AGNPH Stories

Escape From Darkfaire Isle by the_shadow_master_of_wea


Story Notes:

This story is based off an RP that I did for this site. All rules which applied to the RP will apply to this story as well. Rating may change should I decide to go through with a possible romance I've been thinking about.

Chapter 2

Escape from Darkfaire Isle

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Resident Evil. Only the idea and select OC's.

Author Notes:

-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.
xXx This will identify where each paragraph breaks.
'Character thought'

Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon / Resident Evil, never have, never will. Only the idea and select OC's behind the story are mine. Other that I decide to use will have their names as well as their creators posted at the start of the first chapter that I decide to use them.


"Okay, let's see if there is anything waiting for us." Eric moved to the door of the pawnshop, his pistol drawn. Barely cracking the door open, Eric took a look outside. Aside from the usual chaotic state of the city, there was nothing moving around and he heard nothing to suggest that anything was in the area. "Let's go." Eric slowly opened the door the rest of the way.

Now back out in the open, Eric took a solid look around for any unusual movement. With nothing too far out of the ordinary, Eric gave the okay for Luna to follow him.

'So, what is our next move?' Luna asked, her mind still on the search for other survivors.

"We look for the source of that gun shot," Eric replied looking back at the corner of the pawnshop. The dead hunter that he had shot was still resting on the ground, although it looked like something had tried to take a bite out it before leaving it.

'Wouldn't it be safer to avoid the gun shots?' Luna asked tilting her head.

"From everything I read about the T-virus, while it may reanimate the dead, it doesn't leave enough brain function for them to really make use of anything. That may also explain why you can't sense them, they don't have enough brain activity." Eric informed his partner. "So, with that in mind, I would say that it was a survivor who fired that weapon."

'If you say so.' Luna walked up behind Eric who had already started for the corner. As usual, his hands were resting by his pistols. Eric was careful when rounding the corner. He carefully looked around to look upon a group of dead bodies.

A few of them were hunter bodies, but the majority of the group were just ordinary people, unfortunate civilians that had unknowingly become part of a test for Umbrella. The bodies were scattered along the street, some of them just laying flat on their backs, their bodies torn up while others were completely torn in two. The only common factor between all of the dead bodies was the look of horror on their faces. The only functioning street light that light up this section of the street reflected off the massive blood puddle that was slowly being leaked into the sewers almost painting the road red.

'There is no doubt in my mind now that this wasn't a random outbreak.' Luna said as she looked on at the slaughter before her.

"What makes you say that?" Eric asked slowly advance toward the dead bodies. While all of them looked dead, that wasn't a guarantee. The only way to advance and quickly track down the source of the gunshot however was to pass through the pile.

'I've seen a lot of bodies, but none of them, not one of them show any signs of working for Umbrella.' Luna explained. 'I'm pretty sure that if this was a random outbreak, there would be a number of armed Umbrella bodyguards working to get key personal off the island.' Refusing to mess up her dress, Luna used her own abilities to create small holes in the blood puddle just big enough for her to step as she held her dress up just a bit not letting it touch the ground.

"If that's the case, then this is all just a test." Eric stated. "To think that Umbrella would go so far..." Eric stopped dead raising one arm in front of Luna as they moved throw the street.

'What is it?' Luna looked around but saw nothing.

"I thought I heard something." Eric whispered drawing his pistols. Being in the center of the street surrounded by dead bodies was what made Eric worry the most. Anyone of them could be infected and he didn't have enough ammo to shoot them all. His eyes quickly darted from body to body, hoping to find the source.

At last, he knew the source. A sudden scream, just far enough away that he could barely hear sounded easing his mind. "Can you sense anything near us?" Eric asked.

'Nothing living at least.' Luna said.

"Let's just keep moving." Eric put one of his pistols away, but kept the other one just in case. As they finished walking through the pile of bodies, another scream broke the silence; only this one was much closer. Knowing that the source of this scream was close, Eric charged forward. While Eric charged threw the blood ridden street, Luna teleported over to the other side of the pile of bodies.

Running down the remainder of the street they were on, Eric stopped on the corner, Luna just a short ways behind him unable to keep at his pace. Even though she may have had a small head start, Eric was far faster then she was when it came to running and sprinting.

Around the corner, Eric found the source of the scream; three teenagers had been cornered by a pack of infected Houndooms. All three of the undead dogs had patches of black skin and fur hanging loose, their rounded horns were broken, and one was missing its tail. Now labeled Cerberus by Umbrella, these undead dogs meant trouble. The three teens were now pinned up against the brick behind them, the only light coming from the large theater sign behind them. The male in the group, a wolf was busy using a broken pipe defending the other two, both female. While one was a vixen, the other was a feline. All of them however had torn clothing and looked a tired, most likely from having to fight for their lives all day long.

