AGNPH Stories

Love and Destiny by golbeze


Love and Destiny Ch.1

Main Characters:
Sheina: Rabbit morph, just beginning her journey as a Pokemon Trainer.
Karen: Sheina's mother.
Sheina's Pokemon: Luke, Male Eevee; Male Hoothoot
Love and Destiny (A Pokemon Fanfiction)

"Sheina, time to get up!" The little 10-year-old rabbit morph groggily opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. "Sheina, c'mon! You wanted to be up early, remember?" Her eyes then popped open as she remember what day it was. "Oh, yeah, I become a Pokemon Trainer today!" She looked over to the clock, which said 6:30, an hour and a half before she had to be at the lab. She quickly got dressed, and went downstairs to the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for her.

"G'morning, mom." Her mother, Karen, looked over to her. "Good morning. Now, eat up and get down to the lab. You don't want to keep Professor Elm waiting." After eating, she got her backpack, which she prepared the day before, and waited at the front door for her mom to see her off. Karen took her in a loving embrace. "To think, it's already that time. It only seems like yesterday that you were born. Just remember, you can call or come back at any time." Sheina blushed at this. "Awe, mom. Don't worry, I'll be alright, I promise."

New Bark Town hadn't changed much since 17 years before, when then current Johto League Champion began his journey from here. After defeating the Elite Four, he had traveled to another land, wanting to find new challenges. Sheina dreamed of becoming the next champ, and wondered if she would ever meet him. If she did, she would be sure to give him a battle he would never forget.

She walked the short path to Elm's lab, where she was greeted by him. "Ah, Sheina, it's good to see you. Come in." She followed him to the main lab area, where she was given a Pokedex, and her choice of Pokemon. However, she wasn't limited to just three. Instead, five Pokeballs were presented to her to choose from. There were the usual choices of Cyndaquil, Chikorita, and Totodile, in addition to a Pikachu, and an Eevee. She happily took the Eevee's pokeball, it being her favorite, as well as the fact she had played with this specific one before, so she knew it.

She released it, the little thing climbing up her as soon as it saw her, licking her muzzle. "Haha, that tickles! Yeah, it's good to see you too, Luke." It was a male, so she had given him a suitable name. She then walked out of the lab, ready to start. After saying goodbye to Elm, she started down the path to Cherrygrove City.

It was later in the day. She was sitting against a tree holding Luke. She had barely caught a wild Hoothoot, and Luke was pretty worn out. The little eevee snuggled up to her, sleeping. "Man, who would've thought that a bird could be so tough?" She looked down at him, petting him softly. "Well, I guess we should hurry to a Pokemon Center."

She walked down the path, not really in a hurry as Luke wasn't hurt too badly, just tired mostly. He slowly started to wake up as they reached Cherrygrove, looking up to her. "G'morning," he said in his language, smiling at her, even though she couldn't understand what he was saying. She looked down at him. "You awake? We're almost there." Something stirred in the back of her mind, however. When he spoke, it almost seemed like she could understand, but she shrugged it off.

At the center, Sheina checked her pokemon in and sat down. On a nearby tv, the news was on. "On other news, scientists have been conducting studies on reports of people, humans and anthros alike, gaining the power to speak with pokemon. What was once thought to be a prank, has now been confirmed. Scientists are conducting research as to the cause of this phenomenon.

"However, this is not the first occurrence. 20 years ago, the fox anthro Michal Kitsaru, was reported to have this power, among with many abilities. He is best known for having traveled with Ash Ketchum during that time, the same journey that would lead Mr. Ketchum to take down the criminal organization, Team Rocket, and defeat the Elite Four at the age of 12, two years after becoming a trainer. In other news..."

Sheina watched the news intently. "Could it be?" The nurse came up with her pokemon. "Thank you." Luke jumped onto her shoulder, licking her muzzle, as she took Hoothoot's pokeball. "You feeling alright?" Luke smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm alright." She listened to her little friend, getting that feeling again, as though what he was saying almost registered in her mind, but seemed clouded.

"Well, lets go outside." She walked out, looking around, then headed into the trees. She had to find out if she really could speak with him. It was already clear that he understood her. Studies from years ago proved that Pokemon understood speaking. She wanted to know if she really could understand him.

She just talked to him, about anything really. Every time he would give some sort of reply, she would try to understand it. At first, everything he said was clouded in her mind, but as she continued, she could make out bits and pieces. "It's true..." she thought to herself. Luke looked at her. "You saw that news report, didn't you?" She nodded absentmindedly, then looked at Luke surprised. She actually understood him perfectly!

Her floppy ears perched up in excitement as she picked Luke up, smiling. The little eevee licked her muzzle in response, also happy. He could actually talk with her. She laid on the ground, petting him. He nuzzled into her hand, cooing. "Sheina..." He walked up to her muzzle, looking her in the eyes, then nuzzling her. She nuzzled him back, smiling. "What is it?"

He continued nuzzling her, giving her little licks, then shook his head. "Nevermind." He decided to let it go, whatever it was. They traveled for the next week, Sheina giving Luke and Hoothoot plenty of training, wanting to get stronger. Meanwhile, Luke was constantly thinking about what he wanted to tell her. He just couldn't muster the courage to say it.

