it was emitting before engulfing the swollen organ entirely. Paul smiled with a hint of awe as Seviper swallowed its own lengthy erection gleefully, much to his delight. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Pokemon that would do this for him.

Seviper didn't waste any time, sliding his head over his maleness at a steady pace, making it slick with saliva in moments. Paul grinned and resumed his fingering, penetrating Seviper's rectum continuously as he sought to please the large serpent. Soft fleshy folds parted under his finger as he massaged the Pokemon internally, making him feel painfully aroused indeed.

"Enjoying yourself?" Paul asked with a chuckle, and Seviper looked up at him, quickly thinking of a comeback. He did the first thing that popped into his head.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Seviper replied, leaning forward and kissing Paul on the mouth.

Surprised by the unexpected move, and the fact that he was being kissed by a snake, he opened his mouth to ask what he meant. Seviper took the opportunity to slide his tongue into the human's mouth and French kiss him passionately, their tongues intertwining swiftly as Paul accepted the oral organ against his own.

With a start he realised that the rich taste he was experiencing was a combination of Seviper's tongue and the fluids from his meaty cock. This, although registering as disgusting somewhere in his mind, also remained extremely sexy and downright arousing at the same time. After a good twenty seconds they broke the kiss, and Paul licked his lips, feeling awkward.

"So, yes, I am enjoying myself," Seviper explained finally, and returned to sucking his own length once more without delay. Paul chuckled, the taste of Seviper still fresh in his mouth. The fact that he has received a gob-full of saliva and pre-cum from his father's Pokemon's mouth was a thought that played across his mind sensually.

Still, he knew he was still in the midst of another activity - fingering Seviper. And now he knew just how to repay the serpent for the sneaky manoeuvre. He looked at Seviper, the Pokemon still bobbing up and down its own slippery shaft, and then, without warning, pulled his finger back and quickly inserted a second, pressing deep back into Seviper's anal passage with two digits.

The snake hissed in pleasure as it was spread even further by Paul's double finger combo, looking at him from around its cock with a sexual glare. Paul took the hint; Seviper did not want him to stop. As he withdrew his fingers he could feel the muscles around his digits clench and relax in rhythm, making the experience even more enjoyable.

He began to steadily press back inside the Pokemon's anus, picking up a relatively similar pace to that set by Seviper's' mouth. With each long slurp of that blood-red length, Paul thrust his fingers as deep as possible, feeling around the deepest regions of his companions' body. He knew just how much the Pokemon must be enjoying the attention.

Seviper was beginning to wonder just how long he could keep up this pace. He could feel the need to orgasm coming along slowly, and in mere minutes would be ready to explode. Still, he would do his best to prolong the entertainment for his human friend. Plus, the combination of the taste of his own juicy organ and Paul's fingers was something he didn't want to end any time soon.

They continued on silently for a while, the only sounds that could be heard were the soft noises of their respective activities. It was very arousing for Paul to hear Seviper's tongue slurp against his maleness while his fingers slid in and out of the Pokemon's rear. He was beginning to wonder just how much stimulation the serpent could take.

Determined to find out, he increased the speed at which he thrust his digits, managing to elicit a moan from the poison-type Pokemon. Seviper upped the stakes as well by hilting his own erection within his maw, bobbing his head along his length with heightened pace. He knew that soon he would find himself releasing his seed.

Suddenly, without warning, Paul stopped. Seviper hissed, he hadn't expected it and the high he had been building towards slowly dissipated into the background of his mind.
"Why did you stop?" Seviper asked, anxious, "I was so close."

Paul didn't reply, he simply withdrew his finger from Seviper's rear and inspected them for a few seconds, before licking them slowly. The taste wasn't what he had expected considering they had been buried inside the Pokemon's anal passage; they were covered in a sweet and sticky substance instead.

He licked his lips and looked at the eager snake, who was wondering just what he was trying to achieve. Then, Paul did the one thing he hadn't quite expected. Reaching down, the human grabbed his round, serpentine body and lifted his rear until it was lined up with his mouth.
"What are you..." Seviper began, but was quickly silenced.

Paul's tongue slowly caressed the rim of his fleshy tailhole, causing Seviper's words to die in its mouth and a gasp of pleasure to be elicited instead. The human male knew immediately he had struck gold, the rich flesh tasting as exotic as it looked. He was simply glad that the serpent had thought to wash up before approaching him.

Not content with simply teasing, Paul used his tongue to gently probe the exterior of the tight passage, as if daring it to admit his oral organ into its secretive depths.
"Feels... so nice," Seviper noted dreamily, forgetting its missed orgasm as it felt the new sensations run through his body.

Seviper slowly snake its head back around and began to suck itself off once more, adding to the pleasure. Not wanting to be outdone, Paul applied a slight amount of pressure to the pucker, piercing it with his tongue. The serpent sighed happily as the human's tongue slipped partially inside of his rear, the warm feeling making him eager for more.

Flicking his tongue around, Paul got a good taste of Seviper's tailhole, which was a very erotic experience. He closed his eyes as his tongue worked its way deeper, trying his best to go as far into the Pokemon's body as he could. He brought his fingers up and placed the either side, parting the dark cavern as far as possible for optimum access.

Paul didn't waste any time making sure Seviper's lower region was clean as possible, his tongue lashing deep into the rich flesh with a purpose. He didn't once take his eyes of that delicious penis, observing Seviper pleasure itself with the utmost skill. Paul was sure the Pokemon had done this many times before to himself, seeing as he didn't have hands to relieve himself.

Moments passed unheeded as the pair indulged themselves, each merely enjoying the company and pleasure that the other was providing. As a Pokemon breeder in the making, Paul knew that spending time with Pokemon was the best was to earn their respect and friendship, even if this method was slightly above and beyond the call of duty.

A stray thought occurred to Paul as he pushed his tongue into Seviper; he wondered whether his father had ever done this before. Yet, as he thought it, he knew that he wouldn't have - his father was too strict and too busy for such things as mating, especially with males. Something which Paul had plenty of time for indeed.

He desperately wanted to taste Seviper's cock for the first time, but the Pokemon was too preoccupied to notice. Paul sighed to himself, knowing he would get a chance later. Perhaps he would be able to share it with the flexible serpent. The image of his own tongue and Seviper's both caressing that stiff maleness made his own cock twitch with anticipation.

He could feel the scales of Seviper's smooth body against his chin as his tongue danced slowly across the tasty rear of the serpentine Pokemon. Everything about Pokemon amazed him, and being able to experience their mating abilities more personally was a big turn-on for him. He knew now exactly how to get what he wanted.

Wrapping an arm around Seviper's bulk he pressed his tongue in as far as possible, eating out the Pokemon's anal passage with increased vigour. Seviper had nothing left now; he would have to release soon. He looked up into Paul's eyes and saw the caring look the human possessed, and coupled with the sensation of his tongue buried in his tailhole, Seviper came.

The serpent's cock throbbed as the first jet of thick, creamy cum spurted into the Pokemon's maw, straight into his body. Paul could feel the muscles in Seviper's rear clench around his tongue with each delicious rope erupting from his length. It was a sight to behold, Seviper ingesting his own semen right before the human's eyes.

Paul waited while the Pokemon's orgasm took a hold of its body, Seviper's coils twitching rhythmically to each burst. He wondered just how much spooge was coming out of that swollen member, seeing as it was covered mostly by the snake's mouth. After a minute, Seviper slowly withdrew himself from his own slick cock, dripping seed from its jaw.

Paul grinned as he saw the hard cock before him let loose a few remaining squirts of his ejaculate before slowly shrinking and returning inside his Pokemon's body. Before Paul could say anything Seviper leant towards him and kissed him. Thinking he was prepared for it this time, the young human opened his mouth to allow access to the serpent's tongue.

Instead, he found himself with a mouthful of cum as Seviper released the contents of its own mouth. Paul's eyes shot wide open but the snake prevented him from spitting by kissing him deeply, covering his mouth. Once he had enough time to grasp the situation, Paul swallowed eagerly, the sweet, forbidden taste of Pokemon seed filling his body.

The messy kiss lasted for a while, Seviper ensuring the boy had drunk enough of his seed to satisfy him. The dirty act had them both feeling extremely aroused, but Seviper knew that Charizard would have his head if he tired him out too quickly. Therefore, he would have to depart. Breaking the kiss, Seviper looked into Paul's eyes as he licked his lips.

Swallowing the last few drops, Paul commented, "I'll have to polish you more often."
"Indeed," Seviper agreed, "that was rather intense. I could get used to that." He slowly slithered off the bed and onto the floor, making his way over to the door.

"You will make a fantastic breeder one day," the Pokemon informed him, and then added with a smile, "and I mean that in multiple ways." Paul chuckled and slowly picked himself up from the bed.
"Thankyou," he said softly, and seriously, and Seviper nodded.

"You too," the serpent replied, slowly making his way back out to the others, "see you later." And with that, the room was empty. Paul sighed and walked into the bathroom, inspecting himself in the mirror. Strands of leftover semen stained his face and he grabbed a cloth, scrubbing himself clean.

He was so horny, but he knew that Seviper wasn't in any shape to please him. He had worn the Pokemon out; he would need time to recover. Maybe he could get Espeon back? Nah, he would need to recover as well.
"I've lost it officially," he told himself, "honestly, casually thinking about having sex with Pokemon? Crazy."


Thirty minutes later it was approaching midnight. Paul still had an hour or so before then, but his mind was too busy thinking about the days events to really consider anything else. Lying on his bed, he looked at the ceiling and sighed. He couldn't go back out now; it would be too awkward to face all six of his father's Pokemon.

As far as he knew, only Seviper and Espeon had wanted to mate with him. But a nagging suspicion about something Seviper had said was lingering in his mind.
'We all want a piece of you', was the direct quote and it made Paul rather intrigued.

As he was wondering wether he would get any more unexpected visits, he heard his door creak open once more. Looking up from his pillow he saw a large red wing enter his field of vision, followed by a large red head.
"Hello Charizard," Paul sighed, yawning involuntarily, "how are you?"

"I'm fantastic," the dragon Pokemon replied, entering the room fully, "couldn't be better." Paul sat up slowly and beckoned for the Pokemon to come closer. Charizard obeyed, moving over to him and standing before him with a smile on his face.
"From what I hear you make quite the impression," Charizard stated, "you've left two of my friends almost immobile with lust."

Paul chuckled and shook his head, replying, "I'm not sure why, I'm not particularly good, or experienced at any of this. I suppose you've come in looking for some love as well?"
"You're very presumptuous," Charizard snickered, "I may not even find you attractive."

Paul looked at Charizard and the dragon laughed at his expression.
"I'm just messing with you," the Pokemon told him, "you're extremely attractive, I assure you. And make no mistake; I would very much like to mount you right now."

Paul blushed and smiled at his companion; lying back on the bed and feeling his hormones begin to stir.
"But," Charizard continued, "I'm actually here to help you. For one thing, Arcanine is looking to do the same thing, but I doubt he'll be very gentle with you. And Feraligatr is very, very big, which I'm sure you're not ready to handle."

"So I offer you my body right now, in private, where you can get used to taking something a bit bigger than usual. Don't tell the others, but deep down I'm a very romantic Pokemon. I appear dominant to keep my status as alpha, but I would love nothing more than spending time with you, however we may choose to do so.

Paul nodded, glad that the dragon was being so open with him. He never knew how nice Charizard could be, and yet here he was, polite and presentable. He could sense just how much the Pokemon would do for him, and nodded swiftly.
"Why me?" Paul asked, "why are you all doing this with me? I love it, sure, but... why?"

"Because," Charizard explained, "you are kind to us, and take care of us even when your father sometimes does not always listen. I know your heart is true, and that you desire Pokemon over humans, and as far as I am concerned the thought of mating with you has been a fantasy of mine for a few years now. It's mostly the same with the other Pokemon, too."

Paul finally understood; he had looked after them for so long unconditionally that they were taking their turn to be there for him. He nodded softly, standing up and putting his arms around the dragon's neck.
"I love you," he said, "I love you all."

Charizard was glad he was red, or he would have blushed.
"I'm glad we're on our own right now," he muttered, "the others would laugh." Paul realised how soppy he was being but knew that the dragon appreciated it, a sparkle in his eyes.

"So," Paul asked, "what did you have in mind?"
"Nothing in particular," Charizard said truthfully, scratching his chin, "whatever you feel comfortable with. I just want to spend time with you."

