AGNPH Stories

My first profile by bacon_vanquish



My name... is Bacon Vanquish...

My life was just as perfect... Can't say why, but I kinda like it. At 5, I used to remember when I watch girls gossiping and walk past by me everytime. By that time, boys and girls are patheticly separated from each other, hoping not to get fucking cooties... I think girls are the better species, and hated my own kind... Boys are the most violent among God's creation... Don't bother asking. At 11, I got into my very first adultery; looking up at the first porn site I saw. The slender body, the nice breasts, the fine vagina... Then I finally realized something: I wanted a girl for myself. But how? When? ... What? I just don't know how... I'm friggin lost...

Only about a bunch of my relatives are girls, and just a few boys. But it kinda feels good to have girls with me, even though I'm single. My elder sister, Mirage the Vaporeon, really acts a bit strange at times. But on the safe side, she really works hard to maintain the family order. My second oldest sister, Sparky the Jolteon, likes fighting games and hardcore action. She enjoys practicing her punches at me, but has a soft side when we both played her fighting games together. Yeah, I'm the only young bro in the Vanquish family. Well, some of my other cousins I knew of are just girls too. There's Rio the Umbreon, doesn't really care much but doing crazy stuff with her sibling, Mio the Espeon, the tomboy girl who too enjoys crazy stuff with her elder sister Rio. Don't you get envious of me dudes, it's how I was born in. Mirage, Sparky, Rio, Mio and I formed the "Evolution Five", a family/cousin faction beating every Poké Team there is in tournaments. During our free time, we all enjoy playing soccer and other violence games my cousins bought. Here's what we did...

Sparky: Take that, asswipe!
Bacon: Quick! Press X!
Sparky: X? Uh, where's X? Just kidding!
Mio: Look out!
Bacon: Oh God!
Rio: Oh, that was beautiful, you just got flunked!
Bacon: For Jesus sakes Rio, it's my first time.
Mirage: Run away girls!
Bacon: Excuse me?
Mio: Don't worry, I got it!
Sparky: No, you can't!
Bacon: Yes she can.
Mio: Yikes! Ok... Head for the hills!!!
Rio: Running, running!

--_--;; ... Ok, but that's only one of our times that we had. Sure it's kinda screwed being around with my sisters and girl-cousins... making people wanna hurt me... but I had my desires to find out what sex life does my relatives have.

I remember when I was 15 when my sisters and I went for a sleep-over with my cousins. Basically, one of the glorious things I've done was sneaking into Rio's room and went to look at her downloads at Kazaa and Ares on computer. Such brilliant videos Rio downloaded was a masterpiece. She has a variety of porn videos and hardcore hentai in her Arsenal (Computer), everything Rio desires to go through adultery. While forgetting that no one will spot me into this glorious crap, a sudden voice of a tomboy called out to me.

"Bacon!" said Mio as I suddenly jumped and turned towards her. "What the fuck you're doing?!"

I knew I'm busted and I had to come up with something. "Mio! It's not what you think! I-I-I-"

Mio interrupted me. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, young man!"

Clearly busted...

"Looks like I'll have to tell the others what you're doing with my sister's PC," Mio paused for a while, then turned at me with some sort of sick look. "Unless you can beat me in a game."

I knew I'm a pro of gaming and I would gradually take this challenge to escape myself from certain death. I stood up from my chair and faced her. "Mio, bring it on!"

It's like I would imagine; me on a boss fight against a badass boss. I would just do everything I can to beat Mio and prove my innocence. Just like punching my fists straight on the Yellow Bastard's fat skull into the earth. But sadly, it's not gonna happen. Mio told me to sit where I was, so I did. She grabbed herself a chair, sat down and faced me.

Mio looked up at me. "Do you remember on how we used to play this little revolver mimic game before?"

