AGNPH Stories

Latias furry by The Pest


part 2

The pain is about to begine again as I, The Pest have return. I have rated R just to be safe.
I don't own pokemon if I did, I would be in Japan.
Onice again I.m sorry if I've miss spelled anything in the story.

How was it possible. It couldn't be possible. But it is. Gabe some how got his own Latias pregnant. After the day he found out that Megan was egg-heavy he toke steps to make sure that nobody knows, not even Pikachu knows. He sometimes have Megan in her pokeball
when people start to ask stuff like "How come your Latias looks like it gotten fat all of the sudden?". When she's not with him, Gabe has her
in his room. He even got a lock for his bed room door and now that his red and white dragon is pregnant, he switch her blanket for a
small bed mat (almost like you get for big dogs like haskies) for a bad. Gabe is also up in his room all day having both his mom and
his friends wounding "what the hell is he doing up there?".

Gabe woke-up as always and headed for the shower, hopping not to wake-up the still sleeping Latias but once in he forgot and started to sing.
"I know a man ain't suppose to cry, but these tears I can't hold inside. Losing you well end my life you see, 'cause you mean that much to me. You could of told me you self that love someone else, insted I heard it through the grapevine, not munch longer you well be mine, i I heard through the grapevine, and I but to loose my mind, honey, honey yeah." Gabe sing. Sometimes Megan hated to be woke-up but she did love to hear her master sing. As Gabe walk back in he noticed that Megan was up because of his singing. "I'm sorry, I forgot to keep.... queit?" Gabe said as he saw a look in his Latias eyes. "Don't look at me like that." Gabe said. Megan was now confissed from the torn of his voice.
"Sorry Megan I just some food....I need to get something to eat." he said as he walk down stairs. His mom was the kitchine waiting for him with his breakfist. "Good morning Gabe, Pikachu all ready had his breakfist but you still need your's." his mom said. "Cool, pancakes. havn't had these in a long time ." Gabe noted. "Gabe, is everything alright?" she ask. "Yeah, everything frosty." he ansured. {But I have a pregnant Latias in my room and it was my spram that did it} he thought. "It's because I'm worried.
Your up there in your room all day and not even you friends know whats up with you, and bla bla bla, bla bla yap yap drible drible
drible...." there she gos again, she always have to give a speech or something ".... and oh by the way don't you have to meet your
friends today?" she ask. Gabe look up at the cloock to see it was 8:05 "Oh shhh....I'm late! " He yelled out load. After another bit of his food and he run back up staires to put on a pare of brown pants, a yellow t-shrit, a red button checkered, and a blue Rockie's Autos hat and graped Charizard's and Espeon's pokeballs. "Megan stay here, I'm going to see my friends at the park and have a battle with one of then." Gabe said as he run out the door locking. The latias didn't mind because he hasn't seen his friends in a long time. "Well since he's gone, I'm gonna go back to sleep." Megan said with a yarn as she lay on her back in her "bed".

In the park a group of people waited. One was a girl by the name of Melisa. She has black hair which she kept it in a pony tail, her skin was a light brown, and she wears glass. Another girl as known as Ashlee. She has golden brown hair and blue eye's. The third girl name was Celia, like Melisa she too wears glass and a tie-die t-shrit. One of the guys name is Christ, he and Melisa are 12 years old, he too wears glass, his skin is brown and wears a t-shrit that has Cartman on it. Another dark skin guy name is Mario, he always wear a red hat with a M on it, he has black hair that stops at his shoulders. Last guy was know as Mike, he has golden brown and blue eyes. They where waiting for Gabe. In seconds they saw him walking up to them with a dazed look on his face. "Yo Gabe, whats up." Mario greated his old friend but he didn't say any just stile has that dazed look. "Gabe, it's me Ashlee." the girl said "Ashlee." Gabe said in a gofy voice. "Oh my god he's been brain-washed!" Mike said out load. "Gabe what happen to you?" Celia ask. "Gabe was bad, now Gabe good.........most be good to see my skiny white ass again." Gabe yelled out since he was joking. "I like you with the lobotomy." Chist said. "What ever." Gabe said. "So whats the plane of today?" "Spencer wants to have a match with you, and his waiting in the battle grounds." Melisa pointed out "Well lets go meet him."
Gabe said as he started to walk down the path that leds to the battle grounds. "Hey cuz., was Megan and Pikachu." Mike ask "Well bro. Megan was a sleep and I have Pikachu to watch the house. Pluse I was in a harry cause I was late." "Oh. Hey how come you up in your room all day?" Mike ask again to his cousin "I just have some problems that I need too take care by my self." Gabe explain "But dude I'm family, we're blood, I can help you with it." "I just can't anyone involve o.k." Gabe said as he got his cousin to stop taking about it.