Paul felt quite awkward, being told to make the first move, but he did anyway.
"Why don't we take this to the bed?" he asked, pointing in that direction. Charizard chuckled and nodded.
"Direct," he said, "I like that."

He moved over to the bed and tested his large weight before putting all of it down. He didn't want to break his friend's bed. Surprisingly, the large bed held rather well, squeaking loudly as he lay down on his back, wings spread. Paul chuckled at the picture before him.
"You've got a pretty big belly," Paul said, before realising it might have been a bit rude.

"Most Charizards do," the dragon retorted with a grin, "our stomachs are what help us breathe fire. The bigger the better in battle, as long as it's not fat. Besides, it's what's below my belly that counts even more." Paul couldn't help but look between the Pokemon's legs as he said it, spying the large draconic slit. He could only imagine what lay inside, waiting to be revealed.

It actually made him feel quite intimidated, if he was honest with himself. Still, he longed to see what was hidden within, and would do what he could to see that happen.
"I can see that," Paul said, a little nervous, "it looks enticing."

He followed Charizard onto the bed, taking off his clothes slowly and dropping them on the floor, exposing himself to his dragon. Charizard stared at his naked form, feeling instantly aroused at the human's sexy frame.
"Nice, nice," the dragon whispered to himself, and Paul blushed a little.

"It's not much," he said, "but it's me." Charizard shook his head at the boy's words.
"It's all I need, what more could I ask for," the Pokemon told him, and Paul sighed; Charizard was so hot sometimes. He climbed onto the bed and kissed the large belly of the red dragon, running his hands across Charizard's strong yet supple stomach skin.

It was one of the only parts of the dragon not covered in scales. All the red parts of him were scaly anyway, besides his wings.
"I never knew you were so submissive," Paul joked, but Charizard chuckled menacingly.
"Only when I feel like it," he replied, "I could be dominant if I wanted to."

Those words made Paul shudder; he could only imagine how good it would feel to be dominated by the powerful dragon. He was glad that he was taking it easy on him, for the first time, at least. After that, though...
"So handsome," Paul whispered, sliding his arms up around the Pokemon's neck, hugging him tightly.

Feeling Paul's body against his own made Charizard painfully aware of how sexy and arousing the human was. He could feel his groin beginning to stir and he looked into his mate's eyes. Leaning in he opened his mouth and kissed Paul deeply, their tongues slowly caressing the inside of the others mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Charizard stated flatly, "Seviper wasn't kidding." Paul shook his head and sighed; clearly nothing was private between these six Pokemon.
"Can we keep this between us?" Paul asked, and Charizard nodded.

"That's alright, I wouldn't want it getting out that I took it easy on you anyway," Charizard replied with a grin. Leaning back in, he licked the inside of the boy's mouth, stroking the inside of his cheeks with his draconic tongue. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have such a deliciously inviting partner.

Taking his right hand Paul stroked the dragons' wings, feeling the strong, yet supple leathery texture under his fingers. He had never really had any time to feel what Charizard was like, because the Pokemon had always been either in his ball or training with his father. Now that he had the chance, however, he would take it and use every second he could to explore his mate's body.

Finally, Paul moved away from his Pokemon's mouth, the rich taste of dragon saliva in his own. He swallowed and found that he quite liked it, but he had other places where his mouth could be. He made his way down Charizard's body, with soft kisses, until he reached just below his stomach, where the intriguing male slit held his hidden appendage.

Paul could just see the tip of Charizard's cock poking out from the vent, and every fibre in his body wanted to simply lean down and suck on it until it exploded in his mouth. Still, he managed to politely restrain himself... for now.
"What have we got here?" he said softly, and Charizard shifted a little.

He knew that the dragon would like nothing more than for him to touch it, to do anything to him, but Paul kept his hands to himself, knowing that the longer he drew it out the more satisfying it would be in the end. Instead, he took his own stiff erection in his hands and slowly began to masturbate in front of Charizard.

He knew that he had instantly captured the dragon's attention; Charizard's eyes were glue firmly to his shaft as his hand slid over it slowly. The sight of his master's cock displayed so lewdly before him, almost teasing him, made his own erection begin to reveal itself from his slit. Within moments he would be fully aroused, Paul knew.

What Paul didn't know, but had suspected, was just how well endowed the Pokemon was. As he stroked his own manhood he watched in awe as inch after inch of Charizard's cock began to emerge from within, until it was standing proud and tall before him. Charizard smirked at his expression; Paul's eyes wide open in amazement.

It was simply stunning. Just over twice as long as Paul's own, and definitely twice as thick, the dragon Pokemon's pulsing length was a marvel to behold. A trickle of smooth pre-cum ran from the tip, which was nicely pointed. The shaft got thicker towards the base, where it was at least as thick in diameter as his wrist.

Put simply, Paul was impressed. With a deep, blood-red colour and its imposing stature, Charizard's maleness dominated all presence in the room. It made Paul feel rather small by comparison, but that didn't worry Charizard. He wasn't petty like that; it was more important that he could share his love with his master, however that may be.

"What do you think?" Charizard asked, as if it was actually something that needed to be said.
"It's... so big," Paul muttered, and shook his head, "how am I supposed to be able to take that?" The dragon chuckled a little.
"You'd be surprised what you can do sometimes," he replied.

Paul now had two conflicting urges - continue jerking on his own aching erection or have a taste of Charizard's one. He was so horny, it almost didn't matter. He just wanted to touch his Pokemon. Reaching out with his hands he ran then both along Charizard's thick and powerful legs, stroking his scales gently with his fingertips.

He slowly massaged his Pokemon, using techniques he had picked up from a television show on Pokemon massage to stimulate pressure points on their bodies. Charizard groaned in contentment as his muscles relaxed from the indulgent treatment, his mind calming from the hard day of battling.

"I thought you might need this after today," Paul said, adding coyly, "but I wasn't expecting to become a Pokemon slut either."
"You're not a slut," Charizard sighed, feeling relaxed, "you just love your Pokemon, as we love you. As long as you don't go sleeping around with any Pokemon you meet, you'll be fine. Just us six."

"It still feels strange," Paul said, "I mean, don't you mind that I've already spent time with a Seviper and Espeon?"
Looking down at him, the dragon replied, "No, because I know you have a good heart, and that you only do it to strengthen your relationship with us. Yes, you may be horny, but I don't think you'd do it if you didn't love us."

Paul blushed, even though the Pokemon spoke the truth.
"This is getting a bit too mushy," Paul chuckled, "I'd much rather have you doing me right now."
"We'll get to that, you still need a bit of stretching first," the dragon informed him.

Once he had fully massaged Charizard, he worked his way back down to the still very much erect maleness standing between his legs. Paul reached out and tried to wrap his hand around the base and only made it halfway. Charizard grunted happily as his shaft was touched by his master, and spurted a little glob of pre-cum out of the tip.

Paul could feel the veins pulsing with the powerful blood of the dragon-Pokemon race under his fingers, and it made him smile with the knowledge of what he was doing.
"Call it anything you like," Paul snickered, "I know exactly what you want."

Charizard nodded; he wasn't going to argue, not while his human mate had his delicate hands around his oh-so-needy pole. Paul slowly ran his palms along the shaft, his hands slowly being smeared with draconic pre-cum. Making sure that Charizard was looking at him, he slowly brought his hands to his mouth and licked the sticky fluid off of them.

"You do act like a bit of a slut, though," the dragon chuckled, and Paul grinned. Hopping up onto the bed in front of Charizard, he straddled the Pokemon's large belly, his expression one of a devious nature.
"How about we get started then?" Paul asked, "I'm ready to try, and you're certainly prepared."

Charizard nodded and then asked, "How did you want to do this?"
"Just stay where you are," Paul told him, "then I can go at my own pace." Placing his hands on either side of the Pokemon, he lowered himself back until he could feel a wetness on his backside.

Looking back he could feel the large draconic phallus pressing against his right buttock, dribbling a little lubricant onto him. Smiling, he re-aligned himself until it was where he thought it would be right to penetrate him. He realised with some decent amount of importance that he was about to lose his virginity... or at least his anal virginity... to a Pokemon... and a dragon-type, no less.

As he sat back he could feel the pointed tip of his companion's dragonhood against his pucker, but a bit too far to the right. Reaching back he grabbed the fleshy pole and positioned it properly, eager but nervous to have it inside of him. He had only ever heard about and seen mating before; he was a through and through virgin until this night.

"Take your time," Charizard reminded him, "otherwise you could get hurt." Paul nodded, and as he applied a little pressure he could tell it was going to be a real challenge. Having waited long enough, he carefully eased himself down onto the stiff rod, feeling the spaded tip pressing ever-so-sensually against his pucker.

His breathing was all that could be heard as the moist cockhead parted his anal ring, entering him for the first time. It didn't hurt... for now, anyway. The more weight Paul pressed onto it, the further he could feel himself being stretched. Just watching his human mate struggle to fit him in made Charizard even more aroused, it was just so sexy.

"Oh, Arceus!" Paul moaned as he suddenly felt a shift in weight as the large phallus finally slipped inside of him. It was simply huge, and the fact that it was covered in amazing textures and pulsed lightly didn't help to make him any less horny. He felt like someone had shoved a baseball bat in his behind, even if Charizard wasn't quite that big. Yet. He shuddered to think of the base of Charizard's impressive length.

Due to his inexperience, Paul clamped down hard around the Pokemon's tip, squeezing it to the point where even Charizard had to groan loudly.
"Just relax," the dragon told him, "you're going to squeeze it off!"
"Sorry," Paul apologised, "it's just so big!" Charizard chuckled and ruffled his wings.

"That's only the start," he told his human partner, "but I didn't expect you to be able to take it all. Just be careful, I would annoy Arcanine a fair bit if I damaged you this early on. Not that I don't mind annoying Arcanine, mind you, but I'd rather this be an... enjoyable experience for you, not a painful one."

Paul agreed, massaging the meaty cockhead of his Pokemon, getting used to the size. It didn't take long, and after a minute he gained the courage to try to take more. Reaching back with his right hand he slowly pulled the entire phallus out of his rear, and then slowly squished it back in, and then repeated it.

"If you keep that up," Charizard noted, "that's all we need." Paul shook his head.
"Nah, I'm just getting used to the feeling of having it come in and out," he explained, "then, I want to take it further."
"Are you sure?" the worried dragon asked, and Paul nodded with a smile.

"I'd do anything for you and the others," he said, and they both chuckled.
"How about you do it for yourself?" Charizard suggested, "I know you want to." Paul nodded and gave Charizard's shaft a tight squeeze, causing the Pokemon to stop talking pretty quickly

Forcing the warm phallus back into his rear, Paul placed his hands on the dragon's stomach and pressed himself down a bit harder. Immediately he could feel more of the thick draconic erection filling him up, pressing further inside of his young body. Time seemed to stand still as he felt another two or three inches slide inside of him, coating his insides with natural lubricant.

He tried as hard as he could, but he reached a limit, temporarily at least. He wouldn't be able to do this in one go, it would take a lot of effort and short breaks to fit even half of it inside. The gentle pulsing from Charizard's heated maleness did not help in the slightest; although extremely wonderful, also made it hard for Paul to relax his muscles.

"Why do you have to be so damn hot?" Paul muttered, and the dragon chuckled.
"I'm a fire-type, what did you expect?" he replied jokingly, and Paul sighed.
"You know what I mean," he said, shaking his head at the lame joke.

Although he found it embarrassing to admit, Paul was probably the most attractive male Charizard knew. The sight of the fragile human on top of him with a quarter of his own stiff member inside of that tight orifice made him happier than he had ever known. Damn human knew exactly what he liked, and he knew that he was putty in his hands, even if he was bigger and stronger.

Once adjusted to the few inches he had inside, Paul pressed on, determined to show his Pokemon that he could be just as good as any female Charizard at taking dragon cock. He knew from the outset that it would be no mean feat, but the thought of being filled so majestically with the powerful mating organ of a healthy, fertile young Charizard made him shudder in anticipation.

"So... tight," the dragon moaned, his eyes glazing over as Paul once again attempted to stuff more of his length inside. The heat between the two was so intense now; it could almost be felt physically. Paul was sure he was sweating a little, and he wasn't even exerting himself. He supposed it could just be the fact that Charizard's tail was burning behind him, but he knew that wasn't all.