One night, the little bunny was having trouble sleeping. She was hot and miserable, and she had an itch in her crotch that wouldn't go away. It didn't take too long for her to figure out she was going through her very first heat. She had her panties pulled down, and was trying to paw herself off, slipping a couple fingers in and rubbing at her sweet spot, as soon as she found it. It worked somewhat, but not much. She was so close, but couldn't cum, no matter how hard she tried.

Soon, she gave up, pulling her panties back on. She laid down trying futily to go back to sleep. As she laid there, Luke woke up. He sniffed the air, getting aroused at the scent of a female in heat. He quickly discovered it was Sheina, walking slowly over to her. She had her back turned, so she didn't notice him coming.

He cautiously sniffed at her crotch. He almost took a lick, but held himself back. He thought to himself, "No, I can't. I-it's wrong..." He started to walk away, shaking his head, then heard her light wimpers. "She must be miserable like this," he continued thinking. He crawled around her so that she could see him.

"Hmm? What is it, Luke?" She saw his eyes, a bit of sadness in them, and sat, picking him up, petting him. He licked her muzzle then nuzzled up to her in response, much like a lover would. She caught hint of this. "Luke?" She held him so that they were facing each other. She saw longing in his eyes. "Luke, what is it? Please, just tell me." She nuzzled him again.

The eevee thought for a moment. Finally, he mustered up the courage. "Sheina, I...I..." He looked into her eyes. "I... love you..." She was speechless. "Luke, I..." He started to cry, thinking he was going to be rejected. She held him close, nuzzling him. "I love you too." He looked at her for a second, and nuzzled back.

Sheina then whimpered as her heat made itself known again. Luke could smell it, getting aroused again. Sheina noticed his arousal, his little member poking against her shoulder. "Luke... do you..." She looked at him, her eyes reflecting the same longing as his. "But, it's wrong..."

They both stayed there for a minute, she sitting down, holding him on her shoulder, thinking, her heat making her more miserable every passing moment. She then came to a decision. "Lets do it, Luke." His head shot up as he heard her, a mixture of shock and surprise shown on his face. She smiled, saying, "But we better not let anyone see us. It may not be against the law anymore, but if someone DID see us, who knows what they would think."

She carried him deeper into the woods, far off the trail, then put him on the ground. She then proceeded to take off her clothes, hanging them on a tree. She kneeled down, picking him up, giving his muzzle light licks. He licked back, enjoying the attention, his member poking out from beneath his fur again. She looked at it curiously, then gave it a little lick, causing the eevee to shudder, letting out a coo. She then takes it into her muzzle, sucking on it, his pre starting leaking out as he moans a little.

He pulls out of her muzzle, shaking his head. She's disappointed at this. "Don't you want to?" she asks him. He answers back, "I do, but I want to pleasure you first." He looks down at her crotch, it getting wet. She smiles, laying down, and placing him by her entrance, letting him do as he pleases. "Be gentle, ok? This is our first time."

He nods, then presses his muzzle into her slit, licking at the walls and drinking up any juices that come out. She moans softly, then jumps as he licks at her sweet spot, shuddering at the new sensations coming over her. "Oh, Luke, p-please, more, right there..." He hears her plea, and licks at that place again, drawing moans from the little rabbit.

She begins to knead at her small mounds, feeling herself get close, her moans getting louder as Luke starts to press deeper into her sex. "Nng, Luke, I'm-I'm..." She suddenly climaxes, moaning loudly, her vaginal walls clamping down on his muzzle as her juices rush over him. He tries to drink as much of it as he can, but most of it ends up on the ground. He pulls his head out, his fur matted with her cum.

Sheina lays there, panting. "L-luke, that was i-incredble." He looks at her, smiling, but now even hornier than before. She manages to catch her breath, then kneels forward, placing him over her sex. "Go ahead, Luke. I want you to take me," she says, nodding, then lays back down, preparing herself. "Please, don't be rough."

He lets out a little coo, then presses his cock into her. They both moan, his cock being just the right size for her young pussy. She lets out a yelp as he breaks through her hymen, tears flowing down her eyes. "Sheina, are you alright?" he asks, concerned. "I'm... alright, please, don't stop," she answers back, her voice trembling.

He continues in, going a little slower now, until he's in all the way. He then pulls out, leaving just the tip in, then pushes back in, moaning from the pleasure. Sheina moans and whimpers from the pleasure as well, using one hand to rub her mounds, and the other to pet her little pokemon. "Oh, please, that feels so good, keep going," she moans out, rising towards her orgasm as he speeds up his thrusts, also getting close.

She arches her back, climax hitting her as her juices rush out once again, bringing Luke over the edge as well, his seed filling her, his body shaking from the pleasure. It soon subsides, the two laying there, panting heavily, their minds trying to process this new experience. The eevee then crawls up her, laying down on her chest, smiling at his new mate. Sheina smiles back, petting him softly. They both doze off, knowing things would be different for them from now on.
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