Story Notes:
A long, long overdue commission for Souldivide, that just so happens to fit in for the February story contest!. Much gooey lurv lies within. Thanks also to Guri and Cetacea for helping proof!
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Colours of Fancy (19266 words)
[Reviews: 3]
Date:Feb 20 2014 Chapter:Colours of Fancy
Date:Feb 25 2017 Chapter:Colours of Fancy
wow! the best thing I have ever read! 11/10
Date:Jun 29 2017
Truly an amazing romantic story. Gorgeously written, colorful characters (pun definitely intended), and passionate love scenes.
This author has a way with words that makes every story on its own level. Till then ;)
Date:Apr 19 2021 Chapter:Colours of Fancy
I always come back to read this lovely story every now and then since it was posted. The way you set the story up with enough emotion...ahhh~ Its soo good. I love how with just this one chapter we get to know these two so well. I dunno if you still write or even read these comments, but man, Lovely work.