AGNPH Stories

Latias furry by The Pest


part one

This is my first lemon so get of my back. If you are
not 18 years of age or think sex between a human
a pokemon is nasty then what are you doing here?
I'm sorry if I spelled anything wrong.

Gabe was a pokemon trainer at the age of 15 and has lots of pokemon.
The ones he always has are a male Pikachu, a male Chrizard, a male
Eevee and a Latias.
After he become a trainer, getting charmander and cachting pikachu
Latias just showed up out of the blue. She didn't put much of a fight as if
she wanted to be chought by him. Shes the only pokemon that
Gabe has named. She is know as Megan the Latias.
Gabe had to be the luckiest trainer to cacht a Latias so early in
two days after becoming a pokemon trainer.

Gabe woke up at 7 o'clock still tired he falls back to sleep untill he
got zap his pikachu. "Okey, okey I'm up." he said as he got siting
up. "Good morning pikachu." he said petting the pokemon on top
of it's head. "And good morning to you Me...." he stop as he look down
the side of his bed to see his Latias gone."Pikachu, do you know
where Megan is?" he asked. pikachu just noded his head a "no"
Pikachu and Megan are the only Pokemon that are left out of
their pokeballs. Gabe got out his bed almost knocking Pikachu
off the bed. He run towards the bath room to find that she wasn't
there or anywhere in the house. He just said to himself that
theres nothing to worry about that she went for a walk to the
park or something and that she'll be back soon. So he went
back to his room and played the P.S.2 while Pikachu watch.
A hour past and still no signes of his Latias and he was
worried as hell. He went and got dressed with socks,
blue jeens, and a black t-shrit. He than put on his class
ring (year of 2006), his sharpedo-tooth neckless and a pair
of shades that has a meltice red frame. on the way out he
also put on a blue cheacked shrout shleeve buttin shrit, and a
red Auto. Rocky's hat. He grab a pokeball ad toss it relishing his
Charizard. "Charizard I need to go find Megan and show me where
she is. She been gone this moring." Gabe said, even with the shades on
Charizard can see his master face was sad and worried. With two beets
of it's wings and he was off to look the missing Latias. Gabe waited
on the prouch with Pikachu till they heard Charizard coming back from
his misson. "Did you find her." Gabe asked. Charizard give a small
node. "Then take me to her." he said Charizard turn around as
Gabe climp on with Pikachu on his shoulder.
Charizard took Gabe to a cave neer the back of the park. Deep inside
they found the missing Latias but something was off. Near the ground
where she was sleeping was wet and her claws as well. The Latias
awoke to see her trainer and the two pokemon that was with him.
"Don't worry Megan I'm not mad at you just scared of what might
have happen to you." Gabe said. Megan gived a smile floted to her
master rubing his cheeck with hers. "Good job Charizard." Gabe said
as he put Charizard back in his pokeball. "How about we go look for a
match, there should be a lot of trainers by this time." he said to his
Pikachu and Latias. All three of them were now at the heart of the park
where most pokemon battles are. "Hey dude want battle?" as some
kid ask to Gabe. "Okey but I'm gonna win this match." Gabe said.
"alright but you not gonna beet my Hariyama." The said as relished
the fighter pokemon from it's pokeball. "Okey Megan do that voodo
that you do." Gabe said. His Latias took her spot of the battle ground
as she ready for battle. "Attack with your arm thrust Hariyama." the young
trainer comand as his pokemon started to run towords the Latias with
one hand rised back. Megan dodge the attack and flew high out of it's
reach. "Now use your fly attack Megan." Gabe said. Latias came flying
back toward Hariyama, hitting it in it's gut. "knock off attack!" the trainer
yelled as his pokemon punch Megan and doing some great damige.
"Recover then use your ice beam." Gabe said. The Latias regined
her health and fire a blue beam at Hariyama frozing him to his neck.
"Now finsh him with a psychic attack." Gabe said to his Latias