A few minites later they come to the battle grounds with a boy waiting for them he wear black pants, a combat with patches pined all over with saying "BUTLER" on it, and a black beanny {beanny, hooddy what ever that hat thing is called} with a red patch that was two black swords crossed over with each othere with a u and a o on the sides. "Hey Gabe. Are you ready to lose?" Spencer said as he grab a pokeball from his belt. "I don't think so Butt-head." Gabe yelled out as he toke his place on the over side of the feild. "Okey, no time limt, and one pokemon from both trianers, and I'm hopping that you don't use Charizard." "Yes and I remember that day when you kept steping on his tail."Gabe said.
"Let's go Hypno." Spencer yelled out as his psychic pokemon was relished. "I know that your attacks can do so little against him but hes in the same jam as you are" Gabe thought to him self as he holds Espeon's ball. "Let's win this battle Espeon." Gabe yelled
out as he toss the pokeball but he was shocked to see Charizard in it's place. Charizard just stood there with anger in his eyes, fire was bulding up in his mouth ready to kill. Charizard Spencer attack with a fire blast but Hypno jump in between the blast and it's master and stop the attack with a protect attack. Gabe know that one psychic pokemon isn't enough to stop Charizard so hopping for
some good luck tossed the other pokeball which he thought has Espeon in it but when it hit the ground it was empty. "Wheres

Back at the house Pikachu was laughing a little as Megan talk in her sleep. She was dreaming her most favorite dream. She was on
a hall with Gabe, the Latias had a brocade of flowers in her clawes, Gabe was in a tuxedo, and Pikachu was there with a black book.
She was dreaming that she and Gabe was getting married (if pokemon can) Pikachu was about to finish with the now you may kiss
the bride part but all the sudden he started laughing. Megan awoke to see a upside-down Pikachu (since she was sleeping on her
back) laughing at her. "Whats so funny Pikachu?" the Latias ask "You are. Do you know you talk in your sleep? Oh Gabe I do. Ha ha
ha ha!" Pikachu laughed. "How about I shove that tail of your's in your tail-holl?!" Megan yelled shutting up Pikachu as the joke was over. All of the sudden a pokeball land between the pokemon wiggling mad. "That pokeball is moving like theres a party going on in
it. Say, isn't that your pokeball Meg." Pikachu ask. "It is but whats going on?" asked Megan. Just then the ball open relishing Espeon.
"Oh god I thought I'll never get out of there. Hey guys, wheres master Gabe?" Espeon ask as he was glad to get out of the pokeball.
"He left to go meet up with his friends." Pikachu pointed out.
"Oh Mew, Charizard had great timing traping me in there, and master Gabe might see that one human." Espeon yelled out load.
"Okey, Megan use your power to get me to where he is right now." "I can't do that cause that means that I have to carry you
with my psychic powers to the park" Megan said as she look down to her stomach. "But your psychic powers are stronger then
mine so why can't you help me?" "It's because she is egg-heavy." Pikachu pointed out. "but how did you know that?" the Latias ask
"After I ask a wild Haunter to unluck the door for me so I can cheack out the room, I notice in your sleep that you didn't went fat by eating too much but, that you have a child but, the real question is who is the futher." Pikachu said as he walk back and forth
like a lawyer. "I... I don't know." Megan said sadly. "What do you mean you don't know!" "Don't yell at her Pikachu, besides right
now we need to stop that hot head out there. Not asking who's the father." Espeon said. "After we stop Charizard, we'll get the
answer. Master Gabe might know. Oh one more thing, your don't have to fight Megan, you can stand or levitate on the side-lines."
Espeon said like hes the leader.