I quite remember on what she's trying to say. This kiddy game starts up by following the movements of the hands. Two players clap two times and both have to point the direction they're both doing. If they got it correct, they repeat. If their directions are opposite, they make two extra claps and make their hands as guns, point at each other and say "Bang!". If both say it, they repeat their direction routine. If one got slacked on the gun part, then that's the looser, and would possibly get something worse.

"Uh, yeah I guess." I replied.

"Alright," said Mio as she readies herself. "If you loose, then you'll get your punishment. If you win, you can get off the hook."

"Right," I hooted. "Just because you found me into this dipcrap doesn't mean you girls can torture me with whatever stuff you might call "Slave Bondage" or what."

"Just shut up. I wanna get this one started anyway."

As we began, I kinda forgot that this game is very fast any you'll get screwed if you don't catch up. And I probably lost due that she's more faster than me during the gun part.

"Ah fuck..." I murmured to myself.

"Ok," said Mio, standing up in triumph. "Now, what punishment you're gonna get now? Ah yes."

Before I knew it, she deliberately punched me in the testes with great impact, justice thy name is "Mega Punch". I shouted in pain as I held my crotch, fell over my chair and onto the floor, trying to regain myself from pain. That stupid Mio, at least she would have done is by giving me a Tackle, then I wouldn't be hurt in my privates.

"You're crazy! You could have exploded my crotch, you stupid whore!" I screamed in pain.

"Well, either that or I'm telling," she explained with a smirk on her face. "Since telling won't do good anyway, so I suggested a hit to the groin would be better. Considering the fact that you're looking at porn."

"Well excuse me! If you would attack France without them noticing then they would probably say "I surrender!", equivalent like crap telling vomit, "It stinks!", period!"

Mio laughed. "At least you're funny... Well, better check what other loadables sis got."

What? She's in it too? I tried getting up and watched as Mio browses through some video that was on the loading section.

"You never told me you're into porn too!" I said.

"So?" said Mio. "It's not like I'm involved in it too."

"Then I would grab your cunt for hitting me in the groin!"

"Don't even think about it, pervert! ... I just got nothing else fun for me to do, that's all. I mean being a guy is just hard, I'm a girl... I should at least become more womanly instead of a man."

"Hey, you're a tomboy right? You're probably interested in girls and just hang out with boys while you got chances. And you're already my boy-buddy, like some sort of... friend I never had."

"Yeah, but don't you think I'm a bit weird as a guy?"

"Don't you think I'm weird for hanging out with girls. Face it Mio, we're just the same people. Us cousins got to help out each other."

"Yeah... let's not talk about this anymore, ok? I mean, we both found out we looked at sis' porn and all. We should keep this shut at all costs."

"Mm-Hmm. The only thing I would regret is that I'm one month younger than you."

Mio laughed at my patheticness. "Got that right, shortie!"

Ha! Shortie, moi? Never in my life. I'm just practically taller than her height and yet she acts so smart over me. I kinda learnt some lesson or somewhat when Mio first punched me in the groin. I probably know that hitting a girl would be wrong, that's why I can't even attack back when I had a chance... maybe I'm just loosing it...

By midnight, me and the gals are ready to hit the sack. Mirage and Sparky got themselves to sleep in Rio's room (Ya know, the room where I invaded her computer) while I get to sleep with in the tomboy's room (Just like the boy things we used to do). Unexpectedly, I waited outside cuz Mio just locked herself in and yelled that she's changing. Great... just like the girl things she always does... I waited for about 20 minutes, wondering what would Mio be doing. Mio's door opened slightly, leaving a small gap, and I could hear her faint voice behind it.

"Okay, you can come in now." She whispered out to me.

"Took you long enough, you crazy whore." I said.

"Hey," she said, still in her whisper. "I've worked all night just to show you something. Anyway, it's been a long time since we slept together back when we're kids."

"Yeah, what does that got to do with something you're gonna show me?"

"Just come in." She said, and just closed the door.