"Cover them." Eric shouted to Luna who knew right away what to do. As one of the undead dogs jumped again, the wolf brought the pipe down hard hitting his mark, but failing to kill it. It landed hard in front of the wolf who hastily kicked it away before it could get up.

Eric fired two shots at the nearest two targets. The first one hit hard flying right threw the dog's brain while the second shot missed its target and was now a collision course with the vixen. If not for Luna and her powerful barrier attack, the bullet would have killed her. Instead, it bounced harmlessly off of the protective barrier as Luna teleported to get into a better position.

Now with a new target, the dogs charged Eric. As the first dog jumped, Eric planted his left boot in the side of the dog's head with a powerful roundhouse kick. Coming back around from his attack, he quickly took aim and fired upon the next two dogs, this time hitting both marks. As both of the dead bodies fell in front of him, the one who Eric had kicked to the side was already getting back up. Taking advantage of his position, the dog jumped and grabbed firmly onto Eric's arm.

Luna appeared directly in front of the wolf who was greatly surprised by her. Both the vixen and feline screamed and out of fear, the wolf brought his pipe down hard on the back of Luna's head. She fell to the ground, her mind screaming at Eric in pain.

Surprised by the attack, Eric dropped the gun in his free hand. Hearing Luna telepathic scream, Eric went straight for his combat knives. With a forceful strike, the knife was planted deep into the dog's skull and with a firm jerk to the side, the knife broke in two leaving the blade behind as the dog fell limp leaving a bloody arm behind as a reminder of its attack.

Eric quickly turned to face the wolf who was preparing to strike Luna again. Without wasting a second, Eric fired upon the pipe in the wolf's hand dislodging it from his firm grip. The wolf shouted out in fear as he lost his weapon, all three of the teenagers now looking at him as though he were intent on killing them. "Quite down." Eric barked. He quick walked over to Luna's side. "Are you okay?" He asked calmly.

'That hurt.' Luna replied, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're lucky I'm in a reasonable mood." Eric said as he got back up. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his medicine bottle before quickly gulping down a few more of the gel caps.

'You just had a few of those a little while ago.' She stated, slightly annoyed that he was already taking a few more.

'I will not become one of their experiments.' Eric thought knowing that Luna would pick up on the thought easily given how determined he was about it.

"Who are you?" The vixen shouted, her voice filled with fear, but after the events that she had most likely had to deal with, fear was understandable.

"Quite down, I'm not one of them." Eric ordered the group of teens. "It's not safe here and you'll simply attract more making all that noise." Seeing that he now had their attention, Eric turned to see if there were any more threats in the immediate area. "We can't stay here. Where were you planning on going?" Although there wasn't anything around right now, being out in the open on one of the city's major streets would prove to be a fatal mistake for those who didn't know what was going on.

"We were on our way to my father's house when those things attacked us." The feline informed Eric. "We thought that since my father's house was an old brick house with a cement basement, we would be safest there."

"That sounds pretty safe. Have any of you been bitten or scratched?" Eric asked still holding his pill bottle.

"Andrew got bit defending us." The vixen said, although fear still filled her voice she appeared to have calmed down some seeing that Eric wasn't a zombie.

"I got a small scratch from of them." The feline held up her hand.

"Take one of these, it will stop you from turning." Eric informed the teens. Having already seen a few of their friends get bitten and join the ranks of the dead, both the wolf and the vixen quickly took one of the pills offered to them and gulped them down. "Well, I assume that you name is Andrew," Eric looked at the wolf who nodded his head. "What are your names?" Eric looked to the females.

"I'm Molly." The feline replied.

"And I'm Anna." The vixen said.

"I don't suppose any of you are trained to use a firearm." Eric asked hoping that one of them might be able to assist him if they got attacked.

"My father is a hunter and he showed me to use a few pistols." Molly stepped forward.

"Take this then." Eric pulled out one of his Blacktails, fed it a brand new clip, and then handed it to the feline. "You got seventeen shots, aim for the head to ensure a kill."

"Kill?" Molly asked.

"Thanks to Umbrella, this has become a kill or be killed situation. Just take a look around." Eric motioned to the dying city around them.

"I see you point. I'll do my best." Molly said taking the gun slowly taking a look at it. "I can use this."

"So, just where do you live?" Eric asked.

"A small housing complex a short distance from here called Quiet Mound." Molly replied.

