AGNPH Stories

Wings of love by Daneasaur


chapter 1

This is a LOOOOOONG overdue request from someone who stayed with me and waited until I could get around to another lemon. This is for him. I hope you enjoy it!

Wings of Love

It's not all it's cracked up to be. You know, being a prehistoric creature and being revived millions of years in the future to a new world. For one thing, you're outdated in many ways, there are very few if not any others like you who've been revived in such a manner, and finally, your chances of finding a lover/mate are virtually non-existent. As is the case for a frustrated Aerodactyle, whom we will call Windfang.

And so our story begins...

On Cinnabar island resides a special lab that can revive long extinct pokemon, as is the case of Windfang. However, it was not long after he had been revived that the trainer who owned him simply didn't want him and since Windfang couldn't go in the wild, he was taken to a research facility that was similar in structure to a zoo, albeit more private and 100% indoors. Some pokemon would call this a prison... Like Windfang.

He was kept in a rather large pen with brick walls all around him and a ceiling over his head. There was only one wall that wasn't brick and it was the viewing wall made of bulletproof glass for the employees to look through and give the pokemon a quick look and gather notes. He had enough room to fly in a tight circle, but that was it. He had a fake wooden tree to perch on and a cold concrete floor with hay strewn across it on the bottom of his pen. He also had a bowl full of water and was given meat daily, but he wasn't eating it.

No lying, Windfang was depressed at this hell hole he was in, he'd teach all those bothersome humans by starving himself to death so they couldn't screw with him anymore. They were all mean anyway... Well... Except for one...

She was a Nurse like any other and she worked at this facility due to the problem that occurred with the captivity of certain pokemon, such as Windfang. She could always calm them down, talk sweet to them, and be a friend for them. Windfang was proving to be a lot tougher then the other pokemon when it came to getting him to eat or do anything for that matter. He just would sit on his perch and give dirty looks to everyone, save for Nurse Joy.

One day...

Nurse Joy: "Hello again Windfang! How are you doing today?" she asked gleefully from the viewing window, not really expecting an answer, but was aware that pokemon could speak human language and birds were prime suspects.

Windfang did little more then shift back and forth on his perch, staring at her. Nurse Joy then asked one of the personnel to let her inside the habitat so she could try to interact with him better.

Keeper: "Are you sure you want to risk that? He may eat you alive!" he said.

NJ: "Well, then he would have eaten something, wouldn't he?" she snickered and the keeper shook his head, opening the door to the back of the habitat. "Oh, and one more thing. Keep all personnel away from here. Turn all the cameras off and leave me to my work."

The keeper shook his head at first, but sighed and agreed, knowing her for far too many years and knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer. He quickly opened the door, Joy ran inside, and the door was shut and locked behind her. All the lights in the place here turned out except the one in the habitat, and all the camera lights went off as well, indicating their deactivation. A hefty metal shade slowly lowered down over the bulletproof glass to prevent anyone from peeping inside. Now was her chance to try and make a difference.

She walked around Windfang slowly, looking him over as he looked back down at her from his perch. She noticed that due to his lack of eating, he had grown rather thin; his ribs were showing, his tail was thin enough to show his bones, indicating that he had nearly eaten up all his reserves of fatty tissue.

NJ thinking to herself: "He's so thin that I can even see his testicles through his skin... Those are located so far inside their body... The poor thing... er... Guy I should say. It's quite obvious that this is a male and that makes it all the much harder to deal with him. Males are so stubborn..." She sighed.

NJ: "Hey! Windfang! Why don't you come down to visit me?"

--------------Meanwhile, as Joy walked around Windfang and before she spoke.

Windfang thinking to himself: "Why does she look at me so? This sort of tenderness emanates from her being... Almost motherly... I wonder if I can actually get to know her..." Just then, he heard her invite him down.

He looked at her for a moment and swallowed his pride. With a firm jump, he spread his wings and slowly circled around the fake tree until he reached the floor of his environment, across the room from Joy.