I've got no idea what's up with this girl. The moment I opened the door, the whole room was dark. I just closed the door just in case... if this was suppose to be a secret. I had to switch on the lights, turned around and found Mio... in a beautiful purple nightgown. Well, basically transparent cuz she's wearing her bra and panties on. She's sitting comfortably on her bed, looking up at me as I was awestrucked by her beauty. I'd never thought I'd seen a tomboy being that feminine.

"... So, you like?" asked Mio with her charming look.

"Ah... I'm speechless." I replied, feeling uneasy. "... What's with that dress?"

"Well... I wanted to surprise you. That's all. Don't like it?"

"No, I mean... it's not like you. Suddenly you're getting... feminine rather than your tomboy self. What's the haps?"

"Sometimes I had trouble getting to sleep in boys' clothing, so I might just use this to help me sleep."

"But I hardly see you in that dress... but... you look cute in that."

"Thanks... wanna sit next to me?"

"Uh... yeah." I did sat next to her, as if she wanted to tell me something or... wanted to grow attached to me. I don't know what to expect. There I was, sitting next to her... like I'm sitting next to some blind date I never had. Already, it's getting late, and I'm starting to grow queasy of this whole thing.

"... Bacon?" Mio seemed a bit worried about something.


"... You know how we both... been together like this... I mean... us doing lots of boy things. It's really fun to learn how you do it, I appreciate that..." Mio looked at me. "You showed me a lot of things back then... but Bacon..." She looks down. "There's something... I wanted to tell you..."

A confession? Really folks, I'm getting to somewhere. Mio acted stiff while speaking, a bit afraid of telling me what.

Mio continued. "... I don't know if I should say it... Bacon... you're really the best friend I ever had. You showed me so much... and I want to say, right now... I..."

A little troubled by that point. But something just cracked the both of us inside. Dunno what but...

"I... I... "

Mio stopped cuz her face is close to mine. She backs away, having a huge red blush on her face.

"No," Mio said, feeling guilty. "I shouldn't."

... I kinda see what she wanted to do... Call me crazy, I cracked the most. I gently held her chin... then the next thing, my face slowly gets close to hers and... both of our lips touched each other. Touché. She breaks up our lip touching moment and backs out a little, shocked on what I did.

"No Bacon!" said Mio, angry... "You shouldn't!"

I knew I did something wrong. Basically, I've heard of "Incest" before and probably got into global by that word. It has something to do with sex between your own relatives. I find that hard to understand why is it so bad...

"... But why?" I silently questioned in guilt.

"You shouldn't..." I would think that she'll say it's Incest, but in this case, she said something else which eased me. "... I'm a lesbian! I'm interested in girls now! I'm no longer interested in boys, don't you get it? I'm a freak! All because I'm a tomboy, there's still a different side of me. I just can't love boys anymore! ... I just can't... I can't even open myself to you... I'll never love someone of the opposite gender, not even you..."

What? A lesbian? Good God! Lesbians are just improper beings to mankind as from what I've heard is female making love to female. Hard to believe it's less offensive than gays, but still inhuman. Mio looked down on her lap, acted like she wanted to cry, but no tears came out from her... Is this what she's worried about? I wrapped my arm around her, slipped my hand down her shoulder to comfort her.

"Mio, there is still another way. You can still love boys. You just need to open your heart to let others enter. There's a chance that you may fall in love with a boy... such as myself. I really... care for you Mio, I do. Let me show you what it really is... on how a girl, and boy, can still make love... Release yourself from this pain... Let me help you... Let me heal you..."

My best line ever. From what I meant from "Healing" is that I want to help her become a woman again. I brought her face closer to mine and resumed our little kiss. I can feel the tension between us both, like fire burning inside us. Slowly, I brought her down, pinned her onto her bed while we're still kissing. Then our fun begins...