Things where getting bad to worst at the park since Charizard reduced his pokeball to dust after Gabe try to get him back in it, and
Spencer's Hypno was stong but stong enough to last with Charizard as he got knocked out by being slamed against a tree.
The battle field was starting to look more of a war zone with the ground torn up and a few trees burned.
"Charizard, stop this at once. It was just an ascendant that day." Gabe said as he tried to talk some sense to Charizard.
Charizard didn't listen as he got ready for a blast burn attack. Spencer was just two feet away from the rage fulled Charizard,
but out of nowhere a beam shot right in font of Charizard almost making him fell over. Charizard look for whome the owner
of beam to fond Espeon. Charizard then fired a flamethrower at Espeon as he fired his psybeam attack to hold it off.
Both fire and beam going back in forword like a game of tog-of-war, till Espeon yelled. Charizard was a bit confissed but the next thing
he know he coved in lighting as his muscles got weeker. Charizard felled face first as he was paralyze by Pikachu's thunder wave.
Gabe know what the next step was as he reach in his back-pack till he pulled out a ultraball since Charizard destory his pokeball
and was to powerful for a pokeball. "Go, ultraball." Gabe yelled out as he throwe the ball at Charizard.
Charizard was zapped into the ball. Every one waited as the red warning blink on and off with each second.
Finely it stop as everyone sigh with relief. "Okey, I think thats enough for today my friends." Gabe said as he pick up the ultraball.
Every one said their good-byes for the day and toke off. Gabe then notice Megan nearby, he walk toward her but, about a foot
away Pikachu and Espeon block his way. "Pi pika pika pikachu." Pikachu said, Gabe didn't know pokemon language but did know
what Pikachu was trying to say. "I guess you fond out that Megan is pageant. What you don't know is that I'm the father."
Gabe explain. Pikachu and Espeon just stand there with their mouths open wide. "Hey she was the one who hit on me."
Gabe said. The two pokemon now seached their look to the latias. "Most of it wasn't her fault, only 50% was. I couldn't
resist her, I've lost any wellpower that I have." Gabe pointed out. Espeon kept seaching looks back and forth well Pikachu sigh as he said to him self "This is some Jerry Springer s!#@ goinng on here.".

Back at home Gabe told Megan to wait upstares, he then leed Pikachu and Espeon to the back yard, as he open the shad nodded
his head toward the open shad. Pikachu and espeon walk in to the shad but confused to way. "Now I want you three to talk about what happen today and apologies to each other, and try not to tear up tha shad too much okey." Gabe said. As soon as he tossed
the ultraball that contained Cahrizard into the shad he quickly closed the door. Minutes past as the shad was shacking with dints
poping everywhere but things started to cool down as the shad stop shacking and just chit-chat can be heard. Once Gabe heard
laughter coming from the shad, he decided to let them out.
Opening the door Gabe saw the three sitting around in a circle, still talking and laughing. "Okey, are we one big happy family again?"
Gabe ask, all three nodded their heads a yes. "And did we Apologies for what happen earlier today?" again they nodded yes. "Good.
Charizard did Pikachu and/or Espeon told you about Megan?" Gabe ask. Charizard answer Gabe with a node. "Good, that realy helps.
Okey, why don't you guys go inside before I start singing Nod your Head by Will Smith." Gabe said try to light up the mood even more.

