AGNPH Stories

Latias furry by The Pest


Part 4

It's been a long time. This part was planed to download around the sametime of my 18th but now it's three months behind. And for those who didn't like this story, this is it's last. For those who like it, blame them. They say that I stoled the idea, I didn't, I'd ask Charkonian if I could do this story base off his. I know that there are people who liked it 'cause Charkonian e-mailed me about how his friend tried to get a hold of me to tell me to kept it going.

dis-thinging I don't own pokemon, Dungen Keeper 2 and the songs I put in the story, but if I did, I'll be rich.
Pokemon are copy right to nintendo and Dungen Keeper 2 are copy right to BullFrog.

"Okey, where are you taking me?" Gabe ask Mike an hour after they left the house. "Oh you see." Mike said.
A few minutes later they arrived back at the house. "Okey Michael, we walked an hour and so minutes to see something but we end up back home. Whats going on?" Gabe asked madly.
"Maybe we should take the back door." Mike said.
As both of them jump over the fance Gabe saw tables set up with all kinds of food and drinks.
There was even a party sub from Sub-way. Gabe didn't know whats going on. "Okey whats going on here Michael?" Gabe ask his cousin.
Just then everyone jump out from behind the tables yalling surprise, all though that only three of them can speek which was Misty, Goten and Mario. Gabe was shocked, they throwe him a surprise party for him and just on the right day.
It was Oct. 28, Gabe's 18th birthday.
"Why is Mario here?" Gabe ask as if he was playing 20 Questions.
"I told about your kids and don't worry, he won't tell a soul." Mike said. "Unlike you." Gabe said at that point Megan fly through the back door with Gabe's birthday cake.
Later that night Gabe parents offerd Mike and Mario to join Gabe's birthday dinner down at Ovile Graden. It was a long day.

The next day Gabe toke off for a long walk by him self. Gabe didn't want Goten, Misty or any of his pokemon to come with him.
Gabe sat at a small cliff near the sea and watch the wingulls fly around.
Just then a guest of wind pick up behind him for a sec. and soon fallow a lord thump.
"You forgot to wish me happy birthday yesterday Silver." Gabe said. What ever was behind him was the samething that was talking to him in his mind a few days a go.
"Then happy late birthday." It said back. "You know, I realy missed you these past years my old friend." Gabe said as he got up and turn around.
The creater that he was taking to was bigger then him. His body croved in write waterproof feathers, his cest feathers were blue and it's tail ended like a dolphins'. Silver is a Lugia.
"Me too." Silver saidb to his former trainer. "I guess that Megan's wish come true long time ago." he went on.
"What are you talking about?" Gabe ask.
"Before you set me free, the Latias told me that she wishs that she want to be your life mate and have off-spring with you." Silver answered back.
The two old friends started catching up with each other.

Back at the house Goten and Misty were playing hide n' seek with their mother.
"Why did we pick the shad to hide?" Misty asked her brother "Because this the best place to hide." Goten said.
"But mom knows were to look because you always pick the same place." Misty said. After a few minutes they heard a small thumb.
"Megan!" Pikachu's voice ringed out through the shad.
The twin eon pokemon open the shad to see their mother lrying on the ground clitching her heart.

Silver's head snap up as he felt something. "Whats wrong?" Gabe ask. "Something wrong. I can fell somebodie's life froce sliping away. It's coming from................. your place." the Lugia said, this info had case a fear to awaken in Gabe's heart.
"Take me home now. You can fly faster then I can run." Gabe yelled.
Silver lowerd his neck so Gabe can jump on his and toke off.