***YIFF TIME!!!***

With me pinning her down on bed, my arms above her shoulders and my legs together with hers, it's almost like we've been doing this so badly. The basic fact is that both of us really like each other, that's it... I could almost feel my dick erecting from all of this tension. All this kissing made me a bit tired so we had to finish it. But for some strange thing is that a trail of saliva flowed out from my tongue into Mio's mouth, which happily swallowed it up like spaghetti.

"Hee-hee..." Mio was laughing, enjoying herself from all this. "... You're sweet... for a guy, at least."

"See, it's not that bad." I said.

Mio then paused. Her worried expression showed as her head turned on one side. "... But... why are you doing this to me... you know we're not the same people. I'm different, not like you. I..."

I interrupted her. "From what I see, you're just a girl desiring to have a man. Just shutting yourself from men won't make you alter yourself anyway. You can still get one... You know how I cared for you, Mio. Just let me help you become a woman again. Trust me, Mio."

Mio looked up at me. "You cared... for me?"

"And to help you as well. What are cousins for? We always help each other in times of need. Even if we're in this occasion, I guess it counts. Lesbian, tomboy or what, you're still my cousin and I'll make sure you'll understand what it really means to be filled with life... I mean... to enjoy life easier."

"... Thanks Bacon. You're the best..."

"No prob. Go ahead, make your move."

"... Would you... like to remove my nightgown for me?"

Nice... my hands went to the bottom of her nightgown. I grabbed it and slowly moved it up, from the panties, the bra, and above her head. With the nightgown removed, I could see the pure flesh of Mio's body before my eyes, except the bra and panties. Mio did the same thing as she removes my shirt off just to get me more open to the air. To make things more fun, and probably I didn't notice this part, I had to back away a little as Mio sat up and reaches for her back. I noticed that she's going to unhook her strap. That's enough for me to bleed my nose, but it's not gonna happen anyway. Mio removed her strap and let her bra slide down her body, revealing a glorious display of breasts with two fine nipples pointing in separate directions.

"Wanna touch?" the Espeon asked me, holding up her left boob.

How very seductive of her... I had to grab her boob just to get her attention. At that point, Mio wrapped her arms around me and we started kissing again, as well as me pinning her down. As we're kissing, I started rubbing onto her boob with my hand, getting a nice sensation on how it feels. I had to finish kissing and had myself a treat by sucking onto the fresh meat of Mio's cushion. I could feel Mio's hands holding my head as I suck and I could hear small panting sounds from Mio. Nice bondage...

"Suck it more... more, please..." Mio said while panting.

Of course people do get exhausted after they've done their "exercise". It's just natural to pant sometimes when you're having sex. There's nothing much for me while feasting on her boob. The texture of the nipple was simply great when I was licking it with my tongue, but that's just it. I had to finish it off and looked up at Mio with my face touching her chest.

"Hey... Mio..." I said, panting a little as well. "Why don't you remove those panties off for a while?"

"Okay..." Mio lowered her hands to her panties, takes hold of them and slowly slides them down her legs, revealing her dirty cunt in the air. At first I might fear that she may have an overgrowth of pubic hair, cuz then it would be irritating to lick the cunt. But actually, hers is not that much so there's no problem. "Why would you want me to do that?"

I went over to her face and explained. "Remember what happened earlier when we both looked at Rio's porn and you hit my groin? Consider this as my payback."

I said as I used my index and middle fingers together and struck it inside Mio's vulva into the vagina. This made Mio squeak in pain.

"Ngh! Hey, no fair! It hurts..."

"Well sorry, but you kinda started it in the first place. But basically I'm just a nice guy, so you're lucky I'm doing this in a non-violent way."

"... But not like this... and it's my first time since I had my puss stuck in by someone else."

"Guess what, it's my first time too. Now just relax, I won't hurt you much... You can hang on to me if you want to."

Mio wrapped her arms around to get a firm hold of me as I start to slowly move my fingers up and down inside her vagina tube. Makes me question why men should move their dick in and out of the pussy make no sense. I could hear Mio panting next to me, asking me to go faster. I did so as I increased my pace a little, but it queerly made Mio pant louder and faster. Until I increased more, she started moaning and groaning. Each bit of speed I did makes Mio's panting and moans and groans grow louder every moment. I could feel the heat inside Mio's cunt as if something big is gonna happen.