In the next mounths, Megan only let Gabe near her, so the others stayed downstairs. With her paganize going though the next stage,
all she can do is lay on her back in Gabes room and have feed her. Gabe stock by her side day and night caring for his Latias and
the baby that well soon to be but one day, Gabe and the others will face a new surprise.
Gabe walk in the house with bags of food (for himself and his Latias). His folks were out of town for the mounth so they left him to
watch the place. Espeon and Charizard are sitting in the living room laughing at what ever Pikachu said. Gabe guessing that Pikachu
talking about something on one of his comedy c.d.s. Gabe then just walk toward the kitchen to put the food away.
"And hes like 'Hey hey hey hey hey. I was drunk in a bar, they throwe me into public. I don't want to be drunk in public, I want to be drunk in a bar. It's legal. Arrest them.'." Pikachu said trying to sound like Ron Write. Then a squeal was heard throwe out the whole
house like somebody was sceaming bloody murder. Gabe and his pokemon went upstaires knowing whos voice that belong to.
Opening Gabe's bed room door, all three was gasp at what they saw. Megan was laying on her back, sceaming in paine with her arms clinching her stomach. The floor all around her his wet and Gabe knows it's becaouse of the sweat which she now coved in.
"Her water broke. The baby is coming!" Gabe yelled. Tninking fast Gabe turn toward his pokemon, their looks where between
oh my god and I think I'm gonna be sick. "Pikachu, I need from to being me some towels and Espeon, I need you to me a bucket
of water. Quickly!" Gabe command. Both pokemon run of to do what they where told to do. " Charizard, I need you to fan her with your
wings." Gabe said as he wipe to Charizard who almost got scared half to death. Charizard did what he was told as stand by Megan,
flaping his wings to fan the poor Latias. Gabe want off to put on some gloves so he can deliver the baby. kneeing in front of Megan
he can see that her lips are wet and even redder. "Okey, Megan I need you to push. I know it hurts put you are a tough Latias so push." Gabe said. Megan clinch her eyes as she try to push the coming baby. She stops and panted hard just as Pikachu and
Espeon come back with the stuff Gabe ask for. "Thanks guys." Gabe said as he dip a towel in the cold water. He then rain it out and put it on top of Megan head. " Charge that and do what I did, okey Pikachu." Gabe said giving a new job to Pikachu as he want back
to the matter at hand. after a coulpe of more pushes Gabe can see the egg coming out of her box. "It looks like it's coming from the wong side, thats way she in so much pain. Okey Megan you almost there. 1, 2, 3, and push!" Gabe said as he hold open the lipsto help.
After a coulpe of 1,2,3, and pushes the egg come out falling into Gabe's lap. Every sigh of releif thinking it's all over. Egg it self is red
in color and has blue triangles just like on Megan's chest. All of the sudden she started to clinch her self agian and pant.
"Holy snikies, a nother coming, twins." Gabe said as he got back to work. Again he kept telling here 1, 2, 3, push to her till the
second egg came. This one was vise versa colored as alone was blue with red triagles on it.

With Megan finely laying two eggs, she can now go about as before. Gabe and all his pokemon now has to kept the eggs safe as
One day when Gabe's Latias "Megan" come home from training she was shock to see that her master/lover had got a baby crept
for the egg's soon to babies and a bigger bed for him self but to top it all off, he thrown away her bed, the mat wasn't anywhere
in sight. Gabe told her to lay on one side of his new bed. She did but found it much more relaxed thin laying on her mat.
Gabe told her the bed is for both of them to sleep on since he is the father of her babies.
Charizard was but on body guard for the eggs more times the Pikachu and Espeon. Day by day they waited for the egg's to hacht.
Gabe's friends ask about the eggs and he said it's a new hoppy painting fake pokemon eggs and so that Megan can train when
she does become a mother.
To kept up the juster, he made fake ones just in case his friends want one of his works. Mike, his cosine (hope I spelled that right)
thinks theres more to his story.