Mike and Mario who just arrived at Gabe house are trying the best to figure out what cussing Megan to fell so week.
"What the heck is that?!" Goten said as he saw a write figure in the sky, descending toword them.
Michael, Mario, Pikachu, Charizard and Meganium were relieved to see who it was when he got closser to the ground but Misty, Goten, and Espeon were ready to fight the silver bird.
As soon as the Lugia landed, all three were shocked to see Gabe riding on it's back.
Before anyone could say anything Gabe jumped of Silver's back and toword Megan who is panting hard.
"Oh no, I was afraid of this." Gabe said under his breath as he shadow over the week latias.
"Megan, you don't have to worry I'm here now. We can get you some help but you have to hang in there for a while more." Gabe said as he kneed down to the ground holding her.
Megan coo something at him in a very week vocie. "Shh, don't talk. You need your energy." Gabe said as he cup the back of the latias's head with his hand.
Megan lifted up her head to give Gabe a kiss on the cheek but soon after she did, she gived one last grant and her whole body went limp.
Her breathing stop as her head hanged from her trainer's arms.
"Megan? Megan? Megan?! MEGAN!" Gabe yelled as he let his tears jet out. "Megan you can't die! Your friends need you, your kids need you, I need you!" Gabe cried over the lifless body.
Gabe slowely lowerd her body to the ground and picked him self up. He walked around the backyeard till he stop at a trash can beside the house.
Gabe kicked the can with anger and sorrow, his tears still falling like a water-fall "Why did this happen to her!?! " Gabe cried out as he stated punching the side of the house.
"Her death was unnecessarily." Silver said as he looked down at the body. "No shit, she was too young." Gabe yelled.
"Thats not what I ment, look at her body, its still here." Silver explained. "What are you talking about." Gabe asked.
"Well when a latias or a latios dies, their bodies will vanished and a jewl knowen as the Soul Dew well take it's place.
Something on the other side most of got broad and desided to play life or dreath and chossed dreath for Megan.
For all I know, her soul is lost in the spectral realm." Silver went on "If her soul is gaided back to her body, she can live again."
"But how?" Gabe asked.
"The only living being I know that can do that is the great Mew her self, and I don't know how to call her." Silver pointed out.
Gabe didn't know what to do. Looking any mew was hard enough but the Great Mew is the highest of all legendarilies, the chance of finding her is slimer then finding any o' mew.
"What is he saying?" Mike ask "He said that Megan's soul is tarp in Limbo and that her soul can return to the living but only the Great Mew can do that." Gabe replied. Gabe slumb back to the ground on his knees was his eyes were ready to send a new wave of tears.
"Don't you have a Gengar in one of your boxes?" Mario asked.
"Yeah, but what does that has to do with anything that were deeling with right now?" Gabe asked.
"The dex saids that a Gengar looks for lost travelers in the mountains and take their soul to the spirt would. What if you let your Gengar to take you to Limbo, look for Megan's soul and get back to the living would, safe and sound." Mario said, making his point.
"Thats it! Thats a great idea, Mario." Gabe yelled.
"But theres a great risk, Gabe. You your-self could get trip in the spectral realm." Silver wound.
"Then that's a risk I'm willing to make." Gabe said in a most series tone as he run toward the house.

Gabe came back out with a pokeball. "Here we go." Gabe said as he thowes it.
A white flash revealed a Gengar ready to go. "I need you take me to the spiret world, Gengar." Gabe comand.
Gengar was confussed that it's master wanted him to take him to the other side but he oblied.
Just as Gengar put it's claw on Gabe's four-head, Gengar started to fade out this world. Gabe soon collaps to the ground as Gengar was completely gone.

Gabe woke up to what seemed like earth but everything seemed to be twissed as of most of the world was a earie green.
He could he lost souls far away crying. "Why are here?" Gabe jump as he heard a voice from behind him.
Queckly he turned around to see his Gengar. I guess that speech don't have boundies here Gabe thourt.
"We here to get Megan's soul back." Gabe said "Now let's go, this place is all ready creeping me out." Gabe had a point there.
When you die and don't get to heaven or hell and end up in this place. Its still hell.
Megan was just a few blocks away. She regained her living from in a more ghost like state, still freeked out where she is.
"Hey there." Deep voice said to the lost latias. She turned around to come face to face to a duskull.
"Who ever you just stay away from me." Megan said with a little fear in her voice.
"You don't tell me what to do" it said as it came closser to her. Then out of no where a black and purple beam hit the duskull on the back of it's head, knocking him out.
Megan was shocked to see Gabe and his Gengar and flouted to them. "Gabe, what are you doing." The latias said.
"Being the hero, now let's go." Gabe yalled.

Back in the world of the living, Silver noticed that Espeon, Goten and Misty kept giving him a cold stare.
"What's with you." Silver said to them. Espeon walk up to him, never leaving his eyes of him.
"I don't tust you, the twins don't tust you. So we don't like having you sitting here with us so, go fly some where else before I blasted you."
He said coldly "Don't talk to him like that!" Charizard and Pikachu yalled at him "He has the right to be here, he was once part of the team." Pikachu said "So back off!" Charizard snap at him.