but she stop and fall to ground huging as if she was in pain. Her
bottem half become wet again as she laid there for a second.
Hariyama broke out of the ice and run toword Megan. Gabe saw this
and jump between the two yelling stop the match. "Whats worng?"
the kid ask. "It's my Latias. she dosn't feel good and I need to take
her to poekmon center." Gabe said. The kid left with his pokemon
at his side to let Gabe to deal with his pokemon. "Come on Megan,
let me take you to pokemon center to help you." But his Latias didn't
made that job easy as she toke-off having Gabe and Pikachu running
after her. " Megan wait, wait. It's no use. Pikachu..." Pikachu look to his
trainer's face as he pause "..thunder wave." he said slowing. Pikachu
cheekes sparked as he fire a sticke of lighting hitting and paralysising
the Latias. Gabe run up to Megan as she laid there. Gabe poited her
pokeball at her as he said "Sorry. Megan return." the red return beam
hit as she was broute back in her pokeball. Gabe called out Charizard again
and told what happen and what to do. Minutes later at the Viridian city
Pokemon Center a Charizard with a human and pikachu on it's back
land at the main doors. Gabe called back Charizard to his pokeball
as he run toword the counter."Hello and how may I help you today?"
said the local Nurse Joy. "Something is worng with my Latias and I
don't know what. Pleese can you help he?" Gabe said as he places her
pokeball on the counter "I see what I can do and don't worry she'll be
back to her old self in no time." Joy said as she walks to the door with
a red light abouve it with a picture of a needle on it. Gabe walk to a
near-by banch as he warp his black back-pack around (which he dug out
when he was waiting for Charizard to get back) and he pull out a bottle
of pop that said Sierra Mist on it. He almost jump as he open it, forgeting
all the running he did. After he let his soda clame down a bit he toke a drink
of it as he rest on the banch with another trainer. "Hey." He said to the trainer.
"Whad up dude." he said back."What are you doing here?" Gabe ask "I'm having
my Pokemon getting a cheeck up. What about you?" "Something worng with
my Latias and I don't what it is." Gabe said. "Is your Latias a girl?" the trainer
ask "She was till I give a sex change. Heres your sign!" "I see.... wait do you
just called me stupid?" "What you think dumb-ass?!" Gabe said. "Every one
knows that all Latiases are females and Latioses are males." "Well I didn't."
the trainer said "Was she wet on her underside?" the trainer ask "Yep."
"Then she's..." the tainer started to talk till Nusre Joy come up to them.
"Hows Megan is she Okey." Gabe ask "Your Latias is just fine it's just
going though that time in her life time where she could have a baby."
"Shes in heat." "Yep. You know there is a breeding center at the other
end of town." "Thanks Nusre but for now see ya." Gabe said as he toke Megan's
pokeball back. As he left the center he called out Charizard again and told him
where to go as he finshed his sods pop. As they about a foot way from the door Gabe
called out Latias "Look Megan I'm sorry that I put you in your pokeball but we
here to help you and we're going though this together, all of us." Gabe said as he
tossed out another pokeball counting his Eevee. All five of them walk in to the
center where a woman worked at. "How can I help you?" she ask. I need a mate
for my Latias here." "Okey and what about the others do they want a good time?"
Gabe turned to the three male pokemon as they shoucked their heads.
"I'll take that as a hell yes." she said. In seconds they reach the floor with
all kinds of pokemon in their own rooms, male rooms by female rooms.
Eevee, Charizard, and Pikachu each whant their ways to a female room
of their types. "Wait right here I'll go see if we have a Latios." she said
as she walked down the hall. Minites later she come back to where she
left Gabe and Megan. "I'm sorry we don't." she said "That means I have
to do what I have to do to get her though her heat?" "Yes." "Okey then
it sound like they done so I'll go get them and leave." Gabe said as he called each
of his male pokemon back to their pokeballs.