One day Gabe and his pokemon where taking a walk through, Megan was also was carrying the eggs with her at the time.
Gabe was thinking of what would be a good match for Charizard.
"Treecko? Nope, to easy. Raichu? I don't think so. What do you think Charizard?" Gabe ask as he look up to the sky while walking.
"Charizard?" Gabe wipped around to see his pokemon in a circle. Now what are they looking at? Gabe thought to himselff.
"Hey, what going on?" Gabe ask as he walk back towards them. He looked over Pikachu's head to see that the eggs where glowing.
"Cool, their hachting." Gabe said quitly but got a kick in the head, remembering where they are. "Oh my mew, their hachting!
And the best place ever, right in the middle of the park!" Gabe yelled. Trainers nearby started to see whats going on, soon there
was a small crowed.
"Hey whats that?" "It's an egg." "No theres two of them." "They look rare, I want them." "Yeah, me too." "How knows what rare pokemon are in there." each trainer stated to move closer, try to garb the eggs.
Pikachu jump on Gabe's shoulder to make sure that he whouldn't get squash. Gabe recalled Espeon back to his ball as he jump
on Charizard's back. "Okey buddy, get us out of here. Megan, we're out of here." Gabe said to the two pokemon.
Both now in midair started to fly noth. "Megan, let me hold one of the eggs?" Gabe ask. The latias did what she was told and
give him the red egg.
"Pika piakchu." Gabe look back to what Pikachu was yellin about to see that a few of those trainers had flying types as well.
One on a swellow was able to cacht up with them. "I'll trade ya those egg's for my three stonges pokemon." He said.
"Over my dead body." Gabe snape at him.
The trainer then wisper something to his pokemon's ear. The swellow then pulled back behind them, Gabe know they going to attack them and theres nothing he can do. Charizard can't turn on a dime with him on his back, Megan has the other egg in her arms and Pikachu was hanging on Gabe arm from the speed that their going.
A flamethrower came out of no where, hitting the swellow. Gabe look to where the attack come from to a salamence with Mike on it's back and Mario on the back of his pidgeot.
"Need help?" said both of them as they come up right beside Gabe. They where still far away from the cave at the edge of the park and Gabe need something too kept at lest half of the mob busy.
"Hey Mario, I got a plane." Gabe yelled to his brown friend. He wisper his plane in Mario's ear and then handed the red egg to him.
As soon Mario had the egg nice and tight under his arm he commend Pidgeot to fly away from Gabe and head toward the west.
Seeing that Mario his one of the eggs half of the mobtoke after him.
Knowing his plane worked he reach under his shirt and pulled the real egg.

Minutes later, Gabe, Mike and their pokemon had reach to the cave. "We need to sheale the cave's entrench so they don't get in."
Gabe yelled to Mike as they reach the cave's end. "I've got that covered. Salamence, used earthquake." Mike said.
Salamence rised his front foot and slame it back on the ground. The mouth of the cave soon collapse, covering the entrench with rocks and blouders.
"Those rocks an't going to hold them back forever." Mike pointed out. Both Salamence and Charizard used their flamethroweres to melt the rocks in to a wall.

"Quick attack!" yelled the trainer riding the swellow. The swellow pick up some speed and ram into Mario and his Pidgeot, making him lose his grip on the egg and drop it. The egg smashed as it hit the ground fast.
The trainer landed, cursing him self for garping the egg fast enogh but saw that there was nothing in the egg. It was a fake.
The trainer looked around for Mario but he was long gone.

Back in the cave. Gabe, Mike, Megan, Pikachu, Charizard, and Salamence wachted as the two egg's glowed brightly.
From their lighted forms the cracking of their shells can be heard as the babies were being born to this wourld.
A big flash of light come foth as they hacht, making a big guest of wind that send everyone back.
Megan fly toward the light, her form couldn't be seen as she reach the midle.
Another guest of wind belowed out as the light started to fade. Megan was seen again as the light from the room now was Charizard's tail.
Gabe walked up to her and a smile come to his face to see what his latias hold in her arms.

There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.
You became the light on the dark side of me.
Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill.
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and
The light that you shine can be seen.
I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.
The more I get of you,
Stranger it feels, yeah.
And now that your rose is in bloom.
A light hits the gloom on the grey.
There is so much a man can tell you,
So much he can say.
You remain,
My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby
To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny.
Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.
I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
Now that your rose is in bloom.
A light hits the gloom on the grey,
I've been kissed by a rose on the grey,
I've been kissed by a rose
I've been kissed by a rose on the grey,
...And if I should fall along the way
I've been kissed by a rose
...been kissed by a rose on the grey.
There is so much a man can tell you,
So much he can say.
You remain
My power, my pleasure, my pain.
To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny, yeah
Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby.
But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.
I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
Now that your rose is in bloom,
A light hits the gloom on the grey.
Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Ooh, the more I get of you
Stranger it feels, yeah
And now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey
Now that your rose is in bloom,
A light hits the gloom on the grey.

Kiss by A Rose - Seal
Remamber, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. I still think that Flygon Furry is better then latias furry.
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