Eventually, Paul reached a point where he knew he could take no more. With a loud gasp he exhaled, relaxing himself from the exertion for trying to force it inside of him. Both looking down between his legs, Paul noted that he had managed to take almost half of his dragon's incredible shaft into him.

"Impressive," Charizard noted, "I didn't expect you to be able to take it that far down." Paul blushed a little, but grinned with a personal satisfaction.
"It feels so good," he said, "like it was meant to be there."

Still, Paul knew that if he stopped moving and allowed his body too much time to relax he would clam up and be unable to take any more. Reaching back for support, he used his legs to push himself slowly off of Charizard's steamy organ, until only the pointed tip remained inside of him.

Before the dragon could ask what he was doing, he made his intentions rather clear by dropping back down onto the thick shaft, spearing himself down on it for a second time. This time, however, he did not take it slowly, and he felt a sharp pain in his rear as he was spread too far.
"Arrrgh!" he grunted in clear discomfort, reaching back to hold himself up.

Charizard looked at him with concern, hoping he hadn't hurt himself.
"You shouldn't have done that," he said, "you could have torn something." Paul shook his head, looking up at the dragon.
"I'm alright," he reassured him, "I just have to get used to it. I'm not very stretchy at the moment."

Slowly, once having reassured himself that nothing had ripped, he slid the thick pole back out of his body. Looking down he noted the slick, healthy sheen coating Charizard's length, the natural pre-cum lubricant of the dragon making his cock emit a fertile shine. Paul realised that it was probably doing the same to his insides, making them slippery for his mate.

That was until Charizard came inside of him, anyway. He could just see the warm draconic seed splashing around in his anal passage and it made his own erection twitch happily, a fact that was not lost on Charizard. He could tell just how eager his trainer was to mate with him, and that sheer enthusiasm definitely rubbed off on him quite a bit.

For the third time, Paul sank down on his fleshy shaft, this time with much less discomfort. The sensation of being filled sent sparks of primal lust through the boy's mind, and this time, he didn't stop. Looking directly at Charizard, Paul began to slowly bounce up and down upon his dragon's member, commencing his first penetration ever.

Charizard found the sight of his master riding his length quite an amazing thing to behold. All he had to do was lie back and enjoy himself; the tight, warm sleeve of Paul's inner walls massaging his length with every penetrative motion he made was fantastic. He continued like that for a few minutes, simply enjoying the feeling before Paul stopped suddenly.

"What's up?" Charizard asked as Paul slowly slid off of his shaft, exposing his rear to the draconic Pokemon.
"This is a lot of work," Paul replied, and Charizard noted a small sheen of sweat on his brow, "how about you take over?" He climbed off of Charizard's body and allowed the dragon room to stand.

Once the Pokemon was on his feet, Paul bent over the side of the bed and made his intention's clear. The sight of his slightly gaping hole made Charizard painfully aware of just how much he wanted to be buried inside of his trainer.
"Take me," Paul demanded in a sexy tone, and the dragon knew that he couldn't refuse.

Lining himself up behind the young human, Paul could feel the powerful arms grip his shoulders as Charizard held onto him, his cock slapping against Paul's sexy butt.
"Are you ready?" he asked, and Paul nodded eagerly.

Once sure he was in the right spot, Charizard thrust deep into the tight flesh before him, stuffing the human with his oversized mating organ. Paul gasped and gritted his teeth as he was stretched to his limit, inches of slick draconic shaft sliding into body and pressing against his colon.

Charizard was in heaven, the tightness surrounding his member sending waves of pleasure through his body. He doubted he would be able to keep it up for long; the pleasure would be sure to be too much for him eventually. Not wanting to displease his master, the dragon pulled out once again and ploughed back in, the pair simultaneously grunting with exertion.

From there, it was easy. Building up a steady rhythm, Charizard mated his human companion passionately, ramming his thick maleness repeatedly into his tight rump. Time passed unheeded; both lost in their own sexual paradise, the only sounds that could be heard were the crackling of Charizard's tail fire, their heavy breathing and the sounds of that delicious cock making sloppy work of Paul's anal passage.

Now that he was accustomed to the sensation, Paul found that he had never felt anything quite as enjoyable as this in his entire life.
"I wish we had've done this sooner," he moaned between thrusts, and the dragon nodded in agreement.
"We could've had so much time together if it wasn't for Gareth," Charizard said, panting, "he would never allow it."

With every thrust Paul could have sworn the dragon was somehow forcing his immense organ deeper into him. He couldn't see back because of the position he was in, but he was sure had had passed more than halfway. Every deep penetrative thrust sent sparks of delight through his body, his rectum slowly expanding to accompany the invading shaft.

He wasn't sure if he would ever return to the right shape after the dragon was finished with him. But he didn't mind; so long as he was getting ploughed by that monstrous maleness he knew he would be happy. He had never known that mating could be this amazing, he had always thought that it would be great, but he had never taken into account the simply intimacy that it brought alongside it.

He could feel the powerful claws on his shoulders holding him in place and it reminded him that he was truly at the mercy of his mate. It was that show of trust which made it all the more wonderful and thrilling.
Their mating continued like this for almost another twenty minutes, twenty incredible minutes which felt like an eternity.

It was almost unnoticeable, but Paul began to feel a light tapping sensation on his back. He paid it no mind at first, but eventually it became a rather noticeable bump with every thrust the dragon gave him. Looking back, Paul saw the one thing he hadn't expected. His eyes shot wide open as he realised that Charizard's belly was pressing against his back.

"But that means..." he muttered in shock as he realised that the dragon was almost bottoming out inside of him. He couldn't believe it; over three quarters of his pulsing erection was being buried deep within his body.
"You're a lot more accommodating inside than I thought," Charizard chuckled and Paul smiled.

Now that he thought about it, he brought his hand down to his lower stomach, and with a pleasantly surprising revelation found that he could feel the lengthy cock through his body as it was stuffed deep inside of him.
"Amazing," he whispered to himself, removing his hand.

Three minutes later, Charizard began to breathe a lot heavier.
"I'm not sure how long I can keep this up," the dragon gasped, "you're so tight." Paul grinned, knowing exactly how he felt.
"Then don't," the human replied, breathing just as hard, "I'm ready, you can finish inside of me."

Considering that there was already a steady trickle of the dragon's pre-cum running down his leg, Paul was actually quite nervous about the final result. He could only imagine just how much of the fire-type's fluids would be dumped inside of him.
"Not... yet," Charizard said stubbornly, gritting his teeth.

He continued for another minute, ramming his needy length deep inside of his mate, stuffing him time and time again with his powerful organ. Man and Pokemon grunted and moaned in unison; sharing their bodies with one another, sharing their intimacy. It was an indescribable experience for them, and they both wished it would never end.

Still, that was impossible. Paul could tell that the dragon had nothing left in the tank, and decided to push him over the edge.
"It's alright," he whispered, "breed me. Fill me with your cum." Unable to contain himself at those words, Charizard let out a mighty roar and hilted himself deep within Paul's rear.

Paul moaned out loudly as he felt Charizard's entire length force its way inside of him, the dragon's soft belly pressing against his backside. He couldn't believe it, but somehow it had fit completely in. What he definitely couldn't believe, however, was what would come next. Charizard's cock throbbed forcefully as a thick, creamy rope of fresh, fertile dragon sperm shot deep into his bowels.

And it didn't stop there. Paul lay down on the bed, panting as his inner walls were painted white with the thick, sticky cum of his draconic partner. Spurt after steamy spurt filled him up and made his stomach swell a little, and what didn't fit inside of him splashed out from around the Pokemon's engorged girth and coated his legs and feet.

The orgasm lasted for almost a full minute; Charizard's cock dumping his massive, heated load into Paul's sloppy ass.
"My... damn..." Paul spat out, gasping as he was literally stuffed to the brim with draconic mating fluids. Eventually, however, Charizard was spent, and his flood of semen slowly became a trickle.

They lay there in silence for a minute, Charizard's cock slowly softening inside of him. Eventually, it disappeared back into his genital slit, and as it popped free from Paul's anus a gushing river of warm seed followed, covering Paul's bed and body liberally.
"That... was unbelievable," Charizard panted, exhausted.

Paul nodded, almost unable to speak himself. He could feel his stomach sloshing full of cum, and he felt rather bloated. Even so, it was an incredibly intimate feeling. He looked back at the mess that dragon had made, and he chuckled to himself.
"Well," he said, "that's gonna require some serious cleaning."

"So are you," Charizard said, stepping back. He was admiring Paul's ass, actually, the sight of his human mate dripping his seed was very arousing to see. Paul knew, and spread himself open a bit further, enhancing the view.
"Thankyou," he said softly, and the dragon nodded.

"We'll do this again," he promised, shaking his wings, "I've never felt anything like that." Paul couldn't have agreed more; what an amazing encounter! He reached back and scooped up a sticky handful of cum, bringing to his lips and drinking it down.
"Delicious," he sighed, and Charizard chuckled.

Finally managing to stand, Paul could feel a steady trickle of semen running down his leg from his abused rear. It was amazingly intimate, but at the same time he knew he had to get cleaned up. Charizard turned to the door and looked back at him.
"Watch out," he said, "Arcanine's going to want to top that."

Paul grinned, knowing he would be ready for him now, thanks to the intense stretching he had received. As the dragon disappeared out the door, he looked back at the cum-laden bed and sighed. He would never be able to clean this up quickly, and from what he could tell, he wasn't done yet. It was time to get clean, and drink an energy drink, and he knew just the place.


The pool room. Home to Gareth's water Pokemon during the day, but at night, a rather secluded place. It was a top-of-the-range pool, fifty meters long and with alternating depths for different uses. One of these was for bathing, as most Pokemon and people needed to be clean, and the high-powered chemicals in the water kept it fresh and healthy.

Chlorine had been outdated many years ago, and Tetryhidle was the new agent. Although Chlorine had been effecting in years past, a Gym Leader by the name of Misty had invented the new cleaning agent due to an allergic reaction one of her Garyados had with her training pool. Tetryhidle was clean, didn't react with Pokemon or humans and could eliminate any bacteria or matter from a pool in seconds.

Taking off his shirt and pants, Paul stepped down into the warm water of his pool. As soon as he was in, he could feel the remnants of Charizard's messy encounter removed from his body and disintegrated almost instantly by the amazing water. He dropped down low and submerged his head, his body becoming almost instantly clean as the Tetryhidle dissolved the dirt and sweat from his body.

Once he was clean, Paul leisurely began to swim around in the soothing water; his athletic agility somewhat hampered by his rather sore rear which was a little painful from the pounding he had received. Still, a good few minutes in the Tetryhidle-laced pool would clear most of that up; another property of the chemical was designed to help heal Pokemon after tough battles, and the same principle applied to humans.

"Thank Arceus for Misty," Paul muttered as he surfaced, returning to the shallow water and sitting down. He could already feel himself becoming more relaxed, the pain dissipating from his backside. Memories of the past few hours' events played over in his mind, and a grin crept across his teenage face.

A click over at the large entrance doors made Paul look over his shoulder in panic, but he quickly remembered his father wouldn't be coming home until at least the next morning. Midnight was close by, and somehow he knew that sleep was a privilege he would be denied on this night. Especially now that Feraligatr was in the room.

"Oh, hey Feraligatr," Paul welcomed him, looking over to the water-type Pokemon. Feraligatr approached him silently, and then, without warning, dived into the pool. Paul watched, astounded, as a huge explosion of water ensued, the Pokemon's large weight creating a colossal bomb in the pool.

"Holy shit!" Paul chuckled as he was assaulted by the wall of water. Feraligatr surfaced next to him, laughing, and Paul did as well.
"That was fun," Feraligatr stated, and Paul looked at him, shocked.

"I know, I talked," the water Pokemon cut in, knowing what he was going to say. Paul looked bewildered.
"But you never talk, I mean, why are you so silent all the time?" he asked.
"Well," Feraligatr explained, "I've never been one for talking unless it was necessary."

Paul scratched his chin, so the alligator-Pokemon continued, "with all the training we get, and all of the arguments between the other five, the bickering, the competition, the attention-seeking, I found it was easier if I didn't join in. Everyone likes me better that way, because I offend nobody and never annoy anyone."

Nodding, Paul could see the logic in it.
"But why now?" he asked, "why are you talking to me?"
In reply, Feraligatr explained, "because with you, I know that you wouldn't mind what I have to say. I trust you."