Gabe, Megan and Gengar were clossing in to the exact spot where they left their bodies.
Then out of nowhere a red fire ball blast in front of them. "No one is living this plane." A deep dark voice said.
The group turn around to see a red demon.
His seans, lower arms and his cheast was cover with armor, His cat like eyes burn yellow, he has a gold noise ring and clanched in his right hand was a scythe. He had two small horns on the sides of his lower jaw and two big long horns on the top of his head.
"Who are you?" Gabe yalled.
"My name is the Horned Reaper, but you can call me Horny or Death." The demon spoked showing his sharp, yellow teeth.
"Now like I was saying, you not going anywhere." the reaper said. With his weapon rised he charged at them.
"Gengar, take Megan back while I fight him off." Gabe said to Gengar "But master, if you die here you wont..."
Gengar tried to say before he dodge the blade of the scythe.
"Just do it." Gabe yalled back. Gengar did as he was told and gaided Megan's soul back to her body.

Everyone was shocked to see Megan's body moving. When the latias woked up she fly streat to Gabe's body.
"Gabe, you have to win, please come back, you can do it, I know you will." she said, getting woride by the second.

Gabe was know strating to get tried as he tries to dodge the reaper's attacks. I need to find a way to knock him out, long enough to get out here. Gabe thought all of the sudden, Gabe can fell some kind of enarge following throwe him.
Getting in to a fighting pose, Gabe moved his hands togather and focesed on that power. "You mine now!" Horny said as he rised his free hand to lrunch another fire ball.
"I don't think so." Gabe said coldly as he thursted both hands out toward the Horned Reaper. Gabe fired a blue enarge beam that was so powerful it send Horny a few feet away where the beam hit.
Taking the chance, Gabe used the time which he was given to return to his body.

Once Gabe got back the first thing he do was to put Gengar back in storage. When gabe return to the others his blue son was the first one to break the ice. "So whats the deal with this giant bird...wheale...thing?" Goten ask. "Yeah, you should tell your kids and Espeon that Silver was once one of us." said Pikachu.
"Why not they should know about, WHAT YOU SAY?!!!" Gabe was now shock. He acutely understand what Pikachu said.
"I think you got a side effect from returning to the living." Silver said "I guess you have the ability to understand the talk of pokemon."
"Charizard, Espeon, Meganium, say something." Gabe to his three pokemon.
"Something" respond Espeon.
"Espeon is a butt-knocker" said Charizard.
"Charizard is great in bed." said Meganium but this made Charizard blashed. Silver was right, Gabe did understand them.
"Okey, with that out of the way now on to Silver's story." Gabe started.
"Long time ago when I was younger, I meet a wild lugia, now even today I still think that lugias are coolest pokemon that I heard about. Knowing that I may never get a another chance, I toke the only Master Ball that I had and I caught him. He was my fourth pokemon. After a few days we became best friends and I give him the name Silver." at that point Misty looked to Silver as she know who Gabe was talking about.
But Espeon was shocked, he always thought that he was Gabe's fouth pokemon.
"But after we won the Indigo Plateau Championship, I desided to set him free, even thou he was my stongest pokemon. After I set him free thats when I meet a lost, scared, little Eevee who is now a brave Espeon." Gabe finish.
"Do you still have my old Master Ball?" asked Silver "Yeah but, why did you ask ?" Gabe respond.
"I'll like to rejoin the team." Silver said. "Well okey, I'll go get you a pokeball and..." "No. I perfore my old ball, please." Silver beg while interrupting Gabe..
Gabe went up-staires to his room and pull out a box underneath his bed. Inside was a purple and write ball with pink lines and a "M" on the upper half.
Gabe returned back outside with the ball "I hop you want to sleep in there tonight." Gabe said just as he throwes the ball at him.