Two hours later back home Gabe open the door and told Megan to go upstaires.
He had to think how he was gonna help his Latias, than he garb a mop and
head up to his room where Megan is. As he enter he saw the Latias laying
on the floor shacking and hugging herself. This is now or never he thought
to himself as he walk toword Megan. Gabe alined the top of the mop's
handle with her sex. The Latias shocked her head in disapovel as she felt
the pole's end touching her lips. "Megan I'm trying to help. If you don't
want me to use this thing then I don't know what to do." Gabe said as he
thrown the mob to a corner of the room. He look over his room as most of
the floor was corved in old toys that he had since he was a kid.
Megan flouted up to eye countack with Gabe. "Megan what are you doing."
Gabe ask. His Latias look at him staite in to his blues-green eyes. Her
golden-bown eyes filled with lust. Gabe was then thown to the ground
with a on seen froce. "Psychic.You used your psychic attack."
Megan then moved her arms to take off his pants and belt. "Megan don't."
he said but the Latias countined with his boxers so that his member
was free to her. She started to lick the head with her soft tonuge.
Gabe gasp as she stick the whole thing in her mouth. Sucking on
it and licking the base at the sametime. She spot her treatment
as it was fully hard. She hovered over him rubing the lips of her
pussy with the head of Gabe's rod. "Pleese Megan. Don't do this."
Gabe beg but the Latias don't listen as she come down hard.
She winced in pain as this was her first time. She started
to slowly hump on her trainer as she still hold him by her
psychic attack. Gabe kept feeling her muscles pulling on his dick
he never thought that this could happen to him. His eyes becomed watery
as if he was about to cry. His Latias took off his sun-glasses so she
can whirp the tires away showing that she still care for him. AT this
point Gabe can used his armes again as Megan lost forces on
her attack. Gabe know this can't be right but it felt so good to him.
Instade of pushing her off he pulled his psychic/dragon lover closer.
Sensing this Megan rolled on her back with Gabe on top. "Okey,
If this is how you want it then okey." Gabe said as he thown his
hat to another corner. He started to pound in to her, fucking her
harder and faster then she was. The Latias mouned as she
got what she want since she first sawed him long time ago.
Her breathing got heavier as Gabe notice that she was close
and he was too. Megan clawed the floor and thrown her head back
as she cum hard, her muscles clinching and socking he's meat was
too much for him. Gabe slamed hard as he filled his Latias's womb
with his seed still slowly humping her till he pumped it all out.
As both their climax subsided Gabe rolled off Megan. His Latias
slowly licked his cheek and he said your welcome before he fell
asleep. Luckly his preantes wasn't home by the time he got back.
He woke at 6 o'clock pm with Megan laying on him. "Gabe! Diner
is almost done." "Okey mom." Gabe said "Mom!" Gabe just got
kick in the head. His mom was home and if she sees them like this
his toasted.. "I'm coming in Gabe." "Mom don't come in..." "Gabe!"
"Mom I can expalined." "That you clained you room. And luckly
you that we having poke chopes." his mom said as she walk out the
room. He looked around to see all of his old toys are boxed up
and his pants was back on with his hat, has shades set on the
head bord of his bed. Megan awoke looking in his eyes.
"Thanks for cleaning my room." Gabe said as she squeld in
delight. "Oh my gush I forgot about Pikachu, he still in his ball."
Gabe said. Once his Latias got off him, he relished Pikachu
from his pokeball.

Two mounths has past as everything want back to nomal.
Megan was back to her old self again, and Gabe toke
the guys to the breeding center once a week, and Eevee
evolved in to a Espeon. Gabe also kept his room claine
for Megan. He owes it to his Latias. Gabe woked up
one day with Pikachu sleeping on the chouch down
stares but Megan was missing again. Gabe painced
and run to the bathroom. He calmed down after seeing
his Latias back in there but when see turned around
Gabe fainted and black-out as he saw a blage in her

The End???

I like to give a shout-out to a author at yiffstar
with his work Flygon furry and two request that
he might do. The resones I did this story was
1. I want to see how good a lemon I can make.
2.Theres not that much latias and bayleef
lemons out there.
Don't send me any emails like requestes.
I only do pokemon and dragons and only M/F stories. I might have my work on
and also read Flygon furry its good.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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