Paul blushed and looked down, saying, "well... thanks, I appreciate that. I'll be sure not to break that trust. So... any other reason why you're here?"
"Of course," Feraligatr replied with a chuckle, "I heard from a certain red dragon that you're quite the pleasure to be with."

"It doesn't matter whether they're big or small, loud or silent," Paul chuckled, "you Pokemon are all the same. Still, I'd be more than happy to help out a 'gator in need." Feraligatr looked at him with a sparkle in his eye, and Paul could tell he had a big heart.
"Did you have anything in mind?" Paul asked, sinking back into the water and submerging up to his neck.

Feraligatr slowly swam over to the large steps, leaning back against the edge of the pool.
"He really did a number on you, didn't he," the Pokemon observed, and Paul looked at him, confused.
"What do ya mean?" he inquired, and Feraligatr pointed to his butt.

"Charizard," he explained, "he really gave you quite the workout."
"Indeed," Paul replied, smiling, "he was pretty impressive."
"Since you're not quite one-hundred percent," Feraligatr said, looking at the moving water, "I won't make you do that again. Not yet."

"So," Paul asked again, "what else did you have in mind?" Looking into his eyes with a slight smirk, Feraligatr stood up straight.
"We could find a use for that talented mouth of yours. Seviper gave it quite the stellar review, and I wouldn't mind seeing it in action. But this time, perhaps we could wrap it around something a little more... external."

Paul grasped the meaning instantly, and grinned nervously. Sure, he had been with the other Pokemon, but this would be the first blowjob he had ever given, and he didn't want to disappoint.
"Sounds like a plan," he replied with a sexy inflection, and Feraligatr could feel his desires beginning to build.

Easing himself out of the water, Feraligatr stood by the edge of the shallow water area, letting his feet rest in the warm water. Paul swam over to him and sat against the edge of the pool, his face right next to the Pokemon's lower body. Looking up at the water-type, Paul could immediately see why he was a strong Pokemon; his size was very intimidating.

This led Paul to wonder just how big the Pokemon would be in the lower department. He could just imagine how big it was, but he knew it was probably going to be nothing like he pictured. From what he could tell, all Pokemon had different sizes, shapes and textures.
"You'd better be careful," the gator warned him, and Paul looked at him, confused.

"Of what?" he said, thinking that the Pokemon was referring to his large size.
"Of your reputation," Feraligatr explained, "if you keep performing so well, we're going to expect too much from you. Popular opinion has it that you're quite the talented man."

"Well," Paul blushed, "it does seem like it, doesn't it."
"You're also gonna look like a slut," Feraligatr cut in, and Paul looked at him, embarrassed.
"Well, that was honest," Paul chuckled, unsure how to take that.

"We don't care, honestly," the Pokemon added, "as long as you only sleep with us six, we don't mind. We consider it more that you don't like to pick favourites as the reason why."
"Actually," Paul explained, "honestly, I am a becoming a bit of a slut, I think."

"But you're our slut, so it's fine in our books," Feraligatr reassured him, and Paul grinned.
Reaching out with his hand he placed it on the water-type's side and said, "what would I do without you guys now?"
"You'd be in jail, probably," Feraligatr chuckled, "but we wouldn't tell. Unless, of course, you didn't perform well enough."

Paul gulped, and then the gator laughed, adding, "just kidding, we never would do such a thing." Paul laughed as well, still not quite used to the Pokemon actually talking; his whole life he had thought that Feraligatr was mute.
"Just so I don't have to stop to tell you later, if you're going to come, do it in my mouth. I'll swallow."

Feraligatr looked at his face with a smile, replying, "that's possibly the hottest thing I have ever heard anyone say. And yes, I'll keep that in mind. Developing a cum-fetish, are we?"
"Perhaps," Paul winked with a small grin.

"Pretty presumptuous, too. What makes you think you can make me climax? I'm not as easy as the others, and I have more stamina."
"Is that a challenge?"
"I suppose it is."

"Then you're on," Paul said finally, bringing his head down to the Pokemon's genital area. Scanning with his eyes, he saw the indented area where the gator's secretive slit was hiding. He had no external testicles, but Paul was sure that it would have no bearing on the amount of juicy semen he would be able to produce.

The only thing left to do now was figure out just how he was going to approach it. Sure, he had seen plenty of human porn as a teenager, as most people had, but he doubted that Feraligatr would require the same sort of oral treatment. For this Pokemon, he was going to have to mix things up a bit, take a fresh outlook on it.

For a brief moment he had to consider just how to give his Pokemon a blowjob, but thinking about it he knew that he would be better off just staying in the pool while Feraligatr stood in the shallow water which was only six inches deep. Knowing that the water-type was going to give him no help, he knew he had to arouse him manually.

Paul slowly placed his thumbs on the outside of Feraligatr's slit and began to rub around it in small circles, using light pressure to stimulate the nerves in that location. He was hoping it would work, and grinned as he felt the bulge of the slit begin to expand a little. He "accidentally" slipped one of his thumbs inside of the slit and felt the flaccid flesh inside, warm and moist.

That quick contact made his heart race, and he knew that he wanted to see it as quickly as possible. Doubling his efforts, he massaged the genital slit with tantalizing accuracy, a rather precise task. He could have just unceremoniously buried his face into the Pokemon's crotch and licked around until he brought it out, but that would break the mood, and ruin the fun.

He wanted to say he'd brought the massive gator to orgasm properly. Paul's look of concentration turned into a delighted smile as he saw a tiny bit of red flesh poke through the Pokemon's slit. He didn't stop massaging, smiling as it slid out slowly before his eyes. Very slowly, in fact, and he knew that he would have to step it up.

With his right index finger he slowly touched the first half-inch that had been exposed, running small circles around the tip. His finger immediately became wet, and he could tell the Feraligatr was going to be one messy customer.
"I can see you," Paul muttered to himself, but Feraligatr laughed when he heard it.

"Finding it difficult?" he asked, and Paul shook his head confidently.
"I'm just taking my time, enjoying the moment," the human replied with a grin. His finger circles were slowly coaxing the hidden member out from its hiding place, another inch exposing itself to the warm pool air.

Now that there was at least enough out, Paul made a circle with his thumb and index finger and began to masturbate his Pokemon, making a ring around the semi-erect maleness and pumping slowly to bring it to full mast. Feraligatr, being the powerhouse that he was, didn't make it any easier on him, not allowing his penis to grow any larger than he could control.

Glad for the challenge, Paul kept up his efforts, persistently jerking on the warm rod until Feraligatr was big enough to wrap his hand around completely. It dawned on him then that he had only gotten about a third or less out, and that realization alone made him desperate to see the extent of the water-type's girth.

Working his hand along the stiffening length, Paul watched wide-eyed as it was exposed before him, making his hand slick with pre. Eight... nine... ten... eleven... Paul became rather intimidated with every inch that was presented to him. Feraligatr grinned as he became fully erect, his proud cock standing tall before his human mate.

"Damn," Paul muttered, taking in the impressive size. He was about equal to Charizard, but had different features. The thick gator cock was plump and moist, self-lubricated and covered in small bumps and pulsing veins. The tip was almost triangular, however, and looked quite different to the one that the red dragon had been packing, which was round and pointed.

Paul could almost have called it blunt; the Pokemon's cock looking like it would spread him pretty far just to get the tip in, instead of easing him into it. It was a deep red and pulsing lightly, and Paul grinned when he noted the subtle ridges down the gator's maleness which would add to the pleasure if he was ever taken by the monstrous beast.

"Still think you can handle it?" Feraligatr asked with a chuckle, and Paul nodded with outward confidence, not wanting to show the nerves which were attacking him from the inside. He could smell a faint, yet intense masculine smell from the Pokemon's now-exposed genitalia and it made him more focused, and highly aroused.

With his free hand he placed it on Feraligatr's chest to better hold himself up while he carefully gripped the thick shaft and began to slide his hand along it's slippery surface. His hand became instantly smothered in natural lubricant from the large gator as he masturbated him slowly, making sure to apply just the right amount of pressure to make it pleasurable whilst still light enough to leave him wanting more.

The thrill of giving a handjob to his Pokemon made Paul grin to himself, his hand gliding over that beautiful maleness with increasing confidence. One thing he hadn't accounted for was the fact that it felt like staring down a loaded gun; even though he knew Feraligatr would be nowhere near orgasm, he felt like it could blast him in the face at any time.

Not that he didn't want that... he just wanted warning. With that seedy thought, Paul wrapped his second hand around the meaty pole and began to pump away with greater speed, polishing the thick rod with the Pokemon's own pre-cum. He wanted desperately to taste it, but all things in good time, he knew.

Feraligatr watched happily as his needy shaft was jerked off by the young human, the hands on his length pushing pleasurable bursts through his body. Although he was trying to hold off, a challenge was a challenge, he knew right then and there that he was going to have no chance at resisting blowing his load eventually. The others had been right, something about Paul was too pleasurable to resist.

Every vein and ridge Paul could feel under his fingertips as they slid up and down the juicy cock, the veins pulsing with fresh blood pumping through that engorged member. He had wondered as a younger teenage what it would be like to receive a blowjob, and he had certainly never considered actually giving one, let alone to a fully-evolved Pokemon.

They continued like this for a few minutes, Paul ensuring that the water-type's shaft was good and ready. Each time his hand squeezed that mighty pole a dribble of pre-cum ran from the blunt tip coating his erection thoroughly with his natural lubricant. Removing a hand, Paul brought it to his mouth and licked it clean.

Feraligatr watched, enraptured, as Paul's tongue danced in between each of his own fingers, cleaning the sticky pre from his skin. It was such an arousing sight; the large Pokemon began to put out even more.
"If I didn't know better," Paul said, dipping his hand in the water to clean it completely, "I'd say you need this."

The large gator grunted dismissively, replying, "you've got to be kidding, I could take it or leave it."
"Is that so?" Paul stated flatly, and look of nervousness crossed the Pokemon's face, even if the human didn't see it. He had no doubt that he would break first if Paul pressed him. He had to bluff.

"Go ahead then," Feraligatr challenged, "do your best. Make me cum." Paul didn't know what to think, but he was sure he could break the big beast if he tried hard enough. Spurred on, Paul worked his palms into that meaty maleness, working it with his dextrous fingers and coaxing generous amounts of pre-cum from the tip.

Kicking it up to the next level, Paul leant in and gave the flat cockhead a tiny, yet effective, lick. Feraligatr murred with delight as Paul flicked his tongue across the sensitive tip again, scooping up a little of his lubricants, which he swallowed without hesitation. The gator grinned; Paul could be such a submissive boy sometimes, and yet, he could top just as well if he wanted.

Still, the young human wouldn't have wanted it any other way at this point, kissing the top of the blunt phallus before dropping down real low and planting his tongue at the base of Feraligatr's pulsing shaft. The Pokemon grunted in pleasure as Paul ran his tongue from the very bottom of his stiff cock to the very tip, leaving a stripe of saliva across it's slick length.

And yet, Paul didn't seem very eager to let him continue feeling such pleasure. Taking a few more delicate licks over the sexy cockhead, Paul slowly massaged it again with his hands, stimulating the water-type's massive pole with the least amount of pressure he could apply. Simply put, it was excruciating.

Damn it, Feraligatr cursed mentally, this is a slow torture. I can't handle this, but I can't let him know. I can't! But Arceus... his hands... on my cock... I can't...
Paul grinned as he felt the large Pokemon shift his weight onto another side, clearly agitated by the intense teasing.

He had no doubt that he was winning; nobody could handle this type of withheld stimulation and not want more. Feraligatr needed to be properly attended to, and it was only a matter of time before he broke. After all, a horny male was a horny male, regardless of species. Adding to the situation, Paul slowly rubbed the triangular cockhead across his chin and down his neck, leaving a trail of pre-cum on his body.

His tongue danced lightly across the tip one again, kissing it briefly with his lips and then rubbing his hand across the base of Feraligatr's thick shaft. The sheer girth of the water-type's engorged maleness enticed Paul to lean in and press his lips against the warm organ, feeling the veins pulse against his tongue as he sucked lightly on the side of the delicious shaft.

"Damn..." Feraligatr muttered involuntarily, his large body shuddering with need. He looked down at the incredible human licking and sucking his cock lightly, and as soon as their eyes connected, he knew that he wanted him more than anything in the world. And if he had to beg... if he had to admit he had lost... well, so be it.