It was a triumph for Joy, but at the same time, a slight failure. He hand landed, but was across the room and wasn't moving. Add to that, not long afterward, he seemed to sit down before he rolled onto his back and out of site behind a rather large pile of hay. Perhaps he had no energy and the glide down took the last bit of life energy he had? She couldn't tell and was even more worried by some odd squawking coming from his hidden form. She began to slowly walk towards him as her natural fears began to overtake her.

--------------At the same time.

Windfang was oddly shy about this female. Age-old instincts began to surface inside him for the first time in his life as he felt a warmth caress through his loins. His body unable to hide it even if he wanted to, his penis swelled out of his body, slowly growing fully erect and looking very out of place on his thin body. The warmth was wonderful and he rolled onto his back to better see it. An odd feeling struck him and he naturally brought one of his feet (no hands, just wings, remember?) up to meet and grasp his penis firmly. A squawk escaped his mouth at the feeling as he moved his foot, giving the common up and down rubbing, but to him, it was mind-blowing pleasure as a squawk escaped his mouth every time he reached the tip and began to pull down.

Joy finally snuck around behind the hay and her eyes went wide as she blushed hard at what she was seeing. The thin, upset, and ill-tempered Windfang was masturbating right on the floor in front of her, his eyes closed and a peculiar squawk escaped his mouth every time he rubbed his prehistoric pokemon pecker (yes, it looks like THAT pecker for all those who get this inside joke). Although she had read documents of pokemon doing this said action, she had never seen it in person.

She blushed harder now, a guilt began to flow through her veins. Not because of what she was watching, but of what she could have the chance of doing. It was wrong though... Wrong for all of humanity, but, then again, pokemon would always breed out of their own species, why couldn't humans?

She slowly snuck up to his right side and knelt down. She shyly bent her head down and gave his large, inhuman mouth a tender kiss.

Windfang's eyes shot open and he froze in his position, his foot still holding his pole. Joy was afraid for a moment and spoke.

NJ: "Don't worry. I just... want to help you."

She gently kissed his thin neck, his bony chest, sunken stomach, and finally, kissed the tip of his pecker, earning a squawk and a squirm out of Windfang. He looked back at her sweet form as she gently pulled his foot off his penis and gave it a long lick up the sole. She gently wormed her tongue through his two toes and gently sucked on his heel-toe before setting his leg down and giving the head of his pecker a more meaningful lick.

NJ: "Would you like me to help you?" she asked and giggled shyly, not expecting an answer.

Windfang: "Y-y-yes... Please sweet human..." he spoke in perfect, yet inhuman English.

Joy jumped at the fact that he could speak English.

NJ: "Y-you know how to speak English? How did you learn?" she asked quickly, looking at him with surprised eyes.

Windfang: "I simply listened." He said as he decided to try what Joy did, tilting his head up and kissing her soft human lips.

Joy was at first a little nervous, but soon melted to the inhuman kiss.

NJ thinking: "Such a welcome feeling... So strange, yet I love every bit of it..."

Joy slowly pulled away from the kiss, but saw a rather frightening glimmer in Windfang's eyes. This wasn't the same as when he was touching himself or when Joy touched him. This was something primal... Something that had been held back for years and only now let out. Joy slowly stood up, not taking her eyes off of Windfang as she slowly backed up. Her pace quickened as he slowly rolled to his feet. An unknown terror struck Joy's heart and she turned to run, but tripped over a thick wad of hay, bashing her face against the cold cement floor with a sickening crack, losing her consciousness.

Windfang was now running on pure primitive instincts over several million years old. He was compelled to move over to Joy who lay motionless on her face, rump high in the air, her short skirt pulled higher and showing her plain white panties. He walked right up to her rump and sniff the small wet spot on her panties from her excitement earlier. This scent struck several strange spots inside his being. He held nothing back as he grasped her panties in his mouth and ripped them off in one swift movement.