"Faster... go faster..." she demanded, and then she let out a loud groan and shouted. "I'm gonna pee!!!"

I knew what she meant. Liquid hot yellow piss came spilling out from her cunt, on my two fingers and on her bed making one big piss stain. I had to remove my fingers out of her.

"That's quite enough suffering for one moment." I started to lick the hot liquid fluids from my fingers. "You think you're up for one more?"

"Eeeww! Gross!" said Mio, disgusted. "That's my pee you're licking!"

"Not as gross as the next bit we're gonna do. And here's a fun fact; "pee" is also pronounced as "cum". Add a bit of curious flavor to it, but still, adults prefer it that way."

"Are you saying I should call it "cum" instead?"

"No not really... I'm not really sure what we are gonna do at our next part... I'm just afraid that... if I should inject sperm in you, then we have come up with..."

"... You're worried about what would our offspring be, are you?"

"... Yeah..."

"Silly Flareon." Mio teased me. "Of course we can't do that, not right away. Even though we're cousins, who knows what our baby should look like. I'm not even sure myself what it will become myself."

"... So now we'll just avoid sexual intercourse. Oral Sex should be fine; I mean what we're doing now."

"Fair enough."

"So, what do you want to do? Blowjob or Six-Nine?"

"Six-Nine would do fine." Mio replied. "Take off your pants."

Well, my pants already had a big piss stain as I could see it. I took off my buckle and let it slide down my legs. My dick had become a huge stick of meat after going through all the yiff.

"Well, climb on." Mio said to me.

"Are we doing a Six-Nine or a Nine-Six? Six-Nine is the classical woman on top of a man while Nine-Six is a man on top of a woman."

"Oops. Well then, lie down on my bed. I'll climb up."

It's just great. With my head on a pillow and getting Mio's lower body, it may as well suck to get this much of the oral done. With my face close to Mio's cunt, I don't know what Mio's gonna do with my cock. Mio grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down, making as much force to it as I would feel a bit of pain. I can even realize how nasty I would be doing; digging my fingers into Mio's little vulva and creating openings inside of it. My dick could feel a bit of a texture from a tongue. Might be that Mio tried to taste it from the tip of her tongue and just backed up.

"Eeeww... gross..." Mio in disgust.

"First time doing this?" I asked.

'What does it look like? It looked a bit gross..."

"Same here, yours looked a bit horrifying."

"So it's your first time as well."

"No duh! Take a moment to wait and try if you're ready. I'll lick if you suck first."

"O... kay..."

We both got scared at each other's privates, but it took us a while once we got used to them, with my dildo feeling the pain and Mio's vagina opening... Soon Mio started to cover my dick with her mouth. The feel of the lips, the tongue, and teeth is what I can feel from my dick as Mio moved up and down from her mouth. I might as well start myself. I moved my tongue all over the place, just on the cunt and inside the vagina. That's all my tongue could go. I noticed that my continuous licking left trails of saliva all over on the puss, making it wet for who knows what. Probably Mio made my cock wet as well, her saliva must have done well. Exhaustion already took place from me, but I'm not sure if Mio's panting or not when she's still sucking. I could almost feel my cock about to erupt sperm. I don't even know if I should handle it. Then I could feel Mio's mouth stop and being removed from my dick.

Mio too was panting from sucking, but she moans this; "Bacon, I'm gonna pee!"

"I'm gonna cum too, be prepared."

"Where do you want to cum, in my mouth or my face?"

"Whatever you want, you're gonna pee on my face anyway. I'm gonna blow!"

The both of us cummed at each other's faces. The boiling hot liquid squirted at my face like a snake spitting venom at me while my hot cum squirted at Mio's face as well. I licked up the fluids on my face. Mio might have done it as well.