"Please..." the beefy Pokemon whispered, but then blushed and looked away. Paul looked at him with an inquisitive smile.
"Did you say something?" he asked with an insincere tone, stopping his actions and running his fingers ever-so-slowly across the fleshy organ before him.

Feraligatr took a moment to swallow his pride, knowing that he had been bested by the human. Paul didn't stop caressing the meaty length, making it difficult for the Pokemon to form words.
"I..." the water-type said with great difficulty, "I... want you to... please?"

"What was that?" Paul inquired with a sly smile, "I can't make out what you're saying." Feraligatr snarled, but he knew that he didn't really have any ammunition of his own anymore. He had practically become Paul's bitch without actually being the sub, which had him quite confused. Oh, how he wanted to be buried deep within the human's mouth, pumping his seed into his stomach, filling him up with his thick cream.

Yet, with Paul's skilful hands stroking and teasing his erection so perfectly, he knew that the only way he would be able to get what he wanted would be to admit his loss.
"I want you..." Feraligatr tried again, "to... suck my... to suck on my cock."

Paul looked at him, releasing the large meat from his hands completely and leaving it to point stiffly out in front of him.
"I thought that was what I was doing?" he replied with mock confusion, "perhaps you could be more specific?" Feraligatr looked at him with a pained expression, but knew he wanted to play this game. After all, he *was* tough enough.

"Wrap your lips around the top," Feraligatr instructed with a chuckle, "and then slide it in and out of your mouth." The directions were straightforward, and Paul wrapped one of his hands around the needy shaft and carefully places the head of the Pokemon's erection on his lips, giving it a few, tender licks before easing it into his mouth.

He couldn't believe how big it was; even the head of Feraligatr's impressive length forced him to open his mouth wide to fit it inside. Once he had about an inch in, Paul stopped and looked up into the water-type's eyes before sliding the meaty cockhead in and out of his mouth slowly. Feraligatr shuddered, he was just too sexy.

Pre-cum oozed into Paul's mouth as he suckled slowly on that magnificent organ, swallowing everything that was given to him eagerly. The taste was sublime, the clear liquid coating his mouth and filling him with a sense of joy. Feraligatr sighed as his sensitive maleness was attended to by his human mate, but knew that he still had more work to do.

"Now you go deeper," Feraligatr informed him, "take as much as you can into your mouth." Without breaking eye contact, Paul smiled from around the swollen length and wrapped his hand on it, easing it slowly into his mouth. As each inch of thick gator cock filled his mouth, Paul could feel every vein and ridge with his tongue, pre-cum literally dripping into his throat.

How could he be this much of a tease, Feraligatr thought? Surely he didn't learn this from Charizard? Paul felt the head of the large member poke the back of his throat and he almost coughed, but held it back. Realising he had gone as far as he possibly could without deepthroating, Paul also felt rather impressed when he saw that he only had about a quarter of the intimidating organ in his mouth.

Continuing with his teasing, Paul stopped and didn't move. He would have verbally coaxed Feraligatr on, but with a thick, pulsing gator cock lodged firmly in his mouth and copious amounts of lubricant spilling into his throat, he really couldn't talk very well.
"Now," Feraligatr said anxiously, desperate to receive a blowjob from his human companion, "you slide my cock in and out of your mouth."

Despite wanting to continue playing their little game, Paul wanted to give head, and desperately. So, for now, he decided to help get his big friend off. Nodding, he gripped the thick base of Feraligatr's stiff erection and began to bob his head up and down, gathering a slow, yet steady rhythm.

The gator groaned with satisfactory pleasure as he finally received the oral he had been so desperately desiring. Paul had done a good job teasing him; he was so close to coming already just from the earlier treatment. Still, Feraligatr had great staying power, and would deny his orgasm until his mating organ had been well-stimulated.

Paul could feel each and every detail on the Pokemon's textured length against his tongue and the roof of his mouth, and he pressed them together lightly to create a bit of pressure against that swollen maleness. It tasted delicious; the raw, exposed flesh having a richly unique flavour in his mouth. It was like nothing he had ever tasted in his life.

He used his left hand to slowly massage the base of the thick shaft while his right continued to guide the fleshy organ in and out of his mouth. He began to wonder where all that pre-cum could be coming from; and if that was just pre, how much would he produce when it came time to really put out.

It was an odd sight; a large male Feraligatr standing at the edge of a pool, a male human sucking on his cock. Certainly, it would have been awkward to explain to anyone who accidentally stumbled across them. Up and down, up and down... Paul's head danced its simplistic motions constantly on the rigid pole, filling his mouth repeatedly with stiff Pokemon cock.

"So... good!" Feraligatr moaned, unable to control himself. Paul grinned inwardly, unable to actually do so due to the large quantities of penis in his mouth. He could see the big beast was approaching his climax, something which Paul had intended to delay for a little while. He supposed even the strongest of Pokemon had a breaking point somewhere.

A sinister thought crossed his mind. Paul shook it off at first, but his playful side got the better of him. Again and again Paul sucked and slurped that thick gator cock, giving an amazing blowjob considering his inexperience. He constantly kept eye contact with Feraligatr; something which he had found from Espeon greatly increases the intimacy of any oral sex.

Feraligatr wasn't sure how long he could last. Every time his erection disappeared into the human's gentle, yet talented mouth he found himself a couple of steps closer to blowing his load. He would have loved nothing more than to finish all over and inside Paul's mouth and face, but he wasn't quite sure just when he would be ready.

They continued for a few more minutes, Paul silently and eagerly pleasuring the pulsing organ, stimulating it to the point of no return. Feraligatr began to tense, and Paul could sense just how close he was. And just as Feraligatr was about to tip over the edge...
He stopped.

Removing the large cock from his mouth, Paul licked his lips and looked up at Feraligatr, who growled loudly with frustration.
"Why did you stop?" he asked painfully, his erection throbbing and aching with the need to be finished.
"Well," Paul sighed with a cheeky grin, his old composure regained, "you never told me what you were going to do next?"

Feraligatr grunted, annoyed, and yet he couldn't feel angry at Paul. Those innocent eyes, that amazing mouth... he would play along. He needed to, otherwise he wouldn't get to finish.
"I was going to finish inside of your mouth," Feraligatr stated, but Paul shook his head.

"Is that all? Doesn't even sound worth it, if you ask me," Paul teased, and Feraligatr tried again.
"I am going to fill your mouth with my cum."
"Sounds better, but still pretty much the same thing."

"I'm gonna empty my balls deep inside your stomach and watch my spunk drip from your mouth."
"Oh really?"
"I'll coat your stomach with my warm spooge until you can't take anymore and it spurts out from around my huge cock."

"An interesting offer."
Feraligatr could see that he wasn't going to get anywhere without stepping up his game; Paul really wanted some dirty talk, and so dirty talk is what he would give his human mate.

"I'll make you swallow spurt after spurt of my thick, creamy semen until you can't possibly swallow another drop, then I'll watch as I pull my thick, pulsing erection out of your cum-filled mouth and shoot my warm, sticky seed over your chest, face and in your hair until every exposed inch of your sexy body is coated with and dripping my fertile sperm."

Paul grinned upon hearing this, his own length achingly hard from the incredible speech. Without leading on the big Pokemon any longer, he gripped the slick shaft tightly and engulfed it with his amazing mouth once more, bobbing his head up and down on the stiff maleness with the absolute goal of bringing the great gator to his peak.

Feraligatr moaned loudly as his needy organ was tended to by the warm tongue and mouth of his partner, his words clearly having an effect on him. He couldn't take his eyes off of Paul, the enthusiastic breeder-in-the-making sucking him off with a rare eagerness that he had almost never seen the boy display.

To Paul, the simple action of taking his Pokemon's penis into his mouth signified more than just pleasure. It was a display of trust and intimacy that went beyond normal boundaries. It was like saying, I trust you completely, here is a part of me that you can do with as you please. Likewise, Paul would have been nothing less than ashamed not to take every little bit of cum that Feraligatr would share with him.

As he had predicted, that time was now. He looked up into Feraligatr's eyes as the water-type Pokemon reached his limits. Almost silently, Feraligatr's cock throbbed powerfully inside of his mouth, releasing rope after rope of the gator's warm, delicious seed deep into the back of Paul's throat.

Immediately Paul knew that it would be way too much for him; thick blasts of sticky cum shooting down into his stomach with every large gulp he took. Unable to keep up the prodigious pace, Paul quickly pulled the throbbing organ from his mouth, getting quickly splattered in the face with another copious squirt from the water-type Pokemon.

Again and again Feraligatr's cock shot wave after wave of his yummy mating essence over Paul's face and chest, dripping from his head and neck and turning the water a milky white. Paul wasn't disappointed; Feraligatr knew how to put out. He must have been pent up for some time, emptying the contents of his internal testicles all over the humans' body.

Paul leant back in and gulped down some more, suckling on the meaty cockhead while it sprayed down his throat and filled him to the brim with creamy sperm. After a minute or two, Feraligatr's orgasm finally came to a close, the torrent of semen becoming a slow trickle from the end of his spent erection.

Leaning in, Paul licked it clean as it retreated back into its slit, Feraligatr sighing with contentment. Looking down at his human mate, Feraligatr grinned as he saw every bit of Paul's exposed body coated in a sticky white layer of his fertile spunk. Paul grinned as well, knowing just how he must look.

Opening his mouth he showed Feraligatr that it was still full of his cum, which he swilled and swallowed with a great deal of showmanship. Feraligatr knew he was indeed privileged to have such an amazing friend and partner.
"That was... unbelievable," the gator finally managed to speak.

"I'm glad you think so," Paul replied, "but I have to say you certainly are delicious." Upon hearing himself say the words, it occurred to Paul just how much of a cum-slut he was becoming.
"Seviper was right, you've got a talent," the large Pokemon informed him.

Paul blushed, and rubbed his hair, feeling the thick cum under his fingers. Unable to think of anything to say to that, Paul dipped down under the water, shaking himself around until the special water cleaned him of all traces of the gator spooge on his body. Surfacing, Feraligatr let out a small laugh.

"I thought you looked quite sexy covered in my stuff," he said with a hearty tone and Paul shook his head, grinning.
"I bet you would," Paul replied with a cheeky look. Walking over to the edge of the water, he pulled himself out and grabbed himself a towel from off of the rack near the pool.

Drying himself off, he notice that Feraligatr wouldn't take his off him.
"Sorry," the Pokemon apologised, "you're really sexy." Paul smiled and walked to his spare clothes, pulling them on and covering himself up. A quick glance at the clock told him it was midnight, and he knew that he would have to keep going.

After all, how many chances would he get like this when his father was home?
Looking back at Feraligatr, he said, "thanks for the good time, and tell the others that they can see me anytime they want. I'm still pretty wound up, to be honest, and I need to unwind a little, if you know what I mean."

Feraligatr nodded, and moved off to join the others back in the main hall.
"I'm sure Arcanine will be thrilled to help you out there," he said with a dark chuckle as he left the room. Paul liked the sound of that, although knowing Arcanine, he would probably go a bit too far.

He wondered just how he was going to get through it.
"I need coffee."


Once again Paul found himself lying face-up on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The strong taste of coffee had cleared his mouth of the powerful aftertaste of Pokemon semen, but it would linger in his head for some time. He could hear scuffling out in the main hall and muffled voices, and he had no doubt his Pokemon were planning something for him.

Although tired, he found himself eager to do whatever they wanted him to do, whatever that was. Pieces of the last few hours fluttered in and out of his head, like forgotten friends faces, each too vibrant to stand out on its own. With a sigh he knew that the thing that would change the most on this night was his outlook on life and love, and his mental composition.

"That, and the size of my ass-hole," he muttered to himself with a low chuckle, amused by his own joke. He chuckled even harder when he thought about it and realised he wasn't actually joking; it was most likely what would happen! That aside, he sat up slowly and looked at himself in the mirror.

Thanks to the wash in the pool, Paul didn't look any worse for wear than he did a few hours ago, mainly because he had been healed rather well. Yet, once Arcanine was through with him, he may have a bit more damage. From what he had heard from the others, the fire-type canine wasn't well known for 'taking it easy'.