Joy slowly came back to her senses, but the world felt dreamlike. She couldn't feel her body and her ears buzzed loudly. Soon after, she began to feel her body again, crumpled on the cold floor, and then she felt the pain. She couldn't even yell it hurt so badly. She reached up, now fully aware, and touched her nose. It hurt like it had been hit by an Onix tail, and was bleeding to boot. She touched it one more time and was certain it was broken. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pain, but felt a strange sensation of air hit her nether regions. Suddenly, she remembered where she was, she quickly lifted her front half to her hands and looked over her shoulder in time to see Windfang climb onto her butt and grip tight with his feet. Suddenly, she felt the hot tip of his penis poke the back of her thighs and across her backside.

NJ: "N-no... Stop... P-please!" she muttered weakly.

Windfang had no intention of stopping as his tip pressed into her soft slit. He pressed slowly forward until he felt himself begin to slide into her love hole. At this point, he wasted no time in pressing his full meaty length into her moist body. Joy cried out as she was violated. She wanted to throw him off and escape, but she realized that she couldn't, even if she wasn't weak, a half-starved pokemon would still easily overpower her. She had no choice but wait until he was done with her. She had forfeited herself to him. However, she couldn't help but feel every thrust and pull of Windfang as he violated her over and over again. She would be full of warm and slick meat, then emptied only to be filled once again. She began to crave the feeling of being filled. She wanted him to be as primal as he wished. She couldn't help but slide down onto her elbows and spread her legs a little more, letting him slide deeper into her body.

Windfang began to come to more of his senses and fully realized what he was doing. He began to slow down, nearly stopping.

NJ: "*huff puff* N-no! Don't stop! I want you to ride me like I'm... I'm... Like I'm your bitch!" she growled out, a little stunned at what she said.

Windfang was a little scared at this, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled.

Windfang: "All right... Then I'll MAKE you my.... Bitch." He said, the word being rather unfamiliar to him, but understanding the meaning.

He humped into her vagina faster, earning groans and moans from both of them. Joy began to grit her teeth and her body began to clench up, making Windfang work ever harder to press into her body. He felt her insides begin to lock in place and more liquid begin to flow against his invading meat. But all too soon for Joy, he stopped and pulled out just as she was on the brink. She was on the verge of yelling at him, but was silenced as she felt his wet tool press against her butt hole. She was going to resist, but she desired to be filled so badly, she just leaned over and let him have her.

As Windfang pressed against her, he soon slipped painlessly into her rectum. Joy reached behind herself and placed a few fingers into her cunt as Windfang began to invade her backside, tickling places and rubbing those "itches" that Joy never dared answer herself. She groaned loudly and Windfang felt her lock up again, but this time, he kept pressing, wanting to spill something inside her. He humped her quickly as Joy's prone form suddenly shuddered violently and a huge mess of her fluids came spraying out of her vagina. Windfang wasn't far behind as he came hard for the first time in his life, spilling what must have been close to a bladder sized load of seed inside her body as he flapped his wings and squawked loudly before pulling out of her body.

Joy breathed hard for a few moments and slowly turned her form around to see Windfang licking his penis clean as it gradually shrunk up into his body.

Joy giggled a little before talking to him. "So sweet thing, will you be a good boy and eat for Joy?"

Windfang looked at her and smiled: "If we could meet and mate with each other more like that, then yes. I'll grow big and strong for you."

Joy daydreamed a little about what his pecker would look like if he was fully fit and shivered a little at the thought of being rammed by such a wondrous tool.

NJ: "Okay big boy, but I gotta heal a little bit first. Then I'll be here to ride your wings of love and teach you a few other fun sex things." She said with a wink and a smile. She grabbed some dry hay and used it to mop her lower regions a bit before standing up to leave.

NJ: "I'll see you soon sweet thing."

Windfang: "I hope so love." He said as her dirtied and roughed up form opened the door and slowly left.


Windfang was recovering quite nicely as was Joy.

He fattened himself up and Joy got a clean bill of health, though everyone continued to think that she had received the broken nose from the pokemon, even though it wasn't true.

She continued her treatment of the pokemon at this facility, but greatly valued the time she would spend with Windfang as these two were truly soaring on the wings of love.

The happy end.

My apologies for taking so long on this story, but, hey, I finished it.

I especially hope the one who requested this story liked it.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow

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