Later that night. Every is greating ready for bed. Misty and Goten are already asleep in their bunk bed (Goten in the top bed and Misty
bed), Espeon crulling up in to a ball in living room, Pikachu laying on his back in a been-bag chair that Gabe got him, and Silver sleeping in his Master Ball since no room for him anywhere.
But Charizard and Meganium ain't ready for bed so they sneek off to the back yard shed, Gabe was just watching them as they clossed the shed door from his bed room window.
"You know, I was gonna open the window for we can get some of that freash night air in here but after seeing them going out there."
Gabe said as he walk to his which his lovley latias was laying on already.
"Why's that." Megan ask to him.
"So they wake the kids with their fun." Gabe said as he looked over to the dragon twins acoss the sleeping in their beds.
"Since I saved you from the demon earlier and got my new ability, you look like your upset about something and you want to tell but
afaid to." Gabe said
The latias was hopping that he wouldn't notice so she have to tell him now.
"I know where you got my name." Megan stared "You know, we're the same age but the first time I saw you wasn't the day that you caught me, it was when you where eight years old, after the fist time I saw you, I wanted be with you so everyday I've been fellowing
you, unseen by the naked human eye, for at lest two hours. The day when you caught me, I want you to catch me."
"So then know her, my first love and yet she didn't even know." Gabe said in deep thought.
"The day you meet was the last time you saw here wasn't?" Megan asked.
"Yeah it was." Gabe responed "And her name was Megan Hoffman."
"She loves you too and I know where she is." the latias said "You do? Where is she?" Gabe asked.
At that point Megan flooted to the middle of the room then her whole body is engulfed in a blue light.
Her form changing shape at will, wings turning into legs, clawes turing in to hands and her highet maching Gabe's.
When the light faded she was wearing a long blue night gown, her skin was a light bown and she brown hair.
Even her golden-brown eyes change to blue, she had changed into turn a humen.
"She had been in front of you the whole time, this my humen form, when met you like this I had to make up a name so I called me self Megan Hoffman, so I guess it's my real name now, well the Megan part. I hope you not mad at me." she said as she hold her head down.
"Why should I?" Gabe asked "The one I loved who had my kids is also my first loved. I can't be mad at you for that."
"I love you, Gabe Beach." Megan happly said as she changes back to her normale self.

At that point Misty jetted up in her bed wide awake.
"Are you okey sweetie?" Megan asked "Yeah mom, I just had a bad dream." said the young red and write dragon.
"Do you want me to sing you to sleep?" her mother asked.
"No, I want Papa to sing to me." Misty said with hope in her blue/green eyes.
"Okey but you have to go th sleep if I do" Gabe said.
Misty nodded happly as she layed her head down on her pillow. Gabe then clossed his eyes, toked a big breath and begain to sing.

"Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here
in my heart always
Right in the middle of song misty had already fellen back to sleep, deaming sweat deams all because gentle melody of the song and how soft of a voice her father used while singing to her.
"Sweat dreams little one" Gabe said to her as she sleeps.
"Since your 18 now, what are your planes for the furture." Megan asked
"I was thinking that when we move out that we can get a big house maybe start a pokemon gym with Micheal but will see,"
Gabe said before he want to bed.
As he defts of to sleep he had thing on his mind "With me, my pokemon and kids, we are one big famly".

The End?
How will I start
Tomorrow without you here
Who's heart will guide me
When all the answers disappear

Is it too late
Are you too far gone to stay
This one's forever
Should never have to go away

What will I do
You know I'm only half without you
How will I make it through

If only tears could bring you back to me
If only love could find a way
What I would do, what I would give
If you returned to me someday
Somehow, someway
If my tears could bring you back to me

I'd cry you an ocean
If you'd sail on home again
Wings of emotion
Will carry you, I know they can

Just light will guide you
And your heart will chart the course
Soon you'll be drifting
Into the arms of your true north

Look in my eyes
And you will see a million tears have gone by
And still they're not dry

If only tears could bring you back to me
If only love could find a way
What I would do, what I would give
If you returned to me someday
Somehow, someway
If my tears could bring you back to me

I hold you close
And shout the words I only whispered before
For one more chance, for one last dance
There's nothing that I would not give and more

If only tears could bring you back to me
If only love could find a way
What I would do, what I would give
If you returned to me someday
Somehow, someway
If my tears could bring you back to me
"If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" - Midmight Sons
Bounes song

(In Napoli where love is king
When boy meets girl here's what they say)

When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore

When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella
Lucky fella

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fagiole
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore, (amore)
That's amore

"That's Amore" - Dean Martin

Sorry if I mis-spelled anything but I think my grimmer is a little better.
Please leave a good review for me.
And who knows what I put up next.
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