Briefly, he considered just how he was going to continue his mating with the six if his father was home. Although they would never tell, Gareth was very perceptive and he would have a hard time explaining himself after a while, especially if he got caught. His father was well-known for training through the night; he didn't become one of the most feared gym leaders by any other means than hard work.

He wondered how Ninetales felt about the whole thing. The others were most certainly in the business of banging his brains out, but would the ever-quiet, submissive and peaceful Ninetales be so inclined? The thought troubled him; it would be bad to have five Pokemon who lusted for him and one who sat out, feeling awkward.

The door suddenly creaked open and Paul looked over, expecting Arcanine but receiving Ninetales instead.
"Hey," Ninetales said with a smile, padding over and sitting in front of him.
"Hey Ninetales," he replied, looking down at the fox Pokemon.

Just wanted to let you know," Ninetales informed him, "that the others want you in the main hall. And... be prepared." Paul nodded and grinned, knowing he would most definitely have to be ready for what was coming.
"Thanks..." Paul acknowledged, but then added, "so what about you?"

Looking up into his eyes, the sexy Pokemon replied, "I'll be playing my part, don't you worry." With this, Ninetales turned and left and Paul knew that the fire-type was most certainly as hot for him as the other five.
"Well," he told himself, "here we go."

Standing, he moved to the door and closed it behind him. Striding down the corridoor, he only took twenty seconds to reach the main hall. Opening the door, he peeked inside and saw nothing suspicious in the room, aside from a lack of Pokemon. He quickly looked behind him for an ambush, but nobody was present in that direction.

That worried him even more than actually seeing something would have. Cautiously, he pressed open the door and slid inside, looking around the main training hall for any sign of his father's Pokemon. Nothing. And that made him nervous.
"What are they up to?" he asked himself under his breath.

A short clanging noise followed by a muffled grunt set his attention over to the Pokemon Lounge. Thinking he had caught them, Paul foolishly ran over to the door and burst inside, only to trip over something solid and land on his stomach. The first thing he realised was that he had tripped over Seviper's tail. Secondly, he realised that he was staring at the feet of a rather horny canine.

Paul quickly scrambled to his feet but was quickly tackled by Arcanine, who pinned him to the ground and licked his chin playfully.
"I hear that you've been having quite a bit of fun," the fire-type informed him, "and that now... it's my turn." Looking around, the shaped of the other Pokemon surrounded him, and it occurred to Paul that they weren't going to leave.

"What? Right here, in front of everyone?" Paul asked, blushing a little.
Arcanine chuckled and replied, "All the better. In fact, I thought we could have ourselves a little... 'group session', if I put it that way." Paul knew exactly what he was suggesting and the idea appealed to him a little, even if he was a little nervous.

Nodding, Paul tried to stand up but found that the Pokemon on top of him didn't plan on moving.
"Still," Arcanine added with a naughty smile, "I would just love to go first. I warn you, though; I like to play rough sometimes." Paul gulped and nodded, he had seen what Arcanine called rough before and the thought of it worried him and made him aroused simultaneously.

"Would you like to play dom/sub?" Arcanine asked innocently, and Charizard chuckled in surprise. Paul looked over to him and the dragon explained.
"I've never heard him ask before."

"Shut up," Arcanine barked at him playfully, looking back down at Paul.
"What do I have to do," the human asked, and Espeon put his head in his paw.
"Oh, he's in for it now," the psychic-type muttered, to which Arcanine ignored.

"It's simple," the canine explained, sitting down on Paul's stomach and making him wince with the weight, "you'll pretend to be my bitch, and I'll breed you hard and fast while you beg for it. The rules are simple, I become your master for a while, and there is plenty of dirty talk. From what Feraligatr seems to have implied, you like that.

Leaning in, Arcanine whispered in Paul's ear, "good job on making him talk, too." Paul grinned as Arcanine slowly stepped off of him and allowed him to stand. He saw that the spare bed had been dragged into the middle of the lounge and he realised that must have been what all the noises were when he was in his room, them moving the bed around.

Knowing it was for him; he moved over to it and took off his shirt, exposing his sexy abs to the Pokemon, who all collectively caught their breath.
"Why not?" Paul said, "it'll be fun, I think."

Charizard chuckled and so did the others, knowing what the canine had in store for him. Arcanine walked up to the bed and waited while Paul stripped, revealing his body to them, some for the second time. You could almost hear a pin drop as they all admired his semi-erect manhood, every one of them wanting to have fun with him.

Deciding to take the initiative, Paul leant against the bed, knees on the floor and exposed his ass for Arcanine, who promptly growled. Thinking he had done something wrong, he remembered the little game they were supposed to be playing.
"I want to see your face when I take you," Arcanine barked, and Paul quickly turned onto his back, lying with his legs hanging off the bed.

Immediately the Pokemon pounced, landing hard on Paul's stomach and pressing him into the bed. Paul gasped at the sudden weight, Arcanine weighing just over 150kg, or 335lbs. Although Arcanine wasn't putting all of his weight onto the human's frame, he had enough to prevent him from moving anywhere.

Almost instantly, Paul knew exactly what the others had been talking about. Arcanine was quite the dominant male, even though he played sub just as often. However, according to Charizard, he had a talent for topping.
"Much better," Arcanine noted dismissively, staring down into the eyes of his now-submissive trainer.

At first, Paul had felt apprehensive about performing in front of all of the other Pokemon, but now, it was something he actually wanted quite badly.
"Let me tell you what is going to happen now," Arcanine began.

"I'm going to mount you and breed you like a good little bitch, until I'm ripe and ready to fill your ass up with my cum. Then, because I'm such a generous Pokemon, I'm going to have Seviper tie you up and the others can take it in turns until you have six loads of sperm deep inside your anal passage. After that, well, you're pretty much fair game."

"Think you can handle it?" Arcanine closed, not breaking eye contact with his human mate. Paul nodded, he was eager to prove he could take whatever the canine could dish out. This would be a true test of his resilience. Arcanine's weight on his body had become quite arousing, feeling the Pokemon's muscles shift and heartbeat throb against his chest.

The soft fur against his skin made Paul's erection swell to full size very quickly, but he noticed the Arcanine wasn't hard yet. Either that or he was too far back for him to feel it.
"First," Arcanine ordered, "you're going to make me stiff." Well, that explained it, Arcanine had incredible control.

Paul slid his right hand down the side of the canine's thick fur, running it through his fingers until he slipped it under the Pokemon's body and slowly began to massage the area. Almost immediately Paul felt a large bump and gripped it with his hand, stroking and kneading the furry sheath with a tender touch.

Arcanine grunted with approval but he had something else in mind.
"Did I say you could touch me there?" he demanded, pushing his weight down on his human and making Paul gasp. He removed his fingers from the sexy sheath quickly and shook his head.

"You only do as I say," the fire-type reminded him, stating his dominance once again. The other Pokemon chuckled collectively at Paul's situation, even if he was going along with it willingly. It was a type of role-play, once which was very convincing, and very arousing.
"Yes," Paul replied, and Arcanine grinned.

"Reach down a bit further," he instructed Paul, who immediately obeyed, his hands sliding down the sheath slowly until a large furry mass brushed his knuckles. Quickly realising that they were Arcanine's testicles, Paul grinned at their size. He could only image how much delicious cum was hiding within, just waiting to be released.

"I want you to get me in the mood," Arcanine stated, his face mere inches from Paul's, "so start pleasing me. From the bottom to the top, now take your time. We have no need to rush." Nodding, Paul began to work his way around those juicy balls. His fingers danced lightly over Arcanine's scrotum, causing the hefty sack to sway with every touch.

Not wanting to displease his Pokemon, he massaged the area around Arcanine's genitals, stimulating his erogenous zones with expert efficiency. Once this he did know was where all Pokemon were most sensitive, and the underbelly and all of the area below it were great stimulation points. This would make Arcanine even hornier.

Using his left hand to slowly rub the canine's lower stomach, he reached right down between the Pokemon's legs and gently closed his fingers around the impressive furry sack, the touch of Paul's fingers almost like a static shock for the fire-type. Arcanine purred in satisfaction as the human slowly used his dextrous fingers to lightly fondle his balls.

The other Pokemon had a great view, watching their master's talented digits stroke and caress Arcanine's large nuts made all of them very horny; most of them had half-formed erections already.
"He's got great willpower not to get hard from this," Seviper noted, and Espeon nodded.

In reality Arcanine was finding it hard to stop himself from springing a huge hard-on, but he desperately wanted to draw it out for as long as possible. He wanted the best orgasm he had ever had in his life, and judging by the way Paul was playing with his velvety orbs, he was going to blow quite a big load.

"Just like that," the Pokemon sighed, his body responding pleasurably to the intimate fondling of his cum-factories. Paul continued this for a couple of minutes before slowly making his way up to Arcanine's sheath once again, this time with permission. Although he could have happily played with those juicy testicles for hours, and he knew he would one day, he had other things on his to-stimulate list.

Gripping the furry fold delicately, Paul slowly stroked the Pokemon's hidden appendage lovingly, not once ceasing to massage Arcanine's underbelly with his left hand. He was anxious to feel just how big Arcanine's cock would swell to, and was even more eager to have it ploughing inside of his anal passage.

Still, he knew that the stimulation he was giving to his hefty canine would increase the final pleasure tenfold. Arcanine let out a combination of a low rumble and a purr as his cock was slowly coaxed out from its hiding place. Everyone was silent as Paul slowly pushed his index finger inside of the sheath, slipping it in with a satisfied smile.

Paul noticed instantly that Arcanine's sheath was fantastically warm, moist and secretive.
"Nobody's ever done that before to him," Espeon whispered, "Arcanine must like him." Pushing in up to his knuckle, Paul realised how deep the sheath was. His finger came into contact with a warm, fleshy organ and Paul grinned at his find.

Wiggling his finger around inside of the sexy sheath, Paul could feel Arcanine's sensitive member beginning to expand, filling up the space very quickly. Before it could push him out, Paul removed his finger and brought it to his mouth. Arcanine watched, a little stunned as Paul licked his finger clean, tasting the intense flavour.

It was dirty and arousing at the same time, and Paul made a promise to himself to get down and bury his tongue into Arcanine's secretive sheath later on. His hand returning, Paul gripped the sheath once again and jerked the canine off with a more rapid pace feeling the bulge grow under his fingers.

He smiled as he felt the wet tip of he fire-type's maleness touch his wrist as his hand slid back and forth, coaxing Arcanine's length free.
"That's it," Arcanine growled, "make me nice and hard, you little slut." Charizard smiled, amused, and the others knew what he was thinking. Once Arcanine got himself started he was quite the dominant canine, and a great performer.

Finally, Arcanine's erection emerged from his body, filling quickly to full size. Paul didn't touch it though; continually pumping the sheath back and forth with a dedicated expression. Because they were belly-to-belly, Paul couldn't see anything beyond his Pokemon's large furry head and chest.

He was powerless to resist, truly at Arcanine's mercy. If the great dog wanted to fuck him, he would be unable to do anything but submit. The idea was a little scary but very arousing to consider. Suddenly, Paul felt something warm and wet touch his backside and he knew it was Arcanine's cock.

A minute later, Paul removed his hand and quickly gripped the heated shaft with a hand, unable to fit his hand around the middle even closely. Arcanine grunted in pleasure at the contact, squirting a small amount of pre-cum over Paul's pucker, making the boy shift beneath him. Judging by the feel, Arcanine's cock was at least nine or ten inches long and very thick. Not as big as Charizard, but bigger than Espeon.

"You like that, huh?" the fire-type inquired, "you like touching my cock?" Paul nodded obediently, and Arcanine leant down until their noses were touching.
"Such a dirty trainer, having sex with your Pokemon like you do," Arcanine chided, "you're a cock-slut, that's what you are."

Paul nodded again, not wanting to displease his captor. It was such a fun game.
"The water might have cleansed your body," the canine continued, "but I can still smell Feraligatr's cum in your mouth. I bet you gulped it all down like a real cum-lover, swallowing all of that thick, creamy ejaculate, didn't you?"

Another nod from Paul confirmed it.
"You know what we do to sluts around here?" Arcanine asked suggestively, and Paul shook his head, quite unsure what would happen next.
"We give them exactly what they want!"

Paul gasped out in pain as Arcanine pressed forward and buried his thick, steamy cock deep inside of Paul's pucker, pushing over two-thirds of his length straight into the boy's anal passage. Paul felt like he was being split open again, but thanks to Charizard, he coped rather well. The juicy pre-cum covering the canid's length made the penetration easy, but he was still very big.