"Lead the way. I'll cover the rear." Eric said.


It was a fortunately quiet and uneventful trip from the theater where Eric had found the three teens over to the housing center. There were some obvious signs of damage in the complex; one house had been hit by a car while another looked like it had been raided. The sign for the complex had also suffered some damage and now instead of reading Quiet Mound, it now just read "et Mou". Aside from the first glance damages however; there wasn't any movement and no signs that the dead were around.

Eric nodded his head toward the complex looking at Luna who nodded back before closing her eyes.

"Which house is yours?" Eric asked quietly.

"That brick on the corner." Molly pointed to the end of the complex to an old single story brick building. There were no lights but it seemed like it was still in perfect condition. The windows to the house were raised slightly as the building had a noticeably elevated foundation, which would make it harder for the basic victim of the T-virus to enter the building without help. Overall, the building looked like a decent place rest for the night. Eric looked back to Luna after giving the building a look.

'I don't sense anyone in the brick building, but I do sense three minds in the blue house next door.' Luna informed Eric.

Now looking over to the blue house, there were a few noticeable things about the two-story building. First off, Eric noted that the front door and been forced off, the frame slightly damaged. While there wasn't any light coming from the building, he did catch sight of something dripping from the second story balcony. It was slow drip; maybe water, but it could also be blood. "Come on, let's go." Eric started for the brick house followed by the others.

Now on the stone porch of the brick house, Molly went through her pockets looking for the key. As she found it, Eric took one last long look around. He wasn't about to just walk in without making sure that there weren't any undead around to watch him enter the building.

Molly turned the key in the lock and door opened up. With the door opened, the group could get in, but the house was not empty. There in the center of the room was a large gray cat that slowly turned towards to the door as it opened.

"Dad?" Molly asked with a look of concern on her face. Eric heard Molly's comment and recalled Luna's warning about not sensing anything in the house. He quickly turned to see what was there. One look at the gray cat's blank eyes and the missing chunk of flesh on its neck told Eric all he needed to know. He quickly fired a shot past Molly into the head of the undead cat that was walking towards them. The shot went clean through it target splashing a large amount of brain matter and blood onto the far wall. The cat quickly fell to the ground as Molly watched, her hands over her mouth unable to accept what had happened.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but there was no hope for him." Eric stated as he walked in to inspect his kill. There around his neck was a small lanyard and what ever was on it was hidden beneath his shirt.

'Eric, the three minds next door have taken notice of our presence.' Luna informed him as he bent down noticing that lanyard was the same style of one he was given for his guest pass while working for Umbrella.

"Molly, who did you father work for?" Eric asked grabbing the body and flipping it over before pulling out the lanyard.

"He worked in storage for the Umbrella facility." Molly replied, her breathing hard as she looked at her father now noticing the wound on his neck.

Eric quickly walked for the door holding an Umbrella ID in his hands. "Come on, this house isn't safe."

Upon walking out, Eric took his gun from Molly and put it away. Now outside, he looked the blue house next door.

Looking back down upon him from the small balcony on the second floor was a large western dragon, his scales a deep green in color, his eyes a dark red. He wore brown shirt with a leather jacket and a pair of jeans. With a gas mask covering his snout, he looked ready for a fight. Beside him was a river otter, dressed in a pair of bluish-gray cargo shorts with a faded black shirt and a camo-style Kevlar jacket with a matching bandana. Both of them had a rifle aimed down at Eric and his traveling companions. To accompany the dragon and the otter was a Quilava, her back was light up brightly which also provided more then enough light to highlight the two armed personal she was with.

"Relax, we're fine. You wouldn't happen to have room for a few more for the night would you?" Eric shouted up to the group above before taking a close look at the otter. He instantly recognized the jacket and rifle; both were standard issue to all field agents working for the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance or BSAA for short. "Hey, you're with the BSAA aren't you?" Eric demanded pointing to the otter.

Just as the otter was about to respond, the dragon quickly grabbed him before partially dragging him back into the house. The Quilava turned and upon seeing the two retreating back into the house, she quickly jumped after them.

"Well that was rude." Eric said pocketing the ID he had. Less then a minute later, all three of the figures from the balcony exited the house from the side door. All of them seemed to be armed with a few things other the Quilava. While the otter and the Quilava headed for Eric and his group, the dragon headed to where the balcony was.

Keeping an eye on the dragon, Eric saw a large sheet hanging off the edge of the balcony that he had missed before. Pulling out a lighter, the dragon lit the sheet, which quickly caught fire before igniting the rest of the house. "This building wasn't safe anyhow." The dragon said as he watched the fire burn. "There's a gun shop just a block or two away that we're headed to, It should be a good spot to stop and get some rest." He said turning to Eric's group adjusting his gas mask some. "Now I believe you asked my a friend a question here, mind repeating it?"

