AGNPH Stories

Seven Days in Paradise by ben01


Day 2 - Nobody gets left Behind

Chapter Two - Nobody gets left Behind

By: Ben01
Disclaimer: The usual
Pairings(chapter): Ash/Charizard
Chapter summery: The second day of the story. Ash finds a way to keep Pikachu busy, but he doesn't know what to do with Charizard. Well, 'Nobody gets left Behind'.
Shadowphantomness: I'll try to update every Tuesday, but I can't promise anything.
upachoppakeeya: Thanks and, by the way, SPEAKING IN ITALICS WILL GIVE EVERYONE A HEADACHE.

Pikachu was gathering food as Ash was waking. Pikachu came back just in time to help Ash find his underwear, which he seemed to have lost the night before. After 15 minutes of searching, they found the pair under some bushes. Ash thanked Pikachu for the help, before storing the pair in his backpack, saying he wouldn't be needing them again until the week was over.

Pikachu smiled before getting onto all fours again and asking if Ash would fuck him again. Ash said he was still spend from last night, but that Pikachu could maybe get Squirtle into doing it with him. He got Squirtle out of his pokeball and asked him to follow Pikachu. Squirtle didn't ask why Ash was naked; he knew that his master only wore clothes to hide his body from other humans. When Ash was sure that he was alone, he grabbed the only remaining pokeball and threw it to the ground.

Ash loved what he had done the previous night. He had made his pokemon happy, and himself with it. But something just didn't feel right. Pikachu was not only his friend, he was also very gentle. He had noticed that Pikachu was walking funny this morning and realised that Pikachu was just to small. He needed someone bigger, someone who could fit into Ash just as much as Ash could fit into him. The choice was easily made.

Charizard came out of his pokeball and just lay down like he usually did.

'' Charizard... we need to talk.'' Ash told him

'' Here we go again.'' Charizard complained

'' Come on Charizard, why do you have to act this way. What did I do?'' Ash yelled at him. He was still being disobedient, not listening to what Ash told him.

'' Must you keep complaining, bitch.'' Charizard said as if it was nothing.

'' I have an offer to make you.'' Ash said.

'' There's little I'm interested in.''

'' You'll like this, though.''

Ash got to the floor and sat face away on all fours, offering himself to Charizard, just as Pikachu had done the night before. Charizard was taken back from this. Even though he didn't know what to think, he let his now massive cock do the thinking and got behind Ash, letting one of his hands pass Ash's erect cock.

'' You have to promise me something first.'' Ash told the horny beast. '' After this, you'll do everything I'll say.''

Charizard just nodded, which was enough for Ash. Charizard grabbed Ash's dick fully and squeezed it, causing a moan from Ash. He spit in his hand and moistered Ash's ass. Then he slipped his cock into Ash's tight passage.

Charizard let out a hard moan, motivated by the sensation of fucking Ash. The flame on his tail grew bigger with every motion and every so much time he shot fire out of his mouth. Ash had looked only a bit excited in the start, but now he was overly enjoying it.

'' Charizard!'' Ash yelled, almost crumbling under the might of Charizard's pushes.

'' If you keep yelling, I might miss.'' Charizard told him.

That however didn't stop Ash as he kept yelling his longs out. Ash turned bright red and his panting increase slightly. He gave one more ear-numbing scream before fertilizing the soil with his sperm.

Charizard kept Fucking; he hadn't come yet. Ash didn't mind at all; he himself didn't take long before getting in the mood again. After only a little time, Ash came again, bringing him immense pleasure. Charizard however, was still fucking Ash. For a whole hour this continued, bringing Ash at least half a dozen times over the edge.

He was completely exhausted and tried to get loose. He tried, but a sudden kiss from the red dragon on the back of Ash's head made him forget about leaving; he just wanted to satisfy Charizard. And, judging from Charizards constant groans, was exactly what he was doing.

Ash could suddenly feel a throbbing in Charizard's dick, suggesting that he was no longer able to hold back his orgasm. Ash could feel the dick expanding and Charizard picked up the pace dramatically until finally releasing his sperm into Ash's hole. It filled up completely and even when it was full, Charizard kept cumming. Exhausted, Charizard still fucked for a few more minutes, making sure that Ash's legs were completely covered by the sperm that had leaked out.

Both Ash and Charizard had finished. They were lying on the ground beat and out of breath. Their face radiated and it seemed as if they hadn't a worry in the world. Charizard had gotten on his side and Ash was in front of him. Charizard had an arm around him and had his face resting on Ash's head. There was still flowing sperm out of his ass.

Finally, due to the need of looking respectable when Pikachu and Squirtle came back, Ash got out of the embrace and grabbed Charizard's pokeball.

'' Charizard, return.' Charizard went red, then transparent and then returned to his pokeball. Ash covered up the wide area with sperm on it and then made a fire. It was becoming night when the two pokemon finally returned. Ash returned Squirtle to his pokeball and then asked Pikachu how the day had gone.

'' It was absolutely incredible. It was in the end however that he started treating me less as someone he was making love with, and more like something he was using to relief himself. He just wouldn't listen to me anymore...''

'' I'll fix it.'' Ash told Pikachu while putting him under the blankets. He put on some clothes and then took some money from his pack. He had some shopping to do.

End of Day Two

The Next Chapter: Pikachu/Squirtle and Ash/Charizard
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