The other Pokemon watched with aroused interest as Arcanine didn't let up for a second, pulling straight out and burying himself inside once again. Paul gasped in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he was forcefully taken by the massive Pokemon, Arcanine picking up a fast rhythm as he pounded away at the human's ass.

Pinned down by Arcanine's body and being repeatedly penetrated by the dominant male, the pain quickly washed away as the pleasure of being mated so animalistically drew out a side of him he hadn't seen before.
"Oh Arceus yes!" Paul yelled as his tight hole stretched around the invading organ, his mind quickly losing sight of everything.

Arcanine looked down at the boy beneath him, thrusting in and out of him with an amazing pace, making the human's passage sloppy with the copious amounts of natural lubricant he was leaking. He was amazed at how well Paul had taken him, and this spurred him on to greater heights. Was it possible he would be able to tie with him?

Locked in place, Paul's body moved very little as he was bred by the large canine, even if Arcanine moved a bit himself. Paul's hands grasped Arcanine's chest, seeking a grip that was absolutely unnecessary, but he just wanted to hold his Pokemon.
"So tight," the fire-type growled, "if it wasn't for Charizard you'd still be a virgin."

Charizard grinned proudly, glad that he had been the first to properly introduce their master to mating. Paul's mind was filled with a haze; the only things he could feel were the stiff meat pounding away at his insides and the sensation of Arcanine's fur rubbing against his chest and stomach as he moved back and forth on the bed.

Lost in their passionate mating, Arcanine brought Paul back down to earth with some well-placed 'encouragement'.
"Tell me how much... you love having... my huge cock... in your ass," the canine panted between breaths. It was hard work to mate this well. Paul opened his eyes and looked back into Arcanine's own, his body gripping the thick shaft lovingly.

Feeling brave (and wanting to push his boundaries), Paul replied, "it's okay... but Charizard did better."
An intriguing silence filled the room as Arcanine stopped, and everyone held their breath. They were all waiting to see what sort of hell Paul had just broken loose.

"Well then," Arcanine breathed, "I suppose I'll just have to do better." The calm way in which the fire-type had said those words worried the others more than if he had been energetic about it. It sounded like a threat, a challenge and a warning thrown into one passive, calmly-spoken line. Paul shuddered.

Arcanine's claws slowly dug into either side of the bed, gripping the mattress directly and pushing his weight onto Paul, who grunted again at the pressure on top of him. He lined up his massive erection once again, touching the human's wet pucker, and thrust in once more. Hard! Very hard!

Paul cried out as Arcanine's entire cock disappeared into his anal passage, burying ten inches of pulsing maleness deep into his body. Espeon, Seviper and Ninetales flinched at the sight, it looked like simply too much to be possible. Tears welled in Paul's eyes, but he didn't let anyone see. He would adjust, and endure, and enjoy.

Arcanine looked down at his face with a smile, his cock twitching happily as Paul's walls clamped down around it, preventing it from sliding out easily. To add to the extreme experience, Arcanine once again didn't allow Paul time to prepare himself, pulling back out roughly and slamming it back in.

With each powerful thrust, Paul found the pain subsided and the pleasure came to a fore, filling his mind once again with the intimate sensations of mating. He could feel every texture, every vein, every bump on that thick, imposing organ as it stuffed him to the brim, again and again and again.

"How do you like that?" Arcanine growled in his ear, his weight pressing against Paul as he moved back and forth.
"So... big!" Paul managed to gasp, unable to form a sentence properly. Seviper chuckled in the background, amused by the reply. Arcanine grinned at the compliment, although it would do nothing to slow his pace.

"Let me know how much you want it," the canine demanded, "tell me how much you enjoy having my cock in your ass." Paul looked up at him, his human body being roughly pounded by the fire-type as he spoke.
"It's so good!" Paul replied as best he could.

"That's not an answer," Arcanine growled again, with a particularly deep thrust into his mate, "I want to hear you tell them how much you love me inside of you. I want to hear you beg for my hard cock filling you up. I want to hear you moan my name as I cram my knot deep into your tight little rear. I want to hear you beg for more as I dump my load inside of you."

The other five smiled, it was getting very interesting. With every word Arcanine spoke, Paul's erection throbbed painfully between them, being rubbed by the Pokemon's soft fur as he slid against his body. He couldn't touch it, only accept the hard pounding he was receiving, and he was willing to beg for it.

"Your cock is so warm," Paul moaned, "it feels so good inside of me." He could feel pre-cum from Arcanine's sloppy length dribbling from his asshole with each messy thrust.
"You're such a Pokemon slut," Arcanine stated, "I bet you could handle even more."

"Yes please!," Paul begged, gripping Arcanine's fur even harder, "take me harder, fuck me like a true bitch." Arcanine grinned, leaning down onto Paul and increasing his pace, slamming his swollen shaft deep into the boy's bowels, taking him like a female Arcanine in heat. No, even they didn't mate like this... it was beyond that.

A new sensation appeared to Paul in the form of the canine's huge, cum-filled testicles slapping against his ass with every one of those dominant, powerful thrusts. He smiled as he imagined the rich semen churning inside of those delicious orbs, just waiting to be unloaded deep inside of his eager body.

Arcanine noted his pleased expression and asked, "does my little bitch enjoy feeling my cum-filled balls smacking against his ass? Perhaps you would like what's inside of them, no? Well don't worry; you'll get every single drop when I'm good and ready." Paul smiled at this, but didn't let Arcanine see it, or else he would be even more 'enthusiastic'

The other Pokemon were all masturbating in one way or another now, unable to resist the sight before them. Ninetales, Seviper and Espeon were all licking their own erections softly while Charizard and Feraligatr were slowly sliding their claws up and down their own large, beefy shafts. Nobody could blame them either; Paul and Arcanine were putting on one hell of a show.

Paul grunted as his anal passage and prostate were mercilessly pounded by the fire-type's hot, swollen cock, making his ass sloppy with lubricants. He enjoyed the feeling of Arcanine's body against his own, and being able to look into his eyes, the intimacy that was possible even despite the role-playing situation.

'So thick..." Paul gasped, "and so strong... I want more!" The Pokemon happily complied, his knot slamming against Paul's butt with each deep thrust, just asking to be shoved deep inside. Paul wondered if it was possible, and he looked up at Arcanine. The look in the canine's eyes told him all he needed to know; it was going to be attempted.

"Mmmm, such a good little bitch" Arcanine grunted, going at maximum speed as he sought to bring himself to a climax. The bed was shaking roughly as the two made powerful, careless love on the soft mattress, human and Pokemon fucking with reckless abandon. Paul could feel his own orgasm building just from the fur rubbing over his stiff manhood.

Arcanine didn't let up for another two minutes, but even he had his limits. With a loud roar he slammed his body against the human's, forcing his knot as hard as he could deep inside the young man's rear. Paul gasped out loudly as he was stretched beyond his limits, believing he was going to be torn in half by the immense organ.

The hard ball of flesh slowly, but steadily, forced its way inside of his abused anus, which expanded desperately to try and fit in the invading object. Suddenly, it popped inside with an audible plop, sealing the pair together tightly as Arcanine tied with his human mate.

Bringing his head down, Arcanine pressed his tongue inside of Paul's mouth as he climaxed, their mouths intertwining as the fire-type blasted his insides with his spunk. Rope after sticky rope of thick, creamy canine cum coated Paul's bowels and jetted into his used hole, filling him quickly to the brim.

Paul moaned into the wet tongue as warm semen was pumped into his body, Arcanine's balls contracting with every powerful spurt. He could feel himself becoming fuller and fuller until his stomach began to noticeably swell, the creamy sperm swimming around in his body and stuffing him completely.

The other Pokemon pleasured themselves furiously as the sight of their master being treated the way he was. The orgasm seemed to last a long time; Paul watching as his belly grew slowly with the sheer amount of fertile seed being dumped into his body. Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore, Arcanine's orgasm slowly tapered off.

Releasing his trainer's mouth, the canine sighed with pleasure as he rode out the last bit of his incredible climax. Paul likewise moaned loudly; his body had never felt this kind of punishment before, and he was exhausted. The thick, bulbous knot was lodged firmly in his rear, preventing any of the thick cream from escaping.

"How did you like that?" Arcanine asked, the dominant edge gone from his voice, left with just heavy panting as he tried to recuperate.
"That was absolutely incredible," Paul breathed, "you're so good." Arcanine blushed at the compliment, seeming like a whole different Pokemon now that he was relaxed again.

They lay belly-to-belly, completely worn out as the other five slowly gathered around them, each sporting a stiff, slick erection. Paul looked at them and smiled, knowing that he was going to have to find some more energy from somewhere. Still, he was tied for now, so surely they wouldn't be able to do anything with him. Surely?

Apparently, he was wrong.
"Hey Paul," Espeon said, "that was one heck of a display. I can't believe you took that." Paul nodded and grinned, proud of himself for his accomplishment.
"But," the psychic-type continued, pointing to the other four, "how would you like to have a little taste of what we have to offer?"

With a sigh, Paul grinned and nodded, replying, "I'd love to, after all, I wouldn't want to leave you guys with blue balls, Feraligatr excepted of course." Espeon grinned and hopped onto the bed, Arcanine shifting his head out of the way so the smaller Pokemon could stand next to him.

Looking at Espeon, Paul watched as the psychic Pokemon slowly took his own member in his mouth, autofellating himself rapidly to bring himself to an orgasm. Arcanine and Paul watched as the flexible Pokemon brought himself to his own peak. Just before he was about to cum, however, he stood and straddled Paul's face.

The young human barely had time to prepare himself before he was hit in the cheek by a spurt of fresh cum from the psychic-type Pokemon. He quickly leant up and wrapped his lips around the smooth organ, drinking down the delicious fluids eagerly. He couldn't forget the hard cock lodged in his ass, however, the cum sloshing around inside of him.

Espeon's orgasm was nowhere near as impressive as Arcanine's, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. It had a delicious flavour, and he gulped it down happily. He wasn't sure where he was going to fit any of it eventually, but those were details that he could happily overlook.

The flow of seed eventually stopped after a few moments and Espeon pulled out of his mouth, the last few drops splashing onto his nose and forehead. Arcanine licked his face clean of the last few drops and Espeon hopped off the bed, only to be quickly replaced by Ninetales, who was almost ready to explode.

Paul barely had time to get his wits about his when he was quickly straddled by the second fire-type, who didn't even get close enough to him before he came.
"Too eager," Arcanine muttered as Ninetales sprayed his warm spunk all over Paul's face, to which the young human opened his mouth and tried to catch as much as he could.

Spurt after spurt of fresh seed landed in his hair, on his face and on his chest. He wanted it so badly, to be coated in layer after sloppy layer of all of his Pokemon's delicious, heated sperm and he didn't know why exactly. All he knew was it was a craving he was addicted to, and he wanted more.

He got as much as he could in his open mouth, the rest painting the bed, his body and face. It was warm and relaxing to have his Pokemon empty their loads on him, and he sighed as he gulped down the last of Ninetales' emissions. With a small smile, Ninetales licked Paul's face softly and then hopped back down off the bed.

"Mmm," Paul muttered happily as he licked his lips, giving the knot inside of him a small squeeze with his anal muscles and causing Arcanine to shudder in pleasure.
"Who's next?" the young human asked confidently as he surveyed the room. Quickly, it occurred to him one of the six was missing.

Just before he could ask where Seviper had disappeared to, he felt a soft touch against his head. Looking up, Paul found himself staring directly into the eyes of the serpent Pokemon, looking quite amused with himself. He watched as the snake wasted no time curling around his chest, Arcanine lifting his paws to allow Seviper better access while they were tied.

Now Paul was tied in two ways, and he chuckled to himself in slight humour at his own predicament. Seviper positioned his own pointed erection just below Paul's mouth and slowly rubbed it around in the mess that was already there, coating it in Ninetales' fluids before pushing it into Paul's mouth.

He couldn't use his hands to help him, so Paul simply suckled on the juicy organ as he went for a third climax. Seviper hissed in pleasure as he was sucked off by the human, and because of his previous autofellatio, he was already too close to finishing. Paul knew that, and took it as deep into his mouth as he could.