"As I was asking, you're with the BSAA, correct?" Eric faced the otter, a serious look on his face.

The otter seemed taken back just a little before responding. "What's a BSAA?" The otter asked hoping to avoid the question. Eric just smiled before opening his mouth to speak. Before he could however, the otter spoke back up. "Yeah, yeah. I work for BSAA. How the hell did you manage to guess that? I suppose that if I were to guess that you worked for Umbrella here, I'd be right, eh?" He said in a rather joking way. "Heh," Leetho smirked. "Well, as my friend so eloquently put it," he said looking up at the second story of the blue house in flames, "We were just leaving. As for a place to stay for the night, look around you. You got a choice from about ten plus houses on this street. Sorry, but I really can't stay here to baby sit a few teens."

"With a fire that big, everything in the immediate area will be headed this way." Eric countered. "That gun store you mentioned however, now that has a few possibilities."

The otter, the dragon, and the Quilava all started to walk away from the scene headed for a car talking with each other. As they reached they a car on the side of the road, the otter raised the back of his rifle before shattering the glass of the black Mercedes Benz. With the window gone, the otter reached in and unlocked the door before getting in and bending under the dashboard.

"Luna." Eric nodded toward the otter.

She quickly nodded in response knowing all to well what to look for as she began to peak into the otter's mind. 'The dragon's name is Jack. He's a civilian who was bitten, but never turned. He was in charge of the local pharmacy before the outbreak. As for the otter, his name is Leetho. He was sent by the BSAA along with a team. His mission unlike the others however is to gather evidence that Umbrella is responsible for this outbreak.'

"Hey Leetho." Eric shouted. "If your looking to gather evidence that Umbrella did this, I can show you everything you need." Eric smiled as otter quickly got up looking his way. He slowly walked back over, his rifle resting at his side.

"What's the catch?" Leetho asked.

"Two things." Eric stated. "First of all, I'll make sure that you get everything you need and you will in turn shut down Umbrella, not just here, but world wide." Eric watched carefully, his hands slowly inching towards his pistols just incase this didn't turn out well.

"And the second thing?" Leetho asked as the dragon and the Quilava joined his side.

"I walk out of this a freeman, a ghost, a forgotten figure. As far as anyone is concerned I died on this island never to be seen again." Eric stated. "And let me tell you this, without my help, you'll never find that lab in time. Not before Umbrella gets rid of it."

"And just what does that mean?" Jack asked.

"While looking through certain files, I found a failsafe program rigged into the island. While I don't really know what it is, I image its big." Eric replied.

"Alright, who are you and how much do you know?" Leetho demanded raising his weapon quickly taking aim at Eric. Eric retaliated by drawing one of his Blacktails taking aim at Leetho's heart. Jack was quick to join the stand off, raising his rifle towards Eric as well. Eric once again drew a pistol and took aim on Jack while keeping his first gun pointed at Leetho. The Quilava, unable to stand for her group being targeted took a stand herself. Her back burst in flames showing that she wasn't about to be left out. Luna was the last to join the battle using her psychic abilities to pick up small bits of rubble that happened to be lying on the street around them.

'This isn't good, perhaps a different tactic may serve better.' Eric thought. "Ya know what, I'm sick and tired of these damned stand offs." He said slowly lowering his guns, but keeping his fingers on the triggers. "I've made my offer. I can take you to the lab and tell you what other creatures I've seen down there." Luna seeing her master stand down did the same despite her reluctance to do so. Her gaze quickly shifting back and forth between Eric and Leetho fearful of what could happen. "I can even help you gather the evidence you need. Otherwise you can make the trip yourself, hope you find the lad and then hope that it is unguarded by whatever B.O.W.s Umbrella released, and finally, you spend your time in the maze that is the lab itself hoping that you get your looking for before it's gone." Eric said making sure to include as many things to slow them down and scare them as he could think of right there. He slowly turned and began hoping his gamble would pay off. "Take it or leave it, either way, I'm going to the lab myself." He said as he started to walk away. 'This had better work.'
Chapter End Notes:
The following characters are not of my own creation.

Jack Kavanagh, the infected western dragon belongs to one Pyramid Head.
Leetho Iroquois, the BSAA river otter and his Quilava partner both belong to one Smashbro.

Also, do some problems that I have to deal with as of late, this may be the last thing i can post in a long while
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