"Careful of the sperms Mio," I said to her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Can pass me some tissue?"

I grabbed some for myself and to Mio. Both of us made a mess, piss stains on her bed, our faces, bodies... still we cleaned up everything and ourselves with just tissues. It's kinda lucky that Mirage, Sparky and Rio are fast asleep. If they would have woken up, then they would have found us doing all this and would get us in big trouble. Mio grabbed a blanket, covered our naked bodies with it... and she cuddled next to me since I'm on her bed.

***YIFF OVER...***

"... You had fun Mio?" I asked her.

"Yeah... Thanks, Bacon... about earlier..." said Mio.

"Hmm? What?"

"... I sorta... made the whole lesbian thing up. I lied."

"Bullocks. You had me worried for no reason you know."

"Sorry... but it's true when I said I like girls. Being around with the girls makes me so interested in them... but... it's been so long since I'm with a boy..."

"Do you... regret being around with boys?"

"... No not really. Boys are fun, that's why I became a tomboy."

"That makes two of us."

Mio and I both laughed. Mio cuddled into me a bit more as I wrapped my arm around her. Mio started to whisper to me. "... Bacon... do you think... I can get my own boyfriend?"

"... You may try. I bet there are few who would take you, I guess."

Mio sighed. "... I just hope I'll get one soon."

"Well, saying it that much won't get you one anyway."

"It's easier said than done, you know."

"I guess I should play with you until you find one."

"... Unless I pick you as my boyfriend..."

"Hmm? You serious?"

"... If I can't find one... you think you can be my husband this once?"

"... I think I can marry you... if there's no other girl I can take."

Mio moved more closely to me. "... Promise?"

"... I promise."

"... I love you, Ben..."

"... I love you too, Mio..." I said, as I cuddle closely to Mio...

Ben... that's my real said my real name, Mio... you're like an angel... my little Espeon... you shall always me mine... when the time comes... I love you Mio...

By the next day, my sisters and I are all packed up and ready to leave. It was then my sisters talked to me why I was so cheerful.

"No, no, I'm just ok we're all going back home, what's the big prob?" I said.

Sparky glared at me, being a bit suspicious. "You don't look like yourself, Bac. Have you got something you and Mio talked about?"

"Talk?" I acted confused. "Oh no, there's nothing at all. Mio and I just talked some boy stuff, that's all."

"Regular boy stuff again... Somehow I'm not impressed." said Sparky, depressed.

"It's quite ok, Ben," said Mirage, in a kind tone. "Once we're home, I'll cook some fish for us to eat, okay with you guys?"

Sparky and I whispered to each other. "Rip-off!"

Rio came out of the kitchen to wish us farewell. "Well, looks like we'll be seeing you another time." Then Rio shouted upstairs. "Hey, Mio! Time for them to leave!"

"Coming!" Mio shouted upstairs as she quickly ran downstairs.

But at one shocking moment is that she fell down the stairs and started falling over. I quickly ran to save her, but frankly, I was knocked down by Mio. Soon I found myself pinned by Mio above me. We looked at each other with both of our faces with full red blushes. It was an odd moment but...

"... Good-bye, Bacon..."

"Bye, Mio..."

I think the both of us cracked. Being this close... had us in a kissing moment. We didn't realize Mirage, Sparky and Rio are just watching us in shock. We heard their "OH MY GOD!!!" and we had a bit of a shock.

"... What... did... you... just... did..." Mirage in a super shocking position.

"This can't be happening!" Sparky, disgusted.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do you two!" Rio, shouted at us...

The moment we're in trouble, Mio was smart to yell out "Confusion!" onto the three, leaving them like brainless vegetables.

I sighed at the relief. "Well, what do we do?"

Mio answered me. "Just drag them up to their room. The moment they wake up, just say they overslept. Use this Mentos, it helps!"


The Freshmaker

The End
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