The first rope of serpent cream shot straight down his throat, the rest filling his mouth as he tried to no avail to swallow it all. The rich seed flowed from the sides of his mouth as he failed to keep up with the torrent of cum being delivered. Arcanine chuckled at the sight, Paul trying to drink furiously but ending up with it all over his cheeks and neck.

When Seviper was done, Paul spluttered and coughed as he swallowed the last couple of spurts, the poison-type Pokemon uncoiling from around his body.
"I didn't think you could put out that much," Paul stated in an impressed tone, and Seviper grinned, slithering off the bed as his cock retreated into his scaly body.

The bed was becoming quite messy now; splatters and puddles of semen were accumulating around Paul's body all over the mattress. Suddenly he saw a shadow pass over him and he looked over to see Feraligatr standing next to the bed, cock in paw, masturbating himself slowly. The water-type looked at the bed before him and knew he couldn't hop on, lest it break.

"Just... go from there," Paul suggested, seeing no other way, and Feraligatr nodded, jerking himself happily in front of his human master. Having already cum inside of Paul's mouth once, he wanted to try something different.
"Hey Charizard," Feraligatr beckoned, "let's do this one together!"

The dragon Pokemon grinned widely and moved over next to the large gator, his own cock rigidly erect and ready to go. Together they stroked their lengths, bringing themselves over the edge simply by staring at the cum-covered boy before them. Just before he was about to loose his load, however, Charizard looked at Arcanine with a glint in his eye.

"Oh, shit!" Arcanine realised suddenly and tried to move, but he was well and truly tied to Paul's body. Before he could down anything, both massive Pokemon reached their peaks simultaneously. Paul watched in pure joy as the first massive burst of fresh, fertile cum spurted from Charizard's pulsing maleness and hit Arcanine square in the face.

Feraligatr's creamy seed splashed wonderfully across Paul's own mouth and chest as the knotted pair were literally coated from head to to, nose to paw in wave after sticky wave of heated spunk from the pair of stage two evolutions. They seemed to be like fire hoses, with an endless supply of the deliciously forbidden ejaculate assaulting them enthusiastically.

Arcanine initially growled as his fur was drenched by his rival's spooge, but even he relaxed and opened his maw as he tried to swallow some of the delicious liquids. Charizard and Feraligatr smiled happily as they rode out their orgasms, emptying their heated loads on their trainer and his canine companion.

Paul swallowed every bit that shot into his hungry mouth, filling his stomach with more semen than he had ever taken before. Inside of his body and outside; every inch of him was painted with sticky white mating fluids, no part of him safe from the messy onslaught. Eventually though, all good thing came to an end.

Both Pokemon stopped cumming at around the same time, their copious ejaculations slowing to a trickle. Paul gasped as Arcanine pulled free of him simultaneously, the knot popping from his rear and a rush of Arcanine's sperm coated the ground below his used anal passage. The six Pokemon stepped back and surveyed the damage they had caused.

Dripping cum from ever inch of his body, Paul stood and looked at the bed, litres of white Pokemon spooge covering the mattress and floor around it. Paul turned back to look at the six Pokemon, a smile on his face. They looked at him with large smiles; he looked so incredibly comical with all of their combined seed on his body, as well as incredibly sexy.

"How..." Paul began to ask, his knees feeling weak from the unbelievable mating he had just endured, "are we going to clean this up?"
Silence echoed throughout the room.


One hour and plenty of effort later, the room looked spotless once more. Paul sighed as he slumped against the chair in the room, breathing softly from their exertions. The mattress had been washed clean and the bed looked good as new, like the messy fun they had enjoyed on its surface had never occurred.

"That was amazing, guys, thanks for everthing you did for me tonight," Paul said appreciatively to the six Pokemon standing around him. They all nodded happily and he could tell that they would be willing to do it all over again if the opportunity arose. That was something he would have to work on; getting the Pokemon away from his father sometimes.

"What about you?" Espeon asked, now that they had time to think properly.
"I had a fantastic time," Paul replied honestly, his stomach rumbling as it churned with all of their tasty semen, trying to digest it properly.

Seviper looked at him with a curious expression, before asking, "did you cum?" The question was simple, but it still surprised the human as he turned to look at the serpent Pokemon.
"What?" he asked, not sure if he had heard correctly.

"Did you cum?" Seviper asked again, "when Arcanine was mounting you, did you cum as well?" Paul thought about it for a moment, and realised the he had in fact not reached his climax during the intense mating. Looking back at Seviper he shook his head, and they all looked a little dissapointed.

"It's okay, though, I loved every second of it and I would never give it up for anything," Paul reassured them, but the six Pokemon were still not quite happy with their lack of completion concerning their master. Paul didn't mind, but it seemed that they were determined to ensure that he got his own fair share just as they had.

They began to chat quickly amongst themselves, discussing how they could get Paul off, almost like he wasn't there.
"Hey you guys," Paul chuckled, "I'm still here you know." They looked at him apologetically, and looked to him for the final word on what he wanted.

"It's fine, alright," Paul stated once more, "you don't have to..." He fell silent as Ninetales moved forward, looking him directly in the eye with a fierce determination. He had never seen the quiet Pokemon look quite like that before, and it silenced him swiftly. He wondered what the fire-type wanted to say, and got his answer almost immediately.

Turning around slowly, Ninetales lifted his nine beautiful tails to expose it's secretive tailhole for Paul to see, looking back at him with a lusty expression.
"If it's alright with you," the fire-type Pokemon asked with a sexy smile, "I would be honoured if you would mate with me."

Paul took in the sight before him, the tight pucker staring him in the face and he could feel himself becoming hard again. The others were surprised; Ninetales was usually very quiet, but Paul didn't need a second invitation. His pants slowly slid to the floor as he moved over to the eager Pokemon, placing his hand on his furry back.

"Are you sure?" Paul asked, "you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Ninetales shook his head and rubbed his tails against Paul's chin.
"I want this," the fire-type replied, "I want to feel you inside of me, and every bit of cum you have to offer."

The other Pokemon chuckled at the offer; Ninetales was being very different today. Paul licked his index finger and slowly pressed it against the soft flesh of Ninetale's anal entrance, sliding it in slowly and smiling as Ninetales moaned in delight. He noticed it was very warm inside of the fire-type as he sunk his lone digit down to the knuckle.
"That looks so good," Espeon commented softly to Seviper as Paul wiggled his finger around inside of Ninetales' rear, lubing him up with the saliva on his finger. Ninetales smiled as he was stimulated by the talented finger of his master, who slowly withdrew it and traced a couple of small circles around the outside, teasing him.

Reaching down he took his erection into his hand, which was rock hard already from the sight of such a willing partner before him. He placed his hands on each side of Ninetale's body and gripped his fur softly as he lined himself up. Ninetales sighed happily as he felt the thick head of Paul's maleness touch his tight pucker, desperately wanting it inside of him.

"I need you," Ninetales whispered softly and Arcanine grinned, being the only one who heard it.
"Such a slut," Arcanine muttered to Charizard, who was standing next to him and whom nodded in agreement, although he found it just as enthralling as everyone else.

Ninetales lowered his front legs so only his rear was in the air; Paul's hard manhood pressed against his tailhole. Slowly and carefully, Paul held the Pokemon gently as he pushed himself inside, his thick phallus spreading the warm ring and slipping inside, causing both human and Pokemon to gasp as they became connected more completely.

Paul gave Ninetales a few seconds to adjust to the new sensation, his muscles clamping down around the human's cockhead as he relaxed slowly, trying to get used to the intense feeling. Once he was ready, Ninetales looked back at Paul with an eager expression, letting the human know full well that he wanted every last inch buried inside of him.

Not wanting to dissapoint, Paul gripped Ninetales soft fur and thrust deep inside the tight passage, sinking two-thirds of his fleshy length into the deliciously comfortable rump of his Pokemon. Ninetales howled softly in pleasure as he was taken properly, his anal muscles rippling around the invading organ

Although he was going to give the Pokemon a few more seconds to adjust, Ninetales looked back and pushed against him, as if to demand he went deeper. Paul nodded and slid back out until only the tip of his meaty manhood remained inside, quickly returning and thrusting back in deep, Ninetales' warm passage swallowing his erection whole.

A slow but enjoyable rythym ensued; Paul penetrating the wonderfully tight tailhole with a gentle, loving enthusiasm. He had never been the top before and for Paul it couldn't have felt better, the warmth surrounding his needy shaft was beyond compare to any pleasure he had every experienced in his life.

"So... tight," Paul grunted between deep, pleasureable thrusts, causing the surrounding Pokemon to grin as they enjoyed the show.
"I always though he would be a bit of a tightass," Arcanine joked lamely and Charizard floored him with a swat of his wings, shaking his draconic head.

Ninetales let out a particularly loud gasp of pure ecstacy as Paul pushed in even deeper, sliding his entire length deep into the Pokemon's body. He increased his pace as well, mating with the fire-type with a heightened energy, his slick cock sliding in and out of Ninetale's heated passage as he sought to bring release to himself.

The fire-type Pokemon sighed happily as his master's cum-filled balls slapped against his rump with each deep thrust, letting him know he was being bred well. He could only image what it would be like to hold his trainer's seed inside of him, and he made it his personal goal to make that wish a reality.

"Harder," Ninetales begged as he looked back into Paul's eyes, "take me harder." Obliging, the human gripped the soft fur tighter and ploughed his length into Ninetale's body with more force. Both human and Pokemon moaned in unison as they mated passionately before their captivated audience, the sounds of their intercourse echoing through the room.

"I've got to get him to do that to me," Espeon noted, and Seviper nodded in agreement. Even the larger Pokemon of the group, Charizard and Feraligatr had to admit that they wanted to be taken by the talented human male. The expression on Ninetale's face as he was penetrated rapidly was one of sheer bliss, and the others felt a twinge of jealousy.

Giving it his all, Paul slammed his stiff erection repeatedly into the fleshy tunnel, stimulating them both to a point where they would no longer be able to restrain themselves. It would only be a matter of minutes; the tight walls gripping his maleness were doing their best to coax out his peak, to bring him over the edge.

Each deep thrust inside, every slap of Paul's orbs against his rear, every grunt and gasp as they made love filled Ninetale's mind with too much stimulation. Without having touched his own aching erection, Ninetales came proudly, spurting his hot cream over the carpet and clenching his anal muscles down around Paul's cock.

This was too much for the young human, the feeling of Ninetale's passage squeezing his shaft bringing him to his long-deserved orgasm. With a loud gasp he came, his cock throbbing as spurt after spurt of his fertile sperm painted the fire-type's anal passage, filling it with his delicious seed.

Ninetales moaned submissively as he was filled with his master's warm cum, satisfying his desire to be the carrier of Paul's mating fluids. Being a human and not a Pokemon his orgasm was nowhere near as impressive as the others had been, but it was certainly more than enough, painting Ninetales anal passage with the sticky white cream.

After a few moments Paul stopped, and the pair remained in positing, enjoying the afterglow of such wonderful sex.
"That was incredible," Paul said softly, slowly pulling his spent cock from Ninetale's rear, "I really appreciate it, you were amazing."

He smiled as a few beads of his cum dripped from Ninetale's used tailhole, which he leaned in and licked clean. He tried to get to his feet but failed and wobbled before falling onto his back. He chuckled at his lack of energy, a clear indicator he had been giving it his all. Charizard helped him up as they looked at the spot on the floor where Ninetales had ejaculated.

"We should probably clean that up," he said with a sigh, and Espeon used psychic to remove every last trace, drinking it down himself.
"So greedy," Arcanine chuckled, and the psychic-type Pokemon chuckled and licked his lips.

Now that they had all be satisfied, Paul turned and looked back over to the six Pokemon surrounding him.
"So..." he stated simply, "what now?"


Lying in his bed, looking at the ceiling, Paul wondered what he would do about the six Pokemon. They belonged to his father, but he knew that he wanted to spend some time with them. he knew he would do whatever it took to ensure that they were able to mate with him whenever they wanted, but he wasn't sure how.

"To kill to pidgeys with one stone," he muttered to himself, an idea forming in his head. His father wanted him to be a trainer, fine, he would become a trainer. he was sure his father would be proud, he had always wanted for his son to follow in his footsteps.

"I wonder which six Pokemon I should start out with," he muttered to himself happily as he dozed off after a long, pleasurable day.

I wonder.

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think

    Date:Jul 5 2016

    The story was nice and pretty erotic. Paul was ideed a capable trainer and breeder.

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